“Detoxing Spike Protein” is a phrase that is sadly becoming well known. And for good reason because lots of people are waking up to the health concerns of modern medicine. The same is true of the man-made environmental toxins we pick up from the air, water, soil, and food. Let’s not forget nano-particles, chemtrails and strange toxic mists which are becoming part of everyday life.
If you’re unfamiliar with any of these then I’d definitely check out Episode 47 but for now I just want to draw your attention to this short video below. You see last week in that Live Show episode, the conversation got onto health, healing & detoxing from spike proteins. But as we explored this matter it revealed something that most people just don’t think about. Is the pursuit of health, wellbeing, and other good things, actually making us into spiritual losers? “Is this guy nuts? Is he saying that these things don’t matter?” I’ll explain below:
You can also watch this video on Rumble or alternatively on YouTube.
Hi, this is Mark from The Way Back Group. The last episode we did was episode 47 and some really interesting discussion happened about the whole arena of health, healing and also spirituality and how the two are different, where they overlap, and what the differences are as well. Some of the topics were very practical, so we discussed things like these blue light glasses and also using copper to raise the vibration of water so that it has more of a healing property. We also touched on topics like spike protein and nanoparticles and other toxins that may get into your body and what you can do, not only from a physical point of view but also from a more spiritual point of view to get rid of these things from your body.
So if this is stuff that’s interesting to you, then definitely check out this clip now because what I’m about to do is just break out that part of the discussion. But I’d also highly recommend checking out the whole episode and if you want more kind of spiritual discussion where I’m basically drawing on years of experience to answer your questions, then I invite you to look at The Way Back Live show which is every Thursday. And yeah, I think you’ll find it really interesting. But let’s dive in now.
All of this talk about spike proteins and nanoparticles, healing and stuff. It doesn’t affect whether you’re spiritual it’s all to do with healing. All of us, you me, we didn’t know half the stuff we know now but we were still spiritual and we were drinking fluorine in our water, we were eating badly because we listened to the government about salt and butter and things, and now we’re starting to wake up to the truth of those things, that they’re actually not bad for you.
And we didn’t know. And I wasn’t putting copper in my water bottle and things like that. My water bottle used to be plastic full of PBA, now it’s glass because I’ve learned. So in other words we’re constantly learning and we’re constantly given opportunities. And what’s the real opportunity here? The spiritual thing… is like these glasses… Tthe choices you make based on the information you have. In other words I had a choice to get these glasses and I thought it will be good for my body so I’ll do it. But it didn’t make me more spiritual. What was spiritual was wanting to do something that was good for my body. The same way wanting to put copper in my water, putting copper in my water doesn’t make me spiritual, but wanting to do something that would be good for me is a spiritual choice.
Wake Up and Reality Check
And so I want us to start to just wake up a little bit. Reality check: you do not need these glasses to be spiritual. if you have the choice and you want to do something that may be to your advantage then you can make that spiritual choice.
Okay. In the same way as I’m wearing cotton. You know that’s a choice based on the knowledge and the information I have now. But we might learn something tomorrow that changes some of our choices.
What we’re starting to get here is that separate out what is spiritual from what is good for your health. And it doesn’t mean that what’s good for your health is bad it’s just that well… what are we putting first?
I want to draw our attention to this slide here because when you get to the end of your life these are the things that hopefully you may have. So on the left we’ve got health so you’ve got a group of old people running.
And we’ve got wealth there’s an old guy with lots of money. And we’ve got relationships and there’s an old couple holding each other.
Okay who’s the winner?
just put in the comments who’s the winner? Who’s won at life? Okay. So just put health wealth or relationships you can even put all three but put them in the order that you think is the most important. You don’t need to write anything down but who’s won. Because what we’re talking about, all of this stuff is important.
Healing Really Does Matter
It is right that we put right what’s being done to us, or if they’ve poisoned us with nanoparticles then it’s great to know that there are potential ways to deal with it. And I’m going to share something about a way to deal with it that’s more powerful. Okay. So someone’s put, Millies’ put: “relationships, health and then wealth“. Okay. That’s a good answer.
Okay.(…) So relationships health and wealth. The truth is who succeeded in life out of those three. The answer is:
None of them.
If that’s what they’ve put first (health, wealth, or relationships) they failed!
But that’s life.
People are either focus primarily on one of these three things. So we all know stories of people that put wealth first and they get to the end of their life and they’re lonely and they don’t have any relationships and their health’s fallen apart. And it’s like well “What good’s your money now?“
But do you think it’s any better if you put your health first? You put your health first. You might get the end of life really healthy. You may not have much money (which is irrelevant). You may or may not have relationships. (It’s the same) If you put relationships first.
The winner, the one that has got to the end of life and won is the person that put Jesus in God first.
The purpose of this life is
Let’s go right back to basics. The purpose of this life is for your soul to grow and your spirit to guide you. And if you’ve been guided by your spirit then it means that you’re more aligned with God.
If your soul is growing then it means you’re becoming more good, and “good” as we’ve discussed previously means that you’re starting to embody the qualities of God. It doesn’t mean you become God but:
All that is good came from God.
So the more good you are in other words the more your soul has grown then the more you have succeeded in life because the purpose of life is to be closer to God at the end than you were at the beginning.
We’ve got to look after our health because who wants to live a long life if you’re in suffering or in discomfort or harmed. You want to have the best quality of life in terms of health. So I’m not disputing that.
It’s the same for relationships which are a beautiful wonderful thing. If you’re lucky enough (to have a good relationship). If you’re in a bad relationship it’s one of the worst things.
But a relationship isn’t the ultimate goal of life. It’s one of the facets of life from which you can learn and explore and experience the things that will help you become a better person and move towards God. But you can pursue spirituality (without a relationship). Your spiritual purpose, which is to be closer to God, and I again not religion, spirituality. In other words “spirit”: your spirit guiding you to God. Okay. The light of God is within you. So in other words if you’re putting that (spirituality) first you’re winning at life and then it’s a bonus if you get good health, if you get good wealth, if you have relationships and all of these things will be for the better because you’ve built the foundation of your life on something real.
Beyond Your Death
Because the thing that’s going to survive this life is not your physical body. It’s not a relationship, you don’t take them with you. It’s not your wealth. You certainly don’t take that with you. It’s your soul and your spirit that will then go on to the next life and they will stand on the shoulders of this life. So whatever you achieve in this life in terms of soul-growth and spiritual-maturing is a thing that has value and therefore you’re a winner in life.
Because I want to wake us up.
So the questions have been primarily about health and it’s totally right that we do take care of our health because it’s actually disrespectful to who you are and to what God has given to not care about your health. There is a correlation between humility and well-being and things like this. People that abuse their health and they’re drinking too much or smoking too much or doing drugs. They’re not showing any kind of spirituality at all. They’re showing quite the opposite
Let me finish the story because I promise you there’ll be a little bit of a quiz… (See episode 47) This helps us remember what we already know that we can actually do something to help us get rid of these spike proteins, get rid of these nanotech things from a non-physical point of view. In other words not what you ingest but something else.
Going back to that slide where I showed all the old people what’s the point? What’s the point of being the healthiest old person on your block. If you’ve overlooked your spiritual journey I’d rather crawl over the finish line in terrible shape but have completely aced the spiritual journey, than the other way around, you know walk over there in great health, super fit, can run a marathon but neglected my spiritual journey. (if I did that then) I’m a loser. If that’s the case, and I’m a total loser.
The Richest Losers
If I walk over the finish line with a billion pounds in the bank but I’ve neglected my spiritual journey. I’m just a big loser. Most of the people on the planet are spiritual losers because they’re putting (the pursuit of) health, wealth, and relationships first and they’re not putting what matters first. OK so on that note I think that we’ve we’ve actually covered a lot. There’s a lot more I wanted to go into but as ever time has run out. And so I’ll just say wherever you are God bless you and just carry on making good choices. OK.