Ep.011 Enlightenment. Death. Mother Earth. The northern lights. Numerology & astrology. Soul v spirit journey: Live Show Discussing Spirituality With Mark Zaretti

Aurora Borealis
Aurora Borealis
The Way Back Live Show - Discussing Spirituality
Ep.011 Enlightenment. Death. Mother Earth. The northern lights. Numerology & astrology. Soul v spirit journey: Live Show Discussing Spirituality With Mark Zaretti

We explore if someone’s impending death can lead them to enlightenment. How life is like a school day. How should a spiritual person approach their death? The role of during death as well as in life. If God is our “father” then is mother nature our mother? How “Long term” symptoms of viral infections might be caused by something unseen. More about the energy released by Northern Lights and its effect on you. Why I say “you can handle the truth“. How the effect of negative energy depends on your own level of goodness (or badness). A spiritual reality-check on the topics of and astrology. The battle of good versus evil is a battle over your beliefs! A deep dive into the soul journey versus the spiritual journey. Understanding more about the connection between enlightenment and God.

Episode transcript:

[00:00:26] Good evening everyone. It’s another Thursday night, it’s 9pm and this is Mark from The Way Back and this is “Discussing Spirituality” with myself and the live show. And here, before we dive in, here’s a clue about one of the questions we’re going to be answering tonight. I’ve got myself a ratchet spanner. All will become clear.
[00:00:54] But yeah, just wanted to start by welcoming everyone who’s are ready here and a few of you have said hello in the chat. So we’ve got Panther 9, username, what Scottish bird. And I know there are, oh, and Marigold has just turned up and Silver Slave UK as well. So greetings, hello everyone. And if you’re listening after the show, because obviously this goes out as a podcast as well or watching the video again, then hello, thanks for joining us in this live show. So at the end of last episode, well, towards the end of last episode, SilverSlave UK, who I think it was the first time they’d actually joined us on episode 10, asked a few questions and I thought that’d be a really good place just to dive in and look at their questions. We didn’t really have time at the end of last episode. So we’ll start off now with the questions. Now I’m treating them as three separate questions and you can see on the left hand side I’ve got the original chat. So we’ve got these three questions here, but we’ll do them one at a time. So question one was, do you think that some people become enlightened shortly before death due to the collapse of their future and only having the present left to live?
[00:02:06] So it’s a bit of context because we were actually talking about end of life scenarios and what that’s like for people and where people can be coming from, whether they’re sitting in ego or whether they’re being more neutral and spiritual. And so that, that kind of is the framing of for this question. Now I guess the best way to answer this question is to define terms. So looking at this, the key phrase, the key word here is the word enlightened. So do you think that some people become enlightened?

[00:02:38] And I guess what’s being intimated here is they’re running out of time, they’ve got nothing less to nothing left lose. And so, you know, they become enlightened.
[00:02:50] In very, very simple terms, enlightenment, which is the spiritual side of the journey rather than the soul growth side of the journey, is fundamentally about you raising your. Well, not you, but your spirit. You letting go of your awareness of self in the lower realms in terms of physical body, thoughts and stuff, and your spirit being guided fundamentally by the light of God to the highest vibration where it becomes, I don’t want to be too specific, but where it realizes what God is. And that is enlightenment. In other words, it transcends all limits.

[00:03:27] And so classically, that’s a simple way of defining what enlightenment is. In other words, it’s not your personality, it’s not your body, it’s not your everyday mundane thoughts, it’s not the thing that you identify with as you down here that is fundamentally making that journey, but it is associated with you because it’s your spirit and your soul is also involved in that journey. So enlightenment doesn’t happen because you, your physical body is coming to an end. And if you. I can, I’ll. I’ll bring it up in a moment. But in one of the books and in which is also available as podcasts, so you don’t have to buy the books if you, if you don’t want to. But in one of the books I do talk about how when you come to the end of your life, that’s not the end of you, it’s just the end of your physical body. So the idea of the collapse of their future and only having a present left to live is only relevant to the physical body. It doesn’t mean anything really, of great consequence to the soul and the spirit. It’s a bit like as an analogy when you go to school. So if you’ve cast your mind back or memory back to when you used to go to school and you go in on a Monday and you have your lessons and maybe it goes well and maybe it doesn’t, and at the end of the day you, you go home, you take off your school uniform, depending on the weather, you go out, kick the ball around or meet up with your friends or do your homework or whatever it is that you’ve got to do, but you forget about school. And the end of this physical life is a bit like that. It’s the end of a school day for your higher self. They’ll come back, they’ll have another day at school. Because life down Here is school for your soul. And so, yes, it’s the collapse of a future. It’s the end of.

[00:05:07] It’s the recognition that you’re coming to an end for the physical body, but for the part of you that actually attains or has the place potential to attain enlightenment, it’s just another day at school. And what really needs to be understood, I think, to help frame this, is that enlightenment is a gift and it’s driven by God, and it’s driven by your love for God and your spiritual seeking of God. So in other words, even if on your deathbed or as you’re approaching the end of your life, you were like, you know, this is it. This is the end of the opportunity. You can’t do anything to make yourself enlightened. It’s not something you can pursue without God drawing you upwards, you know, so it has to be recognized that there is no enlightenment without God. And therefore it wouldn’t just be because you realize that you’re coming to an end.

[00:05:54] So hopefully that answers question one. We can go into it more if needed, but yeah, and we’ll just say hello to Rambo.365, bonjour from Boston. So, hello America. So let’s go on to question number two, which is kind of, I guess, related to question one, which is, is there anything that a spiritual persons should try to do during their own death, if possible? There’s certainly. There’s nothing that’s necessary because if you’re dying, you’re dying. It’s a process, it just happens.
[00:06:24] But what I would suggest is that you. And ironically, it’s the same advice for life, which is why I laugh, because maybe death is a bit more of a focus, but we’re all going to go through it.

[00:06:40] I would say, rather than answer this question, I would say this is how you should live your life every single day. And if to get into that frame of mind, you think, well, if this is my last day or my last hour, am I living it to the best of my abilities spiritually, then I would say live without fear, because fear is a negativity. Fear is something that you create because of your dwelling or focusing on what might be or what has been in the past. And it’s negativity. And the last thing you want is, as you’re coming to the end, to be generating negativity because your fear of what comes next or fear of dying. So it’s the same kind of principles that guide us spiritually. So neutrality, acceptance, faith. And faith involves trust. Trust in the Process of death, trust that you know, if you’re a good human, then it’s not the end. You’re just going to carry on the journey or come back, have another day at school. So it’s the same. What should you do during your death is what you should do during your life. As a good spiritual person, you should be making. Well, let’s caveat here. There’s no you should, it’s all choice. So what I recommend is try and live without fear, try and die without fear, try and be neutral, don’t hold on to things. So in the end, when it is your time, don’t hold on, just let go. And it’s a lot easier if you’ve got that trust and if you’ve got that faith. And I’ll bring up.

[00:08:11] Let’s see if I can do this. We’ve got some other. Here we go. If I just go here, find the. There we go. So this, this will give us an idea of what I’m talking about here. So if you’ve got trust, trust in God, trust in the bigger picture, hope, in other words, positive, desire, acceptance. So being neutral in relinquishing control, as it says here. So that’s a really good idea because if it’s your time, genuinely, then there’s nothing you need to do, just let go and acceptance of the final outcome. So be in a state of gratitude. So what we see here as faith could equally be a really good approach to when it’s your time, and if it’s not your time, then have hope, pray to be healed, pray, you know, from the heart for a positive outcome. You know, say, look, I don’t understand the situation. If it’s my time, I trust God. If it’s not my time, then please save me, you know, but it’s that neutrality and state of gratitude I think is really, really powerful. So, yeah, there we go. So in the end, live your life how you should, how you could, every day and every day live your life as if it’s the end. Which means being present, being in the moment, totally appreciative, not taking anything for granted, not being on autopilot, being neutral, hopefully not reacting, having faith. So it’s a really nice way of looking at it, I think, is to kind of, yeah, how to live your life is also a good. How to be graceful in your ending as well. So that’s question two and question three is a bit of a different tact.

[00:10:07] I can’t remember exactly what I said, but I was talking about the kind of the. I mentioned God in reference to our Father as the Creator of everything, and therefore the creator of humanity, and therefore the creator of us individually. And also that benevolent presence beingness, you know, that watches over. And so the question came in, you mentioned God is our Father as beings of this , could we suggest that Mother Earth is our mother? Now, in episode 10, I actually said the answer to all, you know, the question is no. But I think it’d be really nice to go into this a little bit more. So we’re going to break this down. The first thing I noticed, by the way, was God was written with a lowercase G, but Mother Earth was written with uppercase letters. And that. That stood out for me.

[00:10:56] I always write God with an uppercase “G”, mainly as a sign of respect.
[00:11:01] Now there’s a whole side to this which I’m not going to go into now. It’s something I’ve looked into. It’s quite fascinating.

[00:11:09] It’s about the idea of God being male. And this is one of the things that polarizes people and also is basically very difficult to understand because God isn’t male, but God isn’t female. God is one thing everywhere, and God is beyond yin and yang.

[00:11:27] The simplest way of understanding it is if there is neutrality, then that is the yin being expressed. If there is willful action, that is the Yang being expressed. So when, when people talk about God created, that’s a willful act. Therefore it’s an expression of yangness. So it’s the masculine. When it’s God is one thing everywhere, unconditionally loving, that’s an expression, if you like, of the feminine. It’s total neutrality, acceptance as opposed to polarized action. So people down here, inevitably, you get hung up on words and then there’s all kinds of layers of, you know, social thought and ideas that, oh, well, you know, everything male is wrong or, you know, this kind of polarization. Therefore we must reject it and suggest that the gender is the issue. And that is applying duality and opinion and belief to something that is beyond duality, beyond belief, beyond opinion. God is. Okay, so. But if we, if we take this question in the context it was mentioned, it was in reference to God being the creator of all, including humanity, and therefore us. Then there’s a lot of. There are actually a number of assumptions here. So as beings of this earth is actually an assumption spiritually, There is more, much more to that, but that’s all I’ll say. I’ll dangle that one for now as a teaser. And could we suggest that Mother Earth is our mother. Well, that would. If you take those kind. If you take it therefore, that you’ve got a father and a mother, then it. It’s really a reference to procreation. In other words, two things coming together to create. And that would put Mother Earth as an equal to God. But who created. You know, if we’re playing around with this simplistically, then who created Mother Earth?

[00:13:23] God. Could Mother Earth exist without God? No. So is Mother Earth equal to God? No. And is Mother Earth feminine or is it masculine and feminine? In other words, are we anthropomorphicizing Earth because Gaia, the idea of Gaia, has its roots in something that is actually not necessarily what people think and not necessarily positive. So these things get rolled up into everyday ideas, and sometimes it’s worth just stepping back and unpicking them. So Mother Earth, whatever that is, doesn’t exist without God.

[00:14:05] And therefore it can’t stand alongside God and say, I co created humanity. And as I said, there’s all kinds of assumptions about Earth and the origins of things, which, I’ll be honest, it’s far too big a topic to go into here. But it is something that I cover in the books I’m writing. But at this point, I just want to point out the assumptions that this question is based on and challenge some of them. So the answer to that question is no.

[00:14:33] And again, it comes back to the fact that the absolute is God. There is nothing else that is absolute. There is nothing else is created, whereas God is before. So you cannot say that Mother Earth is our mother. For all you know, it could be that Mother Earth is what enslaves us. We’re trapped. Because the, you know, in one of the ancient cultures used to refer to the third dimension as Maya, the illusion. So you could look at it in a number of different ways, but the only thing that is absolute is God.

[00:15:06] And you cannot really say anything is equal to God or that God interacted with it with parity to create us. You know, But I totally get where the question is coming from, and I think these are all three very good questions because they give us an opportunity to start to just tease at the edges of our understanding and maybe highlight some of the assumptions that we’re operating from so that we can look into them and challenge them. Okay, so I really, really appreciate Silver Slave uk, or maybe it’s Silver Slave UK for the.

[00:15:43] And yeah, great, great questions and thank you for asking them. And yeah, for any of you, if this has provoked any further questions, please do go to the Chat window and put your comments in there. By the way, I’m just going to read this. I think it might be related. So Panther 9 has written. I’ve been doing a lot. I’ve been doing lots of Swedish death decluttering and letting go of physical stuff. It’s great. Difficult, but great. Yeah, I’ve heard about this and it’s definitely a good thing. Less is more in many respects, and the less clutter we have in life, sometimes it helps just to realize what’s valuable. And I think as well, sometimes you find things that you’d forgotten you had.

[00:16:29] Yeah. So thanks for sharing that, Panther 9. Okie dokie. So let’s go on to the next questions and see what we’ve got coming up. Right, so the next question anon asks. I saw your video about the Northern lights and then the next day I saw this on the news. And what’s on the right hand side here is a screenshot. I think it must be from a phone or a tablet, and it shows the northern lights at the top and then it says Northern Lights, the encore. I’ll just quickly read this out. So the rear display of the northern lights across the country last weekend could be repeated in the next fortnight. Christa Hammond, a space weather forecaster at the Met Office, said the region of the sun that produced the powerful conditions for the aurora borealis was not facing Earth, but would rotate back in the next two weeks.

[00:17:18] Okay, what should we do? So the question continues, what should we do if there are northern lights also, is it happening in the daytime or just the nighttime?

[00:17:28] And this is put the thumbnail for episode 10, because we talked a little bit about the Northern lights in episode 10. So I definitely recommend, to get more context, if you haven’t listened to episode 10 or watched it, then you might want to jump back and have a listen to that. But effectively what I said is that there’s a number of sources of the Northern Lights. The long standing one, which has been there for a very long time, is fundamentally the two zones, the South Pole, the North Pole, where negative energy is pouring in from a higher dimension and has always, well, has for a very long time since it was set up, but that they are deliberately on higher dimensions, creating what we could refer to as inter-dimensional wormholes or tunnels to

focus and deliberately target certain places with more of that negative energy, with the goal of dropping the vibration of those places because there is more spirituality happening in those places. And in particular they’ve been targeting Kent. And so, yeah, this is quite Interesting. And I find it quite cute that there’s now space weather forecasting going on.
[00:18:39] I don’t know how long that’s been happening, but yeah, that’s the first time it’s on my radar. So that, yeah, in light of what was shared at the last live show, then I think that’s a very pertinent observation.
[00:18:51] So I did actually do some more work and looked into this some more because I wanted to know, well, what is this energy? Exactly. And then what if it’s not good? What is it doing to us? What effect is it having? And it was interesting discussing this with a group of people the other day. Someone said that they were sent a message saying, oh, the northern lights are out, go and have a look. And their instinct was to run inside and hide under the duvet, you know? You know, and I think that that was their intuition, their higher self saying, no, you do not want to go towards this, you want to go away from it. So, yeah, the what, what I’ve discovered is, so in the research I’ve done over the last few years, there are a number of different kind of negative energies and they kind of vary in terms of their intensity, their potency and their qualities. Okay. And some of them are really impactful. They’ll cause pain in your body if they’re in your body, or they’ll leave quite an acrid taste in your mouth if they’re in the environment. And I did talk about this in the documentary on where when certain things came down and left, or in their presence or afterwards left the residue of their energies that people would, you’d have a very metallic taste in your mouth. And that’s because of a certain types of negative energy interact with your aura and you have that visceral experience.
[00:20:16] As an aside, by the way, certain long term symptoms of certain viral infections are actually just the proliferation and the continuation of the presence of certain types of very, very evil and dark energy left in the system. So unless the energy is cleared out, the person will just feel wiped out. Terrible achy pain and all of these symptoms. And it’s nothing to do with the virus. It’s to do with the.
[00:20:42] These very nefarious energies that are concurrent with the presence of the viruses. But getting back to the aurora Borealis, because that was the, the question, it is actually a very demonic. So demonic is one of the categorizations, if you like, of the different types of energy. And the reason is that those that are demonic tend to want this energy, tend to attract it and also produce it. So, yeah, now it’s not a physical energy, but it is in a similar. When it comes into the physical plane, it’s in a similar kind of wavelength or vibration to some energies that do exist on the physical plane. And the closest kind of thing that we would understand to this energy is what gets kicked out when you have an X ray is X ray radiation. And as we all know, the reason why they put lead over your private bits and leave the room when they do an X ray is because it’s not good to be exposed to X rays. So I’m not saying that the Aurora Borealis is X rays, but the demonic energy has a similar kind of an effect on us. So it’s not just that, hey, look, they’re showering us with negative energy, but it’s a particular kind of negative energy that’s very demonic in its vibration and is not good. So I certainly, you know, in. During the week, I said, look, I’m going to give you guys an update on the Aurora Borealis. And my. The key thing I wanted to say was, whereas before we were just acknowledging it’s not good is actually you do not want to be outside. You want to treat it like it’s X rays. So if there was an X ray emitter in the room, you would go and stand on the other side of the wall. You wouldn’t stand in front of it. So certainly do not go outside and stand underneath it if you can avoid it. So you’re better off being in your vehicle or being in your house, and preferably not by the windows, but equally, and this is really important, and this goes back to another thing that we brought up, I believe, last week, which is your anticipation of negativity or a problem if you generate fear, will generate negativity and attract it. So I’m not telling you this to create a state of fear. I’m simply giving you information

and saying, given a choice, don’t deliberately be out in the presence. And that’s why I’ve never had the desire to go and stand in the, you know, the Antarctic or the Arctic, I can’t remember which one’s which. But you know, and observe this phenomena. You know, I love that kind of landscape. I love the cold, I love snow, I love mountains. But what I don’t. I’ve never had a desire to place myself in proximity to the Aurora Borealis or the northern lights, as they’re called. And maybe that’s, again, that’s some level of guidance and intuition going on there. So don’t put yourself in harm’s way is the key message there.
[00:23:33] If you’re in your house, generally there’s enough shielding that it shouldn’t have any effect. And just stay positive because your own vibration is an important factor in the overall net effect of these things.
[00:23:45] In terms of the last question also, is it happening in the daytime or just the nighttime? That’s quite interesting. So I talked about in the previous episode about the fact that the Aurora Borealis can also be produced by , in particular HARP and H A A rp, if you want to look into that. And it has been filmed in the daytime, but it would obviously have to be really intense for people to see it. That’s the thing. And last week a few people commented on the fact that although the recent phenomena down in Kent and southeast of England, etc. Have been visible to the naked eye, it’s much easier to see them with a camera. So I’d imagine people are going to be walking around with their cameras now checking for the Aurora Borealis. But it goes back to what I said before. Live your life not in fear. So this information is given to help us to lay the truth barefoot. It’s actually higher dimensional technology behind it that’s just churning out this stuff a bit like you could think of it like a demonic 5G mast within these interdimensional structures deliberately to just blast out this nefarious tech energy. And yeah, that’s what it is.
[00:25:03] Forewarned is forearmed, you know, okay, again, I can’t prove any of this, but from having done over over 42 years of and working on different dimensions, then I can have a certain awareness of things and I can have a certain perception of what’s going on. So I. But what I can’t do is put you inside my awareness and show you, show you you for yourself. But what I found is don’t get hung up on the words, you know, he said technology or he said wormhole.
[00:25:42] Sense the truth of it and it’s all right if you go, no, I think this is just mad. I think he’s just talking a load of rubbish. That’s fine.
[00:25:50] Truth will always come out and it doesn’t need to be defended. But the more that people start to point in the right direction and entertainment truth, then it will simmer to the surface, you know, amidst all the deception that we’re sold by mainstream media on a lot of different things. And that’s why I was saying even the previous question about Mother Earth and Earth being what we think it is and stuff like that. It’s not necessarily what everyone understands.
[00:26:21] Oh, yeah. So I’ll just share this comment.
[00:26:25] This is hen74, as just commented. All I can say is that when I saw these in Shetland, my body vibrated at such an aggressive level, was humming, I felt scared. This was 10 years ago and we had made a pilgrimage with the kids. Wow.
[00:26:41] I’d love to know, did it wear off when you left the presence of the Northern lights or did it carry on for some time afterwards? Did you end up feeling rough or like headaches or anything? Can you remember?
[00:26:54] If you have the time, it’d be lovely to know more about what the outcome of that experience was. And by the way, you’re not the only person that shared similar kinds of descriptions with me. And here’s someone else.
[00:27:09] Dr. Pardu, apologies if I haven’t pronounced that correctly. I’m thankful that without knowing why, I left the country ahead of these Northern lights. Can good people be healed from this? Maybe even if they’re born under them. Thank you, Mark. Yeah. So look, username. What? Nice T shirt.
[00:27:31] It says. I don’t know if you can see this. You can handle the truth and maybe you recognize the. …where is it? It’s just there, the word truth there.
[00:27:40] Thank you. Username. What? So this is a Truth Wear Brand T shirt. So.

Oh, that’s interesting. So Hen is saying that I felt awful for days. Yep. That would be consistent with what I’m trying to explain here about that. The Northern lights are actually not very good. Now, if someone themselves is of low vibration and not saying bad, but if someone’s not so on the spectrum, people can be very good, they can be neutral and they can be quite negative and then they can be really evil and bad. So if you’re kind of neutral down, you probably won’t have much an effect, you won’t experience much an effect from the Northern lights because you’re not. There’s no contrast between that and where you’re normal vibration is, which would be a bit higher. So good people will be more likely to be affected.

[00:28:30] In terms of healing, it’s more about clearing, so, as in having the energy drawn from you and dissipated or got rid of. Now, to some extent, if you have a positive intention and you remain positive and you don’t let it get you down, then that’s partly good. Because the worst thing is that you go, oh, no, I’ve been exposed to the northern lights. Oh, no. And then you spiral into your own worry and your own negativity and then that Feeds negativity and you spiral. So always remain positive. You can pray, you can intend. So I, you know, I. I reject this energy. I don’t want it near me. But I think you’re. The most important thing is just remaining positive. And obviously those who’ve worked with me for years know that there’s a few of us who have the experience and the, let’s say, the kind of. It’s like an ex. It’s kind of like a healing ability, but it’s not. It’s the ability to move and clear energies that aren’t helpful for people and that can also help. So. But for the general public, I’d say, look, just be mindful. Don’t go out and stand underneath these things. Look, even on a scientific level, what is it? It’s charged. What science says is it’s charged particles from the sun evading the magnetic field of the earth and penetrating into our atmosphere and exciting the particles of the atmosphere to cause them to glow. In other words, if it can do that to the atmosphere, why would you stand underneath it? Even just on a scientific level, it would be an act of. I think it would be an act of recklessness. It would be like I’m going to go out and stand in front of the sun for 10 hours without sunscreen. Well, you’re going to get burned. So, you know, just on a common sense level, it does not make sense. Okay, so hopefully we can move on from the northern lights and we’ll just see how things unfold. Righty O. Let’s go back to the next question, which I can’t remember what it is, but the where is it? The spanner question is coming up. I know that much. So we’ll see where it. Where it comes.

[00:30:39] Oh, yeah. So Panther 9, who’s actually in the chat, asks, so watched your great show on numerology and how numbers do have meaning. Does a certain number that is house we live in affect our lives in a positive or negative way? Thanks, Mark, and lots of blessings.

So I’ve put there the kind of thumbnail for episode 7, and this was one where we talked about , numerology, whether someone’s guide was actually something angelic or demonic. And there was a whole load of other stuff. This was also the one about the Manchester arena bombing, and the number 22 came up a lot. And in that I talked about how the number was kind of symbolic of something happening on a higher level to do with a blessing. So I urge people not to see it as that number means that you will always get those effects. It was more that that number was the lower manifestation of a higher level intention.

[00:31:41] But all of the numbers, the kind of 1 to 9 and 0, have intrinsic qualities simply because of the nature of reality. Okay, so before reality there was the idea of it. And to communicate an idea, there needs to be some kind of basic structure of numerology and geometry and these things. In other words, it’s like the unfolding in science they talk about before the big bang. That would be God, by the way, and then the moment of inception, that would be the thought and then that would be the manifestation. So the question is effectively, does my house number affect my life in a positive or negative way?

[00:32:23] Put in the. If you’re watching afterwards or you’re watching live now, write the house number that you currently live in.
[00:32:30] If you want, don’t write your address, just your house number and we’ll see what if there’s a kind of a consensus. But my, my first house was number three. My second house was a number six. It was actually 60, but it was number which resolves to number six. My third house was number nine and I’m currently living in a number eight. So I’m working my way around, you know, to the different numbers.
[00:32:55] Here’s the truth of it. Does the house number affect you?
[00:33:02] Yes.
[00:33:04] And obviously there’s going to be more to this answer, but we’ve got username, what is saying that she’s a number five and Marigold zero is.
[00:33:14] I don’t know if username, what is a she or he? Actually, they’re a number five and Marigold zero, I’m guessing, is. I don’t know, isn’t it? Well, is a seven anyway. And Dr. That word paradox is a 41. So 41, four and one is five. Okay. So that’s how you, if you got longer numbers, you add them together and resolve it down and it normally comes down to a five. Double numbers. Yeah, so add them together and then you’ll get the single number.
[00:33:44] So three and one is four. Okay. If you live at 123, then it’s one plus two plus three is six, you know, etcetera. So 31 would be. Oh, panther and Scottish bird, panther nine and Scottish bear, both at number 31.
[00:34:00] So you’re both number fours, which in Japan that would be a real issue because number four is seen as a quite a, you know, contentious number in Japanese culture.
[00:34:12] So here’s the point. If you’d never heard about numerology, it probably wouldn’t have much of an effect. Oh, hang on a sec. 32. You can’t just move house like that.
[00:34:22] Okay, so yeah, three and two is five. So here’s where we’re at. This is like reality check time. Spiritual reality check coming in. Numerology does exist and over a long period of time people have made observations. And there’s also been a lot, a lot of, well, not a lot occult has been drip fed into the zeitgeist of people on in life. And Panther 9 is saying death, because as I alluded to, number four in Japanese does mean death.
[00:34:55] Numerology does exist, but it existed before people could observe it because it’s one of the archetypal building blocks of reality.

[00:35:04] As I said in episode 10, some people use numerology a bit like to try and game the system. And that’s always negative, that’s always wrong. But what’s happened is because people across the world have a basic level of understanding, you know, on average there’s a bit of knowledge about numerology, then the more people that believe in it, the stronger the effect of it is. So if you’re someone that believes in numerology and you go, oh no, I live in number four, you know, oh no, it’s your reaction, it’s you saying oh no, that is going to provoke the negative, negative outcome of the number four. Whereas if someone else moved into that house and they didn’t care about numerology, they thought it was all a load of rubbish and they had no real awareness of it, then it wouldn’t have as much effect, but it would still have a tiny bit of an effect. And the effect of numerology, and this is a broad brushstroke, you know, expression of it, is it has about 10% effect. So the other 90% is your reaction, your choice. And it’s the same for astrology. But astrology, because more people understand it and study it, and a lot of people study it in like fanatical level and hands up. I used to really look into astrology and when you do astrology you kind of dabble in numerology as well. So the more you understand about these things, the more they can affect you. But I’ve put them down a long, long, long time ago and I don’t advocate them.
[00:36:37] There’s a saying, astrology, get this right, something like astrology impels, but it doesn’t compel. In other words, your choices are the more dominant thing. So astrology has a stronger effect on people. So whether they think it’s a load of rubbish or whether they’re really passionate about it, irrespective, it’s having an effect on them. But the ones that are much more learned in the field and study it and live it and breathe it, it has a much stronger effect on them. But astrology does have an effect on the entire planet. And people who are astrologers will talk about things like doing astrology for a country. So America always goes to war when Mars moves into a certain house. You can goog Google it. It’s fascinating. And certain politicians used to consult with astrologers about when to do X or when to have an election because they would look at the astrology. And I think when I last looked into it, something like about 1 in 4 stock market tradings are done on astrology. And also if you look at the insurance companies, when they ask you for your date of birth, they won’t admit it’s astrology. But their understanding of what you’re likely to get as a medical condition or what the prognosis of your life is going to be, whether you’re going to be more likely prone to accidents and stuff, tallies with what the astrologers say. But the insurance companies are looking at it as sample data across massive data sets based on statistics. But it’s interesting that it follows the same correlations as what the astrologers say. So for example, certain star signs are more likely to have certain ailments, you know, and again, in the past I would have gone into the details, but I don’t really see the point because the point I’m trying to make is that if you are more present, spiritually awake, aware of the power of your choice, then the effect of these things diminishes. But if you’re living unconsciously in your habit or in your ego, then these things have more of an effect because then they’re not being opposed by your will, they’re imposing their will on you, if that makes sense. So yeah, numerology does make a difference. And I certainly wouldn’t worry about the house number. It’s not going to be the biggest dominant factor. And the more you buy into it, the more you self fulfill that prophecy, if that makes sense. But it’s a very important and good question, you know, but whatever the situation is, you’re not going to have more.
[00:39:15] Again, you can’t game the system. I bought house number seven so that I could win the lottery might have a tiny, tiny bit of an effect, but you know, and luck itself is actually a negative concept anyway.

[00:39:29] Yeah, the Bandwagon effect, as Silver Slave UK saying. Yeah, it’s more that, it’s, that’s actually a really important thing you’ve said there. So Silver Slavy case, is it like the bandwagon effect? So bandwagon effect would be more like group thing, wanting to fit into the group. So if everyone, you know, we’re in political times at the moment, so if everyone’s going, I support this party and you’re a bit on the fence, you’ll go, yeah, I do too. Because you want to.

That’s the bandwagon effect. You don’t want to be different from everyone else. What we’re really talking about here with numerology and astrology is that the more people who believe in something, the stronger it actually becomes. Now that’s really, really important because if you look, pay attention guys.
[00:40:16] We, you know, it’s just been announced we’re going to have a general election in England, which means we’re going to be bombarded in the news and the radio by loads of political stuff. And they say more so than ever it’s going to be fought out on the arena of social media.
[00:40:31] Three word slogans, like with Brexit, was it get it done or something. I can’t remember what it was. But basically it’s that kind of level of things because if they keep repeating something, people start thinking it and believing it, whether it’s true or not. And what people believe will shape their reality. So because numerology is fundamentally real and astrology is fundamentally real, people start to observe its, people started to communicate it, people started to see the correlations for themselves and therefore they started to believe it. And then the effect of these weak things became stronger and stronger and stronger. Okay, and Q Ball is saying, I guess this is in reference to the political stuff, not if you don’t watch or listen to the news. Wink. You know what, guys?

[00:41:22] If we can remain neutral, if we can have a desire and find the right screen, if we can have a desire for truth, you know, you, as I says on the T shirt, you can handle the truth, okay, Then you can watch the news and you can watch these things and you can, you’ll start. It’s like when I’m talking and I propose stuff or I say stuff that I can’t prove, but it’s not my responsibility for you, for your truth antenna to tune into the truth. So I would say take the spiritual approach of being neutral, non reactive, not just accepting because it said, but having that almost like a firewall of right I want the truth so I can observe these things and start to see the truth. Because if you have an intention for something, it orientates your awareness.

[00:42:14] Okay. And it tells your higher self, I want the truth. And the higher self will go, well, that that guy there on TV is lying, or that guy’s no good, or that guy means well, or that girl, you know?
[00:42:27] So, yeah, great, great, great stuff, guys.
[00:42:31] And thanks for the.
[00:42:34] Thanks for getting involved in the chat as well. So hopefully that answers your question and we will move on to the next one. All right, there, we got this one here. I forgot about this one. So the ratchet one must be coming up soon then. So Rachel asks. I was listening to the podcast, sorry to tell you that might not be spiritual. It jogged my memory of an old question, but one I’ve not asked. If the soul journey is about you being more like God, and the spiritual journey is about letting go of you to be closer to God, is there a possible point? The soul dissolves and the spirit returns.
[00:43:11] And if you watching the video, you’ll see. So on the left, bottom left, is that podcast she’s alluding to on Spotify. So the name of that podcast is called the Way Back to Spiritual Awakening, and it’s episode 40, and you’ll find it on YouTube and on rumble, and it’s video number 40, which is what is spiritual does your practice promote?

[00:43:34] It’s the start of the title, so you could search for it on YouTube or on rumble, but you’ll find it on our channel. So it’s a very good question, and you’ve kind of got the essence of it. The soul journey is about you being more like God. It’s about, let me refine that understanding. So

the soul gains through positive experiences. Now, that doesn’t mean happy experiences. That doesn’t mean pleasant experiences. That means often in difficult situations, you doing the right thing, whether that’s demonstrating courage or good judgment or wisdom or fortitude or inner strength, those kinds of things. That’s what the soul journey is about. And what that means is that these positive qualities are embodiments of the positivity of God. Because all that is good comes from God. And it’s only through you exercising your free will and making a choice that you can then learn from it. So every time you do the right thing, especially when it wasn’t easy, especially when it meant changing what you’d normally do, especially when it meant maybe stepping outside of your comfort zone, then you’ve enriched your soul, and your soul now has that experience to draw on as a resource. Okay? So that’s the soul journey. So your soul becomes higher and higher and higher in vibration because it’s gaining more and more resources to call on. So the next time it has, for example, courage, the next time a situation arises where the right response is to be courageous, then you’ve got more courage to draw on so you can be more courageous. Okay? And the idea is there’s a number of these different qualities and I don’t want to go too much into the reads with this, but basically all that is good comes from God. And if you sat down and just wrote out a list of all the good qualities of character that, oh, like think about Jesus and you know, how he showed and kindness. Now some of them are to do with the soul, some of them are to do with the choice, the literally, like the intellectual choices that a person can make through learned experiences. Some of them are purely from the heart, so they’re ingrained and all you have to do is come from the heart. It’s like a quality of the heart of love. But a lot of them are to do with the soul. So that’s the soul journey. And you don’t become God, but you become more of a representation of all that is good. That is the potential that God is bringing into manifestation through you exercising your free will. To do what? To be like God. Okay, so the spiritual journey is about letting go of self to.

[00:46:25] If you sat in real higher meditation, then there’s these. You can use words like expanse, letting go, being present but not aware, being aware but not located, and all of these words, it’s just words. So it doesn’t really.
[00:46:42] The words can’t get you there. It’s a state based thing. And the easiest way of thinking about it is a balloon is tethered, a helium balloon is tethered and you cut the cord and it rises up and it rises up and it rises up until its density or vibration matches the atmosphere. And the only way it’s going to get higher is to become even lighter. Now I don’t mean that the spirit’s expanding and density changing, but it’s in terms of spiritual vibration. The more you focused on your love of God and your desire for God, and the more you’re receptive to the guidance of your higher self and ultimately the guidance of God, then the more you can be guided to God spiritually. But the practice of spiritual growth is classically in meditation, but it actually happens in everyday life through desire, faith, intention. Okay, but to be enlightened and have the state changes, requires intervention by the will of God, so people don’t do it to themselves. And this was very misunderstood in the past with a lot of groups. It is always through God. And so the idea then that if you attain enlightenment, which would be transcending all limits, there’s nowhere left to go. So that must be the highest, that must be beyond measure. Then does the soul dissolve? Okay, no, because I’m not the only one. But. But enlightenment has been possible, and it is a real state that is beyond limits, and it doesn’t make the person God, but there becomes this state that cannot be quantified or put into words, but can never be taken away. And the soul is still there at the end of it, still gathering experience, still learning.
[00:48:36] After that, what people call state change, or letting go of all limits and becoming enlightened. You’re still a human being. You’re still in a physical body. There’s an old saying, before enlightenment, you know, brush your teeth, wash your face, chop wood. After enlightenment, brush your teeth, wash your face, chop wood. You know, the mundane is still there. And I’m not being derogatory towards it. It’s wonderful. It’s a body. But this is the. What we have for this incarnation. But what has attained enlightenment, if you like, is the spirit. And the soul was witness to it. And so the soul still exists, still grows, still learns, and is still you. There is no dissolution of the soul. But I get where you’re coming from, because it would be more that in that release of enlightenment, you weren’t aware of your soul because it was the final limit you let go of.

[00:49:34] You know, there was no more I am and just beingness. And then you come back, and then there’s the paradox of trying to understand it and even harder trying to communicate it, because it doesn’t belong in understanding. It’s a state. Okay, so the simple answer to your question, Rachel, I don’t know if you’re listening now, but hopefully you’ll hear this at some point. Is that.
[00:50:01] Is there a possible point that the soul dissolved and the spirit returns? No. And the other part to that, the spirit returning. So the spirit didn’t start off in God. It was created by God. It’s a gift from God. It’s there to be the light within you, to guide you to God. It represents love, it represents light. It represents the beacon of godliness within you. It is fundamentally through your spirit that you are guided. But it isn’t returning to God. It’s always been within reality, within you or throughout all of your different incarnations. And so it’s not returning. It’s never been there.
[00:50:38] It has to be guided by God. And when it gets, look, this is where language is a bit clunky because it’s not actually moving, okay? But let’s just say when it gets there, it’s because God brought it there and it’s never been there before and it can’t. It’s like it’s a one off event, you know? So, yeah, hopefully that answers the question. And we’ve had a few comments in the chat, so I’m just going to bring them up.
[00:51:03] I think Silver Slave UKC said, how about mass meditation? So this is going back to what we were saying before about bandwagon effect and group belief. So again, the effect of mass meditation would be driven by what’s the intention behind it.
[00:51:19] And there’s a lot that I’ve alluded to in various books and podcasts about not all that glitters is gold. And not all meditation is even spiritual. There’s a lot of exploring the mundane in meditation and people can spend thousands of hours doing that and you know, anything to do with the mind. So mantra meditation, mindfulness meditation isn’t going to take you past the mind. It’s simply just looking at the space within it for. As a crude way of explaining it. And so really, it depends, what kind of meditation do you mean and what’s the intention? Because if everyone sits down with an intention to raise the vibration or to heal the planet or to do good, then good will happen. But it’s not necessarily because of the meditation, it’s because of the intention, the shared intention of a lot of people believing in it. Okay. Which is why I would say, look, there is a, there is a war of light versus dark, of truth versus deception, and the battlefield is your beliefs.
[00:52:25] You know, there’s a God exists.
[00:52:29] Now, I’m not referring to a religious definition of God, same as Jesus exists.
[00:52:34] You look at how much in the media, even in legislation, is to try and either outlaw it or ridicule it or bury it or reframe it. You know, in so many ways it’s like an attack on truth. And yeah, the battle is over your beliefs because of this very thing that the more people believe, it adds energy, an outcome.
[00:53:08] So that’s why I say one of the greatest things people can do is be a seeker of truth, to seek the truth. And the greatest, you know, those that seek the truth seek God. They don’t realize it necessarily, but they will always end up pointing in that direction. Because there can

only be one absolute. So if there is an absolute truth, it’s truthful for everyone. And the only thing that is absolute is God. And therefore really the only one that can know the truth is God as well. But that doesn’t mean it’s a futile effort to pursue it. And remember what we said, all that is good came from God or comes from God. And our souls are there as experiential vehicles to capture our experiences of orientating towards God, towards goodness, and therefore truth. Seeking the truth is a noble cause. So yeah.
[00:54:01] Does this mean we have an obligation to lead a life free of sin, lust, greed, anger, etc. To enable us to get closer to God?
[00:54:09] That’s a good question. So look, one way of looking at it is what shouldn’t we do? So we shouldn’t sin, we shouldn’t lust, we shouldn’t act. Just looking in terms of negative and positive, all of those things people understand are ultimately negative. Do you want negativity in you or do you want goodness in you? So it’s not what do I have to give up, it’s what do I gain by being good?
[00:54:32] And you don’t have to do anything. There’s no obligation. It’s free will. So you’re simply given the opportunity. And the more you do good or think good or try and stay out of thinking negative, then the better things get. I refer to an experiment that Joe Dispenza talks about. Not sure if you’re aware of this. I’ve heard of the guy. I’m not sure what you’re alluding to, but there’s been a lot of experiments about, you know, positive framing, negative framing, and the outcome of people or groups and individuals. It’s like the classic where they got people in a room and they put on the screen A, B and C three different lines. And one of them is much shorter. And the guy says, right, which is the longest one? Is it A, B or C? And say it was. Say C was the shortest one. Everyone put their hands up and said C. Because everyone was in on it except for one person. And that one person put their hand up, looked around and thought, I’m not going to be missing. I don’t want to be the odd one out. Put their hand up and said, see? Because they didn’t want to be the wrong one. So they didn’t stand up for truth. They were willing to lie to themselves for the sake of fitting in and not standing out. You know, there’s lots of experiments like that. I think we all know we’ve all got a good sense of what’s right and what’s wrong, and it’s fascinating stuff. So now we’re coming up to.
[00:55:49] We’re coming up to 10 o’clock and I still haven’t talked about the spanner. Now, this question did come in earlier today and I did say to them, look, I might not be able to squeeze it in, so it will roll over to episode 12. So at the start of episode 12, there’s two things I’m going to do. I’m going to share something that we’ve not got time to share now, but it’s something. When I saw it, it moved me to tears. And we’re going to talk about this ratchet spanner, okay? And it’s actually relevant to the questions we’ve just been answering. The one from Rachel. And look, guys, it’s been an absolute pleasure having you all join me and interacting in the chat. And I really, for those of you right now joining me, thank you. It really is an honor to sit here and have people that want to know more about spiritual truth. And if you’re listening again in a podcast or you’re watching, then please do help support us. Everything I do, I do for free. Okay? So I’m not trying to make anything from this, but what really helps support this is if you’re listening to the podcasts on, say, for example, Spotify, then just give it feedback, share it and like it, and subscribe because it just helps the algorithms push it out to even more people. So on that note, as Silver Slave UK said or intimated, make good choices, be good, don’t beat yourself up, don’t give yourself a hard time. And on that note, I wish you all well. God bless you and enjoy the rest of your day. Hello, this is Mark Zaretti and I wanted to thank you for taking the time to listen to this podcast. If you’re looking for more spiritual resources, then definitely check out thewaybackgroup. Org and if you’ve enjoyed this, then I highly recommend my other podcast, which is called the Way Back to Spiritual Awakening. I look forward to joining you on our next live show podcast.

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Thank you for listening to this show. If you’d like more spiritual content then check out “The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening” podcast and visit TheWayBackGroup.org where you’ll find loads of free resources to help you get the most from your spiritual journey. Check out my books and films. – Mark

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