Where to Find Answers to Your Spiritual Questions

    Here is a list of the questions which were asked by members of the public on the Live Show: “Discussing Spirituality with Mark Zaretti”. You can find out more about the live show here.

    Ep.001 14-03-2024What is Spirituality?
    *Inspired by Star Wars as a kid.
    *The story of the gambler becoming spiritual
    Can you make spiritual podcasts for children?
    Ep.002 21-03-2024*The importance of being an adult on a spiritual journy.
    *The Way Back is a different approach: A, B, or C?
    Balance of life versus spirituality?
    What is going on when people speak in tongues?
    How can I talk to my daughter to explain how she can have Jesus in her life?
    Ep.003 28-03-2024Hi Mark. Can you explain what kind of experienced you got through that reached you the result that meditation dosnt give spirituality?
    This is the same Mark that was part of the LW group and now has decided he’s gonna guide others as a celestial authority?
    Is it possible that people come back as a different sex to experience being more yin or yang and therefore “growing” more widely/completely?
    I have noticed over the years my ‘way’ spiritually was to be accepting. To Let Go readily. It comes naturally and brings peace. Like a default setting. More recently I’ve noticed a spiritual path calls you to action in the form of rightousness, hope, courage. One feels more yin the other yang and much more uncomfortable! Is one more important then the other? Are both necessary to grow spiritually? Does one come from another? Does it help to be more concious of where you’re coming from? Are women/ men more like to unconsciously lean towards a way of being if they aren’t present?
    Some spiritual traditions use the phrase ‘we are one’. What is your view on this? Are we really one?
    Ep.004 04-04-2024I recently bought the book Dracula by Bram Stoker, however, after reading the first chapter I contemplated whether the reading of evil, which clearly this vampire portrays, is actually a bad thing. It acknowledges evil and perhaps gives it a place to exist in my reality. Equally, it is true that evil exists therefore is it unwise for the truth to be shied away from? I would love to hear your thoughts Mark. Thank you
    Is Spirituality necessary in 2024?
    Ep.005 11-04-2024What do I do when feel down spirited?…
    I mean feeling as if something bad is going to happen to you.
    What short prayers are to be recited constantly?
    One of “The Six Virtues” is non-judgement, but one of the qualities that is developed on the soul journey is to develop judgement. How can this be?
    Breathing experiments from around 2010 showed that the optimal breathing rate, number of breaths per minute is 5.5 and length of respirations were 5.5 seconds. Buddhist mantras e.g. om mani, padme, hum are at 6 seconds.
    Is there significance in these numbers (5 and 6) and have humans lost their way when it comes to proper breathing technique? Reference Breath by James Nestor.
    When a person is diagnosed with a serious condition as a toddler, is that a life lesson or something else?
    Someone I care about was diagnosed with an auto-immune disease when very young. You mentioned illness was often due to feedback, but as it started so young I wonder if there was another reason e.g. life lesson or something else? They were born in XXXXXXX but their health has improved a lot since they have been in the UK.
    Dear Mark. You mentioned towards the end of the podcast (Ep.005) about the UK being an amazing place from a spiritual perspective, then avidly share how computers came from Manchester and the Industrial revolution started here. I mention this because I’ve come to understand that technology is not a good thing. Though seemingly inevitable, I sense very much the darkness attached with it and its nefarious uses. I believe the internet was founded here too? How do we reconcile UK being a great spiritual hub while also being a technological advancement mecca?
    *Explaining that the logos of the physical 3rd dimension is in England
    Hi Mark. On the subject of the person who benefited health wise when they moved to the UK (Ep.005). In your explanation you mentioned England several times and my puzzlement is what about Scotland, Ireland and Wales who also make up the UK as we know it. Surely health improvement includes these areas of the UK too?
    I bless all the good people I know, and I bless Jesus…..what about blessing God?
    Should one doubt or question oneself, or could doing so become negative and/or spiritually detrimental? e.g. Am I worthy? [doubt]. Should I be more humble? [questioning]
    * Apologies – I made a mistake:
    “I think you may have miss interpreted some of the data from the world population review. The New England states are considered the safest states in the US…”
    22. Is there any significance? (The Martin Hibbert story)
    Should I ask people to bless or pray for me or my family?
    Should I ask people to bless or pray for me or my family? (part 2)
    If people did move to a place of lower vibration, theoretically they could raise the spiritual vibration if they themselves remained spiritual. However it deem seem that you say it just lowers the vibration. Kind of sad… don’t we think.
    From a spiritual perspective, what is procrastination? What can cause it, and what can be done to reduce or remove it?
    How do you make wise decisions when the decision seems not wise from what is in front of you but something is telling you something different?
    When and if should you leave it up to God – but is this taking God for granted?
    Instinct, Intuition & Guidance.
    Is there an overlap, do they all have a place?
    How can I keep faith in tricky personal times and with wider worldly events?
    What is the value of creativity in expressing spiritual truth?
    In your last podcast, number 48 titled “Spiritual Faith in God. Why is it essential for spiritual growth?” you say that “Faith is dynamic”.
    Could you elaborate on this please?
    * Cancer, a spiritual perspective.
    What happens to your soul and spirit after your last life?
    Is the soul immortal
    * Inspiring moments in movies… a personal reflection – The Matrix
    What is justice and morals in this dimension. sometimes the challenges in life don’t seem like justice. It seems justice can be confusing. It be great to understand through a spiritual perspective thanks
    The northern lights have been seen very clearly as far south as the Kent coast, is there any spiritual significance to this? What do you think?
    Compared to others, I am not reacting emotionally to the loss of someone I care about. Is this because I am more spiritual, neutral, accepting, or is it because I am emotionally numb? Is this normal?
    I watched Eurovision, which is meant to be fun, but I found some of it disturbing. In particular, one act representing Ireland, called Bambi Thug seemed to be worshiping evil. The performance involved, among other things, screaming negative lyrics, a dancer with horns, dancing in a pentagle (I think) and ended with the words ‘worship the queen’ lit up on the big screen behind. It seemed clear to me this performer was not a good person, the opposite, the performer was dark, her message was deliberate and dark and nothing to do with entertainment. I am a very positive person and believe in the goodness and love of humanity, and this performance left me feeling traumatised. I had to work hard to remain neutral and filled with love afterwards.
    What is the best way to protect myself when subjected to darkness and is there anything I can do to help other good humans who may have been unwittingly subjected to this horrible thing. I pray to God for an end to everything that is ungodly. As an aside, when the Irish act ended, the performers said something like we want love and peace, which was the exact opposite of the message of the song which had nothing to do with love. As if ending on a good note would excuse the negativity of the actual song. It does not. And I hope that other people will see through this. Thank you for considering my question x
    Inspiring mements in movies… a personal reflection – Thor versus Hela battle from Thor Ragnarok
    Q1: Do you think that some people become enlightened shortly before death due to the collapse of their future and only having the present left to live?
    Q2: Is there anything that spiritual persons should try to do during their own death if possible?
    Q3: You mention god is our father, as beings of this earth, could we suggest that Mother Earth is our mother?
    I saw your video about the Northern lights and then the next day I saw this on the news! What should we do if there are northern lights? Also is it happening in the day time or just night time?
    So I watched your great show on numerology and how numbers do have meaning. Does a certain number IE house we live in affect our lives in a positive or negative way?
    Thanks Mark and lots blessings
    …I was listening to the podcast “sorry to tell you that might not be Spiritual”. It jogged my memory of an old question but one I’ve not asked.
    If the Soul journey is about ‘you’ being more like God and the Spiritual journey is about Letting Go of ‘you’ to be closer to God is there a possible point the soul dissolved and the Spirit ‘returns’…
    I understand that I (Gary) am not all of me, in so far as this is not my only incarnation. I have a higher self, a culmination of all the incarnations, with the aim of it being closer to God at the end of each individual incarnation. I have a hope, or perhaps belief that, like a safety ratchet, the higher self only moves upwards as a result of the actions of the incarnated life. However, this may be wrong. What are your thoughts/ understanding on this? Thanks
    [AUDIO] Hi Mark, thank you for answering my question in the show. I just wanted to leave you a quick message, I don’t think I phrased it very well. When I asked the question I was looking at it in terms of the context of “All life times” when I asked it, rather than just this one life time. And I wondered whether that would change the answer that you gave? I just wanted to give you some feedback as well. It all came about, the question, because when I was quite young, about 7, I would pray every night for quite a few months to “Go home”. I was often in tears and I felt separate and I wanted the separateness to end. It never felt right being here. Being separate felt wrong, I did love life but I just wanted God to take me back. When I knew about lifetimes as an adult I began to think that maybe after all the life times the separation would come to an end. It was a point in time you did an exercise and you encouraged me to go inside briefly to have a deeper knowingness of God and I just couldn’t stop crying afterwards, I didn’t really know why I was crying. It felt like it was coming from my spirit and the only way that I could describe the experience of the exercise is it was like I’d forgotten and now I had remembered. For a brief moment there was just being and this most powerful recognition. And then the reaction where I cried when we were then more present. It just felt like at that point in time that it was the answer to that prayer when I was quite young. Anyway I hope that makes sense, it’s hard to put into words experience, God bless you, thank you for the show.
    What I currently know of God I know to be Stillness. When my choices align with goodness …life flows and most of my experience is about letting go into a Greater Good. The Grace of God does seems gentle, loving and the process is organic which is humbling. It’s more a ‘falling’ into God.
    The word Power has quite negative connotations and I associate with ego. Lots of things in media and religion exalt the Power of God but it results in fear or personal gain.
    Please can you give some insight into the topic of Power in relation to God.
    Is the soul full of love and only deals in love?
    Dear Mark. I’ve recently come across a photo in which someone’s hands are in a particular position. It drew my attention as it was rather unusual and reminded me of some depictions of Jesus in which his right hand displays the same position. I’m aware that there are mudras (hand positions) that apparently have different effects when practiced regularly. You can also notice how different people in the position of authority, politicians or celebrities, hold their hands in certain positions (for example, during an interview). Is there any significance to this particular hand position? More generally, are mudras spiritual or rather an attempt to manipulate the third dimension therefore not aligned with God (ungodly)? Thank you for your answer.
    Hello Mark. In Ep 12 you said that when someone like a soul mate loves you, then joy literally courses through your heart and veins (paraphrasing a bit).
    That got me wondering, what happens to us, spiritually, when GOD loves us?
    Hi Mark. I was talking recently with a family member about becoming more resilient, in order to support ourselves during challenging times. My question is:-
    How can we grow in resilience from a spiritual perspective and also help our children to grow in resilience, again from a spiritual perspective?
    Thank You Mark.
    I heard a theory yesterday that made me think of your previous shows on the “northern lights.” Apparently there have been peaks in radioactivity leading up to and during 2020-2023 (Covid era). Some even theorise that it is this that lead to the symptoms attributed to Covid (e.g. nausea, fever, loss of taste and smell).
    Could phenomenon like the northern lights and technology like HAARP and geo engineering be a factor in this radiation theory? Is humanity perhaps being targeted?
A simple Twitter (X) search for “radiation sickness covid” brings up a lot, but it can be a rabbit hole (for example I landed on this thread about Willhelm Reich (Orgone Energy), perhaps a question for another time! https://twitter.com/diveinordie/status/1151332182012698625). However, you will find A LOT on how 5G is the cause of Covid symptoms and many theories on how it is graphene, micro dots (?) etc in the vaccines that is activated by 5G (EMF). I am not saying any of this is Truth it is just a widespread theory. However the post that got my attention was this one: https://twitter.com/MVB_officieel/status/1798172249733652655
    I’m comfortable with a lot of technology like engines, DIY tools etc. But I personally don’t know enough about computers and how they work to understand them. Even more so I am clueless about the way AI actually works. However as AI is becoming more prevelant, I’m wondering if it is something that could affect us spiritually. Thinking machines copying or even doing better at thinking than human beings? From a spiritual perspective should we be using AI and similar technologies?
    Hi Mark. Regarding Soaps on TV. For some time now the scenes have become rather dark causing reactions through social media where people are switching off altogether. After listening to your Live Show Ep013 on AI tonight, could it be that writers of these dark stories may be using ChatGPT for these dreadful storylines? These Soaps, many years ago, were a 30 minute light hearted break from reality. Sadly not nowadays.
    We treat people with grace, kindness and honesty… then why do people sometimes ‘block’ themselves from the love that is offered? I mean this from many perspectives, adult step children, siblings, parents, friends, our own children in rare cases. Why do people take offence to others who show kindness towards them from the start? Does it give them a misguided sense of power? It has happened many times, and I suspect to many people. I left a situation today to clear my head and invite stillness and clarity, someone was very angry with this. I have no understanding of these situations, but I would like to try and think about all perspectives and remain neutral in thought and being x🌸
    Is it possible to be neutral and to have feelings ?
    Does an emotional reaction come from ego (excluding grief)?
    If you are unattached to the outcome would you feel at Peace and in Stillness?
    Is it healthy to let feelings flow even if they are based on desire therefore ego?
    What is Grace?
    Does the definition change depending on whether we are referring to God’s Grace or the qualities of human Grace?
    I would like to know more about Love. Jesus’ love, God’s love, allowing that love in, spreading that that outwards to others.
    It’s fantastic to quiz or challenge our thinking and perception of truths. So have always wondered in conspiracy theories.. one that recently rattled in my brain was blood groups. It seems that in Korean culture that in dating sites they mention blood groups. Also heard about alien blood , rare blood and Jesus’s line blood.Is there an importance that people in western culture aren’t aware of?
    Hi Mark
    I have a question:- What would happen from a Spiritual perspective, if a Spiritual person offered their Heart for donation and it was then transplanted into another person?
    Thank You.
    Can you do more than be neutral? Can you choose to be lighthearted, loving and let joy flow. Can you know there is evil and Be the opposite?
    Can you expand and explain what you meant by “Going down the rabbit hole and not taking the bait” on conspiracy theories.
    Deja vu. Anything spiritual?
    * indicates it wasn’t a question, rather additional information provided by Mark Zaretti.
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