Episode summary:
The main part of this episode tackles the different spiritual things you can do (along with some more tangible and practical things) to improve your health and wellbeing. Importantly I compare them, explaining why some work better than others. I also share insights into how you may be preventing them from working and what you personally can do to get more benefits. But before that I answer a few questions about the word “Hosanna” and Q Link Pendants.
Episode transcript:
Hello, this is Mark, and this is
the Discussing Spirituality Live show with myself, obviously, Mark Zaretti. And there’s a lot to get
straight into today, so I’m not going to hang around. We’re going to go straight in because some
of the stuff that I want to talk about today I think is going to be of so much value to so many
people. And whenever we’re talking about the big topics, which are basically health, wealth and
relationships, and I think it touches on so many people’s lives. And this week we’re going to be
looking at health and in particular, the different things from a spiritual point of view that bring
about well being. Some of them work, some of them maybe not work so well. And I think it’s
about time that we looked into this. And this is being spurred on, as ever, by one of the
questions. So let’s have a quick look at what we’re going to be covering because, as you know,
each week we dive into answering your questions. And these are the kind of things that have
come up in the past week, and some of them actually from weeks back. So something to do with
hosanna. And that’s probably a word if you, if you’re familiar with any kind of choir songs and
hymns, then you’ve probably heard hosanna. Hosanna, hosanna in the highest, things like that.
But this question has come up, so we’ll be looking into that. And then someone very interesting
stuff has been observed in the sky, and we’ll be looking into that as well. Cue link pendants,
which is really what’s prompted the bigger debate or the bigger exploration of health and healing
and the different modalities for that from a spiritual perspective. So that’s what we’re going to be
looking at today. So definitely worth sticking around till the end where I’m going to try and get
through the other stuff with its due amount of respect and detail. But really I want to push
through and get to the healing stuff. So let’s start with this question. Marigold0 asks. Hi, Mark, I
have a question. Many prayers and hymns contain the word hosanna or hosannas. The
dictionary definition gives the meaning as an expression of adoration, praise or joy. I’ve also read
that it is interpreted as pray save us and it is used as a crying out for help, salvation and
Is this true or is this something we need to be aware of behind the meaning of hazana
or hazanas? Thank you, Mark, as always for your truth based insights. So a little bit more
context because if you’re new to this show, you’ll probably be wondering, well, that’s, you know,
why pick on that particular word or why is that coming up? And it’s because over the last 37
shows I’ve been in response to things that have been brought to my attention and in response to
things that you people just like you have asked, is sometimes we end up looking into things that
we’ve taken for granted up till now and we discover that sometimes they’re good and sometimes
maybe they’re not as good as we thought. And a really big and obvious example of this was the
Halloween thing where hopefully I took people on a journey from seeing it as just a bit of
harmless fun to realizing that it is actually something that is very sinister and as ever, hopefully
based on truth. And therefore, once you’ve been given this information, you’ve got an
opportunity to make a choice. Because the illusion of choice that we have isn’t is simply that we
don’t really have that much choice. The only time you really have a choice is when you have
knowledge of both sides of the coin. So then you can choose which side you want. And so, so
much that we take for granted, we’re not really making a choice about it, we’re just accepting it.
And that’s where I think this question has arisen. For whatever reason, that word has stood out
for this individual and they want to know if there is anything more sinister. And that’s because
sometimes a lot of the words that we take for granted, like for example, when people say
prayers and they say Amen or even, even the most obvious example is the name Jesus. And I,
I’ll go into that a little bit more. So when it comes to this particular question, so they’ve asked
about do you know hosanna or hosannas?
The. What I’d normally do is take it on the inside and go into detail and then maybe do
a little bit of exploration. But I didn’t feel that that was the right tact to take. I, I did go in to the
stillness enough to check that the energy of that word or those words is okay. And at that point I
thought, you Know what? That’s enough. Because it’s in particular, it’s a case of when you’re
singing a hymn or you’re, you know, what’s the example? Prayers and hymns. Hopefully we’re
coming from a good place as a spiritual person. Hopefully we’re coming from a good place. And
that means that it’s about where our heart‘s at. And if you’re singing in praise of Jesus, in praise
of God, and. But by the way, look, if you’re wondering is this like a religious channel that we’re,
you know, this show that you stumbled across or that you’ve been watching, we’re not, we’re not
talking about religion, we’re talking about spirituality. And spirituality is something much more
encompassing and is fundamentally about experience. In other words, look, if we’re talking about
God or the divine or something, then religion would talk about it and say you need to respect it
and you need to know about it. But spirituality would say you need to be more like it, you need to
experience it. In other words, spirituality is an experience based journey. Religion is a belief and
thoughts and ideas based journey. And there’s overlap, obviously, because people that are
religious can be spiritual and people that are spiritual can also be religious. But what I’m talking
about is fundamentally spirituality. And so if in your heart you’ve got a love for Jesus and you feel
that love for Jesus, then you, that’s spiritual as opposed to the intellectual journey of
understanding the scriptures and all of this stuff. So the point is, if what’s in your heart is good
and well intentioned, that far overrides any potential negativity in the meaning of the words. But if
you know that the words are negative and you continue to use them, then you’ve made a choice.
In other words, once you’ve got the knowledge, as I said, you can’t make a choice until you have
knowledge. So once you’ve got the knowledge, for example, the word amen, I never use that
word anymore and I was brought up Roman Catholic, so it was a word that was used a lot. I
don’t really use it anymore because I won’t do a deep dive into it this time. I can if someone
wants me to. I’ll look into it more. But fundamentally it’s. Amun is also an Egyptian dark God and
there’s another meaning to the word amen, which means ignore what I just said. So if you’ve
done a really beautiful prayer and then you say amen, it means cancel out what I just said.
Once you know that it’s difficult to use that word because you know that it doesn’t
have a good meaning. But all the people that are using it innocently, what’s in their heart is far
more important. And it’s the same with hosanna. It’s the same with what this question is alluding
to, which is, look, is there anything really bad? The answer is no. There’s nothing energetically
or spiritually bad about these words and therefore use them if they could bring you joy and if it
helps you celebrate Jesus and God and feel more connected and feel more spiritual. And at that
point, that’s all we really need to say on this because it is about the state you’re in. Are you
coming from a place of love, a place of good intention, a place of spiritual goodness, or are you
worried too much about the words?
There’s a nice saying which is, Jesus and God know what’s in your heart, and that’s
far more important. So people can say the right words, but have an empty heart, or people can
have a full heart, full of love, full of joy and all of these things, but not necessarily say the right
words. Which do you think is better? Okay, so that hopefully answers that question. And
normally we, you know, we will spend a lot of time on some questions, but I think we’ve said
enough because, you know, the message is it’s what’s in your heart. So let’s have a look at the
next question. Okay, now this one’s really interesting. This one’s multi layered. Okay, so Satoshi
and. Hi, Toshi. I believe I saw you in the chat earlier. So I’ll just say a quick few hellos to
username. What Scottish Bird Marigold0hen74 Millie 2772 hello from Millie and Toshi. There you
are, Toshi. So, hello everyone. Thanks for joining us. Toshi sent me this, which was really quite
interesting. So. Hi, Mark. On a few occasions while out and about, I’ve noticed dark rays in the
sky. On one occasion I could make out a few of them. They are just like sun rays, but are of a
fainter dark nature. Only noticed them the last couple of months or so. They are more noticeable
when you don’t look at them directly. Any thoughts on this, please? God bless. Well, thank you
first of all for the question and thank you again, Marigold Zira as well for the previous question
and for all of you who’ve asked questions because this is your show and it’s, you know, I’m here
to answer the questions and I do sometimes do A little bit of work looking into things, especially
stuff like this, but I very much. It’s not scripted. It’s decaf coffee time with you, my lovely friends.
And let’s just get to the bottom of things and make more sense of life and spirituality. One
question, one episode at a time. Now, first thing, Toshi, is you’re not going mad. You are actually
witnessing something and there’s layers to this. So I’m going to show you a picture and maybe
some of you know this, some of you probably don’t realize, I used to be a professional
photographer for 14 years. And so in the train, this picture I’ve just thrown up on the screen here
is something that’s called God rays. And it’s when typically when the sun’s a bit lower in the sky,
perhaps towards golden hour in the evening and the sun shines through clouds in such a way
that where the clouds are thinner or breaks in the clouds, you get these rays and you know,
they’re kind of self explanatory really. I’ll put a picture of this on the website for those of you who
are listening again, hello on the podcast.
But basically it’s quite impressive. It’s quite awe inspiring. And they call them God
rays because it’s almost like the rays of light breaking through from beyond the clouds and you
get these very visible, straight, linear lines of light, you know, one might say almost as if the sun
is just above the clouds. Okay, so that’s something that’s quite well understood and that’s called
God rays. There is a mundane natural phenomena which partially explains what Toshi may have
seen on occasion. And so I’m going to put a picture up of that and in this picture it’s God rays
again. But there’s a difference this time there’s a bigger break in the clouds and so most of the
sky is this like one sheet of rays. But then where there are dark clouds punctuating it, you get
what looks like dark rays. So it’s almost like the negative image of a God ray where the thing that
stands out is the absence of the light rather than the presence of the light. So sometimes that
can appear to be the thing that we’re, that can be the thing that we’re seeing and that might look
like, oh, depending on the contrast in the sky and how much of it is the brightness and how
much of it is. Where there’s basically shadows from the clouds then it may look like dark rays.
But that’s not necessarily what Toshi was seeing. So there’s a clue in his question. If we go back
to his question, he says they are more noticeable when you don’t look at them directly. Now this,
this again. Another factoid about me is that years ago I was actually a biologist, so I studied
biology at university and then I actually worked in the pharma industry for a few years. So in your
eyes, and this is where I’ll probably get it wrong and so feel free in the comments to correct me
because you know, I haven’t used this knowledge in a long time. But you’ve got rods and cones
and rods see in black and white and cones see in color. If I’ve got that right, doesn’t really
matter. One sees in black and white, the other one sees in color. And as it gets darker and
darker in the evening, your color receptors don’t work as well and you start to. Your eyes open
up to let more light in. More light hits the, not just the fovea, the focal point at the back of the
eye, but more light spreads to where the black and white senses are and they’re much more
receptive to subtle things and much more receptive to movement. So if you think about it, you’re
walking through a woods late at night and you don’t really care about whether it’s color or not.
You just need to know if something dark is sneaking up behind you like a bear or a wolf or
something like that. So we’ve evolved to have much more kind of movement awareness in dusk
and dark conditions and much more color awareness in bright light. And so what Tosh is saying
here is that when you’re trying not to look at them directly, then what’s likely to happen is you’re
using your peripheral vision and it’s more about the cones on the side of the eyeball where you
pick up movement and subtlety. But there’s another aspect to it which is that we, if we’re still and
more neutral and more spiritual, then we may be more receptive to non physical energies. Now
it’s quite interesting what’s happened here because Toshi’s picking up on some phenomena
that’s quite, that’s present but not quite physical. And what it means is it’s almost like a level of
awareness or intuition something’s wrong and it’s catching his eye, but it’s not obvious that it’s
physical or not physical is what I’m trying to say. So what’s happening here is he’s interpreting it
as physical. I’m seeing this, but it’s actually More of a subtlety where he’s picking up on stuff.
And his. It’s like the brain is trying to interpret it as what’s visible in the sky. So what he’s picking
up on isn’t actually what he’s seeing, but it’s almost like the information has been amalgamated
into what’s visibly present. And very interesting because whatever it was provoked him to notice
and to contact me. And so when I looked into it, I’m like, ah, that’s interesting. Now, at this point,
I’d have to say we did a lot, quite a few episodes ago on the northern lights and the aurora
borealis and the fact that it was coming further and further south and it was swamping parts of
England. And the very short synopsis was that the phenomena of the light that we see physically
is actually caused by spiritual interference on higher dimensions in particular, let’s just say
interdimensional wormholes or tunnels or vortices, whatever word you want to use, where it’s
like a hole has been opened and bad energy is being pumped through it to drop the vibration of
a particular plane place, in this particular case, it was the southeast of England because there’s
quite a few spiritual people there. This is something similar, but it’s not exactly the same. What
Tosh is picking up on is the dark rays that he’s seeing out the corner of his eyes when he’s not
trying to look at them. Is he seeing the energy that’s pouring out of interdimensional vortices?
And it’s quite a new thing, which is why he’s not noticed it before and I’d not noticed it. But isn’t it
wonderful how things work? So his awareness has brought it to my awareness. And those of you
that know that I do a lot of energy work will know that there is a certain amount of clearing up
and healing of the planet and the atmosphere and stuff that can be done if I’m aware of the
problems. And so this has drawn my attention to these problems. So for that I’m grateful, Toshi.
And I think any. Anyone who’s listening to this show, if you start to pick up on stuff that doesn’t
seem quite right, please do let me know. And it doesn’t necessarily need to be a question for the
show, but I will always be grateful if people are picking up on things that are happening because,
you know, a lot of things I notice and a lot of things just slip by because there’s too much to
notice. So it’s really appreciated when this Information finds its way to me and, you know, it
means that work can be done to undo this kind of wrongdoing that is happening to these places.
And so, yeah, what’s being picked up on here is that let’s just say dark forces on higher
dimensions are deliberately flooding England, it seems, at this time, with energy that is quite evil
in its nature. And the way that they’re doing it is quite a new way, and that’s why it stands out. So
credit to this person, Toshi, for being awake. And Millie in the chat has just said something that’s
relevant to this as well. So Millie, 2772 said, I saw a dark gray like this in March 2023 in South
Spain. I would love it if anyone is seeing these things to take a photo, because you’d be
surprised. A lot of stuff will show up in digital photos that isn’t visible to the naked eye. And I’ve
talked about this before with photography a lot, depending on the lens and stuff can actually pick
up stuff that’s outside of the visible spectrum. And actually, when it comes to beings and things,
quite often they’re more visible behind a camera than they are to the naked eye. So, yeah,
fascinating. If anyone sees these things, don’t go looking for them, but if you see them, do take a
picture. And Millie’s saying, and I’ve seen them since many times, so do take a picture. Now just
remember that there’s a mixture of what we might be seeing. So going back to this photo, it
could be that we’re also seeing just natural light phenomena caused by the interplay of setting
sun and clouds and things like this. But I know that I hinted at it a while ago and it’s something
that I’m looking into, but haven’t looked into enough to really comment. But there was this dark
technology operation called Operation Pegasus, which was messing around with the sun. And I
don’t know if any of you picked up in the news people reporting that sunflowers were facing the
wrong way. It’s like they’re turning their back to the sun and this was a sudden thing that had
happened. So I know that there’s a lot going on in the sky recently, but I haven’t had a chance to
really look into it to a depth where I would bring it up other than to say, hey, you might want to
look into this stuff as well. And the other one is obviously Project Bluebeam, where a lot of the
phenomena that people are seeing in the night sky, or in fact, in the day sky, like people are
seeing these massive craft in the sky and cities floating in the sky and things like this. It’s
actually Project Bluebeam and there’s been a whistleblower. Again, this is something that I’ll just
flag it here, but you might want to look into it if you’re interested in this kind of stuff. And it’s an
elaborate hoax. It’s basically using hologram technology that’s been around since the 50s to
project things into the sky. And they’re playing around with, seeing how many people will buy it
and whether people think it’s real and you know, for maybe for a future hoax, false flag event or
something like that. But I’m digressing. And this is, this is the beauty of this show is we can, we
can look at all kinds of things. So if that’s stuff that’s interesting to you, there’s a lot of people
who are dedicated just to that kind of looking into just that kind of work. I’m much more
interested in things from a spiritual point of view. But the reason why I flag it up is because
spirituality is about seeking the truth. You know, you can see that word behind me says truth.
And if we are passionate about the truth, then we must also be wary of illusion. And so
holographic technology is definitely illusory. We must also be weary of bad energies because,
you know, we’re seeking what is good. You know that behind all that is good is God. And there is
nothing more truthful than God. And so anything that is the opposite of good is also something
that we should be at least aware of. So thanks, Millie, for chipping in there and sharing your
things. I kind of look forward to if anyone can get photos and we’ll share them on the show in the
future. So the take home message really from this question was that you are actually seeing. It’s
kind of like you’re seeing two things. You’re seeing what’s there, but you’re also seeing what you
can’t see. So there’s a sensing going on and it’s led to you raising awareness of others, in
others. So you’ve raised my awareness to it and now I’ve shared it. Other people are gonna be
able to observe and what, what’s behind it is not good. Like so many things where it’s almost
like, you know, the sc, we all know about chemtrails and stuff like that by now. And again, if
you’re not aware of that, there’s so much evidence and work and kind of exposes on that. But it’s
almost like the entire sky and everything else is like a big canvas for wrongdoing at the moment.
So I think it’s worth cataloguing these things. I think it’s worth being aware of them and bringing
them up. And my job I guess is to try and bring a spiritual take home message and so it’d be
very similar to the message of the northern lights. If you’re seeing these things, let me know but
don’t go out to seek them and certainly I wouldn’t regard them as anything other than negative.
If it’s not natural, it’s not how it’s meant to be, then be very wary and certainly don’t
put yourself in harm’s way by kind of going oh, what would happen if I stood underneath that
ray? If you know, if you can see where it’s reaching the ground, I wouldn’t go over there to stand
underneath it.
But very worthwhile knowing about these things. And thank you Toshi for bringing it
up. So let’s move on to the next question. We’ve actually flown through stuff today so you know,
if you’ve got remember in the chat if there’s any questions that come up and by this I mean kind
of like quick fire questions where I can answer them very quickly then do put them in the chat
and put question mark, question mark, question mark at the start so it stands out. So Nick asks
and he says in the past I purchased a Q link pendant which were advertised as producing some
protection against emf. I have recently been made aware of the Aries tech products and there’s
a link to ariestech.com and that’s spelled A I R E S T E C H dot com. I know I’m not affiliated nor
am I endorsing. I’m just sharing a question which appear to make similar claims. Questions
number one, is there any truth in these afford affording any protection whatsoever? Question
two, if so, what exactly are they protecting the user or where from? Okay, well look, so here’s the
interesting thing is that I actually had one of these, you know there’s. Where is it? I had one of
these Q link pendants and it looked just like the one in the picture. In fact it was all probably was
identical to that and I had it many many years ago and I did notice some positive benefits. So in
a bit I’m going to share with you why it is that I don’t wear one. Why I wouldn’t advocate it, I’m
not against it. And there is some benefits though. And so Let me explain why. So in that picture
you can see that there’s like a brass or copper ring. It’s actually a really, really fine copper thread
or wire that’s really, really thin and it’s wound many, many, many, many times and then it’s set
within a resin, within this plastic pendant. Now these cost about 70, 80 quid. So it’s, you know,
not trivial money here. We’re talking about a bit of a financial investment if you were to buy one.
And the idea is that you wear it around your neck like a pendant and you keep it on all the time.
And back in the day, so we’re talking 2001, when I had mine, a lot of pro golfers were using them
because it was supposed to improve your awareness and concentration and your physical
performance. So certainly a lot of people and professionals were advocating them. Now I think
it’s always best to talk from our own experience. So if we kind of go back in time to 2001. So I
can’t remember if it was 2000 or 2001 actually now, but I moved down from Manchester and got
a job down in Kent for a very well known pharmaceutical company called Pfizer. And I was
working as a bioinformatician, which means computers and biology basically. And yeah, I left
that company and I’ve been quite outspoken against the pharmaceutical industry. Some good
people in there trying to do good work and they believe, you know, they genuinely believe in
what they’re doing, but at a higher level. It’s not an industry that I can condone or be a part of.
And even when I worked for them, I used to jokingly say, I feel like I’m working for the devil
because the more, you know, the more you start to think, well, hang on a sec. So they, I’m
digressing slightly, but just to, just to share some stuff. Their logo was something like life is our
life’s work or something like that. I’d studied immunology, virology, parasitology and things like
that at university. And one of the things I knew about was Trichurus tricura, which is a parasitic
worm infection that affects about one quarter of the or one fifth of the world population. So a lot
of people suffer from this and it’s debilitating, but it doesn’t kill you. And the, the treatment for
this is mebendazole and it costs about 50 cents for a dose and one dose is all you need
because it flushes them all out and you get like a bowl of it. Looks like A bowl of spaghetti. When
all these worms come out of these little children in the third world and then their life is much
better because the children are no longer male nourished with distended bellies and they can
clear this, these things out of their system and break the life cycle of these worms and recover
their health. So if you said, well look, for less than a dollar per person you can wipe out one of
the most prevalent infections on the face of the planet. So if a company was dedicated, if any
pharmaceutical company wanted to massively improve the well being of the entire plant
population, then for a percentage of the profits that they make on just one blockbuster drug, they
could wipe out this disease across the planet. So I always think it’s a bit hypocritical when these
big, big pharmaceutical companies say, oh, we want to make the world a better place and say,
well you could. The drug already exists, you already have the money to do it. If you really
wanted to make a big difference, boom, done. But I digress. You know, I worked there for five
years and yeah, a good experience to see how things are and to understand the nature of things
and then the right thing to do to personally, I can’t speak for others, but to move on from that. But
while I was there I was working in computers and biology and I was working on a project to do
with the human genome and it was crunching massive amounts of data and visualizing it and
there’s white patent papers with my name on working with other people where we developed
some pretty cool software and, and patents and stuff. But it meant very long hours and I was in a
little room. Those of you who know what I’m talking about, if I said Wernicke City on the left hand
side of the main road, the old port cabins, that’s where I’ve started off there on that site. I don’t
think it’s there now, it’s probably been torn down. But basically I had a little room off from the
main area where the rest of the team were and there was some windows which was great. But I
had literally four or five computers, big computers under my desk all around me. So I was in this
really EMF rich environment. Now in Nick’s question, he mentioned electromagnetic force. Emf,
that’s what it stands for, electromagnetic field or force. And it basically means the radiation that’s
given out by. I was going to point to it here, but the classic culprit is the mobile phones that we all
have. So these are always giving off radiation and we, we’ve kind of learned we shouldn’t have
them on our body, which is mine, why mine’s over there and they shouldn’t be next to us and
went in our beds and stuff like that. So I was getting really sick and my kidneys were suffering.
And I mean, I was a young man, I was very athletic, but I was actually getting very, very sick and
like systemically sick. And I figured out that I tried a few things like acupuncture and Chinese
herbs herbal medicine, which tasted disgusting. The acupuncture would help for a brief period of
time, but the symptoms would come straight back after about three days. And then I. Someone
recommended one of these Q link pendants. So I got the pendant and literally I put it on and I
felt almost like a wave of energy. And I was like, whoa, that’s pretty impressive. And then within
like 48 hours, my kidneys were much, much healthier. It’s like they felt strong. And if you know
about kidney problems, then, you know, you’re going often and you get back aching and have
problems with hydration and stuff like that and all of that cleared up. I’m like, well, that certainly
did something. Now back then I didn’t know all the stuff that I know now, but my own experience
was this has had a bit of a profound effect. Okay. So I can say from personal experience, yeah,
cue link pendants, do do something. Now. When I looked into it with the ability I have now to go
into stillness and be neutral and just have an inquiry and get neutral information, back then I
found that I could answer these questions. So do bring up the question, so do these afford
protection? The answer is no. And let me qualify that. Let’s think of a crude example, like if you
had to get in a boxing ring with a boxer, there’s nothing I can do to stop that boxer hitting you. If I
gave you a pendant, it’s not going to stop the boxer from hitting you. So in other words, it can’t
protect you from being hit by whatever it is that’s going to harm you. In, in the case of the
phones, we’re just talking about EMF electromagnetic fields or EMR electromagnetic radiation.
So, and this is where 5G and things like that are pretty bad as well. So it can’t prevent those
waves from hitting your body. And though, and it’s like if you were in a microwave, no amount of
pendants are going to protect you from being microwaved unless you wrapped yourself in lead
foil or something like that. You’re not going to really shield yourself but they do have an effect.
And what they do is they bolster your electromagnetic field, they help it maintain a strength. And
so what that means is it’s like if you are being hit and you’re weak, you get knocked down. If
you’re being hit and you’re strong, you can take the hits. And so what the pendant does is it
strengthens your system, your electromagnetic field against electromagnetic interference. To a
point, obviously, because again, if you actually sat in a massive microwave and someone turned
it on you, you know it’s not going to have a good outcome. Okay, so they’re not protecting you,
but they are strengthening your system. Therefore your system can take more insult and injury is
a better way of looking at it. And the second part of the question, it’s very, very legalese. And if
so, exactly what are they prot a user from? So, well, what they exactly are protecting us from
seems to be primarily electromagnetic fields. Now, that’s slightly different from the Aries tech
stuff. And I talked about one of these devices a while back in one of the live shows. So I’ll find
the link and I’ll put it in the description of the podcast in a few days when that’s done. But
basically that was slightly different. What the Q link does is it seems to work on a magnetic
principle, whereas the other one that we talked about in the past, which may. May have been
these areas, tech works in a slightly different way, but it doesn’t really matter. The point is that
you’re introducing something into your system. By system, I don’t just mean your physical body, I
mean your aura, your bio field. As the question quotes here, you’re introducing something into
your field that isn’t natural. Now, in the case of the Q link pendant, it does have a positive
outcome. And so, you know, you could say, look, if you’re suffering, it worked for me. But this is
where it’s really good to be asked these questions because then my brain starts to go, okay,
well, what can we.
You know, it’s like it fires off other questions. And so I thought, interesting. Okay, so
this is what I wanted to really get into you, share with you guys, because obviously I’ve talked
about healing over the time that we’ve been doing these things. And this is one of the big topics,
health, wealth and relationships. So I really want to share with you some insights into health and
wellbeing from a spiritual perspective. Okay, so what you’re looking at now on the screen is a bar
chart, and the red arrow points to the one that is the culink pendant. The impact on well being is
just an arbitrary scale on the left hand side that allows us to compare the Q link to other forms of
healing. And so right at the start when people were joining the chat, I asked people to comment
on what they do. So what did I say? Short answers, what do you. What ways do you try and
improve your health and well being and username. What said eating clean as much as possible.
So I guess that means eating clean food that would be fruit, veg, stuff that. Not processed food,
I’m guessing. And then Scottish bird has said hel, get out in the fresh air as much as possible.
So that’s another good answer. And then Marigold0 has written positive food and exercise
choices. Acknowledging all that is good comes from God, expressing gratitude. So that’s
interesting. So that’s more about. Although the food and exercises is practical stuff, there’s an
attitude thing here as well of acknowledgement and acknowledging God and expressing
gratitude. So that’s quite an interesting thing to add on top of the good food and the fresh air. So
I’m going to share with you now the 10, there’s actually 11, but not all of them. You can do
yourself, but you can still benefit from all of them potentially. And I’ll go into it. So one thing we’ve
talked about in the past is intention, having an intention for a positive outcome or having an
intention for well being. So where does intention sit within this? So intention is a little bit less in
its impact than wearing a cue link. And that surprised me. Now there is a reason for this and
what I’m going to hopefully do as we go through each one is I’m going to try and break it down a
bit and explain to you why it might not work so well or what you have to do to get it to work
better. But if we take intention, for example, so say going back to 2001, when my kidneys
weren’t so great, say I said, right, I need to do something about this and I understand enough
about intention. So I’m going to sit in stillness and have the intention to be.
To be healthier, for my kidneys to be strong. So I would say my kidneys, my kidneys
get stronger, my kidneys get stronger. Or something like that. Well, that’s going to have an
effect. Yeah, that graph is showing us that it’s having some kind of an effect. It’s just not having
as much of an effect as wearing a Q link pendant. Now for this entire graph that I’m going to
share with you One of my usual caveats is in place, which is I’m referring to good spiritual
people here. I’m not referring to people who, practitioners of dark magic, people who are
deliberately choosing a path in life that is evil and dark. Their energy is so out of whack with
what is good though. A lot of what I’m talking about could not even be applied to them. So this is
talking about good old fashioned, just good human beings, which means full of spiritual potential,
good people. Okay, so intention is a good thing, but it’s not going to be as strong as a Q link
pendant. Interesting. Okay, so the next one is positivity. Now generally just being positive and
not falling into negativity. So not reacting negatively when things don’t go your way, not being
pessimistic, you know, so not even in response. So I’m not just talking about when you’re
directly focused on your health and well being. I’m talking about your general level, your vibe
throughout life. So someone who is positive and seeking to be positive will generally have quite
a strong well being or their positivity will impact on their well being in a positive way. So this is
why they talk about like laughter as the greatest medicine. And people who go, people who go
into hospital and they’re full of doom and gloom and whatnot tend to not heal very quickly and
tend to actually just not do so well. Whereas people that go in with a I intend to beat this, I am
going to live, I’m going to, you know, and hold themselves and carry themselves with a certain
positive grace, have a much better healing and health and well being outcome than people who
react negatively. And we all know people like this who when they get hurt or when something
goes wrong, they just fall apart and they fall into a negative pit and they just drag everyone
down, but they also drag themselves down. What I’m saying is if you can maintain positivity, you
don’t drag yourself down, you don’t drag other people down. And it actually just that maintaining
positivity itself curative. Okay, so you’ve probably guessed by now that these are going to go up.
So the next thing that I looked at is what’s the impact of doing basic breath meditation? Now I’ve
talked at length about meditation and those who know me know that I’ve been a meditation
teacher since the late 90s and I was actually, I started meditating when I was seven and I’m just
trying to do the maths in my head, but I was very early 80s. Okay, so been doing it A while. But it
may surprise a lot of people that I don’t advocate meditation anymore. And the reason is simple,
that there’s so much negativity that if you’re a genuinely good spiritual person, full of love and
light, that when you do sit down in stillness, you open yourself up inadvertently to a lot of
nefarious intent attention. And at this time with the way world is, I don’t advocate for meditation
at this time because a lot of people who I know are very nice, well intentioned people sit down,
do a lot of meditating and they actually just get filled up with bad energy because that which is
bad doesn’t want them to get closer to God, doesn’t want them to get closer to love and stillness.
So it either deceives them, gives them a false experience, or it just fills them with bad energy.
And it’s, you know, fortunately to be spiritual doesn’t require meditation. Meditation is simply a
facet or an option, but it is not in itself a spiritual activity, believe it or not. And I talk about that a
lot in other videos and stuff so I can share links to that. But the point here is if someone were to
do breath meditation, what impact would it have on a health and well being perspective? And it
is higher than the previous ones that we’ve mentioned. So sitting down and doing breath
meditation would potentially have, you know, about 10% more of an impact than a Q link
pendant. Now all of these, by the way, I must make it very, very clear when I’m getting this
information. There were certain criteria that I put in place. And so this is in the absence of
negative interference, assuming that it is a good spiritual person. Okay, so all of these are like if
the person did this in a vacuum of external influences and forces. And so yeah, breath
meditation, despite the caveat I said about now on the planet, is not a good time to be meditating
if you’re genuinely spiritual because of the attraction, the way it will attract that which is dark and
evil. But if there wasn’t that negative external forces, then simply sitting down and doing breath
meditation would be quite curative, cathartic and good for your well being. And so. So let’s see
what’s next. Self love. Now this isn’t any kind of cheap thing I’m referring to here. This is not
crude. This is you sitting in a state of being more neutral and loving and just loving yourself,
accepting yourself, having intention to just fill yourself with love. And I one of the early articles I
wrote many, many years ago was about this. And basically before you can love others. You first
of all need to love yourself, but not in a kind of.
I mean, that’s. That’s so obvious, but it’s. It’s almost like teenage philosophy, but there
is a deeper aspect to it, so understanding a bit more about what love is. And I did a whole series
of videos on love and that in order to receive love, you need to be open to love and that. And if
you’re not able to love yourself, then you’re not able to be loved because you will block love. So
there’s a lot more to it, but it fundamentally comes down to acceptance and having the intention.
So in other words, if you just accept yourself, but it’s passive, unconscious, then it doesn’t really
shift anything. But if you’re able to have that powerful intention, I accept myself and I love
myself. And literally, to love yourself, like, it’s like it’s an action.
Now, one of the ways that people get this completely wrong is they expect to feel
Love is not a feeling. Okay, again, so much of this has been.
If you haven’t already, the short answer is, if you haven’t already seen a lot of the
previous shows, then you’re in. Good, good, good news. There’s a whole load of previous shows
to go back and enjoy.
And we talk about this, but basically, it’s not a feeling to feel something. You need to
be located very much in your body and in your emotions. And love is much higher than that.
There needs to be a certain level of acceptance and trust. But basically, if you can sit there and
just, in fact, do. Let’s do it now, let’s all do it now together. So wherever you are right now, you
don’t have to close your eyes or anything, but just listen to my voice and we’ll go, we’ll do this
together. So just take a nice kind of relaxing breath. But, you know, if you’re listening, driving a
car or anything like that, just stay, Keep your focus on what you’re doing, but just listen at the
same time to this and just take a nice deep breath, keep your eyes open, and just repeat what I
say to yourself.
I accept you.
As in, you are saying that to yourself. I accept you.
I love you.
And the interesting thing is, if you notice any resistance or any uncomfortableness or
anything reaction other than just melting anything that feels like an edge, take a deeper breath
and just let that edge dissolve and just say to yourself again, I love you.
And we’re all in this together, by the way. So look, if you’re joining Me for this live
show, or if you listening again or watching again, I love you.
Thank you for being here with us at this time.
If we’re not doing this every day, why aren’t we doing this every day?
Okay, so self love, bringing it back.
Self love is looking at this close to twice as powerful as intention alone.
And the next one, self blessing. Now, believe it or not, we quite often say bless you to
other people.
How often do we bless ourselves?
Now, again, when we’re talking about self love and self blessing, I know the
temptation is that someone who’s perhaps not as spiritually mature might look at what I’m saying
and go, isn’t this just ego?
Who do you think you are that you’re loving yourself and blessing yourself?
No, if you’re sitting in a place of humility, if you’re sitting in a place of gratitude, you
know, someone earlier said, I think it was Marigold said, you know, one of the things. There you
go. They said, positive food and exercise and acknowledging that all that is good comes from
God, expressing gratitude. Blessings come from God. Love comes from God. So you’re a good
person, and all that is good comes from God. And God bestows blessings and love upon that
which is good.
After all, God created it.
Acknowledging that, then it’s actually a beautiful act to say to yourself, I love you.
And to be neutral enough and humble enough to say, and I bless you.
So I say it now and say it with me.
I bless myself and I’m grateful.
And since you’re joining me in this live show or listening again or watching again, then
I also say, I bless you.
And the significance of that will become more clear in a moment.
So if we go back to this, after self blessing, the next most powerful thing that you can
do is self healing.
And by now you probably realize that what this means is to say, I heal myself.
Now, you could take it further and you could say, I acknowledge that all that is good
comes from God. And Jesus, who is God, showed us the way and demonstrated healing on a
level that has never been known before or since.
So all that is good, including healing, comes from God. And therefore, I’m grateful and
I welcome that healing. And I heal myself.
And the humility is to know that it doesn’t come through. And sorry, it doesn’t come
from you, it comes through you. Okay, so hopefully what we’re starting to realize as we look at
these is that humility underpins so much of what I’m talking about here. If you’re being in your
ego, if you’re full of yourself. If you think you’re special and you’re trying to do any of this, you
know, self love, self blessing, self healing work, you know, nothing’s going to be happening. And
in the description I had posted on, I think it was on X or on Facebook earlier, I said, look, I’m
going to be talking about this healing stuff. And on one of them I said, but not everyone can do
this. People that are too much in their ego won’t be able to do any of this work because they’re
with, without humility and gratitude. Then there’s no space, there’s no stillness, there’s no
openness to these things. And you know, if you’re unfamiliar with some of the stuff I’ve talked
about in the past, then I’d definitely look into the six virtues. Humility is the first amongst them.
And it’s these different qualities of character that help us to be a lot more spiritual. And obviously
we’re talking very much about spiritual healing here, but it touches on all aspects of our spiritual
life. And hopefully by now what you’re realizing is that when I say spiritual life, I mean life,
because there is no difference. It’s just a question of whether we’re awake and present or
whether we’re asleep.
So I’m aware of the time and let’s press on. So self healing is even more powerful
than self blessing and self love.
So let’s look at the next one.
So affirmations. Wow. So right at the start we started with intentions and quite often
people get intentions and affirmations mixed up. So affirmations are affirming something in the
present, whereas intentions are effectively saying what you want for the future. So because
spirituality is about being present in the here and now, then affirmations work much more
powerfully than intentions. So the affirmation going back to the example that I shared earlier
would be, my kidneys are good, just matter of fact, I am well, I am healed, I have abundant well
being and healing potential.
Whatever comes to you, it’s about you and what you need. And again from that place
of humility, then you hopefully will be more able to have the right kind of affirmations.
And I think I did. Actually there’s an article, I’ll put a link to affirmations and I share
some insights into how to get affirmations right. Because a lot of people get affirmations wrong
and they actually compound the problem rather than introduce a solution state. So it’s very
worthwhile knowing that. And there’s A really nice comment in the chat, actually. Hen, 74 has
just shared very powerful exercise.
Marigold0 very kindly has said, highly recommend Mark’s book the Six Virtues.
And Millie 2772 has said, what about prayer? That’s a good question. So let’s, let’s
see what comes up next. So after affirmation we have, if I click the right one. So barefoot.
So this one really surprised me how profound that is. And by this I mean going into
the garden or just out onto the street or you know, connecting with nature with bare feet just for
10 minutes in the morning. So even like earlier I had to go out and get something from one of my
vehicles and it’s about one degree out there, but I had bare feet and I had no qualms about
going out in the cold barefoot. I try and take any opportunity to walk around barefoot, outdoors,
indoors. I used to do barefoot walking when, bless him, I miss him when I had my dog. And we’d
walk out into the fields and then when we’re out and it was just nice soft ground underfoot, I’d
take off my shoes or whatever I was with my trainers, whatever I was wearing, and I’d walk
slowly barefoot, paying attention to every foot placement. And it just felt amazing. And there’s so
much. The reason why it has such an impact is because it’s not particularly spiritual. But so
much of the malaise of our physical existence is physical problems caused by not being properly
grounded. So walking around with rubber sole shoes all day long, sleeping on a bed that’s above
the ground, you know, if you think about it, people can go the entire day and never actually
connect to the earth. And what tends to happen is that we, we, we’re losing electrons and we’re
picking up a bit of a positive charge. And this, I might have got that the wrong way around, but it
doesn’t really matter. Our charge is getting off a kilter and when we ground and connect to the,
to the floor with bare feet or with bare hands or both, then it’s like all the electrons rush in and it
changes our body’s charge and that’s going to have a kind of a molecular level change because
you know, people are starting to wake up to things like hydration, hydrogen, it’s like
hydrogenated water. Well, our body is made of water. So in other words, if you’ve got a neck net
positive charge or a net negative charge, it will affect the amount of hydrogen atoms in our, in
the water, in your blood, etc. And so on. And so forth. And so what this is saying is that because
people are so physically out of kilt because of electromagnetic radiation, because of the wrong
kind of lighting, too much blue light, not enough red light, too much time indoors, not enough
time outdoors, too much insulation and not enough contact with the floor, the ground, the earth,
Mother nature, then just walking barefoot for 10 minutes a day can have such a profound effect
on your well being.
And so I was quite surprised how high that one’s ranked. And so I definitely try and go
barefoot as often as you can is to take home from that one. So let’s see what the next one is.
So blessed by other.
Now this is one you can’t do. But I blessed you all earlier when I looked down the
camera and I said because you’re here, bless you, you couldn’t ask for that. A true blessing isn’t
asked for, it’s not requested. It comes with sincerity. And sincerity has to run through the core of
all of these activities and all of these things that we can do spiritually to become healthier.
If there isn’t sincerity, which is another way of saying if there isn’t humility, gratitude
and all the other good qualities of character, then if there’s for example, if there’s a sense of
entitlement or specialness about you, or you think because you’re doing these things you’re
special, anything like that, it’s not going to have an effect. So if someone blesses you and they
do it sincerely, that’s profound. And one of the simplest ways of understanding a blessing is
that’s that person motivated by love, appealing to God to help you.
So when you put it like that, it’s obviously going to have quite a profound effect. So
what about the. What’s next? Oh, in answer to Millie’s question, the next one is prayer.
And my the graph you can just see there is prayer is just hidden behind me on the
screen. But basically I’ll put this graph up on the website when I do the podcast. But prayer is
quite significantly a jump up from even being blessed by our Father. And so again, by now we
should realize that this means prayer from a place of humility, gratitude, all of those qualities,
sincerity, etc.
And Marigold saying, the exercises this evening were wonderful. The exercises this
evening were a wonderful experience. Thank you, Mark. Thank you, Marigold. Zero, it sounds
like you’re going, Please don’t go. I haven’t finished yet. There’s still more to come. Hang in
there guys. I know it’s 10 o’clock. There’s a few little bit more things I want to share with you.
And as you can see, this is going up this graph each time, so the next one is probably going to
be even more important.
So is there anything more powerful than prayer? Is the question.
And the answer is yes, something that is massively higher. And because my in little
picture of me in the bottom corner of the screen overlaps that, then you can’t see what it is.
It’s state.
Now I don’t mean which state in America you live in, I mean the state you are in. And
this is different from positivity. This is your spiritual state. So if you took the sum of all the
different qualities of character that are good and the expression of all of the qualities of
goodness that a person good, you know, you, me, all us good, good old human beings can do,
then the more you are coming from that place, the more you are in state, spiritually speaking. So
let me break this down and codify it. So if you stayed this far into this live show, then now you’re
getting the gems. Okay, this is, this is what can really, really help. Because when you look at that
graph, look how much more of an impact being in state has on your well being. It’s like three
times as much as a Q link pendant. Probably a bit more. Actually it’s the same as having a Q link
pendant. Intention, positivity and self love. Well, almost. You know, it’s like cumulatively that
much more profound. So here’s some of the words that when you are these things it’s an
indication that you’re being more in state. But I’ll but one of them is the most important and I’ll
leave that one till the end. Okay, so neutrality and we’ve talked a lot about this. There’s some
very good discussions in previous episodes about neutrality and the right way of doing it as
opposed to the cold non spiritual way of doing it. So I’ll put links there fundamentally. So if you’re
being neutral, present, graceful, compassionate, non judgmental, accepting, if you’ve got faith,
faith in God, the source, that which is the cause of all that is good.
Gratitude, gratitude towards Jesus.
And again, remember right at the start I said we’re not talking about religion, I’m
talking about something much more profound and Jesus is real. Okay. And I talk a lot in other
episodes. So again maybe I’m just introducing things. If you’re new to this that you haven’t
encountered before, just go with it.
So all of these words I’m sharing are like different pillars that together support your
state of spirituality. And that’s not an exhaustive list, but the most important one is coming from
the heart, not from the head. So I’m talking to you right now, and obviously, you know, when I’ve
got, like, the thing on the screen, it’s very kind of, oh, look, there’s a picture. And we can get
drawn into the information, and we’re comparing and contrasting different things.
But when I talk about coming from the heart, I mean, take everything that we’ve just
learned, all of these different things, and then let it go. You know, sometimes you give people a
little bit of information, and it just triggers a cascade of questions.
That’s where they’re at. So there’s no criticism. But what. Where they’re not is sitting
in their state. Because if they’re in their state, that information will be transformed into kind of like
wisdom, understanding. In other words, it’s not just about the information.
You can transcend the information.
So, for example, if I say to you, come from your heart, the brain, the head, will try and
figure out, what exactly does he mean? Is this some kind of anatomical thing? Does this mean
visualize? Does this mean hold my breath and focus on my heart? Does this mean affirm, Just
do it.
That’s what it means.
Because spirituality in the state is a being thing. It’s not a thinking thing.
Okay, so if we can take the information and then put it down and you. And it’s like, all
right, thanks. You pointed me in the right direction. I appreciate that, Mark. But now I need to do
it. Then I salute you because you’re getting it. The point. That’s the point to take this information.
And so when we’re in state, it’s. That’s the true protection. That’s the true buffer.
Doesn’t mean that you’re in. That you’re invincible. It doesn’t mean that if there is negativity.
Remember I said everything that we’re discussing here is in an ideal vacuum of negative
influence and interference. So it doesn’t mean that you can’t be interfered with. It doesn’t mean
that things like black magic and spells and hexes and curses can’t be put upon you. But it means
that if you stay in the state of neutrality in the state, literally the spiritual state, the more you’re in
that state, the less these things affect you and the quicker you can recover from them or
ameliorate against them.
But when you drop into the opposite of all of these things, so we could go through this
List and say, well, what’s the opposite of intention? Negative intention. Positivity, negativity.
Breath meditation. Being hyper. So the opposite would be so breath meditation is nice and calm.
We’re being hyper and distracted. Self love. Self loathing would be the opposite. Self blessing
would be self cursing. How many people curse themselves? They say things about themselves
that are terrible. Self healing would be self harming. How many people harm themselves? They
know that that food is bad for them. They know that that cigarette is bad for them. They know
that that drink is bad for them. They know that those activities are bad for them. They know that
not getting enough sleep is bad for them. They know, in other words, and they still do it because
it’s literally self harming. Affirmation. Well, the opposite would be negative affirmations. Affirming
the problem, not affirming the solution. Barefoot. Well, the opposite would be keeping your
shoes on all the time, detaching yourself from nature, never going outside, living in a virtual
reality environment, blessed by others. Well, if you’re not a loving person, then it’s very unlikely
that anyone is going to send love your way or send blessings your way. So the opposite of that
would be to be damned by others or cursed by others. Prayer. The opposite of that would be
doing black magic, appealing in the wrong direction to the forces of darkness, in which case
none of this stuff is going to work for you. And the opposite of state would be completely asleep,
distracted, chaotic, confused, not present, basically. And I’d say that I don’t say this with any
judgment whatsoever, but completely absorbed in life, which is how most people are.
And so the opportunity, I’m not saying in a criticizing way, the opportunity is for people
to wake up.
It’s as simple as that.
Obviously, I could say more, but as I’ve just said, this isn’t an intellectual journey. It’s
enough to be told that the opportunity is there to wake up.
If there’s any spiritual potential in a person and they hear that something inside them
will be going, listen, wake up. You know, and we’ve all been there. So there’s no, there’s no, you
know, we’re not sitting on our ivory towers saying, oh, if you’re not awake enough or it’s not like
that at all.
We’re all in this together. If one of us rises up, then all of us who are good rise up a
little bit more.
If one of us just becomes like, if we. If someone’s 2% in state and they go to 3%, do
you realize that that’s a 50% improvement. It may not sound like much, but it’s massive. Most
people are not in. There’s no spiritual state there at all. There’s just reacting to life and
completely enthralled by the thoughts in their heads.
And a lot of people, you know, are under the domain of their ego. And I don’t mean
that in a standing up, going, look at me, look at me, look at me. But there’s many facets to ego,
but it’s basically self referential as opposed to seeking outwards, seeking upwards. Okay, so
some powerful stuff there. And there’s one, one last thing I wanted to share with you on this is
that these are cumulative. So.
Well, there’s two more. There’s another thing I want to share about why they don’t
always work. But basically it’s not a case of pick one and do it, it’s a case of do all of them.
You know, if you do affirmations and self love, you know, it doesn’t stop at the level of
affirmations that it’s like they stack on top of each other and the overall impact is greater. But it’s
not a direct. So say self love is worth six points and affirmations worth seven points. Then it
doesn’t add up to 13 points. It would be about nine points, about 10 points maybe. In other
words, it’s not a direct proportional thing, but these things do stack up. If you did all of them, then
it would be about two to two and a half times the effect of prayer. So you know, if you were in
state and praying and doing affirmations and self healing, self blessing, receiving blessings from
others, loving yourself, forget about breath meditation, I just put it in there as a yardstick, but
being positive intentions. And again, forget about Q links. As you can see, there’s absolutely no
point really in using a cue link pendant because there’s much more natural, harmonious ways
that actually benefit your soul and your spirit, then you know, the outcome could be phenomenal.
And this is, this is. I’m not saying, I’m not saying, you know, and I have done it. I’m saying and
I’m learning and I’m with this knowledge, I’m also going to seek to put more of this into practice
as well. And I’d love it if maybe in a week or two or three weeks or a month from now or
whenever you’re watching this and you put some of these things into practice, you can give me
some feedback in the comments or direct message me and let me know how you get on or even
send. What’s really nice is sometimes people send like a voicemail. If you’re on WhatsApp or
Telegram and you’ve got my contact details, send me a voice message and I’ll play it on the
show that other people can hear someone other than me for a change.
But the other thing very quickly, and I’m aware of time, is why don’t these things
work? I think this is really useful to know. So I have touched on this. But it comes down to, oddly
enough, it comes down to state. So if you’re out of state, then you’re less likely to be humble,
you’re less likely to be coming from your heart. So I would put state first and then use the others
as tools in the toolbox, if that makes sense. And state, by the way, it’s not an on or off thing. It’s
not like I am now switching on state, it’s how much are you in state at any moment in time. And
every time you ask yourself that, you’ll become more in state because you’ll notice, oh, no, hang
on a second, I’m being a bit judgmental or I’m being a bit distracted, or, or I’ve got carried away
with the situation, or I’ve reacted to something, let me just take a moment and be present.
And it’s as simple as that. Because doing that, I can feel myself dropping more into
state. And then your state will grow the more you use it.
This is spiritual growth, guys.
So I’m sure there’s a lot more that could be said on the matter. But I think that’s a
good point just to call it a day. And I’m really grateful for all of you and for the time that you have
given to this. And I’m sure that hopefully there’s no one in your life that would benefit from this
because everyone’s well and happy and healthy. But if there are people that maybe need a bit of
a gentle nudge when it comes to their well being and their health, or maybe they really value this
spiritual take on things where it says, look, we’re not talking about medicine, we’re not talking
about the mainstream stuff, we’re talking about stuff that you can do right now that doesn’t cost
you anything and you don’t need to take anything, put anything in you or anything like that, if
there are people in that position, please do let them know this information, share it with them.
And because it’s so sad if someone’s a good person and they could actually just be given a little
bit of guidance and then have a much better outcome.
So you now are empowered with this information.
What are you going to do with it? How are you going to put it into play in your own life
and in the lives of those that you love and care about? Wherever you are right now, God bless
you and I will see you next week. Thank you for being awesome and joining me for this episode.
I’m truly grateful. As a spiritual person, I hope it’s inspiring to realize that you’re not alone and
that more and more like minded people are enjoying this live show or like you right now.
Listening to this very podcast. You’re part of an awakening community and together we’re all
finding the way back to being genuinely more spiritual. So I invite you to reflect on what’s been
the most helpful thing you’ve got from this particular episode.
Now, who in your life would get the greatest benefit if they knew this too? So please
help them by simply sharing this episode with them, since sharing is caring and this episode is
completely free to listen to and download. Speaking of which, if you’d like even more free
spiritual resources, downloads, videos, ebooks and articles, then head on over to
thewaybackgroup.org next episode I’ll be answering more spiritual questions to help you and
your loved ones make more sense of life. So remember to subscribe and set those notifications
so you don’t miss out. Who knows what we’ll learn together and the next question might even be
yours. Perhaps there’s a reason you’ve been guided to listen to this. So God bless you. And
remember, take what you now know and use it to grow.
Episode notes:
00:00:33 Introduction
We’re looking at the different spiritual things to bring about wellbeing. We’ll also look at the word “Hosanna”. Phenomena in the sky. Q Link pendants, and healing modalities
00:02:19 The Word “Hosanna”
We explore whether the word “Hosanna” is a positive word to use when saying prayers or singing hymns. However I take the question in a different direction and first explore the illusion of choice and how knowledge helps us gain freedom. Next I explain more about the bigger picture when it comes to words we say and spiritual consequences. Hint it’s as much about the intention of how we say stuff as what we say.
00:08:29 Dark Rays in the Sky
Next we explore eye witness reports of “Dark rays” seen in the daytime sky. A phenomena that has only been noticed in the last few months. I explain what “God Rays” are from a photographer perspective. However what Toshee, who asked the question, was witnessing was something metaphysical.
00:12:18 Your Eyes and Biology
I take a slight detour to explain my background as a biologist and that the human eye has different parts, allowing us to see different things when it’s darker. I draw parallels between this new phenomena and the Northern Lights. Is this something to be concerned about? I explain why, if you notice strange phenomena, I appreciate it if you let me know. There’s work to do to help heal the planet! This leads on to a brief mention of “Project Pegasus” and “Project Bluebeam” both of which have their roots in darkness.
00:22:26 Q Link Pendants? Do they Work?
Do Q Links protect us from EMF (Electro Magnetic Fields). I share a story from back in 2001 when I was working at Pfizer (working for the devil!). I digress and discuss the hypocrisy of big pharma and how they could make a big difference, but they don’t because it’s not profitable. But I return to the story and explain that I got very sick working long hours surrounded by computers (EMF radiation). I used a Q Link pendant to help me recover. I then explain that the Q Link pendants do not afford “protection”, but they do help fortify your system.
00:32:30 Better Health through Spiritual Healing
Now I go into real detail about the spiritual perspective on health and wellbeing. Lokoing at different tings you can do to increase your wellbeing. Things I cover include intention, positivity, breath meditation, self-love, self-blessing, self-healing, affirmation, barefoot walking, being blessed, prayer, your state.
At one point I run a simple exercise which was quite profound, helping us to love and accept ourselves deeper. I also talk about people hold themselves back and also how you can get more healing/wellbeing benefits.
Links to resources mentioned:
- Re-watch the original live show video stream here: https://rumble.com/v5u2t18-ep.038-spiritual-healing-and-qlinks-281124-discussing-spirituality-w-mark-z.html
- The Halloween special, Episode 34 Podcast: https://thewaybackgroup.org/podcast/is-hallowep-034-halloween-the-devils-holiday/
- Discussing the difference between religion and spirituality: https://thewaybackgroup.org/articles/believing-in-god-versus-experiencing-god-what-matters-to-you/
- Ep.010 on the Northern Lights: https://thewaybackgroup.org/podcast/live-show-episode-10-bambi-thug/
- Ep.011 The energy of the Northern Lights: https://thewaybackgroup.org/podcast/ep011-podcast-aurora-borealis/
- Ep.032 where I first mention Project Pegasus: https://thewaybackgroup.org/podcast/ep-032-what-is-god-uk-assisted-dying-bill-and-covid/
- Project Blue Beam: https://allthatsinteresting.com/serge-monast
- Speaking out against big Pharma (2011) BBC Radio Kent: https://thewaybackgroup.org/archive/bbc-radio-kent-diet-lifestyle-versus-medication/
- Anti EMF AiresTech: https://rumble.com/v5ggn7e-ep.029-ru-spiritual-5g-emf-tax-260924-discussing-spirituality-with-mark-zar.html?start=3762
- Meditation tutorials: https://thewaybackgroup.org/meditation-and-your-spiritual-journey-to-god/how-to-meditate-videos/
- Discussing how meditation is not needed to be spiritual:
- Enlightenment and Spirituality: https://thewaybackgroup.org/articles/enlightenment-spirituality-do-i-really-need-to-meditate-am-i-ready-whats-holding-me-back-honest-talk-w-mark-zaretti/
- Mindfulness is a spiritual trap: https://thewaybackgroup.org/podcast/ep-021-dying-olympics-revelations/
- Is meditation Spiritual? https://thewaybackgroup.org/podcast/ep-003-live-show-discussing-spirituality-with-mark-zaretti-is-meditation-spiritual-lifewave-lightwave-sex-gender-spiritual-growth-spiritually-yin-or-yang-we-are-one/
- Sorry to tell you that might not be spiritual: https://thewaybackgroup.org/articles/i-am-sorry-to-tell-you-but-that-might-not-be-spiritual/
- Simeon and Mark discuss meditation (2022) Podcast: https://thewaybackgroup.org/podcast/36-mark-and-simeon-discuss-the-six-virtues/
- Spirituality and God (2019): https://thewaybackgroup.org/podcast/08-spirituality-letting-god-into-your-heart/
- Self Love (2017): https://thewaybackgroup.org/articles/send-love-advice-on-channelling-love-start-with-yourself/
- The Six Virtues: https://thewaybackgroup.org/teaching-and-guidance/the-six-virtues/ and not-for-profit book: https://mybook.to/TWB-The-Six-Virtues
- Positive Affirmation article: https://thewaybackgroup.org/articles/positive-affirmations/
- Barefoot walking video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LxoJIE0jnw
- Ep.007 where I mention blessings: https://thewaybackgroup.org/podcast/live-show-ep007-numerology/
- Guided meditation for heart awareness: https://thewaybackgroup.org/podcast/15-heart-chakra-love-guided-meditation/
- More about the Heart Chakra: https://thewaybackgroup.org/articles/heart-chakra/
Screenshots from the episode:
The image above comes from discussing Toshee’s question about seeing dark rays in the sky. The main image is the second one where God Rays are inverted. The image in the back right is of God Rays.
Thank you for listening to this show. If you’d like more spiritual content then check out “The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening” podcast and visit TheWayBackGroup.org where you’ll find loads of free resources to help you get the most from your spiritual journey. Check out my books and films. – Mark
Please note that a transcript, where present, has been automatically created based on the audio and so may contain some transcription errors. But we hope the benefit of having the words transcribed outweigh any glitches. Thanks.