Ep.036 Jesus versus Magic (Part 2). The Story of Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa. Covid Lockdowns & Loosh. Kamala Harris’ Concession Speech – Hidden Meanings?: Live Show Discussing Spirituality w/ Mark Zaretti

Episode Synopsis: Positive stories of overcoming the darkness of magic, plus real-life footage of a possessed magician. Comparing the trauma of Covid lockdowns against historical events like the assassination of JFK & 911. Which produced the most loosh? Was Kamala Harris’ concession speech actually a secret message for luciferian secret organisations? Why did she keep […]

Ep.035 Magicians Need to Know this: Jesus versus Magic (Part 1). Loosh and why People are Going into Melt Down over Trump. A More Spiritual Way to Respond to Politics: Live Show Discussing Spirituality w/ Mark Zaretti

Demons, Trump, Loosh & Magic?: Hot off the heels of the USA election we’re going to look at the spiritual impact of Trump’s victory over Kamala Harris. Some shocking revelations about the way the Forces of Darkness benefit from such an event and how this compares to things like the JFK assassination. Seeking the truth […]

Ep.007 Unspiritual politics. Numerology, guardian angels, and the Martin Hibbert Manchester Arena bombing story. Prayer & Blessings: Live Show Discussing Spirituality with Mark Zaretti

An apology. Revisiting the US state maps. Understanding how politics favours the “Satanic” influence, altering the spiritual vibration of a place. Why being truthful is so important and why those who don’t value truth may be unspiritual? How your personal responsibility, free will, and level of spirituality are at risk from non-spiritual ideologies like the […]

Ep.006 Dark technology, England, US Politics & Danger, Why are there wars? Migration & Spiritual Vibration: Live Show Discussing Spirituality with Mark Zaretti

Join me as we explore why some places are more spiritual than others. The negative side of technology. The global significance of England from a spiritual perspective as the planetary logos. Why England is different in vibration from Scotland, Ireland or Wales. How dark politics can spiritually harm a country. Looking at the correlation between […]

The Way Back

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