Hot off the heels of the USA election we’re going to look at the spiritual impact of Trump’s victory over Kamala Harris. Some shocking revelations about the way the Forces of Darkness benefit from such an event and how this compares to things like the JFK assassination. Seeking the truth leads us to important information about Taylor Swift concerts! We also tackle the sensitive subject of Democrats going into meltdown and how we, as spiritual people, can help steer the world away from negativity.
Thank you everyone who’s already in the chat. Panther9, Marigold0, Toshee and Millie. It’s great to have you join me. And as ever, if you’re listening again on podcast or watching again on catch up, thank you. And this is episode 35, the Way Back, the Live show, discussing spirituality with myself, Mark Zaretti. There’s a lot to cover. I kind of say that every and we’ve had a couple of really great shows. We had the Halloween Special, Episode 34, so if you didn’t see that, I really recommend checking that out. And I pretty much guarantee that if you’re a good person, it will change your perspective on Halloween.
And prior to that, we had our first ever guest on the show, which was nick on episode 33. And that was quite informative and a lot of fun as well. But it means that we’ve kind of been thin on the ground in terms of answering your questions. And so this week is really kind basically a catch up on questions from previous weeks that didn’t, that we didn’t have time to answer. And also some new questions because I don’t know if you’ve, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but there’s a lot going on in the world. I’m obviously referring to the recent election in America and invariably some of the questions that we’re going to be looking at today are based on that as well. But this is a spiritual show, so where to begin? Well, let me just introduce the artwork. So today’s artwork is a picture of Jesus and a magician. And I’ve titled this episode in the artwork Jesus versus Magicians. So that’s a bit of a clue of what we’re going to be looking at. But let me show you a bit more about what we’re going to be covering today. So we’re going to be in no particular order, can magic be a good thing? Why is neutrality important? Has USA fallen into darkness? And what’s the deal with Loosh? And I did mention Lush for the first time to you guys a few weeks back. So as with everything, whenever I mention new things or reference things that we’ve done before, then I’ll be putting a link in the description. So if you’re kind of going, what’s he on about? Or where did he mention Luch? Don’t worry, I’ll put links and you can check them out down the line. So let’s see where we’re going to go with this first. So this is actually a question from a few weeks back that unfortunately we didn’t get a chance to answer. So we do it now. So Marigold0 says hi, Mark, thank you for the last week’s phenomenal live show, episode 32. So it shows. It was a while back I found the question Millie asked about neutrality and stillness and the information and guidance in your response extremely beneficial. It gave me the opportunity to consider how practicing both has been such a positive experience for me and how it has created ripples of positive growth. For example, I have grown in resilience.
First of all, that’s really, really nice to hear. And that’s the purpose of this show, is to try and share these things, answer genuine questions from people just like you, so that through answering the questions you get inspired or you get a different perspective or your understanding grows. And then you can apply that to your everyday life in a spiritual way. And so what what’s lovely about this is that this is basically a testimonial to that. Now, the bit in red is
the question, so could you talk a little bit more, please, about the many positive benefits of being in neutrality and stillness and how it can enrich both our spiritual journey and our daily lives? Okay, where to begin? Well, I could kind of wax lyrical about these things, but I’d just be some meditation guy sitting here in a video telling you that you need to meditate or telling you that you need to practice spirituality. And you’ve probably already heard that. And you probably, if you’re watching this show or at least curious about these things, already have a bit of an appreciation that being in a state of stillness, and by that I don’t mean physically still, I mean inner stillness. So you might equate that with calm or being present is a good thing. Likewise, neutrality, although we’re not talking about neutral, like the difference between a negative pole or a positive pole, or we’re talking about and I must stress this because this has come up a few times and was referenced in that previous episode, that we’re not talking about neutrality of attitude, we’re talking about neutrality of state. And that really actually means just coming from the heart and not reacting. So when you put it like that, you can see why that would be beneficial.
So it would be kind of disingenuous of me to just list off, well, these are all the positive benefits. I’d much rather turn it around to you, who’s listening and watching this right now and say, what in your life so far have you identified as a positive benefit from being more neutral? Remember, that means coming from the heart and being less reactive to things and being more still, which means more in a calm, more inner peace, more space effectively for you to make good decisions from. So this isn’t a show about my spiritual journey. This is actually a show for your spiritual journey. So I put the question to you right now. As you’re listening, I want take a moment to reflect on where you are at, kind of without being too intellectual. I say, pointing to my head, come from your heart and just take a deep breath and just answer this. How still am I?
How neutral am I?
Okay, and I’m becoming stiller and more neutral just asking the question to you. And hopefully, as you’re listening, having some kind of an effect on you because you’re starting to tune into your level of stillness and your level of neutrality. And that, obviously, hopefully, is going to be a good thing.
As you notice it, you can notice more about, well, what’s that like? Is there more ease? Is there more comfort? Is there more presence? Is there more beingness? Rather than doing this and all of these things.
And my way of answering the question isn’t to dive in and kind of go, well, these are the benefits, but I actually want to take a different tact. You see, I’ve spent, as I’ve mentioned in the past, I spent thousands of hours in meditation. And not all of that time was easy. A lot of it was a real struggle. And the struggle had value because it taught me how to teach. It taught me how to overcome. But fundamentally, there were moments of sublime stillness and neutrality and beingness and not doingness and total transcendence of the brain, brain, the thoughts, the lower stuff, like emotions and body.
So I can speak from there. And if I was to describe the purest way of being a human being, it wouldn’t involve much to do with the physical body. But while we’re incarnated into this physical body in this very dualistic physical world, then we have to make the most of it. And it’s not like a burden. It’s a. It’s a blessing. And I’ve talked about that in a previous episode where I said that life is a. Actually a gift. And there’s a short Video I did on that as well, so I’ll link to that. But fundamentally it’s not, oh, no, I’m here, it’s, wow, I’m here. And because of the richness of the duality and the opposition to all kinds of things that I’m going to encounter, I need to grow. And growth in this sense isn’t physically strong. It isn’t intellectually sharp. It’s spiritually strong.
Spiritual wisdom and spiritual goodness. Okay, so the more you are present, then the more you can make those choices that result in growth, spiritual growth. And the more you are being neutral and still, then the more you can be present. So being neutral, or being in the state of neutrality, as opposed to the intellectual attitude of neutrality, affords you more opportunity to spiritually grow so that at the end of this life, you are more spiritual than you came in, which fundamentally means you are also closer to God.
And the same for stillness and some of the other qualities that we could bring up. And perhaps you can think of some that, you know, when people talk about what’s it like being spiritual, you could say, well, it’s this, or it’s calm, or it’s grace or it’s ease or it’s sitting back. You know, you have your own words, and I encourage you to bring them up. And those of you in the chat, it’s great to have you kind of there in the chat, feel free to throw in a few phrases that kind of encapsulate what, for you, being spiritual or coming from a more spiritual state means. Because I’d love to hear what you’ve got to say. What I’m trying to say is, rather than just answer the question, I’m trying to encourage you to find the value in these things. Because ultimately, ultimately, spirituality is not an intellectual journey. And so if I just simply give you information, it may momentarily inspire you, but it doesn’t necessarily translate in personal change. What Marigold0 says in the first half of her thing that she wrote is how she has reflected on something, but then she’s taken into her own experience, and that’s what’s brought about the change. So that’s what I’m trying to encourage here. But yes, being Stiller, being more neutral, neutral, coming from the heart, is going to produce more positive outcomes in terms of your spiritual growth and your personal everyday life. And the more. The more we practice spirituality, then the more we realize that the boundary or the barrier between everyday life and being spiritual disappears because you are spiritual. It’s not something you pick up and put down.
The question is how often are you tuning into your spirituality, everyday life? And then that really does kind of give you a way of gauging how present you’re being. So I’ll just finish by reading what the end of that particular email that I got. And so thank you, Mark, for all that you do. I would not be where I am today on my spiritual journey without your guidance and support. The truth really does matter. God bless you. Marigold0. That’s really kind. What I would say though is I’m not here for people to follow me. I’m here to just point at Jesus in God and say that’s the goal. And I believe what you really mean is having heard me say, you know, what would Jesus do? And kind of share my understandings of these greater teachings and that’s what has helped you. And my role is simply to point in the right direction, which means to point to Jesus, to point to God, to point to stillness. And if I’d not been around someone else, probably if you’re meant to learn these things, if you’re on this journey, if you’re being guided, which if you’re a good spiritual person, you are being guided, then you would have found your way. So credit to you for being open to being taught. Because you know, whatever answers I’ve got, they only value those people who are awake. So, you know, I say that, not I say that to all of you, that it’s you, it’s your being awake, it’s your willingness to learn and grow and to take on board and transform information into, I was going to say expansion, spiritual expansion. To take something of the head and transmute it into something of the heart. So credit to you all. And I’m just enjoying being a part of, of your journey and learning as much from the questions you ask as I am from the answers that I’m gifted because they come through me, not from me. And username what has written something. I’m just going to dive into the chat because some nice stuff’s being written here. Username what has said? It’s definitely not an intellectual journey, but a heart led one. I don’t act spiritual, I just try and be spiritual. Yeah, exactly. And Marigold0 has said a much closer relationship with God and Jesus, a way of being not doing well. Perfect, because that’s what I’m saying. My job is not to tell you what to do, it’s to tell you, look to Jesus, look to God, bring them into your life, you know, and spirituality is ultimately getting closer to Jesus. And God from the heart. Not intellectually so. Brilliant, brilliant stuff. And I really appreciate what. What’s been written there. And there’s one more. I’ll just quickly read it and then we’ll move on to the next question. Username. What has said yes, Spiritual, for me means being close to God and Jesus. Yeah. So at least.
At least three of us agree here. And, you know, that’s a good start. So let’s have a look at the next question. Okay, I’ve completely forgotten the order of these slides. So the next question is quite an interesting one. And I think this is based on. I’ve kind of dropped a few hints in the past about, you know, magic, and I think that’s what’s motivated this question. So Gary asks. I have a friend who is a professional magician. He used to be quite religious and would wear a WWJD bracelet. But over the years, he has drifted more towards different beliefs. For example, he accepts God’s existence, but not that Jesus is the son of God in general. Is there any significance between magic and ungodly thinking or beliefs?
The short answer.
The short answer is yes.
But the problem is with the answer is that it’s a bit like what we discussed with Halloween in the previous episode. Most people go into it completely blind on a. Where that what they’re actually doing through their participation is agreeing to.
Let’s just. Let’s just be blunt. To satanic or demonic influence. So someone might get into magic and, you know, it’s one of those things. A lot of kids get a magic set and they want to learn sleight of hand and, you know, put on a little show and things like this. And you could say, well, that’s perfectly innocent.
Just as you could say that dressing up as a skeleton and going trick or treating and carving out a pumpkin is perfectly innocent. But if you watch the Halloween video, then you’ll be horrified at the idea of doing that and even more horrified at the idea of sending your kids out doing that. So, unfortunately, your understanding is not needed for your agreement to be in place. Simply your cooperation or your participation in something is your spiritual agreement.
And so the same is true of magic. In other words, saying, well, I didn’t understand that what I was doing was bad is not going to change the fact that it was done and you participated and therefore it had an effect on you. So when it comes to magic, let’s just be clear. So if magic, you could talk about witchcraft, Wiccan warlocks, druids, you could talk about sleight of hand magicians, you know, like the TV magicians, the stage musicians, a lot of them belong to the Magic Circle. You all know me by now. So the best thing to do is let’s just dive in and speak the truth. So, as you know, I do work on higher dimensions and I interact and encounter things on higher dimensions at times. And one of the things that surprised me is when I was dealing with a particular group on higher dimensions, I found out that they had a group down here in a physical form. And eventually it took a lot of work to find out because there was a lot of resistance to me finding out who these beings on high dimensions were working with down here in everyday life. And this group was called the Magic Circle on Higher dimensions. And there is a magic circle on lower dimensions. And so, as you know, the old axiom as above, so below.
Quite often a lot of these secret societies that exist down here have their roots not in the ground, but above, if that makes sense. And that group that I encountered on higher dimensions was not working for the greater good. They were working for their own agenda, let’s just say keeping things nebulous enough that I don’t get into trouble too much down here. Yeah, I’ve encountered the Magic Circle on higher dimensions and I know there are people who are members of it down here who are actually good people and have no idea about this other side to it. So fundamentally, what is magic?
Magic, whether it’s sleight of hand or whether it’s more energy based stuff or illusion, is always a form of deception. The goal is to deceive. Whether it’s, look at my sleight of hand, look at this hand so you don’t see what this hand is doing. Distract them while you move something, distract them while you change something. So even if there’s nothing sinister actually done and it’s just a trick, it’s still the goal is to deceive, to sell a lie as truth, an illusion. And that’s why one of the phrases is illusionists. And even the origins of the word sleight of hand means to deceive, to lie, to beguile, etc. One of the things I like to do is go back to say the Bible and say, what does the Bible say? So this is Revelations, chapter 22 from the GNV version of the Bible, which is the Geneva 1599, I think. And behold, I come shortly and my reward is with me to give to every man according to his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega in the beginning and the end, the first and the last. In other words, this is God, who is also Jesus.
Blessed are they that do his commandments that their right may be in the tree of life and may enter through the gates into the city. So what this is saying is I’ve underlined it according to his work. In other words, according to what you do, your reward will be delivered. And the reward will be, in other words, blessed that have done what I want them to do that they will enter into the gates of the city, the city being the kingdom of God. Okay, so this is kind of talking about eternal life. This is Revelations is talking about the end of days. And so this is saying after the end of days, only those who have done as I have asked them to do, in other words, who have done good work, will enter into the city.
For without shall be dogs and enchanters, and whoremongers, and murderers and idolaters, and whosoever loveth or maketh lies, for without means. And those that will not be allowed to enter into the kingdom of God shall be dogs and enchanters. Now, in other versions of the Bible that says mages or magicians or witches, so basically named first and foremost dogs and then magicians, and then after them, so least less significant or less vile whoremongers and murderers. So in this verse it lists magicians as worse than whoremongers and murderers and idolaters. In other words, it’s worse to be a magician than it is to worship a false God. And whosoever loveth or maketh lies. A magician is selling an illusion. They are selling a lie.
Whether that’s actual bad energy magic, or whether that’s just simply sleight of mouth, sleight of hand, etc.
If you’re manipulating someone’s perception to sell them at deception, then you are not going to enter into the kingdom of God is what that’s saying. And so what I’ve brought up here is a dictionary definition of prestidigitator. I apologize, but that’s the. An old French name, I think, for a sleight of hand artist. And the etymology. So the word sleight, meaning the use of dexterity or cunning, especially so as to deceive. So the word deception is right there in the dictionary that even if you think that it’s just a bit of fun or I’m just entertaining people, you are working in the realms of deception and you have to ask the question. And each. It’s down to each magician to ask this question. Okay, so I can’t say well, they’re all in it for ego. But I would ask them, what is your real motivation for being a magician? Because one thing that’s absolutely certain about a magician is you don’t do tricks for your own amusement. You might practice them to master them, but your goal is always involving other people. In other words, I want to trick, deceive or settle an illusion, or amuse or be seen as powerful by others. It’s very difficult to go from that statement to the next statement, which would be, but I’m not doing it for ego or gain. So in other words, why are they putting a lot of energy into something that is fundamentally more than likely rooted in ego?
And they’d have to. I mean, that’s a question that I put to any magician, is why.
Why have you chosen this thing that is, has its roots in illusion and deception? Is that the best use of your talents as an individual? I mean, look, in fairness, you could say that about a lot of careers. So I’m not singling them out, but the question has been asked about magicians. And so therefore, that’s what we’re going to look at. Now, here’s another quote. I like Isaiah, he’s a very good prophet, really. So he says, disaster will, and this is from the NIV version. So disaster will come upon you, and you will not know how to conjure it away. And that’s important. I’ve underlined that a calamity will fall upon you that you cannot ward off with a ransom. A catastrophe you cannot foresee will suddenly come upon you. Keep on then, with your magic spells and with your many sorceries which you have labored at since childhood. Perhaps you will succeed, perhaps you will cause terror. All the counsel you have received has only worn you out. Let your astrologers come forwards, those stargazers who make predictions month by month. Let them save you from what is coming upon you.
In other words, what he’s actually saying is your astrologers, your predictors, your scryers and foreseers, your truths, your soothsayers cannot help you. And this first statement, you will not know how to conjure it away, is saying that it doesn’t matter how clever or skilled you are at magic, which is illusion, you will not know how to avoid what is coming, because what is coming is the truth.
So this was a warning that Isaiah gave to people. This is well before Jesus’s time, but he was basically saying, look, when God acts, there’s nothing you can do. All your witchcraft and magic and conjuring and spells and all the wise men of Earth, they’re not going to be able to help you because fundamentally you will not know how to conjure it away. Explains that there are things beyond you that only God knows or that only God can do. You are limited. God is not. And so there’s also a veiled warning in that, that all of these acts like sorcery and that are attempting to become like God but will never succeed. And therefore that’s probably why they are seen as so bad, is because they’re actually, you know, worse than a murderer is a magician, according to the Bible. So because it’s an act of trying to gain power instead of recognizing that there is only one and it is God. So that, you know, I think I’ve been blunt. Blunt enough, direct enough, but I don’t. The particular friend in question, I don’t know them, I’ve never met them, but I took the liberty of looking into them. And I’m not trying to cast dispersion on their character. There’s a bit of a clue in the original question. So in the original question, they said that he used to be quite religious and would wear a WWJD bracelet, which, if you’re not familiar with WWJD means what would Jesus do? So clearly that guy was quite spiritual, quite awake, and was looking for answers, and then they got into magic. Now, I don’t know this person, but I would guess that round about the time that they got into magic, certain things in their life probably started to go wrong. Because what I do know is that this is actually a good spiritual person, that this person has spiritual potential, and that they were drawn to magic or guided to it not by that which serves the light, but by that which serves the darkness. The video I was trying to find and I will show
you next week, I apologize, I thought I had it queued up, but it seems I don’t have it here.
That video was to show an actual magician who’s doing some stuff, including levitation, that his eyes drastically change in the middle of what he’s doing to quite demonic eyes.
And it was caught on camera. And I knew about this clip because years ago I’d seen something about this and it just stuck in my mind. So when I was, when. When this question came in from Gary, I spent a bit of time and managed to find that clip.
So I will show you next week because I think sometimes these, these.
Seeing it in a video really brings it home because I suspect that this magician is thinking it’s just a Bit of fun. I’m just doing it, you know, and they’re professional, so they’re earning money from it, which actually I think kind it worse because they’re actually financially benefiting from dark acts. Now with that video, what I was going to go into was that what often happens if you’ve got a good person or you’ve got someone that is either it’s a good person and it’s a way of distracting them from the truth, so distracting them from Jesus and God and things like that by getting them and their ego embroiled in magic. Okay.
Or it’s a bad person and that bad person has made the decision to sell their soul, basically. So what they want is fame, or what they want is power, or what they want is esoteric, hidden knowledge. And so they make up basically a pact with the devil, make me into a great magician in exchange, you know, do with me as you will. But that’s normally someone that has a real propensity towards darkness anyway, so they would seek out greater power. Anyone that’s seeking power, power over others in that kind of way is fundamentally always going to be negative. And so for them, they won’t really care because it’s not like they’re likely to be drawn towards Jesus or God in the first place.
But in the case of this particular person, Gary’s friend, they’re actually a really good. They’re a good old human being full of spiritual potential. And sadly, what happened is that when they were at a point where they were mature enough to start moving in one direction, they were tempted with all the glitters and excitement and these kinds of things, to get involved in something. And as Gary explains, and they’ve drifted more towards different beliefs. And what I’ve looked into it from a distance, kind of energetically, and inquiring from a much higher plane, like where intuition comes from, is that they were deliberately targeted to draw them away from Jesus. And as I suspect, their life is probably suffering as a result, because their higher self would definitely be telling them, you’re going in the wrong direction. And I’ve talked about this in previous episodes, so, you know, I’ll put some links. And in the not for Profit book that I wrote, I explain about the relationship between you and your higher self and how it is guiding you. And if you ignore that guidance, then you’ll start to experience misfortune and potentially injury or illness or things going wrong. But there’s another side to which I don’t really talk about in that book, and that is that if you start to give your consent to darkness. So whether this person realizes it or not, doing magic is dark. It’s a dark act. So by doing it, their participation is their consent. Then it will bring more misfortune on them and their family. And if, I don’t know if they’ve got kids, then their kids would suffer as well. Because like the Halloween thing where if you put the pumpkin on your door or you put the cobwebs on your windows, or you hang a ghoul from your tree, it doesn’t matter if you understand. You have given consent for demonic forces to enter into your home, to abuse your children, to abuse your pets, to abuse you.
Because participation is consent. And so it’ll be the same for this person. So what I would say is they, if they ever heard, I don’t know if they watch the show, if they do, you are a good person. There is still hope. And the answer is always simple. Find your way. Find the way back to God. Find the way back to Jesus. You know that God exists.
It is simple. But if you’ve embroiled your life in it and you’ve now it’s your livelihood and your income, then you.
It’s like that person has inadvertently dug a deep hole for themselves. But I can tell you what, if a person recognizes the truth and they want to move towards God and they want to move towards Jesus, then start with a prayer. And they don’t need to have the answers. They don’t need to know, how can I get out of this mess? They just need to want to get out of this mess and to express that and to ask for forgiveness for what they have done, to state their intentions, which is, I want Jesus back in my life, I want God in my life, and I want to turn my back on all of this darkness and evil and negativity that I didn’t even realize was there.
Then things will line up. They don’t need to know how, they just need to have that desire, that faith, that intention is the word I’m looking for that intention to move towards what is good. And the rest will probably will take care of itself provided they stay on straight and narrow. Really. Yeah, there’s quite a bit when it comes to magic. But let’s have a look at the next question.
So here’s a graph and a couple of coloured blocks and we’re talking about loosh. Okay, so this isn’t actually a question. This is something I’ve brought up and before I kind of talk about this, actually, I’m going To ask you all to just remember why we’re here, okay? We’re here to spiritually grow. Now, there’s just been a big spiritual battle in America, and people might not realize it was a spiritual battle, but it was.
The outcome mattered and still matters. Okay? And I was online today, you know, just as you do, looking at things and even in forums where there’s, you know, people are good people, I was dismayed at the name calling. So one side, you know, we’ve won, and all those idiots or all these kinds of people. And this has gone on on both sides, okay? So I’m not singling out one side or the other, but that’s what’s going on is there’s a lot of vitriol. One, you know, there’s a lot of kind of aggression and judgment and all of these things. And I can’t help but think because I spend quite a bit of time on higher dimensions, I have a different perspective. And the forces of darkness on the higher dimensions, whether they wanted the result that happened down here, it is one thing. But they’re still rubbing their hands in glee, laughing and enjoying watching people on both sides being bad to each other. And so I wanted to kind of talk a little bit about the spiritual ramifications in the spiritual way at this time. So one side won, one side lost. And it was very heated and it went on for a long time.
And there were things done badly on both sides. I’m not going to say that either candidate was good or bad or, you know, there was certainly an agenda on one side. And I’ve talked about this before, so let me just bring up a slide. But I’m a spiritual teacher, so I’m not going to get drawn into politics and, you know, this or that.
But I do have insights. So what I would say is, when you want to assess any political party, you can simply look at something like this, list and say, okay, go through their policies and say, is this policy net positive or net negative? In other words, is it a policy of hate or love? Cruelty or kindness? Merciless or forgiveness? Heartlessness or compassion? Deception or truth? Neglect or caring, Attacking or healing? Uninterested or communication, Injustice or justice? Unimaginative or creative? Unfaithfulness or faithfulness? Satanic or belief in Jesus? I’ll put a screenshot of this up. If you’re listening on a podcast, come to the website. But basically, you can use this as a yardstick, and then you can take any policy of any political party or any organization or any individual, anything that they hold important. And you can say fundamentally, is this good or bad? Is this negative or positive? And so there was, we’re looking at it down here from a kind of how does this affect me? And from the political spin point of view. But the truth is that these things matter. There is a. It will move the world or move an individual more towards God and more away from God. And so, you know, both parties, for example, told lies. And if you ask the spiritual question where you can pull information from higher dimensions, then just to give you an idea, the Republicans were lying or deceiving or misguiding people about 27% of the time and the Democrats it was 58%.
So both of them have done wrong. It’s not that one party is good or one party is bad, but this is a time where, you know, there’s a lot of pain. And I’m going to get onto that why this is so important from a spiritual point of view and why you as spiritual people kind of need to be aware of this. So if I just go back up to this, these are the six virtues. So we’ve got humility, gratitude, respect, non judgment, compassion and unconditional love. And these apply to ourself, to others, and ultimately to God. But you can also say to society, so you need to be, oh, sorry, forgive me. We have the opportunity to be humble. Humble about ourselves, humble before others, humble about our place in society. And that means right at the top, right at the bottom, gratitude. We need to be grateful. Or we can be grateful for things and grateful for others. We can be respectful of ourself and others and God. We can be non judgmental. Now that’s a big one. So today what I’m seeing is a lot of judgment. And I don’t want to fall into the trap of judging the people that are doing the judgment. What I’m trying to do is say let’s rise above whatever our political leaning is. Let’s rise above and make it our goal not to be political but to be spiritual. And I’m going to get to why this is so important in a minute. Compassion. Now this is a thing that’s triggered me today.
There’s a complete lack of compassion. And I’m going to share another video in a moment and then we can talk about compassion and unconditional love. So what I’m trying to say is that there was a spiritual reason why one outcome would be better than another in any choice. That’s the truth. That one thing will always move us closer to God. One thing will always move us further from God, but in that are real people. Now, I’m going to show you a video, but I want each of us to have the intention not to fall into that trap of judgment, not to say, we’re on the other side. Ha. We won. And that person deserves to feel that way or deserves that. I want you to just look at this person as if they were someone you know and someone you care about. Okay? And then I’ll just show you two quick videos, and then we’re gonna have a little chat, if that’s all right with you. So this is a video from today on a news channel. I’m sorry. No, no, no, no.
(Video) Why, why, why, why, why? Why do you really hate me that much. Go. What the.
Mark: And remember, be neutral.
(Video) You. What the hell?
Mark: And then this presenter is demonstrating what trying to call out as the problem, okay? So these people are real people, okay? And you could search the Internet today and you could find hundreds of examples all over the place of people, quote, unquote, going into meltdown.
It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter if they’re deluded, it doesn’t matter if they had it coming. It doesn’t matter. However you want to justify it in this moment, what they are feeling, their anger, their frustration, their rage, because clearly that’s psychotic behavior is real, okay? And we can stoke that fire or we can put that fire out. And compassion is the key here because these people will go on tomorrow, and they’re still part of the world that we all live in. And if there is, like, you know, this presenter here is going to have a good laugh at them and saying, oh, they had it coming, that’s not going to make the situation any better. That’s just going to feed the problem. So what is this problem that I’m alluding to?
Because there is actually something going on here that’s much more spiritual. Okay, So I wanted to share this with you, and it’s about loosh. L O O S H. And I did kind of share this. I started to bring this up a while ago. I’ll put links. So loosh, in very, very simple terms, is negative emotional energy.
It’s from group trauma. So a simple way of referring to it is it’s psychic fallout.
Now, the few references to loosh that I found out there, people are kind of saying, oh, it’s positive energy, or it’s the spiritual energy of humanity. It’s not. Okay? I encountered or started to understand louche a long, long time ago, but I didn’t know what it was called. Okay, so now that I know other people refer to it as loosh, that’s what I’m going to refer to it. But I’ve been dealing with this stuff for a long time.
It’s negative emotional energy. Ungodly beings feed on it. So this would also include elementals like the fairies that we were discussing in the previous episode, the Halloween episode. Episode. Okay.
And it’s given off when people on Earth are angry or fearful or other negative emotions. So this drawing underneath, which is a kind of a trapezoid, so it’s wider at the top and it’s narrower at the bottom that you can see here, the top one is fear, then anger, then self pity or sorrow, then frustration, and then resentment. So in other words, the most potent of these negative emotions is fear, then anger, self pity, frustration, resentment. Okay, hatred isn’t in that list because hatred is an intellectual thing. Hatred creates emotion, but it isn’t an emotion. And it’s the same for a few other things that you might expect to be in that list.
So I won’t replay that video. But when you go back to that person that’s having a meltdown, they’re demonstrating some of these energies or some of these emotions, you know, you could say, well, are they acting? They’re clearly angry.
Probably a lot of self pity, frustration, resentment of what’s happened and probably fear about the future now being neutral and looking into things.
Because I can tell you the more I looked into things, the more my understanding of the people and the parties and things changed. Because it’s less about what you pick up from the narrative, especially the mainstream narrative, and much more about when you start to remove the programming and look at things with clear eyes. Okay? So what I found was that if it had gone the other way, the people on the, let’s just call it left and right, the people on the right would not have reacted as extreme. They would have been unhappy, but they wouldn’t have had those heightened emotional responses.
And the reason is that if you, you go back and you look at the narrative and the language used, a lot of the politicking on the side of the Democrats was fear mongering. If we don’t win, it’s the end of America. If we don’t win, it’s this. If this happens, you’re going to lose your rights. If this, if this. Now, I had people I know who actually exploded in my face when I didn’t agree with them. And what I saw was a flash of evil or hatred because there’s so Much fear in them that if someone didn’t agree, they see that person as an enemy. And I thought that’s interesting because that person’s a really good person. Where’s all this coming from? And so I asked them, why are you so scared? And they rattled off a load of stuff. And I went and I thanked them for it because I then went and sought the truth. To seek the truth is to seek God. And I found that a lot of what they believed to be true wasn’t true. And that’s what led me to discover that 58%. So spiritually speaking, 58% of what the Democrats were telling people were lies. And when I looked into it, whether it was deliberate or accidental, what it did was it created a lot of fear. And so what we’re seeing with all these people having meltdowns is all that pent up fear and frustration now on higher dimensions, the forces of darkness are absolutely loving this.
And that’s why I’m saying spiritually we can’t fall into the trap of judgment and name calling and celebrating a success or commiserating a failure, whichever side you’re on. It goes back to the first question. What is the power of stillness and neutrality? Is to not get drawn into these things and to remember the six virtues and to show compassion, compassion to self, to others, to come from a place of respect, come from a place of non judgment.
And if the world did that right now, then we wouldn’t have the problem that I’m going to explain to you. So if you look on the right hand side of this, it’s a graph of what the increase in loosh is based on certain events as a percentage. So the loss by the Democrats yesterday and today has created 1,800. And let me look at the exact figure. 1800 increase in loosh. So a 200% increase would be a doubling. A thousand % would be 10 times. So we’re talking 18 and a half times as much loosh on the planet. In other words, 18 and a half times as much negative emotional energy that is being, that is feeding the forces of darkness.
Okay, let that sink in. It’s a banquet.
That’s astounding. So how does that compare? Because maybe that fluctuation isn’t that big a deal. Maybe that happens every day. So on Normandy, D day, the day that the allied forces landed on the beaches and so many people spent the next 36 hours in basically hell and there was massive losses. D day was 850, so eight and a half times. So this is Worse. Twice as bad as the negative emotional trauma of D Day.
Halloween this year was 170%. So it was 1.7 times as bad. The JFK assassination, you know, which shocked the world, was 740, okay, so quite a massive impact, but nothing compared to the fact that The Democrats lost September 11th when the Twin Towers fell. You know, about 3,000 people lost their lives. That was 1330, in other words, 13 and a bit times. So 13 and a bit for the loss of the Twin Towers. Eighteen and a half for the Democrats not winning.
Well, what this points to is because I looked into this and because it surprised me, I thought, well, when people are dying or they’re being injured like D Day, there was a lot of injuries and a lot of dying, surely that’d be worse. And it was like, no, because physical pain is on the physical dimensions. Those beings are energy beings. They don’t have physical bodies, so they feed on loosh, which is non physical. It’s emotional energy. So they’re not, they’re not doing it for the, they’re not, you know, orchestrating wars and things for the physical damage, they’re orchestrating it for the psychological damage. Okay, so the psychological damage to the, to the planet wasn’t because it’s so bad that they lost, it’s because they had so much pent up fear and anger. And basically fear is the number one thing that had been programmed into them by the mainstream media and by their own party. The language and rhetoric of the campaign was to fear the loss if we lose, you’ve got to fear if you. That was fundamentally the message. And so the fallout was hysteria. And it kind of got me interested. So I looked into, well, what’s, what happens on Christmas Day then. And on Christmas Day it drops by about 35%. So there’s actually more peace and harmony. And it’s probably about the only time of the year where the net amount of leuch on the planet actually drops because people are remembering Jesus and celebrating Jesus and God. Queen Elizabeth’s death is the next one and that’s almost identical. So Queen Elizabeth’s death caused as much loosh in terms of psychological trauma, believe it or not, as one of the main Beatles concerts, okay? And I’m guided sometimes to arse to look into these things. So I thought, well, hang on a sec, why am I looking at a music concert? Surely I. That’s positive. But I remembered all the hysteria and people screaming and fainting and stuff.
But when I looked into it, it’s like. But they didn’t have fear and they didn’t have anger. So what was going on there?
And the last one, which is really high, it’s the third highest thing compared to all the others. So it’s almost kind of on a par with. September 11th was one of Taylor Swift’s concerts. Okay, the amount of negative, psychological, bad energy released. And that’s what got me interested. And it’s funny how these different questions all interconnect, because why would Taylor Swift and the Beatles concert, you know, young people jumping up, down, singing songs, why would they have the same kind of bad energy as the loss of Queen Elizabeth or the fall of the Twin Towers, or even more than the JFK assassination? This is where it gets a bit interesting, is there is a lot of black magic involved in the music industry. And I could go into it, but to be honest, some really clever people have done a lot more research and looking into it than I’ve got the time to do. So I might just share links to their stuff. But. But what happens is there’s things like subliminal messages. So if you listen to the music backwards and people say that’s just made up, but it’s not. I’ve even heard it for myself.
And there’s also dark magic done. So, like, imagine a dark blessing put on the album so that anyone that hears it, remember, participation is agreement. It’s not about whether you understand what you’re getting into. It’s about, do you participate? If you. If you go to a rock, you know, like the Beatles concert, or you go to Taylor Swift concert, it doesn’t matter whether you understood.
The difference between the Beatles and Taylor Swift, by the way, is Taylor Swift openly has satanic and demonic acts and symbols and enactments and things going on on her stage. And I remember seeing a YouTube clip and someone literally shouted out, this is satanic.
Whereas the Beatles, it was a bit more subtle. And what’s happening is that even if the people think they’re having a good time, they’ve got heightened energy, heightened emotions, and they’re being bombarded with subliminal messages and they’re partaking in a black magic ceremony. And so their energy, if you like, has been transmuted into negative loosh. So, yeah, I thought it was quite fascinating that a Taylor Swift concert is almost as bad as 9-11-in terms of the psyche of the planet. And I find it absolutely astounding that the fallout from what happened yesterday in America across the planet has resulted in something much worse. And so that’s why I’m kind Of like, we spiritual people, we’re like the boron rods in a nuclear reactor. Our job is not to make things worse, but to dampen things down, to slow it down, to act as a buffer, a sanity buffer, a spiritual buffer, a psychic buffer if you like, and say, look, I can’t, you know, I’m not responsible for anyone else, but I am responsible for my reactions. So I’ve caught myself looking at stuff and going, oh, you know that present, that presenter who I have been following, they’re having a good laugh at these people from another party that are going into meltdown. And then my spiritual side kicks in, goes, I’m not going to get drawn into that because if I celebrate the suffering of another person, I’m dropping my vibration. So I’m going to make a choice. I’m going to go, no, you know what? That person, yes, they might be out of their, you know, senses, they might be irrational, they might be completely psychologically damaged, but I guarantee they didn’t start life like that. So they are a victim of the mainstream media, they are the victim of lies and deception by political parties, except, etc. Etc. They’re a victim of their education system and all of these other contributing factors that have left them basically a gibbering wreck because they can’t cope with an outcome. So they, you know, there is cause for compassion there. Okay, please, everyone, if you’re listening to this, even if it’s weeks later, months later, it doesn’t just apply to what’s just happened in America. It applies to any time where there’s heightened emotion. Be the change, be the good, be that person that’s strong enough, still enough, neutral enough to create a space for people on both sides.
Doesn’t mean you have to agree with their policies or agree with their opinions, but you have to demonstrate something greater than those above. Those demonic forces that want to wring their hands with joy, looking down, down, waiting for you to slip up, don’t give them the satisfaction. What would Jesus do?
So we kind of hit 10 o’clock and there’s. I’m just about to just look at the next question. It’s a big one. So I’m going to say for tonight, you’re probably all tired.
The last week has probably been quite exhausting for all of us. And I apologize again, I thought I had a. Another video queued up. So I’m going to take this as part one.
And so if you’ve got any questions I haven’t addressed from the stuff I’ve already brought up, fire them over to me. DM me. I’m also, by the way, I’m on.
I can’t remember what it’s called now. Discord. I’m trying out Discord. So I’ll put a link to our Discord chat in the description, but I’ll do part two of this next week and as ever, if you’ve got any more questions, then do fire them over. But it’s been a long week. I’ve been doing a lot of work, especially with all of this Lucian stuff. So I’ve been doing what I can to try and help. So I think I’m going to be kind to myself and I’ll call it a day. And wherever you are, look, lots of love and God bless you. And yeah, we’ll take it from there.
I acknowledged the recent USA elections. The artwork is a picture of Jesus versus Magicians and we’ll be looking at Magic, Neutrality, the USA, and Loosh.
Beautiful feedback on episode 32 and how it has helped a person to spiritually grow. I deliberately don’t directly answer the question raised, but rather I encourage you to do a bit of soul-searching, kind of a moment of spiritual reflection, to help you understand why stillness and neutrality, coming from the heart, has benefit to you. What is the purest way of being a human being? I explain how the work I do comes “through me not from me” and that it is to your credit that you grow.
I read out a couple of comments in the live chat where others explain their spiritual journey.
I discuss whether magic, including sleight of hand is ever a good thing. I discuss a group of beings on higher dimensions who are connected to the Magic Circle on the physical plane. But many good people get caught up in such groups and see magic as a bit of fun, just like Halloween. I share some biblical quotes, which state that Magicians are considered amongst murderers, whoremongers and other sinners. What is it that motivates a magician to practice and learn how to deceive others? I looked into why a particular person got embroiled in magic, how it was dark temptation, because they had the potential to be spiritual. Finally I explain how this person could break from from this, that there is hope.
There has been a big spiritual battle. On both political sides there’s a lot of name-calling and badness being shown to the other side. The forces of darkness benefit from this disharmony. I explain how we can look at the political situation, from a spiritual perspective. I divulge what percentage the republicans and the democrats told lies or deceived the public. I bring up The Six Virtues and talk about being more compassionate and less judgmental towards those who don’t share the same political views. I shared two videos of democrat supporters having meltdown, but I do it from a compassionate perspective. While I am showing these videos I remind us to be neutral.
Next I talk about what Loosh is, how it is a very negative form of energy and how it feeds dark beings, elementals and other negative things. I share which emotions generate Loosh and which things do not. Next I draw a comparrison between the reactions of those on the left compared to the right. Why does the Left react more emotionally? It comes down to psi-ops programming and fear mongering done to them by the education, mainstream media and democratic party, so that these people are actually damaged psychologically.
Next I explain how much of this negative “Loosh” energy is released by different tragedies. This compares the loss of the democrats in 2024 to things like D-Day, Halloween, Sept 11th, JFK Assassination, and oddly a Taylor Swift Concert. This leads onto the relationship between black magic, Loosh and popular/mainstream music. So what can we, as spiritual people, do to make the world a better place? WWJD?
Next episode will continue this as part 2.