Ep.027 Antarctica’s Evil Secrets: Project IceCube & ARA. Was Steins;Gate a time travel warning? Becoming an awesome spiritual parent. Are your clothes harming you? Love beyond death. Wake-up call: Live Show Discussing Spirituality with Mark Zaretti

Antarctica & secret technology
Antarctica iceberg with Steins;Gate
The Way Back Live Show - Discussing Spirituality
Ep.027 Antarctica's Evil Secrets: Project IceCube & ARA. Was Steins;Gate a time travel warning? Becoming an awesome spiritual parent. Are your clothes harming you? Love beyond death. Wake-up call: Live Show Discussing Spirituality with Mark Zaretti

00:00:32 Introduction and a picture of an iceberg in Antarctica

The show begins and I discuss the show’s artwork showing the Steins;Gate characters sitting atop an iceberg in Antarctica. A hint that there may be more beneath the surface. I then review the questions for this week: Steins;gate, how to be a spiritually awesome parent; is your wardrobe out to get you (and I ask people to write in the chat what their clothes are made of). Revisiting the topic of loved ones and the afterlife. A hint at news about an interview.

00:03:30 Steins;Gate and evil projects.

I read feedback from someone who was reminded to Steins;Gate because of Ep.026. They ask a number of questions about CERN, time travel, and the EU. Is CERN an evil organisation? I share some factoids, talking about the fact I’ve been aware of CERN from a spiritual perspective for many years. CERN is very wrong. CERN is a black ops project, meaning the use of technology by nefarious means, by shadowing organisations who are evil and dark. Of course this is a conspiracy. Could we apply this thinking to 5G? How many dark projects are there with a satanic or evil agenda? Where does CERN rank amongst them? What proportion of these projects are manipulating time (time travel?) and a larger proportion are involving AI (Artificial Intelligence). CERN’s elite know the truth about what CERN really is but over 1/2 those nations involved are clueless. I draw a parallel with the secrecy of the Freemasons.
I red flag a number of dangerous and evil projects in Antarctica that most people are not aware of:

A) Antarctica project IceCube which is a 1km cubed array of neutrino detectors near the south pole.

B) Askaryan Radio Array (ARA) which is 80km squared, again in Antarctica.

I suggest that these are actually not just detectors but are transmitters of thought, for thought control. The same may be true for many of the LHCs and other particle accelerators which are partly concerned with interdimensional tunnels as well as creation and/or manipulation of thought.

Why did they dress the water boiler of the ARA drilling equipment located in Antarctica like a large dragon? It’s all symbology! It costs thousands of dollars to ship anything to Antarctica, so they spent a fortune to dress that equipment up like a dragon. I mention about Stellaglyphs in the documentary [https://rumble.com/v27nqc4-stonehenge-into-the-light-a-spiritual-documentary-by-mark-zaretti-2023.html?start=910] and infer that the higher being race who identify as “Dragon” are behind this dark technology at the south pole.
Next we discuss why the Anime series Steins;Gate would forewarn us about the dangers of CERN? It’s because one of the writers Naotaka Hayashi was influenced by dark beings on higher dimensions. These dark groups want people to know the truth and Candace Owens mentions that the US Govt controls the film industry to manipulate the thinking of the people. Why? It is to get us to accept a dark future because we have free will. Most people passively accept what they see in a film or TV series and hand over their free will. It is only through being more spiritual and neutral and tuning into your intuition to break free from the programming of big media. Star Trek, Star Wars, Steins;Gate, Stargate etc. all to program us to accept their dark plans for the future. The “hero” in these shows, like McReady in “The Thing” which was filmed in Antarctica, is always someone else and ‘not you’ so you are programmed to leave it to others to bring about positive change. I talk about the positive things we can do to overcome this. I explain why I cancelled Amazon Prime and Netflix. Why I say “I’d rather KNOW and then say NO“.

00:27:53 Become an awesome spiritual parent

Following on from Ep.001 and Ep.024 where I discuss . How can we as parents, uncles, aunties, teachers, carers, help children (and others) to become more spiritual. I read a couple of paragraphs from chapter 9 of “Spiritual Life Explained: The Wake-up Call” [https://mybook.to/SpiritualLifeExplained] explaining where real choice comes from and the root of free will. I break down a spiritual approach to guiding our children to make a better choice, exercising their free will without telling them what to do. Bringing to their awareness that all choices have a spiritual consequence bringing you closer or further from goodness (). A reminder that if you yourself are “In state” being more neutral, less judgemental, then you will be guided to help them. Ultimately if they make the wrong choice then there is still learning in mistakes.

00:38:50 after death, revisited

We listen to questions from one of our listeners asking about whether our parents remain as our parents after death and also if a bad person becomes a good person after death. This is based on feedback from a YouTube short video [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/3awfpbZTr9s]. I explain the nature of beyond death and why you may or may not meet people in the afterlife. I talk about people who have incarnated again so that there is overlap on the physical plane where you may know people today who were your grandparents in the past. What happens when a bad persons dies. Why asking advice of the dead is not a very good idea.

00:44:47 I give a stern about the preciousness of this life

00:46:43 Is everything made of energy?

00:49:14 Are your clothes hurting you?

We first look at fibres under a microscope, and I explain that I spent time looking into the energy and effect of each type of cloth. Assessing whether their energy is positive or negative and whether their effect is healing or harmful. Of note there are no fabrics that are negative and healing, but there was one that is harmful but positive. This applies to a good spiritual positive human. If you’re not, say a dark satanic person, then the effect of different fabrics would be different to that of a good positive person.
Before I reveal the truth I ask people where on the chart they would put cotton, leather, gold, silver, and wool. I reveal which is the most positive of all the materials. Which one is the most healing. Negative fabrics drop your vibration.

I explain that your spiritual state is more important than you clothing. I talk briefly about and the Kabbala and the number 7.

We look at Polyester and I explain why I try not to wear polyester. The word ester in old Hebrew translates as “She seeks evil” a fact I was guided to. Polyester is basically oil which has been refined to ethanol. Polyester blocks higher spiritual energies which is why wearing it, especially over your heart is really not good because it cuts your and off from their environment! Is this why business men who wear a polyester shirt become cut-throat and ruthless. Polyester is an evil material. I talk about how polyester comes off as tiny particles on you and also in the washing machine.

01:10:18 News about interviews, Rumble and Locals.

Someone has asked to interview me and I’ve agreed provided I do not know the questions in advance as that’s the best way to ensure a sincere and authentic interview. I talk about the benefits of the Rumble app which allows you to listen even when your screen is turned off.

Links to resources and things mentioned in this episode:

The artwork chart relating to the discussion about positive and negative clothing and polyester.

Thank you for listening to this show. If you’d like more spiritual content then check out “The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening” podcast and visit TheWayBackGroup.org where you’ll find loads of free resources to help you get the most from your spiritual journey. Check out my books and films. – Mark

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