Ep.046 Narcissists & Sociopaths, a Spiritual Understanding. Reviewing Gates, Schwab, Fauci, RFK, & Keanu. Plus: Is Hollywood Brainwashing us? Gandalf versus God, and what’s wrong with a little Gold?: Live Show Discussing Spirituality w/ Mark Zaretti

Narcissists & Psychopaths
Narcissists? Gates, Schwab, Fauci
The Way Back Live Show - Discussing Spirituality
Ep.046 Narcissists & Sociopaths, a Spiritual Understanding. Reviewing Gates, Schwab, Fauci, RFK, & Keanu. Plus: Is Hollywood Brainwashing us? Gandalf versus God, and what's wrong with a little Gold?: Live Show Discussing Spirituality w/ Mark Zaretti

Episode synopsis TL;DR Narcissists, Gold, & Gates

Before looking into Narcissists, we’ve got interesting results from the survey revealing what you really want from this live show. Is it safe to wear gold as a spiritual person? How can you discover more about behind the scenes of the spiritual work being done. Why are there narcissistic and psychotic people, were they born that way? How does Bill Gates, George Soros, Anthony Fouci, and Klaus Schwab compare to RFK Jr and Keanu Reeves? Spiritually exploring personality archetypes. Evading mainstream medias attempts to brainwash you. Gandalf or God?

Episode transcript:

Good evening. This is Mark from The Way Back, and this is discussing . And we, as ever, have a really nice and full show for you today. Say we. It’s just me here, but I am already joined by a couple of people, three people in the chat. It’s good to. Well, those that have said hello and those that have yet to say hello. Hello to all of you. And look, I’m just going to dive straight in. It’s episode 46. This is the 23rd of January, and the kind of main topic for today is psychopaths.
But let’s see what else we’re actually going to be looking at today. So if we just dive down here, we’re going to be looking at. Well, first of all, the results are in. So some of you guys have filled in the questionnaire. Well, the survey that I posted a few weeks back, which I’m really grateful for you doing. And so I’m going to share the results from that. And that also means that one of you is going to get a free copy of the book. So let’s see who that is in a moment. We’re also going to kind of go back to a topic. I can’t remember which one it was, episode 32, I think, on fabric and what you wear. And this was kind of expanded into metals like silver and gold and the effect that they have on us spiritually. So someone’s asked quite an interesting question that kind of extends that. So we’ll look into that. Then we’ll get on to the main topic, which is narcissism.
And, well, more than narcissism. So the questions about psychopaths and narcissists and things like that. But as ever, the goal is to look at these things from a spiritual point of view. And, you know, we will look into that. And that’s why I’ve got. Is psychopathy the same thing? And then the last one, which is a really interesting question. Well, I think all the questions are interesting. And importantly, I think they’re all relevant to the life that we’re living in the world that we live in as well, which is the whole point of this show is to answer Your questions, because these are all, all your questions. But to bring the answers down in a way that makes them kind of spiritually applicable to the lives that we’re living. And so the last one is about resisting programming and we’ll be getting on to Hollywood on that one. So let’s just. Oh no, I’ve lost the. Oh, here we go. So things have jumped around a bit by the looks of things. Let me just jump forward to this. So the first thing I wanted to talk about was to go over the results from the last, from the, from the survey. And in case you can’t remember or you’re unfamiliar with the survey, let me just bring it up here and see if I can kind of just put it on your radar very, very quickly and then we can cross reference this. So if we go to waybackgroup.org homepage is the quickest way to get to it. And I’ll be closing this survey after this show. But I just thought I’d.
Let’s just have a quick look at the survey. And this, this was really kind of looking back at the last 45 episodes and I was asking questions like, what’s your relationship to the live show? In other words, are you new to it? Have you been watching it from the start? That kind of thing. Your preferred live show format, which was multiple topics or questions, or single topics and questions per show. Currently it’s multiple. How long you would like the show to be? Half an hour, 60 minutes, three hours, you know, that kind of stuff. Ideal number of shows per week and then a few other things. Asking about the podcast and which of the three books would you like a free copy of? So we’ve got the Spiritual Life Explained, the Wake Up Call, we’ve got the Way Back, Six Virtues and we’ve got Stonehenge into the Light. So a nice varied range to choose from. And the last question was really about which day of the week suits you best. So the results are in. And I thought, good place to start. So the main question was really about what kind of show do people want? Do they want multi topic shows, like how we currently have it? So we’ll look at two or three or four questions, sometimes seven or eight, sometimes maybe just one thing because it’s such a big thing, but generally it’s a multi topic show or do people want single topic shows? And overwhelmingly the feedback was that people want multi topic shows, but there were quite a few people that single shows would suit them. And that’s normally looking at some of their other answers because of Time constraints like they can only fit in 20 minutes or they can only fit in 30 minutes. But one person did raise a good point, which was with single topic shows, then if they think that topics relevant to a friend, they can just share that show with them. There is something I want to draw your attention to on that, so I’ll come back to that. But that was a good observation and I really appreciated that. So the next thing that kind of got answered was what’s the ideal duration for the show? And as you can see, Most people wanted 60 minutes. Quite a few people did say that 30 minutes would be better. And these were the people that really wanted a single topic show. And surprisingly quite a few people did want longer shows. Not as many, but there were quite a few people that wanted longer shows at 90 minutes. No one wanted more than 90 minutes. Which is a, if I’m honest, a bit of a relief from me.
But the general, if you average it out, it does sit at about 60 minutes and that’s pretty much where the show’s at at the moment. So I guess we’re in the right ballpark. Sometimes I do run over.
I don’t like to kind of close in the middle of answering a question. All questions deserve a good answer. So for now it looks 60 minutes ish, give or take, is about ballpark on the 30 minute front. What I’ve started doing, and I’ll see if I can bring this up actually is on our YouTube channel. So let me just see if I can jump to it here when I don’t do this for every question. But sometimes if you go to our channel and you go to playlists, what I’ve started doing is where there’s a particular topic that really stands on its own, like a good question and it’s relevant to loads of people and it’s something safe that we can put on YouTube because, you know, they’re a bit precious about editing and censoring people. So what I’ve started to do is these spiritual breakout talks. And so you’ll see this, the third one along in the playlists. I won’t, I won’t play these, but as you can see, there’s three currently and we’re sharing some stuff here about your and explained better and enlightenment and spirituality. So some of the stuff does get broken out as a single episode like, like, like its own mini show.
So with those, if that was something that you thought, oh, I’d love to share that, then definitely look at the YouTube playlist because that’s where you might find some of the topics. And also if I’ve done something in this show and you think, oh, that would be really great, let me know. And if I’ve got the time, no promises, but if I’ve got the time, I’ll do a breakout video if enough people ask for that particular thing. So going back to the results, then the next thing that was quite interesting was how many times a week do people want the live show? And good news, I guess, because it is currently once a week, is that the overwhelming majority of people wanted it just once a week did go up to three. And there’s a correlation. So the people that wanted shorter episodes also wanted more episodes throughout the week, which makes perfect sense. And it’s. It’s something that is in the back of my mind and maybe down the line in the future it’s something. If we can get a bit more streamlined, then it may be something, I do say smaller shows for single topics that really do deserve to just stand on their own, but maybe only be 15 minutes long. But again, it’s really wonderful to have had this feedback. It kind of gives us the overall picture is that we are in the right ballpark doing once a week. 60 Minutes seems to be the thing that most people want.
But I have heard you, if you said that you would like other things. And I’m trying to, as with the. The YouTube breakout videos, I’m trying to work, work with the current workflow, but still give you more things. And the other thing, I guess I wanted to show you on that front. So again, let me just see if I can bring up a window.
Where’s my mouse gone? Okay, so I’ll find an example of this.
And let’s open that in a new tab.
Bring this down here. And so this is a couple of episodes back. If you go to any of the videos, then you’ll see that in the description I put chapter markers in. And you can literally click on that and jump straight to that point. And then if you wanted to, you can share a video.
And when you get the share thing up, you can, where it says start out wherever you’re currently at, you can click that and then the link that you share will go straight to that point in the video. So if there is a part of the video, one of the live streams that you want to share with a friend, then that’s a really good way of doing it.
I think you can do that from the app as well, but I just thought I’d quickly share that with you. And so that, yeah. Frequency of the shows, one one day a week seems to be about ideal for most people. But I do appreciate that some people would like more. And I will always try and give you. It’s not. It’s about giving. It’s about working with you in a way that supports you. Okay, so I’ll always try and take these things on board. And then coming back to the slides, then. This is quite interesting, this is looking at podcast awareness, because obviously here we are, it’s a video. But if you’re listening, because you’re listening to the podcast afterwards, then it’s quite interesting. I’ve said before that it’s about 10 to 1. So for every 10 video views, you get about one podcast view. So this is to do a podcast awareness. So surprisingly, about 15% of people didn’t know that there was a podcast. Of those that filled in the questionnaire, some do listen to it. It’s kind of split about 40% occasionally listen to the podcast, or 30, 35%.
What was quite nice is some people only listen to the podcast and don’t watch the live show. I say that’s nice because it’s nice to know that for some people, the podcast is their main kind of outreach and that that means that there’s real value in the podcast for them, and therefore there’s value in me carrying on doing the work to do the podcast, because it’s actually more work to do the podcast than it is to do the live show.
And some most kind of. Again, about 35, 40% of people, although they know about the podcast, they never listen to it. And that’s fine because that’s the whole point of doing the podcast and the live show is different. Different things for different people. You know, everyone’s lives are different. And it’s about kind of giving you guys as much opportunity to benefit from this as possible, whether it’s videos, the breakout videos, or the podcast. So it’s really nice to kind of get that information back from you that what we’re doing is being used and is useful to people.
And then this one is, I think, just a nice kind of way of looking at things. So with the free book, I said to people, do you want to get the free book or not? If you’re not interested, let me know.
And if you do want to win a copy of the book, filling in the questionnaire, then would you rather you receive it or nominate someone else? And what was really nice is some people said, not interested. And most of them I know are people who’ve already got the books, so they didn’t feel they needed another copy.
Some people said enter me, which is what we’d expect. But the largest section or segment is the people that said they’d like to nominate another. And to me, that’s really lovely because look, this is a spiritual live show. And so we’re talking about spirituality. And one of the qualities of spirituality is coming from the heart. And a demonstration of the heart is caring. And I’ve often said sharing is caring. And so what these people are saying is that if they win, they would like to actually pass it on to someone else. And that’s a really nice demonstration of being spiritual, coming from the heart, etc.
But so is value in truth. And so if you said I would like to get a copy of the book, then that means that you want the book so that you can kind of get. Get what you can from it and spiritually grow as well. Because all the books are ultimately about spirituality as well. So interesting stuff. Anyway, I just thought it was, you know, it’s really. I’m grateful to everyone that filled in the questionnaire and I thought it’s worth spending just a little bit of time sharing this. And as I said, someone is going to get be gifted from me a copy of the book. And I figured the best way of doing this is there’s a website, nothing to do with me, so I’ll share a link to this, but it allows you to put in a list of names or whatever and then randomly pick one. To keep people’s privacy, I’ve kind of obfuscated their names by just, you know, giving them a unique code. And then on my spreadsheet I can look up who that relates to. So I’m just going to paste these unique codes for each person into this list. So as you can see, there’s quite a few of them. And then we’re just going to pick one and this is going to be done live. You guys are watching.
Drumroll, please.
And if I hit this button, pick randomly, then the answer is it’s chosen one R126. And I won’t name names, but I’m going to go to my spreadsheet, which I’ve got on the other window, and one R.
Okay, so what has this person said? So I won’t say anything about to identify them, but I thought I’d share what they’ve said. So they are. What is their relationship? Where I found them? Okay, so they have said that they are a fan and I’ve watched most of the episodes, they prefer single topics and 30 minute shows and they would like three shows a week.
And which is great because it’s nice to.
For people to want that. But they don’t listen to the podcast and they want to nominate a friend or loved one to get the book. And the book that they would like is the book Spiritual Life Explained, which, looking at the covers is this one that I’m showing you now. So I will be getting in touch with them to get their friends details so I can get a signed copy of the book over to them. But to all of you who filled in the. The what’s the word I’m looking for questionnaire, that will do. Thank you. Really appreciate feedback. And there was a section where people could give extra feedback and I’ve been writing to people, emailing them to thank them for that extra feedback and to kind of have a little bit of a discussion with them about it. So brilliant stuff. Now, since this is all about the live show, let us press on with the live show and go back things a little bit out of order here. But let’s look at this slide now because this, this takes us on to the first question, which was about can let me just check the.
It’s actually quite funny because one of the questions that I haven’t answered this week was about interference with computers and stuff like that and how sometimes it’s not just, you know, there’s something going on. And just before the live show started, we had interference and actually it’s just happened to me again. So it’s kind of locked things up a bit. And what it means is that my slides for some reason are all out of sync. Yeah. And my computer’s just locked up as well. So we’re stuck on this slide.
And as you can see, it’s actually just popped up to say that there is a problem. Do you want to quit it? So I’m going to see if I can quit this. And the question was in an earlier show you mentioned about gold and silver and cotton and various fabrics. And you showed that gold wasn’t great for us. And that’s why I’ve put this slide. This is a screenshot from that episode, which is episode 27. And you can see the red arrow I’ve got here is pointing down to where gold was. And so gold was in the harmful, negative kind of quadrant of the possibilities. So some stuff’s positive in energy and healing in its qualities, some stuff’s harmful in its energy and can be quite negative. And gold was quite far down. In fact, of all the things we looked at, only polyester was lower. And the question they’ve asked is, well, what about if it’s a gold plated jewelry?
And fair question, because the, what’s being kind of assumed or suggested there is the fact that gold plated jewelry, there’s less gold. So therefore if there’s less gold then is it less of an effect on us, you know, from an energy point of view? In other words, is it less harmful and is it less negative? And going back to that picture with the negative side, what that means is that if you wear polyester or a lot, or if you wear a lot of gold, then it will make your vibration negative.
And that’s obviously not a good thing from a spiritual point of view. So the, the short answer is that even a trace amount of gold if in your kind of aura, within the sphere of your sense, your senses from an energy point of view. So what I’m, what I mean by that is if you put it in your body like say a pierced tongue, or on your body like an earring, or wear it like it’s in your pocket, even earrings that were gold plated, there’s enough gold that it’s crossed the threshold and it will have an effect. So whether it was solid or say something gold plated, it would still have the same effect. In other words, there’s a certain threshold and beyond that it doesn’t really ramp up more unless you wear massive amounts of it. And so it seems like the threshold certainly for gold is quite small in terms of the amount that you would need to adorn yourself with for it to have a negative and harmful effect upon your body. So unfortunately the short answer to the question was even just gold plated jewellery, especially if it’s high quality gold plating, will have enough of a threshold. And obviously say it’s earrings, you’re probably going to wear them for more than five minutes. So it’s the, it’s the fact that it’s crossed the threshold of the amount of matter needed to have a vibrational effect upon your energy and the duration of time that you’re going to be wearing it for means that it’s still not great for you. And then you have to also consider, well, what is the base metal that’s being plated? Because that’s also going to have an effect. And certainly with say, cheaper sources of jewelry, then sometimes there can be all kinds of poor quality metals. And as you can see, silver has a quality, oddly enough, copper, which is why I’m Wearing this copper bracelet that I made after I did this show. Copper is one of the most healing of the materials that you could have on your body. And I’ve known that for a long time. But just doing the research for this particular episode, episode 27, reminded me of not all metals. Copper is actually really good for you, but certainly gold is one of the worst things you could put on your system. Now, I debated whether to bring this up or not. Those of. Those of you that have been working with me for a long time will rightfully say. And so I want to acknowledge that when you say, well, hang on a sec, Mark. Years ago, we, we were all advised that gold is actually quite protective. Now this goes right back to 2000.
Get my maths right, 2016, I think when I released book number one, which is you won’t be able to get. But let me just show you this book.
Okay. So this is no longer publicly available, although I know that there are copies out there and that’s fine. But the reason why I pulled it is this book was channeled and it’s actually called Guidance for the Seeker of Truth by Mark P. Zaretti. And actually, yeah, on the back it says, channel teachings from spiritual dimensions. When it was re released a few years later, I had a different cover.
So let me just grab that for you.
And again, this one’s a. That’s the one that most people have probably seen.
And I’ve seen. I’ve just seen a question come up in the chat, which I will maybe come back to that. But thanks for the question, Millie. So the question Millie’s asked is, is drinking copper water beneficial or healing? I know drink from a copper cup is a good idea because you’ll get trace amounts of copper, but I wouldn’t. I want to look into that before I answer that one.
Now, the reason why I pulled this book. Now, the accuracy of the channeling was really, really high, and that was verified by quite a few people. I’ve got emails from other people who are quite well known in the spiritual field who also got channeled information verifying what I got.
But it was dependent on the source, so it was accurate. But the ones that were giving us most of the information were this group called the spiritual hierarchy. Okay. And oddly enough, look, there’s a. There’s a picture of them, and at the top of them, there’s various characters. And one of them that’s not labeled there, but you’ve got the Lords of Light, the Lords of Time, Lord of Karma, Lords of Karma, master of karma, etc. Now I’d. This, this was all new to me as well.
And so when I was getting the information, I was dutifully collecting it, you know, collating it in the book and publishing it. And one of the things that we were given quite incidentally, really, but we were looking at ways of protecting our energy and stuff. We were told by, I can’t remember if it was the Lords of Light or the Master of Karma, but basically one of those.
Or it might have been laws of comma, but we were told, put gold. Put gold on.
Years later we really.
I’ll go into this in the books that I’m writing, so I don’t want to go too off piece here, but basically, I’ve said it time and time again. If you were channeling or dowsing or doing any kind of work like that. Most people work on the assumption everything above us is good. And I’ve been saying for a long time, including in the Stonehenge documentary, that there are good ascended humans, ascended masters, whatever you want to call them up there, who’ve been gently guiding us for, you know, as long as they, they’ve been around to help steer humanity in a good direction. But there’s also a lot of things up there claiming to be good that are trying to mislead us. And this was a very good example. They understood the truth that if you put gold in your system, it drops your vibration. And they who are not good were pretending to be good and saying, yeah, put gold on. So everyone I work with, when I found that out, I told them straight away. And it’s like, sometimes you learn the hard way and you learn important lessons. And that’s why I’m constantly repeating the message that you don’t trust everything just because it appears to be good or presents itself as good. The truth will always come out. And sometimes it’s a painful, arduous and difficult process, sometimes it comes easily. But once you know, it’s like, shame on them for misleading us, but shame on us if we keep letting them mislead us. It’s like, you know, that kind of thing. So from that perspective, then it’s a question of you just taking on new information and having the humility to go, you know what, I was misled.
You know, it’s going to happen because we’re down here kind of behind the veils of, let’s just say, the curtains make it harder to see what’s beyond. And so when you’re learning, you know, there is maybe naivety and an innocence to it that people who know will soon know. Okay. Yeah, actually, yeah. And you kind of have to just grow up, take the hits, admit the failures, move on. And that’s why I pulled that book from publication because there is so much good truthful information in here. But there’s also stuff that the source of some of the stuff in this book was, was deliberately trying to mislead us. Because the very purpose of this book was to basically make people not make, but help people to become more spiritual. So they, they intersected, let’s just say, and tried to, like so many down here who present themselves as good, to try and take what is good and derail it or subvert it in a direction that is not so good. And you know, that’s the world we live in. So why should we be surprised? Because as above, so below. As below, so above. Millie’s asked another good question, which is, is owning gold paths and having them stored safely away harmful? I kind of touched on this a little bit with the question about bitcoin and cryptocurrency that a lot of it comes down it’s not harmful because you’re not physically. You know, if you’re sleeping on them and they’re under your bed or something like that, then yeah, they’re in your aura. But you’d have to look at the motives of the individual. Are they doing it out of fear, in which case their fear is harmful, not the gold. Are they doing it out of greed, in which case their greed is harmful. But if they’re doing it because they recognize that at this time, the way the world is, that gold is a way of having some kind of financial independence and security and that their motive for wanting to do so isn’t based on greed, but is based on, say, just trying to create the best environment for themselves and the ones that they care for and to support other people, in other words, positive good, then that’s not harmful. But again, if they made their bed out of cold and slept on it, then that would be harmful. So a lot of it’s what’s in your heart.
There’s a big difference between owning gold as a commodity simply to empower you in a positive way down here, versus adorning yourself with gold to try and raise your perceived value, you know, that kind of thing. In other words, ego versus good intentions.
So hopefully that answers the question. Millie, that very good and well observed question.
I’ll come back to the other one about Copper. Perhaps you can remind me by emailing it over as a question. But yeah, so the short answer? Well, there we go. We’ve covered quite a few things just because someone asked about gold plated jewelry and we, you know, touched on some much, much bigger stuff. And look, when I’m talking about spiritual hierarchy and various beings and things like that, I go into this in much more detail in the books and I’ll put a link in the description when I do the write up because the books aren’t published yet. But you can subscribe to the mailing list and get notified when they will be published and they will be published.
But you can tell guys there’s a lot to cover because I’m talking faster than usual. And so we will press on. So I apologize. Slides are slightly all over the place. So next bit of news that I wanted to share with you all is simply this. This was a. I’ve. I’ve did a video. It was kind of a behind the scenes video. It wasn’t scripted, it’s very impromptu and feedback was really nice. I’ll put a link to it. I won’t share it now, but the idea is that there’s a lot of work that goes into the work that people see publicly. And I want to be as transparent as possible and as open as possible about the process and how I do various things. And so I kind of taken the decision I’ll start doing. I’m not going to make any commitment in terms of how often, how long, what kind of format, but I’ve started doing these videos. Well, there’s one so far and I’ll put a link to it and if it’s something that you guys actually get value from as well as hopefully enjoying and, and you know, if you like them, then let me know. But it’s not about being liked, it’s about producing content that ultimately helps you. That’s my goal here.
And so in that, for example, in that last video I actually did talk about a lot more about the process of getting information which is something people do ask me about from time to time. And so yeah, hopefully the goal here is as well as to just be as transparent and open and available to you as possible is to also present nuggets of information in another format. So something else to look for and I’ll put links and that will be is currently on rumble and on YouTube. So going back to the slides then we will move on to the kind of the meaty question for tonight which inspired the artwork for the show.
Nick asks.
I recently saw an interview discussing the lack of empathy shown by psychopaths and narcissists they even went so far as to suggest that the frown lines and crow’s feet, or lack of, can be a visual indicator of these people.
Zoom in, camera check for crow speed. And yeah, no, I’m, I think I’m, I think we’re all right.
But yeah, he carries on. And by the way, I spoke to this person, Nick, and I asked them about the interview because I, I believe I’d seen the same interview and I, I believe it was a. Is it Patrick Davis? Pbd. He does.
What’s it called? It’s not infotainment or I can’t remember the name of his show now, but he’s got a show and he has guests on and they talk about all kinds of stuff. And I think I saw the same show, but I tried Googling, I couldn’t find a link. So if anyone finds a link, just put it in the chat or ping it over to me afterwards and I’ll add it to the notes. But the point is. So here’s the question, because really it’s just acknowledging that there are people that are considered psychopaths or narcissists. And so the question is, what exactly is your definition of a psychopath and narcissist and can one change into or from one?
You know, so are they interchangeable or is it an inherited trait which would suggest genetics?
Many thanks in advance for your thoughts on this, Nick. So, Nick, thank you for the question. I am not going to answer it because I’m not going to give you my definition.
I don’t think defining it is the most important thing I could do here. I think that the most important thing I could do here is explain what’s behind it because that’s the more spiritual side of things. And so, you know, because the reason is if you look up. I looked up the definition of psychopath in the dictionary or psychopathic and it says psychopathic is someone that is a psychopath. And then you look up the definition of psychopath and it says that is someone who is psychopathic. And you just go around in circles. And so it’s these phrases that people use that are ill defined. So a better thing to do, I think was to kind of dig a bit deeper. So this is from a medical website and I’ll put the links up. And basically psychopath is also known as a sociopath. They prefer the term sociopath now. I think they’re trying to make it more politically correct. And the. Neither social, neither sociopath nor psychopath is a medical condition. Simply, it’s A label the medical condition, because they like to put names to everything so they can give them drugs, is antisocial personal personality disorder or aspd. And there’s a whole list of traits of character that would suggest this. So I’m not going to read the list. I mean you can pause the screen, you can look at it or I’ll put the slide up afterwards in the notes. But basically I’m going to pick out a few. So overstepping social boundaries, dishonesty and deceit, can’t control impulses, acting without consideration, aggressive or aggravated behavior. And the list goes on. And these people, and this is something I’ve talked about, this is really important, these people often use humor, intelligence and charisma to manipulate. And I’ve said before about that some people are good, some people aren’t good. And the ones that aren’t good are often very charismatic. And it’s because they have, because they have no natural warmth. They’ve learned as a strategy that in the absence of real warmth and real love that the best way to get what you want from people is to manipulate them by being charming and charismatic. So it’s quite interesting to see that in the list which point in the right direction.
It’s just over there because it validates something I said from another angle quite a few episodes back.
And I think I did a short video about that as well, about not all people are the same as us, good spiritual people. Okay. And that’s a bit of a wake up call for people. So I picked out a few things and there is a point to this. But now let’s look at narcissists.
So narcissists, I’m going again, there’s a load of points here. I’m just going to randomly pick out a few. So have an unreasonably high sense of self importance and require admiration.
They feel privileged and deserving of special treatment. They over boast about their talents and achievements.
They’re obsessed with power, success, brilliance, beauty or perfect partner, that kind of stuff. They, they believe they have superiority complex. Summarizing that point, they can’t handle criticism.
They want the best of everything. The best house, the best car, the best job, the best whatever. You know, they avoid situations where they might, which they might fail so they won’t be doing live shows. Then they feel depressed and moody because they fall short of perfection. And they have secret feelings of insecurity, shame, humiliation and fear of being exposed. So if you, it’s great if there’s new people joining the show and so When I say if you’ve been following me, I’m not kind of saying, na, na, na, na, na. You haven’t been following me, so you won’t understand. But what it is is that in each show, sometimes we will refer back to things from other shows. And there’s a big list of everything we covered in every single show, which is a really good resource for going. Like, if you want to dive back and fill in some holes, like if I say something next and you’re not sure what I’m talking about, then that’s a really good place to look and kind of fill in those blanks in your understanding or, you know, you guys probably know more than me in many fields and many things. So maybe just to help us all kind of be on the same hymn sheet in terms of the terminology and stuff like that. But the point I’m making there is that shame, humiliation, fear, these are all negative feelings and come from ego. Okay, so hopefully now we’ve got a better understanding of psychopath and sociopath path or interchangeable term. And narcissist. Narcissist, A very simple way is narcissist is all about them, them, them, me, me, me, that kind of thing. Whereas psychopath is a disregard for others. So they quite often go hand in hand. But there is a bit of a difference. Okay, now this is the bit I wanted us to really focus on before we dive forwards. There’s two, two things. Here on the left is a list of negative traits and positive traits. And this goes right back to episode six.
And it’s where I was saying, look, if you want to judge an individual or a political party or a company or anything, look at the qualities that they are demonstrating or communicating. And so on the negative side, we have hate, cruelty, merciless, heartless, deception. Deception. That was one of the things that was listed on the sociopath. Is there deceitful neglect? You could say, again, that’s one of the things. Attack. So aggression, again, one of the narcissistic and the sociopathic tendencies is towards aggression. Uninterested, well, that comes with the superiority. So you can see how this negative list is almost like a tick list that tallies very closely to the qualities of character that are demonstrated by narcissists and sociopaths. Unimaginative, unfaithful and satanic. That’s the kind of the. If you took it to extremes, you become satanic. Now on the positive side, you have love, kindness, forgiveness, compassion, truth, caring, healing, communication, justice, creativity, faithfulness. And again, if you take it to the absolute, then you have belief in Jesus. There’s a typo there, so apologies. But belief in Jesus is the opposite of Satanism. And all of those things in the positive list are actually the opposite, the corresponding negative thing. And I’ll put this slide up in the notes so you can look at it. The other thing I wanted to draw your attention to was . So humility, respect, gratitude, non judgment, compassion and unconditional love, which I’ve talked about lots and there’s lots of resources. So again, links to come. But I want us to remember these things because we’re, you know, this is a spiritual show, this is not a medical diagnosis show. So we when asked what’s your definition of narcissism or the other one? Then I’m not going to come at it from a clinical perspective. I’m going to come at it from a spiritual perspective because that’s hopefully why we’ve all turned up to this show today. Or you’re listening now. And now that we’re remembering about humility, respect, gratitude, non judgment, compassion, compassion is a really important one because one of the the sociopaths lack compassion, as in they don’t consider the effect of their choices on others and unconditional love. So keep them in mind or in your head. And now I’m going to talk about what, what a person is and hopefully from that we can start to understand why are some people sociopaths or narcissists from a more spiritual point of view. Now I’m simmering things down to really basic things here.
And this is all stuff that I’ve gone over before, but keeping things simple, a person. So here I am, good human being, talking to you. Let’s change cameras talking to you, a good human being about spirituality. You’re here because you’re spiritual and you want to grow in your spirit and your soul. So as one good human to another, one spiritual person to another. Okay, then it shouldn’t come as any surprise that we have a spirit and a soul. But there is also always the potential for ego and keeping things really simple. Your spirit, as the picture shows, orientates us towards God.
And not talking religiously here, I’m talking about that which is one thing everywhere beyond time, therefore beyond religion. That which maybe, maybe allude to and they use the term God. But what I’m referring to to is that absolute, the source of all that is good. Okay, you have a soul. Your soul is the record of all the good choices that you’ve made. And remember, good means to demonstrate that which is the qualities of godliness. Okay? So your soul orientates you towards being good. So if you become a more good person, then it means that you’re demonstrating soul growth.
The ego is pointing, as you can see, in the other direction and the ego pushes you or is orientated towards self, selfish, okay, Selfishness.
And in very simple terms, when you’ve got a choice, no matter how big or small, the choice fundamentally will take you more towards God. So you can make a good choice or it will take you more away from God, which generally means it’s ego orientated. Or it will feed your ego and therefore move you more towards self obsession, self focus, self, you know, just going around self, self, self. Now that is the path to narcissism and to sociopaths. You can’t be a sociopath or a narcissist without ego involved. Okay? So that’s the big, big picture, looking at an individual. So here’s.
Well, I’m going to fill this slide in in a minute. But basically across the top, we’re moving from left, the worst end of the scale. Scale. Well, this certainly isn’t the absolute worst, but just using the terms relevant to this particular question. So we’ve got narcissist, sociopath, then neutral people, then good people, and then very spiritual people. Okay, so some examples, we’ve got the guy from the Davos guy, isn’t it top left?
Mine’s drawn a blank. So again, put name, write the name in the chat if you can identify the guy top left, because my mind’s just gone blank. He’s Hungarian, okay? And he’s one of the architects of the New World Order and the World Economic Forum and all that stuff. But you’ve got Klaus Schwab and you’ve got Bill Gates and then you’ve got Tony Fauci. Now these all got these guys energetically. I’m not talking about, like, I’ve met them, I’ve had dinner with them, I’ve talked to them, they haven’t emailed me and said, hi, Mark, I’m Tony Fauci and I’m a narcissist bordering on sociopath. No, this is sitting in neutrality and simply asking, what’s the energy of this person? And one way of thinking about this, if you were to look at a person like a test tube so you could see through it, and in that test tube were all of their thoughts. And good thoughts rise to the top, bad thoughts sink to the bottom, and good thoughts bright and light and bad thoughts dark, and the More ego, the darker, etc. You could look at a test tube and go, oh, that one’s full of ego and dark thoughts. And you could look at another test tube and go, well, that one’s quite bright and there’s not much darkness in it. And so when you look at a person as a sum of the thoughts that they have, and therefore the energy is a result of the thoughts that they have and the thoughts that they cherish and their , then you start to see how it’s very simple from an energy point of view to simply ask the question, what’s this person? Where would they be on the scale? And so, not surprisingly, these characters, when I inquired into it, so Gates, Fauci, Schwab and the other guy, I’m hoping someone can put it in the chat, they all came out as, as narcissistic and, and Fauci was the one that was more sociopathic out of all of them. And he, he’s. That’s why I’ve shown him more onto the sociopathic side of things. But I thought, happy days. Let’s have some positive examples. And so these are people that you might, may have heard of. Soros. That’s it. Thank you, Millie. In the chat, it’s George Soros at the top.
I should know. I did the slide. It’s been a busy day. So as there’s some examples that people know that are more on the good spectrum, then we’ve got RFK Jr. Now, this isn’t political. This isn’t saying his policies or his ambitions or anything like that. Just looking at his energy, he’s a good, what we call a good person. Okay, could even be spiritual, but where he sat right now, he’s a good person. And then slightly more spiritual, not extremely spiritual, but by far more than average.
Is our.
Someone who appeared in one of our earlier shows, not, not in person, but we, we covered the Matrix a while back and that is of course, Keanu Reeves. And it’s well known that he’s kind of doesn’t hang out in Hollywood and doesn’t demonstrate the sociopathic narcissistic tendencies of many of the Hollywood elite.
And the reason being because going back to this previous picture, there’s a soul, there’s a spirit orientated towards good and God. Even if he doesn’t really acknowledge God, there is a spiritual yearning within. That’s why when you look at him energetically, he’s more on the good to spiritual side of things, which is great. You know, definitely someone I’d have around the dinner table. I wouldn’t have the people on the far left there coming around my house anytime.
So just talking energetically, guys. Okay?
This is, you know, I’m smiling, we’re having fun, we’re talking about stuff. But when I do the work, there is. There has to be total humility and neutrality or else you color the water. It’s very difficult to get information if you’re not neutral. So you have to let go of your preconceived ideas, let go of anything down here like political beliefs or anything like that. And you just have to be open to the facts rather than biased. Okay? So when I was looking into the energy of Gates, I had to be open to the possibility that maybe they’re actually a good person. Okay. And that. That’s a good example of the application of spirituality in everyday life. Sometimes you just need to be neutral. But I’ve mentioned Hollywood and I’ve mentioned neutrality. Which reminds me that time permitting, we will be looking at these things. And let’s just bring up the clock so we can see what the time is we are actually doing. All right, but lots to get through. So let’s break this down a bit more. The reason why I put those people on this on the screen there is simply to give us an idea of the kind of people we’re talking about. So I don’t want us to become over. Over focused on them as individuals. It’s more just the archetypes that they represent so that we can all be on the same hymn sheet of understanding. Now, if we looked at a neutral person. So I’ve kind of drawn in the middle of the screen a cluster of ego, soul and spirit. The ego, as you can see, is quite bright, but it’s a bit transparent, so it’s not fully strong. And there is a soul and a spirit there, but they’re not switched on, which is why they’re drawn as just outlines. And again, I’ll put this slide up, so don’t worry if you’re listening afterwards, you’ll see it on in the notes. But basically what it’s saying is a person is neutral. Generally speaking, they can have a bit of ego, but they’ve got their soul and their spirit, but they’re just not paying attention to their soul and their spirit. So in terms of the previous slide, there’s nothing pushing them up the scale towards good, towards being more spiritual and therefore orientated towards the truth of what God is. But equally, the ego isn’t fully flying on all cylinders. And so therefore there isn’t a big pull down towards selfishness. But if they started to pay more attention to ego, they would move towards the sociopath and then the narcissistic stage. So this is giving you an idea of what’s going on.
So what’s the next one? So a good person, you can see that the soul is lit up, the ego is fading. There’s a little bit more spiritual activity going on, but it’s the soul that’s dominant. So a person that is becoming good is listening to their soul, becoming a good person, starting to demonstrate the qualities of God demonstrated through a human being. Remember, not religious, but remember, you know, the idea of God made man in his own image, meaning the qualities of God are demonstrated in man. Actually, I’m going to put these on because I’m struggling to see what I’m looking at. Okay, so that gives us an idea that a person will move from neutral to good if they start to listen to their soul and start avoiding or letting go of ego. Okay, so this is really useful stuff. You know, personally, I. And this is, forgive me, this is why I wanted to answer it in this way, a more spiritual way rather than just giving a definition. Okay, so let’s look at the next example. So a really spiritual person. So this is. I know I’ve got Keanu Reeves there, but he’s not quite where I’m, what I’m representing here, but he could be.
But this is someone that’s almost completely let go of ego. Hence the ego is faded out completely, has no color and is very pale.
Soul is fully activated and spirit is fully activated. So they’re spiritually awake because soul and spirit are now working together, which means their higher self is integrated and able to guide them. And the orientation is towards soul growth being more good and spiritual growth moving towards. Now the reason why ego is still shown there is not because they necessarily have ego. And the most spiritual people will have hardly any, if at all, ego. And a good example of that would be Jesus. You know, and that’s the point. Jesus showed us the way by his example. And so what would Jesus do is a good kind of orientation towards, well, how can I be more spiritual? So he think of it like this. Even if there’s an ego thought, you reject it. You don’t react to it, you don’t embrace it, you don’t run with it, okay? Because sometimes those thoughts will pop in. Maybe they put there, maybe they’re just a habitual response, but if you feed them, then they get stronger and the ego starts to Grow. So the highest kind of spiritual people, although any, you know, human can have an ego thought, but they won’t give them energy, they won’t run with them. So let’s have a look. So that’s how you can move from neutral towards very spiritual. So let’s look the other way.
So sociopath, as you can see there, I’ve just put ego. I haven’t mentioned soul or spirit.
And in the books I’m writing, I, there are a number of reasons why a person may end up without a soul or spirit. And I, I do go into it. But for someone to be deeply sociopathic, I. E. Willing to, I don’t know, fake a pandemic for the sake of profit, even if it means killing millions or billions of people, that kind of, you know, sociopath, hypothetically speaking, because, you know, would that really ever happen, then they, they can’t be a soul or a spirit there. These people have gone beyond the threshold and have slipped into what we might refer to as demonic or dark or evil energies. And the soul and the spirit being of light cannot be there. There can be no love, there can be no light in such a dark evil person. Okay, and so if we say, well, okay, let’s move further down that spectrum, what’s next then? So it’s the same again, it’s just gone further, darker, more evil, more bad, you know, hardened. And so what’s being shown here is kind of the answer to the question, so what broad umbrella here? What, you know, what was the question? It was something along the lines of, can you define this?
Are they born that way?
Again in the book I’ll explain this. But if you go, if you remember the Stonehenge documentary, then I talked about that there were and have for a very, very long time. We’re going back thousands, tens of thousands of years. There have been beings that are dark and evil coming down, pretending to walk in amongst us as if they are one of us.
And they’ve been meddling and guiding people and they had their own lines. So if you were descended from one of them, the chances are that you’re going to be towards the left hand side of this picture.
And so you would probably, it wouldn’t be in your nature to progress towards good or spiritual. Let’s just say that.
So that’s one possibility. And at the very, very top that probably is some of what’s going on.
But in terms of everyday people that you meet, they may have started off kind of neutral or good and then the environment, they were nurtured in may have just rewarded being a narcissist and a sociopath. And I actually know someone that at one point was very spiritual, but their ego became rampant. And I’ll talk about this in the next slide because it wasn’t entirely their fault, but they don’t understand why we kind of point in the right direction. What’s being shared up here.
This kind of stuff is new to them. If they were watching it, you know, I doubt they are. But if they were, it would kind of be maybe a bit of an eye opener because they’ve fed the ego and they’ve slipped. And it’s a real tragedy because they’re actually a wonderful, beautiful person. But they’ve gone so far in the other direction that they actually demonstrate narcissism and sociopath behavior. And it’s like it’s a waste and it’s a tragedy because it didn’t have to go in that direction. And if a person spends too long in those directions, it can be quite damaging to their soul and their spirit. Or certainly they can get to a point where, you know what, you’ve lost the opportunity in this life and you’ll just have to ride the storm out. So it’s almost like everything just shuts down because you’re not paying attention to what’s good. You’re only feeding what’s, what’s bad. And therefore you’ve passed the point of no return. That’s really tragic, but that’s between them and God.
But as I’ve said, you know, where there is God and where there is love, there is also hope. And I want to keep things positive. So. But hopefully what we’re realizing here is, look, some people just, they were born of it. And that’s the pool they sit in. They sit in a narcissistic, sociopathic pool. Some people have fallen into that pool and they could get out, but they would have to realize and recognize ego. And the problem with ego is it’s all consuming. So the more you have, the more it feeds itself and the less you, if you started to wake up spiritually, would be able to resist it because it becomes a dominant factor in someone’s life.
Let me see if I can explain that better.
So one of the scenarios is this thing called interference. So if you, you know, I’ve talked about this before and people, you look, you’re all from, you’re all grown ups, you’ve heard of things like the idea of possession or the, you know, even in everyday language. What’s got into you? Well, one of the things that can happen is a very good person. So they’ve got their soul and their spirit active and they’re ignoring their ego. So that’s what’s drawn in the middle there.
Because they’re a good person and they’re a bit of a beacon of light. The forces of darkness target them and they shove an ego in. And this isn’t theoretical. I was actually helping someone overcome this today. This came up and it’s not the first time. You know, I’ve done a lot of work with quite a few people over quite a few years now. So I’m sharing insights from the real world here. But no one’s talking about this. So if you’re a good person, but maybe you’ve battled against your ego in the past, or maybe you’re a good person that’s starting to spiritually awaken and you have a bit of ego naturally, then the forces of darkness will shove like another ego into you, you know, maybe one out of one of them. So a demonic being on a higher dimension can take their ego and stick that into a good human down here and that ego will be become a part of them. It’s like they don’t know the difference between them. Where’s that thought coming from? Is it coming from my. You know, most people aren’t going, where’s that coming from? Is that from my brain? From my soul? People don’t think like that, they just go, oh, I had that thought, okay. And so if you’ve got like an ego engine plugged into you, guess what, you go towards ego. And so the result of that is on the right hand side where the ego becomes a dominant thing. And it’s almost as if the soul and the spirit atropy because they’re not being given your attention. And so that’s a good example of energetic interference, a kind of a partial possession where the forces of darkness shove an ego into a good person to try and turn them off spiritually. And so that can happen. And that when I said it wasn’t that person entirely that person’s fault. They had their ego, believe me, but it was egged on by external influences. Allah. What has been shown in this picture?
I’m still talking fast because there’s so much that I want to share with you today. And we’re already at 10 o’clock. So as per your requests of the. The questionnaire that you all filled in, the average is that some people would like a slightly longer show. So I’m going to oblige you today.
So let’s move on. We can, by the way, we can always come back to this stuff if I’ve provoked questions. So Millie, who’s actually in the chat, has asked a really good question question a while back and I’ll just read it out. So. Dear Mark, thank you for your answer to my question about Columbia Pictures logo. Some of the things you discussed I was aware of, but there were some real eye openers, for example, the 12 steps and the hidden image of Saturn. So link, link to come. If you’re wondering which episode this is about, this is really useful information, but it brings up a question. As we live in the world where movies and going to the cinema can be important, important for some people, how do we. Or how do. Or can we mitigate the fact that many films and TV programs are designed to program people to accept certain agendas? Can we watch movies in neutrality with the intention to spot and reject the programming? Or is it a case that just by giving your attention to something you are accepting it? I’d imagine this question is wider and could be applied to other areas of the modern world. Your thoughts on this would be much appreciated. Thank you. So this was the quick screenshot. So what we were discussing was Millie had asked me to look into this logo and it was true that the Columbia Pictures had hidden pyramids and Masonic steps and all kinds of things. And it was episode 42. So definitely look at that. It’s quite an interesting thing if you haven’t looked into it before.
But I wanted to share with you now. Quick video. I’m only going to share a few seconds of this if I can get it. So let me just click a few buttons here so you can hear it and.
Right. So this is a guy called, he’s sadly passed away, Jordan Maxwell, talking about this very thing. And I thought it’d be really nice to hear someone else talking about the issue that’s being raised here. So this is on Facebook.
Jordan Maxwell: It’s come from the old ancient English selfie magician we always see pictures of. We’re talking about Stonehenge, right? Yeah, Stonehenge, right. Merlin the magician with his magic wands. And all the magicians always have their magic wands. Magic wands were always made out of Hollywood, and Hollywood has been used for many years to manipulate your thinking, to explain mystical subjects to you and to prepare you to accept certain things, mystical premises. A classic example. And I. And I’m not in any way belittling the work, but it’s very important to understand Steven Spielberg and George Lucas’s Work with the Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, because you can’t understand the Last Crusade if you don’t understand the First Crusade.
Mark: So this is exactly what we’re talking about. So Hollywood has been used, and Candice Owens did a bit of a deep dive into this where she proved that the CIA actually funds a lot of Hollywood to push agendas. And so this is exactly what he’s talking about, exactly what Millie brought up in her question.
Jordan Maxwell: Interesting too, in the Star wars, according to the Masonic reference works that you can get in any library, the Free Masonic Orders of Europe said that there was a little ideologue, a little spiritual entity that gave the to what the Masons call our hidden masters. No Freemason knows who the actual spiritual leaders of the world organization are. Well, according to the reference works, there is a little spiritual entity that. That guides the world. Freemasonry, and they call him Yoda. This little creature with the. With the pointed ears. Yota goes back to Judah or Judah, which goes back into British Israel. World Freemasonry, why they’re today called British. Brit is Hebrew for contract or a covenant. And ish means man in Hebrew.
Mark: So that’s. That’s a bit I wanted to show you. He’s talking about Indiana Jones in the Last Crusade. This was back in the 90s, by the way, in case you’re wondering. The summary is that basically this guy in the 90s was pointing out that Hollywood is used to indoctrinate you into mystical beliefs. And he was talking about all the wizards have wands and the wands were made of Hollywood, and Hollywood sells the magic of the illusion. That’s pretty much what he was alluding to. So back to the question.
How do. Or can we mitigate the fact that many films and TV programs, I would actually say all of them, are designed to program people to accept certain agendas. By the way, when I said all of them, I mean from the mainstream, the big production houses, you know, think Netflix, Amazon, those kinds of things. The mouse.
How can we mitigate the fact that many film and TV programs are designed to program people to accept certain agendas? Well, the answer is in the question. The question two says can we watch the movies in neutrality. So if you are in a more spiritual state, coming from a place of neutrality, just like I described earlier, where I said, if you want to get information, then you have to be neutral. You can’t go in with a bias. But equally, you have to be present. If you’re present and neutral and you watch a movie which is what sometimes I do to. For this very reason, I want to know what they’re trying to program us to understand. So I can help inform you. Watch out for this or are you aware of that? So by being neutral, I can watch stuff that is programming me and avoid the programming.
But there is a lot of subliminal stuff as well, and some of it will get through. So you’ve almost got to be retrospectively gatekeeping yourself. And again, this comes back to ego. So a lot of what we’re conditioned in film and TV and music, by the way, music industry is rife with programming and suggestion.
It will feed on ego and it will feed your ego. So if you have a tendency towards ego and you’re watching or listening to this, you know, mass control media programming material, then you will be programmed because it’s, it’s the ego they want to inflame, because the ego takes you away from God, as that picture earlier described. You know, God in one direction, ego in the other direction. One’s up, one’s down, keeping things really simple. So as well as being neutral, there’s a requirement for you to be aware of ego. Nearly said , but that’s a whole other topic. So if you’re gatekeeping against the thoughts that you’re giving attention to and staying out of ego, then you can put yourself into a situation where you are observing from a place of neutrality, said film or music for the purpose, if you like, of trying to understand what the enemy is trying to brainwash you and everyone else to believe.
But if you were sitting in that state, I think I’ve said, it’s kind of touched on this before, that you wouldn’t be drawn towards watching a movie, you know, that kind of thing. Now I still watch films. I’m very selective. I try not to watch anything that’s got a dark evil or magic undertone. So that pretty much rules out Netflix, you know, and a big chunk of Amazon. Basically anything made since about 1990.
The classics are good, but even back to the 50s, they were conditioning people with the space narrative. So if you, if you look at the Ark, there were a lot of films predicting, you know, space and man in space and moon landings going back 100, you know, well, about 100 years, I think, or 70, 80 years, in fact. Is it Pathet have the globe as their logo and the globe shows the land masses of America and everything. It’s all like 3D globe. And yet it exactly is the artwork that NASA rendered to show what Earth supposedly looked like from space. 50, 60 years later. So how did they know what it was going to look like and produce that globe? You know, going off on a tangent there, but that’s a good example of indoctrination. They showed you what it was going to look like 60 or so years before they could have possibly known what it was supposedly hypothetically going to look like, you know?
And so they’ve been showing you flying saucers in films since the 30s and the 40s, and alien men and stuff like this, and moon landings. And the best one was 2001. Stanley Kubrick showing the entire world what it would be like to be in space.
And there’s a famous photo. Stanley. Google it. Stanley Kubrick walking down the street with the directors of NASA when NASA was formed, and Walt Disney. So you got Kubrick, who produced the film that basically told the world what space would be like. You know, and then you’ve got Walt Disney, whose job is to sell the dream to people. He was used by the military in the Second World War to design villages so that they could make military bases from the air look like just normal residential villages, to hide the truth of what was there from the enemy. And then you’ve got the directors of Nassau walking down the street together, having come out of a meeting. So NASA, Walt Disney and Stanley Kubrick all getting together to sell a deception to the masses via the medium of film. Brilliant.
A good example of what we’re talking about. So, yeah, to answer your questions, if you’re spiritual, then, yes, you can put yourself into those environments. But then you’d be less inclined to. But we all need to switch off. We all need to have a break. We can’t. You know, the goal is to be in state as much as possible, but we also have to live in the world. And I think that’s what that question’s asking is, can we go to the cinema and let our hair down and at the same time not be spiritually damaging ourselves?
Put it like this. What the films are trying to do is plant seeds. And if you as a person are fertile soil for weeds to grow in, then when the weeds. The seeds of the weeds are thrown into you, they will grow.
So think about it like this. The suggestions.
You know, if back in his day, Jesus had gone to the cinema. And I’m not stretching things here because I do realize the cinema probably didn’t exist in that format. But if he’d gone to the cinema, would he have stopped being the son of God? Would he have stopped being God incarnate? Would he have Lost his spirituality? Probably not. If he went every single day, morning, evening, afternoon, and said, I’m not going to pay any attention to spirituality. I’m not going to do what I’m here to do. I’m just going to switch off and be entertained. Yeah, he probably may have dropped in his demonstrable level of spirituality, who he was, what he was, wouldn’t have changed. And it’s the same for you. If you’re a good spiritual human being, you’re a good spiritual human being when you go into the cinema. You’re one when you come out. But if you make it a habit of switching off, not being present, not being neutral, and just allowing yourself to absorb what’s being projected at you, then eventually some of those weeds are going to grow. But what I’m hinting at here is it’s down to the soil. If you are not fertile soil for negativity and darkness and evil, then it’s less likely that these things will have an effect on you. If, however, you are led by your ego, then it will be very easy for you to be led by the indoctrination and subliminal messages that are embedded in films.
Just something.
Am I the only one that’s noticed this? Have you noticed how many films now are glorifying the bad guys? Like Maleficent Monsters, Inc. Two examples in recent years where the bad guys. Monsters, Inc. Is about monsters that use interdimensional portals to go into children’s rooms to scare them, to create loosh, which is the energy that they can then use to power their machines and each and themselves. You know, it’s. It’s practically a documentary. But who are we rooting for? We’re rooting for the monsters.
The one with Angelina Jolie, Maleficent. Doesn’t she play the dark witch? And Wicked Wicked’s another example. Well, let’s all feel sorry for the witches who, you know, we’re being conditioned to revere magic.
The bad ones, the dark forces. I mean, the more recent Star wars films had you feeling sorry for Kylo Ren, who chosen the dark side. All right, he came good in the end, but did he come good in the end because of the good influence of someone else? Okay, we’re getting into movie speak. Now. I know it’s just a film, but what’s the conditioning?
Who are they getting you to emotionally support and what are they trying, Like Harry Potter, great stories, but fundamentally, it’s basically glorifying magic. And if, you know, I’ve done entire shows about magic, so not good. There’s no such thing as good magic.
And going right back to what that guy was saying in the 90s in that video. He was saying holly wood is the wood used for magic wands and all of these mages and there’s references in the Bible. I’ve talked about this in previous shows about your, your mages and your monthly prognosticators cannot help you. In other words, God is the ultimate power, not magicians. And so, you know, we look at characters like Merlin and wow, he’s great. No, he wasn’t. He was a magician, which means he’s going against natural order, he’s going against the laws of nature and fundamentally he’s going against, against God. But we’ve been so conditioned to think that magic is great, magicians are great. You know, what do you do when you’ve got a kids show, you know, you’ve got a kids party, get the magician in.
So anyway, you can get where I’m coming from here, that it’s been going on for a long time. We’ve all been conditioned. So maybe it is that you can’t protect yourself completely, but you can do a process of waking up and questioning everything, questioning why you value certain things and do you really want to give them your time in terms of movies and stuff. And that’s why I’ve cancelled my Netflix subscription because I don’t want to fund basically a house that spews out demonic and satanic films and series and stuff like this. You have the ultimate power, guys. It’s your money, it’s your foot, it’s your feet. You vote with your feet, you vote with your wallet, you vote with what you give your attention to.
So on that note, thank you to all of you for giving your attention to this show. That’s a, that’s a win for spirituality.
Was Gandalf not an exception? Mark? Okay, let’s tackle this. Gandalf the Grey became Gandalf the White.
But, and I love the character, okay, I love the character, I love the Lord of the Rings films. But if you said to me, okay, which hill? I’ve talked about this, which hill do you want to die on?
You can be spiritual and speak spiritual truth and do spiritual work for the rest of your life, or you can enjoy the Lord of the Rings films, then, bye, bye, Lord of the Rings. Because when it comes down to it, Gandalf is still conditioning us to see a magician, a wizard, as the power. And in, in if you go into the lore of Lord of the Rings, beyond what you see in the Mainstream films. Then they talk about the elders. I think they do this in the Hobbit, actually. They. They reveal a bit more. And, you know, well, what they’re kind of alluding to there might be what we understand to be like the spiritual hierarchy or the ascended humans, ascended masters, but they’re not God. They’re still beneath Jesus. So who do you want to give your reverence towards?
Gandalf or God? You decide.
So, look, it’s all right to enjoy these things. And look, I’ve shared clips of films because there is spiritual inspiration and motivation within them, but the characters themselves are not the point. It’s the principle of overcoming negativity or never giving up or. Or fighting for what is truth. You know, the example in the Matrix, putting love first, putting truth first, seeing through the illusion of the Matrix.
That’s what I’m celebrating when I share those little snippets.
But if you start worshiping the character, like I’m, you know, building your world around Gandalf or, you know, what I can’t understand is people who actually, they say, oh, my favorite characters are Darth Vader, or my favorite characters are the Emperor, or I love the Stormtroopers. That’s actually.
That’s worrying, because what they represent is darkness and evil. At least if people go, oh, I’m rooting for Luke Skywalker and I’m rooting for the rebels, then in theory they’re rooting for what represents goodness. But we. But I know it’s a lightweight question, but genuinely, given a choice, it’s got to be God first. There is no alternative, you know, so if that means you have to grab and let go of the idea of Gandalf as a character, it’s just a character.
There’s good in that character, but the truth is bigger, greater, and that’s what we always need to ultimately orientate towards as spiritual people. Hopefully that answers the question.
Thank you, Millie. You’ve hit me with a few today, but you’ve also helped me out with When I Forgot the Name of Soros. So you’ve been. It’s great to have your involvement in the show, and thank you to everyone else as well. And thank you for watching the show and for listening.
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Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

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Wearing Gold
Guidance for the Seeker of Truth book
Narcissists versus Good people
Spiritual Interference

Thank you for listening to this show. If you’d like more spiritual content then check out “The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening” podcast and visit TheWayBackGroup.org where you’ll find loads of free resources to help you get the most from your spiritual journey. Check out my books and films. – Mark

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