Ep.019 Soulmate Sketches. Divine Intervention & Trump. Hit the Gym? What would Jesus teach in 2024? Yoga is NOT spiritual! Martial arts v a peaceful way? Is competition bad?

Divine Intervention
The Way Back Live Show - Discussing Spirituality
Ep.019 Soulmate Sketches. Divine Intervention & Trump. Hit the Gym? What would Jesus teach in 2024? Yoga is NOT spiritual! Martial arts v a peaceful way? Is competition bad?

We start the show exploring whether there is any spiritual value in working out at the gym. This reveals that, like many choices in , it’s not just what you choose but “WHY” you make a choice that matters. Is there a danger that you are retarding your spiritual growth because you’re pursuing physical strength?
I also discuss whether we can live longer by making good decisions? Next we explore the topic of “Soulmate Sketches” and how psychics might be helping people to find . Is it based in reality or is it a scam? I talk about how there can be psychic ability but I also explain why this work may not actually be positive or helpful. I provide some guidance on how life plans are meant to unfold and how you might naturally have “ chemistry” with another person. This leads on to discussing how each of us may have with people in this life who we’ve known in previous lives.
Next we explore what would say to us if he was here in 2024, and I talk about how his teachings which are founded in truth are relevant now. Next we bring it back to the physical and discuss Karate. This also leads to a discussion about Yoga, in which I reveal why Yoga is not actually spiritual, in the truest sense. Next I share insights into Tai Chi, classic martial arts and why they are all non-spiritual. We get into the murky water of can you practice martial arts and be spiritual. Jesus and the path of peace, and the spiritual reason why, as an ex-kickboxer, I could never get in the ring and spar again. From a spiritual perspective we explore the effect of competition on you and your spiritual growth.
Is the world perfect? The spiritual course correction by Jesus showing us how to find the way back to . What happens if you are attacked, how should we respond from a spiritual perspective.
Finally I discuss the “Divine Intervention” of Donald Trump turning his head just before being shot. I explain why mostly there is not divine intervention. I coin the phrase “Divine Intention” and how that works. I explain why the pastor had the prophecy and the trap setup for Donalt Trump and what could be done to provent it. This is relevant to us, whichever party we lean towards, and is something we can learn from and apply to our own lives.

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Thank you for listening to this show. If you’d like more spiritual content then check out “The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening” podcast and visit TheWayBackGroup.org where you’ll find loads of free resources to help you get the most from your spiritual journey. Check out my books and films. – Mark

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