Ep.034 Is Halloween Child Abuse? Why the Devil Wants You to Celebrate Halloween & Harvest. Is Kemi Badenoch Satanic?: Live Show Discussing Spirituality w/ Mark Zaretti

Halloween Pumpkin
The Way Back Live Show - Discussing Spirituality
Ep.034 Is Halloween Child Abuse? Why the Devil Wants You to Celebrate Halloween & Harvest. Is Kemi Badenoch Satanic?: Live Show Discussing Spirituality w/ Mark Zaretti

We’re going to discover:

The real history of Halloween and how higher dimensional beings have been in control since 9,000 BC. What Satan and the Devil really think of Halloween from people who know. Why is it that politicians are pushing Halloween and is it actually something bad? We’ll explore what the real purpose of Samhaim is, why people see lights in the night, and what has a pumpkin got to do with it all. Listen to the end because I shed light on what it is that you can do to unlock yourself from dark magic, spells, and witchcraft that you may have accidentally picked up from your involvement in “Halloween” and also what you can do right now to help your family, friends and even your pets!

Episode transcript:

And we are live, and it is the 31st of October, 2024. And I’m your host, Mark Zaretti, and this is
discussing spirituality with myself for the way back. And obviously it’s Halloween, and I’ve kind of
said during the week that we’re going to be doing a Halloween special. Now, we have got some
questions from you all and I’ll dive into them in a moment. But I’ve actually done a bit of work to
prepare for this show and because I really wanted to do a bit of a dive into what Halloween’s all
about and kind of get to the bottom of it a bit. There’s, I think, a lot of people have a bit of an
instinct about whether, you know, Halloween is there something a bit off there. And as you
know, if you’ve not joined the show before. So look, I’ve been meditating for over 40 years. I’ve
been teaching since the late 90s, and I’ve written a number of books about spirituality. But I don’t
just do . I actually go a bit deeper and I talk about things like Jesus and , but not
in a religious way, very much in a spiritual way. And I guess the easiest way to understand that
differentiation would be that religion, whatever you believe, is a belief, whereas spirituality is
much more about an experiential thing. And we had a wonderful chat last week with a guest and
he said something really great, which is that spirituality is something that cannot be taken away.
can change, but once you have experienced something, it’s with you, even if you can’t
necessarily articulate it, it’s with you for . And so that’s kind of where I’m coming from is, you
know, from the spiritual perspective. And that’s where I wanted to look into Halloween. So we
are going to do a bit of a looking back in time and the history of Halloween, but anyone could do
that. But what hopefully I’m going to bring to the table that maybe will help you understand things
a bit better is looking at it from a more spiritual perspective. And again, if you’ve not been on this
show before or you’re new to all of this, then what really I’m talking about is looking at something
from a perspective that isn’t based purely down here in the physical and what we can
understand with our brain and with our senses, but going perhaps into a much deeper
where things like time and space are a bit different. When people talk classically about higher
spirituality, they’re referring to things like the fact that you can go beyond the limits of your mind
or your brain and that you can explore beyond the limits of kind of linear time. And that what that
means is that it affords an opportunity, if you can do that, to be a lot stiller, a lot more neutral and
bring down knowledge and understanding that wouldn’t normally be accessible. I think that’s kind
of a simple way of putting it. And so that’s where we’re coming from.
And since there is a lot to dive into today, then I think I’ll start by just quickly saying hello to the
people. So we’ve got Marigold0, username, what, Scottishbird, Millie27.2 and Toshi, I believe, is
there with them. And we’ve also got Rambo365, who I believe is over in the States. So it’s great
to have you all in the show. And look, if you’re new, say hello if you’re watching. And a lot of
people just like to watch. And that’s fine. They don’t feel obliged to write in the chat, but it’s
always nice just to say hello if you’re there. And so I know you’re there. And if you’re watching
again, because obviously you can watch this afterwards, then this, what you’re going to learn
today isn’t just relevant to Halloween, it’s relevant to life. And if you’re listening in the podcast,
because I also release this as a podcast normally within a few days, then thank you, thank you,
thank you. And remember, like, share, and especially this show, because I think this is going to
help so many people.
So I apologize if I’m rattling this paper around, but there’s so much I want to cover that I just
made some notes just to make sure that we do actually capture everything. So, as the picture shows you,
I’ve kind of crossed out Mr. Pumpkin there, and that gives you a bit of a hint as to where I’m going to be
coming from today. But it’s not based on prejudice or bias or anything like
that. It’s based on kind of revelation, revelation of knowledge and experience. Now, I’ll preface
everything that we’re going to do today by saying, look, we’re all learning. So rewind the clock.
10, 20 years. And I was at a Halloween party dressed like a vampire with prosthetic teeth,
makeup, hair slicked back, collars up. We’ve all been there, so there’s no judgment. And what
I’m going to talk about today may well challenge a lot of what people accept as the norm. But
this isn’t a criticism of anyone or anything. This is simply saying that as we learn, we share. And
as we share, it’s a demonstration of caring. So we’re all in this together and that’s really where
we’re coming from. Now, normally I kind of do a big what are we looking at today? But today
we’re simply going to be looking at what is Halloween really. And this is. This is.
As you know, each week people submit their questions. And so I have had a few questions
about Halloween. I’ve had a lot of questions about other stuff. And so I apologize to those
people. I will get to your questions, but I’m going to stave them off till next week because today I
just really want to focus on this. So as you can see, B.C asks, it’s clear from. For anyone who
wishes to research a little that Halloween has a very dark origins. My question is, if one partakes
in the lighter frivolities of the evening light trick or treating, are they doing themselves a spiritual
disservice? Basically, do you think you can shield yourself from the darkness of that day by
saying you don’t have any dark demonic intention or intent? Can it ever simply be a bit of fun?
And that is actually probably the number one question that people have asked me about
And anon asks, with all the horror in the world, why would anyone celebrate and
everything associated with it, which is suffering, distress and trauma? I honestly think that most
people don’t even think about it. I think that they just go with the. Go with the mainstream, that
they see it as a bit of fun. I don’t think anyone sits down well, I don’t think many good people sit
down and have an intention to be celebrating death and trauma and stuff. But I’m going to share
some videos with you that will show you that some people deliberately do do it for those
reasons. And I think again, we’re going to go on a bit of a journey today. So let’s have a look at.
We’ll go back from actually, so we’ll come back to what I just showed you, press some buttons
and away we go. So these are the kind of things I’m going to be answering. These are the big
questions that people ask. So where does the name Halloween actually come from? What is
Samhain, which is actually pronounced sound like sound without the D on the end, but it’s
spelled S A M H A I N. And the reason that people have heard this word, and I’ll explain what it
is if you haven’t heard it.
And that’s what a lot of people equate Halloween to.
And then other questions like what is the otherworld? Because if you understand Sam Hain, I’ll
call it Sam Hain, but you’ll know I’m pronouncing it wrong. Then you come across concepts like
the otherworld. And obviously I’m going to talk about where pumpkins fit into all of this. And
again, fascinating stuff to look into. So kick off straight away with where does Halloween come
from? Now, going back through the history books or YouTube, Google, you can pretty much
anyone could get the following information. It does require a bit of digging around, but in May 13,
609 AD, Pope Boniface IV established All Saints Day on May 13. So on that very day. So, as
you guys know, if you looked at some of my previous shows, the number 13 has connotations to
do with death in .
And so that’s an interesting choice of date.
And then so the original All Saints Day, which is we still kind of practice to this day, if you’re
religious, was actually on May and not tomorrow. So in 834, Pope Gregory IV moved it to the 1st
of November. Now, there’s some debate as to whether he did that to coincide with a pagan
festival, because, as you know, the church would try and cover over a pagan festival or replace
it with their own. But it’s unlikely at that time that he knew much about what was going on in
Ireland where said pagan festival was. And what we’ve actually got is that means that if the 1st
of November is All Saints Day, so a saint is someone who is hallowed, as in blessed, and they
have gone to heaven. That’s the theory. And the idea was to worship those people who have
died and gone to heaven and who are blessed. So the day of the hallowed. So the day before
the hallowed day would be the hallowed Eve, like Christmas Eve is the day before Christmas. So
hallowed Eve became Hallowe’en, and that’s pretty much where the name came from.
But it just so happens that 31st October is the first day of the year for the Celtics. And the reason
being, to quote Julius Caesar, so Julius Caesar remarks that the Celtic Gauls, not the Irish,
because he didn’t understand, he didn’t know about the Irish or much about them at that stage,
but he said, and he recorded that the Celtic Gauls believe themselves to be descended from the
God of the underworld and so reckon time by nights rather than days. So 31st October would be
the time of year where the sun is going down and the night of the year, the start of the dark half
of the year is beginning. And so their first day of the year was the 31st of October, because it’s
the start of the darkness. And because they, the Celtic Gauls, believe themselves to be
descended from the underworld, then they would worship or honour the day, sorry, the night as
the start of things, and the day is the end of things. The opposite to what we do, which is we see
the day starting when the sun comes up. They see the day starting when the sun goes down
because that’s when it goes into the underworld. So straight away we’re getting into some
interesting stuff, but basically. So that festival on that day, and actually it run over a bit of period
of time, but that time of the year was when the harvest had been done and so all the food had
come in. They brought the sheep and the goats and the cows or whatever they had down from
the fields into the barns and stuff to get them out of the cold. It was a start of winter or start of
the cold period. And so you had a lot of food, so there was celebration, but it was also time for
shutting down, closing down the farm for the. For the winter period. And it was called Samhain.
Now, the word Samhain is actually derived from an old Celtic word which was sam, hyphen,
huin, F, H, U, I double N, which means summer’s end. So the name itself means summer’s end.
And what was of significance from a spiritual point of view is that the traditions of the time
described it as, this is a time when the barrier between this world, the physical world, and the
other world was at its thinnest. And that allowed for the denizens of the other world to come
through into this world. And so it was a period of real fear. Now, there’s an advert doing the
rounds on TV at the moment to kind of celebrate Ireland’s role in the Halloween kind of
celebration and everything. And they talk about maybe even 2,000 years ago in the advert, they
say one brave person, you know, everyone would lock themselves up and hide away from the
evil spirits. But one brave man Decided to go out and walk amongst them. And he did this by
dressing up in a costume that made him look like an ungodly, undead kind of dark and demonic
being so that he could mix in with them. And this actually became tradition. So people would
dress up as ghouls and ghosts and the undead and things like this to parade around showing
that they were. That they recognized that there was darkness and evil about, but they were
hiding amongst it by pretending to be it. Which, again, not a great idea from a spiritual point of
view, but we’ll go into that. But this is where all the traditions started to come. So we still haven’t
got to pumpkins yet, but we will get to that.
So going back to the traditions of that time, it mentions that the other world started to break
through round about then, and that’s where all these scary things came from. So how is the
other. According to the traditions and things that were recorded back then, which goes back to
about the 8th century, how is the other world described now? It doesn’t mean that it starts in the
8th century, by the way. It’s just that their written records only go back about that far. That’s
where there starts to be references normally by visitors who record these things. So, number
one, it’s perpetual spring in the otherworld. There’s rivers of mead and wine. I think mead is
lager made, or beer made from honey, if I’m not mistaken. But it was in Norse mythology
it’s what the gods drank as well.
Food appears on command. That’s interesting. And we’ll get back to that.
No sexual act is a sin. Okay.
Houses of gem. The houses were made of gems and precious metals.
And the access to it was via the. And I apologize. Look, I’m going to pronounce a lot of things
wrong tonight. So access was via the cave of Crowshan, C R U A C H A N which is in Ireland.
And I’ll actually see if I can dig up a picture of that for you in a little bit. But basically, it’s also
called the Cave of Cats, and it’s this tiny little opening.
Basically the. There was a natural cave, but they dug. They had to dig down about 3 meters to
get to it. And they used old Neolithic structures, so like smaller versions of Stonehenge or
whatever. And they took one of these stones and made the entrance lintel using an ancient
stone, and they put another one at the other end where it joins with the natural cave and then
opens up into this big cave underground. And apparently that’s where the Underworld was kind
of coming out of, and in particular, a particular character which I’ll get into a bit more.
So talking of the characters, who lives in the underworld? So we’ve got a whole load of kind of
characters that are described in ancient tradition, but their general attributes were they were
immortals. They were extremely beautiful. There was one group called the Mong Find. So M o n
g F H I n d, and that literally translates as the fair haired. And they were beautiful, blonde,
immortal and powerful. They were also living corpses. They were the Ban Siddh. So B A N S I D
H, which Ban Sid or Ban sh became Banshee. So the banshees, they were the fairies. And these
were described as there was a darkness to the fairies and people feared them. So that’s not the
kind of fairies that Hollywood tries to sell us. Okay? And there were the Puchai or Pukai, P U c a
I. And these were the unfriendly spirits, as if the fairies weren’t bad enough, okay. And these
caused trouble and mischief. And the children of the time were told at that time of year, do not
eat the blackberries because the Pukai spit on them. Okay? Now, this particular cave, the Cave
of Cats, is where Morrigan, the Queen of War, who was a banshee, and she was the wife of
Dagda, and she used to come out that cave every year. And Dagda was considered the primary
God, the Druid or the father, the Irish Celts. And so a lot of this comes from a story that was. It’s.
It’s credited as 800 A.D. and as you know, one of the things I’ll do is I’ll go into that place of
stillness where.
So look, when there is. When you people talk about enlightenment, okay? And enlightenment is
a spiritual pursuit. And if you have attained enlightenment, then you have attained that oneness
where you’ve transcended all limits. And that also includes the limits of time. And from that
stillness, then all time is available to you and you can inquire within it. So what I have been
gifted, I suppose, with the ability to do is to look into things and find out more. Like, with the
information I’ve got from the research I’ve done, I can then go in and get more information. So I’ll
be able to give you a bit more accurate timings. But for now, generally, it’s considered round
about the 8th century.
And I’m just going to read kind of a synopsis of the adventures of Nera. Okay. There’s two
versions, but they overlap. So in the Adventure of Nera, the hero Nera encounters a kind of
zombie at Samhain. So it’s that time of year and what’s happened is he should be indoors, but
he snuck out, okay, and he’s encountered this zombie and it an animated corpse hanging on the
gallows.Our hero finds his way twice into the other world and learns its denizens are planning to destroy
his community in our world. So that does not sound good to me. Okay, he brings back, he stays
there for a while and to prove that he’d been there, he brings back springtime flowers and herbs.
Now remember, this is end of, you know, this is the start of the winter period, so there wouldn’t
have been spring flowers and these fresh herbs. So he does that to prove to his people that the
other world exists and he’s been there. But he, it’s literally recorded that convincing them that he
really has been, quote, out of time and beyond the ordinary world. Now that’s really interesting
and I’ll later on in this show I’m going to explain from a spiritual point of view a lot of what’s been
hinted at here that I think people just don’t get when they read it and compare it to the world
around them. Okay, now the slightly second, the kind of alternative version I found of this story
was that. So when Nero went out on a dare, so he was dared to go out, go and prove how brave
you are, go out with all the ghouls and the ghosts and everyone around about, okay, he met a
thirsty corpse in search of a drink and unwittingly followed warriors through a portal. So there’s
another interesting one. Not, you know, again, I’ve talked a lot about portals and things in, in a
documentary that I did, and I’ll put a link to that. So he, he followed these warriors through a
portal into the otherworld. But instead of ghosts and terror, Nera found . He ended, he ended
up marrying a banshee, or a Bansida, pronounced banshee, an otherworldly woman. He lived
happily ever after in this other world with his family and farm. Now that’s what it says on the
story, but I’ll give you a bit more a bit later on. So, okay, so we’ve had corpses and we’ve had
otherworldly beings and things like fairies and pie and stuff like that. But where does the really
big lean on the idea of death come from when it comes to Halloween? So this actually comes
back to Christianity. So the whole idea of celebrating the dead who are saints who have gone on
and reached heaven is where the kind of focus more on death comes from, as it’s a celebration
of death. And one of the things that people start to do is they start to light candles to guide dead
family members home. Now I’m going to put a big picture up of all of this, so don’t worry about
remembering all the details. But since we’re talking about candles, that’s a good point to kind of
take a pause and remind us why what we’re discussing is so important. Because then I’m going
to talk about the whole pumpkin thing. So why are candles and why is it important to understand
why things like candles and pumpkins and stuff like that are so important? I’m going to show you
this video. So this was actually something I recorded myself just the other day. So this is me in
certain supermarket and I’m just gobsmacked as I walk through the door at the amount of stuff
that’s obviously aimed at children. For example, that says I can barely tolerate the living. That’s
a nice sentiment for a candle jar. And there’s a skull and spiders or Halloween tattoos. And look,
I’ll just pause this. So look, how’s this for a bit of programming? So we’ve got two kids, a boy and
a girl, dad and mum, and they’re all dressed up. One’s a pumpkin. So pumpkins come in. One’s
a skeleton, so the walking dead. One’s a vampire, so worshipping Dracul or Draco. And one’s a
witch, so worshipping the whole witch side of things, you know, in a nice family orientated kind of
toy way. Trust in your magic. So you’ve heard me say before that there is no such thing as good
magic black spiders. And the whole thing about webs will become more obvious. And then look,
this guy is wearing the classic voodoo black hat. So this is encouraging acceptance of the kind
of occult voodoo. You are a prisoner. Mutilated limbs. And let’s take something nice and cuddly
like a teddy bear and turn it into a thing of nightmares. So.
And it goes on. But can I just point out. So in the top of this you’ve got Boo Boo Bluey. Bluey is a
cartoon dog aimed at 2, 3, 4 year olds and suddenly he’s dressed up like a vampire. So get them
young and make it acceptable. And right next to that is a little vampire outfit, clearly for like a
three year old or a toddler. And then for the older kids you’ve got Wendy, sorry, Wednesday or
the kid from that particular thing. Now, this is interesting. So Disney.
And what I’ve done is I’ve just highlighted the 666 in the Disney logo and I’ll let you draw your
own conclusions. But we’ve got all these disparate characters. So got Toy Story and Mickey
Mouse and some pirate character. So lots of different brands coming together.
And Halloween library, 13 stories. So 13 is the number of death. 666. And we got vampire bats.
So again, a reference to Draco or Dracula.
And this is aimed at kids.
And a nice kind of thing there. Now this is a house down my road. And every year they do this.
Since I filmed this, I’ve actually doubled the number of things in their front garden. So we’ve got
a hanging skeleton, We’ve got the undead coming out the ground. We’ve got a tombstone, we’ve
got another hanging skeleton.
We’ve got spiders and things like that. Oh, and this was a grown adult at the Mexico Grand Prix.
One of the race officials in the background when they’re interviewing one of the drivers with his
face completely painted in. Okay.
And I mean, I just want to draw the comparison so perfectly. All right for a grown adult to wear a
face painted like a demonic walking dead. But you, you wear a cross to work and you get. You
lose your job or you have to hide it or take it off. I think one of the racing drivers was actually told
he can’t wear a cross on display.
So the hypocrisy is pretty good there, really. So that was just a little video to kind of show you
the kind of things I think you’ve all seen. You know, we’re all in this world together and we’re all
looking at these things. In fact, I just want to share a photo that someone sent me. So this is a
photo that someone else sent me. Let’s see if we can make this bigger. And so just in their local
cafe, you’ve got ghosts, bats, witches on broomsticks, spiders, iconography all around. And, you
know, this is. This is where someone has to go and they canteen at work and things like this. So
it is something that is overlapping into our everyday lives. And I’ll just share this one last picture
with you. Now, this is a post from a kind of a discord group that I.
I follow. And it’s run by a really nice guy. And it’s supposed to be for espousing Christianity and,
you know, stuff like that. And someone put this on. Happy Halloween. And it’s actually a video,
but I won’t play it. And it’s this cat dressed as Dracula walking seductively along and people are
giving it thumbs ups and ghosts and hearts and stuff.
And this is my response to it. Hello, everyone. I hope you’re all well there and keeping Jesus and
God front and center in your hearts on this day.
And my response got absolutely nothing but the cat. And you know, the cat, the black cat, is just
loaded with iconography that is dark and sinister. Maybe I’m just being a bit too precious, but I
just thought that that was quite sad really. And that’s in a group where they talk about Jesus and
God and things like that, so it is relevant. And, you know, I’m talking, I’m sharing stories from
stuff from 800 years ago where a man finds a corpse hanging from the gallows and then
descends into the other world. And what’s hanging from the tree 100 meters from my front door
is a mimic corpse hanging and blowing in the wind. So that’s 800 years of progress. So I think
that’s why it’s actually quite worthwhile us discussing these things. So where do pumpkins fit into
it? If you start googling and looking into this side of things, then you’ll come across a story of a
blacksmith called Jack. And I’ll give you the short version. Okay, so black. Black Jack was a
blacksmith, but he was a very mean man.
But he did a good deed. So depending on where you are, the story varies. But basically, some
people say it was Jesus, some people say it was a saint.
Doesn’t really matter. Someone, a very religious, devout person, stopped and he helped them.
And because he demonstrated some kindness, this good guy said, I grant you three wishes. And
so from memory, he granted. He asked for three things. Number one, that if someone picked up
his hammer, they couldn’t put it down until he said they could. Number two, if they sat in his
chair, then they couldn’t get out of it until he said they could. And no one could open his wallet
but him or his purse but him. Okay, so he played a lot of pranks because of that. He’d get his
friends around, they’d get in the chair and he’d leave them there for three days, you know. And
in the end, he lost all of his friends. And he became quite depressed because he lost all of his
friends. And the story goes, he made a pact with the devil to try and get some quality of life back
or whatever.
And then he died. And when he died, he went to heaven. And heaven said, well, you’ve made a
pact with the devil. And you’ve been quite a mean man, so you’re not allowed in heaven. So he
trundled off to the gates of hell. And when the devil saw him coming, oh, one of the important
part of the story is, so he’d made a pact with the devil, sold his soul to the devil. Before he died,
the devil came to him three times to try and claim his soul. And this guy, although he was a
mean man, he was very clever and cunning. And so one of the times he was having a fight when
he’s with his wife, when the devil appeared and his wife got pushed and she knocked into the
devil and the devil fell into the chair. And so the devil was stuck in a chair because the chair had
this, you know, wish on it that no one could leave it unless the man said. And he and his wife
pulled the nose of the devil until it was really, really long and pulled it out his chimney. So that’s
one of the things that happened. And then he trapped the devil another time with the hammer, I
think. So anyway, he’d out bested the devil several times and the devil hadn’t claimed his soul.
So when he died, he turns up, he’s rejected from heaven. He goes to hell, basically. And the
devil says, no, I’m not letting you in. And he slams the door and then grabs the man’s nose and
pulls the man’s nose long through the gate and then shoves a hot coal from. Because obviously
hell is full of hot coals. He shoves a hot coal up his nostril and pushes him away and says, I’ll
have nothing to do with you. But you’re not allowed in heaven. So you’ll have to wander in
purgatory or in this abyss for the rest of your days. And all you’ve got is this hot coal to light the
way. And so the man managed to find a turnip, and he carved out this turnip and he put the hot
coal in it, and he used it as his lantern for the rest of his time, which is eternity, to light the way in
the abyss. Okay, so that’s the story of this guy, this blacksmith called Jack.
Now, fast forward. When. When Americans went en masse to. Sorry. When the Irish people
went to America during the famine in the 1840s, they took their traditions with them and they.
One of their traditions was you. You carved out a turnip and you put a little candle in it to rep. You
know, to replicate the story of you being Jack who outsmarted the devil. You know, the fact that
he didn’t get into heaven. Doesn’t seem to bother them.
And when they went to America, they found these big things called pumpkins, which are a lot
easier to carve out and much bigger so you could do a lot more with them. And so they started
carving pumpkins and then it became quite a popular thing. So, you know, some of the gentry
and the lords of the manors and stuff in America were like, showing off their pumpkins. And so
suddenly everyone wants to have pumpkins, but what. So that’s where supposedly the pumpkin
thing came from.
But it’s a bit more interesting because if you dig a bit deeper, and I’m going to give you links to
all of these articles and things so you can, if you want to dig a bit deeper. But I want to read out
something that was printed in 1832. So inflammable air, wrote the science editors of the
February 1832 issue of Atkinson’s Casket.
So inflammable air, which is continually exhaling hydrogen gas, phosphorus, carbonic acid gas
and occasionally sulfurous vapours. Jack O Lanterns were marshy meteors that flared up when
in contact with electricity or heat generated by the decomposition of animal or vegetable
material, materials, or more basely, According to the 1637 curiosities, or the Cabinet of
Nature, an exhalation bred near execution places or churchyards or great kitchens where vicious
and slimy matters and vapours abound in great quantity. The Latin name given to the lights was
ignis fatuus, which means foolish or false fire. But the phenomena was called by many different
names Kit, Meg, Willie, Jenny, corpse, candle, fairy, light, spunky or punky, to name just a few.
Willow, the Wisp and Jack o’lantern are the two you’ve most likely heard of, no matter how it was
scientifically explained. And it was explained often in magazines and newspapers, but also in at
least one book titled Edward Gorey. Like A Wonderful History of All the Storms, Hurricanes,
Earthquakes and Etc. And lights that Lead People out of Their Way at night, published in 1704.
So this goes back quite a long time. The bluish first you see them, now you don’t. Lights were
pretty much viewed by everyone as eerie. It was sneaky the way they seemed to drift out of
another dimension to give us a fright. Seductive the way they beckon like a lantern in distant
window, then vanished, not of this world, not of the next, as if they came from a place that could
leak spirits like butter, like fireflies. Purgatory.
Early 18th century Foreign travellers to Ireland reported that the Irish believed the lights were
linked to dead souls. Not surprising, given the Clunic abbot Peter the Venerable, who we should
thank for writing the very first collection of ghost stories called the Light. He called the lights
lanterns of the dead some 700 years before in the 12th century. Now, some of you, this might
actually sound familiar because in Lord of the Rings there’s a scene where the guys, the hobbits,
have to go through the marshes and Smeagol, I was about to do a Smeagol impression says,
don’t look at the lights or you’ll join them. And basically if you look at the lights of these dead
people in the marsh, you fall in. Now I think it’s about this point that I’m going to start giving you
the stuff that you won’t get on Internet and you won’t get in books. Okay? So when I looked into
it, these lights that people reported a lot in the kind of 12th century, 13th, right through to the
18th century were not physical lights. Although sometimes, if so if you did have a decomposing
body and you lit a match, then the methane and stuff in it could cause a quick explosion. But
that’s not what people were describing as these lights that hung around for a while. They were
literally people seeing, quote, unquote ghosts. And I did a paranormal video a little while ago
because I accidentally recorded some little light orbs moving around me when I was setting up a
camera once. And so I can, I can put a link to that as well, where even today you can sometimes
capture things like this. But back then it wasn’t that people were more psychic. There was just
these things were deliberately trying to scare people and attract people. It goes back to this word
loosh. Because these non physical entities and beings feed off negativity, so they feed off fear.
Now it’s interesting that one of the quotes said they’re found around places of death. So the
reference to big kitchens, because that’s where back then they would have been slaughtering
the animals as well, or around graveyards and cemeteries and places like that. So basically back
then these otherworldly beings were coming into this realm to feed off the negativity and where
they could get it was places of death. So where there were dead bodies, morgues, abattoirs and
stuff like that. And that’s so typically that’s where they were seen. And that’s why people thought
that they were the, they were linked to dead souls. They were kind of, they were non alive, you
And so some of what has been reported and talked about for hundreds of years, if not longer,
starts to make more sense now in, I think in the very first book I wrote, I referred to theories, I
didn’t refer to Pukai, I didn’t come across that name. But it’s pretty much the same as something
else I referred to, which was when I referred to elementals. And what these are. Non physical
things are just a slightly higher vibration. So they can interact very much with us. And they tend
to pick on children as well because children are a bit more receptive to them. And that’s why
children see fears. But these are all highly negative things and they feed, they feed off fear. And
so what this guy Nera was describing was pretty much an experience of what I would refer to
simply as non physical beings from slightly higher dimensions. But he did talk about some
thing that really piqued my interest, this, the mention of going through
a portal and being out of time. And so I just, I was kind of compelled to look into that a bit more
now. I’m going to share a couple of videos with you in a moment to really kind of bring this all
home. But when I looked into it, he did act. So first of all, what happened to him was a true story.
And it was in 733. And he went twice. So in 733, which would have been the 31st of October,
because it was that summer’s end day. What’s the name for it? They give it again, it’s that word I
can’t pronounce. It sounds like sonde. Anyway, Samhain. Okay, so what happened was, it’s true,
he was boasting and one of his friends said, well, if you’re so brave, out you go and walk around
with the ghosts. Now they were seeing these lights, they were seeing things. These things were
being, were shown, revealing themselves to provoke fear. And the reason why it’s at that time is
because if, look, if they just chose a random day, not as many, not as many people are focused
on it, but because what would happen is the whole village would go, right, today is the day
where we’re gonna close down for, you know, for winter, bring all the sheep down, have a big
feast to celebrate. Everyone’s focused on the same thing, which means all the superstitions and
all the ideas and the traditions handed down for a long time are in the back of their minds. So if
you have a lot of people thinking, oh, this is the night where the undead are going to come out of
their graves and walk around, you’ve got group fear and that’s what Loosh is. It’s group
negativity, not individual. Okay? So he went, all right, I’m going to go out for a walk. And he did.
He came across what he described as a corpse, but it wasn’t physical, but he could perceive it. It
was like a ghost. And he could perceive it because his own sense of fear.
He was basically scared, not because he could perceive it, but because he was scared because
he expected problems. It made him a bit more psychic because it was like heightened senses.
And he perceived this thing.
And what happened was the denizens of the underworld saw what was going on and thought,
oh, we can use this guy because. And I’ll get to the reason why they needed to use him. So they
basically, I think they kind of put him in a bit of a trance, and they guided him into this cave and
to their world. And he spent five hours there, okay, in our time. But to him, it was about 28 hours.
It was over a day. And they showed him around and he saw how beautiful they were. And they
portrayed everything as, you know, flowing wine in rivers and houses made of crystals. They
really sold it to him. And they also appealed to the base side of things. So no sexual act is
immoral. You know, there’s no judgment here. You can do as much wrong as you want and get
away with it. Now, the other thing that was really interesting is they said food came on
command. Now, I’ve talked about manifesting, and I’ve also cautioned against the whole law of
manifesting stuff, but fundamentally, on a higher dimension, if you think it, it happens. It’s just
down here in the physical realm where thought and results are disjointed. So that gives us a
really strong clue, because what I already knew from my own experience, but what I confirmed
was that when he went through into the cave, he went through what we could call a wormhole or
a vortex, which shifted his vibration. So he was still physical, but he was no longer on the
physical plane because the things he was interacting with up to that point weren’t tangible to
him. And he shifted to their vibration. Didn’t kill him or anything. He didn’t lose his physical body.
And on the very lower vibrations just above ours, it is possible for there to be this overlap. And
there are actually places we’re going to get a bit perhaps too far for this conversation, but there
are places that are talked about on the. On the third dimensional beyond certain boundaries that
most people aren’t allowed to go to. The appear physical, but aren’t physical. It’s that kind of
overlap territory. And so he went to one of these overlap planes where he could be there and
they could be there.
And those five hours on our time was 28 hours on their time because everything’s faster,
because it’s a faster vibration. So when he came back, he’d only been gone five hours, but he’d
had a whole 28 hours of experience. And he came back with some flowers and some herbs to
show that he had been to the other world. But he was told to do that. They encouraged. It wasn’t
that he just snatched. Snatched them and run away. They let him out and they said, tell people
about us and tell them how good we are, how great it is. Make them want us, basically.
And so he went back and for the next two years, he waxed lyrical about his experiences.
So fast forward to not the following year, but the following year, because they were keeping an
eye on him. He hadn’t done enough after one year. So after two years, they decided he’s done
enough to achieve what they wanted. And so they welcomed him back and they said, right,
you’ve done your job. You can come back. And the second time he went for five years, five years
in our time. And it worked out to be about 28 years of experience for him on the other side. And
he did indeed marry a banshee and have four children.
Now, this particular plane or place that he went to wasn’t of Earth. So he was another world,
other world, and he was out of time because it’s a completely different speed of time there.
Okay. And these beings. Now, I’ve experienced all kinds of things on the inside. So when I start
to see that description, and it’s the. I think they’re called the blonde ones, and they’re very
beautiful. I knew who it was instantly, but I don’t know them as these gay, you know, these
Gaelic ancestry, otherworldly beings. I’ve encountered them in the present, and they call
themselves the Beautiful Ones, but you probably have not heard of that. But what you probably
have heard of is the name the Titans. And it’s a specific race. And when I first encountered
them, I was struck with wasn’t their beauty, but their obsession with trying to appear human. And
he thinks he was rewarded. Oh, well done. You’ve done. You told them about us. Come on, you
can have a wife and you can have kids. It was a breeding program. It was a genetics program.
They wanted to be more like him or look more like him, so they wanted some offspring. So they
selected him and they allowed him to have four kids. And then when the kids had grown up, they
kicked him out because he’d done his job. That’s why he came back after five years of our time,
28 years of his time there. And the reason why they’re kind of obsessed with appearing to be
human or let’s just say a better version of us, and this is probably the idea of the Aryan race as
well, is that they want to trick humans into thinking that they’re good, because humans are good,
and therefore if you look like a human, you must be good. But it’s even more nefarious than that.
Their goal was to try and trick God into thinking that they were good because they saw that God
loved humanity and favored humanity, and so they wanted some of that for themselves. So that’s
kind of the more spiritual side of what’s going on with the whole NERU story or NERU story from
So why is. Again, so what’s the big deal? Why don’t we just have pumpkins, Let our kids dress
up, okay, because this is all stories from 700 years ago. And look, if you’re in the chat, do let me
know. Have you done anything for Halloween this year? Have you, have you dressed up? Have
you gone out or your kids gone out or, you know, you’re wearing a fancy dress costume or
anything like that?
And this isn’t a trap. Look, I admit I did it. I used to do it before I really tuned in and started to
understand bigger things. So there’s no judgment. But it’s really nice to kind of gauge where
we’re at now. I’m going to share a video with you. So some of you may have met this guy or
heard of him. His name’s John Ramirez and he was like one of the top high priests of the
Satanic Church in New York for 25 years. I’m not condoning him in any way, but I’m just saying
who he was. And by his own admission, he was one of the most powerful Satanists on the
planet. And he was used to attack people and kill people. His own words. And to do every form
of dark magic and things against Christians and churches and good people. And he’d. He put
spells on them and try and destroy their health or their businesses. So really nasty bit of work, to
be honest. Quite frankly. I’m not going to apologize or make any excuses for him. Then he
actually changed his ways and became a priest in the Catholic Church. So. But this is him
talking about Halloween and what I’ve done is edited down his video just to the salient points.
But I wanted to share it with you because I think this will really start to explain from, literally from
the horse’s mouth, why Halloween is actually a bit of a problem. Bearing in mind everything I’ve
already just told you.
[00:45:31] John R: The devil’s number one holiday, it’s Halloween. And a lot of believers
today, today, you know, they are.
[00:45:37] So he’s referring to believers, as in Christians and people of faith
celebrating Halloween.
[00:45:42] John R: They are going on and renting costume, buying costumes, making
costumes, painting their doors, putting pumpkins in front of the door. First of all, the pumpkin, the
pumpkin. When you take the pumpkin, you represent the demi, the demon that control the rivers,
which is the called Ochun in Santeria.
[00:45:59] So I’ll just fill in at this point. Santeria is a religion that was created in
Cuba, taking Nigerian influences and Roman Catholic influences. And it’s a mismatch of the two.
But when you read it, they’re basically into demon worship and possession. So they do rituals
and animal sacrifices to try and get the spirits to enter into them and possess them so that they
can be used to talk to the spirits.
And so what he’s saying there is that the pumpkins is part of their tradition of getting demons to
[00:46:32] John R: So the pumpkin brings that demon into your house. When you put
pumpkins at your door, you see? So, so, so, so that demon operate with pumpkins. So when you
put pumpkins in your door on Halloween as believers, you are giving the devil a entry. You’re
giving that principality, the demon that run the rivers, her name is Achoo, which is a type of
Jezebel. And they’re over religion. You’re bringing the demon into your home, you’re giving it
assets to your home, access to your family. And the most remarkable thing that the devil taught
me was.
[00:47:04] So he actually, in other videos, talks about the fact that he was in touch
with the devil. You know, he was. A lot of people talk about this. They’re communicating with and
channeling things. And it’s stuff that, you know, I did a bit in the past before I woke up and
realized that most of what people are communicating with is negative and dark and he’s trying to
deceive them. But he knew it was the devil. He knew he was talking to something bad, and he
went along with it because that’s what he wanted.
[00:47:27] John R: I love when they celebrate Halloween. I love when they get dressed. I love
when they celebrate my holiday because they come intertwined, you Come intertwined with
darkness. I don’t care if you’re reading your Bible 20 times a day. When you turn around and you
celebrate Halloween, or you open your door to Halloween, or you open your life to Halloween, or
you open your family to Halloween. The devil has you by the throat. The devil has shown me
that the reason he loves Christians to celebrate Halloween, it brings, the Bible says it brings a
four to five generation of curse in your family. It’ll bring a ripple effect in the spur round will attach
yourself to your other family members.
[00:48:03] If you’re the matriarch or patriarch of the family until your children are 18,
any decision that you make that involves them binds them. So if you put a pumpkin on your front
doorstep, whether your children agree to it or not, they don’t have a say. Their free will doesn’t
kick in until they’re 18. So as their parent, the choices you make bind them. And that’s what he’ssaying there, by the way. It’s not him saying it’s his holiday. He’s quoting the devil saying
Halloween is my holiday. As in the devil is saying Halloween is his holiday.
[00:48:38] John R: You have churches that are, that are going out and celebrating instead of
Halloween, they’re celebrating harvest. So you’re bringing your curse to your church when you
do that, when you’re bringing the curse upon the children in your church, that’s like a substitute
of Halloween.
[00:48:53] Yeah. So when you go to church, if the priest decides to celebrate, he’s
saying it’s a substitute of Halloween. A lot of churches these days are on the 31st of October,
celebrating harvest. Well, that goes back to celebrating Samhain, the harvest period, the festival
of the undead, etc. So if you’re celebrating harvest on that day, you are celebrating Halloween,
you are celebrating the devil and the devil knows it. And that’s what they’re saying is why are the
churches doing it?
[00:49:22] John R: So and another thing is you’re dressing up your kids. One of the biggest
demonic disillusion that the devil brings to the body of Christ on Halloween is to change
costume, put on an outfit, paint your face. I don’t care if you put on the Little Mermaid. I don’t
care. You put on Casper the friend of Ghost. I don’t care if you put on whatever Ninja Turtle. And
what amazing thing that the devil does to many Christians today.
[00:49:50] When can I. I’ll just point out I’ve had people say to me, oh no, it’s all right.
My kids aren’t dressing up like, like skeletons or anything. And they’re just wearing like the Little
Mermaid outfit. He’s only four. He’s just wearing his Spider man outfit. I just want him to enjoy
the fun. It doesn’t matter. This is what he’s saying. The devil doesn’t care. You’re dressing up
differently. And the reason why this is so important is when God made Adam and Eve. Now,
whether that’s an allegorical story, fact, the symbology of it is when God made man, man was
perfect. And they didn’t have to wear clothes, they didn’t have to present themselves as anything
other than what they were in the face of God. Once the devil had tempted them with the
forbidden fruit, suddenly they became conscious of how they looked and they started covering
themselves up, putting on a costume to hide themselves from God. So when someone dresses
up to celebrate the Devil’s day in any costume, they literally are hiding themselves from the sight
of God. Symbolically and literally.
[00:50:52] John R: You put on a costume here, changes your identity of who you are in
Christ. By putting on a costume that you’re not you, you open yourself up to the most demonic
attack on Halloween ever you can ever imagine. So you no longer in Christ, your identity is
changed. The devil is the biggest identity theft stealer of mankind. And if you celebrating harvest,
you celebrating Halloween, the importance of Good Friday, the importance for believers to
celebrate Resurrection Sunday. Because without the resurrection, without Good Friday, there’s
no Christianity. Without Halloween, there’s no devil, you know, and then the day after, the day
after Halloween, All Saint day, All Saint there people buying candles and buying candles and
celebrating and making different food offerings to their dead relatives.
Those are demons people.
[00:51:42] So this is something that really struck me. I couldn’t understand why the
Catholic Church in whenever it was 609 or whatever, came up with All Saints Day and then
followed that on with All Souls Day. And they get people to worship the dead saints because
there is only one God and Jesus is God. And the only thing that should ever be worshipped is
God. So he’s pointing out what he says here resonates with what my intuition was telling me,
which is that actually it’s wrong to worship anything other than God and ergo Jesus, because,
yeah, all right, so these people are great and they made it to heaven. Well, they made it toheaven under God’s guidance and they only made it to heaven because of Jesus.
So we shouldn’t celebrate them. We should be grateful that they have done it. We should be
inspired that they’ve done it. And he’s saying, yeah, literally, it’s the devil’s Work that we’re now
celebrating saints.
[00:52:36] John R: So the attack, the demonic attack, demonic stronghold, the gateways, the
portals, the four to five generations being cursed verse.
It starts celebrating Halloween. The whole picture of Halloween is that you honoring the devil.
You bow down to the devil. Because I used to celebrate Halloween. The biggest witchcraft I used
to do was on Halloween to kill, steal and destroy Christian believers. Destroy anything that came
in my path that week that I was preparing a week ahead of time to kill you on the 31st.
[00:53:08] He’s not talking symbolically. He used to be high. Well, he would be told
by the devil, kill these people. And he would do black magic. And they dropped down dead. And
obviously he never went to prison because you can’t prove it.
[00:53:21] John R: Coffins, bones, portions, you name it, I had it. Halloween is an
abomination in the eyes of a holy God. And put spider webs, you know, spider webs,
[00:53:34] So this is why the whole spider thing. So the symbology of the spider,
what people don’t realize is if you put a web or string or anything symbolically around you or
around your property, it’s literally binding black magic. And you didn’t choose the black magic,
but you are binding it to your property. So you are putting a web. Think about what a web is. It’s
geometry. And I’ve talked at length in previous episodes about the symbology of geometry and
Geometry with intention is magic. So if someone bad has decided that everyone who puts spider
webs and spiders on their property on this day will be bound by the magic that they. That this
person has created or that Satan has created. And so he’s literally calling it entrapment. You are
entrapping yourself with this symbology on your property. You’re welcoming the magic into your
[00:54:20] John R: On your windows and goblins and all this kind of goblins, demonic forces
on your windows or on your door or around your house. Because the devil comes to play for
keeps, he has a mastermind of strategies. Believe me, I sat in the devil’s mind for 25 years. His
mind is full of strategies. How to entrap, engage and kill, steal and destroy. Through holidays, to
events, through cultures. For the only purpose they do this is to keep you away from the cross
and your purpose and your destiny to know Jesus Christ.
[00:55:00] I mean, that’s it. The whole reason why Halloween is being pushed down
our throats, why we’re, you know, £9 billion spent this year on Halloween in America alone,
[00:55:10] John R: I went to hell. I don’t know how long.
[00:55:12] So this is him actually talking, his experience. So I was there.
[00:55:16] John R: That’s how I got saved. Just say I was there for 20 minutes and a half
hour. That was enough to tell me to turn from my wicked ways, to turn from. From 25 years of
the devil worshiping. Because just a glimpse of what that was, the time I was there was enough
for me to say yes to Jesus and no to the devil. Don’t let the entrapment and the lies and the
deception. There’s something that looks cool, that looks good, that looks harmless. Send you to
a place that you’re spending your eternity and never to return. You’re separated from a place that
God has predestined for you to live with him for an eternity. And that’s what I’m talking about. So
your blood today is off my hands because I told you what Halloween is about, and I’m telling you
today, whoever celebrates Halloween is cursed beyond naked. Imagine.
[00:56:01] Mark: So I want to just stress this. Obviously, I’m not condoning him. He, for 25
years did what he did, and he did that of his own free will. So whether or not there’s any
redemption for him is between him, him and God alone. So I’m not trying to endorse him. The
reason why I put him up is he.
It’s one thing for me to sit here and say, look, Halloween bad, okay? This guy was the top of the
tree when it comes to Satanism, devil worship, occult, witchcraft. He was the man, okay? He
sold his soul to the devil. So he’s speaking from his own experience, and he’s telling you that the
devil is literally laughing every time a mother or a father puts a costume on their child, puts a
pumpkin on the doorstep, says, well, it’s only just a bit of fun. I don’t believe in any of this, but I’ll
send them out, you know, And I want to share one other video. This one, this one’s not as long.
This is a guy who identifies as a witch or he was a witch, and he suddenly had this realization he
thought he was doing good, okay?
[00:57:01] Video Presenter: In witchcraft. Listen to his first big mission he got from his spirit guides on
Emmanuel: I remember my first big mission in New Orleans the day of Halloween, before we
went outside to go pray over streets and businesses and people and all these things. I thought I
was blessed blessing people, but I was really cursing them. I asked the spirit guys, like, hey, like,
don’t we need permission? Don’t we need to ask them before we come here and bless them?
Like, don’t, don’t have to, like, seek some type of spiritual, like, approval. This is what each and
every single one of my spirit guys that has seven told me.
“Emmanuel. Their participation in Halloween is their agreement. It is the open door. It
is how you guys are able to not have to ask for permission because they already gave
permission in the spirit by celebrating. When they decorate their home and make their home
participate in Halloween, you have access to their home. When they put out all the stuff in their
businesses, you have access to their business. When they dress up their kids and make their
kids participate, you have access to their kids. When they dress up their pets and go out with
their pets dressed up, you have access to their pets.”
[00:58:01] Mark: But the point that he’s making there is that the fact that you participate, it’s
not about whether you believe is that you participate. And if you participate with your kids, you
volunteered your kids. If you put a costume on your dog or your cat, you volunteered your pet.
What for? For possession. Literally. Now, going right back to the story of Nera. Why did they
want him to tell all of his people about this wonderful place and these wonderful people in the
other world? Because then those people would desire them and because they desired them.
The moment they had the thought, that sounds cool. I’d like to know that. Or I’d like to go there,
or I’d like to meet them, or I’d, you know, or just any sense of desire towards them. The moment
they had that thought, they opened themselves up and then these beings could come through at
any time of the year, enter into these people on the third dimension and possess them. And it
might be outright possession, or it might just be sitting in them, making them negative, making
them angry, making them all these bad things so they could feed off their negativity and the
negativity that they provoked in other people.So we’ve had a witch and a ex priest of Satan telling us that Halloween bad and that you’re, you
know, we really shouldn’t be doing anything, have anything to do with it whatsoever. Not even
putting up a single, you know, a simple pumpkin or anything like that. Again, look, is this. Is this
actually. Is it that bad? Is this relevant to the world that we live in? This was something that,
oddly enough, someone sent me this morning.
I’ll just share this with you. So this was sent to me, but let’s talk to Kevin Badenoch. She joins
me now.
[00:59:34] Mike Graham: And of course, on the day that Halloween breaks, we have the Halloween
Horror Show from Rachel Reeves So they’re talking about the budget from today, obviously,
I Thought dealt with the response pretty…
Mark: by the way, in case you don’t know who this woman is, this woman is
running to be the next leader of the country. So she’s currently running to be the leader of the
Tories, which means she’ll be the leader of the opposition. And she has in the past been the
head of the kind of the person in government that deals with faith and belief and also families
and children. Okay, so that’s her background.
[01:00:10] Mike Graham: …Well, but what would your response have been, Kemi, if. If you’d been
able to have one? Good morning.
[01:00:16] Kemi Badenoch: Good morning, Mike. First of all, just before I start.
I wanted to say the Halloween is great. It is not just about yoboos. My little kids love it
going out, trick or treating. It is a new tradition in this country, which I think we should
But certainly we don’t want to see this….
Mark: Okay, so then she goes on and talks about budget. Now look, if you’re on national TV
or national radio and you’re being interviewed about the budget and you start by saying, well,
before I start, let me just say that Halloween is great, that we should all accept it, that it’s a new
tradition and it’s really, really good. And my children do it. And I think your children should do it.
Straight away, I’m like, whoa, what’s going on there? So I felt compelled to do a bit more digging
because it just struck me as a little bit odd, you know, if you’ve been, you’re running for the
leader of the country, the leader of England, that’s potentially where you want to be in four years
time or five years time. And so there’s not much information on her other than she’s held some
interesting seats. There’s a few allegations about this and that. And so a lot, some of the
information I can get, I can’t back up with the receipts. I can’t say, yeah, on this website it proves
this or it proves that. But I was encouraged to keep digging. And what I got was that that wasn’t
just random. I mean, it didn’t look random. She literally said, well, before I answer the question,
it’s a political question at this really important time when the budget has just been announced
and I am the putting myself up as leader of the opposition, I’m going to talk about Halloween, I’m
going to talk about. Well, she didn’t say this, but what she’s going to talk about is what’s just
been clearly identified as the day of celebration of Satan and the devil and the entrapment of
humanity by dark and evil forces. So I looked into it and I was told she was told by someone to
promote Halloween and it wasn’t her husband, it wasn’t her father was, it seems, was a Catholic
minister. And I think she’s got ties with Africa.
And I’d have to look into it because remember that religion, I said that’s a mix of Christianity and
kind of stuff to do with demon worship and stuff. But I haven’t looked into that too much. But it
turns out that I was guided to the Information act, which I cannot prove whatsoever. But it was to
do with World Economic Forum, it was to do with that dark group. But what I was able to do is a
bit of digging around and the Guardian were talking about the fact that she went to Davos, which
is the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, and she was there and she was the
Minister of Trade, I think, and she failed to raise issues with Fujitsu at Davos. So that’s the only
record that I could find with a brief search. But she was definitely at Davos, which means she
was definitely involved on some level as a politician or on a personal level with the World
Economic Forum. And the information I’d already been given was that it was something to do
with that, that she was guided or told, use your platform to promote Halloween, especially on this
day, because it is Halloween on this particular day. So, you know, it seems to be that Halloween
is on the agenda even at the world political level, because you do not, if you are running for the
country, interrupt your own interview to talk about Halloween and promote it with fervour that just
is out there, basically. So let’s kind of do a big top level. I’m well aware of the time, but I’ll try and
get through as much as possible. So thank you everyone for bearing with us. So this is the
timeline of things that is the bigger, bigger picture. If you haven’t seen the Stonehenge
documentary, you’ll know. I’ll just give you a very quick synopsis. Round about 11,000, 12,000
years ago, they started, they being beings on higher dimensions, really started coming down and
interfering in affairs on Earth. And there were 12 different clans or groups, primarily based
around England and further afield. And one of the groups was actually an island.
Now, in about 9,000 BC, they started aligning burial mounds with this Samhain date. So on that
particular day, the 31st of October, the sun would shine through the entrance down along
corridor. So these burial mounds, there’s four different types, but the Ones I’m talking about
were called corridor tombs. And the sun was shined down into the corridor and these were
literally doorways to the other world. And it was done by vortices. So I’ve talked in that
documentary about how you can shift vibration through vortices. But they were primarily using
dark magic. And that’s why there are these places. There’s a lot of evidence of sacrifice and
animal sacrifice and things like that. Anyway, fast Forward to about 3200 BC, which is when the
Egyptian empires were really in full swing, and you’ll know that there’s a connection between
Egyptian empires and some of these root races.
There was a breakaway group and the leader of that breakaway group, which is the Isle,
basically the Irish breakaway group where they broke away from the main leader was a guy
called Dogda. His partner was the Morgan and she’s the one that was said to come out of the
cave of cats in Ireland. And so that brought me to the question, why do they need these
underground caves or these tombs to use? And it’s because they come through the vortices. But
they need time on the third dimension to become more physically present so they could interact
with people. And so they wanted somewhere out of the way, secluded, well hidden. And that’s
why they favored these underground places. Okay, so then we jump forward to 30 A.D. and if I
get my little Arreo, so I’ll just draw your attention. So that’s when Jesus really was full swing with
his teachings.
Then we go over to 325 AD and we’ve got the Council of Nicaea, which is the start of the
Catholic religion. Okay, so I’m trying to give you an overall timeline of everything.
Then you go 421 AD so within 100 years of the formation of the Catholic religion, as opposed to
the teachings of Jesus, we which is something slightly different. You have St. Patrick arrives in
Ireland and Christianity’s therefore arrived in Ireland around about that time.
And then in 609 AD you have All Saints Day on May 13th. So 13 is the number of death. And I’m
sure that they knew their numerology back then and they knew what they were doing anyway.
So in retaliation for the introduction of Catholicism and the clashing with it with their celebrations,
the denizens of the underworld, which is Dogda and his people, decided to drag someone down
and start their plan to integrate more closely with people in the third dimension. And so in 733
AD, Nehra was shown the otherworld. And in 735 he went and lived there for, as I said, five
years and had kids. So then in 834, All Saints Day, sorry, I jumped ahead. So the retaliation was
just the fact that Catholicism and the teachings of Jesus was spread to Ireland and it was taking
people away from the old traditions. So pointing back up to 9,000 BC where people were fearful
of these underground beings and the people from other worlds and suddenly Christianity and
hope and Jesus and that kind of stuff survived in Ireland. And so then they brought Nera into
their underworld and tried to sell it to them as, you know, rivers of wine and beautiful people and
houses of crystals and have whatever kind of sex you want and no one’s going to judge you.
Which was obviously in opposition to the teachings of Christianity about goodness, purity and
procreation and love rather than just hedonism and sex.
And then All Saints Day moves to clash with it within 100 years of that. So it’s kind of like these
battles, good and bad, good and bad. Anyway, then we Fast forward to 1840s and then we have
all the Irish famine and literally, I mean now 1 in 6 people in America is Irish descent. So a lot of
them went to America and that’s where a lot of the traditions were taken over, developed in
America and then exported back to the UK in more present times. And round about 1860s you
have the Santeria faith, which is the merging of Veruba, which I believe is Nigerian kind of
voodoo worship. It’s also a bit like the Haitian black magic and stuff like that merged with
Catholicism. But if you look into it nowadays, they’re actually doing a big push to get rid of the
Catholic part altogether and just stick with the black magic. And that’s where people are doing
sacrifices and trying to welcome spirits into them and things like that. You know, it’s not just this
religion. I know spiritual groups where they actually send out emails encouraging people to
welcome beings into them and basically voluntarily get possession because they see it as
something positive, you know. And so that’s kind of where we’ve got to in the world where there
is all these things going on. And yeah, it’s, it’s a bit crazy really. So at this point the take home
message is that by now hopefully you see that Halloween is not a good thing. You’ve heard it
from the closest thing to Satan himself, someone that sat quote unquote in Satan’s mind or the
devil’s mind for 25 years, telling us that it’s a really bad thing. But I didn’t want to leave It. On that
note, I want to just wrap up. I know we’re a little bit over time, but I just wanted to wrap up on a
positive. Okay. So you’ll remember that the whole point of the work of the devil is to take you
away from the really, really simple thing which is Jesus was real. Jesus came to save us. You
know, even the council of Nicaea 325 and some of the things going on there doesn’t seem to
take us in the right direction. And the churches are now celebrating harvest, some of them, and
that’s certainly not taking people in the right direction. So it’s very, very simple. Every day should
be a day where we contemplate and celebrate Jesus in God. I say should. It’s free will. Notice
how the devil uses.
If you partake of this, you give us your will. If you have a pumpkin, you have, you know, given us
the right to enter into you and enter into your home and take your children and take your pets.
By the way, the real story, someone contacted me a few days ago and they were very unwell
and they’d been unwell for a few days. And when I looked into it, literally their soul had been
taken from them and I had to put it back in them. And when I looked into it some more, and
they’ve got young kids, their kids were being affected. And when I looked into it some more, it’s
because they’ve agreed to allow the kids to do Halloween this year and they didn’t know
anything that I’ve just shared in this video. They’re innocent, they like everyone else, they think
it’s just a bit of fun. They don’t understand, but that’s what had happened. And luckily I was able
to intervene, put things back to how they should be and clear them and put some form of
blessing and protection on them. But the average person doesn’t know this. The average person
isn’t aware of any of this and they’re just going along with it because it’s just a bit of innocent fun.
So this is real. This is really affecting people. So what’s the good news? Because that’s where
we should always end, you know, have to have to drop the big truth bombs sometimes and say,
look, this stuff that people don’t want to look at is going on, but what are we going to do about it?
It’s so, so simple.
On Halloween, you don’t do anything. You just don’t worship Halloween. You don’t try and
counter worship it. Because, for example, I know people that go to a festival of light. Now, that’s
still not good. Yes, light is good in theory, but who’s the person holds up the light? We did this in
a previous live show. Lucifer literally means the bearer of light. Okay, so you don’t worship light.
You don’t worship the souls of the dead, you don’t worship the saints, you don’t worship the
harvest, you don’t worship Halloween. You don’t worship a pumpkin. The only thing you worship
is Jesus, who is God. Okay? Jesus said, you know, I am the way. It is only through me that there
is salvation, or it’s only through me that there is, that you get to God. So the answer is really,
really simple.
Every day, we should. We have the opportunity, we have the choice. I keep saying should, but
there is no should, because should doesn’t respect free will. Free will is you could simply just put
make Jesus and God the focus of your life every day. And then Halloween is something that you
just dismiss. And on that note, I just wanted, you know, sometimes it’s good to kind of say, okay,
well, look, is there any guidance on this matter?
And there is going back a long, long time. So I’m just going to share this with you as some
closing thoughts. Okay, so in Leviticus 20, chapter 20, verse 27, and if a man or woman have a
spirit of divination or a soothsaying, in them, they shall die the death. That’s basically saying that
if you give in to possession, if you voluntarily do it, then you’re doomed. Okay? Ephesians 5:11.
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. That’s the
answer. Halloween is the works of darkness, so reprove it. Which means don’t celebrate it. Don’t
try and counter celebrate it. Just ignore it. Just have nothing to do with it. Okay? That’s what this
live talk is doing. I’m literally reproving it.
Romans says, do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your
mind. That by testing, you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and
perfect. That literally means don’t worry about the world. Look, just because everyone else is
doing it doesn’t mean you have to. Rather, when you are challenged, like someone says, oh,
come on, it’s just a bit of fun. That’s the test. It’s only in the test that you can discern what is
good from bad and put what is good first. So it’s very, very simple. Put what is good first. Don’t
worry about the world.
I’ll just read this one. So, Deuteronomy 18, verses 9 to 13. Look, I’m just using the Bible as an
example, but this is old wisdom. And, you know, we’re going back 9,000 BC, so it’s good to go
back sometimes to look at what people who were closer to Jesus have written. When thou art
come into the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, thou shall not learn to do after the
abominations of those nations. What that means is basically, look, just because everyone else is
doing it doesn’t mean you have to do it. Just because they’ve got customs in this place doesn’t
mean you have to follow those customs, okay? There shall not be found among you anyone that
maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer
of times, or an enchanter or a witch, or a charmer or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard
or a necromancer. Necromancer. Those that seek guidance from the dead. Okay? So basically
saying, look, if you’re good and you’re one of my people, then you will not do these things nor
subject your children to them, okay? And yet what a church is doing. Churches are celebrating
these festivals of the dead, okay?
For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord. And because of these
abominations, the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee. Thou shall be perfect with
the Lord thy God. Remember what I said when God created man, man and woman, Adam and
Eve, they were perfect.
It’s their own guilt at their own sin that they felt they need to wear a costume and hide
themselves from God. But the. Perhaps the best quote is this one. So it’s John 15, verse 9. If
you were of the world, the world would love you as its own. But because you are not of the
world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. In other words, look, I
would rather be hated by everyone from. For talking honestly about Halloween and saying, look,
it’s demonic, it’s satanic, and don’t get involved. And everyone goes, well, I’m not inviting you to
the party. You’re a killjoy. Fine, I’d rather that everyone goes, no, I don’t like that guy, don’t want
anything to do with him, but at least then I’m okay with God because my aspirations are not of
this world. They are of what is spiritual. And that means spirit, which means the light of God, the
love of God, and a direction towards God, keeping really, really things simple. So it’s not about
being loved by the world, it’s about being loved by God. And I think that that’s a good note to end
on. And look, there’s literally another two hours we could do on this show, but I hope I’ve got the
kind of salient points across. If you got any questions, we can always do follow up stuff, but for
now I just want to say thank you for giving me your time. I know we’ve overrun a little bit. I think
that you’d appreciate that this is really, really important stuff. And hopefully, although I’ve tried to
cover a lot, I’ve put it in a way that it’s accessible to as many people as possible. So if you know
people that are still blinded by the it’s just a bit of fun, then maybe you can share this with them
and for the sake of them, for the sake of their children. And by the way, look, one final thing,
really, really important. If you have celebrated Halloween, you know, or your parents celebrated
it when you were a little kid and you’re thinking, oh no, I’m doomed. There is always salvation.
What you need to do is basically say, look, I accept Jesus and I accept God into my life. And
well, you don’t have to, but you have this choice. I accept them into my life. I reject all that is bad
and evil. I formally reject it because where I may have accidentally entered into a contract, I
break that contract because God is great and I put God first and I welcome God into my life.
Find your own words. But you get the idea. In other words, there is always hope. But now you
know you have a choice.
And that means that at least for this little matter, perhaps my work is done. God bless you.
Thank you for your time. I really do appreciate it. And wherever you are, just carry on making
good decisions.

Episode Notes:

00:00:36 Introduction to the Halloween Live Show

A brief introduction to the show, who am I (Mark) and how am I able to “bring down” the higher spiritual knowledge which I share in the show. A reminder that there is no criticising people, rather I’m learning, sharing and thus caring.

00:05:20 Halloween Questions from the Public

00:07:40 Where does the name “Halloween” Come From?

We go back to 609 AD and the pope who setup All Saints Day in May. Then it was moved to November, but was this to target Samhain the Celtic new years day. This was a time when denizens of the “Otherworld” came through to your world, a time of fear.

00:12:56 The Otherworld

I explain what the otherworld was like and the cave of cats (cave of Cruachán) through which Morrigan and the otherworldly beings would emerge.

00:14:55 Who Lives in the Otherworld

I introduce the Mongfhind, fairies, Ban Sidh aka banshees, Pucai, and Dagda the god of the Celts.

00:17:20 The Adventures of Nera from 8th Century

I share two versions of the story about Nera who encounters an animated corpse and visits the “Otherworld” twice. An experience that takes him “Out of time“. When he went through “A Portal” into the Otherworld he met and married a banshee and had children.

00:19:45 Where Does the Focus on Death Come From?

I explain how Catholic doctrines to do with saints brought the focus onto the dead and lighting candles to guide their souls to visit.

Errata: In the podcast I said “Christianity” but I meant to say “Catholic Religion”, they are not the same thing.

00:20:25 Halloween in our Shops, Work and Homes (Video 1)

Lots of Halloween decorations, toys, cakes, costumes all aimed at children to introduce magic, Draco, voodoo, evil, dead etc. I show the number 666 in the Disney logo. Then I show a local house with skeletons, tombstones, spiders, webs, and literally a hanging corpse in a tree. Then a grown man at the Mexico F1 race with his face painted as a skull on national TV. I share how in an online religious chat group which celebrates Jesus and God, a post of a cat dressed as a vampire got lots of attention, but a comment about keeping Jesus in our hearts was ignored.

00:26:30 Pumpkins, Jack the Blacksmith and the Devil

I share an ancient story about Jack the blacksmith who sold his soul to the devil. But then tricked the devil to escape from the pact he’d made. But then he’s rejected from heaven and hell and has to wander in darkness with a hot coal from hell to light the way, held in a carved out turnip.

This tradition was taken by the Irish to the USA and they replaced turnips with pumpkins.

But there’s older mysteries of cheeky supernatural lights that lead travellers astray in the night. Known as Will-0-the-wisps, lanterns of the dead. and Jack-o-lanters. Were people seeing ghosts, fairies, or something even worse? Is this the inspiration for Lord of the Rings and the lights in the marsh?

00:33:15 Now I give the Spiritual Explanations

I start by explaining what these lights really are. I explain the true story of Nera and what really happened with his journey to the “Otherworld”. Why did the stories speak of being “Out of Time”, “Portals”, and why did he have children with a being from another realm? We speak about non-human beings from higher dimensional planes not of Earth. But why did they get him to tell people about them?

00:44:01 John Rimerez an ex-Devil Worshipper Explains Halloween (Video 2)

John Rimerez explains how dark halloween is and how he used magic to kill good people. He explains how good people hand their homes, children and themselves over to the devil without even realising it. How you bind yourself to black magic and demonic possession by celebrating Halloween, harvest worship.

00:57:02 Ex-Witch Explains: Halloween Harms You, Your Children & Pets (Video 3)

A witch explains how participation in Halloween means you have given your consent (and for your kids, home, business, pets) to accept demons and the devil and their magic, curses, and possession upon you.

00:58:35 The True Reason Behind Nera’s Otherworldly Story

I explain the agenda from the demonic being’s perspective of why they wanted Nera to spread word about them.

00:59:39 Why is MP Kemi Badenoch Pushing Halloween? (Video 4)

Is the WEF behind Kemi Badenoch’s strange interview? MP Kemi Badenoch is the potential future leader of the UK and instead of talking about the budget (on the day of the budget), this minister, who used to be responsible for the departments of Faith and of Children, uses prime broadcast time to encourage people and their children to accept and celebrate Halloween.

Errata: I said Kemi Badenoch’s father was a minister, it was actually her maternal grandfather who was a minister in Nigeria. Nigeria is also the origin place of Yoruba religion, which is the root religion of Santeria, the demon-worshipping religion associated with Pumpkins mentioned by John Rimerez.

01:04:00 The Bigger Halloween Timeline from 9,000 BC

I show the bigger picture how Halloween’s involvement with beings from higher dimensions and Dagda goes back to about 9,000 BC. I show how the formation of the Catholic religion, which spread to Ireland, provoked the Otherworld into revealing themselves to people in Ireland, to increase possessions and steer them away from Jesus and God. Leading to modern day (Satanic) Halloween.

01:09:20 Closing Summary On Halloween and Positive Actions

I summarise that Halloween is not a good thing. But now I turn things around and explain how simple it is to free ourselves from the plans of the Devil and the evil in the world which Halloween (and other things) represent. Despite the difficult truth-bombs, there is good and there are good choices.

01:12:45 Drawing Inspiration from the Bible

Although The Way Back is not religious, sometimes it is good to find inspiration and direction in the words of good people who lived through difficult and amazing times. So I share a few passages from the bible, specifically related to how to cope with dark ceremonies and things like satanism and Halloween.

01:17:05 Are you Doomed if You Have Celebrated Halloween? Is there hope?

I explain how even if you (or your parents) celebrated Halloween that there is still hope and I explain what you can do to break free from the hold that the forces of darkness may have on you.

Things mentioned in this show:

Thank you for listening to this show. If you’d like more spiritual content then check out “The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening” podcast and visit TheWayBackGroup.org where you’ll find loads of free resources to help you get the most from your spiritual journey. Check out my books and films. – Mark

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