Ep.048 Are (Gremlins) Beings on Higher-Dimensions Interfering with You? Inspiration & Jesus. Experience Grief When a Relationship Ends: Live Show Discussing Spirituality w/ Mark Zaretti

Podcast Synopsis TL;DR Before discussing Gremlins I first share an inspiring photo taken by one of The Way Back members, which references Jesus. Then we discuss how grief is not an emotion but something far more profound. Why some people cannot get over a loss and how to help them. Then we look into “interference” […]

Don’t be a Spiritual Loser. Detoxing Spike Proteins, Nanoparticles, & Healing Matter. STOP this mistake making people into spiritual losers! Honest talk w/ Mark

“Detoxing Spike Protein” is a phrase that is sadly becoming well known. And for good reason because lots of people are waking up to the health concerns of modern medicine. The same is true of the man-made environmental toxins we pick up from the air, water, soil, and food. Let’s not forget nano-particles, chemtrails and […]

Ep.020 Chemotherapy, a spiritual survival guide. Evil Autism Cause. Old Souls. Early Sex & American Pie. Relationship Traps. Luke 12:22: Live Show Discussing Spirituality with Mark Zaretti

Episode transcript: And we are live. Welcome everyone. I hope you can hear me.Okay, it’s Thursday the 25th of July, 2024, and here we arenow. Already there’s a few people online and we’ve got a few people in the chat. So I’d just liketo thank panther9 veganpanda1975 usernamewhat scottishbird cueball78 marigold0 rambo365for joining us. And […]

The Way Back

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