Episode synopsis:
In the first half of the show we do a deep dive into chemtrails and unveil the connection between shadowy secret societies and NASA’s “Project Blue Beam” program. Is this why people are seeing cities floating in the clouds and UFOs (UAPs) in the sky? Are we facing another psyops program from the deep state or is this something positive? Then in part 2 I look at several questions to do with why some people reject God, misogyny and satanic feminism. A pretty heavy show all delivered from a mobile studio somewhere near the Alps in France!
Episode transcript:
Good evening everyone. This is Mark from The Way Back Group and we are live here in France. Hopefully you can hear me and see me. Okay, this is all a bit experimental because as I, as you can see here, I’m actually in my motorhome on my way down to the Alps. This is episode 43 and I wanted to make sure that we didn’t miss any weeks. So hopefully you can hear me, see me okay and we will dive straight into this show. So from the artwork, you can see that one of the topics we’re going to be looking at today is chemtrails. But that’s not the only thing we’re going to be looking at. And so let’s find out what it is that we will be exploring based on your questions today. In a nutshell, we’ll be looking at or what’s going on with chemtrails or why don’t people choose God and Jesus and a broad subject of help me to understand misogyny and there’s a lot more to unpack there. But I’m not seeing anything in the chat, which means hopefully that everything is okay and you can see me and hear me.
So we will press on. But I, I kind of apologize in advance because not only is it a new location, but a lot of the technology that I’m using to be able to do this remotely is new to me as well. So please bear with me. Right, so let’s have a look at that first question, shall we? Which was the one on. Yeah, there we go. So Ms. C asks. Hi Mark. In the past few days in the UK we have been experiencing thick gray skies which have disrupted flights at major airports in many areas. The days start bright and blue and then contrails and contrails is in quotes appear and the skies turn dark grey. Few people have also reported seeing a snow looking like material falling from the sky, but most definitely not snow. Are these phenomena naturally occurring or are they something more sinister such as chemtrails or geoengineering? Thank you. Keep up the good work. Well, thank you for that MZC and they’ve sent me. I, I did follow up with an email and I Said, can you send me some pictures of the kind of thing you’re talking about? And I am familiar with chemtrails and contrails and the difference between them, but I wanted to see what they’d sent me. And so the pictures on the right here, I’ll put links to all of this because this is linking through to Twitter or X.
So I’ll put links to all the stuff that they sent as examples. But you can see here that they’re showing the sky changing color throughout the day. And you know, this is a massive topic and I’ve alluded to chemtrails and things in previous episodes and we could, as with many topics, we could, we could go deep into the reeds with it. But my goal here is to always try and keep it as a, as a spiritual focus.
So the question is about, as they said here, look, what’s going on? Basically, is this something sinister or is this something perfectly normal and everyday? So I thought the first thing to really start with is to lay out some evidence for what it might be. So this is a website called geoengineeringmonitor.org and I’m not affiliated with it or anything like that, but I think it’s a quite, quite a fascinating resource. And what we’re looking at is all these different projects around the world. And some of them are greenhouse gas removal, some of them are solar radiation management, weather modification and others. Okay. And the point being that you can kind of click on something here and you can filter down and it will show you. For example, if we look at, let’s look at the weather modification one. So there’s projects, there’s 39 projects where they’re increasing the amount of rain. Then there’s six projects where they’re increasing or, and, or reducing the amount of rain. And there’s 19 projects around the world where they are reducing precipitation. Now these are just projects that are public, publicly known about. This doesn’t even include anything that, let’s just say might be above top secret or anything like that. So there’s definitely weather modification going on. There’s carbon dioxide capture going on, there’s solar radiation going on, cirrus cloud thinning. So we got manipulation of the clouds, marine cloud brightening or cloud reflective reflectivity enhancement. So this basically means putting metals into clouds to make them reflect more light, that kind of stuff. So look, with all these hundreds, if not more, I think there’s 1,700 or so projects going on. Can anyone dispute that there is actually geoengineering or weather Modification or stuff being sprayed into clouds and therefore chemtrails? No, I think it’s impossible to dispute these things.
So they are a reality. From a spiritual point of view, then I’m interested in is this all benevolent for the greater good of humanity, or is there a sinister side to this? And as you know, what I have the ability to do is, is to look at things from a macrocosmic perspective. So by that I mean look microcosmically. We can research stuff, we can jump onto the Internet, we can search the libraries, we can speak to people, we can get information from the world around us. That’s the microcosmic. So that would be journalistic reporting, investigative journalism, researching for a book, that kind of stuff.
But macrocosmically, if we take things to very fundamental principles, then what macrocosmically means is that there is just one thing. Everywhere. From the absolute state, which is what you attain when you are enlightened, then there is no. It’s not that there is no such thing as time, or there is no such thing as space. It’s just that you have transcended them and therefore you contain time and you contain space. So if you then from that greater state start to have an inquiry into a specific thing, then you can get information that isn’t being pulled out of Google or some book somewhere, but is simply a response to the inquiry. And notwithstanding that, there may be layers of interference to try and either deceive, mislead, or prevent you getting that information if you persevere and you know how, then in theory or in reality, Because a lot of the times this has been backed up down the years when things have come to light that were originally, let’s just say, pulled from that higher place and then were proven to be the case, you know, as, let’s just say, as higher things manifest out down here in the kind of reality that we’re all used to. And so that prelude is really to say that that’s the process here, that I’ve gone inside and I’ve asked the spiritual questions about what’s going on here and I’ve made some notes. So let me just bring up my notes because some, a lot of the time I don’t need to go in, but when it’s a quite a factual question, I’d rather go in before the episode and do a bit of research. So it seems to me that from about January 2023, something changed with the chemtrails. So there was a lot of work being done prior to that. Chemtrails were already a thing prior to that. And the main group involved would be what you would know down here as the, the freemasons. So a lot of the work that was being done in the creme trail and planetary manipulation sphere was being done under the remit of that group. And the goal was not benevolent, the goal was malevolent. And there’s two primary goals for the agenda of why it’s being done. But up to that point which. So prior to January 2023, the primary goal was actually to harm people. And it was the release of heavy metals, which are well documented. So you can look into this. Strontium and boron and I think are two of them that are neurotoxic as well as a lot of aluminium. And it gets into the plants, it gets into the soil, it gets into people, it gets into the water systems. And you think, well, hang on a sec, if they’re bombarding us all with these neurotoxins, then surely they’re going to harm themselves. Well, let’s call them the elite. The ones at the top who knew what’s going on had already developed the protocols to leech these things out of their system. So in other words, poison everyone, but then, but then cure yourself. And these protocols are becoming known to the general public, but most people, it’s off their radar and probably outside of their budget. And so the majority of people will never really have access to that knowledge or the resources to follow it through. So if you want to harm people, then you harm everyone and fix yourselves and fix those that you care about. So at the top level, they know what they’re doing and they are damaging the ecosystem, the agricultural systems and the people and they don’t care. They’re doing it deliberately. And one of the goals is with these neurotoxins is to dumb people down. That’s one of the goals. And you know, everyone points at vaccination when, when it comes to the rise in autism, because autism has gone from almost non existent to I think it’s 1 in 37, something like that. And it’s a shocking statistic. If someone wants to look that up, put it in the chat, that would be great. But basically that’s not the only cause. We’re being bombarded chemically. It’s being sprayed into our atmosphere. And think, think about it, you know, if it’s done over say the state of Texas, that doesn’t mean it’s only going to affect the state of Texas. These things, there are streams in the atmosphere that move things around the planet. And we all experience this. I don’t know if you remember when the volcanic volcano in Iceland erupted, the ash clouds were affecting flights around the world within days. So we’re all connected on this planet and they know what they’re doing. And.
Yeah, so primarily the goal is to harm people and they can protect themselves. So it’s not that they. They’re not affected, but they can mitigate against those effects using a protocol which is basically them taking certain substances to remove these heavy metal toxins and other toxins from their system. Okay, so that was. That was what was going on primarily under the group which are known as the Freemasons.
And it’s not surprising because if you go back to the ancient history of that group, then they had the ones that are heavily interested in using technology, more so than some of the other groups. But as of January, it seems 2023, then one of the other groups started cooperating with them and introduced a new element into the. The cocktail that sprayed in the skies.
And that element is.
I actually don’t know what it is. I didn’t bother looking up because I’m from a spiritual point of view. It’s just the fact that it’s being done is what’s relevant, the specifics of it. I’m sure there are people out there that will be looking at the chemical composition of these things and will be able to bring that to light. That’s not really my goal here. What the new change is about is dovestails into something I’ve alluded to before, which is called Project Blue Beam. B E A M, as in beaming. Beaming a hologram, for example. And what they found is that if you want to project, so say you had your projector and you projected a home movie into the sky, it would just disappear. But if there’s some low clouds, then you can project your movie, if you had a powerful enough projector, onto the clouds and so you could actually make it look like the movie was in the sky. With holographic technology, it’s a little bit more complex, but again, it’s the same principle that it’s a lot easier for them to project into the sky if the sky has tiny little particles that are reflective in it. And so what they’re doing is they’re changing the atmosphere so that it’s more a better canvas for holographic technology. Now, Project Blue Beam was first coined, or the phrase was coined in 1994. And again, I’ll share some links, but let me just see if I’ve Already got anything on that window. I’ll dig it up. But basically. Oh, here it is. Let me just open a new tab. And as I said, apologies, guys, because it’s all a bit different from what I’m used to. And I’ll share links to all of this stuff. So Project Bluebeam is a theory that suggests that NASA has secret plans to create a new world order and that they’re going to use holographic technology to project spiritual avatars in the sky that will then make people question religion. And there’s a number of steps in their plans, but one of them is the alien invasion false flag. And this goes right back to Ronald Reagan. There’s a clip of Ronald Reagan saying that the only way that humanity will come together and unite is if there’s some external threat, perhaps an alien invasion. You’ve probably heard me talk about predictive programming. So they don’t say anything without purpose. And he was basically deliberately programming people to accept that that might be a reality in the future. And so this guy who coined the phrase Project Bluebeam, I’ve done a lot of research. Let me see if I can find his names. Journalists, Canadian journalist and conspiracy theorist Serge Monast. He developed the theory in 1994. Now, okay, so his theory is that they’re going to start producing paranormal phenomena that everyone will see. And it will get people to question everything, give up on religion, and create a state of fear that everyone will turn to a One World Government for salvation. And that will be the New World Order. And it’s actually the New World order that in January 2023 started working with the Freemasons to sit on the back of their technology to alter the sky, basically so that the atmosphere is more receptive for their technology. And a good example of this, this has actually come up already is people are starting to see stuff like this. So if I just open this link, then you’ll see an example of what we’re talking about here.
So this is the Mail, Daily Mail newspaper. So we’re not talking about some unknown tabloid city in the sky, buildings seen floating above China, baffles onlookers and fuels wild speculation of a parallel universe. And this is actual footage. So I’m just going to play this little clip here.
So basically people are seeing these phenomena and another one is seeing like big like spaceship like objects just sitting in the clouds. Another famous one was a man supposedly just walking around in the clouds. And this is them testing their technology. They started off with small things such as, you know, that man just walking Walking around. So there was, it was almost like a jetpack man, and he was just seen in the clouds. And that was just a small hologram. And then they thought, well, let’s see if we can project an entire cityscape that can be seen by thousands of people. And the goal is to have enough coverage that you can simultaneously have these quote unquote paranormal events or alien encounters or parallel universes, etc, projected in the sky and convince the entire world that there’s either a UFO invasion or that there’s some kind of second coming and it’s all about the Antichrist. So it’s setting us up for this scenario that they’ve, they’ve very well documented. I mean, it goes back to the book of Revelations and it basically says that their plan is that they will scare everyone into believing that the only way for humanity to be saved is either to accept aliens as our saviors or that there will be a one world government that will have one ruler who is the Antichrist.
And this was all documented in 1994. Now, going back to the original question, which was, you know, what’s going on with the chemtrails? Well, sometimes it’s localized events where they’re just deliberately interfering in the affairs of a particular country or a particular place. And we saw this with the hurricane that you’ll recall was strangely diverted to hit Florida. And thankfully, due to higher intervention, it was mitigated somewhat. So we know that they are manipulating the weather for local reasons. But equally, the global plan is to be able to project holograms in the sky that are so real that people believe what they see.
One of the possibilities is that as well as having holograms in the sky, they’ll also have reversed engineered craft, in other words, military craft that are above top secret, that look like UFOs and so they can have some real ones amongst the holographic ones to sell the illusion thoroughly to the massive number of people. So I know that this is well out there in terms of conspiracy and things like that, but if even half of it is true, then it. We should be concerned and we should be seeking the truth. And it is true. That website catalogs it, documents it, just how many spraying chemicals in the atmosphere projects there are going on around the planet right now. And you didn’t vote for it? I didn’t vote for it. Our consent hasn’t been sought. An explanation hasn’t been given to the public. So all of these projects are. They clearly cost a lot of money. So whoever’s behind them are not the average person or the average organization. These are probably beyond multinational organizations. And you know, the evidence is there that something’s going on. So that’s at least half of it. If the other half is true, then it’s certainly something that we should be wise to because for any deception to be sold, we have to believe it.
So if I’m speaking, sharing the knowledge that I’m getting, then maybe we won’t be duped. And if we’re not duped, it’s a bit like the pandemic that we all survived.
You know, how many people were duped and a state of fear was used to sell the vaccines to people. And look, the evidence is all there now. How much we were lied to, how much we were manipulated, how much damage was done not by the disease but by the vaccines.
And you know, there’s, this is no different.
What if they do a false flag event and it’s false flag alien invasion or a false flag apocalypse or false flag spiritual event? You know, are we going to be fooled again, is the question. Now spiritually, it comes back down. To seek the truth is to seek God. So God gain. It’s quite interesting. One of the things I looked into is, well, if they ask, poisoning us with these heavy metals in the atmosphere, is there anything we can do about it? Yes, there’s the protocols. But actually if you are a good spiritual human being, which means you’ve got God in your life, one of the things that comes from God is healing energy. It’s, it’s a derivative of love. I’ve talked about this in the past.
If you actually have the intention to expunge or expel these chemicals from your body and to be healed and you give yourself healing and you have God in your life, then if, you know, as a good human being, you can actually clear out a lot of this stuff, okay. Without having to take any additives or chemicals or protocols or any of this stuff. So that’s good news. So, you know, the, the metaphoric silver lining to the cloud is that you’re not defenseless, but you do have to be spiritual. Because if you don’t, if you haven’t let God and Jesus into your heart and you’re not aligned with the source of all that is good, then you cannot really benefit from it. Okay. And this will actually lead on to another question.
So. Yeah, there’s so much more. Let me just check my notes to see if there’s anything else.
Yeah, some of this, One of the other things I discovered is that some of the Current rockets that we see going up and landing and coming back. And all of these things are actually holographic. Some of them are real, but some of them are holographic. And again, it’s all about them playing with the technology to test whether they can deceive us enough to move forwards with their plans. Okay, so let’s have a look. Hopefully that answers the question. And let’s have a look at the next question. Well, this one’s actually two questions. So Rachel asked the question on the right. So not long after I started answering this second question, we had a few technical faults. And, you know, not surprising because we were using a completely new setup to the normal studio and working remotely. And so what it meant was that I made the decision rather than trying to fix the faults in the live show. We’d answered a very big question with the chemtrails, and I made the decision to stop the live show at that point so that I could focus on resolving the technical issues. And then the following day, which was a Friday, 3rd January, 2025, I did the part two of the live show as a kind of a bonus show. And so in this podcast, I’m bringing together part two and. And part one so that what you’re listening to is what was intended for the whole of episode 43. We’ll now jump to what was recorded on the Friday. Enjoy. This is Mark from the Wayback Group, and this is episode 43, part 2. And if you were watching last night, on Thursday night, then we did encounter some technical difficulties because as you can see, we’re working remotely at the moment. I’m actually in the middle of France, and you’re not even supposed to be able to access Rumble from France. But we are back and the goal now is to kind of finish what we started yesterday. We’ve got two questions that are kind of related, and we’ve got on the left, Beverly’s question, which I’ll. I’ll recap as thank Mark for the shows. My question, if people in life have been presented that to have a spiritual, everlasting life is to accept God and Jesus’s teachings and is the only way, then how is it that humans ignore it? Do humans choose that they couldn’t care less about afterlife, why isn’t it a big concern in people’s lives? And that ties in nicely with Rachel’s question. Rachel asked this a few weeks back, so it seems appropriate that kind of bring it up now. And Rachel’s question is in terms of the qualities of our soul, what is spirituality in that context? I’ve always understood the spiritual journey to be separate. But supported by the soul journey is their crossover. Much love and God bless. And I’ll start with Rachel’s and then go on to what Beverly has asked. And a very quick recap if we go right back to the. The beginning of things. I’ve often talked about the fact that we have a soul and a spirit, and they are slightly different. So they’re both in. In the heart region. And the spirit, if you like, is the keeping things really, really simple, the love and guiding light of God from God as a gift. So, you know, that is part of what it is to be human, which sets us apart from everything else. We have a spirit, and that spirit’s purpose is to inspire us, to motivate us when we’re spiritual, which is why it’s called spirituality. When we’re spiritual, it’s to motivate us to move literally towards God. And that movement is ultimately, it’s a bit of an illusion because it’s not so much a movement as a letting go. A letting go, A letting go until you transcend, but it is basically movement towards God. And that would classically be done in a spiritual, meditative journey. But there’s also the spiritual journey in the sense of the devotional part, the coming from the heart part, the desire for God. In other words, all the while we’re focused on self. We are fundamentally building or in the realm of ego. When we start to realize that there is something greater, and then we start to show deference and devotion towards it, then we’re starting to kind of go beyond the edges of ourself in how we think, act and. And project.
And I did, a while back, I did a really, I think, insightful podcast on deference. And so I’ll put a link to that as well. So the spiritual journey is all about movement towards God. Now, the soul journey, there is parallels, but the soul journey is different. Your soul, if you like, is the archive of the cumulative experiences you’ve had over every single lifetime up to this point, where it’s like it stores the positive, good experiences. I mean, there is a memory component to it, but it’s the energetics. It’s the experience, okay? Keeping things really simple. Every time you make a good choice, then you build your soul up in terms of it has more experience to draw on for the future. And so all the good choices you’re making in this life are fundamentally based on the fact that you’ve made a lot of good choices in previous lives. And in Rachel’s question, there is a reference to, in terms of qualities of our soul. So you could imagine, and obviously this isn’t the way it is, but you could imagine that the soul has different buckets. So if you’re demonstrating courage, then it goes in the courage bucket. If you’re demonstrated wind wisdom, it goes in the wisdom bucket. And so broadly speaking, you can start to group these different experiences into different qualities. And all of these qualities are what you would find at the core of being good. Okay? And so wisdom, courage, fortitude, forbearance, you know these kinds of qualities. In other words, whenever you. It’s easier to recognize them in difficult times because quite frankly, there’s not much spiritual growth when, when things are easy. So when life is easy, when everything’s going your way, most people will tend to just coast when suddenly they hit a brick wall, metaphorically speaking, or a bump in the road, whether that’s work, relationships, health, well being, whatever it is, then they tend to wake up. And it’s in those moments of prescience that they can make good choices. And so the soul is the accumulation of those good choices. And if you think in terms of, of the word good meaning good or godly, then every time you make a good choice, you’re demonstrating the good qualities of God. And so you as a person are becoming more good or godly doesn’t mean you’re becoming God, but you’re becoming more godly. So the differentiation is that the spirit, if you like, is the ever present light that already knows the direction to God. And the soul is the accumulation of your experiences where you are starting to represent more and more of those godly qualities in your life. So in a way they’re both movements towards God. But going back to Rachel’s question then, in terms of qualities of our soul, what is spirituality in that context? So I have talked in other groups and in private chats about this. The fact that one of the so called soul qualities or these buckets is spirituality. And so whenever you as an individual either act or think or intend in a direction that is more spiritual, in other words, recognize the awe and the grandeur. That’s probably not the right word, but the, the fact that there is more than you, that you are incomplete, that there is something that is complete. And we’re talking spiritually about God here, not religiously about God, but that, that acknowledgment, even if you can’t vocalize it or contextualize it, that acknowledgement that there is Something greater than yourself, that there is something that is, if you like, absolute, beyond limits, beyond time, beyond edges, all of these things. Every time you encapsulate that in your behaviors, in your thoughts, then you’re building up that spiritual bucket of spiritual soul qualities. And the spiritual journey doesn’t really begin until a person has enough kind of like spiritual momentum within their soul that they will turn their attention towards this spirit. And one of the most beautiful experiences is when you have enough spirituality that you start to recognize your spirit within. And then your spirit literally is full of joy because you’re starting to actually pay attention to what matters, the entire purpose of the multitude of lifetimes that you had up to this point start to become fulfilled because you start to now pay attention to the light within your spirit, which is shining like a beacon to guide you in the direction of God. And I’m not talking about some religious bearded guy sitting on a cloud with a trident or any of those, you know, other, you know, multitudinal representations of God like figures. I’m talking about the absolute. I’m talking about that which is beyond definition. Okay? So when you spiritually awaken, truly, it’s your soul and your. It’s done in a lifetime. So it’s your soul and your brain both orientating towards your spirit with enough attention and not thinking. I’m talking about, like, from the heart, that there’s this, like, joy. Because your soul suddenly realizes what’s there, which is your spirit. And your spirit knows that now it can start its job and that you’re now ready. And so it’s a beautiful moment when it happens. And that is truly what spiritual awakening really is. It’s not crystals or anything like that. It’s something much more profound. And so to answer the question, yeah, you have to develop the soul’s level of spirituality to prepare you for the spiritual journey. So they are separate, but they are entwined, if that makes sense. And you can’t be spiritual based purely on your spirit, and you can’t be spiritual in the absence of your spirit. In other words, your soul needs to be involved, your spirit needs to be involved. And you right down here in the physical. Your brain, your heart, your person. I was going to say personality, but I mean, the. That which is the embodiment of your soul and your spirit in this life has to be present as well. It can’t be an unconscious thing. It has to be a deliberate, intentional, conscious thing. So with all that said, if we go back to the question and we look at Beverly’s question on the other side, then we will read that again and say, so if people in life have been presented that to have spiritual, everlasting life is to accept God and Jesus’s teachings and that is the only way, then how is it that humans ignore it? Well, if they’re not spiritually awake, then what’s being presented to them is just simply another idea, another belief, if you like. Okay. And the thing about beliefs is you can pick them up, you can put them down, you can compare and contrast them to other beliefs, other ideas. And look, people have all kinds of beliefs. So people can believe that aliens are going to come and solve all the world’s problems and give us eternal life based on technology or download our consciousness into AI and you know, all these. What to me is stuff of nightmares. But these ideas abound and people believe in them. And you could say, or they could say, well, your belief that there is a God is just as ridiculous as this belief that there is an alien or that there is, that we’re all living in a virtual reality or, you know, there’s so many ideas out there, and unless someone is coming from the heart with their spirit and their soul both awake to each other’s presence and their brain awake to the presence of both their spirit and spirit, spirit and their soul, you know, and that they’re focused and orientated towards that which is greater, then we’re just in the realm of ideas and one idea is as bad or as good as the next idea, and they’re all up for grabs. In other words, if. If it’s up here in the head, in the realm of ideas, then it’s all just equally valuable and equally useless, you know, from a spiritual perspective. So if people aren’t spiritually awake, truly spiritually awake, they won’t resonate with the truth. They’ll resonate with what aligns with their beliefs. And their beliefs will more than likely be aligned with their desires and their ego and all of these things. So in other words, serve thyself, do as thou will.
It’s about what can be resolve down to kind of hedonistic, wanting to validate your own beliefs, wanting to.
It’s that kind of confirmation bias. If you believe something, you look for it. So I didn’t, you know, I wasn’t looking for Jesus or God. In fact, I. I’ve talked about this in previous episodes where for. For a while I was out in the spiritual wasteland and I thought I was being even more spiritual at the time, doing loads of meditation. So I’m quite surprised to be sitting here talking about Jesus and God from a spiritual perspective because it’s, if you, if you talk to me six or seven or eight years ago, I would be like, no, I can’t see how that’s going to happen. So, you know, in the pursuit of truth, we have to put down our ideas and our beliefs and actually see what is.
And then you say, well, where are you seeing from? And if you’re seeing from your brain and your mind and your ideas, then it’s just one thing after another after another and you can convince yourself of anything.
That’s why one of the big things I explain about people ask me, look, is this just another religion? I say, no, because religion is based on belief. This is based on direct experience.
So where I have sat and gone into stillness and transcended mind, you know, brain and all of the lower vehicles, then I’ve had an awareness of a level of being that has nothing to do with Mark, nothing to do with any of this, that you can perceive that is far, vastly older and stiller and present and that can never be taken away. But my experience of that can’t be translated to you. You have to experience that for yourself. And so the, the message here is that these things are real, but they are only real once you’ve experienced it. And you have to do the work on yourself. The soul development, the spiritual awakening. And then when someone’s done that, then you know, going back to this idea that people are presented with the idea of Jesus and God, the idea isn’t going to do much for them until they’re ready. It’s just another idea. So in terms of why people, you know, why people ignore it, they’re fundamentally not ready, or they’ve anchored their personality and therefore ego directly into certain ideas and beliefs that they’re too attached to. But really you’d have to, on a case by case basis, each person is going to be slightly different. So hopefully that actually answers both questions. And at this point I’ll just, if we go to the chat, I’ll just welcome Scottish Bird, who’s joined us as well, and marigold0 and yeah, you know, I’m not expecting many people to be here because this was kind of a, an on schedule show to compensate for the fact that we did have some technical problems yesterday. But I am grateful to those of you that have made it a short notice. I think you probably only found out that this show was going to happen less than an hour ago. So I’m grateful that there are people Here. But the purpose of me doing this show is that people just like you have asked really good spiritual questions. And I feel I have a duty to answer them. And I didn’t get a chance yesterday, so I wanted to just kind of complete things. But talking of questions, should we have a look at the next question?
This one is also from Beverly. It came in at a different time and there’s a lot in here. So I’ll read it out and then I’m going to kind of break it down and there’s. I’m going to share my process a little bit because I hope it might help some of you tackle your own thought processes. Okay. Because what we’re doing here spiritually is we’re always trying to make more sense of the world and the world we perceive kind of one question at a time. And I’ve kind of explained to people that your ability to understand your own questions or to get clarity of what it is you’re looking for is also valuable. So it’s not just about the answers you can get, but it’s also trying to actually better understand what is it that I’m trying to understand? What is it I’m trying to ask here? So I’ll read this out and then we’ll get into the process a bit. So living in this is what Beverly asks. So living in the modern era has opened a lot of people’s perceptions of the male family line. Women throughout ages have been persecuted for not bearing a son when it’s the male seed that determines the outcome, male or female. I recently found out that it’s the mother that determines the bloodline. So my question, are we still copying animals in the alpha male mentality? And why are women in most cultures being treated as lower species than men? Is there a force that is blocking a deeper understanding of spiritual understandings of the male side is equal or is of equal importance to the female? Where did the notion of downgrading women when if women don’t bear a son, it’s the man’s fault? Lol. So look, there’s a lot going on in there. And the first thing I try and do when I get a question like this is pick out the salient points.
So I’m going to kind of talk broadly about this and then show you kind of my thinking. So I’ve rearranged a question to try and pick out the key. The key points. But what we’re talking about here fundamentally seems to be around the issue of women and men.
So when a couple gets together and they have a child and it’s a girl or a boy, then, you know, in a lot of cultures, they want boys because it’s a patriarchal society. Hasn’t always been. And that there have been examples to the contrary, but predominantly it’s patriarchal. And that means that the inheritance and the name follows the male.
And what was alluded to is that the bloodline is actually, excuse me, determined by the female. And what that actually means is that there is something that the woman passes on that the man doesn’t pass on. And what that is is the mitochondrion. Now, I studied biology. I studied biology at Manchester University, 93 to 98. And I actually did a course called the Behavioral Ecology of Sex. And I was desperately trying to find notes so that I could quote who the professor was. But it was fascinating subject, and I’m going to share some of the things we learned then. But just going back to the mitochondrion, if you’re not familiar, think of a cell as a big bag of juice, and in the middle is a nucleus. That’s the DNA. And within that juice are lots of like, literally like little bacteria. But they’re called mitochondria. And they’re the things that are responsible for the energy processing, the sugar in the blood and stuff like that and releasing energy. And they’re the kind of the powerhouse of the cells. And when the male seed, as it was put, or sperm, fuses with the egg and you get eventually an embryo, the mitochondrion only came from the mother’s side because the egg’s much bigger and it contains the mitochondrion. The sperm doesn’t really donate any mitochondrion, it just donates genetic material. And so that’s why they can say, well, they can trace the bloodline down the matriarchal lineage because it’s. They’re looking at the mitochondrion. So when they look at kind of this person here was loosely related to this tribe from thousands of years, goes over here, they’re looking at mitochondrial DNA quite often. So that’s what’s being alluded to there. But this thing about if. You know, because you’re probably aware that it’s X and Y chromosomes, so the male sperm donates either an X or a Y. The female always donates. The egg always has an X. So if it’s an X and an X, then you end up with a woman. And if it’s an X and a Y, you end up with a man. Okay. And so they say, well, it’s the man that decides. But this is where what we learn, and this is going back to probably 1996, throws a big spanner in that because yes, the sperm determines. So whichever sperm gets the egg first theoretically determines the sex of that embryo zygote. Embryo, baby, child. Okay, except that there are about eight levels of control that the woman can exert on the kind of life cycle of the freno from the embryo zygote right through to the child.
And this was a very political, well, I don’t know, sociopolitically sensitive course. And people didn’t. There’s a lot of information that was shared that people just don’t like to hear. And you know, you got to kind of keep, put your biologist hat on because it was taught as a biologist subject, not as a social subject, not as a moral subject, but as a pure biology subject. And no matter how evolved people are, we are also fundamentally also animals. We are more as humans. I said we got a soul and a spirit. But there is a biology component to life.
And so I won’t go into all eight ways, partly because I struggle to remember them. But the ones that are relevant here is that when the egg is developing or the egg is fertilized and it’s embedding into the placenta and it’s starting to go through its division and becoming like a zygote and then an embryo, the woman’s body can detect one. There’s a, there’s slight tangent, but the SRR SRY gene gets activated at a certain phase and then the embryo differentiates into a male. If it’s going to go down the male cascade, and that means it’s going to be more testosterone, there’s going to be more hormones, and basically the woman can detect that, not a conscious level, but at a biological level. And statistically on a one to one model, it won’t work. But if you look at large volume populations, then you see these trends where when there is a need for more men, the birth ratio of boy babies to girl babies skews towards boy babies. And there’s some, you know, some studies suggest it’s because the sooner inception happens during the periodic cycle of the woman, then that might lean towards men. And the more frequent the sex, the more that, you know, there’s all these factors in the age of the mother and stuff like this. And they call it soldiers returning home syndrome. But what I wanted to show you is this, this graph here. Now the blue bars on the left, bottom left are the. In the 19 in 1950 the number of men. Get this right, it’s the number per 100 women. So this is the number of men per 100 women in the population. So in America, there was roughly 100 men for each 100 women. So it’s 50, 50 balanced. But if you go to the right, and this is 1950, so a few years after the end of the Second World War, there’s only 77 men per 100 women. Now what that means is that Russia in particular, the male population was decimated by the war and therefore it was more desirable to give birth to a male child because they were so few men. So if you wanted your line, your, your genes, you know, and this applies to the women as well, to survive, then you need to be in a position where you’re not competing. So if there’s lots of women and not many men, then the chances of a baby girl successfully procreating down the line is less than a man because there’s more choice for the men. So you want more men being born to recover that 50, 50 balance. And that’s what that graph is showing. So for example, in France after the war, there was 93 men per 100 women. In Austria it was 87 men per, you know, hundred women. And what this also shows is that generally it’s men that go to war and die. And someone told me a statistic today that in Ukraine, I think 2,000 men, 17, 18 year olds. So boys basically are dying per day. I haven’t verified that myself, but that’s the current death rate because of the war. So the graph on the right shows the massive spikes in male babies being born versus female babies being born. And these spikes are labeled 1919, 1944 and 1973. And these are to do with the wars, I think. 73.
I’d have to look into that.
Correct me if I’m wrong, that might be Vietnam or something like that, but basically it shows that. It doesn’t seem like a massive change, but the trend goes up from about 104 males per 100 females being born to 106 to 106 and a half. That. That is about 6 or 7% increase. Deviating away from that balance now, there’s always slightly more baby boys being born than baby girls. And one of the reasons is that generally speaking, because of nature and, you know, fighting and things like that, boys are more likely to die than girls because of, you know, basic biology. You know, you can kind of extrapolate in your own head what that would be. But men fighting over girls and that kind of stuff or showing off or going to war or killing themselves doing stupid things.
So there’s always a slight imbalance towards men because the survival rate of men is slightly lower than the survival, generally speaking, survival rate of women. So there is this trend that women that more boys are born when more boys are needed. And one of the reasons is, is if we go back to talking about the behavioral ecology of sex, is that if the woman detects on a biological level that she’s going to carry a girl to full term, but there’s a deficit of boys at a very early stage, before she even knows she’s pregnant, she can abort that zygote, that early stage embryo, because it would be more favorable to invest in a boy. So that’s one of the first levels of control that she exerts. But even before that, I mean, the. When the sperm get through the cervix, they don’t go to the egg. They’re stored in these crypts. If you look at the speed at which a sperm can travel, and then they’ve done studies, you know, I won’t go into how they did this, but basically the sperm doesn’t get to the egg because the sperm swims to the egg. Sperm are pretty immobile, to be honest. When the woman has an egg released, she’s already got sperm in her system. If she’s having regular intercourse with a partner and she. A muscular contraction happens above the cervix and it pumps the sperm to meet the egg. In other words, it’s a sperm that were already in her two or three days ago that are actually the ones that are going to make it to the egg. So the, you know, if you’re looking at conceptual, then the best way is to have regular sex because then you’re keeping those reserves topped up.
But it’s the woman’s body that’s going to decide whether she’s going to send the sperm. One of the things she can do is if she doesn’t want to get pregnant, because maybe she perceives that now’s not the right time, or there’s biological stresses like famine, drought, perceived threat to life, that it would be dangerous to get pregnant at this time, she can release all the sperm. And contrary to what you may have been told at school, that the first sperm reaches the egg and that’s it. No, if 100 sperm reach the egg, they all make a hole in it and the egg collapses. So she can use the sperm as a weapon to destroy the egg. So there’s that’s a level of control that the woman exerts over getting pregnant.
And then there’s. There’s other levels of control throughout that might lead to miscarriage. And it’s not done at a conscious level. We’re talking all at a biological level. And then one of the reasons why women may actually have postnatal depression and reject the baby is because again, not so much at a moral or conscious level, but a subconscious level, there is this assessment that they can’t cope with this baby or this baby, isn’t that it would have been more beneficial to have, say the other gender or just not have had the baby because again, perceived pressures, perceived stresses. And this is where people don’t want to hear this stuff.
But the biological fact is that that can trigger postnatal depression to cause the woman to reject the child so that she is more ready to have another child and not burdened, where she might actually end up putting her own life at risk. So it’s that long term strategy of, well, if I don’t invest in this child because I perceive all of these problems at this time, then when there are no problems, I’ll be able to invest in more children down the line, whereas if I stick with this current trajectory, I may end up actually dying. And this is all biological assessment. I’m not talking morals or anything like this. This was stuff that we were looking at in 96, 95, I think roundabout then.
And so there’s all these different levels of control. And so yes, it is the X or the Y donated by the male sperm that potentially determines the sex. But it’s equally the woman’s own body assessing the situation and making a choice whether to allow the egg to go full term or not, based partly one of the criteria is whether it’s male or female and the perceived need for male or female babies. So it’s not just one sided. And I wanted to start with the biology side of things. And then let’s go back to the question because this is how I’ve broken down the question. So I’ll just put on the screen the original question. I won’t read it again, but it’s just there. You can pause and read it if you want. And the question will be in, in the notes for the show and stuff. But this is how I’ve rephrased it because there were a lot of assumptions made. And this is a spiritual show. So the goal here is to look into this from a spiritual perspective, not just a biological perspective. And certainly I’m avoiding the moral Perspective. Okay, so I’ve rephrased it.
Instead of stating, women throughout the ages have been persecuted for not bearing a son, have women throughout the ages been persecuted for not bearing a son? Because if we want to be more spiritual and seek the truth, then do not accept any statements, turn them into a question, and seek the truth of that. So have women throughout the ages been persecuted for not bearing a son? I think we all know that there has been persecution, but is it all women? You know, what are the actual kind of looking at it from a higher perspective, the spiritual side of things, what kind of information are we able to get? And so I’ve done that because I’m genuinely curious about this. And look, I’ve got.
I’ve grown up.
Those of you that maybe don’t know me that well, I’m actually a triplet, and my two twins are girls. So I’d say I’ve been around girls from before I was born. Okay. I’m very pro women. And, you know, I’ve been fortunate to be surrounded by women throughout my life. And so I’m not making any assumptions. I just. What I’m looking for is spiritual truth.
So I looked into this, and what I found is that since time began, in other words, since there were human women and men. Okay, then, if you. I’ve talked about in previous episodes the process of getting this kind of information. It’s not information from Google or anything like that. You can’t get this information from down here. It’s higher information. And it’s based on the fact that if there’s one thing everywhere, then knowledge is there. You just have to know how to get to it. So from that higher perspective, the higher knowledge is that from the dawn of humanity, then 7.5% of all women since time began have been persecuted for not having a son. So it’s not all women. It’s actually a small number of women have been persecuted. It just may be well documented or it might be in our zeitgeist that that happens. Okay, so then the next question is, well, who’s persecuted them? Is it their husbands, their partners? Society?
Patriarchal. Patriarchal figures. Well, asking the question then, 44% of the persecution. So of that 7.5%, 44% were persecuted by men. The other 56% were persecuted by women. And digging into that a bit deeper, it was their mothers, their grandmothers, their elders, those that kind of said, oh, you’ve let the tribe down, or you’ve let the family down, or you’ve let your husband down. By not giving him a son. So the persecution wasn’t coming just from men. In fact, it was biased slightly towards women persecuting women based on perhaps the perceived value of a man child in a patriarchal society. But it certainly wasn’t men in isolation persecuting. And the persecution wasn’t as extant as perhaps the question suggests. It doesn’t negate the problem when it happens.
But the bigger picture here is starting to understand.
Are we being led by a narrative to lead us into a way of thinking that creates negativity, keeping things really simple? Okay, so what we can now say is it seems as if seven and a half percent of women have been persecuted for not bearing a son, and in the balance, it’s slightly more persecution by women than men. Okay, so the next question, the next part of what Beverly originally asked, I’ve rephrased as a question, and it says, is it the male seed that determines the outcome, male or female? And as I’ve explained, from a biology point of view, yes, at the raw genetic level, no, at the influence that the mother’s body exerts on the process. In other words, there are more points of interjection by the mother once the gender of the developing baby is known.
So it’s not just blame the man, it’s not blame the woman. It’s both have a say in the matter, believe it or not. And then the next point, so I think it’s helpful to break it down into discrete statements or questions, is I recently found out that it’s the mother that determines the bloodline. True. Yeah, it’s true. Based on the mitochondrial assessment. So when you. If you got a blood sample, you would look at the mitochondrion and be able to follow the maternal line back. Okay. And so my question, I’ve changed to be my questions. And the first question paraphrasing what was asked is, are we still copying animals in the alpha male mentality? Now, that’s a massive assumption. So if you again, just stand in the greatest stillness and space and say, okay, of all mammalian animals, what percentage are patriarchal? Okay. Or, you know, alpha male mentality. And it’s just about 55%, which means that about 45% is matriarchal. So it’s not heavily biased, it’s slightly biased, but just to give you an example, okay.
Of animals that you’d be familiar with that are matriarchal. Okay. Lemurs, ants, bees, meerkats, mole rats, spotted hyenas, lions, bonobos, which are elephant. Bonobos are monkeys or apes. That look quite human actually. Elephants, orca. Okay, so some pretty epic races of animals are matriarchal, you know, led by the women. So it goes quite, quite profound because elephants are one of the most intelligent animals beneath humans. Orca. There’s great significance to orca and I talk about them in the books I’m writing. Okay, so these are just some of the examples and interesting factoid about ants.
The. If you’re familiar with the phrase biomass, biomass is the amount of mass of a particular biological material. So you could say what’s the mass of all of the humans on the planet? And you could ask the question what’s the mass of all the ants on the planet? 18 of all biological material life on the planet is ants, which is about the same as humans. Okay, so one of the main dominant species on the planet, ants are matriarchal. Okay so it’s a bit of, it’s not as obvious or it’s not as, it’s not as demonstrated as the question would suggest that we are copying animals in the alpha male mentality. Most of nature is actually, you know, 50, 50 more or less is mate is the, the females of the species have as much say. And if you look at ants and bees in particular, then it’s totally matriarchal. And you know, the male drones, when they mate with the, the, the queen bee, die instantly or die pretty quickly afterwards. They, they’re literally there to pass, you know, make babies go dead, you know and they, that is a totally, you know, there’s just one ruler in an ant nest and one ruler in a bee’s hive. And the reason why that’s significant is where I’ve spent time working on higher dimensions. I’ve encountered groups and races of nothing to do with humans that are very much orientated in that direction where it’s literally like almost like a colony of ants, except much more developed and intelligent and militant in their attitudes and how they see life. And it’s just like pure function. There’s no romance or love or anything. It’s just the queen says do this, we do it, that kind of thing. So yeah, again it’s just pushing back on the idea that it’s just alpha males in nature. That’s not true. There’s alpha females and some of the most awe inspiring races like orcas and things like this and elephants are actually led by the women and lions, you know, yes, the men do some of the fighting but the hunting, the gathering of food, that’s all done by the women. And it’s not that the men are lazy. They’re back at the base protecting the actual territory where the cubs are.
So it’s not necessarily how people perceive it or that we’re led to believe. So truth, truth must, you know, come to the forefront.
So that question is kind of put to bed. Next question. Why are women in most cultures being treated as a lower species than men? Now, that is absolutely true. It does actually happen. So I’m not going to deny that. And from a spiritual point of view, this isn’t humanity. This isn’t the fingerprint of humanity. This is not a trait of humanity. This is the influence of satanic and dark forces. And it goes way back. And again, what I’ve alluded to where I’ve done work on higher dimensions and I’ve encountered different races and different groups, is that those groups and races and individuals are dark and evil. One of the things they all share in common is a complete misogyny, okay? And the misogynistic trope, if you like, the thought patterns have been injected into society, into life on the third dimension, because they’re trying to shape the world that we live in. And what humanity brings to it is the compassion and the rebellion against that. But we’ll talk more about that in a bit. So it’s not human nature to be misogynistic, you know, and if you.
If you look at, for example, I’ll get to it, actually, but we’ll bring up a very good example in a bit. I’ll get through the questions and then we’ll talk more on this subject, okay? Because actually there is a really dark body of work here that needs to be exposed. Okay? So why are women in most cultures being treated as lower species than men? Fundamentally, it comes down to dark and satanic influences that are not a reflection of the goodness of humanity. Okay? And one of the vehicles that they’ve used to do this is religion, okay? And if you look at the different religions, some of them literally enshrine in their scriptures and their laws, rules of engagement about how and when you can beat your wife and how. How far you can go. So you mustn’t hit them in the face. You mustn’t break any bones or leave any visible marks.
You know, that’s one extreme. Other other religions and cultures treat very much treat women as indentured slaves. You know, when you look at original Christianity, I’m not talking about the kind of the output from the Council of Nicaea, circa 300 and, you know,’70s BC AD sorry, the original. Well, you Know, look, look. As Jesus demonstrated, he, he taught women, he traveled with women. There are so many stories of him extolling women. You know, it was the, I think it was a prostitute who washed his feet with tears and he was chastised by the owner of the house. And Jesus turned around and said, this prostitute is more worthy than you. I’m a guest in your house. You haven’t washed my feet. She has come off the street and she’s washed my feet. It was the woman at the well who was three times married and divorced. In other words, a pariah in her culture, an outcast who he chose to be his messenger to go into that town and tell them that he had arrived. He didn’t chose a man, he chose that woman. And the lowest amongst them, she was at that well because she wasn’t allowed to go to the well where the other women who weren’t divorced were. You know, there’s countless stories of him using or not using, but engaging with people that others shunned and many stories of him engaging with, well, women and treating them as equals and you know, and not only that, but being surrounded by them. It was Mary and Mary Magdalene that witnessed him on the cross. It was the women that went to him on the third day to put oils on his body that found the tomb, you know, the entrance to the tomb open and his body gone. It wasn’t men.
So if you look to him as an example and he is Christianity, then Christianity by example was actually probably one of the most, you know, proponent, the greatest proponents of equality. But unfortunately Jesus’s teachings and example get bundled into religion and therefore where religion. So one of the tropes of religion is that because Eve ate the apple, she gave into the Satan’s temptation and she tempted Adam and pulled Adam down. And that’s been used to justify this contempt of women because it was women that corrupted things. That was the perception, okay? And that’s been a trope.
But the disdain and the misogyny isn’t human. It’s been put into our consciousnesses. It’s been, you know, indoctrinated in, into the religions of the world. I say our, there are quite a few religions and I’d say look at each on its merits and look at how the so called head teacher of that particular religion treated women. So what, you know, some of them were, you know, had how many wives, you know, and in their teachings are rules on when to hit them if they, if the woman doesn’t give the man sex, the husband’s sex when the man wants it, unless she’s got a legitimate medical reason to withhold sex, then he’s allowed to escalate. And the third step of the escalation is to use physical violence to remind her of her position. So, you know, that’s not Christianity, but there are lots of different religions and, you know, large swathes of the world are not Christian. And you know, even in, you know, I don’t want to go too much down into specific religions, but basically what I’d say is if you’re interested in one of the vehicles that has been used to suppress women, then you can look at these different religions on their merits and on their teachings and say, well, is this misogynistic or is this actually quite balanced? But we are going to get into the more spiritual stuff, okay? Because we have to talk about the elephant in the room before we can then discuss things from a higher perspective perspective. So there’s no point in saying it doesn’t happen, it does happen. Religion is one of the vehicles for propagating these kind of anti women sentiments. And therefore religion has been one of the things that, for example, the women’s suffrage movement, the feminists, first wave feminism, pushed back against religion and against Jesus and God because Jesus is the patriarch and therefore all patriarchy has to be attacked. And so, you know, there’s a book written called, I think Church and State by Elizabeth Katie Stanton, and she is the one of the four founders of the feminist movement. Now it’s quite interesting when you start to look into that, because until people take a higher stance, then it’s just pendulums swinging one more and then another and one way and then another. And for example, Jesus was persecuted, he was wrongly imprisoned, he was wrongly crucified, but he never resorted to violence and he never resorted to hatred and he always took the highest stance. Forgive them for they do not know what they do. Okay, so. And we’re still talking about him 2,000 years later, and he’s still inspiring people. So he did something positive there. Okay, but if we go back to the questions, because this is kind of all related question three, is there a force that is blocking a deeper understanding of spiritual understandings of the male side is equal importance to female. So basically, is there a force that is creating inequality?
And this is what I’m alluding to. So anti female sentiment was planted into the world population by dark and satanic forces, and it was deliberate, okay?
And equally the same dark and satanic forces then put in anti male sentiment because they don’t Care who’s, you know, rising up. If the world turns matriarchal, then they’ll just make men hate women because of the inequality. And if we’re in a patriarchy, they’ll make women hate men because of the inequality. And until people recognize that the problem, yes, there are problems, but hatred, anger, and all of these things are not the solution, then the. The dark forces are laughing.
So, you know, when you. When we look at, for example, this woman now, her cause was just so Elizabeth Cady Stanton, she wasn’t. She was this. She was the. The one that kicked it all off, the first wave feminism.
And she wrote quite a lot. And. And first of all, she did a load of talks and then she wrote them up and it became a book in church and state. And it’s basically anti Christian, anti church, anti patriarchy. So anything seen as a patriarchy and with. With due course, because as I said, the religion was being used to suppress women, to justify the suppression of women, going back to this Adam and Eve apple thing, you know, keeping things really, really simple. But I’ll give you a quote from her. So this woman said, I would accept support from the devil himself if he supported women’s suffrage. And in her later years, she became a member of the Theosophical Society. Now, if you’re not.
If you’re not aware of what theosophists are, then you need to look up Madame Blavatsky and Henry Steele Olcott. Now, Henry still Alcott was very influenced by Buddhism. And as we talked about, Buddha basically said, there’s no real such thing as God. It’s about hedonism, you know, really summer, simmering it down. It’s about feeling good through detachment and to escape the kind of karmic suffering of life. And what people don’t realize is Buddha’s teachings were actually a reaction to Krishna’s teachings, which is that there is God. Okay? Keeping things really, really simple. So Buddha came along and said, there isn’t God. I’m enlightened and I’m telling you, there isn’t God. Krishna said, I’m, you know, had enlightenment revealed to him and said, oh, my God, there is God. It’s amazing. Okay, so Buddha came along now, you know, and I’ve talked. I’ll share links to previous episodes where I’ve shown that Buddha. There’s a. This whole Buddha snake thing going on in all of the iconography or a lot of the iconography. So if we go back here and I’ll just bring up.
Let’s just do A quick search for the Theosophical. Theosophical Society.
Okay then, let’s just have a look here.
So here we go. See if I can make this any bigger. This is their symbol. So it’s an upwards pointing triangle, it’s a downwards pointing triangle, it’s the crucifixion cross and a snake surrounding it all. And the swastika, which is the symbol. They will say it’s a symbol. It’s rotated 45 degrees, it means something different from what Adolf Hitler intended. And it’s also the symbol of the base chakra, but you’ve got the snake eating its tail, surrounding everything. So here again we have the snake motif. And you may remember in the previous episode. Oh, sorry, let me. Yeah, I’m sharing the screen. You may remember in the previous episode that I also alluded to the fact that six pointed triangle, six pointed stars and upwards triangle and a downs triangle is to do with satanic and dark magic. So this is a theosophical society and their alumni include people like Aleister Crowley, who is the speculation he was a Satanist. He himself said he’s not a Satanist, but he reveled in the association and used to crack jokes like, well, I’ve only sacrificed 170 people so far and things like this. But he’d say the suggestion he wasn’t a Satanist is his own testimony that he says he wasn’t a Satanist. But then he did do a lot of stuff that would suggest perhaps otherwise. But the point I’m. I guess the point I’m making here is start digging a bit deeper. There’s a really fascinating book called the Satanic Feminism and it looks at a whole load of the original authors of the feminist movement and their occult leanings and their hatred of the church and hatred of Christianity and their open declarations that what they will do is they will break the natural order of things. So to harm men, because there’s a hatred of men, they will attack the family unit and get women to basically use your power to not have sex, to frustrate, etc. And it was seen as war. So as we are suppressed, therefore we are righteous, therefore what we do is righteous.
But there was anger and hatred because of the victim mentality and this whole thing about if someone feels like a victim, then they will always go into a negative frame. So what I’m not. Let me make it perfectly clear. I’m not denying that there was inequality. I’m not denying that the situation was rotten. What I’m Saying is it wasn’t rotten because of humanity, it was rotten because of dark influences.
Then when there was enough anger and resentment and hatred, the dark influences influenced those that were suppressed to hate their suppressors and then to act accordingly and to generate anti male hatred in the feminist movement, which was an attack on men generally, and then to destroy the family structure. And by the time you get. It’s quite interesting if you, if you look into that book, Satanic feminism, and then you look through the different evolutions of the feminist movement, then it has led into the anti family, anti male, the impossible equality and all of these things. And I’m not saying that there isn’t inequality, but what I’m saying is if you look at it from a spiritual point of view, where are people coming from is a better question.
Because if you’re suppressed, but your response is anger, hatred, vitriol, and all of these negative things, then even if you are quote unquote successful, it doesn’t make it right. You’ve just replaced one set of wrongdoing with your own set of wrongdoing. You’ve created more disharmony in the world. And the forces of darkness are rubbing their hands in glee, looking down metaphorically or literally at the situation and going, great, this is what we want. Divide and conquer. Create more loosh. So I’ve talked about loosh, you know, when you get large groups of people together and they’re sharing an emotional frustration or anger or hatred or anything. So when you’ve got these rallies and everyone’s going, yeah, we’re suppressed. Yeah, down with the patriarchy.
Well, in 100 years it will be down with something else. We’re suppressed. Down with something else. It doesn’t matter what. What matters is the response. And if the response is to make more negative energy to feed the forces of darkness, then you’re doing their work. And so I take it back to what I said about Jesus. When he was suppressed, when he was persecuted, when his life was in danger, he did not retaliate with a negative response. He demonstrated the highest virtue. Forgive them, for they do not know what they do. Okay, so look, I’m scratching the surface of some very, very deep topics here, and I’m not in any way trying to knock that there was a validity to end the wrongful suppression and bad treatment of women, but the how it was done and where they were coming from. So it’s quite interesting when you look into it, where were they coming from? From in their righteousness. They became self righteous and self righteous leads to Ego. And ego is always a negative force. And I looked into it from a spiritual point of view and I asked, would it have been possible to have the same positive outcomes, in other words, the bringing about more equality and liberation and end to suppression. Would it have been possible why without the negativity? And the answer was yes. How they went about it wasn’t the best way. And the outcome was a lot of negativity, yes, some positive gains, but a lot more negativity, a lot more division, you know, and things like this. And it, I’m sure that this, what I’m saying, could, could take, get a lot of flack and there isn’t the time to really kind of go into this too much. So I’m just pointing out certain things and pointing in certain directions. But what I’m. If we go back to the original questions, you know, then what I’m pointing out is that many of the premises of the question were, were actually not as clear cut as they seemed that it isn’t just, well, men are treating women bad.
It’s not all men, sometimes it’s women treating women bad. It’s not just men that choose the sex of the baby, actually, it’s the woman as well, you know. Yes, there is a force beyond humanity that is trying to mess things up and is countering the goodness of humanity. But the goodness in any situation is the goodness of humanity. So people always have a choice.
And I’ve said many times, the only thing you are responsible for is how you choose to respond.
And the net result of the end of your life is not. Well, I fought for this cause and we won. It’s. I didn’t go into a state of negativity that’s more profound in the face of wrongdoing, suppression, persecution, judgment by others. I maintained my energy. I maintained a level of positivity. I made the choices that were available to me that meant that my choices were good. A demonstration of what is good. You know, that’s far more important at the end of a life than I won this campaign or I brought about this change. The change may have been positive, but the fall out was negative.
The process was negative. So I just wanted to kind of take this step back and say no one’s disagreeing that there were problems, but the problems aren’t bad humans. The problems are bad people who are negative and in their ego being influenced by satanic and dark forces, including those. And not just this woman. Many of the people involved who got drawn into that movement, if you look into their backstories and their beliefs and their philosophies. A lot of it was moving towards the occult, anti Christian, anti Jesus, anti God, anti the family, hatred of men, you know, and, but justified because of the wrongdoing in society. And so it’s a mess and it will continue to be a mess until people raise themselves out of the mindset of I am a victim and I therefore have a right to my hatred or my anger or my. Insert whatever negative word you want there. We have to rise up and come from a much more peaceful and spiritual place because it is possible to bring about change from a positive stance, not just from a negative stance. Okay, so quite a heavyweight subject there really. But you know, we covered a lot and if, if anything, hopefully it just shows us how we can take a step back, challenge our own assumptions, look at what’s, look at what’s real versus what’s. Maybe a suggestion, maybe, maybe also what we’ve indoctrinated, been indoctrinated to believe, for example, in our own lives, how many, if you’re a woman, how many men are actually suppressing you?
Do we equally pay attention and give thanks and gratitude to the men in our lives that support us, that help us, that treat us with respect, or do we just focus on those incidences and those situations where we feel aggrieved, you know, because whatever we give our attention to that we get more of and that shapes our perception of the world. And so when we go right back to what I said at the start, that only seven and a half percent, it doesn’t mean that it’s right, but the actual number is seven and a half percent of women have been persecuted for not having a boy. And half of that persecution, well, actually more than half of that persecution was at the hands of other women. Well, that’s completely different kind of narrative from how the question was framed. So is the perception of that created, the need for the question actually flawed? In other words, is it based on what we give our attention to rather than what’s actually present? But ultimately the, the one thing that we are responsible for is how we choose to respond. And that good news that is within our grasp, that is our choice spirit.
So take that as a take home message. I’m grateful for the questions and you know, onwards and upwards, wherever you are. Thank you for joining us and I’ll say this is the end of part two. Wherever you are, God bless you and be well.
Thank you for being awesome and joining me for this episode. I’m truly grateful. As a spiritual person, I hope it’s inspiring to realize that you’re not alone and that more and more like minded people are enjoying this live show. Or like you right now, listening to this very podcast. You’re part of an awakening community and together we’re all finding the way back to being genuinely more spiritual. So I invite you to reflect on what’s been the most helpful thing you’ve got from this particular episode.
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Episode notes:
Introduction and Hello from France
The goal is to look into Chemtrails. Why people don’t choose God, and understanding Misogyny.
We investigate the physical evidence for chemtrails and look at a website that charts the myriad of geo-engineering projects around the planet.
Microcosmic versus Macrocosmic information
I explain how I can get information from a spiritual perspective. This then leads on to me discussing what’s really going on with chemtrails.
Who’s behind the chemtrails?
How the Freemasons are behind the original chemtrail activity.
What changed in Jan 2023?
This is where the NWO started to add stuff to chemtrails to support Project Blue Beam. Why? Well it’s about destroying religion, instilling fear, and creating an anti-christ led new world religion. Were President Regan’s speeches about an alien invasion threat predictive programming?
False Flags & Covid Parallels. What Can You Do?
I discuss how there are parallels between the Project Blue Beam and Covid Plandemic. What can you do as a good human being to heal and protect yourself.
The next question…
Shortly after starting at about 31 mins in there were technical issues. This meant we had to stop the broadcast.
Technical issues…
We pick this live show back up in part 2 and carry on answering your spiritual questions. Sincere apologies for the issues.
Explaining the role of soul and spirit
I explain the role, function and interaction of your soul and spirit, in the context of your spiritual growth.
Beliefs are not Real!
I explain why, when people are driven by beliefs then they may reject Jesus and God. But spirituality is not about belief it is about experience, driven by soul, spirit and heart focus.
Exploring the Persecution of Women & Misogyny
I unpack a number of statements and questions around the notion of women being persecuted for not bearing a son. This leads onto a discussion about satanic influences upon feminists movements. We then look at a higher way of approaching things so that rather than there being constant swings of the pendulums in which whether it is women or men being suppressed, there is always a victim, we can move to a more spiritual way of being whereby there is a truer balance and peace. The way things have been may have yeilded some positive results, but is the way of conflict the best way?
Links to mentioned resources:
- Original Rumble video part 1: https://rumble.com/v6568t7-ep.043-chemtrails-project-blue-beam-020124-discussing-spirituality-w-mark-z.html?e9s
- Original Rumble video part 2: https://rumble.com/v65lrys-ep.043-rejecting-god.-misogyny.-satanic-femanism-030125-discussing-spiritua.html?e9s
- Chemtrails Example 1: https://x.com/druid10/status/1868617997168034288?s=46&mx=2
- Chemtrails Example 2: https://x.com/77777begins/status/1868613787139629223?s=46
- Geoengineering map: https://map.geoengineeringmonitor.org/
- Project Blue Beam: https://www.news.com.au/technology/project-blue-beam-conspiracy-theory-suggests-nasa-has-secret-plans-to-create-new-world-order/news-story/25266f2c57e89e139f0fa9daddeb0953
- Floating Cities China: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4742026/Floating-city-China-fuels-speculation-aliens.html
- Ronald Regan hints at alien invasion 1987: https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1988-05-04-mn-2223-story.html
- Ronald Regan’s Alien invasion speeches: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uD2186Yh0Uc
- Male:Female birth ratio: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC1240380/
- Post war male:female ratios 1950 https://www.statista.com/statistics/1261433/post-wwii-gender-ratios-in-select-countries/
- Podcast about Reverence towards God: https://thewaybackgroup.org/podcast/42-reverence-to-god/
- Book. Satanic Femanism by Par Faxneld: https://amzn.to/3PooaDG
Images referenced in the show:
These two slides show an example of my process for breaking down complex questions into bite-sized pieces. And turning statements into questions as a means to elicidating a deeper truth.
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