Episode Synopsis: Before we look into spiritual black hole that is an AI Jesus in Church, reminiscent of Cyberpunk 2024 we first explore receiving healing. What is the wisdom on being selective about who gives you healing? Can some people do more harm when they try and heal you? And if so why? This brings […]
Episode transcript: [00:00:07] Welcome to The Way Back Live Show podcast “Discussing Spirituality” with me, yourhost, Mark Zaretti. Each week I answer your questions, and though I may not have all theanswers, together we’ll make more sense of life one episode at a time.[00:00:21] What you’re about to hear is the audio from the live […]
Coming up: Six ways to avoid the conspiracy theory trap and how to gracefully explore the truth as a spiritual person. Join me as we explore how God‘s love is different from the love between two people. Parental love is NOT unconditional. How life is about ups and downs and how to actually grow spiritually. […]
If you’ve watched my Stonehenge documentary then you’ll know my stance on technology, from a spiritual perspective. The short version is that “On higher dimensions technology is not considered a force for good“. So I thought I would interview ChatGPT the AI (Artificial Intelligence) to see what it thinks, since ChatGPT is at the forefront […]