Ep.048 Are (Gremlins) Beings on Higher-Dimensions Interfering with You? Inspiration & Jesus. Experience Grief When a Relationship Ends: Live Show Discussing Spirituality w/ Mark Zaretti

Podcast Synopsis TL;DR Before discussing Gremlins I first share an inspiring photo taken by one of The Way Back members, which references Jesus. Then we discuss how grief is not an emotion but something far more profound. Why some people cannot get over a loss and how to help them. Then we look into “interference” […]

Ep.046 Narcissists & Sociopaths, a Spiritual Understanding. Reviewing Gates, Schwab, Fauci, RFK, & Keanu. Plus: Is Hollywood Brainwashing us? Gandalf versus God, and what’s wrong with a little Gold?: Live Show Discussing Spirituality w/ Mark Zaretti

Episode synopsis TL;DR Narcissists, Gold, & Gates Before looking into Narcissists, we’ve got interesting results from the survey revealing what you really want from this live show. Is it safe to wear gold as a spiritual person? How can you discover more about behind the scenes of the spiritual work being done. Why are there […]

Ep.044 Accessing Your Spiritual State. Most People Don’t Know This About Allergic Reactions. Tough Justice, When Criminals Attack Each Other: Live Show Discussing Spirituality w/ Mark Zaretti

Episode summary TL;DR Explore what “Being in State” means and how to put it into practice in your everyday life. Discussing allergies, especially in kids, and two causes/factors that most people wont be aware of. I also share how you can help reduce the impact of allergies, naturally! Finally, we explore the phenomena of criminals […]

Ep.042 Columbia Pictures – Who do They Really Serve? Secret Symbols Hidden in Plain Sight. STOP Trying to Get Higher-Guidance This Dangerous Way. Why I’m Worried About Guatemalan Worry People: Live Show Discussing Spirituality w/ Mark Zaretti

Episode Summary TL;DR We explore the hidden symbology in the Columbia Pictures logo, revealing a load of Masonic geometry and connections with ancient Egypt. Plus is that woman holding a torch actually a well known agent of darkness? We also examine Guatemalan Worry Dolls and whether these things are safe for children or are these […]

Ep.037 Birthday Cake and Why we Should STOP Putting Candles🕯️ on Them! Greek Gods & Child Birth: Live Show Discussing Spirituality w/ Mark Zaretti

In this episode I shed light upon the origins of birthday cakes and the hidden meanings and ancient rites of using candles. Plus we explore how we percieve life, is it a gift or a curse? Why people suddenly shift personality, why the concept of Aliens and Galactic Councils is anti-human, what a Greek god, […]

Ep.031 Kamala Harris & Lucifer! Sword of Shannara. Love & healing. Compassion v Wisdom: Live Show Discussing Spirituality w/ Mark Zaretti

Episode transcript: [00:00:07] Welcome to The Way Back Live Show podcast “Discussing Spirituality” with me, yourhost, Mark Zaretti. Each week I answer your questions, and though I may not have all theanswers, together we’ll make more sense of life one episode at a time.[00:00:21] What you’re about to hear is the audio from the live […]

Ep.021 Teenage egos. A dying loved one. Spiritual knowledge, now versus Jesus’ time. Knowing the future? When will you die? Mindfulness Meditation is a TRAP! The difficult topic of rape. Soul Trees. Who will you be with when you die? BONUS PART 2: Olympic Revelations, Good v Evil: Live Show Discussing Spirituality with Mark Zaretti

Before we look at supporting a dying loved one, we start by discussing why teenagers start to demonstrate ego and how to navigate that as a parent. But also to understand the natural side of the process and how some behaviours are actually not ego but rather part of the process of a child becoming […]

#30 “What is Ego?”

In this podcast meditation author and teacher Mark discusses ego, sharing spiritual insights from almost 40 years of meditation. Develop a better understanding of how ego is defined. Importantly learn how it might be holding you back in your spiritual journey and what you can do to reduce your ego and overcome it. You may […]

The Way Back

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