Ep.007 Unspiritual politics. Numerology, guardian angels, and the Martin Hibbert Manchester Arena bombing story. Prayer & Blessings: Live Show Discussing Spirituality with Mark Zaretti

The Way Back Live Show - Discussing Spirituality
Ep.007 Unspiritual politics. Numerology, guardian angels, and the Martin Hibbert Manchester Arena bombing story. Prayer & Blessings: Live Show Discussing Spirituality with Mark Zaretti

An apology. Revisiting the US state maps. Understanding how favours the “Satanic” influence, altering the spiritual vibration of a place. Why being truthful is so important and why those who don’t value truth may be unspiritual? How your personal responsibility, free will, and level of are at risk from non-spiritual ideologies like the UK’s public order act and Canada’s Bill C16. How to overcome such dark ideologies and the anti-spiritual movement. Why did America’s crime rate rise by 28.5% in just one year?
, the number 22, blessings by the Martin Hibbert story. He survived the Manchester Arena bombing at the Ariana Grande concert. The truth about numerology and how to be blessed in . Plus, was the female apparition in Martin Hibbert’s childhood bedroom really a guardian angel?
Question: Should you be asking for people to bless you or pray for you or your family?

Related Resources:

Spiritual versus Satanic map of UK
map of freedom

Thank you for listening to this show. If you’d like more spiritual content then check out “The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening” podcast and visit TheWayBackGroup.org where you’ll find loads of free resources to help you get the most from your spiritual journey. Check out my books and films. – Mark

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