
Love in your heart chakra
Teacher Mark

U n c o n d i t i o n a l – L O V E

“One cannot talk honestly of a spiritual journey; of things like the spirit, the soul, truth and light, without always coming around to talk of unconditional love. It is the cornerstone of your spiritual journey and the motive force behind your soul’s desire to develop. It is why you exist.

Love, a deeper understanding

Although you probably know a lot about the subject of “L O V E “, have you ever considered any of the following questions?

  • What exactly is it? An energy? Emotions?
  • Where does love really come from?
  • Has it always existed?
  • Is unconditional love actually the same thing?
  • Where does it go when it enters me?
  • What does it do to me?
  • How can I be more unconditional in how I am?
  • What purpose does it play in attaining enlightenment?
  • What happens to my soul and spirit if I lack it?
  • Can I consciously send it to other people?
  • How can I make the world a better place?

Love – The Video Series

Our teacher and co-founder Mark presents a powerful series of videos that answers many questions about love and unconditional love. These videos are ideal for anyone to watch, whether you are interested in meditation or not because he filmed them in order to help all people.

If you are on a spiritual journey to enlightenment then there are key insights within these videos that explain why you may be stuck and what you can do to change that. Furthermore they provide insights that will help you get more from your meditation and to experience greater joy within.

It’s recommended that you watch these videos about love in the order they are presented and watch each one fully as there are key bits of information throughout, and of course feel free to share this information with others, because as you’ll learn we are all connected by love.

1. What is Love

[13] LOVE: Hidden Knowledge [Part 1 of 4] Truth about love, unconditional love, life, soul & spirit

In this first video we look at what love is, and understand how it relates to our spiritual and soul journeys. You can listen/download the podcast here:

#13 “About Love Part 1: Hidden Knowledge”

Spiritual Awakening Podcast
The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening
#13 "About Love Part 1: Hidden Knowledge"

2. Sending to Others

[14] LOVE: Sending Love [Part 2 of 4] Learn the 3 ways you send love & unconditional love to others

In this second video we explore how to send love to others. This includes intentionally but also explores what happens when we are in a loving relationship with someone. Note: update on the timings for channelling unconditional love. Listen to the podcast or download the mp3 audio here:

#14 “About Love Part 2: Sending Love To Others”

Spiritual Awakening Podcast
The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening
#14 "About Love Part 2: Sending Love To Others"

3. Receiving

[15] LOVE: Receiving Love [Part 3 of 4] When you receive the gift of love and unconditional love

This third video explores the wonderful gift of receiving love from others and how the different types of this energy affect you. Want to listen to the audio only or perhaps download this as an mp3:

#15 “About Love Part 3: Receiving Love”

Spiritual Awakening Podcast
The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening
#15 "About Love Part 3: Receiving Love"

4. Fill Yourself

[16] LOVE: Fill yourself [Part 4 of 4] How to bring love and unconditional love down into yourself

Completing the journey brings us to the fourth video in which we learn how to bring this amazing energy directly to ourselves. Note: an update on the timings for channelling unconditional love. Below you can get the podcast or download the audio:

#16 “About Love Part 4: Fill Yourself With Love”

Spiritual Awakening Podcast
The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening
#16 "About Love Part 4: Fill Yourself With Love"

More Inspiration:

L O V E cannot be fully understood from four humble videos. In fact as explained in the video #4 it is not an intellectual pursuit but rather learning a way of being. To help inspire you here are some more videos that touch on the subjects of love and unconditional love as well as some suggestions for further inspiration. Given with love.

Articles about love…

Below are some of our articles, which include the topic of love…

As with all our teachings and guidance, the goal is not to tell you everything. The subject of God’s love is far too great to cover in articles and videos. We simply want to help guide you so that you can consciously enjoy bringing more love into your life and to help all of humanity to become more aligned with God and God’s love.

Continue exploring:

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