Episode Synopsis TL;DR
We take a spiritual deep dive into healing & well-being, revealing a very important spiritual message. Looking at topics of “Universal Consciousness” or “One Consciousness” and how can we protect ourselves from telepathic attack. Understanding cutting edge technologies that may be hacking our brains and what we can do to protect ourselves spiritually. Plus detoxing from the Covid spike protein, chemtrails, toxic fog, and nanoparticles. At the end we unpack the big mistake which makes some people into big losers in life?
Episode transcript:
Good evening everyone. This is Mark from the Wayback Group and this is the live show. It’s the 30th of January 2025 and this is episode 47. We’re going to dive straight in because we’ve got quite a few questions to cover today. There’s a bit of a theme running through tonight’s show. So look, if you’re interested in your well being, if you’re interested in kind of being in optimum health, then you then there’s going to be some quite interesting revelations and I’m going to be sharing some stuff that you can do and I’m also going to be obviously looking at these things from a spiritual point of view. So there’s been a bit of a theme about healing but there is a bigger message. And so if you’re someone that’s interested in healing, health, well being, those kinds of things, then definitely the right show for you today. But even if you’re not well, hopefully you would be because you know health is very important. But if that’s not the primary thing that you’re looking for in life be, but you’re looking for something spiritual based, then you’re also in the right place. And we’re going to start straight away with a question from Anon and I’ll just read it out as this is literally the question that we got. So I was interested in the buzz word and belief of one consciousness. We are all connected. People have used the example of oh, I thought of you and then you rang or in the clip if I pray for you, then we connected.
I heard before you say if, if I’m not wrong, it’s like the film the Matrix. So for protection from bad thoughts sent through the one consciousness do we hide away in case down the nerve center we are harmed? Can you please elaborate on what I trying to ask? Thanks sir. Here’s a link to YouTube that typed in this is what came up and then I give a link. So it was a bit hard to understand the question. So I kind of spent a bit of time and I did have a bit more communication with them and I’ve kind of summarized what’s really being Asked here.
So this is how it’s kind of paraphrased. Some people believe in our one consciousness that connects all of us. Evidence includes thinking of someone and then they ring, or when we pray for someone, they receive help. Are bad thoughts sent to us via this one consciousness, and can we protect ourselves from them? And then this person searched for one consciousness and found a video that talked about the brain being like a filter. Do thoughts come down our nervous system and harm us? Okay, so now we better understand the kind of direction of this question. I’m going to share a few clips from this video. So this is a YouTube video that the person sent me a link to. And I just want to share a little bit because it puts things in.
Danny Jones: A nice way, this crazy new idea. At the same time, like somebody on the polar opposite of the planet will have the same idea, right? Like somehow we’re all connected in this. This sort of layer of consciousness that envelops all of us.
Jeffrey Kripal: Well, so a lot of religious practice implies this. So for example, if I were to. I’m not a religious person, Danny, but. Oh, you’re not? I’m not. I mean, not in a traditional way, but you believe in God.
Mark: So we’ll just jump forward a little bit. Okay…
Danny Jones: Sorry. Sorry.
Jeffrey Kripal: It’s all right. We can go back there. Let’s say I were to pray for you. Okay. Okay. Well, that ritual implies we’re connected in some way and that I can pray to this deity who can then somehow impact Danny’s life. I mean, there’s a kind of trialog going on there. There’s a kind of triangle there. But also, in a lot of psychical experience, you know, somebody wakes up in the middle of the night and says, oh, grandma just died. No, they know instantly.
Mark: So this is the kind of thing that is being talked about here. And if you watch the whole video, then they talk about a noosphere or N O O S P H E R E. So it’s the idea of this total connectedness, single consciousness thing, and we’re all part of it. And they. They go into it. The guy who’s got this paisley shirt on is being interviewed by the other guy. And I’ll put links to this video. It’s about 10 minutes long. But that’s. That’s the bit I want share because that’s really what they were talking about near the start as well, was that the brain filters out a lot of information because otherwise we couldn’t function, we couldn’t survive. So, you know, we’re taking on so Much information on a daily basis that for me to be able to pick up this and have a sip of my hot drink or just to communicate with you, I’m having to filter out a lot of other information. And so it’s almost like to survive the overwhelming amount of information that’s available to us. The function of our brain is actually to filter out. So one model that they talk about is called the filter thesis that the brain isn’t the cause of consciousness, it’s simply filtering out information. It’s stopping our consciousness or our awareness being overwhelmed. The other idea is that our brain originates the consciousness. In other words, the brain is the creator of consciousness. So most religions talk about the idea that consciousness awareness is something greater and use the phrase God.
And that would be the. Therefore the idea that the brain is just a filter to filter out information. And that when we have these crisis moments, that’s quite often when the brain gets out the way enough that people in a crisis can have almost like an out of body experience or some kind of higher experience. I’m actually jumping onto something I listened to on the radio where they were talking, they were interviewing soldiers who in times of crisis had basically had almost like transcendental experiences where they became aware of greater oneness. So that dovetails nicely into this as well. So that’s the kind of arena that we’re working in here. And the question really is, going back to the slides would be along the idea of, look, is there a one consciousness? Because there’s a kind of an assumption in the question that there is. So is there this one consciousness? And if there is, then are we all connected?
And finally, if there is and it’s, and it’s working through our brain, then are we basically being harmed and can we do anything about it?
So where to begin with this? There has certainly been some people talk about universal consciousnesses or planetary consciousnesses or human level consciousness that covers all humans. And my experience, I go into this a lot more in the books I’m writing. But at times there have been kind of overarching principles like a great consciousness, but they aren’t.
They’re put there as an abstraction layer, if you like something to get in the way to come between you, you a good person and God. And so to answer the question, in the parameters of the question, there is a great consciousness, but it’s beyond even being a consciousness, because even a consciousness is a self and has an edge and God is greater than that. So the oneness would be God. And therefore we can’t Say, well, we are part of that. We are from it. We’re within it. From the sense that there is nothing greater than God, so there can’t be anything beyond God. But the idea of a one consciousness is a bit like something I talked about a while ago about, like, the idea of universal consciousness or universal love. And it’s actually a distraction. It’s a fabrication to act as a layer of distraction so that rather than, for example, you praying to God, you would pray or ask of the universe. So when people talk about this, they say, ask the universe. The universe will deliver. And, you know, that’s quite a popular kind of trope these days. And the whole manifestation movement rests on that as well.
And it’s like, no, if there is a oneness, then there can’t be anything greater than it, because there would be another. If there were two of them, then there could be competition. So there has to just be one.
And that one, therefore, being the greatest, would be God. So I think this is, you know, we always talk about the difficulty of words. So at this point, I’m just going to say, well, what do I know to be absolutely true from my own personal experience, having gone into meditation. Yes, you can encounter things that appear to be a much greater consciousness. You can encounter things that you would refer to as consciousness on higher dimensions.
But if you continue to just drop past layers and go deeper and deeper into stillness, then you eventually see that even they have a limit. And so they are not the one and only. They are just a part of something even bigger. And some of them put themselves between you and God to distract you, or literally, as if they are pretending to be God because they don’t want you to discover the truth. They want to be the. The biggest, most important thing in your world.
And so that kind of answers that side of the question that is there one consciousness? Yes, but it’s actually God. It’s not some kind of universal layer or planetary layer or human layer or anything like that. And then the next part of the question, going back to what was asked, was, are bad thoughts sent to us via one consciousness? So, no, the best way of understanding it is you are a receiver and a transmitter of thought. Okay? It’s as simple as. It’s not simple at all, but it’s as beautiful, as elegant as that. So you can have thought and you can transmit thought, and you can receive thought. And this is happening all the time, and you’re probably not even aware of it. But if you walk into a room, your aura is there to basically Be aware of the environment that you’re in, and it receives thought and it will give you a sense of someone based on what they’re thinking about you. So if you walk into a room and someone decides they don’t like you, then their negativity of thought towards you will be picked up by your aura and you’ll get a sense. And it’s almost like a survival thing. You need to know roughly where you stand with everything and everyone in the room. If you walk into a jungle and something thinks, I’m going to eat you, your aura needs to pick up on that and go, that thing’s a threat. That thing over there likes you.
Move towards that, move away from the threat. So the aura is kind of always like an antenna is picking up thought, thought about you and filtering out that and just literally giving you like gut feelings and impulses and things like this to work on you. Your brain is also receiving thought from your soul as well. So we talked about how as a spiritual person, you’re guided by your higher self, and that would include your soul and spirit. So your brain is a receiver. And when you have a desire or an intention, then your intention fires off a thought that your higher self can pick up on. So you’re also a transmitter. So actually you’re constantly being, radiating out thought, receiving thought via various methods and pathways.
But what you’re actually only normally aware of is the thoughts that you’re having as self dialogue. Okay, so there isn’t a one consciousness that is via which negative thoughts are being sent to you.
But another thing that I’ve experienced and very familiar with is that it’s not just your own thoughts and it’s not just ambient thoughts in the environment. There are a whole plethora of ways in which you could be targeted by thought.
And so this would really be what we talk about as telepathic. So if something on a higher dimension that is benevolent wanted to guide you, it could give you a thought that would be a good example of a benevolent thing. But that’s very rare. And the reason why that’s very, very rare is that which is truly good respects your free will and so wouldn’t actually try and give you a thought. They would understand being good, that your higher self is there to guide you. And therefore they don’t have a right really to step in. There’s a few rare exceptions, and an example would be, say, Jesus giving someone divine inspiration. But generally that which is good does not meddle in your free will.
So wouldn’t be making contact with you telepathically to tell you stuff. And this may burst the bubble of a whole load of people who. I’m talking to angels, or I’m talking to this, or I’m talking to that. Why?
Because if they were good, they would understand that it’s not their place to come between the kind of sacred relationship between you and your higher self.
So why are they getting in the way? And this takes me to the other group. So there are a lot of things that pretend to be benevolent that are quote, unquote, higher beings. And I’ve talked about, for example, a good example of this, it’s very well known in the mainstream media, is things like Abraham, the collective, who are at the core of the kind of manifesting movement. When you look into what they are, they’re not human and they’re not necessarily benevolent or good, but they’ve got an agenda. And so they present themselves in a certain way so that people trust them. Once you have the trust of someone, you can lead them in a certain direction. So that’s an example of being given thoughts. But there’s other types where you may. It might not be that kind of well acknowledged. It’s more subtle. And this is what we would talk about subliminal. And so there are methods by which you could receive subliminal thoughts and you wouldn’t know whether it’s your own or from an external source. And this is kind of the spiritual part is that even when the source might not be good and you might mistake it for your thought, you don’t have to react to it. You still have a choice. And so being spiritual is always choosing to do the right thing. So say, for example, something. And I kind of talked about this, I think, in the last episode that say, for example, we were talking about egos. I think when we’re talking about narcissists and that a good person can be sabotaged by having an ego component put into them that isn’t really their own, and it will start giving them ideas. Okay, so it’s a very good example. We talked about it last week.
So if that’s happening, the person, you still has a choice.
Just because those thoughts are being put into you doesn’t mean you have to react to them. And it’s when you exercise choice. In other words, when you become present to the thoughts that you’re reacting to and go, hang on, I’m not going to do that. That’s wrong. Even though that thought’s in me, I’m going to reject it. And I talk about this in terms of just because they run it up the flagpole doesn’t mean you need to salute it. Just because you had the thought doesn’t mean you have to act on the thought. And that’s when you start to be a bit more spiritually awake, present. And if something malevolent is trying to mislead you or misdirect you, or guide you in the wrong direction by giving you thoughts and you don’t react to their thoughts, then they’ll find, they’ll leave you alone and they’ll find someone who is going to react because it’s not worth their while if you’re not going to react. If they don’t get the response they want, they move on to the next person who is good that they can try and mislead, because that’s kind of how it works. But, but this, this whole thing about thought is worth, we’re in interesting times, so it’s worth being aware of a whole load of stuff that’s going on in the, in our world right now because, you know, AI and things like that are becoming very, very serious and very, very, very, very kind of prevalent. So I wanted to share a few things because if this isn’t on your radar, you need to understand this. I’ve just seen a question, but I will get back to it in the chat. So I’m just going to go through a few articles and I’ve got links to all of these. So I just want to kind of give you an idea of the landscape. Okay, so this is from MIT tech that aims to read your mind and probe your memories is already here and reading the article, what they’re saying is at this stage they can, for example, show someone a picture and read how their brain responds and they can tell from the response of the brain whether or that person has seen whatever’s in the picture before. So imagine the police want to know if you’re involved in a group and they go, well have you seen this person? Your brain lights up and they go, haha, we know you’ve seen them because you just triggered a memory. Or they can tell how you’re feeling.
So you know, imagine what they’re talking about is this could be deployed in a workplace or by a government and the government could tell whether or not you’re pro the government or against the government. Even now that technology in theory could be deployed. So that’s one thing. So the next one, we can now send thoughts between brains and this is where they do like a CAT scan of one person and then digitize it and then use something on the other person, the receiver’s head, to stimulate the brain using strong magnetic fields, I think to trigger the same pattern in the sender’s brain, in the receiver’s brain. So whatever the sender is thinking about, they can then transmit into the brain of a person on the other side of the planet via the Internet.
So then that leads us on to this one. So the first social network of brains lets three people transmit thoughts to each other’s heads. Similar premise, but they had three people at different locations and they were watching flashing screens and the sender would watch, say something flashing ten times a second. And the receiver people would start. Their brains would start flashing at 10 times a second to being entrained by the transmitter brain. And then they could. Whoever was in, was took on the role of sender. Whatever they were looking at on a screen would then be triggered in the brains of the other people. So, you know, this is where the technology is at right now.
And then we’re going to get onto. This is actually some of this leads on to the next thing, so I’ll stop there. But just because we’re talking about thoughts and thoughts coming in, I’m going to jump to the chat because we’ve got a question here from username. What? Question, question, question. So how do you know it’s your own thoughts? Well, that’s the thing, sometimes you don’t. And if you want to go down the rabbit hole, you could do a search for the voice of God, technology, which is technology that the. I think it’s the American military keep denying, but they’ve apparently got technology that can put a thought in. They can target one person and transmit a thought to that one person and that person will hear it in their head as if God is speaking to them.
And yeah, that kind of going down the rabbit hole a bit, but that’s quite an interesting thing. So the simple answer is you wouldn’t know if someone had telepathically put a thought in your head. But I’ll give you a very nice example. I won’t name names, but there’s someone who has.
I’ve been teaching them and I taught them meditation for many years and I was teaching, I still am teaching them and they phoned me up one morning and they said, I wok this morning, Mark. And I was having all these really negative thoughts about, or basically about you, Mark. The thing is, didn’t seem like my thoughts and I looked into them and something had been done to them, something had been put in them shouldn’t be there. And it was basically like a little transmitter of negative thoughts trying to basically deter this person from their spiritual journey. And to their credit, this person didn’t react to their thoughts, didn’t get swayed by it, they sought help and it was cleared up. And when I cleared it up, they fed back almost instantly. Ah, that, that it feels like something’s just changing. Those thoughts are no longer there, so they recognize that it wasn’t their own thoughts.
And so because it was out of character and there’s two schools of thought, I kind of really, this is great that we’re kind of getting into this territory because I, I wanted to say this. There’s two ways of looking at the spiritual journey. Demand perfection from your environment so that it’s easy, or try your best to set your own spiritual compass up in the right path. I wouldn’t say perfection because it’s not attainable. But basically you can change everything or you can change yourself. And if you work on yourself, then these negative thoughts won’t find fertile ground if they’re put into you. Because if you’ve got a very strong moral compass, then you are less easily swayed. If you’re in your ego, you’re more easily swayed. And again, this goes back to what we were discussing last week. So it’s well worth checking out episode 46 if you haven’t done so already. But kind of interesting stuff. It’s related to the next question. So I’m going to bring up the next question now and we can always come back to this. But it was, it was a, it was a good observation from, from this question asker. And cheers for sharing the link as well to the video. It’s quite an interesting 10 minute video so I’ll share that with you all as well.
But now we will see what the next question is. Oh yes. Okay. So Millie asks. Dear Mark, I’ve recently come across a podcast discussing chemtrails, the weird fog that has been reported around the world recently, and vaccines. The podcast suggested that these are all poisons that assemble their harmful particles in our bodies to create a connection to the Internet of things. The podcast provides a solution to this. Zeolite. Zeolite has a net like structure made of hexagons which catches the particles of the poisonous agents. Hexagon is made of six angles and we know from your show that number six is not good as it is used by the forces of evil.
Is zeolite a genuinely good solution for detoxifying or is it Another layer of deception, or indeed poisoning. And then they say, I’ve come across another product recently that claims to also clear the body of spike proteins induced by the COVID vaccine. It’s called Augmented nac. Is Augmented NAC a good product that would be better at detoxifying of the spike protein than Zeolite? Your insights on this would be much appreciated. Thank you. And on the screen we’ve got the podcast in question, which is a really good podcast show, actually, which you’ll find on Rumble. Another good reason to ditch YouTube and move over to Rumble. And this guy is called man in America. I’m going to put a link to his podcast and I definitely say it’s worth looking into his stuff. He’s really well presented in terms of. He does a lot of research, he backs things up with facts, he talks to real experts, and he goes deep into each topic.
And so the particular episode is called the Terrifying Truth Behind Chemtrail Fog, Wildfire Smoke and chemtrails with Dr. Robert Young. And I have actually watched this episode myself, so I kind of know what Millie’s talking about. And there’s a few things I wanted to pick up on here. So the first thing is Millie refers to number six.
And the statement is made, by the way, that’s my typo. It should say, hexagon is made of six angles, not angels. So apologies for that typo. And we know from your show that number six is not good. Okay, so this is referring to episode five. It would have been rather fortuitous if it had been episode six, but it was episode five. And that’s the one where I talked about Buddha and CERN and a few other things. And the CERN logo is actually three sixes twisted around. So if you look at the logo of cern, you’ll see what I’m talking about. The number six. Let’s just clarify one thing.
The number six is just a number. It has qualities and properties. Number five has qualities and properties. The reason why number six is used by the forces of darkness isn’t because it’s a.
It’s the lowest number in the cycle. So it’s naturally the lowest vibration of the numbers from 1 to 10 or 0 to 9.
But it’s just one of the numbers. They favor it because of that, but it’s also because it’s a self perpetuating number. So once you enter into a six, it just goes around in circles. So it provides longevity for dark work. But it’s not.
Number six is needed. It’s like you’ve got five, you got six, you got seven. Okay. It wouldn’t work without six. So it’s not to demonize the number six, but just to have the awareness that number six is a number favored by the forces of darkness. So not everything that has a six in it is systemically bad.
It’s just understanding that there is a reason why the forces of darkness favor the number six. Okay, so clearing that up, then we look at what they’re. So let’s dive down a little bit more into zeolite. So this is. This is a screenshot from the podcast in question.
And this is the doctor. So this is the doctor that’s been interviewed, which is Dr. Robert Young. And he’s done years of research. Very interesting discussion, very compelling evidence, and on the slide. And again, if you’re listening again podcast, go to the link in the podcast description and you’ll be able to see all the images and stuff. But basically, on the left, behind his shoulder, where I put a red arrow, you can see these almost like baskets, these. It’s the pores, the microscopic pores. I mean, this is magnified. I can’t remember, it’s like 100,000 times or something. But this is zeolite, and it’s like a little sieve, lots of little hexagonal pores, small ones within, bigger ones that are negatively charged and therefore they attract the positively charged graphene nanoparticles. Because graphene is one of the main components, for example, in the Pfizer vaccine. Graphene oxide is like a razor blade within you, and it causes blood clots and bleeding and all kinds of literally mechanical trauma to your vascular system and things like this. So it’s not the kind of thing you want floating around in you. And so it’s quite handy if you can take these supplements. And it mops up the harmful particles and nanoparticles. And so that’s what. That’s what’s being shown there is on the right, these little spheres attached to the zeolite are graphened particles.
And so, yeah, looking into it. Interesting stuff. It’s quite compelling. I actually followed up and did a little bit more looking into it when I first saw this.
This documentary. This. Well, it’s this kind of like a rumble video podcast documentary thing.
And so I welcome the question because I think it’s highly relevant and probably a question that a lot of us are worried about and we want answers to. Can we do something to mop up the. The junk that we’ve. We’re being subjected to and going Back to the original video, what they were saying is that the recent mist that was in London and America and it’s like a three day fog was loaded with man made nanoparticles. So clearly, and it wasn’t just from the wild, you know, from the fires in America, it was heavy metals and particles that once they’re in the human body start to self assemble. And I’ll talk a little bit about that so. Because you could just say is this just a conspiracy theory?
But no, there is a lot of evidence and that’s what this man in America talk was about, is talking about the real evidence behind it. So the other product, just in the interest of valence, and I’m not affiliated with any of these products, is augmented nac, which is a, I think it’s a natural thing that’s been augmented to make it even more powerful and it can pull the spike protein out of your body.
And so, you know, that’s what we’re looking at here. It’s just a bit of a WhatsApp exchange there with it. Someone shared me links to that stuff. So the question is kind of which one’s better and is it actually a good solution or are we being sold another lie? And this is just going to damage us because it’s hexagonal number six. So look, just because something’s hexagonal doesn’t make it intrinsically negative. But interestingly, zeolite, which comes from volcanic rock, so it’s a natural thing, is actually negative of charge. And it’s quite fascinating when you look at it from a spiritual point of view. Well why is it, why is it negatively charged? Obviously there’s the kind of the crystalline chemistry of the rock substrate itself. But there’s from an energy point of view, what is a volcanic eruption?
It’s a massive outburst, it’s like an angry explosion. So if you were looking at it from a psychic point of view, it’s like anger, rage.
And quite a few years ago I found that one of the going, going off on one of our tangents. But if you were to kind of Google UFO activity around volcanoes, you’d find that there’s a lot of unidentified or uap, unidentified aerial phenomena seen around volcanoes. And if you went back to the Stonehenge documentary, which I kind of referenced most weeks because it’s all interwoven, it’s all relative. Then I talk about some of the aerial phenomena, quote unquote, UFOs and things like that. And I also say that the whole UFO thing is actually a bit of A hoax. And I explain why and qualify that statement as well, because I’m trying to get us all to be more spiritual and not be distracted. It’s like, okay, so they’re revealing another layer of deception. What’s beyond that? What’s beyond that? What’s beyond that? And so the connection I’m making here is that these negative things, UAPs, beings on other dimensions, are very much attracted to volcanic activity, may even be instigating it in some cases. And part of the reason is that naturally there’s a lot of really dark negative energy around a volcano because it’s a point of anger. It’s literally like a point on the plane planet where there is the energy of anger literally waiting to erupt.
Now, from a geological point of view, that’s not what a volcanic eruption is. It’s pressure, tectonic plates, buildup of steam, where water is getting into the lava and expanding and forcing up rock and blah, blah. You know, we’ve all watched the National Geographic, we have the option to. That’s the physical explanation. But that has nothing to do with the energy that’s released. And some of that energy, if there’s been a traumatic experience on the planet, then that trauma will be locked into the rocks. And so these rocks do have a little bit of negative negativity about them.
But let’s go back. So to answer the question then, I did look into this a little bit more.
Let’s first of all just back up some of the stuff that’s being discussed here. So if I go back to my screen share, then we were looking at some of the scientific articles about thought manipulation. So let’s have a look at some of the other stuff.
So nanofabrication by self assembly. Okay, some big words in there. But basically nano means very small particles, small enough to cross the blood brain barrier, small enough to get into your cells and interfere with your mitochondria and your cells and your brain. Okay, so small particles can fabricate something through self assembly. And so this is an article that’s basically talking about the process of self assembly. And there’s a nice picture there. I’ll share links to all of this, but basically what it’s saying is, I’ll paraphrase stuff you breathe in that’s been deliberately sprayed into the air or ended up in your food supply or in your water. Water can start to assemble into more complex structures through a number of processes. And they talk about co assembly.
A very simple way of understanding this is, this is how micelles. So any of you, if you, if you’ve had beauty products and they talk about micellular water, what it is is you’ve got lipids, which are like fats, which like water on one side and don’t like water on the other side. And then you’ve got water. And so what happens is, so that the side that likes water can be next to water, and the side that doesn’t like water can try and get away from it, they form these bubbles, a monolipid layer of micelles. And it’s like the most. It’s nothing in it other than water, but it’s almost like a mini cell. Okay? So that would be particles or small lipids organizing into a bigger structure because of water in their environment. So that would be a loose example of coassembly. You’ve got hierarchical self assembly where something joins together and forms a new structure. So like one joins together with two others, and you get these little triangles, and then these triangles join together and form kind of like a. Almost like a benzene ring. And then these form together into more rings that kind of form like a cross shape. So that’s the kind of middle one. And then you’ve got directed self assembly where some particles given, say something else that might be like your cell membrane or your DNA, these particles interact with it and form a new structure. Okay. And so what it’s. Basically what I’m trying to say here is it’s not just fantasy.
Self assembly of nanoparticles into more complex things is a reality. And what else do we need to know about? So here’s just a small example. Ethical issues in clinical trials involving nanomedicine. So what this is is nanoparticles of technology put into your body, for example, to measure your sugar level or to measure your blood pressure, to measure the oxygen level in your body. And the idea being that they can now make stuff that’s so small that they can inject it, or you can ingest it, or put it on your tongue or breathe it in. And it can target organs, it can target tissues, and it can be interacting with external recording devices. So whether that’s a scanner, an RF scanner, radio, magnetics, you know, they’re starting to talk about nanomedicine as a, as a discipline. And so I’m going to share links to all of this because you can look into it, but basically they’re talking about the ethics of it because it’s almost like once you’ve opened that box, and what if this stuff gets into the entire population?
Where. Where’s the consent line, that kind of stuff. Because there’s already a problem of potentially I haven’t looked into it, but the spike protein. So if someone’s been vaccinated then they can transmit the spike protein to someone that’s non vaccinated and who never consented to it. And here’s another example. So on the, on the human body communications. So this is hbc, Wake up Receiver design and channel characterization. So I’ll say I’ll spare you the pain but basically what it’s saying is that they can put technology in you and to make its battery last a lot longer, they’ll put something on you that when their scanner triggers it, it wakes up all the technology in you. These technologies in you, whatever they’re recording transmit to this device and then it transmits it back to the hub, something along those lines. So the idea is that the technology they put in you could therefore last a lot longer because it’s not always having to listen, it’s not always on listening. It just gets woken up when it’s needed. The take home here is that there’s a whole field of technology to do with technology in your body to read your body. And then this is the one that’s probably the real thing that we need to be aware of. So Internet of things IoT what this means is for example, this phone, I don’t have much Internet of things in my house, but this phone and the smart TV and you know, if you’ve got a modern fridge and it’s online, you know, then and you’ve got a ring doorbell and you’ve, you know, got, I don’t know, a smartwatch, a glucose sensor if you’re diabetic, all of these things can be online and they can all be talking to each other. And it’s not just via WI F. There’s all kinds of other communication paradigms that are going on. So for example, the ring doorbells form a network that is different from your WI FI network that allows other technologies to listen in on your house, that kind of stuff. So the Internet of things is the idea that via a number of connective pathways there is an entire mesh of technology all talking to each other. And you can have local communications like your house reporting back. So something in your house could be reporting about other things in your house. So you only need one device that’s spying on you to gather information from lots of other devices. There’s all these kinds of concerns, but here’s where the concern is that these particles that are in the Mist that everyone is breathing in in London and other places around the world organize into small machines, basically nanotech machines. And I actually, I wish I’d saved the link because I spent an hour trying to find it. I couldn’t find it. But about two years ago I saw a paper where it’s basically saying that certain nanoparticles in the atmosphere can, in concentrations, can get into a body and turn a human body into a network device that can receive, transmissions and transmit using its own biochemical energy. So in other words, every single person can have a unique identifier and act as a receiver and transmitter, therefore making us, from an Internet of things perspective, another thing in this IoT. And so they’re now referring to nano bio it in human medicine. And this is it. This is exactly what they’re talking about, that you can uniquely identify a person. You can put nanotechnology into a person that turns them into a discrete thing within the Internet of things.
Medical applications, medical application areas for the Internet of biological Network nt. What does bio NT stand for?
B stands for biology. I can’t remember what the N stands for. Nano. Yeah, sorry, Internet of Bio Nano technology. I think that’s what that stands for. And saying. And then yeah, basically if they talk, here’s, here’s how you need to understand how the world works from a spiritual perspective. So look, when I was doing the Stonehenge documentary, I hadn’t really started. I wasn’t doing this live show, I hadn’t gone down the rabbit hole. I was just responding to stuff that I was discovering from a spiritual exploration point point of view. Never really cared much for UFOs or any of that stuff. In the process of doing that documentary, I realized that afterwards I realized, because people started contacting me about all this other stuff and I started to wake up to a lot of this stuff. Now background is pharmaceutical industry and science and computing. So I had a handle on a lot of things. But the point I wanted to make is that by time we are aware of something down here, by time we, we’re having a discussion. It’s probably been going on for about 40 or 50 years within, you know, Skunk Works, Lockheed Martin and all these big companies that get military contracts to reverse engineer non terrestrial technology. This is all spoken about. I’m not blowing the whistle on anything. You can just Google it and follow the rabbit hole. But what I’m trying to say is, and by time they’ve got their hands on stuff. It’s already been around for about 20, 30, 40,000 years. So when I was talking about Stonehenge, flying saucer technology, I made a point that this goes. I can’t remember the exact dates. I think it was 16,000 years BC. I was saying that that particular technology was being used and then how, even why it transitioned from Stonehenge to Nazca and the technology changed. And a lot of the technology that we’re just on the cusp of, like neural link, Elon Musk’s neural link. You know, there’s people in the whistleblowers who are saying, no, no, this has already been put in humans 40 years ago, 50 years ago. And they’re using companies like Elon Musk’s neuralink company to slowly drip feed it to us. In other words, it’s old news, but to us it’s new news. Okay, so what I’m getting at here is by the time we’re reading in a newspaper or an online article or journal, a lot of these are, these are credible journals at NIH talking about nanomedicine and stuff, you can bet your bottom dollar that it’s been going on for 40, 50 years within, you know, the realm we live in. But it’s probably ancient. And I knew before I even did the Stonehenge documentary. One of the biggest threats we face is AI because it’s already endemic on higher dimensions. And they’re just trying to get us to accept it down here. So we need to resist. And that would be my advice, which is why I have a stance that I point blank, you know, I do all my artwork myself. I don’t get AI to do it, okay? I don’t get AI to write my scripts.
You know, even if it takes me 10 times longer, I refuse to engage with it. And when I buy technology like a phone or a camera or a new laptop, I try and avoid AI as much as possible. So. Interesting stuff. So, yeah, look, there is grounds for concern. Let’s get back to the question.
So is Zeolite genuinely a good solution? Yes, is the short answer. And is augmented NAT good? Yes, you can use them. Do you have to use them? So when I say you, I’m talking to you, us, people that are watching this show. If you’re watching this show, the chances are you are in the minority. Why do I say that? Because the chances are you’re a good person. Okay? We can’t make the assumption that everyone’s good. There’s a lot of people that are just neutral, but there are a lot of people that are really negative of vibration.
That’s why we’ve got prisons, okay? So when I’m talking to you, I’m talking to good people. I’m talking to good old humans, okay? People who are awake spiritually. Now, I’ve talked about this before, but I’ll give you a very quick kind of reminder. If you’ve gone, oh, I don’t believe in God or Jesus or anything like that, you’ve made a choice. If you’ve made a choice to reject God, I’m not talking about religion. Massive difference. I’m not talking about religion, I’m talking about God. So if you’ve made a choice to reject God, then you have made the choice to reject God’s healing, God’s guidance and all the good that comes from it.
Free will. That’s what you chose. Same with Jesus. If you choose to reject Jesus, you choose to reject God because God and Jesus are one and the same. So you. Therefore, when I talk about, say, healing, it doesn’t apply to someone who has made that choice to be an atheist. It doesn’t mean they can’t undo their choice. They can’t repent, they can’t have a change of heart. But there is consequences to choices. So a lot of people have made a conscious choice to reject God. So I’m not. What I’m saying wouldn’t necessarily apply to them. It could if they welcomed sincerely God and Jesus back into their life. And I do not mean religion, I mean spiritual. Okay, so what I’m going to talk about here is, is Zealite a good solution? Yes, it’s okay. There is a slight negativity to the base material, but to put it into perspective, it’s. It’s not as bad as having a glass of wine. So if you had a glass of wine, you’ve done more harm to yourself than ingesting the Zeolite. And the Zeolite will do good. Okay, so same goes for the other one, Augmented nac. Augmented NAC is on a pass, so I’m not going to get drawn into which one is better. I would say they’re all right. If you want to take them, you can, but they’re not the only way that you can help yourself. Okay? And we will get on to that. So if you’re wondering, oh, Mark, what can we do to help ourselves, then we will get on to that and soon as well, because time is flying tonight. So what I would say is, I don’t know if you remember we did a thing about the Q link pendant.
I said, yeah, it has some positive effect. And therefore, if you want to use it, go ahead and use it. But it’s not the only way to heal. And we went into talking about the 10 different ways that you can help your health and well being. And I put Zeolite and Augmented Nac into the same category. They will help. Okay, use them if you wish. That’s your choice. What I would say is, with anything, especially medical, I’m not here to give medical advice. I can’t. It’s not my field.
I’m a layperson. I’m a trained biologist. I work for the pharmaceutical industry for many years, Years. As I used to say, I worked for the devil. I woke up left. But the point is, that’s not what I’m here to tell you about. You’ve got to make your own decisions. As a, as an educated adult, what I would say is whatever you do, if you introduce something, just introduce one thing, introduce one change, do it for a while, keep a diary, how you feel, calibrate out of 10. I feel, you know, whether you’re trying to get rid of pain or stiffness or tiredness or whatever the symptom is you’re trying to change, treat it like a science experiment, only introduce one variable at a time, Let it stabilize, make a change, let it stabilize, calibrate all the time. Okay, so you can use these things, but I want to remind you.
Let me just see.
Okay, so if you remember Back to episode 38, I talk to you a little bit about the different approaches to health. And so let me just do a quick reminder for you. So we’ll just play a little bit of this. So the next one is positivity.
Now, generally just being positive and not falling into negativity. So not reacting negatively when things don’t go your way, not being pessimistic. So here I’m talking about one of the strategies for improved well being is positivity. And you can see in this list, we’ve already covered the cue link, the intention side of things, and positivity. If you’ve not seen episode 38, I really highly recommend it. I’ll put links to it. There’s a podcast version as well. And I go into all these different kind of strategies and the ones that you can see at the moment are the lower end of the spectrum in terms of how much they’re healing, they can give you and well being and benefits. And what I’m saying here is that the Q link pendant, which you can see highlighted with the red arrow, is a bit like the zoolite or Zeolite. And the augmented NAC in that, yeah, it’s got some benefits. It’s not going to do you any real harm. From a spiritual point of view, I can’t say whether, you know, you might chemically react to it as an abnormal. So that’s, you know, that’s. You’ve got to make your own decisions about what you put in your body and what you take. But from a spiritual point of view, there’s a tiny bit of negative charge, but it’s not going to do you any real harm spiritually, it’s not going to do you any real good. But in terms of your biological body, it can really help with detoxing, and that’s a good thing. So I just wanted to kind of remind us that we’d covered that previously.
And the point I’m trying to make here is that we’re spiritual people, okay?
So we must. We have the opportunity to remember that we can take things, we can look at things from the physical point of view, but we can also take things to a higher order. And I’m gonna answer the next question and then we’re gonna come back to this. So stay with us. Okay? Because at the end of this, I’m gonna do a little bit of a quiz for you. So in other words, you don’t need to write anything down, but I’m gonna help you realize whether you’re moving in the right direction or whether you’re not. And I’m gonna give you some practical advice that you can put into effect today, now, and hopefully that will help answer all of these questions. So the next question actually came from Milli as well. A different time, but last episode, Millie made a comment in the chat and said, is drinking copper water beneficial or healing? And I said, remind me of that question, maybe send it in an email. So Millie did, and I’m grateful for that. And so here’s the question. Dear Mark, I’d like to ask a question about copper. You have said that copper is a good metal to wear, that it’s positive and healing. Someone I know drinks copper water. They pour tap water into a copper pitcher and leave it for at least 16 hours before drinking it. Would drinking such copper infused water be beneficial or healing for a human body? If so, does the length of time order stays in a copper picture matter? Thank you for your answer.
So here’s the interesting thing. Because it was a good question, I didn’t know the answer, so I kind of went inside and looked into it. And I’ll just remind those of you that have probably, maybe forgotten.
Then this was what we were talking about. So it’s from episode 27, the one about Steins Gate, but there’s a big section on toxic clothing and materials, so I’ll just play this little clip just to remind us instructions for the tabernacle.
Gold, silver and copper were the materials to be used, and the inner lining was to be copper, I believe. Now, when you look at copper, it’s in.
In the Kabbalah. So the copper has one electron in its seventh shell. In other words, what that means is that it’s just starting the seventh shell of electrons. Okay, so I’ll pause here and I’ll just give you the punchline. So on this chart, you can see that copper is the only thing that’s in the positive. So it makes your energy more positive and it’s healing. So we’re comparing it to cotton, linen, wool, silk, leather, silver, gold, polyester. So copper is really quite special, and that’s why practice what we preach. That’s why I made this. After doing that show, I made this little copper. It’s actually just a piece of copper pipe that I hammered flat and made into a thing around my wrist. And I have a little confession, because if you’ve been noticing, then we’re looking a bit 1970s bronze to there. So if I just take these off the camera lens, what we’ve actually got here, these are gamer glasses and they cut out the blue light. And we actually had a question a few episodes back about blue light and its effects. And blue light does have an effect and the reason why these got delivered today. So it’s just rather fortuitous timing, but I wanted to demonstrate the. One of the points I wanted to make for this show, and that is all this advice, like zeolite copper, by all means do it, as long as it’s not going to be harmful. So when we talked about the blue light glasses in that episode, we talked about the fact that they do help. They help cut out blue light. Now, these are quite, as you can see, quite strong. And there’s a reason for that, because I’m spending a bit more time in front of the computer at the moment. I’m relearning how to do the 3D modeling software that I use to do Stonehenge documentary, because I’ve got some more projects coming and so I’m spending a lot more time in front of the desk. And I thought, well, I’ll give these a go. And that’s the attitude is I know they won’t do any Harm. I’ll give them a go. Does it make me more spiritual? Absolutely not. Does it make me look like a character from the X Men? Yes, but. But that’s not the point. I know that there’s going to be some benefit. It didn’t cost me much money, so I just got a pair and get on with it. I put them on and I do find it actually a little bit relaxing, which is quite nice. It’s like a calming effect and I’m not feeling as much eye strain. I’ve only tried them for about five hours though, so it’s early days. But the point I’m making is that there’s no harm in giving these things a go. It’s wise to ask the question, as has been asked in the Things about, is this good? Should we be doing this? From a spiritual point of view, there’s nothing wrong with wearing these glasses and they do have some benefits. From a spiritual point of view, there’s nothing wrong with drinking water from a copper pitcher. In fact, it’s quite a nice idea. I do have some kind of advice if you would like it. So what I found and let me bring up my notes at this point.
So, yeah, the copper pitcher that in question, I. I don’t know what it looks like, so if you want to send me a photo of it or something, that would be great. But for that particular copper pitcher. So I’ve got an idea. I’m guessing it’s probably liter, 2 liters or something like that. It only takes 45 minutes of the water being in there to get the full benefits after that, more time doesn’t equal more benefits. So what’s happening is the copper is making the energy of the water slightly positive. I don’t mean the charge, I mean the energy.
And remember going back to that chart that we had, so copper is positive. We can see up here positive and healing. So it’s clearing up the water. So if that water, say for example, someone angry had held a glass of water and they were unhealthy and angry, then that anger and that unhealthiness dis ease would go into the water. If you then put that water, poured it into a copper pitcher and left it for about 45 minutes, then the water would be restored to being positive of char positive positive of energy and healed and have slight curative properties. So that’s good news, is that, yeah, you only need to keep it in there for about 45 minutes and you get the benefit. Now, if you can’t have a copper pitcher, P I t C H E R. Then there are other opportunities. So from a practical point of view, you could just put a piece of copper in a glass. Let me show you this. So you could.
Oh, you could put a piece of copper pipe in a glass jug, which is exactly what I’ve done here. So in fact, that’s what that’s a photo of. So if we look at that, that’s just a piece of copper pipe, that it’s actually the same. Same. Let’s get this in focus.
So it’s the same piece of copper pipe that I used to make that. And I cut it off, cleaned it, washed it in the sink with like a scouring pad to get any, anything off it. So it’s nice and shiny, dropped it in there. And now in this glass jug, which is about a litre and a half, I think, or a litre, it will take nine hours for that piece of copper to treat all of that water. So it’s the, the copper pitcher because the whole thing’s copper and it encases the water. Water works quicker, but I can just leave that overnight and in the morning that water will have a more positive charge. But here’s the thing, what I’m trying to say is keep it real. What do you think your pipes are made of in your house? They’re made of copper. So the water that’s coming into your house is sitting in copper pipes. Unless you’re in an old house and it’s lead or a very modern house and most of it’s plastic, you know, you might want to check. But the pipes in this house are copper. So we’re naturally having the water sat here. And I can’t remember his name now. It wasn’t Lyle Watson, he did Supernature. But there was another book, Something in, and it’s called Something in this book is True. And one of the things he was going on about is how plumbers are saviors of modern day, Modern day world because they’re putting all this copper plumbing in and it’s cleaning the water and energizing the water and helping people spiritually or not spiritually, but energetically. And that’s one of the other distinctions I wanted to make is all of this talk about spike proteins and nanoparticles and healing and stuff. It doesn’t affect whether you’re spiritual, it’s all to do with healing.
Now you can be, you know, well, all of us, you, me, we didn’t know half the stuff we know now, but we were still spiritual and we were drinking fluoride in Our water, we were eating badly because we listened to the government about salt and butter and things. And now we are starting to wake up to the truth of those things. They’re actually not bad for you. And we didn’t know. And I wasn’t putting copper in my water bottle and things like that. My water bottle used to be plastic, full of pba. Now it’s glass. Because I’ve learned. So in other words, we’re constantly learning and we’re constantly giving opportunities. And what’s the real opportunity here? The spiritual thing is like these glasses. It’s not so much.
It’s the choices you make based on the information you have. In other words, I had a choice to get these glasses and I thought, it will be good for my body, I’ll do it. But it didn’t make me more spiritual. What was spiritual was wanting to be. Wanting to do something that was good for my body. Same way wanting to put copper in my water. Putting copper in my water doesn’t make me spiritual. But wanting to do something that would be good for me is a spiritual choice. And so I want us to start to just wake up a little bit. Reality check. You do not need these glasses to be spiritual. But if you have the choice and you want to do something that may be to your advantage, then you can make that spiritual choice.
Okay. Same as I’m wearing cotton, you know, that’s a choice based on the knowledge and the information I have now. But we might learn something tomorrow that changes some of our choices. Okay, so starting to understand, hopefully what we’re starting to get here is that separate out what spirit, what is spiritual from what is good for your health. And it doesn’t mean that what’s good for your health is bad. It’s just that, well, what are we putting first? Okay, so I want to draw our attention to this slide here. Because when you get to the end of your life, these are the things that are hopefully, well, that you may have.
So on the left, we’ve got health. So we’ve got a group of old people running. We’ve got wealth, so there’s an old guy with lots of money, and we’ve got relationships and there’s an old couple holding each other. Okay, who’s the winner?
I’ll go to the chat. I’ll give you a few moments just to digest this. But just put in the chat which of those or who you. Who’s the winner? Who’s won at life? Okay, so just put health, wealth or relationships. You can even put all three but put them in the audit that you think is most important.
I’ll give it. I know there’s a bit of lag, so we’ll wait. But hopefully you’re writing in the chat and if you’re listening again or you’re watching again, health, wealth, or relationships, you don’t need to write anything down, but put it in the comments if you want. What you think is the who’s won, because what we’re talking about, all of this stuff is important. It is right that we put wrong what’s being done to us. So if they’ve poisoned us with nanoparticles, then it’s great to know that there are potential ways to deal with it. And I’m going to share something about a way to deal with it that’s more powerful. Okay. And we’re going to overrun tonight, but I think this is important.
So someone’s put. Millie’s put relationships, health, and then wealth. Okay, that’s a good answer.
Okay, so relationships, health and wealth.
I’m going to. I’m going to share the answer with you now. So the answer, the truth is who succeeded in life out of those three? The answer is none of them.
If that’s what they’ve put first, they failed.
Okay. It’s a bit of a trick question, but that’s life. People are either focused primarily on one of these three things. So we all know stories of people that put wealth first and they get to the end of their life and they’re lonely and they don’t have any relationships and. And their health’s fallen apart. And it’s like, well, what good’s your money now? But do you think it’s any better? If you put your health first? You put your health first, you might get to the end of life really healthy. You may not have much money. That’s irrelevant. You may or may not have relationships if you put relationships first. The point I’m trying to make is the winner, the one that has got to the end of life, and one is the person that put Jesus in God first.
Okay. Because this the. Let’s go right back to basics. The purpose of this life, the purpose of this life is for your soul to grow and your spirit to guide you. And if you’ve been guided by your spirit, then it means that you’re more aligned with God. If you’ve been. If your soul is growing, then it means you’re becoming more good. And, and good, as we’ve discussed previously, means that you’re starting to embody the qualities of God. It doesn’t mean you become God. But all that is good came from God. So the more good you are, in other words, the more your soul has grown, then the more you have succeeded in life. Because the purpose of life is to be closer to God at the end than you were at the beginning. Okay? So what I’m trying to say is it’s great, got to look after our health. Because who wants to live a long life? If you’re in suffering or discomfort or harmed, you want to have the best quality of life in terms of health. So I’m not disputing that same. Relationships are a beautiful, wonderful thing if you’re lucky enough. If you’re in a bad relationship, it’s one of the worst things. Okay, But a relationship isn’t the ultimate goal of life. It’s one of the facets of life from which you can learn and explore and experience the things that will help you become a better person and move towards God. But you can pursue spirituality, your spiritual purpose, which is to be closer to God. And again, not religion, spirituality. In other words, spirit, your spirit guiding you to God. The light of God is within you. So in other words, if you’re putting that first, you’re winning at life. And then it’s a bonus if you get good health, if you get good wealth, if you have relationships. And all of these things will be for the better because you’ve built your, like you’ve built the foundation of your life on something real. Because the thing that’s going to survive this life is not your physical body. It’s not a relationship.
You don’t take them with you. It’s not your wealth, you certainly don’t take that with you. It’s your soul and your spirit that will then go on to the next life and they will stand on the shoulders of this life. So whatever you achieve in this life in terms of soul growth and spiritual maturing is the thing that has value and therefore you’re a winner in life. And I apologize because Scottish bird said you tricked us into that thought they were the only three choices we were to answer. Yeah, it was deliberate because I want to wake us up. So the questions have been primarily about health. And it’s totally right that we do take care of our health because it’s actually disrespectful to who you are and to what God has given to not care about your health.
And there is a correlation between like humility and well being and things like this. People that abuse their health and they’re drinking too much, or smoking too much or doing drugs.
They’re not showing any kind of spirituality at all. They’re showing quite the opposite, even if they think they’re doing it in the pursuit of spirituality. So let me finish the story because I promised you there’d be a little bit of a quiz and I wanted to end on a positive that helps us remember what we already know, that we can actually do something to help us get rid of these spike proteins, get rid of these nanotech things from a non physical point of view. In other words, not what you ingest, but something else. So this is going back to that previous episode that I referenced earlier.
Here’s the quiz. Okay?
We’re not playing for anything, we’re just playing to wake up. So I’m going to read these things out. You can read them out yourself, but I’m going to just call them out. And I want you to just be honest with yourself.
And if you have done this today, when I call it out, you get one point. Okay? So this is a way of you seeing how much you put into practice what you may have learned in the previous episode where we talked about this. And if you haven’t seen that previous episode, then this is just a way of you gauging where you are at right now. So these are things that you can already do that would help your health from a spiritual point of view. So, number one, intention. Have you made any positive intentions today about your well being or about your quality of life?
Number two, positivity. Have you consciously made the choice to be more positive today?
Self love? Have you consciously note these are all conscious. Have you consciously acknowledged yourself in a loving way? I’m not talking about narcissism. I’m talking about the gratitude of. I’m so grateful to have my higher self. I’m so grateful to have this body and to be blessed with this opportunity in life, that loving appreciation of self. Have you blessed yourself? And again, not in an ego way, from humility.
Have you blessed yourself? And if you’re wondering what I’m talking about here, go back to the episode where I talk about each of these things in detail and it will make more sense. But I’m just reminding us, have you done self healing?
Have you done affirmations?
Have you done anything that you know to be good for you, like walking barefoot, doing some deep relaxing breathing, taking a moment to just sit without being distracted, turning off your phone, anything like that, being in nature? But you’ve done it consciously, as in an effort to be well.
Have you been blessed? Has anyone else said bless you and meant it?
Have you prayed?
And remember, these are all conscious things and the last one which is the most powerful of all of them is have you gone into state? And if you’re wondering what is he talking about going into state. If you’re new to this show, welcome. It’s great, great to have you joining us. I’ll put links. Obviously the episode where I talk about these things is a good starting point, but I think there’s another episode where I talked about going interstate. So I’ll see if I can find that for you and put it in the write up. And in case you’re wondering, so it’s normally a few days later, I’ll do a full write up, I’ll do the audio podcast version of this show and there you’ll find the links to everything that we’re discussing. And then I’ll put the link to that in the Rumble video. So come back in a few days if you want the links.
So going into state. So there’s 10 different things that you could have done today that if you had done, would have helped you and would have been a demonstration of making a spiritually positive choice and therefore reinforcing what is good and helping you to spiritually grow. And these things can be applied to the problem of nanoparticles in your body and things like that. Because believe it or not, if you are a, if you’re a spiritually awake human being who hasn’t rejected God or anything or declared themselves an atheist, then if you set an intention, for example, all of the nanoparticles and toxins in my body are drawn out naturally or are neutralized and drawn out or eliminated.
That will have an effect.
So we’re being positive, self healing. I heal any damage done to my body by these toxins and poisons that are put into me, whether I know them or not, that kind of thing. And then point seven where I say barefoot or other, well, that could be taking zeolite, that could be wearing the glasses that, you know, protect you from the blue light. That could be eating healthy instead of eating cake, whatever. It is a conscious choice to do something that you know is going to be of benefit to you. It could just be cutting down on sugar, etc. So you get the idea. And prayer is a good one.
You know, I if say if you were, if you did have the sticky pokey vaccine in the past, you, you could pray that all of the toxins and poisons and nanotechnology and everything else that were put into you by it, are no longer in your body and are no longer able to harm you, for example, okay? And then if you want to make them all super powerful, go into state and do it.
But here’s. I just want to go. There was another really important thing. I’m just going to go back a couple of slides to this question, and I’m not picking on Millie because it could also be this question where we talk, the one before, about, you know, negative thoughts affecting us.
One of the really important things is, where are you coming from?
Okay? Because in the list of the things that you can do, the second one was positivity. So if you’re coming from a place of fear, I’m scared because I’ve been vaccinated, or I’m scared because I’ve breathed in that chemical mist, or I’m scared because of the poisons in the air and the toothpaste and the food, okay? Your fear is actually doing more damage than all the other stuff because your fear is dropping your vibration, and you can’t maintain a spiritual demeanor and orientation if you are embracing fear. So with all these questions about, how can I help myself? What can I do? Is it safe to take this? Is it safe to do that? Get past the fear? Because. And I get it, I’m in here with you. We’re all stuck down here at this time. But remember, to be spiritual is to be positive.
I don’t mean delusional, I don’t mean in denial, but to be positive. Because the moment you give in to fear, they’ve won. The moment that you give into fear, you’re now broadcasting negative loosh energy. You’re now feeding the forces of darkness. You’re now dimming your own light. Okay? And fear comes from ego.
So check in with yourself. What’s my motive?
Because a lot of people ask questions about health. I’m not saying that’s the case with these questions, but a lot of people ask questions about health, but they’re motivated out of fear or they’re motivated out of. I want my body to last forever. Going back to that slide where I showed you all the old people. What’s the point? What’s the point of being the healthiest old person on your block if you’ve overlooked your spiritual journey? I’d rather be, you know, I’d rather crawl over the finish line in terrible shape but have completely aced the spiritual journey than the other way around. You know, walk over there. Great health, super fit, can run a marathon. But I’ve neglected My spiritual journey, I’m a loser. If that’s the case, then I’m a total loser. If I walk over the finish line with a billion pounds in the bank, but I’ve neglected my spiritual journey, I’m just a big loser.
Most of the people on the planet are spiritual losers because they’re putting health, wealth and relationships first and they’re not putting what matters first. Okay? So on that note, I think that we’ve, we’ve actually covered a lot. There’s a lot more I kind of wanted to go into, but as ever, time has run out and so I’ll just say we, wherever you are, God bless you and just carry on making good choices. Okay? And one of the good choices you could make, in all honesty, help this show to grow. Because the more people that have this information, the more people that can benefit from it. So please do share like and if you haven’t already done so, subscribe and I’ll see you next week where we’ll be answering more of your questions. So God bless you.
Thank you for being awesome and joining me for this episode. I’m truly grateful. As a spiritual person, I hope it’s inspiring to realize that you’re not alone and that more and more like minded people are enjoying this live show or like you right now, listening to this very podcast. You’re part of an awakening community and together we’re all finding the way back to being genuinely more spiritual. So I invite you to reflect on what’s been the most helpful thing you’ve got from this particular episode.
Now, who in your life would get the greatest benefit if they knew this too? So please help them by simply sharing this episode with them, since sharing is caring and this episode is completely free to listen to and download. Speaking of which, if you’d like even more free spiritual resources, downloads, videos, ebooks and articles, then head on over to thewaybackgroup.org next episode I’ll be answering more spiritual questions to help you and your loved ones make more sense of life. So remember to subscribe and set those notifications so you don’t miss out. Who knows what we’ll learn together and the next question might even be yours. Perhaps there’s a reason you’ve been guided to listen to this. So God bless you. And remember, take what you now know and use it to grow.
Episode Notes
please note that timings shown below are for the original rumble video. Take approx 10 mins of these timings to get the corresponding moments in the audio podcast version.
00:09:54 Show starts
00:11:28 Discussing One Consciousness and Telepathic Tech
Are we all connected in a layer of consciousness that connects us. How does this relate to God. Reviewing a YouTube video with Jeffrey Kripal. This intruduces the idea of a Noosphere. How does our brain relate to our “consciousness”. Does the brain filter out information or is it actually the creator of consciousness. Why is it that people in crisis situations sometimes have a transcendental experience of oneness? If there is a brain connection to a “One Consciousness” or “Universal Consciousness” how can you protect yourself. Also where do thoughts naturally come from?
00:30:09 How do you know it’s your own thoughts? Voice of God Tech
A real story about a spiritual person who was targeted by thoughts that were not their own.
00:32:00 Two approaches to the spiritual journey
I describe two fundamentally different approaches towards spiritual life. Which one are you?
00:33:22 Zeolite, Augmented NAC, and detoxing from Covid spike protein & nano particles
Toxic fog, vaccine toxins, chemtrails. Can you remove these things? Is Zeolite safe to use? What about Augmented NAC? Is there a more spiritual way to heal and detox our bodies? How Zeolite captures graphine oxide which may cause blood clots and vascular damage. The recent mist found around the world was loaded with man-made nano particles which self-assemble to form nano-tech within our bodies. Does this turn us into devices within an Internet of Things (IoT). I reveal ‘bleeding edge’ research to put nano-technology into our bodies in the name of health and medication (Nanomedicine). This leads to a discussion about UAP/UFO phenomena around volcanos.
We start to understand why some people can’t be healed but can you? In which case is there something more you can do beyond taking these suppliments?
01:01:25 Using Copper to clean and energise your water?
I talk about the use of copper to cleanse water and heal your body. The author I couldn’t remember is Bob Frissell.
01:09:19 Reality Check time! Being spiritual isn’t the same as being healthy.
What do you think is really important at the end of your life? Health, wealth or relationships? Who’s succeeded in life? The wealthy, the healthy, or the fortunate in relationships? What should you be putting first in life? I talk bluntly and directly about the purpose of life. If you want to succeed then you need to know this. I talk about spiritual healing and how it can be applied to vaccine damage.
01:23:35 Get out of the FEAR trap!
I talk about “where are you coming from” and how so many people are actually sabotaging their lives. Are you?
Links to Resources Mentioned in This Episode
- View this on our website: https://thewaybackgroup.org/podcast/ep-047-nanoparticles-toxic-mist-covid-spike-protein-one-consciousness-myth/
- Original Rumble video of this episode: https://rumble.com/v6f4f6p-ep.047-oneness.-nano-mist.-zeolite-v-nac.-copper-300125-discussing-spiritua.html
- YouTube video by Danny Jones Clips on One Consciousness: https://youtu.be/JmgY0VTjCz8
- Books that I am writing: https://thewaybackgroup.org/latest-news/life-changing-book-an-update/
- Caution about “Manifesting” work & Abraham: https://thewaybackgroup.org/articles/abrahams-dark-secret/
- Podcast Episode 46 Discussing ego and narcissism: https://thewaybackgroup.org/podcast/ep-046-narcissists-sociopaths-a-spiritual-understanding/
- Episode discussing chemtrails: https://thewaybackgroup.org/podcast/ep-043-project-blue-beam/
- Man in America Show on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/ManInAmerica
- Man in America interviews Dr Young: https://rumble.com/v6dd4sm-the-terrifying-truth-behind-chemical-fog-wildfire-smoke-and-chemtrails-w-dr.html
- Biological Internet of Things (BIoT) & Nanomedicine
- https://www.iot-mesh.io/iobnt/
- https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC2695593/
- Human Body Communication (HBC) https://jwcn-eurasipjournals.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s13638-016-0674-5
- Coca Cola nano particles: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17435390.2017.1418443
- Nono-Particle self-assembly: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1369702109701567
- Sending thoughts between people: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/we-can-now-send-thoughts-directly-between-brains/
- Social Network of Brains: https://www.technologyreview.com/2018/09/29/139965/the-first-social-network-of-brains-lets-three-people-transmit-thoughts-to-each-others-heads/
- Technology to read your mood and mind:
- Ep.029 Blue Light https://rumble.com/v5ggn7e-ep.029-ru-spiritual-5g-emf-tax-260924-discussing-spirituality-with-mark-zar.html
- Episode 5 discussing number 6 and CERN (666): https://thewaybackgroup.org/podcast/ep-005-live-show-discussing-spirituality-with-mark-zaretti-down-spirited-nonjudgement-dark-meditation-bad-buddha-cern-and-infant-illness/
- The Stonehenge Documentary revealing UFOs are part of the hoax: https://zaretti.com/stonehenge
- Episode 38 on 10 ways to heal:
- As an audio podcast: https://thewaybackgroup.org/podcast/better-health-ep038-spiritual-healing/
- The original video on Rumble: https://rumble.com/v5u2t18-ep.038-spiritual-healing-and-qlinks-281124-discussing-spirituality-w-mark-z.html
- Episode 27 on Copper and Healing:
- As an audio podcast: https://thewaybackgroup.org/podcast/ep027-antarctcia-is-hiding-dark-technology-plus-afterlife/
- The original video on Rumble: https://rumble.com/v5eolrl-ep.027-steinsgate.-toxic-clothes.-love-and-death-120924-discussing-spiritua.html
Screenshots from the live show:

Self-assembly of nanoparticles.

Wearing the blue light glasses.

Thank you for listening to this show. If you’d like more spiritual content then check out “The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening” podcast and visit TheWayBackGroup.org where you’ll find loads of free resources to help you get the most from your spiritual journey. Check out my books and films. – Mark
Please note that a transcript, where present, has been automatically created based on the audio and so may contain some transcription errors. But we hope the benefit of having the words transcribed outweigh any glitches. Thanks.
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