Ep.045 King Charles Seen with Baphomet & Demons. The Power of God, Always a Force for Good? Can Desire be Spiritual? Is Cryptocurrency like Bitcoin Good or Bad?: Live Show Discussing Spirituality w/ Mark Zaretti

King Charles Demonic
King Charles, friend of demons?
The Way Back Live Show - Discussing Spirituality
Ep.045 King Charles Seen with Baphomet & Demons. The Power of God, Always a Force for Good? Can Desire be Spiritual? Is Cryptocurrency like Bitcoin Good or Bad?: Live Show Discussing Spirituality w/ Mark Zaretti

Episode summary TL;DR:

A “meaty” episode tackling “The Power of God”, Sovereignty, and desire. This reveals how power is an illusion in everyday , revealing that even King Charles III has no real power and acknowledges the power of God and . But then is there a demonic side to King Charles? What is hidden in plain sight?

Episode transcript:

Good evening, this is Mark from the Wayback Group, and this is discussing the Live show. And straight away we’ve got some people in the chat, so it’s lovely to have you here with us. And I’d like to welcome Toshi and Marigold0 but I’d also like to say a big hello to some people that I have recently caught up with. And one of them, Liza, bumped into her date, had no idea I was doing this live show, so hopefully she’ll be able to join us at some point in the future. And also a big hello to Tyla, who’s someone I met in France and I’ve been in touch with since, and another person and I’ll just give your initial I, who I was speaking to yesterday and it’s really good to reconnect with you. And also someone who I met today who’s an old friend and I was supposed to give you this book and I completely forgot. So remind me next time I see you. And the reason why I bring this up in the show, this is actually quite an interesting book and I’ve been going through some stuff that this author who’s A guy called Dr. Michael Sala, brings up. Now, Michael Sala talks a lot about kind of and intergalactic councils and stuff, and it’s quite interesting because I would never have looked into that stuff. But as you know, with some of the stuff I’ve done, Stonehenge, etc. When you seek the truth, you end up finding stuff that you didn’t know you were looking for. But what’s interesting is two people can arrive at the same bit of information, but depending on where you’re coming from, you may have a different perspective on it. So one person could see something as good and another person could see it as not so good. The truth is always the truth. So it’s not that the truth is mutable, it’s simply more about the perspective or the stance or the place from where you are looking. So if you’re looking for things to fit your model of the world, then you will find a way to make them fit. But if you’re looking for the Truth. And sometimes you will stumble across things you didn’t expect. But you may also find that what you understand or come to understand about them is not necessarily in alignment with the mainstream narrative. So I’ve been looking into that book and making notes about, you know, where they say, well, this is really good. And I’m saying interesting, but actually the perspective I’ve got is maybe different. So if that’s something you guys are interested in, then maybe it will be something we can look at in one of these shows or perhaps do a little spin off show where we look specifically at that body of work. I know I’m being a little bit vague, I don’t want to say too much at this stage, but you know, when it comes to the UFO and kind of things from other planets narrative, my understanding is not in alignment with what most people are saying. And so a lot of people are pushing for disclosure and hey, this is great new and stuff. Well, my stance is very much that that’s not spiritual and it’s not necessarily good. And it may just be another layer of decept.
But that’s not what we were going to actually talk about tonight. I’ve kind of already derailed myself and gone off on a slight tangent. But welcome Scottish bird and hi families. So welcome Millie as well. We will get on with the show. So tonight’s show, this is actually episode 45 and it’s the 16th of January and we are going to be looking at, as the picture indicates, power. We may look at King Charles. I nearly said Prince Charles, but he’s now king. And also there’s a, the bitcoin symbol there. So he may be looking at cryptocurrency if there’s enough time. So I know some of these questions are questions. Well, in fact all of these questions are questions that you guys have been asking. But I know that some of these were asked quite a while ago. And so it’s nice to finally get around to some of these things. But before I dive into this episode, I actually wanted to add a tiny bit of information that relates to something I said in episode 44. So one of the questions in episode 44 was about this guy Nick, who says he has a son who suffers massively from allergies. And I went into the three causes of allergies, two of which are kind of more esoteric, spiritual and aren’t well understood in the mainstream. And the main, and the first one I brought up was the kind of allergen response, you know, so in other words, something stimulates your immune system to hyperreact or causes a chemical reaction to your body. And that’s the kind of mainstream allopathic understanding of allergens. But what I was also saying is that one of the things that can cause a reaction is when your higher self is giving you feedback about something you’re thinking or doing, or something that you believe.
But, and here’s my kind of correction or addendum to that bit of information because the question was framed about this guy’s son, but I did end up talking about it in a more general way. In other words, that applies to all people, adults included. So the issue you about or the criteria about bodily feedback, in other words, when your body starts to speak your truth and give you messages, for example, and I talked about problems with your eyes, problems with your knees, etc. That only really kicks in once you’re entering into or have entered into adulthood. So when we’re talking about say a six year old, seven year old, eight year old child, it’s not going to be feedback because though they have a higher self, you know, all things assuming that they’re good people, it’s though they have a higher self, it’s only when they start to enter into adulthood, the two way relationship between guide, you know, of guidance and feedback and stuff activates. Prior to that, the child is really just learning about causality, cause and effect down here. In other words, you know, if you do this, then this will happen, but there isn’t that feedback mechanism in place. It’s kind of dormant until the child is no longer a child and is adult. And that’s because at the point of adulthood, that’s when you became responsible for the outcome of your thoughts. So from that moment forth, and it’s kind of like a, it starts to warm up. But you know, you could think that it’s not like an on or a switch, but by the time you’re 18, you are now being guided by your higher self and thoughts that you have, actions that you do, things that you choose not to do. So if you’re being guided not to do something, or guided to do something and you go against your guidance, then if you keep making the same mistake, you will start to get feedback. And that’s where the idea that one of the causes of allergens can actually be feedback arose. So I just wanted to add that in that the feedback loop doesn’t really start until adulthood. Otherwise people might misunderstand me saying that, you know, one of the causes of allergens in children is feedback. It’s not so in children, just to clarify, it’s either biological or it’s interference from quote, unquote, bad things. Okay, and username Watt. In the chat has said by adulthood, do you mean 16, 18. So look, it warms up from about 16, but by 18 it’s locked in place. So, you know, certainly if I was a parent and I had a child, it’s a big if. I don’t.
But I, you know, I’m an uncle to many, then I would certainly be talking in terms of, you know, from like about the age of 15, 14, even. Just simple, simple little nuggets I’d be dropping in there just to try and steer the ship a little bit or prepare them, because it’s about. The goal is to make them aware that they are responsible. So it’s not to do it for them, but to teach them that, hey, you know, when you think negative thoughts, maybe you change your energy and you become more negative. And when you think positive thoughts, maybe you become more positive. Isn’t that cool? Hey, have you ever heard of this thing called a ? Or maybe because your spirit’s really, really good, maybe it’s trying to inspire you to be really, really good. So perhaps we can kind of like just have that intention to be receptive to whatever our spirit’s trying to guide us. That kind of, kind of keeping it really high level and simple and, and then, you know, having that conversation about, what are you thinking? Okay, is that a good thought or a bad thought? Because even just asking that question helps them to orientate. Well, what do you mean, a good thought or a bad thought? Well, if you keep thinking that thought, is it going to have a good outcome or a bad outcome, you know, for you? And so it’s kind of like helping them to understand the relationship between the thoughts that they have and the kind of energy of those thoughts, if that makes sense. And look, if this is, I could go into this some more. And I love the fact that you’ve thrown a question up in the chat because that’s exactly what the chat’s for. And so, yeah, if you want, we can always look into this some more. But for now, if that’s all right, I would. We will press on with today’s show, which is, as I said, all about these things. So let’s dive in. Things we’re going to be looking at in more, in more detail today. So explain the power of God. What is sovereignty? Is it okay to want? And can cryptocurrency be good? And remember, if you’re wondering, where is Mark coming from with all of this? Well, Mark is answering your questions. So these are questions that people just like you have asked. And if you’re new to this show, there’s one thing I want to kind of explain is no matter what we’re looking at, I’m always looking at it through a spiritual lens. But the goal isn’t to be completely abstract, and therefore it has no bearing on the life that you’re living. The goal is very much to talk about things, you know, for example, like wanting stuff or cryptocurrency or references to the power of God, but talk about them, although they may be looking at them spiritually in a way that actually is relevant to your life. Because so much of what people talk about as spiritual, you’ve completely detached from everyday life. So people almost have, like, a dual identity sometimes where they’re like, this is a spiritual side of things. And then I go to work and what I’m trying to. Or what I have said in the past is that, look, everything. Everything we do, everything we think is spiritual in the sense that every choice moment that we have, and it’s different for you from anyone else, but every choice moment you have, fundamentally, no matter how big or small the choice is, the outcome is either that that choice moves you more towards good or God or more away from good or God. And when I say good, I don’t mean moralistic. What’s good is good for everyone. What’s bad is bad for everyone. It’s not a moral thing. Because in some cultures, what’s seen as good is abhorrent. In another culture, I’m talking about the universal absolutes rather than the kind of social conditioning side of things. And the root word of good is God. And by God, in case you’re new to the show, the other caveat is we’re not talking about religion, we’re not talking about belief. We’re talking about whatever it is for you. Take it to the absolute. So some people will talk about it like that which was before time, that which is eternal, that which cannot be touched, cannot be labeled, cannot be known, that which is the cause of everything and is untouched by everything, whatever it works for you. Some people say the source, some people say God, some people just say oneness, whatever you’re comfortable with. But that’s what we’re referring to, not some character, you know, in a story or There’s a lot of, what’s the word? I’m looking for mythology. Okay, we’re going beyond that. We’re going to the biggest picture. Okay, so that also said, let’s have a look at the first question. Anon asks what I currently so this is what they’re saying. So what I currently know of God I know to be stillness. When my choices align with goodness, life flows. And most of my experience is about letting go into a greater good. The grace of God does seem gentle, loving, and the process is organic, which is humbling. It’s more a falling into God. So I’ll just explain. I know who this is and they are someone that has done a lot of advanced and spiritual orientated meditation. So they have a relationship with inner stillness and things like this. So that might help understand where they’re coming from. They carry on and they say the word power has quite negative connotations and I associate with . Lots of things in media and religion exalt the power of God, but it results in fear or personal gain. Please can you give some insight into the topic of power in relation to God? So I love the question and as ever, quite often these questions are a collection of statements or a number of questions. And I’ve demonstrated in a previous show that it’s sometimes good to break them down, but there’s one bit that stands out. So lots of things in media and religion exalt the power of God, but it results in fear or personal gain. I would say that’s a very personal perspective for the person asking the question. And that doesn’t mean it’s wrong, but that isn’t a true statement. That’s simply based on what they’ve experienced through the filter of their life. And I wanted to just kind of challenge it a little bit because anyone who’s ever prayed sincerely to God or Jesus, and when I talk about Jesus again, I’m not necessarily referring to a religious character, but much more the truth of what Jesus, although that may not be the original name, what Jesus truly was. And so when people pray to God or Jesus and those two terms can be used interchangeably because Jesus is God, then they are praying because they recognize the power of God or the power of Jesus to bring about positive change. And the word grace was mentioned earlier. And one way that grace can be explained or understood is that grace is the way in which God or Jesus can bring about change without interfering in the natural flow of duality. And so people would refer to that as a miracle by the grace of God something happened by the grace of God. I changed direction at the last moment and didn’t get hit by that car or by the Grace of God, someone who the doctors had written off and they didn’t have any very long made a miraculous recovery. In other words, it explains what we can’t understand, but we accept it as the grace of God. And so that is an example of when people pray to or pray because they recognize the power of God to do good. But I equally know that there are lots of historical stories, some of which are in the Bible about the so called power of God being used to knock down walls or kill an army or you know, strike someone down, etc. And there are some very kind of evangelical preachers that by the power of God, and it’s almost like by, you know, what’s that? Thundercats, by the power of Grayskull or whatever. And so some people invoke the power of God to try and control people or to bring about fear. And so yeah, that can be an example where someone is suggesting that they have power because they are some kind of religious person or something like that. And so by their closeness to God they infer that they have power over others. And we’ll get on to that because that actually dovetails into the next question. So yeah, sometimes the idea of the power of God is abused. And what’s quite interesting is if you were to, without being religious, if you were to just read the stories of the Old Testament and then read the New Testament, it’s two completely different things. It’s almost like Jesus introduced a reset where from Jesus onwards God is about what this person, what Anon has said about the goodness, the grace, the gentle, the lovingness, the humility of God. Whereas prior to that it was all about wrath and biblical disasters and armies marching and walls falling and all of this stuff. So it’s almost as if there’s two different representations. And I won’t go into it too much, but I do, in the books I’m working on, I kind of do break all of this down and explain it as to why it is this way. But you could look at it as part of Jesus’s message was to say no, no what God is, God is good, God is loving, God is kind, God is forgiving. Which was quite a contrast to the message of what some people were claiming to be God was prior to that. And so I see the Old Testament and New Testament as almost two completely separate things. But again, I’m not religious, I just read them as historical records and I’ve also. And there is a lot more to them.
And you know, if you want to go down that rabbit hole, you can Start googling things like the Council of Nicaea and things like that as well.
But the question is just about the power of God. So let’s kind of reverse back and now look at it from a spiritual point of view. Right at the start, this person talks about stillness. And those of you that know me know that I’ve done a lot of meditation and spiritual meditation and sat in great states of stillness. And the nature of something is revealed through. In one tradition, they talk about samadhi. So samadhi means letting go of yourself until you merge with whatever it is you’re giving your attention to. But the only true samadhi, therefore, would be the state of enlightenment. And so we can start to say, well, what are the qualities of that which is absolute that can’t be known with the mind? So any attempt to discuss it is going to be fraught with problems because language is only language can’t infer state. It can simply try and describe it to motivate you to seek it for yourself. Okay, let’s look at things from an absolute, absolute point of view. So before the continuum of space, time and matter, which would be before the Big Bang, if you’re looking at kind of classical kind of physics, then there was just one thing everywhere. That’s how science would try and explain it. And philosophically, you could say, before anything, there was God. God was never created. God doesn’t have a beginning, God doesn’t have an end. So therefore God was already there. So out of nothingness came everything. Well, that’s power. The power to create.
Now, if we fast forward to now, there’s 8 billion people on the planet. Why is it some of them have power and others are seen powerless? Well, it’s because a lot of people give their power to a few. And that might be through legal wranglings, that might be through military wranglings, that might be through financial wranglings. There are so many ways in which you give your power to others. Piece of paper that says £50 and you perceive it has value, and therefore you give your time and they give you that, or something like that. There’s lots of exchanges which are about do you hold on to your power or give it away? And so down here, power can be quite negative. Because, for example, the courts have the power to seize your property under certain circumstances, kick you out on the street or lock you up. And so they can flex their power, but do they really have that, or is it that we go along with it? And so what is power? Is it power or is it Simply strength, you see, if an authority imposes their will over yours, then are they doing it because you allowed it or because they were stronger than you so you couldn’t stop them? And by that I mean, you know, if five policemen turned up, there would be little I could do to stop them. And therefore I would be overpowered by their strength or their numbers or the threat to myself.
That’s not the power of God. That’s just simply one individual or group or entity having more strength than another. So there is a big separation, spiritually speaking, between what is true power, which is the power to create.
Another demonstration of the true power of God is that God cannot be touched. For example, if you think of someone who is powerful, relatively speaking, why do they have so many lawyers to protect them from being touched, you know, touched legally. Why do they have accountants to protect them from being touched, you know, financially? Why do they have security to prevent them from being physically touched? In other words, they’re demonstrating their power by trying to make it that they are untouchable. But the only thing that is untouchable is God. So the true power of God isn’t demonstrated through might or force. It’s demonstrated through the ability to create and being untouchable. Those are just two examples.
No matter how powerful we are down here, we’re all going to face the reaper. So again, true power, God. God is before time. God is untouched by time. God will. God is beyond time. Therefore, there is no end. So the only thing that has no beginning and has no end is God. So true power is being beyond time, not subject to time.
And I’ve talked about this a little bit, that when you attain enlightenment, you know you are beyond time. You know you are beyond edges. So another example of true power is not being able to be contained.
So God cannot be contained because it is one thing everywhere. So what could be bigger than it that could contain it, or what could cut it in half? What are you going to cut in half when there is no edge? So when we talk about God, we start to see in a clumsy way, because that’s the best we can do with language. The true power of God is that God cannot be contained. God cannot be limited. God was not created. God creates. God cannot be blocked, stopped all of these things. God is pure, perfect, absolute. Therefore, God cannot be changed.
And if you’re uncomfortable with the word God, then we could be talking about the source, Oneness, the absolute. But you start to see the point that when we’re talking about power, are we actually talking about God? Or are we talking about people with relative power who really have it through might or perceived right, but they are still insignificant next to God. And so one of the nice words that came up in the question was the word humility or humbling. And this is why those that are truly spiritual will always be humble. Because it doesn’t matter how much they have how much perceived power or value or strength that they have down here, they understand that they are just a very, very small moment in a very, very big picture. And so again, what is true power? So where power is demonstrated by people, it will always be probably either ego, or even if there is an ego there, it won’t be real power. It will just be inferred power. Because someone is bigger than you, they can do what they want. Because someone is richer than you, they can do what they want. It’s always comparative, but it’s not absolute. So only that which is absolute is true power. So the power of God is a beautiful thing. It’s the reason why there is creation. It’s the reason why we as humans exist.
Is God one thing? So Toshi in the chat has said, is God one thing? Well, this is a good example of the limits of language. Because by saying thing, you imply an edge. Because to have a thing like this thing holds water. Then we say, well, this is the thing. And therefore those lights behind are not the same thing. So there’s two different things at least. So in other words, any thing has an edge. So God isn’t a thing. But that’s the kind of frailty of language that we say. We say with the best one in the world, we try and describe what can’t be described. And we refer to God as one thing everywhere. Well, no, it’s not a thing. And therefore language falls flat on its face when trying to describe that which cannot be described. So well done for picking up on that. And it’s a nice example of what I said, which is that in a clumsy way, the best we can do with language is to try and inspire others to seek the truth. So my understanding of God, just as the person in the question says, you know, what I currently know of God, I know to be stillness. They’re talking from experience, they’re not talking from their head, they’re not talking intellectually. And so what I understand to be God is from state, not from intellect. And it’s very fascinating. Years and years ago, when I was teaching a lot, a lot of people in Africa, I was on Facebook and one of the people I taught had got embroiled in a philosophical argument with some other meditators or something. And he name dropped me and he said, well, let’s see what Mark Zaretti has to say about this. And he tagged me. So I just saw, or someone has tagged you in a comment, and I read it and I’m like, oh, thanks. You’ve just thrown me into the midst of this philosophical debate. And even back then I knew philosophy is all about the mind or the brain and all it will ever do, it doesn’t matter how many times you cut the problem up, it just creates twice as many problems. In other words, you can’t resolve anything philosophically because the brain, the mind is very clever and can always argue, you know, the left is right and right is left and up is down and down is up. So it’s pointless. But I gave, I tried because even back then I was enlightened and they were talking about an enlightenment. And I put some very simple stuff in. I can’t remember exactly what I said, but it was true. But it’s only true to me because I’ve experienced it. The people that were arguing about the nature of enlightenment hadn’t experienced the nature of enlightenment. They were just talking philosophically. And so they just carried on tearing apart whatever was said philosophically. And I just thought, yeah, and I could spend the next 10 years arguing with them. And it’s not going to change anything. It’s not going to achieve anything, it’s not going to convince them of anything. They are in that cycle of dissecting, dissecting, dissecting. And this is a nice little example. Is God one thing philosophically? That’s a phenomenal opener. It’s like a great move in chess. Get out of that one. Well, you can’t, because you have to remove the word thing. And then you say, is God one one?
And if God’s one, what’s zero? So no matter what answer you give philosophically, we can always just tear it apart. So the conclusion of that little Facebook story was that you can’t get closer to the truth philosophically. You can just tie yourself in knots, waste your time and wear yourself out.
That’s why a good example of why the spiritual journey is a journey of the heart and not of the head, because your own brain can tie you up in knots, let alone arguing with others or debating with others. So there is no resolution in philosophy. It’s just mental entertainment. But very well done, Toshi, for picking up on that and given us an excuse to discuss the futility of philosophy.
So hopefully I’ve given some insights. Really, another way of answering the question is simply to say, what are the qualities of God? And therein you will find demonstrations of the power of God. And it’s anything good taken to an absolute level is a good example of the power of God. Okay, so. So let’s move on to the next question. Very good question, by the way. Thank you very much.
Here’s the next question Nick asks. What is sovereignty or being sovereign? Who is sovereign? God, Jesus, the King or queen, Parliament, you, me, or all of these. Or some of them. I’ll add that bit in. Or some of them. And finally, if you or me can be or are sovereign, do we step in and out of this state?
From one philosophical question to the next, right on the right hand side of the screen is a good starting point is, well, what is the dictionary definition of sovereign? Okay, Sovereign objective of political bodies not controlled by outside forces. Okay, so ignore the fact that it’s referring to political bodies. Something is sovereign if it cannot be controlled by an external force. Another definition, the greatest in status or authority or power. Hmm. Okay, well, we’ve just been talking about the absolute power of God. So I think that we could say that God is sovereign because it’s the greatest power. And so again, in political terms, this would be the highest court in the land would be the sovereign court. And the noun for sovereign, a nation’s ruler or head of state, usually by hereditary right. And so synonyms would be the monarch or the crowned head. So we’d be talking about King Charles, which may be a clue as to why I put his picture on the thumbnail. Now, speaking spiritually, King Charles is not sovereign. The Crown Court or the Supreme Court is not sovereign. The Queen was not sovereign. Parliament is not sovereign. God is sovereign because God is the absolute power.
You can’t tell God what to do. The King can’t tell God what to do. The Queen can’t tell God what to do. The Parliament cannot tell God what to do. Okay, so God doesn’t answer to them. So therefore God is sovereign. They wouldn’t exist if God hadn’t created them. So they’re not autonomous. So you could very easily say they’re not sovereign either. Okay, Jesus is God. So Jesus is sovereign. That’s why he was referred to as the King, because he is the true ruler. He is God incarnate. Again, I’m not talking about religion, I’m talking about spiritual fact. So Jesus is God embodied. Okay, now here’s where it gets interesting. So going back to the question, who is sovereign? God, Jesus. So we’ve answered that. God and Jesus, yes, they’re sovereign, the King or Queen, they’re not sovereign. Parliament, they’re not sovereign. You, me or all of these. Well, assuming I’m talking to a good human being, I. E. You know, you have a and a spirit created by God, then you are sovereign. And this is one of the reasons why humans are so special, because God gave you free will. Now this is why I’ve grouped this question with the previous one. What is power? There is strength and might. So the King or the Crown, through their various bodies of strength, the military or militia, the police or militia can enforce their will on you through strength. They can physically pin you to the ground, lock you up, come up with some charges and put you away, but they cannot force you to go against your free will. So what I mean is they can take away your choices like locking you up, but they cannot make you think what they want you to think. Now although there is a lot of technology and psyops and things to try and manipulate how you think, it’s not the same thing. Given a free choice, you have free will. That’s your God given right and that’s what makes you a human sovereign. And you only have free will because you can consciously choose animals, can’t they react to their environment no matter how good they are? Okay. It’s because you have a spirit and a soul that you can make a conscious choice and demonstrate free will. Now free will doesn’t mean I choose to walk through that wall and you can do it free means. Of the choices available to me, I will make my mind up, I will make a choice. In other words, it doesn’t mean that you choose what the choices are, but you always have a choice over the present choices. And from a spiritual point of view, humans are sovereign because they were directly created by God and they are different from other things. They are not animals. Despite what some scientists or religious teachers may try and tell people. We are not brothers and sisters to the animals. We are human. We have a spirit and a soul created by God. And the spirit contains God’s light and God’s love. It’s a gift and that’s what gives us our sovereignty. And this is why again, if you want to go down the legalese rabbit hole, then you just have to look up man versus person. And it was the very debate about what belongs to God and what belongs to the state. So when you were born, just a slight adjunct, we’ll just go off on A little tangent here. So when you were born, your parents created a fictitious legal entity called a person, and they gave it a name and they registered it. And the act of registering your birth with a formal government body created this fictitious legal entity called a person, that was there to represent you in law as an interactable entity. In other words, something that could enter into contracts. And so contract law binds the person. But you were created by God, not by the British government or any other government. And so the man versus person argument, which raged quite heavily a few years back, was saying that which is man belongs to God and cannot be bound by the rules of the land, such as tax. That which is person can’t be enforced because at the age where it was created, in other words, when you’re about three weeks old, you weren’t legally entitled to enter into a legally binding contract. And the person can be separated from the man because you can simply say, I do not recognize the legality of that. It’s interesting that the definition of person in the current legal dictionaries has been changed.
You know, I think I can’t remember the name of the dictionary, Webster’s or something, but in the third edition it had a very clear definition that person was a fictitious entity. But they’ve tried to blur the lines between man and person to get out of this. So this is all about the enforcement of power upon you against your free will by legalese. And so that’s kind of going back to the question that’s a bit of a rabbit hole. But spiritually speaking, there are those in ruling seats, you know, what you call the elite, who understand this well enough. If you were talking to them about the problem, they would say, well, the problem is that people do actually have free will. That everything, all of these structures, you know, law and courts and police and everything, they don’t really have power. The only power they have is the fact that people go along with it. Because if you think about it, could a small number of people really govern millions of people if the millions of people weren’t conditioned to accept the law? And so it’s all an illusion spiritually. And the only thing that is sovereign is God, Jesus and man, okay? As in humanity, not men. So men and women, you know, humans are sovereign as well. So everything else, the power of the king, the Queen, the Parliament, is a fictitious lie that we have bought because it’s been, you know, proposed and we’ve been indoctrinated into it. So going back to the question, because I think that’s really where we’re coming from is, well, what, what is sovereignty and what does it mean to be sovereign? As for does do we enter in and out of that state? No, because to be human is to be human, whether or not you recognize yourself as such. But certainly in terms of, do you give your power away? Yes, all the time. We all do. You know, now I’m not, I’m not a kind of citizen. Smith, Viva the revolution. Here we need some form of structure to function. But what we really should recognize spiritually here is that there is only one thing that is sovereign and it is Jesus and God. And our choice is do we put that first? And so, you know, in years gone by, martyrs are those who said, no, I will not bend the knee to that which I know to be deceitful. I will not accept something I know to be wrong. I will always put God goodness first because it is better to die for what is good than to live for what is wrong. And so they’ve demonstrated their sovereignty. They’ve said, what is more important is goodness, not doing the will of someone else that is wrong or holding a belief system that is wrong. And so, yeah, you know, I’m not advocating that we all have to become martyrs, but that’s very much the principle I live by. And I’ve said, even in the last episode, I’d rather, you know, die on the hill of truth than live on the hill of deception. Yeah, hopefully that helps answer the question, so what is sovereignty? Now, I was alluding to the fact that those in the seats of power understand this probably better than they let on. And so I wanted to share something with you. So you probably recognize that guy on the right.
This picture is called the Red King and it’s the official portrait of King Charles iii, who was Prince Charles. And it was the official portrait that was done to honor him becoming king. And you may have your own opinions of it. I draw your attention to what’s on the left hand side, and I’m going to read it out anyway.
This was the actual script, and I’ve taken excerpts from it from his coronation, which is basically the legally binding words that he used to become king. So the Archbishop said, our Majesty, the Church established by law, whose settlement you will swear to maintain is committed to the true profession of the gospel. And then I’ve cut some stuff out. Are you willing to take the oath? And the King replied, I am willing. The King then placed his hand on the Bible and the Archbishop administered the oath and then said, will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the Peoples of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and enlist a whole load of other stuff. The King replies, I solemnly promised so to do. Okay, interesting. Not I promised to do so, so to do do. Anyway.
Then the King places his hand again on the Bible and says, the things which I have here before promised I will perform and keep, so help me God. Then there is a prayer, and I believe this is a 15th century prayer. Prevent us, O Lord, in all our doings with thy most gracious favour and further us with thy continual help, that in all our works, begun, continued and ended, in thee we may glorify thy holy name and finally by thy mercy, obtain everlasting life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Right, so what’s the point of me sharing this with you? I’m simply drawing your attention to the fact that this means that King Charles, who is. So when you talk about, for example, the police, they get their power from the King. When you talk about the Crown Prosecution Service, they get their power from the King. When you talk about the Royal Marines, they get their power from the King. All the institutes of this country, this nation, and it’s the same around the world, okay, get their power from the King. Where did the King get his power from? Because they’re all inferring power from the right given to them by the King to do so, same as Parliament. Okay, so where do they get their power from? Well, the King acknowledges by putting his hand on the Bible that he gets his power or his right from God. And he says, I will do my job or else so help me God. In other words, so if I don’t, God will beat me up, you know, and he acknowledges Jesus Christ doesn’t acknowledge anyone else. So in other words, he is saying he only has his power because he serves God.
That’s basically what King Charles is saying. Okay, so in other words, he’s saying I have no power. God has all the power, but I will do my best to uphold his gospel and serve you. Now, obviously, it’s all hot air.
He doesn’t have any intention to do so. I’ve known about King Charles for a very, very long time. And I’ll choose my words carefully. And for a long time I thought he was good. But the more I dug and the deeper I dug and into his predecessors and other members of his family, from a spiritual perspective, I’m talking. Then I started to find the truth. And the truth is always right there. And I’m not going to share anything that hasn’t already been shared.
But this picture on the Right. I don’t know if you’ve seen this before and if you’re still there, I haven’t lost you. If you’re still there in the chat, just let me know in a few words what that picture does for you. It’s called the Red. The Red King is the nickname of it and it’s the official.
You know, this wasn’t by chance, I believe that there were three or four sittings with the artists over a two year period before the picture was unveiled at his coronation or just shortly after his coronation. But it was very contentiously received by the public. But I’d like to know what your thoughts are of this picture and I’m going to share something with you. Blood. Yeah. So someone said blood. Yeah, that’s kind of the. One of the overarching feelings of this picture.
Some people have said is he supposed to be representing like in a lake of blood or the blood of dead people or something like that? So I’m gonna, I’m gonna just basically point out some stuff that was blatantly obvious to me when I first saw this. And then doing a bit of research, other people have seen this as well and I’ve looked into it more from an esoteric point of view and it correlates as well. So what I’ve done here is this is a picture of the picture on the left is the original. And look, if you’re, if you’re listening again on a pod, I will put some screenshots up. But so we got the picture on the left and then I’ve just reversed it and put it on the right. So it’s like a mirror image left to right. You’ll see that I’ve also done the same, rotated it around so I’ve flipped it vertically as well. And so we’ve got Prince Charles left to right and top to bottom. Four pictures. Toshi says devil. Good. So let’s have a look at some of the iconography that starts to come out when we just look at this picture. Now there is nothing accidental. This is one of the things. Is it just chance or is it accidental? There’s there, there’s a name for it and I can’t remember the name. It’s Pareidolia or something like that where we see faces in things.
This is just a very quick glance. This is what started to come out. What I’ve done is I’ve outlined something so I’m going to flash it up and then take it away. And once you’ve seen it, you can’t Unsee it. So I’ve highlighted a face with teeth and to me it looks a bit like a dragon. It’s got big horns as well. So. And I’ll share that picture on for the podcast down the line. But basically I’m just flashing this on and off so you can see how clearly defined the eyes, the nose, the teeth, the jawline and other features are. So this is what I’ve just labeled Demon1. And this is probably one of the more obvious ones. Look, here’s a clearly defined nostril. Here’s the, almost like the whiskers on the nose and there’s the nose line there. And then there’s a very clear eyeball there. You can see the eyeball, the white of the eye, the pupil. You can see the ridge of the eyebrow. You know, it’s not just chance, it’s so clearly obvious. There’s the other bit of the eyebrow. So you can see the jawline coming down here and then here’s the teeth coming down here and then you’ve got these big tusks.
So it’s so obvious when it’s kind of pointed out that it’s almost like, how could that not be? And you can even see the curvature going up here, going round up to the horns. So there’s the one horn going off that way and obviously there’s the other one going off that way. So it’s so obvious. And this was done deliberately. Those in power like to flaunt the truth before our very eyes. So what we’re looking at here, I could call this the dragon, but it could also be almost a bit lion like or cat, big cat like. But, but there’s the first one that’s obvious. Here’s the second one which maybe isn’t so obvious, but I’ll just flash it up. Okay. Unfortunately, my scribble sketch of this second face kind of makes it look a bit comical, but when you look at the actual face, it’s quite horrendous. So I’m going to show you this one again. Now you can see again two deep eye sockets, the bridge of the eyes, the horned head, two kind of horn peaks up here, almost hair like, like. And then you’ve got again, you can see these white spots coming around here. Here’s some little teeth. I’m just marking on this picture for the second kind of demon face, what we’re referring to here. So this is a second face and I can put both of them up because they kind of overlap. So it’s, you can keep finding Them in here. And there is a name for this as well. Paradelia, I think, is the name of spotting faces. But so many people have spotted these faces. It’s like it’s not just a few geeks out there spending a bit of time looking into it. When the picture was released, within a few days, it was all over the Internet. Why are there these demons now? Either it’s accidental or it’s deliberate. If it was accidental, then how did no one spot it in all the sittings and the preliminary sketches in the artwork? And you’re telling me that people at the elite level of the world who know of the existence of secret societies didn’t spot that there’s demon faces all over these things? And then the use of the color red and stuff like this. There’s actually a third one which no one’s ever mentioned. I’m just going to draw this one out now for you. Coming down here. That’s almost like the bridge of the eyes. And then you have one eye there and one eye there, and then it comes around like this. Those of you that have heard of malloc know about the owl called malloc. So if we just draw the rest of the head in and then draw the wings in going off, here’s one wing, here’s the other wing, and the wings come round here. And then we have in front of us. So it’s almost like, you know, when a owl comes in, swoops in on its prey, then you have its talons reaching out because its legs would be in front of it as it’s swooping in.
So this is the owl iconography. And there’s even the. You can just see these kind of features, which would be like its head plumes or the back of its tail as it’s swooping in. So there’s its wings, and this is malloc. So if you search Bohemian Grove, Malloc, things like that, then you’ll find out about the secret societies and the worship of giant owls and stuff like that. So that’s another one.
But there is one that is actually. The alignment is phenomenal, and it’s someone. It’s a character I’ve mentioned before. Now, the bottom half, it’s. It’s upside down. So I’ve taken the image and I’ve rotated it through all four kind of ways. And again, this will make more sense once you can see the artwork, if you’re listening, but we’ve now got Prince Charles upside down.
Can you see it? If you look between him, it should be nice and clear, but I’m going to make it obvious in a moment. We’ve got this guy. You’ve probably heard of Baphomet, and Baphomet is this. This male, female God character that Aleister Crowley was very kind of popularized, but I want to point out. So what’s Prince Charles holding in his hand here look like?
What we’ve got here, you can see here, is like a crescent moon in his hands. That alerted me to the presence of Baphomet. So when you start to bring in Baphomet, you can see that he holds. He points to a moon, and you can see it top left. And that if you superimpose that over the moon in King Charles hands, then what we start to see is there’s a lot of alignment with different features in the artwork. What I’m going to do is I’m going to keep fading this in and out, superimposing over the top, but I’m going to draw your attention to certain features in the artwork, because it’s quite clear, once they’re pointed out, then you can see the alignment. So we’ve got these lines here, okay.
And this shape coming down the middle. So if I bring in Baphomet, you can see the alignment with this splayed pattern up here and the headpiece of Baphomet, complete with the orb above it, which is outlined in the pictures with Prince Charles on the left. Here we look at this, the moon that I’ve drawn. And again, if I bring this Baphomet character back in, then you can see the. The moon aligning there. It keeps on. It keeps on going. So if you look where the eyes are of Baphomet and you can see the alignment with the eyes and the picture of Prince Charles, even down to certain features in the skin and the hair and shadows on the head and the beard. So if you look at the beard, it aligns perfectly. Even the breasts align. It’s very subtle, and that’s obviously how they’re trying to hide it. But even down to the breasts on this ungodly God character, Baphomet align with the shading in the picture of Prince Charles. And if I draw your attention to the right wing of Baphomet, you can see that the shading matches the kind of gauntlet sleeve of Prince Charles’s outfit, following the line of the wings. And then one of the more obvious things is if you look to the bottom of. Of the picture, there’s a dome across the bottom of the picture. And when you look at Baphomet, then you see that Baphomet is sitting upon a dome, okay? And in fact, if you look at the picture of Prince Charles, Prince Charles’s picture, you can see the apex of the dome is round about here. It aligns almost perfectly. And then you’ve got these lines down here. And if you look, there’s actually a shaded bit here and a shaded bit here which align perfectly with the kind of where the legs are of Baphomet.
So there’s a lot of alignment. But what I’ve done with the pictures of Prince Charles hat kind of rotating them is what most people do. But it occurred to me, if you look at the Baphomet character, he has one hand pointing up, one hand pointing down, both pointing to moons. If you take the lower right hand side picture of Prince Charles and rotate it so that he’s twisted 180 degrees because Baphomet is one hand up, one hand down, one moon up, one moon down, then you get even better alignment because now the moon in Prince Charles hand in the right hand side matches the moon that Baphomet is pointing at and the lines of his wings. And there’s certain lines in the artwork, they align perfectly as if these two pictures merge into, into one. So when I looked into it, because this could all be coincidence, it’s not from a spiritual point of view, because basically information is just information. And if you’re neutral enough, you can get it is this alignment is deliberate. They’re deliberately hiding a picture of Baphomet within the picture of King Charles to drop a massive hint as to who he represents or who he might be. And that’s all I’m going to say on the matter. They already know what they, they’re trying to represent. They just, they want you to know unconsciously, they don’t want you to know consciously because the power game is about what can they get away with, what can they do? Because they can say, we showed you, this is the point, this is why they hide all of this symbology and stuff is the powers that be that are dark can say you agreed to it, we showed you, we unveiled this picture. It was right there, you must have seen it. We didn’t hide anything from you. It’s always been out in the open. You’ve gone along with it, therefore you are a part of it. And so it’s that kind of like getting your consent without being too obvious about it. Okay? So that’s the kind of Prince Charles thing. And we were talking about sovereignty and power and stuff like this. It’s not real power. He’s not good. He pays lip service to the idea of God. But as you can see from the artwork, the this is very demonic and dark stuff. Happy days.
So let’s finish with this question, which is a question from Toshi, who’s in the chat. So thank you for your question. Toshi, I know you probably sent this quite a little while ago, but it’s a question. I’ll just read your question out. So, dear Mark, a couple of things if I may. Is it okay spiritually to want something? Does it depend what you want? For example, if all I really want is a quiet life or peace on earth, is that not aligned with spirituality? Is to want anything, not being aligned with our spiritual self. So that’s kind of the first question. And then the second question or the second part is also, are certain cryptocurrencies actually good? There are thousands and I know for a fact all but a handful are highly questionable. It does seem that the odd one or two genuinely have good purposes, such as cutting out the middleman, anti inflationary to name but a couple. I understand some were born out of the need for monetary alternatives following the last great bank crisis. Could there be a spiritual element to these nascent currencies? Many thanks. Peace and love. Okay, two great questions. If you don’t mind, I’m going to tackle them separately. So is it okay to spiritually want something? Yeah, it’s absolutely fine. We have the capacity. We have the capacity to want and desire. Okay. What we want and desire is really governed by where are we coming from and keeping things really, really simple. Going back to what I said near the start about spirituality, every choice you make moves you close to God or away from God. Similarly, the more you are aligned with what is good, then the more what you want will be good. So peace is a good thing to want.
What was the other thing you said? Quiet life or peace on earth? Yeah, absolutely. Let’s look at Jesus as an example. He probably wanted a quiet life and peace on earth, but he was there to do a job spiritually. He had to go through horrendous stuff. Okay, did he want it? No.
So you could argue, did he get what he would have wanted? No. But he wasn’t there to serve his wants. He was there to serve of what God wants, keeping things very, very simple.
So what can happen is that if what we want isn’t aligned with the greater good, then we start to move more away from what is good. And in other words, we feed ego. So the question is, before a person expresses their wants, the spiritual thing to do would be to make sure they’re as humble as possible, because humility is the antidote to ego. So if we are coming from ego, we will convince ourselves that what we want is good and it’s the right thing for us. More than likely it’s going to be based on lower desire. I discriminate between lower and higher desire because high desire is a facet of , hope, you know, those kinds of things. So there is. Without desire, there is no hope. So you have to desire something because you’re looking for an outcome. And so is it okay just to want something? Yes. Where are you wanting from? Are you wanting from ego or are you wanting from humility? More often than not, a good way of telling is, is what you want for you or for others. That’s a nice way of looking at it. But there’s nothing wrong with wanting for yourself. I’ve just been on a lovely holiday in the Alps. If you haven’t seen the last two episodes, then you know they were filmed from my motorhome in the Alps. Why have I got a motorhome? Because I wanted one. But I did check in with myself as to whether it was appropriate, whether or not I was just going off on a tangent to do with ego and stuff. And, you know, I’m at peace with my choices, but equally I could let it go like that. I’m not attached. And so that’s another way of gauging for yourself. Are you attached to the outcome? Are you attached to what it is that you want? Do you feel incomplete without it? And if so, then are you giving your power to it? And remember, the only thing that truly has power is God. So if we recognize that we are incomplete without God in our lives, and I mean spiritually, I don’t mean religiously, if we are incomplete without God in our lives, ergo, if we are incomplete without Jesus in our lives, then we are orientating in the right direction. If we feel that we’re incomplete without the latest computer, mobile phone, fashion, accessory, pet, whatever it is, if we feel that is what would complete us, then we are looking in the wrong direction. So there’s nothing wrong with wanting because we are experiential beings. It’s just where is the wanting coming from? You know, is it feeding ego or is it feeding our soul? And we’re all different. So obviously what you would want might differ from someone else. There’s nothing wrong with that. But hopefully what I’ve given you is a few little nuggets by which you can calibrate. Okay? Is this thing actually something I’m giving my power away to? Am I coming from the wrong place? Place.
So the other thing I wanted to pick up on is to want anything not being aligned with our spiritual self. Your spiritual self wants you to experience.
It wants to make sure that the choices you’re making are always the best choices. But you can’t make choices if you’re not moving through environments. So there’s nothing wrong with wanting because experience will bring about new choices. It’s the choices that you make that matter. Okay? And this idea of is not being aligned with our spiritual self. I know I talk a lot about we have a soul and a spirit and a higher self, but I want us to always bring it back to remembering that our higher self and our lower self are one. Okay? We’re not separate. It’s just that to educate us and understand better that we have a higher self, I’ve talked about it as something, and if that’s given the impression that it’s separate, then I apologize. So I bring it back now to say the higher self and the lower self are intrinsically one. We are one. Someone once asked a question about, are we all one? I would say you and your higher self are one, okay?
But it’s about understanding who should be in the driving seat, the soul and the spirit or the brain.
And if your head’s in the driving seat, then you’re going backwards, going in the wrong direction. So going back to the second question that was asked there about is there a spiritual element to these nascent currencies? Again, I think Jesus is a good example to go to. So when he found himself in Nazareth 2000 years ago, and I don’t know what it was, shekels and drachmas or something like that. Back in the day, he didn’t make it his mission to change the financial system. He didn’t get political.
The stories and parables he told were relevant of their time. So when he met the woman at the well, he used the analogy of thirst to explain to her that. That, you know, words like that I can quench or sustain you in a way that you will never be thirsty or quench a thirst, you know, give you a drink that will, you know, you will never be thirsty again. In other words, he used the metaphor of water because he was at the well to talk about spirituality and the presence of God in that person’s life. And she ran into town and told everyone that this guy had turned up and he was amazing because he spoke to her in a way she understood. So spiritual people, we may bring about change in the world, but how can I put it?
If we invest a lot of energy and time into this currency or that currency or this system or that system, we may gain, we may lose, but have we actually been putting in what matters first? Going right back to the first question about what is true power? The only thing that is beyond and untouched is God. So one of the things Jesus was trying to say to people, or did say to people, was that, look, if you build your life in me, then I will give you a wealth that cannot be taken from you. But if you try and build your wealth in the world, then it will always be taken from you. And even if you have a lot at the end, you still won’t have what matters, which is your spiritual integrity and your soul replete with good choices. And so I would say, to answer your question, because look, we’ve got to invest our money somewhere. It’s a fair question. I think. There’s nothing wrong with that. If you were to look into a particular cryptocurrency and you found out that the founders of it or something were bad, like they were using the money from drug smuggling or people smuggling or something like that, and you and you decided to get involved, that would be like getting involved with anything else that is bad. If in innocence you believe something is good and you see it as a way of gaining more financial security and stuff, fine. It’s like any choice you make, you’re making it to the best of your, your ability based on the information that you have at hand. So for example, some of the stuff that I understood spiritually years ago was actually, I’ll be completely honest, I had been misled. And we talk, you know, I’ve talked at length in the past about things like the Lords of Light. Well, I don’t have anything to do with them now because I saw through the deception. But at the time my actions were based on the information I was given. And I was operating from a principle of doing the best I could with the information I was given. And where I had been misled by some of these so called Lords of light would have been their wrongdoing, not mine. And if I acted with the best will and the best and the highest of intentions based on their deception, I did no wrong. But if I knew I was being deceived or that they were wrong, and I carried on following their deception because it favored me or suited me, then I would now be doing wrong. In other words, I was innocent because I didn’t know. And it’s kind of the same with the currencies. Common sense will tell you that a lot of them are just scams and, you know, or they. They don’t have value. They’re not underwritten by anything of value.
But I wouldn’t worry too much. If you see it, if you believe that it’s a good thing and you don’t know better, then there isn’t harm in it. But the answer is there is nothing spiritual in any of it. Any monetary system, any fiat currency as well.
Even gold. It’s all about perception and arbitrary power. It’s not about real power. So, you know, I talk a lot about gold in the books. And why we value it is because those that were dark valued it, not because those that were good valued it. But we’ve been indoctrinated into a world world where gold has value. So now it has value, but spiritually it doesn’t have any value. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. Therefore, if I had a bit of gold and used it to trade, would I be doing wrong? No. I’m operating within the bounds of the world that I’ve been born into. Now. I can educate people and I can talk about gold and the vibration of it, and I have done in a previous episode, and I’ll put a link to that, but I’m not responsible for that. My job is simply to do the best I can of the choices that are available to me. So say, for example, gold was the best way of me paying for something that would help someone, then pay with gold, because that’s what the person who receives it values. But if I made gold my life purpose and accumulating it and promoting it, knowing what I know about it, then that’s where I would be doing wrong. So you can take that metaphor and apply it to cryptocurrencies and things like that. By the way, some of them, if the. If the purpose for them was. Was good, like to create more financial freedom or to get out of the grip of a tyrannical government or something like that, then if the intentions are good, then there’s good in it, but it’s not spiritual. Okay, so, so, you know, it’s like, put your money in the best place you can, but don’t hold on to your money. It’s not actually what’s going to serve you in the next life or after this one. Okay, so some fascinating stuff. And look, if you’re new to the show and you’re thinking what, what was going on there? Prince, King Charles, Demons?
Every week I answer your questions. So these are the questions that have come to me and sometimes I do like this week and I try and group similar questions together so this show will have a certain feel or zeitgeist to it. But some of the other shows, completely different topics, completely different stuff. Sometimes we go deep into spiritual stuff and sometimes we’re scratching the surface, but hopefully it’s provoked some curiosity, some interesting and maybe some questions. And if you’ve got questions I want to share with you because things have moved around on the website. So if we go to the waybackgroup.org and you go to free online resources at the top and then Spiritual Live show, there’s a link here to I’ve got a question and you can click on that and submit your question including you can be anonymous because I say that how do you want to be referenced? And you can say anonymous or just put your name in. So it’s that simple. So whether you’ve watched this show before or this is your first ever viewing or listening, thank you for joining us. And I don’t know what’s coming up next week, that’s really going to be down to you. So if you’ve got your spiritual questions, then fire away and I’ll do my best. But in the meantime, wherever you are, thank you for watching, thank you for listening and I will simply say God bless you.
Thank you for being awesome and joining me for this episode. I’m truly grateful. As a spiritual person, I hope it’s inspiring to realize that you’re not alone and that more and more like minded people are enjoying this live show. Or like you right now, listening to this very podcast, you’re part of an awakening community and together we’re all finding the way back to being genuinely more spiritual. So I invite you to reflect on what’s been the most helpful thing you’ve got from this particular episode.
Now, who in your life would get the greatest benefit if they knew this too? So please help them by simply sharing this episode with them, since sharing is caring and this episode is completely free to listen to and download. Speaking of which, if you’d like even more free spiritual resources down downloads, videos, ebooks and articles, then head on over to the waybackgroup.org next episode I’ll be answering more spiritual questions to help you and your loved ones make more sense of life. So remember to subscribe and set those notifications so you don’t miss out. Who knows what we’ll learn together? And the next question might even be yours. Perhaps there’s a reason you’ve been guided to listen to this. So God bless you. And remember, take what you now know and use it to grow.

Episode notes:

Part 1 Welcome & US Army Missions

Saying hello to Toshee, Marigold0, Liza, Tila, I?, an old friend, and you!. I mention the Dr Michael Salla book US Army Insider Missions, and how I’ve been reviewing it and my take on the UFO/Spaceship/Galactic Councils is different. I explain my stance towards “Full Disclosure” and advanced alien technology.

Part 2 Topic List

Power, King Charles, and Cryptocurrency.

Part 3 Addendum to Ep.044 on Allergies & Children
I explain how children are not subjected to feedback. This provokes questions in the chat which I then address, explaining a little on how a parent can spiritually guide and prepare their children.

Part 4 Where do these spiritual questions come from?
I review the questions and give some context about the spiritual focus of the show, and how it can help you in everyday life. Why everything is “spiritual” and how “Goodness” applies. I also explain this is not religion, this is experience based.

Part 5 The Power of God

An experienced meditator asks about the spiritual perspective on God’s Power and asks why there are so many negative connotations towards “Power”. This brings up an interesting discussion about the nature of true power versus the illusion of power. We discuss some of the “qualities” of God, as experienced within the stillness of advanced meditation. The importance of humility in the life of a spiritual person.

Part 6 Is God One Thing – the Futility of Philosophy

Toshee in the chat raises the question “is God one thing?” and this leads to a story about philosophical debates on Facebook and how futile it is to try and be spiritual from a philosophical perspective. I reveal how spiritual growth comes not from the head, but from elsewhere.

Part 7 Are You Sovereign? Do you have Free Will. Man versus Person

We delve into the concept of “Sovereignty” and explore who or what is really sovereign. Is King Charles sovereign? This follows naturally on from the previous topic of “Power” and I explain the role of “Free will” in the context of sovereignty. What is free will and what isn’t it. What gives us free will? How does this relate to “Man versus Person”.

Part 8 The Red King: King Charles III & Baphomet Demons

We review the words from King Charles’ coronation vows. Does this demonstrate that King Charles of Great Britain acknowledges the absolute sovereignty of God and Jesus. I discuss the cascade of power. Where do the courts, police, judiciary and king get their “power” from.
I explore the famous portrait of King Charles using a graphics package I reveal the hidden iconography of demons, devils, Mallock and Baphomet in this artwork.

Part 9 Spirituality and Desire?

Is wanting something unspiritual. I explore how it is OK to want things in life. Is there a higher path though? Can we fall away from spirituality based on our wants? How do we stay out of ego? And yet is desire OK? Can it help with faith or take us away from it? How can you tell if your choices are good or not?

Part 10 We are One!

Decoding the relationship between lower-self and higher-self.

Part 11 Are CryptoCurrencies good or spiritual?

I use Jesus as an example to explain how being spiritual isn’t tied to things of the world but rather how you make choices and interact in the world. This leads onto a discussion about being misled and how wrongdoing affects us. For example the deceptive “Lords of Light”.

Part 12 Closing thoughts

I reflect on the value of answering your questions and how you can easily submit a question.

Links to Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

Artwork from this episode:

King Charles Portrait rotated

Picture 1: The Portrait of King Charles Rotated into a circle

King Charles Portrait with demonic face

Picture 2: A closer look. What do you see between the mirror image of King Charles?

Picture 3: Demon number 1, ‘the horned dragon’ outlined for clarity. Now compare to the previous image.

Demon found next to King Charles III

Picture 4: Demon number 2, outlined. The actual image is more disturbing, see below:

Malech owl found in picture of Prince /King Charles

Picture 5: You can see demon number 2 lower down, but above is the Owl Iconography outlined in white. Compare to picture 2.

Baphomet found within King Charles mirrored image

Picture 6. Baphomet super-imposed over inverted and mirrored portrait of King Charles III. Note the moon icon in King Charles III’s hand highlighted in white. Also highlighted in white is the crown of Baphomet which perfectly matches the orb in the King Charles images. Many other features also align. (see the original video if you can).

Picture 7. A more faded Baphomet, helping to illustrate the close alignment with key features in the King Charles portrait.

Picture 8. I’ve highlighted in green some of the main image components where Baphomet is clearly represented in the King Charles “Red King” portrait. Note that in this one the lower right image of King (ne Prince) Charles is rotated to it’s original alignment. This is because Baphomet is asymmetrical with one hand up and one down, and two moons corresponding to the moons in the Prince Charles portrait. All this is more easily seen in the original video, linked above.

Thank you for listening to this show. If you’d like more spiritual content then check out “The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening” podcast and visit TheWayBackGroup.org where you’ll find loads of free resources to help you get the most from your spiritual journey. Check out my books and films. – Mark

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