Before we look at supporting a dying loved one, we start by discussing why teenagers start to demonstrate ego and how to navigate that as a parent. But also to understand the natural side of the process and how some behaviours are actually not ego but rather part of the process of a child becoming a free-will-adult. Next we answer the question as to whether we are born with an ego and if not how does it come about? We also discuss “Monkey see, monkey do” and how parents might en-train poor behaviour. This leads on to how ego is your choice, even if you don’t realise it and how that relates to your spiritual growth.
Next there is a beautiful testimonial of how embracing the Six Virtues (Gratitude) has helped cope with the dying of a loved one and ultimately overcome the loss of them. Then the question is asked, is there anything that can be done spiritually to help a loved one pass away as well as supporting those who grieve. I discuss a number of approaches including prayer, healing and more, but importantly the right way to be within yourself to avoid negativity.
We share comments from those viewing live and how they use prayer and the virtues on a daily basis.
Next we explore whether we know more spiritually in these days versus during the time of Jesus 2000 years ago. This is based on a discussion inspired by Luke 8:16-18. First I explore a couple of quotes from Genesis and Isaiah which reference souls and spirits and a 2800 year old warning to people about false spirituality.
Then I double down on why Mindfulness meditation is a trap if you have spiritual aspirations. This is in response to a comment posted on one of the short videos stating “Mindfulness is a trap” I then explain that I used to teach mindfulness amongst other techniques and that having taught hundreds of people I’ve observed first hand how “mindfulness” practitioners are often unable to go beyond that practice, trapping them.
The discussion of Luke 8:16 then provokes an interesting discussing with those attending about whether you can know the future, framed in the context of prophesy. I explain the contradiction of free will and yet that God can give prophesy. Is your life-span pre-determined or can you live longer through choice? I explain how things like Tarot can provide a snapshot into the future. This brings up “Divine Intention” again which we discussed in Ep.019.
Next we talk about the spiritual implications for a mother and child born as a result of rape. I acknowledge the difficulty of discussing such things and urge those listening to come from a place of sensitivity, neutrality and spiritual maturity. This discussion arose as a result of talking about love and relationships in Ep.020. There is positive news, and there are things that can be done, spiritually speaking, to help support the mother and the child in such a situation. The situation when a woman rapes a man is also discussed in answer to a question raised.
Soul Trees, what are they, who’s in them and who can join them? We explore who you hang out with between physical incarnations. We also explore who you will be with when you die. Will you be re-united with loved ones, your kids, your spouse? Is there romantic idealism or truth in the notion that “we will meet again”?
PART 2 – Bonus on the Satanic Paris Olympics opening ceremony and end of times Revelations.
We look at whether the Paris power cut blackout with only the Sacre-Coeur Basilica remaining illuminated an act of Divine Retribution because of the satanic opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympics featuring the lesbian activist Barbara Butch portraying Jesus in the last supper and the metal rendition of the white horse of the Apocalypse. The topic of Sin versus Law is discussed and I explain why the LGBT++??? community dislike Christianity because it says their desires are sinful. But this is an opinion that is not just Christian and other belief systems also hold the view that same sex unions are sinful. So why is it that bad people feel it is safe to harass Christianity, but do not criticise these other faiths?
I do a bit of fact checking and reveal that the online posts and ideas that it was a “sign from God” is actually a fabricated narrative that itself is a dark act. So not only was the blasphemous opening ceremony negative and dark, but the supposedly opposing “Pro-God” narrative is also dark in origin. It seems the forces of darkness are playing both sides and trying to control both sides of the narrative. But it gets more bizarre because the blackout was caused by agents on the side of darkness. Diving deeper into what’s behind all these things reveals a sinister plot against truth and against you and I from those who are evil on the physical plane as well as those on higher dimensions. It’s all part of a bigger nefarious plan. I take a spiritually mature step back from it all and ask some bigger questions to reveal that the true nature of God would not be getting involved and that there is an even larger deception designed to trap good spiritual people with an ancient story that is false. I look back at the old testament, fear driven mentality and draw parallels to the current narrative coming out of this Paris situation.
Next I talk about the importance of the “White Horse” and why it is that the Olympic Committee chose that iconography. Then we explore the roots of the Olympics and I ask a challenging question along the lines of “Why, if we are spiritual, do we watch the Olympics?”. I discuss why top athletes can be good people but it is unlikely that they are spiritual people. I draw parallels between the historical way that the Olympics was used to indoctrinate people into ungodly belief systems and how it is doing so now. Then I refer back to a question asked in Ep.019 which leads into the bigger discussion of the very real battle of good versus evil. This leads onto a question in which a person hears trumpet like sounds. Could it be the seven trumpets of the Book of Revelations. We critique a clip (fair use) from Fox26 Credit in links below of unearthly sounds being heard in the sky.
I then talk about “Project Christ’s Horn” a dark-ops program to fake apocalyptical phenomena to raise fear and control the true narrative of the end of days. I bring it back to the truth of God and why it is only those who are dark and evil need fear what is to come, just as good people need not fear dying. I look at what we, the good people, should be doing to combat against the forces of darkness. The answer is not what you might expect, it is a voice of spiritual hope and reason. Finally I share an inspiring story of putting spiritual maturity into practice in everyday life, explaining how I was guided by my higher self not to watch Deadpool 3 at the cinema. This leads to a key spiritual insight on Justice and Justification.
Links to resources mentioned in the podcast
- Ep.021 Part 1 Rumble video:
- Ep.021 Part 2 Rumble video:
- Ep.020 video discussing teenagers and relationships also available as a podcast at about 49 mins in.
- The book “The Way Back, The Six Virtues”
- Ep.001 “Show me the boy at 7 and I’ll show you the man” approx 35:25 podcast and also as a video
- Lots of FREE resources about The Six Virtues:
- Our channel on Rumble:
- Short video on Mindfulness being a spiritual trap:
- Wikipedia link to article on mindfulness:
- Lovely testimonial from Mick who had done decades of Transcendental Meditation:
- Ep.019 The Rumble live show in which we first introduce the concept of Divine Intention: also as a podcast:
- The four books I am writing:
- Ep.017 Where we discuss training and competitiveness from a spiritual perspective
- Ep.019 Where I’m asked if the world is as perfect as it could be:
- “Stonehenge: Into the Light” Documentary [2023] Watch for FREE:
- Fox26 news article
- Short video on your responsibility is how your respond:
Thank you for listening to this show. If you’d like more spiritual content then check out “The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening” podcast and visit where you’ll find loads of free resources to help you get the most from your spiritual journey. Check out my books and films. – Mark
Please note that a transcript, where present, has been automatically created based on the audio and so may contain some transcription errors. But we hope the benefit of having the words transcribed outweigh any glitches. Thanks.
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