The heart chakra is the fourth main chakra out of the seven that run from the base of your body to the top of your head. The word chakra means “wheel” because chakras are like a vortex of energy funnelling into your body.
In book three we go into a lot of detail about all of your chakras because how they relate to you as a living being is important. Did you know that there is connection between your spinal column, your aura and each chakra? For now we will just focus on the key points so that you can get to know this chakra better.
Heart Chakra Guided Meditation
This lovely guided meditation explores your heart chakra because experience is the most powerful way to learn:
Now that you’ve experienced that meditation you can explore the fourth chakra in more detail in the following insightful video. Or watch this video later and jump straight ahead to the seven amazing facts about heart chakras.
Heart Chakra Video
This video includes a short guided meditation plus interesting insights about the heart chakra.
Heart Chakra: Seven Amazing Facts
Here are seven facts about your heart chakra that we hope will give you more of an insight into how amazing you are. Hint: you can click on some of the items to find out more.
Your Heart Chakra and the Love Connection
Discussing the heart always leads to the subject of love because the two are entwined. Love is such a big subject that we have dedicated an entire section to love, because it is so important even your spiritual progress depends on it. Love really does sit at the core of the teachings of The Way Back, because it is “The Way Back to God” and the goal of the Six Virtues.
The spiritual journey is the journey to take your spirit to The Source and discover oneness, which is Unity, the source of love, God. Because the spiritual journey is a journey of love then there is an important connection between the heart and God. Unity and God are more than just a religious idea and whatever your beliefs might be you can actually explore your connection to them through intention.