Pure Energy Meditation Website, Oct 2018

The pureenergymeditation.com website ran from 2007 until 2018 when it was retired to focus on TheWayBackMeditation.org. This article goes over the history of meditation teacher Mark Zaretti’s websites. Pure Energy Meditation Below are some screenshots from the Pure Energy Meditation website: The video below was the promotional video Mark Zaretti filmed to promote the pureenergymeditation.com […]

Rapport Article, March 2015

In March 2015 Mark wrote and published and article in Rapport Magazine UK explaining some of his teaching approaches making it easy to learn meditation for anyone including beginners. Boost the Effectiveness of Your Training Courses and Client Sessions with Interesting Insights from a Mediation Teacher. I have previously written business articles for Rapport about […]

Absolutely on Purpose, 2013

The inspiring lifestyle book “Absolutely on Purpose” 2013, by Stephanie Holland which meditation teacher Mark contributed towards. Wake Up to This Moment By Mark Davies Cyclist. Rock Climber. Mountaineer. Guitarist. Movie Lover. Teacher. There is no right or wrong way to be in life. It’s not about what you do; it’s about being present in […]

Lifewave Newsletter 1986

This newsletter was published in 1986 by Lifewave and in it they make reference to the Spiritual Hierarchy and ascended masters, things that were absent from their later teachings. For this reason it is of interest to those who seek deeper truth. Click on an image above to see full size. Below is a text […]

The Way Back

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