If you know about the idea of “Enlightenment” then you probably want to be more spiritual. Perhaps you are meditating but feel stuck like you’re not progressing. Or maybe you’re not interested in meditation and want to become more spiritual without it. It could be that, like so many people, you’re just seeking more clarity […]
As soon as you read “Faith in God” you probably wondered “is this a religious article?“. If you didn’t then well done because you’re in the minority. For most people the notion of faith is always connected to religion. Therefore you might find this video/podcast rather refreshing. In it I explain why faith is actually […]
I’m really excited to tell you that I’ve just published a new paperback book based on our recent popular podcast mini-series. The book is only available as paperback and is 104 pages long, providing a more in-depth look at the topics from the podcasts. Over to the book to tell you more: What the Back […]
What does “Being Holistic” mean? Is it some new-age thinking or is it actually at the crux of being human? In this fourth and final part of the mini-series on Spiritual Life Explained we explore the relationship between you and your higher self. We share a shocking spiritual statistic and explain why you (we) may […]
This article discusses “The Law of Attraction“, “Abraham’s Teachings” or “The Secret” and follows on from the previous one. The film The Secret has prompted a worldwide movement of people engaging in what is best described as “The Art of Manifesting“. This article and the one before share the video shown below and so to […]
Are toxic people actually bad for your health? There isn’t a person alive who doesn’t want to be healthy, but maybe you’ve noticed that some people just don’t seem to respond to healing? Could it be that people in their life are dragging them down? Or perhaps they are making poor life-choices and are responsible […]
We’ve all heard about Free Will but how many people really understand what it is. Have you ever thought about where choice comes from. More importantly, what’s the purpose for Free Will? What would happen if we didn’t have it and is there any situation where we lose our Free Will? Watch a Short Video […]
Believing in God is important but in this first podcast in a series of four on Spiritual Life Explained we explain why experiencing God is more important. Whatever you believe, the fact is that everyone believes something, but as you’ll discover in this hard hitting podcast, what you believe isn’t that important. As ever this […]
It’s been a while since my last podcast and in this one called “For the Love of God…” I build upon the last one on Reverence. Because the topic is very important I took time to write it out before recording it and so I’d like to share the original transcript with you. When I […]
Normally when we use words like reverence, devotion, love or worship it is associated with religion. But in this video/podcast I gently reveal the truth, which is that having reverence, love, devotion for God and even worshipping God may actually be something really spiritual, when it comes from the heart rather than the head. In […]
I’ve been meditating for a long time and been guiding people spiritually for over 20 years. This is one video/podcast that I wish I’d had when I was starting out. Humility and being humble is something we all understand at some level but have you ever really thought about what it means? Some important questions: […]
Over the years I’ve explored a vast number of “Spiritual” practices and activities in the pursuit of truth. But the truth is that a lot of them were not spiritual and I did not benefit from them. Some of them even held me back on my journey. After about 40 years I’m at the point […]
Perhaps you’ve heard the saying “Manners maketh the man” but beyond a lyric in a Sting song or a strap line for a movie about Kingsmen, perhaps there is a more fundamental spiritual truth. I explore the topic of “Manners” from a spiritual perspective in this 20 minute podcast. So that you can read along, […]
How much would you like to bring more harmony, joy, and love into your life in a deep and meaningful way? Developing your level of Spiritual Maturity can really help and we can show you how to achieve this. To understand what is meant by “Spiritual Maturity” it helps to be clear on what is […]
Q1: Do you want to get closer to God in a deep and profoundly spiritual way? Q2: Would you like to have more JOY in your life that does not depend on other people? Q3: Are you stuck when it comes to your spiritual and personal development? If the answer was yes to any of […]