Episode Synopsis:
Positive stories of overcoming the darkness of magic, plus real-life footage of a possessed magician. Comparing the trauma of Covid lockdowns against historical events like the assassination of JFK & 911. Which produced the most loosh? Was Kamala Harris’ concession speech actually a secret message for luciferian secret organisations? Why did she keep on referencing light? Plus we kick off the show with a lovely little story shared by one of our followers.
Episode transcript:
Good evening, everyone. This is Mark and this is The Way Back Discussing Spirituality, the live
show. And it is the 14th of November, 2024. And let’s just get straight into it, but this show is a
little bit different because we’re going to actually be revisiting last week’s episode and kind of
closing a few loops that I opened at the start of last week. So here’s the artwork for this episode,
which is actually episode number 36. And we’ve got a guy who’s got a big, what looks like a
large lump of stone on his shoulders, kind of weighing him down. And that stone’s labeled life.
And we’ve also got just sneaking in the corner there, just behind me, we’ve got Kamala Harris.
All will be revealed. And there’s this is just a hint at some of the things that we are going to be
looking at in this episode. So what are we going to be looking at? Well, following in on from last
week, we’re going to do magic Part two. So surviving magic this time. So some really positive
stuff coming up in this episode about magic, the louche effect of COVID So if you’re thinking
what is the Loosh effect, I will explain. But again, this is something that we’ve covered in last
week’s episode and something that actually it does happen. It touches all of our lives. But most
people are completely unaware of Loosh. So we will put that right and we will help us all to
understand it a bit better.
Was there or was this a hidden message? And this one’s actually credit to one of our followers
who kind of suspected there might be a problem when they saw this speech on TV and they sent
it to me. And sure enough, I looked into it and it got interesting. So I’ll be sharing what I
discovered with you guys very shortly, hopefully, and shouldering or shoulder the burden. And
this really is what the artwork for today’s episode is looking at. But before we dive into stuff, I just
wanted to share, I just wanted to share something. One of the people who watches this show, I
follow them on Twitter, well, I think it’s called X nowadays. And they posted something. So and I
thought that’s really nice. So I thought I’d start by sharing that with you all. So credit to them.
They know who they are. And thank you for sharing that with me. And it’s a little story, really.
When this young man was very young, he wanted to get married, and his dad said, no, you’re
too young.
And he was quite a spiritual guy. And then one of the family friends said, look, what you have to
do is first of all, understand who you want to marry. And, you know, to him, when he was about
15, that was profound. And so the guy said to him, look, get a pen and paper and write down all
the qualities of character that you would want in your future wife. So, you know, whatever it is.
And so the guy wrote down a list, and it was things like kindness, and she likes the outdoors,
and she takes care of herself and her health, and, you know, all the things that, to him were
qualities of character and attributes of personality that he, although he’s only maybe 15, 16, that
he thought would really be important to his having his life as his future partner.
And when he’d written and he wrote and he was told right at the top, my future wife. Okay?
And then the guy who was kind of mentoring him said, right. And he got the pen and he crossed
out the word wife. And he said, right, read that back. That’s what you need to be. In other words,
if these are the things you want in your life from someone else, you need to be them. So you
need to be this person that loves the outdoors. You need to be this person that takes care of
yourself. You need to be this person is kind. And I thought that was really, really nice, a nice way
of looking at it. So, you know, maybe something we can all reflect on. What do we look for in
others or especially those that we want to surround ourselves with? And are we doing the same?
Are we actually being that which we want, desire, and expect from others? And obviously, I
would say from a spiritual perspective, but as you know, pretty much everything in terms of life
can point towards spirituality, because every choice is either bringing us closer to God or further
away from God. So just keep that in the back of our minds, and we’ll have a look at what’s
coming up today then. And we’ll start with the revisiting the question from last week, which was
Gary asks. And just a very quick recap. So I have a friend who is a professional magician. He
used to be quite religious and would wear a wwjd, which is a what would Jesus do? Bracelet, but
over the years, he has drifted more towards different beliefs. For example, he accepts God’s
existence, but not that Jesus is the son of God in general. Is there any significance between
magic and the ungodly thinking or beliefs? And we did look into this last week, so I won’t kind of
repeat, but basically the very, very short version of that would be that magic not good. Okay. And
I made the case that it’s not just, you know, say, dark magic that’s not good, it’s any kind of
magic, has its roots in deception and therefore is not good.
And so. But if you remember, last week there was a video I wanted to show you guys and I’m
really hoping this week we can watch it. So this is a guy who, when the question was first asked
me, my memory went straight back to having seen photos of this guy. And you probably can’t
see it very well, but if I put a red arrow there, you. And for those of you that are listening, thank
you for listening on the podcast and it’s great to have you joining us. But what we’ve got here is
a stage magician who’s sitting like a yoga, cross legged, which is credit to him because that’s
actually quite hard to sit like that unless you got the hips, flexibility. And he’s got three large
crystal balls and above them is a small glass or crystal ball that’s hovering in the air. And so and
he’s got his head shaved, he’s kind of a tank top and he’s in good shape. But he’s doing this
magic trick in this ball is levitating and that in itself is pretty impressive. But we will go into this a
little bit more. And so let me see now if we can, I hope, bring up this video now because this is
on YouTube there’s a good chance it might pop up in advert. So we will see what happens. I
know it’s going to play. That’s good.
And so this is him starting his act and he’s thrown this ball above the other balls and it’s just
levitating there and he’s doing this kind of thing where you juggle the balls in your hand so
they’re not actually leaving your hand but they’re spinning around and he’s. The levitating ball is
kind of moving, you know, he’s moving his hands around it. So above it, below it, around it. And
this is a cut forwards to a bit more. So what we want to watch is, I mean it’s quite impressive
what he’s doing, but look at his eyes.
So he’s got dark eyes and there they’ve gone bright like white. There’s no pigment in them. And
he blinks and he’s saying some words, not sure what he’s saying. And now his eyes are dark
again and he’s rubbing his temples.
So you get the, you kind of get the idea. And then his eyes have gone white again. And
obviously if you’re watching on or if you’re listening again, I’ll put some screenshots up on the
podcast when I do that. But here he’s so. He’s really focused. He seems to be chanting.
(Mark)And then we’ve gone on to
Dynamo, but I’ll stop at that point because it’s the first bit of the clip that I wanted to show you.
And I’ll put the full link in the write up notes as well.
So what we were seeing was as he was kind of doing his magic, which again, I don’t know how
he made that levitate. And it could be. I mean, people talk about telekinesis, moving objects with
the power of your mind, but fundamentally the key thing there wasn’t what he was doing is that
when he went totally into it, his eyes transformed. And having looked into it, the reason why he
came to mind is because years ago I saw a photo of him on stage and in the background, very
grainy, was something that like a. It kind of looked like a shadowy figure with a demonic face.
And people were saying, look, is this guy working with dark forces to be able to do the things he
does? And I tell you, it’s not a normal thing for someone’s eyes to transform and be. And for that
to be caught on camera as well. And yeah, it would appear that this person has certainly made
some kind of bargain with something that is not good. And the reason why that came up was
because we were talking about how the roots of magic are always based in negativity, in
deception, in creating illusion and things like this. And so if you take that to extremes, then you
get the, you get the kind of.
If people are pursuing darkness to extremes and they will start to engage with darkness. And so
really that is the key point I wanted to make here, that it’s one thing to say that that happens, but
what I was trying to show from this video was that there is actually kind of tangible recorded
evidence of something that seems very sinister going on in this particular case. And this is not
the only case, as you saw, that was a video that had other examples where the camera has
caught some kind of either transformational morphing of their faces or features or the color of
their eyes and things like this. And outside of the context of magic, I’ve done a lot of work with
people who are being plagued, let’s just say, by negative forces. And one of the things is the
changing of the eyes. So if something very sinister is within a person and you could talk about
the idea of possession, for example, then their eyes change. And if you’re. Particularly if you’re
sensitive to these things, you can actually perceive it.
So the next point I wanted to make is I’m kind of just trying to wrap a few things up from last
episode on this.
So this is kind of part two, and it will make a lot more sense if you’ve already seen last week’s.
But, you know, if not, you can always go back afterwards.
So Gary said his friend, who’s a professional magician, used to be quite religious and would
wear a WWJD bracelet. And so I’ve kind of highlighted that there so you can kind of see, you
know, where it’s at, where I’m highlighting it there. So he used to be quite religious. And this is
really something that I wanted to go into a little bit more. So keeping things really simple.
Spirituality is fundamentally the desire to be closer to God, but not an intellectual desire, much
more of a from the heart. And when you start to become more spiritual, that sense of connection
is something that cannot be taken away from you, even if it’s difficult to put it into words. It’s
something that is like the. At the core of you. And that’s because your soul and your spirit, which
are at the core of you, are waking up to the truth, which is that behind everything that is good is
God. And that includes your soul and your spirit. And so spirituality touches you, changes you,
transforms you, awakens you.
Religion is, although it can evoke spirituality is actually of the head. It’s about belief. It’s about
knowledge, reading the scriptures, understanding the scriptures, quoting the scriptures. And
there is value in that. And it can give people guidance. Because what you know, what would
Jesus do? Literally, this, as it says, this guy used to wear a WWJD bracelet to remind himself,
what would Jesus do? So there is a lot of value in the intellect being engaged in something. But
the point I wanted to make is that if it’s just at the intellect level, in other words, a person’s belief
is religious, that can be challenged quite easily. And it literally describes this in this question
because it says, sorry, just dropped my headphones. It says he’s drifted towards different beliefs.
In other words, he’s replaced one belief with another belief. So if a person’s belief, you know, if a
person is spiritual, but it’s founded in belief, beliefs can be shaken, they can be changed. If it’s
based in experience, that then experience trumps belief. And that, this is something I’ve talked
about right back in the books and from day one, really, in all the podcasts and the various videos
I’ve done is I’ve always said spirituality is about you finding out for yourself from your own
experience. And the purpose of this show is to help frame things, to help, you know, guide us in
the right direction. But it’s. But it’s not a substitute for you taking what comes in through your
ears or you see through your eyes and then taking that inside and transforming it into growth in
terms of the spirit, the soul, the heart, awakening, and things like this. And so what I kind of
wanted to say is if we ignore. Because it’s not fair to just talk about this one person. But as a
generalization, if someone is religious and it’s purely a faith, intellectual level, faith, belief, then it
isn’t solid ground and it can be challenged, as was the case with this person, where they were
tempted by dark forces because of their spiritual potential, because they were awakening. It was
put in their path by dark forces to trip them up. The idea of, why don’t you look at magic? Why
don’t you get into that? Why don’t you really get into it? And then suddenly they’ve lost their way,
literally. Because it wasn’t the heart that was the guiding compass. It wasn’t the spirit and the
soul. It was an idea of belief. And so this is really kind of saying, look, if you’re religious, that’s
And it’s not mutually exclusive. It’s not saying if you’re religious, you’re not spiritual. But take it to
the next level. Include that spiritual connection. I’m definitely not talking about meditation here or
anything like that. I’m like, really, in a succinct way, trying to say, what is all the information or the
knowledge or the wisdom or the ideas or the beliefs pointing you towards, you know, did Jesus
say purely believe in me, or did he want you to actually live like Jesus, become like Jesus, come
from the heart more, grow in the heart more. So take the.
Build your house on solid ground from a spiritual point of view, meaning have the experience, go
there, open up to it. Don’t just stop at the intellectual. Let it percolate down and permeate into
the heart. Okay, so that was kind of the closing, that part of the story.
Now, I wanted to talk about this guy as well. So this is Henricus Cornelius Agrippa, and he was
around about the 15th century, and it’s quite an interesting story to this guy. So let me show you
who I’m talking about. This is hint. So his picture’s just up there and it’s a sketch. And he was
actually a prolific author in the end, which is why this picture has survived, because he wrote.
Wrote quite a few books.
But let me dive into a little bit more about this guy. Is this the right one? No, let’s go back to this
one. Here we go. So last week we were talking about magic and basically the connection
between people that are drawn to that, even if they think it’s just a bit of fun, it can basically open
up into being a lot darker. And looking at people that had sought the darkness so literally who
sold their soul to the devil. And I came across this guy as an anecdotal story. So I’m just going to
read a little bit of this to you. So, Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa. So his name was written in Latin
earlier, but that’s how he was actually named in the 1500s. Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa was a
scholar who devoted his life to writing about the occult. In his books, he mentioned the devil a lot
and breaks down exactly how witches perform magic spells. You may be wondering how exactly
Agrippa got all of his information.
He claimed that when he was a young man, he gave into the temptations of the devil and
learned how to perform magic by following around groups of witches.
I’ll pause there, because if we go back to the original question, I have a friend who is a
professional magician. He used to be quite religious and would wear a WWJD bracelet.
But over the years, he has drifted more towards different beliefs, ergonomic, towards magic.
Now, this is a parallel story. This is a guy in the 1500s who was brought up religious because
certainly at that time, and then was literally, he said, he explained it himself, that he gave into the
temptations of the devil. So this modern contemporary character started off religious and then
gave into the temptations of the devil and learned how to perform magic. It’s the same story. And
this is why it’s really, really important. Important that I share this with you.
He apparently. So going back to the story of Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa.
So he learned how to follow. Perform magic by following witches around. And then he apparently
found Jesus and managed to save his own soul. He wrote his books in order to teach others
how. That’s typo in this article. To teach others how to keep the devil at bay. During his lifetime,
he published eight huge books about the occult. And then basically they just debate whether or
not he should have been burnt as a witch. But what they think is, because he was writing about
how to battle against the devil, he was allowed to be alive by the, you know, the church and the
others who persecuted witches at the time.
But interestingly, he also, instead of saying burn them at the stake, he actually pushed for people
to be more sympathetic towards witches and saying that we shouldn’t burn them. We should try
and save their souls. We should try and bring them back to the light. You know, they’ve been
beguiled by dark forces. We need to save them because he had saved himself. And so. And he.
And interestingly, he said we should save them from the devil’s grasp and have God save them
through prayer rather than burning them at the stake. So I wanted to share that story with you
because, you know, we’re talking 1500s versus 2024. But it’s the same story and it’s the same
resolution as I said last week. Look, if you really. If you’re starting to wake up and you realize
that, whether it’s the hobbies that you have or the work that you do or the films that you enjoy or
the music that you listen to, if you’re starting to go, hang on a sec. But this is. This is satanic or
demonic or dark or evil. It’s got really bad vibration and it’s dragging. Maybe I’ve been literally
beguiled by the devil. Maybe I’ve been.
I’ve lost my way, you know, that kind of thing, just as it was 1500, you know, in the 1500s. And I
said last week, it’s not too late. Start with prayer. Just set the intention. You don’t need to know
the way out. You just need to know that you need to get out of that situation and ask for help,
welcome Jesus and God into your life. Now, look, I’m well aware that if you. If you. Maybe this is
the first time you’ve tuned into this live show and you’re thinking, what is this all. What is this all
Fundamentally, every choice we make is either going to move us towards goodness or towards
darkness or badness, okay? And so when I say the devil, or when I say Satan, you can just take
that allegorically to mean darkness, badness, evil. And if I say God and I say Jesus, that means
goodness, light, good, light. Okay, so even if talking about Jesus or God is some. Is a place
you’re not ready to go, in fundamentally simple terms, what I’m talking about is the archetypal
ever, you know, from as long back as there’s been history, battle of good versus evil. And the
battle is for you. In other words, it’s not being fought out on a field somewhere in a foreign land,
it’s being thought within you. Literally, the proverbial, you know, good on one shoulder, bad on
the other shoulder. And you are responsible for the choices that you make. Even if on the
surface you say, well, it’s just magic, it’s just a bit of fun.
There’s always a part of you, if you’re a fundamentally good person, there’s always that part of
you deep within that’s trying to guide you to the good. And that’s why the guidance to the bad is
always from without, not from within. Okay, so fascinating stuff. And it’s really nice to kind of tie it
together with a story from the 1500s and say, look, it’s as relevant today as it was in the past.
Maybe the stakes are lower because, no pun intended, saying stake, but they used to burn them
at the stake. You know, nowadays society celebrates people who openly talk about Satan and
the devil. I mean, just look at the.
What was that award ceremony? Someone can write it in the chat where that guy dressed as a
devil and did a demonic song.
If anyone can remember what I’m talking about, you can help me out here. But, yeah, you know,
I’ll put it in the notes otherwise. So, yeah, fascinating stuff.
And that brings us on to tying up another loose end from last week. So last week I introduced in
more depth the topic of loosh. And for those that still or didn’t get get that last week. So loosh. A
lot of people are kind of talking about loosh nowadays as being like the blanket spiritual energy
of humanity. It’s not. It’s negative emotional energy, in other words, psychic energy that’s
radiated by groups of people who are in a heightened sense of trauma. Sam Smith, Eurovision.
Well done. Someone’s just answered the question from earlier. So using the name, what,
Eurovision? I don’t think it was Eurovision, but it was Sam Smith. It was some other award
The Eurovision one was Bambi Thug, who did some demonic stuff at the Eurovision Song
Contest. But anyway, and I’m sure there was a lot of loosh because of that. So going back to
Loosh. Thank you, guys in the chat, that’s really helpful. So the other thing about Loosh is. So
it’s negative energy given out by people who are being traumatized by something, and the dark
forces feed on it. Okay. And on the picture on the screen, I list the things in order of the strongest
to the weakest in terms of the emotional triggers that produce it. So we’ve got fear at the top and
then anger, self pity, sorrow, frustration, frustration and resentment. And there’ll be others, but
you get the idea. And then what we did is we looked at different world events, all of them one
day events, and how much increase in loosh that it produced. And so this was triggered by
talking about the recent loss of the Democrats and the emotional fallout across the planet
caused something like 18, let me get my figures right, 18, 50% increase, or 18 and a half times
as much as a normal level. And someone basically during the chat, some good questions came
up when we were talking about that stuff. And the first question I wanted to address is the
question of when we were talking about magic. So just stepping back slightly, but it does relate
to Lucia as well.
I talked about something that said, look, even if you don’t understand, your participation is your
consent. And this goes right back to when I was talking about Halloween and people putting
pumpkins on their front step and skeletons hanging up from the tree and cobwebs on their
windows. And what I was saying is, look, these are actually markers. These are icons to attract
demons. So there’s actual dark religions on the planet where they use pumpkins to draw the
attention of water demons, for example. And cobwebs symbolize the webs and the geometry of
magic. So when people bind their house in webs, they’re binding themselves to that magic,
whether they even believe or know that that magic exists. So the point I made was their
participation in the celebration of Halloween is their consent to be bound by what Halloween is
really about, the demonic, dark and dark magic side of it. And it was the same with magic. Even
if someone is doing magic and they think it’s just a bit of fun, I’m just doing a card trick. I’m just,
oh, look, I made that disappearance. It’s gone down my sleeve. Whatever it is, what they’re
actually doing is practicing the art of deception. And so their participation in it. And this also
means that if you go to a magic show to be deceived, your Participation. It’s not that you’re
participating in actually doing the. Well, if you’re the magician, you’re participating in doing the
deception, but it’s just simply what I meant was your participation in the event.
So going to a magic show or being a magician is you giving your consent to the dark forces
behind magic and everything that it stands for, which is illusion, deception, trickery, and all of
these things. So it doesn’t matter whether or not your intent. This is. This is a key thing. It
doesn’t matter whether or not your intent was to deceive or harm or hurt others or to be dark and
evil. If you participate in something that is dark and evil, even if you think it’s just fun, then you
have submitted your will to it. Okay, so hopefully that clears up the kind of question mark about
participation in deception versus what I meant was participation in the event. So you don’t have
to be actively deceiving to still be bound by the overarching darkness of the event.
Okay, now another interesting question was asked during the chat. So I’ve kind of highlighted it
here. And it was Panther 9 who said there’s slight typo. But what was said was what’s the.
What’s not on the graph is Covid fear. So if we just go back, so we’re talking about this graph on
the right, and again, a screenshot will be available for those listening. But basically it’s different
bars, and the higher the bar, the more loosh was produced. And loosh is a bad thing. So we had
the Democratic loss, 20, 24, 18. The next highest thing was September 11th. So the emotional
trauma, not just for the people involved, but the people watching, came in. Let me just get my
September 11th was 1330%. So 13.3 times as much as a typical day and so on. And so we got
these different things. And the third high, third ranking thing was actually a Taylor Swift concert.
But as I explained, that was more to do with magic. And this goes back to that thing. A lot of
people went there and it was just good fun as far as they were concerned. And they didn’t think
there was going to be anything negative or dark, but because there was subliminal messages
and satanic practices on stage and stuff like this, even though most people, they didn’t even
notice it, their participation at the concert meant that they consented to being affected by the
magic. The subliminal messages and everything else that was being under the radar projected
at them. Okay, so that, that’s another good example of this. You know, your participation in the
rock concert or the, or the pop cult pop concert was your consent to be bound by what was
really going on at the event.
So the question came up, what about COVID And there was a bit of discussion in the chat
because I said everything else that I looked at was just a single day event like the assassination
of jfk.
So what I did to answer this was I looked at how Covid, one day of COVID one particular day
compared. And the day I chose was the first day that we, the world, went into lockdown,
effectively. So this is what was the increase in loosh, in other words, negative emotional energy
given out as a result of trauma to a large number of people.
And the first day of lockdown was worse than September 11th. Worse. Worse than the Taylor
Swift concert, worse than JFK assassination, worse than D day, worse than everything. And
actually came in at 1530. So 1530% increase. So that’s 15.3 times as much loosh as a typical
day, just on the first day of lockdown. And then I got thinking, okay, so over the entire first
lockdown period, which was months, as you can remember, what was the average amount of
loosh being produced every single day? So some days it would be more, some days it would be
less, but the average amount of loosh. Remember, loosh means negative psychic emotional
energy that’s outpouring from people who are in a state of fear and all those other things. So
fear, resentment.
Let me just bring my own memory, bring back the list. So these are people feeling fear, anger,
self pity, sorrow, frustration, resentment. So if you think back to Covid and just stay neutral, so
don’t go into those emotions. But there was a lot of that stuff going around, right? And so the
result, every single day on average. So some days much more, some days maybe less. But the
average for that whole period of time was 740. So 7.4 times as much loose as a typical day was
being released by the population on the planet. And to give you some context, that’s about the
same as the amount of trauma and raw emotion and negative stuff coming out of the world as a
result of the JFK assassination. And it’s almost the same as D day.
So imagine however many. I can’t. I can’t even remember. It was something like six or nine
months or even longer. That’s nine months of the same level of trauma to the planet as JFK
assassination. So imagine if every day it was like Groundhog Day, and every day we had to go
through that shock and trauma and fear and all the other things going on that people relived. As
if people relived the JFK assassination for nine months. That’s how bad it was. So cumulatively
it’s not, it’s not just one day that was, every single day was like a JFK assassination.
And that’s why I’ve talked a lot about neutrality and stillness and being in the world but not
touched by it. Look, if they, they being whoever these forces of darkness are on higher
dimensions and whatever they are influencing or working with on, on the physical plane, feed on
this darkness, this loosh, this really nasty stuff, you know, that comes from us when we are
traumatized, when we are in fear, when we are resenting and feeling self pity, then what’s the
alternative? And this is the spiritual path. To be spiritual is to be in the world but not touched by
it. To be neutral and not fall into the reactionary trap of going into fear. Just, you know, the
government does something and there is fear. And look, I was documenting everything when it
was happening and I saw it for what it was. And they had leaked memos where the people
running the country, there were leaked memos saying use the media to create a heightened
sense of fear so we can get the people to do what we want. And they had, they had empty
ambulances driving around with their sirens on full to make people think that the situation was
worse. Why? Fear?
Okay, the news was fear, fear, fear. So I would take a big step back and say, okay, next time
you’re watching the news and there’s all this fear being promoted, why? What is it they really
want? Could it be not saying it is, but could it be that they’re deliberately trying to get the masses
into a state of fear? Why?
So they can have more of these heightened periods of loosh production so that the forces of
darkness can feed on it? You know, maybe to them we’re just like cattle, you know, but they
don’t want us to get fat physically. They want us to get fat on negative emotions, you know, well
up in all of these negative states. So surely the greatest form of resistance, resistance isn’t
anger or resentment or anything that’s negative because actually that’s feeding the problem.
Perhaps the greatest resistance is to do the opposite and to go, I will not go into a state of fear.
And what’s the opposite? You know, Jesus and God, because faith, what is it? They say
something like, Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. I
will fear nothing. Okay.
So be that person that doesn’t give in to the fear and the negative emotions, and then you’re not
contributing to the problem. And then maybe you’re inspiring other people to step out of the
problem state as well. And. Yeah, worth considering. Anyway, so let us press on with the
Oh, yeah, this one’s come up. So this, this, this was a question. I was run out of time last week,
and so we’ll pick it up here. And it would have been more relevant last week. But there is
actually something really interesting and important in this that doesn’t just apply to Kamala
Harris and doesn’t just apply to this particular presidential election. It’s a bigger picture thing
here. But Nick asks. Following President Donald Trump becoming re elected as the 47th
President of the United States of America, Kamala Harris stated that following in her first
address to the public after not being elected. So this was her consolidation speech.
She said, the light of America’s promise will always burn bright. When considering your previous
episode discussing Kamala Harris, how significant do you understand these words to be now? I
hadn’t actually seen that speech. There was a lot going on and I was doing a lot of work, spiritual
work, and so I kind of had to go and look at it. And I’m not assuming that all of you have seen it
either. So I thought the best thing to do is I’ll see if I can share a little excerpt from that so that
we know what we’re talking about and we can all be on the same page. So bear with me a
second. So this is just a few clips from her speech, and I’ll play it through and then I’m going to
play it through again and break it down for you because there was actually something, there was
more than we thought to this speech. Okay.
(Kamala Harris) Good afternoon, everyone. Good afternoon.
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon.
Thank you all. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
(Mark) So I just want to point out at this point, she started to speak and she’s
clamped her hands together and she. This is the start of her speech at this point. And then
someone interrupts her.
So what? But just pay attention, okay? The start of a speech is normally a bit important.
(Kamala Harris) Let me say. And I love you back. And I love you back.
So let me say, my heart is full today. My heart is full today. Full of gratitude for the trust you have
placed in me, full of love for our country and full of resolve. The outcome of this election is not
what we wanted, not what we fought for, not what we voted for.
(Mark) Can I just point out. So this isn’t. I’m not making a political statement here,
Whichever way you personally lean is, you know, totally your choice. So this isn’t about digging
in and going, oh, you know, that party is better than this party, or anything like that.
I just want you to consider something. She lost because the majority of people who voted voted
for the other party. So it’s interesting that she just said, and this isn’t a political thing. I’m drawing
it to your attention. It will become more relevant in a moment. She said, not what we voted for,
but that’s actually the opposite of the truth. The truth is it’s exactly what was voted for. The
majority of people voted the opposite. So she’s so Very interesting little observation there, and I’ll
come back to it.
(Kamala Harris) But hear me when I say.
(Mark) Hear me when I say.
(Kamala Harris) Hear me when I say. The light of America’s promise will always burn
bright as long as we never give up and as long as we keep fighting.
Of a. Brilliant. Brilliant.
(Mark) So I’ve cut. I’ve cut to the end of the speech. So what you just saw was
the start of the speech. And here now she’s saying.
I think she’s. I’ve just cut a bit out. But it said something like the light of a. Brilliant, brilliant. So
hold it, let it play.
(Kamala Harris) Billion of stars, the light, the light of optimism, of faith, of truth and service.
It’s you.
And may that work guide us, even in the face of setbacks, toward the extraordinary promise of
the United States of America. I thank you all. May God bless you and may God bless the United
States of America. I thank.
(Mark) So, okay, on the surface, just a good speech. Nothing wrong with that, is
there? I’d. I’d certainly be interested if anything stood out for any of you in the chat. The. The
person that contacted me, I think, was quite astute. There was actually. There’s quite a lot in
this, so I’m not going to break it down. It’s not an intellectual thing. If we all sat in intuition and so
imagine this. Let’s just take a step back. If we all sat in a state of intuition and total neutrality,
then there would be more understanding of things. For example, not what we wanted, not what
we voted for.
Who is the we that is being referred to if we keep on fighting? Again, who is the we? So what.
What I did is looked into it spiritually, in other words, from this place of stillness and neutrality
where there’s no judgment, just simply allowing things to kind of present like the words. And then
that will trigger an understanding or trigger an inquiry, goes, well, what’s behind that? What’s
behind that? What’s behind that? Why? Why that? Because I can tell you one thing, that speech
was obviously scripted. And with any speech, the start is the most important bit and the end is
the most important bit because people will remember what you said at the beginning because
that’s when you get their attention and they will remember the last thing you said. So it’s like the
book ends. Yeah. You can’t remember the pages in a book, but you can remember the COVID
You remember the last page and you remember the first page. You know, so. So let’s see if we
can look at this a little bit more neutrally and maybe glean a bit more from it. So I’m just going to
go back to the video.
(Kamala Harris) Thank you all. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. So let me say.
(Mark) So notice. So let me say. So this is important. In other words, what she’s
saying is this is important. It’s another way of punctuating the importance of what comes next.
(Kamala Harris) And I love you back.
(Mark) And she got interrupted, so she had to say it again. It’s very important.
She had to say it again.
(Kamala Harris) And I love you back.
So let me say.
(Mark) And the posture and everything is just right. This is, you know, it’s like,
brace yourself.
(Kamala Harris) My heart is full today. My heart is full today. Full of gratitude for the trust
you have placed in me. Full of love for our country and full of resolve. The outcome of this
election we wanted. Outcome of this election is not.
(Mark) So the first bit is just platitudes. Full of compassion, full of love, full of
resolve. This is the. Keep it. When she says the outcome is not what we wanted.
(Kamala Harris) What we wanted, not what we fought.
(Mark) For, not what we fought for, not what we voted for, not what we voted for.
Now, here’s the thing. She’s not talking to the audience, she’s talking to the we.
Now, this is down here. People would talk about it like the Deep State or the people behind her
or the people above her or the organizations, the. You know, even if you just took it pragmatically
and said, look, everything you’re talking about, Deep State, that’s all conspiracy nonsense. But
there was billionaires, Soros and others who funded her, funded her political career, put her in a
position of power, etc. And, you know, this is easy. Get the receipts, it’s all out there. So even if
you just looked at it financially, there’s a lot of People that have poured a lot of financial money in
to get an outcome. And she’s talking at the mundane level to them, at the esoteric level to a
higher audience. Okay, so she’s saying this is not what we wanted, not what we fought for, not
what we. Not the outcome we wanted.
(Kamala Harris) But hear me when I say, notice.
(Mark) But hear me when I say this is a declaration. Okay, so this would be like,
don’t get her. She’s. She’s a judge. So this would be like the ruling of the situation.
(Kamala Harris) Hear me when I say, and she repeats it twice, the light of America’s
promise will always burn bright.
(Mark) Okay, so hopefully some of you can remember last episode. It’s not
actually last episode at all. It was episode 31, I believe, and I shared some of this with you, so I
won’t go into it too much, but this is basically the connection between the Statue of Liberty,
Lucifer, Sol Invictus, which is a Roman God. So Sol Invictus, the hair, the face, the kind of
pointed head set is exactly the same. It’s seven points, the same kind of hair, the same kind of
stern face, almost masculine face that was found on these ancient carvings on. Of a sun God
from Roman times is a Statue of Liberty. And the iconography on the Statue of Liberty, holding
up the burning wand or the torch, the chains around the ankles, and all of these things is derived
from classic Luciferian iconography. So. And what’s this got to do with Kamala Harris? Again, go
Back to episode 31, but her name backwards are the two main stars. So Amalek Sirrah are two
of the main stars in the constellation of Andromeda. And who was Andromeda? She was the
daughter of a king whose wife showed off, saying how beautiful my daughter is. So Poseidon
sent up the. Can’t remember, it’s Kraken or Gorgon. But basically the sea monster persecuted
the people because he was angry because his sea nymphs were actually the most beautiful
things. And how dear this woman suggests that her daughter is more beautiful. And then the
hero turns up, kills them all, turns it to stone, using Medusa’s head, saves the chained woman,
who the name Kamala Harris in backwards represents. So in other words, there’s a connection
between the chained woman and Kamala Harris. That was a name given to her by higher dark
forces and basically so she could fulfill a prophecy down here.
So there’s a connection between her and the Luciferian influence. And on the foot or the plinth of
Statue of Liberty, it talks about the last line is, I lift my lamp beside the golden door. So the lamp
lifting up the lamp is the. Let’s get. Look at the exact words that Kamala Harris said. So the light
of America’s promise will always burn bright. So this is Lucifer holding up false light and basically
saying, come to me, everyone, all you poor, all you tired, all you huddled masses, all the exiles
from other lands, come here and you will become rich. Because it’s. I hold my lamp next to the
golden door. So I go into a lot more in a previous episode, but basically, what her speech was
actually alluding to. And again, I don’t know if she even knew that that’s what she was alluding
to, but her speech was given to her. The light of America’s promise would always burn bright.
Means the false light, Lucifer’s light of America’s promise to make you rich if you sell your soul to
the devil, to Lucifer. Okay, so she starts her speech by saying, lucifer’s light is still burning bright.
Okay, so let’s go. Let’s see what more comes out of it. And again, whether she knew that that
was the meaning, I don’t. You know, I haven’t looked into that, if I’m honest. But that was the
spiritual meaning of that sentence. And it was carefully chosen words to say, look to the kind of
Whoever it is, the global elite, the World Economic Forum, the New World Order, the overlords,
whatever it is, to say to them, look, we’ve lost this battle, but our flame is still burning bright.
(Kamala Harris) As long as we never give up and as long as we keep fighting.
(Mark) And that’s the proverbial fight of good against evil, or in their case, evil.
(Kamala Harris) Against good of a brilliant, brilliant billion of stars.
(Mark) So the light, I won’t get into it, but she’s ending the speech by talking
about the light of a billion billion brilliant, brilliant stars. Now, esoterically, and I don’t want to go
too much into the reads here, it’s just symbolism that I want to draw your attention to. So,
classically, the firmament was a dome, like a prison dome over the planet, and the stars were
painted on it. And it was a way of. When people referenced the stars, they were seeing the edge
of the cage that they’re in, and they’re also seeing false light. Because the idea is that beyond
the firmament is the truth, but the only light you can see when you look up is the stars that are
there to remind you that you are under this dome, that you are cut off from what is beyond.
Okay, so that’s the spiritual significance of the light. You know, the light of billions of stars. Just
like Lucifer’s light or the light of America’s promise is false light.
(Kamala Harris) The light of optimism, of faith, of truth and service.
(Mark) Okay, so this is really interesting. So there’s this theme of light running
throughout the speech, and it’s false light. So the light of optimism, false optimism. In other
words, what optimism means is selling the American dream to people, which is the dream of
wealth possession, material dreams. In other words, let me go back because I want to make
sure I get them in the right order.
(Kamala Harris) So she said a faith of truth and service.
(Mark) So optimism, faith, truth and service. So this is very important. She’s
telling those who are in the know, those that understand that she’s actually talking directly to
them, that these are the four pillars of how they will fight this battle from the stance of them
being evil, trying to overcome good. Okay, so faith, in other words, controlling the religions truth
is just as a false light is what they are talking about, it’s false Truth, in other words, control the
media, control the flow of information, be the fact checkers, all the things that it’s impossible to
refute because we know that they will fact check people who disagree with them, but they won’t
fact check themselves. They’ll try and silence platforms that allow free speech so that they
control speech. So in other words, it’s truth, but their version of it, it’s not the real truth. And then,
so you’ve got faith, which is belief and religion. You’ve got promise, which is basically
materialism. You’ve got truth, which is lies. In other words, control the truth and present lies as
truth. And then service.
Service means slavery. This is the keywords that they’re using. So they’re saying the path to
achieving the victory over what is good, you know, is to enslave people to present lies as truth,
to control what they believe, faith and religion, and to sell them a dream to keep them focused
on the future, not in the present, keep them hungry for material gain and, you know, the
American dream rather than spiritual gain. So this is a coded message to a small number of
people saying, we haven’t. We’ve lost, but we haven’t given up. We’re going to keep fighting the
goal, the light, the false light of America’s dream carries on. And these are the four pillars of how
we’re doing it now. By the way, why didn’t she just write it in an email and send it to, you know,
whoever it is, Klaus Schwab or whatever. Well, think I’ve talked about this before. They need to
tell you what they’re doing so that you give your consent, but they don’t need to tell you in an
honest way. So they are literally laying it all out here, saying, we haven’t been put out. The fire is
still burning. Our desire for what we want, and this is how we’re going to do it. And we’re literally
telling you how we’re going to do it. But people without the stillness and neutrality and the
intuition, which, you know, credit to the. To the person that brought this to my attention, their
intuition picked up on the coded message and said, there’s something not right here. The choice
of words is a bit off. It’s a bit weird. Can you look into it? So this again is just a nice way of
demonstrating that when we become more neutral, we start to pick up on.
It’s like there’s the words that are being said and then there’s the meaning.
And most people are at the surface layer of the words being said. Very few people are diving
into, well, what’s the meaning behind this? So hopefully we can start to wake up to that. And so
let’s just finish.
(Kamala Harris) And may that work guide us even in the face of setbacks toward.
(Mark) Okay, so may that work guide us. So she’s literally just listed the four
ways that they’re going to work against us. You know, as I said, truth and optimism and, you
know, all of these things. So this is the work that’s going to guide us. And this is what we want,
(Kamala Harris) Extraordinary promise of the United States of America.
(Mark) So she closes on the very first thing she said, the extraordinary promise.
So we want to achieve the extraordinary, extraordinary promise of America. The extraordinary
promise of America is not God. It’s not spiritual awakening. It’s the false light of Lucifer, literally.
Because the Statue of Liberty literally represents the point where people will come to America
and they see the Statue of Liberty and it stands for the American dream, which is you can get
rich, you know, just sell your soul to the devil. In other words, do not seek real light, I. E. God.
Seek the false light, the light of America’s dream. And so this is literally what she is saying. She
started her speech saying it, and she closes her speech saying it. And it’s their dream as well.
Every single one of these people who are dark and evil is seeking power and wealth and fame
and all of these things. And that’s the dream, their American dream. And this speech was
addressed to them. And the Reason why it was done to the public is to say to them, it’s like the
games they play. We have told you our plans and you’re too stupid to realize them. And we’re,
you know, it’s like the. In joke. All who are at that kind of elite level understand symbology,
understand that they have to flaunt the truth right before our eyes, right before our ears, and
they. They think that we will never get through. And I’m not the only one saying this. You know,
lots of people are breaking these things down and saying, look, this is what’s really going on
(Kamala Harris) I thank you all. May God bless you and may God bless the United States
of America. I thank you all.
(Mark) So the thing I would say on that, may God bless you and God bless
America. Which God is she referring to?
Okay. Because it’s not. It’s not God that she’s saying we need to move towards. And if she really
believed in God, then that is what she’d be saying. No, she’s saying it’s the American dream that
comes first. And God bless you and God bless America. So I would say, which God are you
talking about? If, you know, if I, if I had the opportunity, that is what I would be asking. So very
interesting stuff that was brought up there. And it is actually, as ever, time has escaped us. So.
So I’m going to say at this point, we’re going to call it a. Call it an evening, because the next
question is actually another really good one, and it’s the artwork with the guy with the big stone
on his back. But I want to give it the time, attention, and respect that is due. So I think this is a
good point to kind of call it a day. And, yeah, so some positive stuff. I just wanted to really reflect
on the fact that the guy from the 15th century was reiterating what was said last time, which is,
no matter how dark it seems or how. No matter how dark the path you’ve gone down is, there’s
still always God and Jesus. And when you welcome them into your life, whatever that means,
keep it simple, then there is a way out, you know. So, as ever, thank you for joining us. Do
remember to share this with those people that you care about, that you love and that you think
would benefit from this. And, you know, even if you just find one person, let’s just get this out
there to as many people as possible, because the more people that can look at things like that
speech and go, oh, okay, that’s interesting. Just ask, start asking basic questions like, well, what
does she mean by God? Well, who is the we that she’s talking talking about? Then, you know,
the world will all start to become a little bit wiser and maybe start to open our eyes. But on that
note, if I can find the right button, then I will say for now, God bless you. And I mean the good,
you know, the God that is the source of all that is good. Just to clarify that. And wherever you
are, be well. Lots of love. Good night.
Thank you for being awesome and joining me for this episode. I’m truly grateful. As a spiritual person, I hope it’s inspiring to realize that you’re not alone and that more and more like minded people are enjoying this live show. Or like you right now, listening to this very podcast. You’re part of an awakening community and together we’re all finding the way back to being genuinely more spiritual. So I invite you to reflect on what’s been the most helpful thing you’ve got from this particular episode.
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Who knows what we’ll learn together? And the next question might even be yours. Perhaps
there’s a reason you’ve been guided to listen to this. So God bless you. And remember, take
what you now know and use it to grow.
Episode Notes:
00:00:34 Welcome & Overview of Topics for Today
00:02:35 A little story from twitter
What do you look for in your partner? A nice story of wisdom.
00:05:08 Magic Part 2
We recap the revlations about what magic is from episode 35. Then we watch a short video clip of a magician being posssessed by demonic forces, which give him supernatural powers. We then explore whether it’s a negative thing to watch magic and is that different from doing magic? Also I explain why faith and belief are different from being spiritual and how one is a stronger base from which to be saved from darkness. This leads on to:
00:16:47 The Story of Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa
An author from the 1500’s who sold his soul to the devil in order to learn magic. He then turned to Jesus and was “saved”. He then dedicated his time to sharing to bringing the darkness of magic to the light. He advocated for saving witches rather than burning them at the stake. I explain how this story is as relevant today as it was 500 years ago.
00:23:50 Loosh & Covid Lockdowns
How participation in events is consent, how this relates to Halloween as well as things like music concerts, films etc. I discuss the role of mainstream media in producing negativity, and importantly I discuss the positive spiritual steps we can take to overcome the fear and negativity.
00:37:15 Kamala Harris’ Speech. Hidden Messages?
I replay key parts of Kamala Harris’ concession speech, breaking down the spiritual meaning of the words. Could it be there were two meanings to what she was saying? If so, why? With so many references to light, I explain the connection between this speech and the information from Ep.031 were I reveal a connection between the constellation of Andromeda, the Statue of Liberty, and Lucifer.
Links to resources mentioned in this episode:
- Watch the full original video of this live show: https://rumble.com/v5pd7eq-ep.036-kamalas-hidden-message-magic-covid-141124-discussing-spirituality-w-.html
- Episode 35: https://thewaybackgroup.org/podcast/ep-035-magicians-magic-jesus-democrats-meltdown-compassion/
- Demonic Eyes magician: https://youtu.be/TMpFmxCcJks?feature=shared&t=30
- Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa: https://historycollection.com/18-people-who-allegedly-sold-their-soul-to-pure-evil/ see #8
- Bambi Thug’s Eurovision Song: https://thewaybackgroup.org/podcast/live-show-episode-10-bambi-thug/
- A spiritual exploration of Halloween: Podcast https://thewaybackgroup.org/podcast/is-hallowep-034-halloween-the-devils-holiday/ or video: https://rumble.com/v5kkfur-ep.034-halloween-special.-what-have-we-done-311024-discussing-spirituality-.html
- Ep.031 Discussing the Statue of Liberty: https://thewaybackgroup.org/podcast/ep031-lucifer-kamala-harris-spiritual-talking/
(A) Before transition. (B) Mid transition. (C) Fully possessed/transformed.
Thank you for listening to this show. If you’d like more spiritual content then check out “The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening” podcast and visit TheWayBackGroup.org where you’ll find loads of free resources to help you get the most from your spiritual journey. Check out my books and films. – Mark
Please note that a transcript, where present, has been automatically created based on the audio and so may contain some transcription errors. But we hope the benefit of having the words transcribed outweigh any glitches. Thanks.
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