Don’t be a Spiritual Loser. Detoxing Spike Proteins, Nanoparticles, & Healing Matter. STOP this mistake making people into spiritual losers! Honest talk w/ Mark

“Detoxing Spike Protein” is a phrase that is sadly becoming well known. And for good reason because lots of people are waking up to the health concerns of modern medicine. The same is true of the man-made environmental toxins we pick up from the air, water, soil, and food. Let’s not forget nano-particles, chemtrails and […]

Ep.039 AI Jesus: People Confess to a Cyber-Jesus Robot in Church Lucerne Switzerland. Plus Why I Don’t Ask for Healing! Hint not all Healing is Safe!: Live Show Discussing Spirituality w/ Mark Zaretti

Episode Synopsis: Before we look into spiritual black hole that is an AI Jesus in Church, reminiscent of Cyberpunk 2024 we first explore receiving healing. What is the wisdom on being selective about who gives you healing? Can some people do more harm when they try and heal you? And if so why? This brings […]

Enlightenment & Spirituality? Do I really need to meditate? Am I ready? What’s holding me back? Honest talk w/ Mark Zaretti

If you know about the idea of “Enlightenment” then you probably want to be more spiritual. Perhaps you are meditating but feel stuck like you’re not progressing. Or maybe you’re not interested in meditation and want to become more spiritual without it. It could be that, like so many people, you’re just seeking more clarity […]

Ep.032 What is God & Jesus? a non-religious explanation. Why should the UK’s Assisted Dying Bill worry spiritual people? Becoming more spiritual with neutrality. Covid virus from a spiritual perspective: Live Show Discussing Spirituality w/ Mark Zaretti

Episode transcript: [00:00:07] Welcome to The Way Back Live show podcast, discussing spirituality with me, yourhost, Mark Zaretti. Each week I answer your questions, and though I may not have all theanswers, together we’ll make more sense of life one episode at a time.[00:00:21] What you’re about to hear is the audio from the live […]

Ep.020 Chemotherapy, a spiritual survival guide. Evil Autism Cause. Old Souls. Early Sex & American Pie. Relationship Traps. Luke 12:22: Live Show Discussing Spirituality with Mark Zaretti

Episode transcript: And we are live. Welcome everyone. I hope you can hear me.Okay, it’s Thursday the 25th of July, 2024, and here we arenow. Already there’s a few people online and we’ve got a few people in the chat. So I’d just liketo thank panther9 veganpanda1975 usernamewhat scottishbird cueball78 marigold0 rambo365for joining us. And […]

Ep.016 Intention v Affirmations. Hope in the face of trauma. Crystal healing. The benevolent universe? The Six Virtues. Arise spiritually: Live Show Discussing Spirituality With Mark Zaretti

An important announcement at the end, however we start with affirmations versus intentions. Which is more powerful, how should they be used. How to make your affirmations and intentions stronger. There is an invitation to share inspiration. Next we look at how hope in the context of faith. How can we grow in hope and […]

Ep.014 Grace of God? Negative soaps. Why people reject love. A dangerous spiritual assumption. Emotions & spirituality. Jesus, God & Love: Live Show Discussing Spirituality With Mark Zaretti

As well as exploring the Grace of God, we also look into why people are switching off the soap operas, and is AI part of the problem? How good people are duped into accepting dangerous technology like Elon Musk’s neural links. The weaponisation of entertainment to drop people’s vibration. Unpacking a dangerous spiritual assumption that […]

Ep.013 God’s Love & Joy. How to grow spiritually. Jesus’ powerful example. Approach conspiracy theories (Elon Musk, 5G, Covid, Willhelm Reich) Spiritually. The Enemy. Artificial Intelligence (AI), Elon Musk’s Neural Link Tech versus spiritual growth: Live Show Discussing Spirituality With Mark Zaretti

Coming up: Six ways to avoid the conspiracy theory trap and how to gracefully explore the truth as a spiritual person. Join me as we explore how God‘s love is different from the love between two people. Parental love is NOT unconditional. How life is about ups and downs and how to actually grow spiritually. […]

Ep.012 Spiritual Nuts & Bolts. Home to God. Real v toxic power. Your Soul & love. Mudras & secret hand signals: Live Show Discussing Spirituality With Mark Zaretti

We use the analogy of a ratchet spanner and nuts and bolts to explain spiritual growth over many lifetimes. Why spiritual vigilance is vital and how this life really does matter. Rachel shares a powerful testimonial about experiencing going home to God. How being here in life doesn’t feel right because of separation from God. […]

Ep.006 Dark technology, England, US Politics & Danger, Why are there wars? Migration & Spiritual Vibration: Live Show Discussing Spirituality with Mark Zaretti

Join me as we explore why some places are more spiritual than others. The negative side of technology. The global significance of England from a spiritual perspective as the planetary logos. Why England is different in vibration from Scotland, Ireland or Wales. How dark politics can spiritually harm a country. Looking at the correlation between […]

Ep.005 Down spirited, (non)judgement, Dark Meditation & Bad Buddha, CERN, and Infant illness: Live Show Discussing Spirituality with Mark Zaretti

Answering a question about breath and mantra meditation reveals a potentially satanic link between popular Buddhist practices and the dark side of Buddha‘s teachings. This leads on to the significance of the number 6 revealing why the forces of darkness choose the number 666 to represent them. Are dark numerological symbols etched into the planet […]

Ep.004 Dracula, Harry Potter, The Spiritual Problem with Cinemas. Why Spirituality matters in 2024: Live Show Discussing Spirituality with Mark Zaretti

In this movie inspired episode we explore how reading books like Dracula and Harry Potter may actually be quite dark and harm your soul. We take a broader look at movies and what happens to you if you watch a horror film at the cinema. A true story of how a good child attracted negative […]

Ep.003 Is meditation Spiritual? LifeWave & LightWave. Sex, Gender & Spiritual Growth. Spiritually Yin or Yang? We are one?: Live Show Discussing Spirituality with Mark Zaretti

Episode Summary: Sharing the history of Lifewave, Lightwave. I explain how John Yarr established a number of groups in the 70s, 80s and 90s. I also discuss how Nick and Mary, two long-standing teachers with John established Lightwave. I share my experiences as a spiritual teacher who met them. I explain how Light and Sound […]

Ep.001 Introductions, Spirituality, Beliefs, Parental responsibility: Live Show Discussing Spirituality with Mark Zaretti

Full Transcript [00:00:07] Welcome to the Wayback live show podcast, discussing spirituality with me, your host, Mark Zaretti. Each week I answer your questions, and though I may not have all the answers, together we’ll make more sense of life one episode at a time. [00:00:21] What you’re about to hear is the audio from […]

The Way Back

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