Ep.042 Columbia Pictures – Who do They Really Serve? Secret Symbols Hidden in Plain Sight. STOP Trying to Get Higher-Guidance This Dangerous Way. Why I’m Worried About Guatemalan Worry People: Live Show Discussing Spirituality w/ Mark Zaretti

Columbia Pictures
The Way Back Live Show - Discussing Spirituality
Ep.042 Columbia Pictures - Who do They Really Serve? Secret Symbols Hidden in Plain Sight. STOP Trying to Get Higher-Guidance This Dangerous Way. Why I'm Worried About Guatemalan Worry People: Live Show Discussing Spirituality w/ Mark Zaretti

Episode transcript:

Good evening. This is Mark from the Wayback Group, and this is obviously discussing spirituality, the live show. And it’s the 26th of December, so Boxing Day, so I will understand if there’s not that many of you online, but we do have a few people there already. So hello to Marigold0 and to Panther9, who said hello in the chat. And I can see there’s a few other people watching as well. So it’s great to have you along with us. And we do actually have quite a few topics to cover today. But I just wanted to kind of just take a moment and acknowledge yesterday was Christmas Day, which is the I don’t think it’s the. Well, I’ve got information on that, but it’s not the real birthday of Jesus, but it’s the one that we recognize him with. So that was a really significant day yesterday. And wherever you were, I hope that you had a nice time. It’s not about just, well, all the, all the good stuff that comes at Christmas is wonderful, but the thing it is actually about is the birth of Jesus. And so hopefully that was in your mind, in your , in your head at certain points throughout the day. And the, the real significance of it wasn’t lost to you. But I do hope that you had a good time and you had friends, family and people around you that you care about and and that love you back, because that’s really also what it’s all about. And I saw some really nice things. I was with family and little things where spirituality was represented in a positive way. So, for example, at the dinner table, the particular household we were in isn’t, isn’t known for being particularly spiritual, though some of the people in it are. And one of the people kind of went out on a limb a bit. And before we all started, they kind of said a grace, but it wasn’t grace so much as just acknowledging that it was Jesus’s birthday, not to lose sight of that. And I know that they were pushing the boundaries a little bit for some of the people there, but in a good way. And I really, really respected that. And it was really nice to see it done in a Very natural and respectful and genuine way coming from the heart. And there are a few other little things throughout the day that I saw where it was just like, yeah, a bit more spirituality being spoken, spirituality being demonstrated. And it’s those little things sometimes that can make a longer lasting difference to people. Because as spiritual people we are the torch holders, we are the light bearers, if you like. We are the ones that by our actions, by our deeds, by our words, we demonstrate the truth, the justice of light. And so if we step out of our comfort zone sometimes just a little bit in a positive way to represent what is truth, what is light, you know, Jesus, , but in a spiritual way, then we are metaphorically speaking, extending and shining the light outwards. So it’s really nice to see that. And yeah, let’s get on with the show. So what are we as ever, it’s nice to I kind of do a little bit of a summary at the start. So we are going to be looking at the following things. Talking to your higher self. This is actually a question I got a few weeks back, but this is first opportunity to address it. So thank you for your patience to the question asker.

I’m going to do a bit of a kind of let’s look back at the last year because the live show really started this year. So let’s look back over the last 12 months and see what the top 10 episodes were because I think it’s quite interesting to see what other people have found interesting and then a bit cryptic but from Columbia into space and we’ll be looking at Mayan worry dolls or Guatemalan worry people. Is this something that we should be worried about?

This is a question. Let me bring up the right screen. So this was a question from a woman called Helen in London. And Helen asks or says hello the way back.

Everything’s really interesting and really helpful to me. I want to have a deep connection to Jesus and God and so I’m glad to have found your show. Well, thank you Helen, that’s lovely to hear from you and I really value the feedback and the question is can we and should we ask our higher self a direct question?

Thank you. So on the right of this screen, share I’ve got a picture of this. The book Spiritual Life explained the wake up call, the way back to God. And as I’ve said over many episodes, the book’s not for profit. So you know, it probably cost you about less than the price of a coffee and a croissant these days. But equally, if you don’t want to get the book. It’s based on four podcast episodes. And I’ll put links to them in the podcast when I write up the podcast. You’ll find the links there. So mostly, well, the relevant information is there as well. So the reason why I’m pointing that out is this question is kind of answered there. But I really value the question. And, you know, all questions, even the most simple of questions, even if it seems like a real beginner’s question, have great value. And I sent out an email to the mail list, the free mail list that I host. And in it I said something like, look, even the most simple questions quite often bring about the most profound understandings or profound answers. And so, yeah, good question. And obviously that book will really help guide this matter. But let’s just answer the question. So can we. And should we ask our higher self a direct question? Well, there’s kind of two questions there. So the first one, can we ask our higher self a direct question?

Anytime that we have an intention to focus upon or direct our attention towards our higher self? And the most simple way would be literally saying, hello, higher self. Then they become aware of us. They’re all.

They are us. Okay, so when I realized in. In the process of explaining some of the different parts of what makes a human human. So you’ve got, for example, the heart center and the soul and the spirit. And so in our heads we can kind of separate them out, but they’re all holistically also us, same as the aura and other parts. And so the higher self you could think of as the non physical. So the stuff that transcends the of the physical body is another way of understanding it. In other words, it’s not the identity, the Persona, the physical shape and form and looks and voice and everything that is in this lifetime. This is, in other words, this expressionist physical manifestation is one of many that that higher self will have.

So in this respect, then they are one and you are your higher self, but you’re also not. The you that would be talking to your higher self is the brain, the physical body, the Persona down here.

But I want to encourage us first and foremost not to think of ourselves as separate, but rather just operating on different levels. And the higher self, if you like, has the bird’s eye view of everything and an appreciation of the scale of things that transcends the limits of this one life. In other words, they know that you’ve. They know that they have lived many lifetimes and that this is just one. But I don’t Say, just in a derogatory way, simply that they have the bigger picture. And so when you address your higher self, they are aware of you in the sense that your soul, your spirit, is aware of your brain directing thought towards him. And so that’s to answer the first part of your question. Then can we. Yes, we can ask our higher self a direct question. Doesn’t mean they’re going to answer. So the next part is, should we. And that’s where the book comes in. So the book kind of explains the nature of the relationship between our lower self. So brain, the kind of thought cloud within that brain to keep things really simple. In other words, the. The animated presence and the physical body.

So the. Should that lower self be asking a direct question?

It kind of depends on what your expectations are. So if your expectations are and to get a direct answer, that’s really not how guidance works. So what ideally happens is that as you encounter situations and experiences in life, then your higher self is already offering you the appropriate guidance. Whether you pick up on it is simply a question of how much quote, unquote, in state you are. So the more in state you are, then the more you will naturally pick up on the guidance of your higher self. That means good news. There’s something you can do about it. You can choose to be more in state. And in a very simple terms, what that means is to be more neutral, less reactive, more present in the moment, and more coming from the heart.

We could expand on that. But if you take those simple kind of directions to heart literally, then you will be more in state. And we can do this right now. So, because it’s always a good idea to be as much in state as possible. So I’m going to do it as well. Because, look, you can imagine I’m pressing lots of buttons. There’s lots of things to get the timing right on. And as you become more involved in what’s happening around you, you naturally are less centered in your state. So I’m going to take the opportunity and I invite you to join me in simply whatever it means for you. Becoming more in state. Now, I’m not talking about . That is a slightly different thing.

You can see me doing it if you’re watching the live show, or maybe you’ll hear it in my voice. But I’m just going to take a deep breath now. What I’m doing on the inside is I’m just relaxing and metaphorically sitting back.

So it’s as if the thing that is older, more present, less transitory is now coming to the forefront of me and looking through my eyes. And that would be my higher self to some degree. And so what that means is my lower self is choosing to allow the presence of my higher self not getting in the way effectively and aligning with it, so becoming more neutral, becoming more relaxed as a consequence, becoming more present.

And I’m not going to go too far because otherwise I’m going to stop being able to just function in a useful way. And there’ll be too many long pauses, but you get the idea. So now I’m a little bit more in state. Now the more in state I am, the more clarity I will have about guidance. But the guidance isn’t necessarily hearing a voice. And I think this is where the question really comes in. Should I be? Or can we? And should we ask our higher self a direct question? That would be the idea of saying you’ve got a choice, should I take this job? And expecting your higher self to say yes or no.

What actually is happening is if you ask for guidance. So my dear higher self, could you please guide me? I’m not sure why, what to do for the best outcome. There’s so many factors that you can’t see. So your higher self might want you to apply for the job knowing full well you’re not going to get it. But the process is important that you experience rejection or that you experience the process of applying, or that in the process of applying you’re going to encounter a person that you wouldn’t have encountered had you not have applied. And they may be significant in your life in the future or you may be significant in theirs. Etc. So there’s many, there’s so many possible things being woven here that your higher self will have a much better perspective on. And so the guidance isn’t necessarily going to be do not take that job or yes, apply for that job. The guidance may well be a, a sense of what is right or an idea that pops into your head or timing being in the right place or the wrong place at the right time, that kind of thing. So the ideal is that you can by all means let your what you want be known, but don’t prescribe. So in other words, don’t say I want this job, say I want the best outcome for me and everyone I care about. If that means I get the job, great. If it means I don’t get this job because actually a better job is coming around the corner. In other words, don’t prescribe and say the outcome I want is this job, say what I Want is the best outcome. And I’m open to guidance. And with this particular offer or this particular opportunity, please guide me. And then just be in state. And it might not come immediately, it might come the following day, or it might just be synchronicity and the phone rings or something happens or you’re late and therefore you miss the appointment, or you miss the opportunity. And that was how it was meant to be. So if we’re asking a direct question, then we’re trying to be too involved and we’re predetermining or prescribing how we should be guided as opposed to allowing guidance to happen.

So hopefully that makes a bit of sense. And then in terms of, well, should we.

I try and stay away from you. Should you, shouldn’t. I occasionally ask my higher self a direct question, but then because I’m an enlightened person who’s been growing into this state for many, many years and experiencing it, and I’ve effectively, I have work mode where I am deliberately being my higher self, then when I’m asking questions, I’m not asking so much from my lower self so much as it’s like my higher self is having a conversation with itself to bring about information for the work that I have to do. So that’s a slightly different scenario. So you can under certain circumstances, but most people, what will happen is if start asking your higher self direct questions, you have no idea if what is answering is your higher self. So if you start setting up this dynamic where you’re going to inquire and you’re going to act on the information that comes back, then you’re leaving yourself wide open to being misguided. So there’s all kinds of higher beings and things. And I’ve written about this for years, mentioned it years back in some of the videos and books and podcasts and things that I wrote and articles. But basically, imagine it like this. You pick up the phone, you dial a random phone number, and whoever answers you trust them implicitly with your life. Well, that would make you very foolish, wouldn’t it? Because you don’t know if they’re a good person or a bad person. So you wouldn’t do that down here. But if you fire a question off out, even if you intend it to be your higher self, there is a possibility that something that is negative or bad, that wishes to mislead you because you’re a good spiritual person can step in and go, oh, yeah, I’m your higher self. I’ll tell you what you should do. And because you set up the dynamic of I want an answer, they will give you the answer, but it won’t necessarily be the one that your real higher self would have given you. Now, I’ve spent many, many years doing this and I know the pitfalls and have encountered them and experienced them and no one is infallible. But I know, or I certainly have processes where I work very hard for long periods of time on anything that’s important to make sure that there isn’t deception or that if there is deception, I find out. And when I first started doing this work, there was a lot of deception. There still is, but it could take me days, weeks, months to unravel the deception. Now, because of the experience and stuff, the process is a lot quicker. But I’m kind of going slightly off piste here. But what I’m trying to do is explain why you don’t want to try and have a two way communication with your higher self. Number one, it’s not natural, it’s not needed, it’s not the way that it’s meant to be. You’re meant to have desires, set intentions, ask for guidance, be receptive to guidance, but then just let go, allow it. The guidance will come naturally in a way where your higher self is subtly, gently, intuitively guiding you, as opposed to the two way where you’re setting yourself up to be misguided by things that don’t have your best interests in the heart. And if you are a good spiritual person, they will relish the opportunity to derail a good spiritual person.

So yeah, it’s an important point that needs to be made and hopefully now you understand that really it should be a much more organic one way. So it’s all right to talk to your higher self, but not expect an answer back in a transactional way. So great, great question. If you are interested, then the book Spiritual Life explained the Wake up Call, the Way Back to God, is on Amazon and I’ll put a link in the description when I, when I do the write up. But that really does explain the nature of the relationship between you and your higher self. And I really do recommend that you, you get that information either via the podcasts, the videos, the articles, or the book which summarizes it all. The book also gives you a bit more context and things like this.

But yeah, great question. And let’s talking of great questions, let’s have a look at what comes next.

Okay, so this is more just, I think just we’re coming to the end of the year. This is the last live show that we’re going to do this year. So I wanted to kind of share with you what have been the most, the most viewed or the most listened to podcasts and live shows. And it is actually, you know, I do it just out of interest.

So if we start with the top 10 podcasts, so in case you don’t realize or know, so every week we do this live show and it’s obviously a live video, then what happens is I edit it into a podcast and sometimes just, you know, take out the pauses and yums and things like this and that goes out as a, an audio podcast. And you know, some people prefer the video, some people prefer podcasts. I actually love listening to podcasts. What I tend to do is put them on and when I go for a long walk or you know, things like this or when I’m driving, it’s a great thing to listen to. Naturally, looking at the stats, the videos generally tend to be more popular. You get, for every podcast listen you get about 10 video views. So, you know, but still a lot of people are watching the podcast. And some of my other podcasts, some of the older podcasts I’ve done have hit over 10,000 listens, which is pretty, pretty cool. But coming to this show, the live, the live show podcast, then the top 10, it’s quite interesting.

I’ll put the list right up in the actual write up when I do the podcast because what tends to happen is when I do the podcast version, I also do all the notes and the transcript and the links and everything there. But just to give you an idea, so number 10 was episode 25 where we were talking about were Jesus and Buddha, aliens, flying saucers and deception, the atheists or the ethereal society, things like that. And then episode 17 was number nine. So the end times prophecy, episode 21 was talking about teenage egos, people in at the end of life and things like that. And we jumped through. And then I’ll just do the top three because you can look up the list if you want. But the top three for podcasts was episode 22, the one where we talked about number three, three, three. So I don’t know if you remember that. That’s the guy that got badly injured in a bombing, but survived. And it was kind of a, an act of God almost that he survived.

And then stuff to do with the World Economic Forum. In second place, we’ve got talking about grief. And this was the episode. This was, this was a really difficult episode. Actually. That was the episode that I filmed the day after my dog had died. And there’s a picture of Blue just above me there, bless him, still really miss him.

And that was really raw. But what better gift to talk about grief when you’re experiencing it? Because then you can talk from the heart and it’s not just theoretical. But that was a really, really tough episode to do and I think that’s a tough episode for people to follow as well if you’ve got and stuff to see another person in grief. But that’s raw and that’s real life and that’s spirituality. So I can kind of understand why that one’s in second place. But then what’s amazing is the one in first place has got almost three times as many listens. Is the, you know, if you added up second, third and fourth place, they just about add up to the same. And this is episode 29, which was the title is Will they Ever Spiritually Awaken. The real reason to stop sleeping with your phone is tech in your home, brainwashing you do blue light glasses work, et cetera. So for whatever reason, maybe it’s just keywords or interest or something, but that episode has, has just had a phenomenal number of listens. So that’s quite cool. But now if we look at the actual live shows, then what’s, what’s interesting is. Well, I think it’s interesting. What’s interesting is that different episodes are standing out for the videos and again, I won’t go for all of them. You can look up the list. I’ll put a link that will be on the write up for the podcast in a few days. But, but if I just pick out. So number 18, the one about grief and dog heaven comes in at number nine, eight. So it’s in there in the top 10.

And, but there’s the one that gets a lot of views and again you can’t, sorry, my head’s in the way on the screen. But there’s quite a jump up. So the number two and number three are kind of coming in about 750 views and then just under a thousand views for number one. So it jumps up significantly is the one on Universal Loves Universal Love Crystals and inspiration, episode 16. So if you haven’t seen episode 16, then definitely go and check that out. But I just thought it’s nice just to look back and see what people have found interesting and what’s kind of, you know, because sometimes we do stuff and I think, oh, this, this is. People will find this interesting. And it bombs especially with the short form videos when I do YouTube shorts. Some of the stuff is really profound, and it’s like it gets almost no views at all. And then you do a video, another one that’s on a different topic, and it hits 7, 800 views in an hour or two hours. And it’s like, wow, okay. So I know some of its algorithm and some of its keywords and stuff like this, but it does always intrigue me why some things will just. People will just run with them. And other things, the things that I think probably have more spiritual value, perhaps it’s because they’re. That fewer people are ready for that message and that you have to be at a certain level of understanding to pick up on the significance of it. So it could just be that as well.

You know, years ago, I did a.

I built a motorhome and I put a video up, just a quick video that I filmed on my phone, and it had something like 76,000 views in a few months. I actually didn’t. I just left the video and I came back to it and I was astounded. And I thought, wow. Because around about that time, I’d done a video about light and sound meditation and that that had had about 2,000 views. I’m thinking you do a video about a camper van and it gets 76,000 views. You do a video about the most profound form of meditation that’s ever existed, and it gets a few thousand views. And that just tells you where the world that. That most people aren’t, I don’t think, looking for the. The bigger picture. So if you’re listening to this or you’re watching this live, then I genuinely, I salute you because you’re in the minority of people who are actually spiritually awakening, and that is definitely worth saluting. So thank you for joining us. And let’s see what’s next.

Oh, yeah, this is just a summary of the. The Top podcast, so just printing that out. Oh, episode nine, by the way, is one that gets a lot of views. And that’s the one on cancer, Spiritual creativity, Faith, Soul and spirit, Beyond Death and the hidden meaning in the Matrix. Now that’s one of my. I think the Matrix bit was one of my favorite moments from the series so far. And also last week’s episode, if you haven’t seen it, where Nick joined us again and we did a mini Christmas special that was really, really lovely, that episode. And I’m grateful to everyone who contributed, sending in their testimonials and things like this. So I just thought I’d say thank you to you all for that again.

So here’s a question I was asked a few weeks back, so I thank Millie for her patience and we can finally get to this question. So this was in relation to episode 31. She sent this through a few weeks later. So it’s been a while. Millie asks thank you for your shows, which are very enlightening. Showing the truth behind many hidden things. Reflecting on the information about the true meaning of the Statue of Liberty, which was episode 31, I noticed that the logo of Columbia Pictures movie company resembles a famous statue. It’s a woman holding a torch in her right hand which shines a bright light. She’s standing at the top of steps which create a triangle and behind her is a cloud shaped like a triangle. The position of the shining light against the cloud resembles the all seeing eye or the eye of Providence seen on the American $1 bill. Why would a movie company adopt a logo which looks like the Statue of Liberty? And what is the meaning of the pyramids in the all seeing eye in logo brackets and the American currency? Thank you. So if you’ve. Not. If you’re wondering what, where has this come from?

What’s this got to do with spirituality?

Actually, everything has something to do with spirituality.

There’s two ways of looking at it. There’s what’s going on and the truth behind it. The truth is the truth is the truth. It’s immutable. So you can see it along the bottom. There’s a ticker that keeps going past. One of the things it will say is to seek the truth is to seek God. And therefore, seeking the truth is an act of spirituality.

And obviously, when we talk about spirituality, people will think about things like meditation and clean living and all of these things. But actually seeking the truth, no matter what it is, is an act of spirituality. But the other part of it, because I said there’s two parts to it, is where are you coming from? And it’s only really an act of spirituality if you yourself are neutral and you’re doing it not for entertainment, but to learn to understand, to grow, to overcome deception by revealing truth. So if that’s your modus operandi, if that’s where you’re coming from, then to seek the truth is an act of spirituality. And what Millie’s recognizing is in previous episodes, I’ve shown how, for example, in episode 31, the Statue of Liberty is actually a statue of Lucifer and that there’s a lot of hidden symbology, even in the naming of the stars and constellations and things like this, so. And it even ties it tied in, you know, if you go back to that episode, it ties in with recent political characters and things like this. So it’s all interwoven. And what Millie’s picked up on is that there seems to be hidden symbology in this artwork for the Columbia Studios. So you can see it in the screenshot and if I, if I refer to anything visual by the way, and you’re listening on the podcast and don’t worry, I will put screenshots in the, in the write up so you can go to it. But you’ve got the Columbia logo. Now what’s really, really, I was going to say freaky but nice in a freaky nice sort of way was that a few weeks before that question came along, I was watching a movie with my dad and I paused the opening kind of of the movie on this very scene where it had the Columbia logo and I said to my dad, look. And I started pointing out all of the satiric stuff that Millie has picked up on as well. So I thought would be nice is if I bring this up, I’m going to get my art package out.

So here’s the artwork for the logo and obviously we’re doing this for commentary and educational purposes.

What I’m going to do is I’m going to annotate so I’m going to draw red lines around some of the features. Now these clouds, this was the first thing I noticed. These clouds are very strange shape. There’s three big clouds. You’ve got some normal shaped clouds. But these three clouds, if I highlight the shape of them, then what you’ll see is that they’re basically.

So if I do that, that’s one pyramid. And then because they actually have flat sides but form this very obvious shape and I’m just kind of highlighting it. And if you were to look at them from above, they do actually match the orientation and alignment of the three main pyramids in the Gaza. I was going to say Giza. Giza. So that’s the first thing is that there’s three pyramids. Now the next thing that Millie rightfully pointed out, I’m just going to change color here so that we, we don’t get too confused with what we’re looking at. So if I go green is that the steps also seem to form a bit of a triangle shape as well. But what’s actually significant is if we count the steps. So if I just get rid of those lines, I just did. So the steps that we can see, we’ve Got. I’ll go from the bottom up. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. Okay, now, 12 is a very significant number, and I alluded to the fact that the work I do. So obviously those of you that know me know that I’m an author, and obviously I do podcasts and videos and stuff. But the real work I do, which I spend quite a lot of time doing, is on the inside. So, in other words, not on the physical. It’s having access to higher dimensions. I do work there as well. And the number 12 is often used by those who are dark and evil because it’s two sixes, and we talked about the number six in previous episodes, so I’ll put links to that. And 12 also has its own power and qualities as a number. And if you resolve 12 down, it becomes 1. One plus two is three, and three is. I referred to triangles in in a previous episode because basically, a triangle symbolizes energy to move. Okay, so 12, what you tend to find is when there’s groups on higher dimensions who are doing bad work, they’re normally in groups of six or 12. And the councils, which I alluded to and talked about even back in the Stonehenge documentary, is a council of 12. So there is great significance in the number 12. Now, what this is showing us is that this character who’s standing on the top step is at the top of the 12.

So that means that this person is the ruler of a council, or the ruler over 12 councils of 12, because there is actually 12 councils of 12.

And so that’s another thing that Millie kind of picked up on. But you could also interpret it as they’re standing on the top of a pyramid. But the other thing that’s significant is these steps are getting smaller, and that alludes to the hierarchical nature of groups and organizations and secret societies, so that the top step is smallest and the bottom step is biggest. And to put that into simple terms, people who belong to the Masons, the Freemasons, there are many at the lowest ranks, and there are only one or two at the highest rank. So the ones at the top know what’s going on. And then as you go down, the ones below don’t know what the ones above know. They only know what they need to know. And by the time you get to the bottom, they don’t know much, but there’s many people there. Okay, so it’s also symbolizing the steps or the levels, working your way up through a secret society, probably the Freemasons, but it doesn’t really matter because the Illuminati, the Freemasons, in the last few years, they’ve kind of all got together because of the changes that are happening that they’re all opposed to.

So there is even more symbology which I’m going to go into. I think it’s. It’s quite fascinating. So we’ve got the three great pyramids in the background. That’s telling you the providence of this group, that they have connections going back to the Egyptian times, the pharaohs.

Now, that doesn’t narrow it down because there’s been several different root races who’ve been involved there. It tells you if, again, if you’ve watched the Stonehenge documentary, you’ll know that there is a connection between the ones from Stonehenge and Egypt. Egypt.

But pyramids were also found all over the world. So it’s also alluding to that ancient .

Okay, let’s look at the main character because there’s quite a lot more going on. The most obvious thing is, and I’m just going to change color again so we can highlight things and I’ll just create a different layer so we can highlight on that. So we’ve got the staff that they’re holding in their hand, which is a staff of light. Okay. And this is. Or a torch of light. So this is where it’s very similar and reminiscent of the Statue of Liberty, but also of Lucifer holding the false light. So that light that’s radiating out is false light, but against the backdrop of the sky and the. And the clouds, then it appears to be the brightest light. And that’s kind of a veiled hint that what appears to be the brightest light down here is often just deception. Okay. And then this is where it gets a little bit sick, in my opinion. So this blue shawl that they’ve got is a direct dig, if you like, like a blasphemy against Jesus, because this is supposed to represent the shawl or the, the cloth that Jesus wore on the Sermon on the Mount. So they’re claiming they’re deliberately saying we are a false God. Okay. And an insult to Jesus.

So that’s the symbology of that particular color and the way they’re holding it, etc. Now you have the. I won’t go specifically into it, but the. There is something about the characteristics of this character to do. Well, I won’t go into it because it’s not. I don’t want you to go, oh, well, that means everyone who has that characteristic is bad. But it’s again, Everything about this is carefully chosen. So this character has a connection to the. In episode 34 where I talked to Halloween special where I talked about the other world, this character is related to that group that were involved in the kind of the, the beings from the other world that came out during Halloween in Ireland. So in other words, to put it into another way of putting it that there was a portal in Ireland that they were coming out of and doing stuff with the people there. And this person represents that same group. And so in Ireland this woman holding up the thing would actually be referred to as a banshee.

Okay, so one of the other things that Millie picked up on, let’s just make this big again is that this halo around the light. So let me just quickly do another layer so we can just highlight that. So this halo around the light that you can see, so you’ve got the white light in the middle and then you’ve got these rays coming out and you can see that there’s a rainbow forming a circle and another rainbow forming a wider circle. And I’ve drawn really roughly. But what you’re looking at here could be thought of as the eye. And because of the position of it Millie’s suggesting is that deliberately to look like the all seeing eye in the middle of the pyramid. And it isn’t what’s quite interesting because I agreed that’s my, my first thoughts. But the wonderful thing about coming from state rather than thought is thought is in the head state you get to through your heart. And that’s the doorway to higher knowledge, not the head. And as soon as I was guided to understand that this person represents that other group or that other, that race that had ties to Ireland, then I intuitively knew, even down to the proportions what is actually being represented here. Now I’m going to draw something on here very quickly just to. I’ll draw it in black so it stands out.

So where that halo of light is, if you look very carefully, it’s actually got a bit of a defined edge because there’s a bit where there’s almost like a misty white. So I’ve colored that in as black. And then you’ve got.

And it’s that thick. You can see there’s a rainbow here and then there’s a thinner rainbow here and they go all the way around. I’m just highlighting how thick they are. So this outer rainbow, excuse my drawing because it’s not going to be perfect, but you get the idea, goes all the way around and then you’ve got this inner Rainbow, which is a lot thicker.


Goes all the way around. And I’ll just do the inner lip of that.

Okay. And I looked at that, and I knew exactly what it was. And this is what this is hinting at. The clue is in the features of that person and these concentric rings. Now, if you. If you guess what it is, put it in the chat, but I’ll. I’ll show you what it is by superimposing it over the top. And then. And then you’ll see. So if I start to bring up the image that I’ve superimposed over the top, now there’s a bit missing because I had to mask out the shadows. So what we’re looking at here is. Is the planet Saturn from above. So it casts a shadow across its own rings, which is why there’s a bit of the rings missing. But the bands of the rings match perfectly with these rainbow rays and the planet. The proportions are almost. It’s not perfect, but it’s almost perfectly matching the proportions of that inner white halo. So I was guided to this intuitively once I was looking into this, and I’m just kind of bringing it in and out of opacity here. So you can see in the image. And again, I’ll put a screenshot. So what those rings are showing is the rings of Saturn and Saturn itself, and the light is right in the middle of that. So it’s saying that there’s a. A connection between Saturn, which I’ve always marveled at that name because it’s very similar to another name of some bad dude that we all know. Okay. And it’s saying this race, there’s a connection between that planet or what, whatever Saturn is and this particular group. Okay. Now, I encountered things on higher dimensions on that particular planet. I use. I use the word ironically, perhaps years ago. So I know that anything to do with Saturn is. Is not good. So when this came up, I wasn’t surprised at all that basically this image is all about secret societies, levels of. Of the different levels, the different steps, this central figure that is basically Lucifer, by the way, going back to Colombia.

There is lots of artwork in the roof of the dome of the Lincoln Memorial about, like, Nephilim and stuff like this. And Lincoln’s shown as an ascended God in there and things like that. He’s shown as. He’s. He’s drawn as one of the Greek gods. And Columbia is an old name for America, So Colombian was a way of referring to the people who went to that land via Christopher Columbus, that’s where the name Columbia, the idea of Columbia comes up. And before the Statue of Liberty, Lady Liberty, who was the. Is now seen as the personification of America. It was actually the Statue of, or the lady of, I can’t remember. Lady of Liberty.

And she is based on a 60 B.C. roman God.

And I think there’s a connection to the name Columbia. I’ve started looking into it. But there comes a certain point where you’re not getting anything more spiritual once you’ve identified that look. Yeah, it’s, it’s, it’s pointing at secret symbolism. It’s a, it’s. It’s a dark secret society showing off that basically the films they make are to program you to accept their narrative. So if anyone has any doubts, just understand that most of the mainstream media, especially the film industry, the Hollywood film industry, is a tool to program people. It’s called predictive programming. You can look into it. Candice Owens actually did a bit of a reveal expose, a journalistic piece looking at the connection between CIA departments who funded a lot of movies to program people to accept a certain narrative. Like the UFO narrative is a good example.

So if you understand that the mainstream studios are propaganda houses for the secret societies to control you, then it doesn’t surprise you at all. Shouldn’t bring any surprise. When you look at their logos and you see that they’re basically stacked with symbology to show off the fact that what, who and what they really are. There is. I’ll just show you one more detail because when you start looking into these things, so you’ll see that there are all these rays of light coming out of the, the false light that she, that this character is holding up. Now if you look at this ray, I’ll just, I’ll just highlight it here. So if you look at this ray that’s coming down. Oops, sorry.

Like that. If I zoom in, okay, there’s something very bizarre. It seems to miss out the one, two and third step and then comes through on the fourth step. So it’s a small detail, but remember, they don’t anything without reason. Okay. So you can see that this ray comes down, misses out the first three steps and then goes. Reveals itself on the fourth step. So the false light that this character is sending down affects from the fourth step down of their organization, which is another way of saying I, those in the top three levels of this secret society know the truth about the false light. Okay. So once you kind of wake up a little bit and you. It’s a bit of fun, really. It becomes like spiritual, you know, spiritual game really. What can you pick out from these various things?

But what’s spiritual about this is being able to look with neutrality, understand the truth and let it go. Because people will dedicate their lives to looking into these things and it’s not going to take them any further.

The truth is, what’s the whole purpose of this character? She’s pretending to be Jesus. It’s false light. False Jesus. In other words, what’s the greatest act of peaceful rebellion against Columbia Pictures, apart from not watching them, is to turn to Jesus. Okay. That’s what they don’t want you to do. That’s why they’re presenting false light. And I’ll just read this comment out very quickly. Marigold0, this is in reference to me talking about that book earlier has said excellent book by Mark, highly recommend it, very helpful for supporting you on your spiritual journey towards God. Thank you. And the reason why I read that out is it’s exactly what we’re talking about here, that the greatest act of peaceful spiritual rebellion is to turn to God. Because that’s what all of these sick psychopathic dark groups and organizations and secret societies want to stop you doing. They’re trying to present false light so you don’t turn to the truth, which is the real light, the light of God. So you know, anything that points us in the right direction is of value.

But yeah, it was a nice exercise to kind of drill down a little bit into that.

There’s one last thing I’ll show you. If you look at the top of Saturn then recently NASA has released photos showing that it has a six sided vortex on, in, in on the North Pole. And there’s all kind of speculations about why that’s there, but I’ll just leave you with this picture, you know, six pointed star which is, if you’ve been watching this show you’ll know that that’s an upwards facing arrow and a downwards facing arrow. It’s a magic symbol, a dark magic symbol. Okay, so we’ll just get onto this next question then. So Nick asks. So thank you Millie for your question and thank you everyone for, yeah, following along with us. If you. By the way, what we’re looking at here is some Guatemalan worry people, these tiny little dolls which I find a little bit freakish.

So if, if I’d love to know in the chat if you’ve actually got these or anyone you know has them. But Nick asks. Hi Mark, my youngest recently bought some Guatemalan worry dolls. See image as per the instructions in the picture. So the. I’ll just read the instructions. There is a story that when the Mayan people of Guatemala have worries, they tell them to the worry dolls and then put them under their pillow at night. By morning, the worry dolls have taken all their worries away. So as per the instructions, Nick writes, as per the instructions in the picture, they are intended to be used to pass your worry to a little doll person. By telling it to the doll and then placing it under your pillow, the doll is then supposedly going to carry the worries away in the night. My gut feeling is that this would place false hope brackets, worship in a being who is not God, and thus take the worry out away from God. Do you agree? What don’t.

So I think what’s meant to be written there is what don’t we know about these practices? Many thanks, Nick. So I did a quick tuning in and on the surface it seems like the origin of these was innocent toys, perhaps well intentioned that someone had come up with the idea of saying, oh look, if you’re worried, just tell your doll, okay? And then it became a thing.

But there’s three or four reasons, depending on time. There’s three or four reasons why these are actually going to be damaging to you spiritually and in particular to children. Okay, so the first one, they’re not in any particular order.

The first one I want to mention is that in the case of a child, if the child is confiding in a doll, what does that tell you about what’s not happening is that the child isn’t talking to the parent. Now, until a child is 18, there is an energy connection between a child and a parent. If you’ve got good parents, they’re there for you and there should be a healthy relationship. So if a child did have concerns, the most healthy thing that could happen is to talk it through with the parents. Okay, so if you’re saying no, talk it through the doll, then you’re wasting the opportunity. But furthermore, it’s like modern day sit the kids in front of the TV and let the TV bring them up. Let the TV babysit them so you can get on and do other things. In other words, it breaks down the relationship between the parent and the child.

Even if it just may seem like a trivial thing, the child is practicing a relationship with an inanimate object instead of with a parent who is there to spiritually guide them. Go. We go right back to episode one where we talked about children and the responsibility for a spiritual adult in their child’s life. It’s fascinating stuff. So that’s the first bit of damage is that it’s kind of removing the relationship between the parent and the child.

That then extrapolates to second point, which is what Nick’s kind of picked up on here, that. Hang on a sec. Shouldn’t they be talking to God?

I would actually say to Jesus. God is Jesus. Jesus is God. But there is a subtle difference. Jesus is God who took on form so that we could recognize, you know, so that we could focus. Because God is one thing everywhere without any edges. So where do you talk to? Whereas at least talking to Jesus, then there’s a Persona that we can talk to. So if you have worries, it’s far better to teach your children. If you are worried, call on Jesus for help. Because Jesus is the comforter.

That’s one of Jesus’s names. He is the great comforter, the great counselor.

And simply practicing appealing to Jesus in times of worry, in times of need, in times of uncertainty is a wonderful thing.

And hopefully we also turn to Jesus in times of joy and in times of happiness and gratitude and all of these moments as well. But what an awesome opportunity if you’ve got a child to say, look, if you, if there is something worrying you or bothering you or you’re uncertain, you know, maybe it’s in the middle of night and you’re awake, call on Jesus.

Which, which, which do you feel has the more spiritual integrity?

Speak to this doll or speak to Jesus.

You know, when you put it like that, you know, it’s taking them away from God and Jesus. It’s putting an inanimate idol, icon, effigy, whatever you want to call it, doll, between them and God, them and Jesus. And think about what we were saying earlier between them and their higher self. Now as a child, they’re not really going to have that relationship forming because there is a period of kind of bedding in where you don’t get too much guidance because you’re just supposed to be figuring out being a human on the third dimension. But once you maturing 13, 14, 15, then you start to get more guidance in preparation for adulthood. Okay, so those are the kind of psychological things. But there’s two more points. So number one, never has ruminating on your problems and talking about your problems solved your problems, giving them more air time in your head. So the process of talking to them, I know people will say, oh, but you’re letting them go. But you’re not letting them go. Is actually letting them go bringing them to the surface and giving them a voice and talking about them one more time for the sake of talking to a doll is actually reinforcing them. Because your brain doesn’t know the difference between being in the problem and discussing the problem, it still reacts the same way. So teaching and encouraging people to talk about their worries isn’t healthy.

Okay. And all worry, if you think about it, it’s another word for anxiety. Anxiety is always what if it’s future paced. Okay, so again, we’re focused more on children here, but it applies to adults. But the practice itself is actually going to hold you back because it’s going to constantly be reinforcing the problem state.

Now, now we get onto the most spiritual energy part of the answer.

What is a worry? It’s negativity. Because the root of worry is fear and the root of fear is .

Okay? Because if you truly had faith, faith in God, then there would be nothing to fear even if the worst thing happened. So I was going to say, so what? Your soul and your spirit belong to God and will be protected. The worst thing that could happen to you is the end of your physical life and then you have another life. But the worst thing that could happen to you actually is that you go away from God and away from Jesus and you become negative.

And that comes from ego. So fear is always driven by ego. Fear is worrying about what what would happen to your physical body and stuff, and not trusting in God. I know that sounds harsh, but we’re pushed for time and I’m just want to hit the main points. So all fear is rooted in ego. Ego is worrying about self or thinking about self and not thinking and not understanding the bigger picture. In other words, not turning to God, not turning to source, but turning inwards and putting self as the center of everything.

So worry stems from fear. Fear stems from ego.

Now ego is negative energy.

Talking about worry is negative energy. So if you have the intention to talk about your problems to a doll so that the doll can take them, then you literally project that negativity into the doll.

And if you think about it, the kid does it every night. They’re charging that negativity. They’re charging that doll up with negativity. Then they’re putting it under their pillow and sleeping on it. So you’ve got a negative battery under your pillow near your head, which is going to attract negativity more from you. In other words, it will strengthen ego. Because the whole cycle of talking about your worries is, is ego.

But you’re actually creating an object of negativity and charging it up and you know, to reiterate what I said, Marigold, zero is written in the chat. Jesus said, give me your burdens, for my yoke is easy.

Yeah, I, my spiritual understanding is it’s not so much give your problems to Jesus, but call on Jesus and he will help you work your way through your problems. Because if you just pass stuff over to someone else, if you don’t take personal responsibility, there is no growth.

Okay? So I think in translation, it’s been misunderstood to be just dump your problems on Jesus and walk away. I don’t think that’s what it means. I think it means Jesus is there to help take the burden, to help guide you through the problems so that you grow. Because as I’ve said many times, it’s when we face challenges and we face them with positivity and doing the right thing, and doing the right thing when it’s easy is easy. There’s not much growth. Doing the right thing when it’s difficult. Now that is spiritual. That is spiritual growth that forges your soul and makes you more good, closer to God. Okay, so my going back to the question with these worry dolls is, apart from the fact that they just freak me out, is that they’re not good. You’re charging up objects with negativity. You’re focusing on negativity. You’re putting an abstraction layer between you and the natural paternal, maternal relationship of your parents and between you and your higher self and ultimately between you and God. And you’re replacing Jesus’s role as, as your spiritual counsel, comforter and guide with a fabric weirdly knitted doll. So I don’t think it’s a good path to encourage these things.

I think it’s, yeah, well, I’ve said enough. I think I, I, you know, so hopefully, hopefully then we’ve got a better understanding and that, that is the purpose of this show is to make more sense of life one episode at a time. So hopefully we can kind of tick the box of understanding when it comes to these Guatemalan freaky deaky little people.

And again, in many respects, it’s such a simple journey.

God first, Jesus is God, keep things simple. Every choice we make moves us closer to God or away from God, be good. You know, it’s kind of that simple. But I think it’s wonderful to be able to explore these things, whether it’s the logo of a film company or a tradition of little people dolls and things like this. But for now, I’ve just got one bit of news. So this is episode 42 that’s 42 weeks where I’ve been here every Thursday doing this live show and it’s been an absolute pleasure and I intend to carry on.

However, I am going abroad and it is my goal to see if I can carry on next week even though I won’t be in the country so but it does depend on being able to get online and things that I won’t know until I’m out there. So please be patient. If I can’t do it next week, then I give you my apologies. But just for now know that it is my intention sincerely to be with you every week. And yeah, as Panther 9 has said, have a great New Year people, a lovely new Year, and thanks everyone for joining us. I know there’s not many tonight because it is Boxing Day, but if you’re watching again, do give it a thumbs up like and share and I’ll see you hopefully next week. In the meantime, God bless you wherever you are and see you next week. Thank you for being awesome and joining me for this episode. I’m truly grateful. As a spiritual person, I hope it’s inspiring to realize that you’re not alone and that more and more like minded people are enjoying this live show or like you right now, listening to this very podcast. You’re part of an awakening community and together we’re all finding the way back to being genuinely more spiritual. So I invite you to reflect on what’s been the most helpful thing you’ve got from this particular episode.

Now, who in your life would get the greatest benefit if they knew this too? So please help them by simply sharing this episode with them, since sharing is caring and this episode is completely free to listen to and download. Speaking of which, if you’d like even more free spiritual resources, downloads, videos, ebooks and articles, then head on over to the waybackgroup.org next episode I’ll be answering more spiritual questions to help you and your loved ones make more sense of life. So remember to subscribe and set those notifications so you don’t miss out. Who knows what we’ll learn together and the next question might even be yours. Perhaps there’s a reason you’ve been guided to listen to this. So God bless you. And remember, take what you now know and use it to grow.

Episode notes:

(1) Introduction

Reflecting on little demonstrations of spirituality over the Christmas period. Are you the torchbearer of truth, light and justice?

(2) What’s in this show?

Talking to your . Top 10 live show episodes for 2024. Columbia Pictures. Guatemalan Worry People.

(3) Talking with your Higher-Self?

We discuss whether we can and if so should we talk with our higher-self? I discuss whether our higher-self is separate from us or not? We start to discuss “Being in State” and I conduct a short EXERCISE in being more in state. We reveal the ideal way that guidance comes to you.
There is a bit more exploration of how I “Do the work” and how that contrasts from everyday higher-self to lower-self relationships. This leads on to a caution on the pitfalls of falling for deception.

(4) Top Ten Podcast Chart for 2024

I reveal which of the last 41 episodes have ranked highest and the difference between podcast versus videos. There’s a discussion on the reason why some episodes do better than others.
You’d be surprised how videos compare against audio podcasts! I’d love to know your preference? are you a watcher or a listener? I reflected on the episode on Grief which I filmed the day after my beloved collie dog died. Why did episode 16 rank so well? I reveal two of my favourite moments from the series so far!

(5) Columbia Pictures – Exploring the Hidden Symbology!

Taking a spiritual-truth-seeking look at the message hidden in Columbia Pictures artwork. I use a graphics package to annotate and reveal hidden symbols in their iconic splash screen. How many of these symbols have you spotted? What was freaky/nice?!
The number 12 comes up and I speak a little bit about why the number twelve is significant to dark organisations and individuals. We then look at how secret societies and organisations are structured and how this structure is shown in the Columbia Pictures logo. The question of “Who is the woman in the Columbia Pictures Logo, really?”.
Is the All-Seeing-Eye shown in their logo or is it something even more out of this world!
I reveal something never before shown and I leave you to ponder: is it a coincidence? But wait till I show you how geometric numerology is hidden in NASA’s ‘Photos’ of one of the most famous planets. Ultimately I discuss how the mainstream studios are propaganda machines for the dark societies that try and control people? Conspiracy or fact? You decide. Perhaps the most important thing though is the discussion on what is the greatest act of spiritual rebelion you can do?

(6) Guatemalan (Mayan) Worry Dolls – Helpful or Nightmare Fuel?

A spiritual perspective on the impact of using these dolls. Especially we look at the for ways these dolls will impact on children. Are they helpful or harmful and can they help you to overcome your worry?
We get into an interesting chat about “What is the worst thing that could happen to you?” and it’s not what most people think. What is the fear – ego connection?

(7) Announcement… The Next Episode?

I’m travelling next week so I’ll do my best to host a live show, if possible but if not we’ll be back as soon as I’m back in the UK!

Links to resources mentioned in this show:

Images from the live show:

six pointed star on Saturn

Thank you for listening to this show. If you’d like more spiritual content then check out “The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening” podcast and visit TheWayBackGroup.org where you’ll find loads of free resources to help you get the most from your spiritual journey. Check out my books and films. – Mark

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