Absolutely on Purpose, 2013

: Absolutely on Purpose 2013


ABOUT:ย In 2012, Mark Zaretti was invited to contributed a chapter to a book written by Stephanie Holland who sent each of the contributors a short questionnaire about their lifestyle, balancing with everyday and their advice for “the purpose in life“.
The excerpt below is Mark’s published under the pseudonym “Mark Davies” using his maternal grandfather’s surname.

SOURCE:ย Absolutely on Purpose by Stephanie Holland. ISBN-13: 9781493726257

CREATOR:ย This book was created by Stephanie Holland and contributed towards by teacherย Mark Zaretti and others.

The inspiring lifestyle book “Absolutely on Purpose” 2013, by Stephanie Holland which meditation teacher Mark contributed towards.

Wake Up to This Moment

By Mark Davies
Cyclist. Rock Climber. Mountaineer. Guitarist. Movie Lover. Teacher.

There is no right or wrong way to be in life.

It’s not about what you do; it’s about being present in the moment.

Each of us is a perfect experience unfolding.

Whatever you do at this time, allow yourself to be awake within this experience and be present in your actions. The more awake and present you are, the more you will find joy and contentment in the everyday and the mundane.

The more you are in the moment the more you can discover and accept who you already are and the more your unique vibration will be able to express itself so that you naturally find your purpose.

All negativity and blocks in life stem from not being in the present, so let go of imagination, desire and wanting for a moment, and start with being.

  • Passion: Accessing the inner that comes from being at one with universal .
  • Purpose: Through being kind and loving myself, allowing that love to reach others through teaching and guiding.
  • Vision: To live my life as congruently as possible with love at the core, so that I can help others discover their own inner love and enlightenment.

Mark Davies has been practicing yoga since 1994, but his true passion is meditation, which he started intuitively at the age of seven even though he did not know what it was called. He has since experienced many techniques: breath, affirmation, visualisation, crystal, mandala, mantra and kundalini. Since the 1990s he has been practicing Pure Energy Meditation. He believes his scientific background (a BSc and MSc in biology) has enabled him to develop an evidence-based teaching style. He focuses on inspiring people to explore their own experience of meditation and give birth to their own realisations.

Website: https://pureenergymeditation.com

Absolutely on Purpose
pg 59
Stephanie Holland's book
pg 60

The Way Back

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