Episode summary: The main part of this episode tackles the different spiritual things you can do (along with some more tangible and practical things) to improve your health and wellbeing. Importantly I compare them, explaining why some work better than others. I also share insights into how you may be preventing them from working and […]
The heart chakra is the fourth main chakra out of the seven that run from the base of your body to the top of your head. The word chakra means “wheel” because chakras are like a vortex of energy funnelling into your body. In book three we go into a lot of detail about all […]
A gentle and profoundly deep guided meditation to explore heart chakra awareness and to bring more love into yourself. This meditation is recommended for everyone of all abilities. It’s wonderfully self-supporting and beneficial. Even if you are an advanced meditator, there is no such thing as too much love. Also available as a video: If […]
In the video article above meditation teacher Mark discusses spirituality and the difference between your soul journey and spiritual growth. Mark also talks about the connection between enlightenment and God. These insights can therefore lead to an understanding of “letting it in your heart“. Do you think “God” means religion? Conversely Mark shows that experience […]
In this podcast meditation teacher Mark explores from a non-religious stance what it means to have “God in your heart”. Enlightenment is reaching the Source, God, Unity, Oneness and is often called “God realisation” so in this recording, filmed outside, …