Episode transcript:
[00:00:07] Welcome to The Way Back Live show podcast, discussing spirituality with me, your
host, Mark Zaretti. Each week I answer your questions, and though I may not have all the
answers, together we’ll make more sense of life one episode at a time.
[00:00:21] What you’re about to hear is the audio from the live show.
[00:00:26] Visit thewaybackgroup.org/live-show/ to find out more. Before we get to the actual live
show, I just need to explain that on this particular episode, at the start of the show, we were
experiencing a little bit of audio difficulties, and so the audio was cutting in and out. And what
this means is that we lost the first few minutes, really, of the show. So what you’re about to hear
starts about two and a half minutes into the show. Unfortunately, we couldn’t retrieve the original
audio, but it was really just the introductions and saying hello to people. So I’ll say hello to you
now and we’ll jump straight into the main part of the live show.
[00:01:09] Okay, this. That should make it a bit better. And look, it is a live show and sometimes
things do go wrong, but we’re all in this together, so. So thank you, everyone, for your help in
this matter and we can press on. So these are the topics that we’re going to be looking at today.
[00:01:26] The benefits of being more neutral in life.
[00:01:29] Spiritual insights into God and Jesus, Exploring the assisted dying Bill and what is a
virus, really? Now, these are all based on your questions. So let’s see where this leads us and
we’ll dive straight into the first question Millie asks. I’m aware that being neutral can help to
progress one’s spiritual journey. It would be really appreciated if you could discuss it, please.
What is neutrality? How to develop it, and why is it beneficial? And then another question, really,
which is, how does neutrality relate to stillness or to being present? So that’s introducing three
different things here. So we got the primary question, which is about neutrality and then also
about stillness and being present. And I love this question because this is really getting to the
kind of core of spirituality or certainly how we can be more spiritual. Now, what they’re saying
here is they’ve got an awareness that being neutral can help to progress one spiritual journey.
And this is something we’ve discussed in previous episodes as well. So the wise question is, so
if it’s useful, how can we do it?
[00:02:42] When you look up neutrality, it’s interesting. If you look up neutrality in dictionary, the
only real definitions are the stance that a country takes normally in terms of war. So, for
example, Switzerland was famously neutral during The Second World War. That’s probably
because that’s where all the gold and assets of the various countries at war were held on both
[00:03:08] But there’s no real spiritual definition. So if we take it back to really fundamental
principles, we’re in duality. And when things happen to us, we can either react, and that would be
more like habit or instinct, or we can simply observe.
[00:03:29] When we react, we’re not really awake, we’re asleep. When we react, we’re not really
in control. We’re being controlled. We’re being controlled by external forces, that which we are
reacting to, and we’re being controlled by internal forces, our habits, our patterns, our biases, our
prejudices, and all these things. So the opposite of that would be to simply observe. In other
words, you’re still in the situation, but you’re not reacting, you’re observing. And the simplest way
of understanding that is a bit like sitting back. So you’re in the world but not touched by it. Then
your action is no longer simply a reaction. It can be based on wisdom, intelligence, goodness,
righteousness, which means doing what is right, and all of these more noble or good qualities of
character and being. And so neutrality, you could say, is the gauge. How much are you reacting
versus how much are you observing? And if we think about spirituality, because the question
wisely says, look, to be more spiritual, we should be more neutral. Well, the most neutral thing is
that which is one thing everywhere, which is untouched by anything, but yet contains everything.
And that would be the source, God. And so if we take that as the benchmark, not that it’s
possible for us to achieve it as such, but more that it is what we should or could aspire towards,
then what we’re looking at is that if we try our best to replicate that, then we are practicing being
more neutral. So in practical terms, how can we do that? Well, we could say, well, look, if I was
God, not that. Not that we could be, but if I was, how would I react? Would I react? So in any
situation, you kind of ask yourself now, what would God do? But that’s a bit abstract because
God’s so far beyond our reach that it makes it intangible. And therefore it’s a bit too much of a
jump for a lot of people. But we’re lucky because we have actually had someone show us the
way in terms of how we could be more spiritual in our way of being, which is what this question
really talks to. And that is Jesus. And Jesus, I’m not talking religion here. I’m talking About a true
person that was alive, walked amongst people like us and taught them the truth about God, the
truth about love, the truth about spirituality. He showed them the way. His teachings were literally
called the way. So he showed them the way back to God and he was God. Which may well lead
on to another question. But the point is he had inner knowledge, he had inner state beingness of
God, that was totally unique. So he demonstrated neutrality in how he lived his life. And so we
could ask, what would God do? But we are blessed to be able to ask, what would Jesus do?
Because in this respect, Jesus almost acts like that bridge between who we are as humans
down here on the third dimension and that which we aspire to, which is God. But it’s too vast a
leap. So in the middle you’ve got a human who is God and bring them together.
[00:07:07] That’s one way of approaching this question, which is, you know, to say, well, how
can we be more neutral? And so by being inspired by the example that Jesus set us is a really
good starting point.
[00:07:24] So they’re asking, well, what is neutrality? It’s actually state. It’s not an attitude, it’s not
a belief, it’s not a habit. It’s what happens when there isn’t habit, when you let go of attitude,
when you don’t come from a place of belief and it requires you to be present. So the second
question was kind of, how does this relate to stillness and being present? So I’ll tackle the
present part. If you’re awake, then you have a chance to sit back and observe. Now that can be
literal. So in a tricky situation, just sit back and observe and don’t get engaged.
[00:08:06] That would be practising neutrality, going against the instinct to act or going against
the instinct to react.
[00:08:14] So that’s fundamentally how we can put it into practice in a practical way is by saying,
well, I’m going to stop. It’s like doing a timeout on the inside and going, right, time out, sit back.
That means don’t react, sit back, just let it be.
[00:08:32] Now all of the stuff that we’ve talked about over the last few weeks and months really
about acceptance, non judgment and these kinds of things play into this. And there’s for good
reason, because this is the goal, is to be more spiritual. So practice being more accepting,
practice being non judgmental, practice being humble. Because humility as well means we don’t
put ourselves forward, we stand back. Okay, Practice being grateful. So we don’t reject anything.
We simply are grateful for whatever opportunity it presents. Et Cetera. And so what I’m really
referring to here is the various. The six virtues. And I’ve talked about them at length in various
episodes and on our website. By the way, we’ve just updated the website, so at the bottom of the
homepage is a tag cloud, all the different things that we discuss. So you can literally just click on
the six virtues and you’ll find all the articles and videos and podcasts and things that talk about
the six virtues. So that would be the waybackgroup.org if you’re interested. But the point is that
these different virtues, which are like positive attitudes of character, help us to be more neutral
and therefore to be more good. Good, meaning godly. So it doesn’t mean we become God, but
we become more like the example that Jesus set as God. Okay, so it’s all there. It’s very. It’s
very easy. And how do we become more. Through intention. So first of all, we need to have the
intention to be more neutral. And then through practice. Because life isn’t a burden. Life is
literally school for our soul.
[00:10:15] And every moment, good and bad, difficult and easy, is actually a simply
fundamentally comes down to the opportunity that arises when we are present.
[00:10:30] So I’m kind of slowing down a bit to give you time to drop into this as well, to process
it, but to be it. So in other words, right now, okay, right now is a moment. And there can be layers
of internal dialogue, or you can start to practice what we’ve just been discussing, which is to just
be neutral, non judgmental, non reactive. Because it’s not just how you react on the outside, it’s
how you react on the inside.
[00:10:59] Accepting.
[00:11:02] And then you start to find that you’re becoming more neutral.
[00:11:07] And you’ll notice through experience, because remember so much of what I talk
about, this isn’t an intellectual journey, this is an experience journey.
[00:11:16] So hopefully, as you’re listening, if you’re listening again on a podcast, or if you’re
watching live now or watching on replay as we slow down a bit, you’re becoming more present
and more neutral. And it’s like, which came first? Well, they’re two sides of the same coin. The
more you become present, the more you can be more neutral. The more you become more
neutral, the more you can become present. Okay, so that kind of talks. I mean, being present is
kind of self explanatory, but it means not distracted and not unconscious. So if you’re
daydreaming, if you’re asleep, or if you’re just watching a movie, listening to music, and you’re
not really there, then you’re not really present. And in those altered states of distraction, which is
what most modern media aspires to engender within us, there is no real spiritual presence. And
therefore there isn’t really neutrality. But what about stillness? Because that was the other part of
the question is to talk about how does it relate to stillness or to being present? Now, here’s the
interesting thing. When we think about spirituality, we obviously, most people will probably
imagine someone meditating and sitting very still, and yet here I am talking to you, and there you
are listening and watching.
[00:12:36] So you can see I’m moving. You can see I’m thinking. You can see that there’s action.
[00:12:42] Okay, not much. I’m not running down the street or anything. But as far as this
situation goes, you’re probably active, maybe just, I don’t know, having a cup of tea or holding
your phone to watch this or whatever it is. But I’m certainly active talking to you. And yet, as
we’ve been talking about neutrality and as we’ve been talking about being present, so I have
[00:13:10] And yet I’m still being active. So stillness is not a prerequisite for neutrality. In fact,
there is great personal power or empowerment in being neutral in action and just by what? To
explain this in a more fundamental and crude way.
[00:13:33] Crude meaning more physical.
[00:13:35] Years and years ago, I trained as a kickboxer. And the first time you go into a ring and
you spar, and I mean, I was like 14, 15, and I was sparring against guys much bigger than me,
much older than me, but I was just having to be the youngest one in the class.
[00:13:49] The first time you go into a situation like that, it’s pure fear, it’s pure reaction, okay?
But what happened is through repetition, you get used to it. And then you can become more
present because you’re not in the animalistic, reactionary part of flight or fight or fear. You’re in
the more aware part. Now, I wasn’t a spiritual back then, and I didn’t know what we know now.
And if I did, I wouldn’t put myself in that situation. But the point I’m making is that in a very highly
stressful situation, through repetition, practice, I found that you could become more present. And
to be a good fighter, boxer, kickboxer, whatever it is, you need to have awareness. Awareness
of what the other person is doing. You also ingrain positive reaction. In other words, to block,
when appropriate, so that things that are good become instinctual. And that’s One of the benefits
of practicing what is good is that you naturally do more of it. So this is a bit of a metaphor, but it’s
also good example in a very base way of how through practice and repetition, you can become
more stateful. Because if you are more still more neutral and more present, then you are more in
your spiritual state, which means you’re less in your mind, less in your habits, less in your ego,
and less in your fear. Okay, so hopefully that kind of explains a bit around the the question. And I
thank Millie for that question. And also I just wanted to say hello to a few more people that have
joined us. So we’ve got Panther 9, Cuball, Marigold 0milli 2772, whose question it was hen 74
and Scottish bird and Rambo 365. So we got someone in Massachusetts and someone in
Croatia and people in England. So I think we can tick the it’s an international show box tonight.
So thank you all for joining. And if you’re listening, wherever you’re listening or watching again
from, please do put in the comments where you’re watching from. And at the end of the show, let
me know which is the part of the show that you’ve enjoyed the most or found most helpful.
[00:16:02] But now let us press on because as ever, there is limited time. So let us press on and
answer the next question, which is from Anon. So, dear Mark, could you explain how God and
Jesus are one and the same, please? Thank you. So that’s a great question. And I inadvertently
kind of started to answer this question by answering the previous question. And, you know, I’m
going to keep this really, really simple because when you’re talking about God and you’re talking
about Jesus, you. Well, one invariably could be mistaken for talking about religion. But as I’ve
explained so many times, and as it says literally in the strap line of the website that, you know,
finding God beyond religion, in other words, religion is religion, it’s not spirituality. And true
spirituality is the pursuit of God the source. Okay? So I want to keep it very much at that high
level, spiritual, tangible and understandable level, and not get drawn down into the quagmire of
belief. Okay? So one thing that is irrefutable, the Jesus Jesus existed back then, he wasn’t
called Jesus because J is quite a modern letter and there’s quite an interesting rabbit hole you
can go down as to that name. But fundamentally, who that represent, the Savior, we could, we
could say he who came as prophesied. And so just a Few quick little factoids.
[00:17:48] There were over 300 Old Testament prophecies that Jesus fulfilled in coming. And in
terms of historical figures, you know, you’ve got Plato and Aristotle and people like that.
[00:18:03] Most of them had between say 20 and 80 scrolls or manuscripts or historical
references that prove that they exist. Last, last time I looked into it, I think the number of
documented pieces of evidence that Jesus actually existed was in the order of about 27,800 and
[00:18:23] And he’s also referenced in pretty much every other so called religion. So you know,
even Buddha makes reference, even the Quran makes reference. All these other things do
reference back to him. Interestingly though, he doesn’t reference others. He is the source God.
And so the question rightfully is, can you explain how God and Jesus are one and the same?
Okay, so let’s just hit this at a very high level. So before anything, before time, before ages,
before even the idea of human was that which we would Noah’s God. Okay? And so there is an
order of precedence here. Jesus didn’t create God, God created Jesus. And yet confusingly,
Jesus is God.
[00:19:16] So let’s do a really, really simple story. So in the beginning, everything was, well, there
was nothing and then there was something. And then there was creation and then there was
man. And as we’re told in historical records, God made man in his own image.
[00:19:32] Now people will think, does that mean that God had arms, legs, eyes and nose? No, it
means that the qualities of what it is to be human, the goodness in us, the potential within us to
flourish and grow as a spiritual being is to grow and embody the qualities of goodness. And all
that is good came from God. So in other words, the more you become good, the more you fulfill
your potential to reflect God’s qualities. In other words, reflect the image of God. It’s not, in other
words, it’s not an aesthetic likeness, it’s a qualitative likeness of character, okay? But God
obviously is beyond all character and is one thing everywhere, beyond time, beyond limits. So
you can’t really point to God. You can’t stick a pin and go, there is God. Because that would
mean that something else is not God. God is one thing everywhere, okay?
[00:20:27] And yet here we are down here on the third dimension, the physical plane. Because
sometimes people wonder what does he mean when he says the third dimension? What I mean
is the physical manifest matter plane. You know, so where the body is now, we are more than
our body. We are our soul and our spirit and our aura and the love within us. And a few Other
really, really cool things, but keeping things really simple. We are, you could say, simplistically,
we are an energy being that temporarily domiciles within a physical body. The physical body is a
gift that allows us to have a rich experience through which we can make choices, to grow. And
that is, in a nutshell, the spiritual journey.
[00:21:10] But here we are, and it’s very hard down here to have awareness of what is greater.
And I’ll tell you now, not everything is the way it should, should be, okay? Because there are
things that have free will that choose to go against God. You even probably know people like that
[00:21:30] Forgive me. And so down here, where there is duality, hot and cold, light and dark,
good and bad, etcetera, Pain and joy, then we are in the melting pot and there’s all these
different things.
[00:21:49] One of the qualities of God is compassion.
[00:21:52] Another is love.
[00:21:55] God loves humanity and God has compassion for humanity. And so at some point it
was recognized that, let’s just keep it simple. The scales were slightly out of balance, and there
was more bad than good.
[00:22:10] Most of the good is within the souls and the spirit of those good humans who seek
God. Okay? I don’t mean they seek God in a religious sense or an even intellectual sense. It’s
more like that burning inner knowingness that there must be something more to life than this and
that there is something greater and that there is something missing in life. And so they’re
seeking to complete themselves through the. Through getting closer to God for keeping things
really simple.
[00:22:39] So out of compassion, God took on form as Jesus. Now, since God came first and
Jesus came second, then God is the Father and that which he created is the Son. Okay? So
when people talk about God and Jesus, Jesus is God, but he was also a human being. And that
was necessary so that Jesus could walk amongst us as one of us, to show us what is possible
for us.
[00:23:15] He is an example.
[00:23:18] His primary way of teaching was by example, you know, yes, there were stories and
parables and spoken word, but it was what people were inspired, you know, in other words, that
goes back to the wwjd. What would Jesus do? Is one of the greatest spiritual compasses that we
can embrace. And also that which I answered in the previous question. Now, again, I’m not
talking about religion. I’m talking about fundamentally the fundamental principle that Jesus is a
human being, but he’s also God. And that’s the kind of like the dualistic nature. So to answer the
question, and hopefully this goes some way towards that, could you explain how God and Jesus
are one and the same, because God is one thing everywhere and nothing can be taken away
from it or added to it. Then in a very nuts and bolts way, the reorganization or the coalescing of a
part of reality into a form that God could then come through. Ergo, Jesus did not take away
anything nor add anything to the overall totality of what God is. So they’re not mutually exclusive.
It’s not. There is this one and this one, and if you take that one away, then the other one is
diminished. Okay, so hopefully that answers that question. And I think it’s best to keep very
simple with these things and then understand, well, okay, so what is the purpose of, or how can I
put this into everyday life?
[00:25:01] So one of the fundamentals is to recognize that Jesus was different, special, and that
he is there as an example to allow us to say, well, what would Jesus do as one of the ways that
he can guide us? Secondly, to understand that if you pray, you can pray to Jesus or you can
pray to God, and it’s one in the same thing, but thirdly and importantly from a spiritual point of
view, because remember, look, when we die, we let go of our physical body and we go up,
whatever that means, okay? And then we come back and there’s so many people that have had
out of body experiences or past life regressions that this is, I think you have to actually be
denying the evidence to suggest that there is anything other than this. Not to mention thousands
of years of oral traditions and written records of the philosophy of things like reincarnation. Okay,
so what makes us think that if Jesus existed, which is almost, almost irrefutable now, that he
didn’t survive beyond the physical death because so many people have already experienced it
for themselves and they weren’t God. So let’s just put that one to bed and say, look, only the
physical died. Jesus still exists and he is God and He came to guide us. And so recognizing that,
then we. It’s like recognizing that you can’t respect one without the other. God sent Jesus, God
created Jesus and God is Jesus and Jesus is God. And therefore I think one of the biggest
damages that have been done either by partisan religion or by anti religious sentiment is to try
and dismiss Jesus and fundamentally to dismiss God. And if they’ve managed to convince
anyone to dismiss either of those two, then that person is spiritually potentially at a
disadvantage. Okay, so how can we use this knowledge is simply to recognize there’s just one
thing everywhere and we’ve been blessed with the opportunity to give it a name, Jesus, but to
also recognize the greatest aspect of it or the greatest expression of it, which is beyond time,
beyond limits, etc. So really good question and move on to the next question.
[00:27:25] If I press the right button. Okay, so this is going to get interesting and I apologize. Let
me move something because the screen’s just a little bit hidden there. So if we do this.
[00:27:44] Okay, so the UK government has raised a bill to implement legalised dying. I’m
hearing this on the radio, on the national radio news every hour while working. The report is
supported by an anecdotal interview with someone who is pro assisted dying, who feels his dad
should have had the right to choose to die. I notice this is biased. There is no counter interview
for why assisted dying might not be good. And the hourly reinforcement of this message
brackets on all media news channels isn’t helping. Please, can you explain natural versus
assisted death from a spiritual perspective? Thank you. That question came in yesterday and
then about 2 o’clock this afternoon I got. Oops, I again click on the right thing. I got this, which
was another email via the form where people can ask questions on the website. And it was
pretty much the Same question from Rambo365.
[00:28:38] Hi Mark, I have a question for. For one of your upcoming live shows. British
lawmakers are to consider proposals to give terminally ill people the right to end their life. The
extreme pain and suffering that some people experience must be unbearable. And I can see
how approval of this proposal would provide relief to so many who are suffering as well as their
families. However, I can see that this proposal law could be prone to abuse. People may feel
that it is not necessarily their right to die, but their duty to die so they are no longer a burden on
their families so they could leave behind inheritance. Could you provide a spiritual perspective
on this proposal of assisted dying? Thanks. Okay, so let’s dive into this first. Let’s just cover a
few practical things. So I read the entire bill this morning and it was pretty boring, but really,
really important stuff. And as you know, those of you that have been following this show, I’ve
been present at the deathbed of a person who was terminally ill and suffering a lot of pain. So I
know where the goodwill of this bill is coming from.
[00:29:45] But. And there is a big but.
[00:29:50] You know, I’ll park and put aside the fact that I’m a trained biologist and I could look at
it from the biology point of view.
[00:29:59] Just be frank and talk spiritually.
[00:30:04] Life is a gift.
[00:30:06] Okay?
[00:30:08] And yes, we can talk about compassion and we can talk about suffering and things.
Most of you will know if you’ve. You know, from what I’ve already said in previous episodes, that
good people, good human. Good human beings should never really suffer. If they have dis ease,
it’s normally because of an unresolved life lesson. And the moment they resolve that lesson, the
suffering should go away. However, things like cancer are often done to good people by dark
forces because they are good. And it’s not just. It’s not the will of God and it’s not how it should
be. And so what I’m going to broach is talking very much about good people. When it comes to
people who are deliberately dark or satanic or evil, then they’re not in the scope of what I would
be talking about here.
[00:30:57] So let’s just say we’re talking about fundamentally good people who are suffering
unjustly. So they’ve not through any fault of their own, not because of a life lesson, but because
of interference from dark forces or misfortune, injury, etc. Accidents are suffering greatly.
[00:31:18] Now, there’s a couple of things to contemplate from a spiritual perspective.
[00:31:25] And I know how real this is.
[00:31:28] I’ve been there and, you know, so I have compassion for people in this situation.
What this bill really is is a suicide bill to exonerate or allow medical professionals to euthanase a
person, provided that three criteria are met, which are fundamentally that the person is in a state
where they could give their consent, that they do give their consent, and that they gave their
consent freely. So in its ideal positive side, then you would say, well, these people are free to
choose. And so spiritually, we talk about free will. So someone could, of their own free will,
choose to die. What this bill allows is for it to be done to them medically. You know, and when
you read it, basically the person who chooses to die has to be the person either presses the
button or swallows the tablets. They can have help, like someone could hold the button for them,
but it has to be them. And that’s because the act of killing themselves has to be done by
[00:32:32] And the bill basically protects the medical professionals and the family from being
complicit in suicide and reclassifies the death as not suicide. Okay? That’s fundamentally what
the bill is all about.
[00:32:45] So in its positive ideal, it’s an act of compassion. And that’s the justification. Excuse
me, that’s the justification that those pushing the bill will give, and a lot of people will support it
out of compassion. Because no one likes to see anyone suffer. Okay, so let’s just throw in a few
things that we already understand spiritually from previous shows or maybe new to you if you’ve
not joined us before.
[00:33:10] As I said, there is dis ease caused by imbalances because of resisting a life lesson.
And the moment that is resolved, the illness, whatever it is, will normally go away and there’ll be
full recovery. So if someone’s going down that route, then it’s not appropriate that they come to
an end. It’s just simply that they haven’t been spiritually coached or haven’t understood the
situation well enough.
[00:33:38] And for the best part, good people probably won’t get to that extreme where they
would then consider bringing it to an end.
[00:33:47] When we’re born, we already have our life plan, and that includes when we will die.
And for the best part, all the exercise, good diet, and all the other things don’t really change the
longevity of a person. They just change the quality of life. When it’s your time, it’s your time.
[00:34:05] Sometimes people will live longer out of a grace because God has seen the good that
they are doing or the good that they have done and rewards it with more time to do good. And
believe it or not, sometimes people prolong because of negative interference to, you know, if the
person’s past their time. But the forces of. That’s just, you know, forces of darkness, call it
magic, whatever.
[00:34:32] Black magic will be employed to prolong the life of someone because it may prolong
their suffering or it may be advantageous because that person has become quite dark and the
forces of darkness want to keep them around. So that’s why some of the people that are quite
bad will live a very, very, very long life because they’re being supported against the natural flow
of life and death in that case. So I found examples of both and it’s quite interesting.
[00:35:01] Now, fundamentally, what is the problem with this? Bill, it’s well intentioned and on the
surface I could justify it from a rational scientific point of view.
[00:35:17] Life is precious and it’s not given by anything but that which is one thing everywhere.
[00:35:24] So when we incarnate as good human beings, that is an amazing gift. You wouldn’t
believe it, but there is actually a queue of humans on higher dimensions who are not currently
incarnate, who are waiting to incarnate, because when they’re not down here, they realize what
a blessing, what a gift, and what an opportunity it is to grow and spiritually mature by being alive
on the third dimension. It is an absolute gift. And if we keep that in our heads, then we can keep
gratitude, you know, at the forefront and we can keep being grateful no matter how hard it gets.
Now, I’ve seen people go through really quite serious illness and they’ve. They’ve done it with
grace, with neutrality, with faith, and they are inspirational. And as a result, they have grown
significantly, significantly in their spirit and their soul. And they will come out of this life at the end
a far better person then they came in.
[00:36:22] So even in difficult times and suffering and pain, there can be these great qualities of
character, okay? And if it is your time, it’s your time and you will pass. And I know one person
who passed recently, and they were supported by Jesus on the inside so that they didn’t suffer
too much. In other words, they lost consciousness when it got to a point where they. They could
not recover from it. And it was a kindness to allow them to not suffer for the last part of the
journey of the physical body. In other words, the soul and the spirit had done all that they came
to do, all that they could do, and it was time to let go. And in that case, the dis ease or the illness
was simply the vehicle to moving them on. Now, whether it started off justly or not, in the end,
compassion was still served, okay? So they wouldn’t need to have engaged with could I have
assisted dying because it was being taken care of by the forces of goodness, if you like.
[00:37:32] What’s the big problem?
[00:37:34] The problem is that this is actually being orchestrated as a stepping stone by that
which is dark and evil. Now, I’m not saying that the lords and the politicians are deliberately
going, you know, rubbing their hands in glee and being all satanic about it. But the root of the
idea has been the seed has been planted by those who are dark and satanic. And the reason is
there’s like a lot of converging, subtle things here.
[00:38:09] The Court of Human Rights Bill was changed so that your personal rights get
removed if it’s deemed for the benefit of the greater good, which is a very loose phrase. And
then, for example, the World Economic Forum is proposing and pushing the environmental
agenda to the point where you won’t have a right to a car or your credit card will be canceled if
you spend more on, you know, if your carbon credits stack up to a certain amount and you won’t
be able to Travel more than 5km from your home because of the saving the environment, okay?
[00:38:46] And so that’s done in the interest of the greater good. Now It’s a small leap from that,
you know, limiting your use to fuel and travel and transport and your basic rights like they’re
already talking about. You won’t be able to fly more than once every three years and things like
this to looking at the carbon footprint of a human being and saying if this person is old or sick,
then they’re not contributing to society, but they’re consuming and therefore they’re a burden.
And because of the threat of the environment, then it’s for the greater good that they cease to be
a burden.
[00:39:29] But they can’t just jump straight into that. So what they have to do is first of all get the
idea into people that it’s perfectly all right to bring someone’s life to an end under certain
circumstances. So this is the very thin edge of a very dark wedge. And the underlying goal here
is to change life from being perceived sacred, to be sanctified and protected at all costs, which is
the root of the Hippocratic oath, which all medical professionals take, do no harm, protect life,
etc. Okay? It’s to shift the focus from the sanctity, the sacredness, meaning life is divine in origin
to life is a quantifiable, controllable commodity. Because if you can determine the start and the
end of something, then you control it. And think about it, they’ve already normalized termination
of babies, okay, Very hot topic in America at the moment. But this didn’t exist long time ago. This
is a new thing. This is the modern age. So there are more children being killed. It’s like a
[00:40:54] Now, whatever the justification is, and I know there’s always fringe justifications, I’m
not going to go there in terms of, you know, in certain circumstances it is right. It is justifiable at a
certain point. But as a zeitgeist for the planet, we’re now at a stage in our, if you can call it
evolution, where humanity or people are terminating babies in utero.
[00:41:18] And there’s even, you know, if you, if you look into it, if babies aren’t wanted, then in
certain places they’re. Once they’re born, they’re just left on a table and abandoned. Okay?
[00:41:29] So that’s the start of life being controlled by the will, the desire and the choices of
people. So that’s a disrespect of life at the very start. And now what they’re introducing is the
opportunity to disrespect the duration of life. So up till now, you could kill someone in war, but
now you can.
[00:41:55] It starts with the person can elect to kill themselves and then moves on to.
[00:42:02] You know, I hope I’m wrong, but this is what I’m given that it will move on to. It’s
deliberately planned to be. Once you get people used to the idea, then you just expand the
boundaries of what is a terminal situation, or when does a person cross that line of they should
no longer live. Okay, so it is a very, very dark agenda. It is not a very spiritual agenda. The
spiritual way is to be completely respectful of life and to understand the bigger picture, which I’ve
alluded to, which is when you are born, when you are dying, when you will die, these things are
already written for you.
[00:42:42] How you go about your life is what is important.
[00:42:48] And till the very last minute, your life is a wonderful opportunity to spiritually grow, to
advance your soul. And when you die, which means your physical body goes away, everything
else, all that you are, continues, enriched by the experience that you’ve had in this life. And goes
right back to the first question. The more you are awake, the more you are present, then the
more you seize those opportunities. Okay, so again, this is such a big topic and we could really
keep looking into it. And there’s. There’s so much more I could say on this matter. But I just
wanted to give you the fundamental spiritual headline that behind this is a very, very dark and
evil idea and that fundamentally it’s not good, it’s not spiritually. Right. And if a person is at that
point where they’re suffering, there is so much that could be done from a spiritual perspective. If
they’re a good person, then there’s healing, there’s prayer, there’s compassion, there’s
understanding. And I know because I’ve worked with people who are terminally ill and they’re in
a lot of pain and just some simple healing pieces of work. And, you know, because I always get
people to calibrate, so they’d be like eight or nine out of ten on pain, and five minutes later,
without any medication or drugs, they can be down to, say, one or two. And it’s literally quite
inspiring and amazing to think that that is possible. And a lot of it’s to do with healing, and a lot of
it is also to do with the first question, which is neutrality and state. So if you can maintain state,
then you can actually help regulate your own levels of pain and suffering.
[00:44:37] But remember, no good human child or adult should ever suffer. And so when there is
suffering, that’s an opportunity to look into it. Is this a lesson or is this interference, and I’ve
talked about that. I think it was episode seven or eight where I talked about cancer. So it’s
definitely worth looking back at that. So, yeah, respect life, value it and take the. It’s like, take the
blinkers off. Whenever something is being sold to you on its virtue, whenever something is being
justified, it’s probably unjust.
[00:45:16] That which is truthful, righteous, and just doesn’t need justification. It will stand on its
own two feet and it will just fit and seem right. Anything where there is a lot of energy and effort
going into selling it to you, to justifying it using case studies and examples, you know, to, you
know, narrow examples to do broad brushstroke changes to law and legislation and rights, be
very wary because what is good is good and will always ring true, and what is wrong and dark
and deceptive will always need a lot of justification and a lot of effort put into it to try and
convince you that it is the right thing.
[00:46:01] Okay, so let’s move on to the next question.
[00:46:09] Gary asks, what exactly is a virus?
[00:46:14] And from one small topic to the next.
[00:46:17] So his thoughts on this are, do they exist on both higher non physical and lower
physical dimensions? And some, I guess, I mean, some people have suggested, particularly
during the recent Covid situation, that there was or is no virus.
[00:46:34] And then. So the second part of his question really is, how are viruses spread on the
third dimension?
[00:46:40] Okay, so here we go. This is why we’re on Rumble, because if we were on YouTube,
there is no way we could have this discussion.
[00:46:49] I actually was, you know, for researching the books that I’m currently working on, I
stumbled across something to do with viruses four or five years ago, kind of round about before
the time of the start of the COVID thing. Now, my background, by the way, is I’m a trained
biologist and I studied immunology, virology, parasitology at Manchester University and then
went on and did a master’s in bioinformatics. And I was working for Pfizer when we were, you
know, collectively, we, the industry, were working on completing the human genome sequencing
project and things like that. So I’ve got a bit of a background that I can understand things.
[00:47:31] So what I discovered spiritually about viruses was quite surprising, but makes perfect
sense. Okay, now I’m going to take a side step here and talk about the idea of manifestation. So
you’ve probably heard of the law of manifesting or the teachings of Abraham. And I’ve done
quite a lot in the past to put a bit of a Spiritual common sense cap on those things and also to
debunk the idea that these things are actually good because they’re not. But what they are
alluding to or talking about is the fact that that is kind of accurate is that before things manifest
down here in the physical, there’s normally an energetic or a thought based component to them
on higher dimensions.
[00:48:19] So let me, let me explain that in very, very simple terms. So for example, I don’t know
if you can see this crystal ball. So if I wanted to manifest this crystal ball on the physical plane,
but starting on a higher dimension, first of all, we, I would, on a higher dimension visualize a
sphere, okay.
[00:48:47] And then I would color it in with its qualities, so its heaviness, its uniform density, its
opaqueness, etc. In other words, I’d get a good idea of what is wanted and then I’d hold that
focus. That’s the idea of manifesting. Now the reality is that purposefully manifesting is actually
wrong because it’s driven by desire and ego. It’s not going with the natural flow of things. It’s
trying to gamify and tweak reality for our own gain, which is always an act of ego. But
fundamentally that would be how you’d go about it. So that works for something simple.
Basically sphere clear, heavy glass, nice and easy to define and hey presto, stung. There we go.
So what if a long time ago the forces of darkness took a look at the situation on earth and said,
well, you know, these, these humans are all very happy and we don’t want that, we want a lot of
[00:49:49] Why do we want negativity? Well, it’s something to do with this thing called Lucian. L
O O S H and I will go into it, but basically they need negative energy and happy humans do not
give off negative energy. Miserable humans do. So on a higher dimension they devised the idea
of, well, what became a virus.
[00:50:15] But on higher dimensions it’s not a virus. It’s fundamentally geometry, energy and
intention. Okay, so intention is like having a thought. So on a higher dimension, if the. Those that
are dark and evil enough, you know, going back to the Stonehenge documentary, I talk about
these things at length. So if you’ve not seen that, that’s a good kind of grounding in all of this.
But let’s just call it the enemy. Those that are dark and kind of non human demonic things.
Okay? Talked about in every culture for as long as there’s been any kind of recorded history.
Very real, quite annoying. Okay, so they’re annoyed that humans are happy and healthy and
loving each other and getting on with life in a good way. So what they do is they say what we
need is something that we can spread into them that will bring misery and suffering. So the
intention of misery and suffering is there, but then you need a vehicle for it. So you put it inside a
geometry. Think of like a buckminster ball. So like a geometric geode, okay? Like literally like the
wireframe of a football, okay, with lots of hexagons, that kind of thing. So you have this geodesic
structure, and inside it you put the intention, and then that’s not enough because you need
energy to propel and fuel this dark act. And so you put evil energy into it. Okay, so you have a
ball, a geometric ball with intention and energy. Now, what is a virus?
[00:51:52] Well, typically it’s a geodesic sphere, a sphere made up of the geometry of lipids,
normally with proteins on, but keeping it, you know, keeping it simple. They all. Proteins are
geometric structures. And then within it you have information in the. In the case of messenger
rna, ribonucleic acid, so a series of bases that code for something. Okay, I’m keeping it really
simple because that DNA or messenger rna or RNA is actually coded information. Well, what’s
an intention? An intention is coded information.
[00:52:44] It’s just that it’s like if you took binary code. 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1st, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, whatever.
Don’t try and translate that. I have no idea what I just spelled out in binary. But the point is you
could put that through a computer and it would give you a couple of ASCII characters, okay? So
if you had a long enough sequence of ones and zeros, then you would get a series of words,
and the meaning is whatever is encoded. Same for rna, it’s base four. So you’ve got four
different characters. Da da da da da da da three. I can’t remember. My biology is so rusty. But
basically, you get the idea. It’s a digitized sequence that encodes information on the physical
plane. That information then gets translated into a physical structure protein, okay?
[00:53:34] And then the shape and structure of the protein determines what it interacts with and
what it does.
[00:53:41] Okay? So in the case of COVID the spike protein, you know, was is very key to its
pathology and its function, but that’s coded for by an intention within it, which is stored as rna.
So a virus is simply a geometric shape containing information and energy. And in the case of
viruses, even on the physical dimension, that Energy is always evil. And most of the
temperature, the fever, the aches, the pains, the bad mood is not because of the virus or the
body’s response to it. It’s because of the deposition of evil, bad energy within a person.
[00:54:29] And then why does that happen? Because then when you get sick and you get angry
and you get frustrated and you get bothered and hot and you feel low, then you’re generating
low dark energy that then feeds the next kind of the replicated virus and charges that up to
transmit onto the next person or onto your next set of cells. And so it’s a vicious cycle. And so
one of the ways to break a viral infection on the third dimension is to stay in state and remain
positive. Okay.
[00:55:04] And so we keep staying very high level and the biologists will be jumping all over this,
but I’m talking about spiritual concepts here.
[00:55:15] And if you, if they’re honest, they will admit, okay, so virus is literally just a geometric
ball with encoded information.
[00:55:24] And the bit they probably can’t quantify because it’s hard to measure is the actual
energy. And by the way, when people talk about long form Covid, it’s not long form Covid. Well,
there’s two, there’s two schools to this. And this will be the answer to the second part of the
question. Partly it’s vaccine damage, but partly it’s the persistence of this dark evil energy. And if,
if someone’s in a position to remove that energy, like a powerful healer, the person will make a
very rapid recovery. And one of the interesting things is some people will have all of the
symptoms of a viral infection, but all they’ve got is the energy. And you clear the energy and the
temperature goes, the headache goes, the moodiness goes. But if you can maintain a positive
vibration and not drop into a negative mood, then you’ll find that if you do get a viral infection, it
won’t go as long and it won’t be as severe and you’ll recover a lot quicker. And that’s why people
talk about laughter being the best medicine, because it keeps you in a positive, buoyant state.
But going back to the specifics of the question, then, do they exist? Yes, but on higher
dimensions they’re not the same as they are on lower dimensions. But if you took one of those
higher dimensional viruses and deliberately moved it down into a person on the third dimension,
then it will coalesce into a physical virus and then it will spread using the normal physical
mechanisms of virus spreading. And that’s what happened about 8,000 years ago. To the
population of good humans who were in Egypt. And it was done deliberately by beings on higher
dimensions to create more this loosh energy that was negative. Why? To act as fuel for the kind
of incumbent technology that was being developed in Egypt at that time. And if you wonder what
I’m talking about, we’re talking about pyramids, okay? So you, you see the, the kind of. Well, it
started with Zugarats and then it. And then about 200 years later, pyramids. And a lot of people
now are waking up to the fact that pyramids were potentially some kind of, almost like a power
station or a transformer taking certain kinds of Earth energies. Well, what they were actually
taking was the misery and suffering. And that’s partly why the people that built them wanted
slave labor, because those people were treated badly and that added to the loosh. Now what is
loosh? Loosh is the group emotional energy. Okay?
[00:57:56] So if you want to go right down the rabbit hole, you’ll find a good example of this with
Project Pegasus, which was a recent supposed solar eclipse. But it wasn’t a solar eclipse
because the moon was seen in the sky away from the sun. And yet everyone was celebrating
this eclipse, but it was something else. And it was to do with dark technology. And to drive it,
they needed all of this emotional energy from people. And so when you have something
spectacular like a solar eclipse and everyone’s gathered there, then it’s very easy to like imprint
upon them the desired emotion that you want. And people were literally on TV going, I don’t
know why, I just feel really emotional. This is so emotional. And they’re bursting into tears. And
it’s because while they were all gathered, all focused on one thing, that which was dark and evil
was focused on them, imprinting almost like telepathically the desire for a certain kind of energy.
And then the people were literally bursting into tears.
[00:58:57] Like massive swathes of people were getting all very emotional. And it’s because
pretty much most emotions are actually negative. So loosh, if you kind of Google it, there’s very
little information about it, but there’s one or two websites and they promote it as a spiritual
energy. It’s not, it’s a very dark, low level energy and it’s primarily desired by beings and things
that are dark and negative. They like to feed on it. But it’s, it’s not the individual energy. It’s what
happens when you get a whole group of people feeling particularly strong in emotions. And so
you just have to think about your favourite pop star who’s on stage and got everyone whipped up
into a frenzy, you know, and all those little swifties and people. And then that person on stage
starts to do satanic or demonic rituals, you know, or use demonic iconography. And again, just
Google it. It happens. And suddenly you’ve got all of these people in a really heightened
emotional state all focused on that one individual. And that one individual starts to bring into the
experience symbology and things that are very dark and evil because they know what they’re
doing, they’re mopping all of that loosh energy out of the crowd to do bad things with. Okay, so I
mean, look, we can go right into a tangent here, but I just, sometimes it’s just wise just to be
aware of these things, but then always bring it back to, well, what’s the spiritual significance of
this? So I’ve already explained that. Yeah, look, viruses do exist on higher dimensions. One of
the things you can do is make sure that you maintain state, don’t fall into negativity to
understand what they are, that you can seek healing if you’re in that position to do so and to
understand that it’s something being put into you to chart to try and engender a negative state.
[01:00:46] Okay.
[01:00:48] Now even on the physical level, there’s lots that you could do, but just being aware of
these things is a starting point. And you know, the question is also, people have suggested that
the, for example, in Covid that there is no virus.
[01:01:04] The truth is, if you actually ask from a spiritual perspective, was there a COVID virus?
The answer is no.
[01:01:10] If you ask from a spiritual perspective was, well, it took me a while to get to it, you
know, but eventually I asked the question, well, was there a biological weapon? And the answer
was a very strong yes. So the COVID virus is a lipid ball. So that’s basically fats.
[01:01:40] And within it is messenger rna, which isn’t that it’s a bit different from what you would
expect. And there’s a lot of suggestion that was biologically engineered.
[01:01:53] And then it has the spike protein. Now the spike protein is really important. It was
chosen because it mimics certain proteins that are found in the human body and causes the
human body to attack its own reproductive system. In other words, if you wanted to design a
biological weapon to depopulate the world through infertility, then the COVID so called virus
would be a very good example. And one of the things it does is the spike protein actually comes
out in the sweat and saliva of people who are expressing it.
[01:02:31] In other words, if you’ve had the messenger RNA vaccine that puts the production of
the spike protein into your system so that you actually produce it and then anyone you come into
contact with will then theoretically get infected as well.
[01:02:47] Yeah, you couldn’t make this stuff up, but.
[01:02:51] So there was something, I wouldn’t say it was a traditional virus. It was more like a
biological weapon that was mass released. Now the last part of the question is how do viruses
spread on the third dimension?
[01:03:02] The mundane way is that, you know, you sneeze, you cough, you touch and you pick
up a virus. That’s if it’s already manifest and it’s being expressed by people. But when they’re
first introduced, then as I said, they can be brought down from higher dimensions. So when a
new virus is created, it can be brought down. In other words, when a new intention is created
and a new structure is created, it can be brought down, put into a group of people and then it will
coalesce into physical form over a period of time and then it will run its course like a normal
virus. But another way is on the third dimension, believe it or not, if, let’s just say some
organization or group wishes to spread a virus, one of the ways they do it is they release it into
the atmosphere and then they use weather manipulation to whip up a storm, to spread it rapidly.
And you know, if you, if you search like for patents on weather controlling, you know, there’s
been a really good example recently with the hurricane the other day.
[01:04:09] There are loads of patents held by the American military and other organizations to
manipulate the weather, to change the direction of tornadoes, to speed up or slow down
tornadoes. You also just look into things like HAARP, H, A, R, P, etc. This is so actually becoming
mundanely documented that it’s right there at your fingertips. So weather manipulation is another
way by which they, you know, particularly if you get a dry wind, because they don’t want rain
because rain will wash out the viral particles. So when you get these like Sahara winds and
things like that, where a lot of dust gets moved around, quite often that’s deliberately whipping
up, moving viruses from their point of origin to their target zone. You know, so there’s layers is
what I’m trying to say. There is the mundane physical biological mechanism by which an
established virus will move. But then there’s the nefarious dark technology methods that they
use to move viruses. And then there is the higher or the higher dimensional way where a target
of an individual or group that are being targeted will be infected with a virus. And yeah, it’s, you
couldn’t make this stuff up. It’s like the stuff of sci fi, but it’s actually real.
[01:05:26] And you know, again, it’s like you can probably prove the first, but the second and the
third way, good luck with that. So you just have to do your own research and look into these
things. But again, the key message isn’t that it’s happening. The key message is that you are a
good human being. And if you maintain state, if you stay positive, then think about it. A virus is a
manifest physical in intention. So what about your intentions, you know, because I can tell you
now, you as a human being are far more powerful than anything that really, than anything that
can be done to you. And remember who loves you, you’re loved by God.
[01:06:09] So remember, there is always prayer. And I’m not talking about religion here, they
stole the idea. But God existed before religion. Prayer existed before religion. Prayer is a human
having a strong intention, a desire, a good one, not an ego one, not a materialistic one, but a
desire for good that they direct at God in humility.
[01:06:35] Okay, so let’s see where we’re at, because I’m aware that we are. That time is moving
on and I believe, yeah, we are. At the end of this week’s show, there’s a few things I wanted to
share with you. So hopefully you’ve got some positives out of this. I know that sometimes we’re
tackling some very big subjects, but I just wanted to share with you some news. So the
waybackgroup.org yeah, the waybackgroup.org website has recently been revamped. So there’s
a lot of really useful stuff on there. It’s much easier to navigate and there’s some really cool
features that allow you to search. For example, at the bottom of the homepage you’ll find a tag,
cloud related articles and things like this. So everything that I’ve produced that could be of use is
probably on there.
[01:07:26] We’ve got an exciting show next week, that’s all I’m going to say. And on the 31st of
October, which I believe is a Thursday, then we’re going to have a Halloween special. And that’s
again all I’m going to say on this matter. But I am going to start emailing stuff out. So if you
haven’t already done so, I say go to thewaybackgroup.org Let me see if I can share this with
you. Here we go. So if you go to the new website and you scroll to the bottom then you’ll see this
link here. Get my free newsletter. So if you haven’t already done so, just click on that link and
sign up to our free newsletter because I’m going to be doing some announcements soon and the
final thing I wanted to share with you is I’ve been very busy doing the doing the website revamp
and so I apologize, but the last two episodes haven’t yet been released as podcasts. But don’t
worry, that is going to happen in the next few days as well as this episode, which will also be
released as a podcast as soon as humanly possible. And on that note, I wish you all well
wherever you are. Be good, make good choices, and God bless you.
[01:08:34] Hello, this is Mark Zaretti and I wanted to thank you for taking the time to listen to this
podcast. If you’re looking for more spiritual resources, then definitely check out
thewaybackgroup.org and if you’ve enjoyed this, then I highly recommend my other podcast,
which is called the Way Back to Spiritual Awakening. I look forward to joining you on our next
live show podcast.
Episode notes:
00:01:13 Introduction to topics in this episode:
Benefits of being neutral in life. Spiritual insights into God and Jesus. Exploring the Assisted dying bill. What is a virus really.
00:01:50 Neutrality & Jesus shows how to develop it.
First we explore neutrality and how it ties in to spirituality. What are the external forces controlling us and how to overcome them? This leads onto Jesus and how he can teach and inspire us, even today. Then we look at the relationship between neutrality and stillness. Also the importance of being present. In practical terms we learn how to cope with challenging situations in everyday life.
00:16:10 How are Jesus and God one?
We take a high-level non-religious exploration of the relationship between God and Jesus and Jesus and us. What does “made in God’s own image” mean for us? Are we more than our bodies. Why did God create Jesus? How can we use this in everyday life? There are three important things to understand about this. How can I say that Jesus still exists. And what is the belief that puts people at a spiritual dissadvantage. A real wake-up call because once this bill passes then it opens the door to more evil.
00:27:24 The UK’s Assisted Dying bill, a spiritual perspective.
I explain why this bill is not a good idea, not just from a personal spiritual perspective, but from the dangerous Satanic real reason for this bill. First we must contemplate what life really is and what dark forces want to make it. Though the bill is on the surface compassionate, it isn’t true compassion and is actually a stepping stone to a much darker future. Instead let us understand what can we do spiritually to support people at the end of life? Also how to spot deception and darkness in the media.
00:46:05 What’s a Virus? Spiritually speaking was Covid a virus or a weapon?
I start by explaining how manifesting stuff on higher dimensions works. Then I explained how dark forces created the first virus as a means to make humanity suffer. Why is it that a virus makes you feel so bad, and how does that affect your energy? Knowing this we learn how to break a viral infection. What causes long-form covid? How can you speed up recovery from a virus. Loosh energy is explained and this brings up pyramid technology and also what happens when people got to a pop concert. From a spiritual perspective Covid was a biological weapon, not a virus. Did you know that there are 3 ways a virus is spread in the population and most people only know one.
Ultimately I remind you what you can do to help yourself spiritually to mitigate or reduce the risk of virus.
01:06:44 A few news items to share…
Website revamp with new features. Halloween special coming up. Sign up to newsletter
Links to things mentioned in this episode:
- Watch the original live show video on Rumble: https://rumble.com/v5j28yz-ep.032-covid-virus-neutrality-uk-death-bill-171024-discussing-spirituality-.html#
- Episode 30 “It’s 2028”: Full podcast and transcript: https://thewaybackgroup.org/podcast/ep-030-dragons/ Or watch the original video on Rumble: https://rumble.com/v5ham1o-ep.030-dragons-astrology-meditation-031024-discussing-spirituality-with-mar.html
- Assisted Dying Bill UK 2024: https://bills.parliament.uk/bills/2875
- Manifesting & Abraham: https://thewaybackgroup.org/tag/abraham/
- Stonehenge documentary: https://thewaybackgroup.org/stonehenge/
- Vaccine induced deaths: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=vaccine+induced+death
- Loosh misconceptions: https://loosh.co.uk/spiritual-energy/
- Project Pegasus: https://fb.watch/uW_ZnKcQSw/
- The Way Back Newsletter signup: https://thewaybackgroup.org/contact/spiritual-newsletter-signup/
Thank you for listening to this show. If you’d like more spiritual content then check out “The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening” podcast and visit TheWayBackGroup.org where you’ll find loads of free resources to help you get the most from your spiritual journey. Check out my books and films. – Mark
Please note that a transcript, where present, has been automatically created based on the audio and so may contain some transcription errors. But we hope the benefit of having the words transcribed outweigh any glitches. Thanks.
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