MP3 Download: Guided Meditation

    Guided Meditation Podcast

    Guided Meditation Podcasts

    These are not your typical guided meditations. Based on decades of meditation and teaching experience this guided meditation podcast series helps you explore more profound levels of inner peace and stillness. Free from distracting music, visualisation and other gimmicks, these meditations work on a much deeper level.

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    The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening Podcast Series

    Thought provoking spiritual inspiration, discussion, channelled information and interviews. Sharing over 40 years of experience.

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    Q: How can I download the guided meditation as an MP3 file?

    You can download each of the podcasts as an MP3 file, which you can then listen to offline anytime. You will be able to do this from your favourite podcast player or from this website. Simply press the “guided meditation podcast” button above, select the podcast you want and then click on the “Download file” link as shown in the image below:

    Q: Can I watch them as videos?

    If Podcasts and MP3s are not really your thing, then you can watch all our guided meditations as YouTube videos. The easiest option is to head on over to the guided meditation page and watch them there. Alternatively watch them in a playlist on YouTube.

    Having them available on YouTube means you can watch them on your smart TV too, simply search YouTube for “the way back meditation” and be sure to subscribe.

    Q: Can I download the video versions from YouTube?

    As explained above our guided meditation videos are on YouTube along with all our other videos. There are a number of free online services where you can download a youtube video so that you can have an offline copy. Simply search the internet for “how to download a YouTube video“.

    LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Please note we do not endorse any of these third party services and it is your responsibility to ensure that your actions are legal. Please remember even if you download our videos they remain the property of The Way Back, however we are happy for you to make a copy for your personal use to aid your spiritual development.

    Q: Can I share these with other people?

    All our resources are freely available and we want them to reach as many people as possible so that they can benefit from them. If you want to help someone you care about then rather than just give them a copy of the MP3 we recommend sending them a link to the relevant page on this website. That way they can also explore the rest of the site as other content may also resonate with them and be of help to them.

    Q: Why are some of the MP3/Podcast episodes missing?

    In October 2021 we took stock of all our videos, podcasts, MP3s and articles which had been produced over about 14 years. Although all of them were valuable for helping people to learn about meditation and spirituality in general, not all of them focused on what really matters most. We are dedicated to helping you spiritually grow and so we decided to focus on the content that helps with that the most. This article explains more about this change. Some of the original articles, videos, MP3s and content are still available in the archive which members have access to.

    Q: I’ve found these really helpful can I help keep your podcasts freely available for all

    Support Our Charitable Work

    A personal message to all our kind patrons: We do not charge for any of The Way Back teachings and guidance, including the online resources, free MP3s, videos, podcasts, and courses we run. This removes the financial barriers to people receiving help and guidance for their spiritual and soul journeys […]

    Support us

    Q: How do I get the most from these guided meditations?

    For the best results please sit somewhere comfortable and ideally upright. Close your eyes and most people find that if you wear headphones then that gives the best results. The most important thing though is to enjoy and find what works for you.

    Please be safe and avoid listening to these meditations while you are driving, or need to give your attention to something else.

    guided meditation with silence
    Click this image to learn why our guided meditations may help you to reach a more profound level of inner peace and stillness.

    Q: Can I stream these guided meditations on podcast services?

    Guided Meditation Podcast Series
    Find us on your favourite podcast platform

    The Way Back Guided Meditation Podcast

    Enjoy listening to our empowering and relaxing guided meditation podcast on your favourite player. Even if it’s not in the list below the chances are you will find it.” – Mark

    If you know any other podcast directories that we could be registered with, please let us know and we’ll do our best to do so.

    Last updated 7th Oct 2020

    Q: I want more inspiration where should I look?

    If you are looking for more podcasts/MP3s then we also have our popular meditation podcast series. To see an overview of this whole site you might like to look at the sitemap.

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