Episode summary TL;DR
Explore what “Being in State” means and how to put it into practice in your everyday life. Discussing allergies, especially in kids, and two causes/factors that most people wont be aware of. I also share how you can help reduce the impact of allergies, naturally! Finally, we explore the phenomena of criminals attacking criminals and ask the big spiritual questions like “Is this karma?”, “Is it Justice?”.
Episode transcript:
Episode 44, 9th of January 2025 with myself, Mark Zaretti. What are we looking at today? Well, as ever, it’s based on your question. So we’ve got a question about what does it mean to be in state.
And hopefully this is a good demonstration because things were all just going into meltdown and I’m going to do my best to demonstrate being a bit more in state and not getting drawn into the technical problems and things like this. The next question is or the next thing we’re going to be looking at is hello, that’s frozen. So just to prove that everything’s not running as smoothly as it as it could, second thing we’re looking at is allergic reactions. And the third thing is we’re going to be looking at rough justice. And I think that’s going to be quite a challenging one to look at, not least because sometimes, you know, and these are your questions.
It’s nice when we’re talking about things like spirit, you know, spiritual stuff like being in state. But when we’re talking about the picture of this guy just above me here is the guy who actually murdered his daughter and was put in prison. But someone’s asked about something that happened and they want to know kind of from a spiritual point of view what’s going on there because it’s caused them a lot of upset.
Seems to be that the sharing screen has locked up. So I might not be able to share the different slides with you, but that’s not a problem. I’ll just read them out and I’ll put the slides in the write up for the podcast. And it’s quite interesting. There’s something I did want to share with you actually, but I might not be able to. But it was along the lines of if you go to the waybackgroup.org, our website, on the homepage there’s two kind of videos at the top or two banners and one’s for the latest rumble video and the other one is the latest news article and you’ll see that there’s something about is Joe Rogan mad for doing 3 hour shows? If you click on that, then it takes you through to a very quick questionnaire, kind of a survey. And it’s your chance to have an input into this live show because we’ve done 40 plus episodes now. So do you like the, the format? Would you like more episodes a week? Would you like it to be shorter, longer? Are you even aware that there’s a podcast? And it’s quite surprising how many people have replied so far in the survey. They didn’t even realize that there’s an audio podcast. And some people only listen on the audio podcast, some people aren’t even aware of it. So if you’ve got literally two minutes, I mean, I think I said four and a half minutes if you want to read everything, but if you just want to jump on that page, fill in the survey. There’s actually an opportunity that I’m going to randomly pick someone on this show in a few weeks and whoever I pick will get a copy, a signed copy of my book or they can nominate a friend to receive it. So that, that’s something I wanted to bring up before we dive into the questions. And let’s see if my screen share is now working. No, it’s still not working, but we will not, we’re not going to worry about that. I’m just glad that we’re actually able to be live at the moment. The first question is from Lorna and Lorna asks, please, could you give me a clear and concise answer as to exactly what in state means and is it, does it have a different meaning or understanding for each individual? Thank you. It’s rather apt considering everything. I was kind of melting going into meltdown.
And you know, the crazy thing is I actually did a test run just before the show and everything was working fine. But if any of you have ever seen the Stonehenge documentary, and I talk about how the first day of filming on Stonehenge, all the electrical equipment went into meltdown and there were other things going on. And in the book I talk a little bit more about the kind of things that were going on in the background behind the scenes. There was a lot of kind of quote unquote interference. And you might wonder what I’m referring to. If you, if you kind of been following me for a while, you’ll know. But you could just think in terms of say black magic or people or things that are non physical trying to interfere. And it’s really fascinating because I was, I was chatting about this with someone might have been today or yesterday, and there’s certain kind of almost like clues or hints in the environment. Around you when something like that is going on. And just before I started this live show, sure enough, certain things started happening and I’m like, yeah, there’s going to be interference. And sure enough, you know, the first attempt at the live show didn’t work. So this, this stuff is real, it does go on.
But one of the things about, and this is perfect because we’re talking about being in state, one of the things is to remain positive, to not allow it to kind of drag you down. Because if there are negative forces or dark forces at work, even if it’s just bad people in your life, even if you go, look, I don’t know what he’s talking about, non physical things, you know, although you could think in terms of maybe like ghosts or deceased people if that’s tangible to your awareness or your comprehension. But even if you can’t go there and you just go, okay, well look, if there’s bad people in your life and they’re doing stuff to kind of mess around with you like bullies, okay, how you react determines a lot about how, what they do next. So if you react and they get the reaction they want, you get negative, you get angry, you get frustrated, guess what? They’ll do more. It’s as simple as that. So state has a lot to do with it. And the question is, what is state? So the most concise answer I could give you is if you think about how people are every day, you know, when, especially when you’re caught up or there’s things going wrong around you and things like this, you could say, well, people are just caught up in the environment around them. And for a lot of people as well, they’re in their ego, they’re in their head and they’re self centered. I don’t mean that in a terribly bad way. I just mean that their driving force is not the bigger picture, the heart, it’s much more self. Okay, so they’re demonstrating the opposite of being in state. They’re reacting to the world around them and they’re coming from a place that’s not the heart. So when someone is in state, it’s kind of the opposite, a succinct way of being putting it. Because that’s what the question asked concise answer is. State is when you are coming from your heart, not your ego and you are present, not distracted. That’s the simplest answer. The second part of the question is, does it have a different meaning or understanding for each individual? Yes. Because if you were comparing say someone that’s got access to light and sound and can do very advanced forms of spiritual meditation where they can actually have awareness beyond their mind.
Then their experience of inner stillness and detachment from the lower self, so where the seat of ego is, is far greater and more profound than someone that has never sat in meditation or never done anything, so to say, to the first person to be in state, they would identify with that phenomenal stillness on the inside which transcends mind, awareness and kind of the lower forms of meditation. So a lot of the kind of Buddhism, mindfulness, mantras, mandalas, visualizations, breath, all of these great things that people get a lot of benefit from. I’m not taking anything away from it. And they all have a level of state. But there is much more profound stuff. And if I didn’t say that, I’d be doing people a disservice because I’ve studied many of these things, I’ve practiced many of these things, I’ve even taught many of these things. But if people don’t know that they can take it even further, then they will spend. And I’ve talked to some lovely people I’ve met even in the last few days here in the Alps, who’ve done forms of meditation for 40, 50 years, but they didn’t realize necessarily that you can go a lot further than those things. And so, you know, I’d be doing a disservice if I didn’t raise their awareness to the even more profound levels of stillness and state.
So it’s going to be relative to the level of stillness and the level of being present that the person has experienced up to that point. So when I, when I say to someone, oh, are you in state? What I mean is, as much as you are possible, are you coming from your heart and are you being present in the moment? But to help us kind of understand, I’ll give you some examples because what would be the qualities of someone that someone would experience in, within themselves if they were more in state? So, for example, there would be a neutrality.
So whatever presents, whether it’s information or something in their environment, they wouldn’t react. They would simply just be neutral. Okay. They would have a level of peace. And I’m going to share a little story in a moment. And true story from day is it. I think it’s Thursday. So about three or four days ago, a situation arose and I was able to help someone out. And it was quite marked, the contrasting state between myself and the other person. There’s no judgment and they’ve even acknowledged they wish they could be more. They didn’t use the words in state, but that’s what they were referring to. And so I think it’s highly relevant and it’s nice real world example, so I’ll share that in a minute. But someone who is in state would generally experience more inner peace. So no matter what’s going on in the world around them, they themselves would be at peace. Even if what’s going on around them is a bit of a disaster.
Like the first attempt to do this live show.
The next thing would be a sense of stillness. Now, when people meditate, they appear still, but there could be a lot of turmoil on the inside. So what I’m referring to is inner stillness. Not physical stillness, but inner stillness where it’s not just a mindfulness thing where you’re between the thoughts or accepting of the thoughts. It’s much more of a being present in stillness. And everything I’m describing is to inspire you to find out for yourself. But it doesn’t replace the experience, so you have to kind of seek it for yourself. The next one would be non reactive. So it’s a bit like neutrality.
If someone is in state, they’re less likely to react, which means that if they’re not reacting, then they can actually have choice. I’ll give you example. If someone came up to you and they were being quite confrontational, if you were in state, you wouldn’t be drawn into the confrontation. You could then react in a way that’s much more appropriate, perhaps just to move yourself away from them or to demonstrate compassion, kindness, softness. That would diffuse the situation. But if you’re not in state, you would react more, much more from the lower self, the ego, the habits. And so it’s more likely that your reaction would not help. The situation might actually give them what they want, which is confrontation. So being non reactive is another example of one of the qualities of being in state, selflessness. So if being out of state is being driven by ego, then the opposite is not being driven by ego. And ego is fundamentally an awareness or focus on self, putting self first. Selflessness isn’t just putting others first, but it’s being aware of the bigger picture. So the biggest picture is that which is one thing everywhere, the source of all goodness, what people might refer to as God. But if you’re uncomfortable with that, you could say the source. Okay, but what it means is not identifying with self, being selfless. In other words, not focused in, but focused broadly out. Not just on what’s in front of you, but just generally being present and not being a Focal point of self.
Make of that what you will. But selflessness or selfless is a quality of being in state.
Love. Now I’ve written love rather than loving. Because when someone’s loving, like loving their child, loving their lover, loving their friends, loving life, loving music, it’s an action. But when someone is being love, you know, earlier I said coming from the heart, when you’re being love, it doesn’t need to be focused on something, it doesn’t need to be an action, it’s a state.
So the state of love, which is just being love is profound. And that is a very.
That comes from being in state and can only be done when you’re in state because you’d have to be coming from your heart. So you could turn that around and say, I want to be in state. Therefore, if you literally just sat. Sat. Well, sat, stood, you know, you could do it in a queue at the supermarket. I’ve done so and just gone, I am love. Not, I am loving not. I am loving that or I’m loving this or I am loved or anything. Just be love. And it’s almost like a radiance. Okay. Then you drop into that state. Okay. And someone’s just in. I’m just gonna see if I can bring up the chat, if that’s working. So we got some nice comments in the chat and I’ll just acknowledge a few people here. So we’ve got Hodgie245 who’s here and we’ve got JKH34 who’s saying absolutely love your philosophy. This is genuinely life changing stuff. Please keep up the great work. Mark, thank you very much. I’ve got no idea who they are, but it’s very nice comment. Thank you. And Scottish bird marrygold0rambo365, who I believe is over in America and a few other people are all here. So it’s great to have you in the, in this live show. And again, I apologize because we had a few technical glitches right at the start. But we are live now and it seems to be working. So thank you for your patience. So, yeah, coming from a state of love and the easiest way with all of these is if you’re struggling or you want to just start to practice these things is just to sit there and just say, I am neutral. But don’t do it from your head, try and do it more from your heart. Like don’t try and understand it, try and be it. There’s a big difference between understanding and being okay because you know, people can philosophize about love and say, oh yeah, it’s all love, man. And you hear people say stuff like that, but how many of them are able to just be it and do it and demonstrate it? And quite often the state of doing isn’t easy to explain, you know. So all I’m really trying to do here is point you in the right direction. So the next one or the next quality of being in state would be a calmness. I remember I did say I was going to share a.
A little anecdotal story, so we’ll get to that in a moment. Because it’s a good example. And calmness, it kind of speaks for itself. But if someone is calm, even in turmoil, then that often means that they’re coming from an inner state, an inner pe. Peace and inner calm. Okay, and behind all of this, or a good way to kind of grow in your state would be to understand and to put into practice the six virtues. And I’ll put links to everything that I mentioned. I’ve talked a lot about the six virtues in the past, so I won’t go too much into it right now. But these are qualities of character like humility, non judgment, gratitude, respect, unconditional love and compassion. Well, that is actually the six virtues and putting them into practice in terms of towards self, towards others, and ultimately towards the cause of everything that is good. So again, people may use the word God or they may use the word the source, or just that great oneness or whatever you’re comfortable with, but orientating in these qualities towards that, towards self, towards others is a really good way of growing in state. Okay, so let me share this story. So when I arrived at this kind of on a. In a, like a motorhome park just on the side of the ski slopes in Latanya, and I was here last year, so I know a few of the characters. And when I arrived, Glyn, who’s just parked next door, is lovely guy, he introduced me to. Someone said, oh, this is Mark, the guy I was telling you about. He’s good at fixing things. And so I literally just arrived and this other guy goes, oh, you gotta help me. My, my motorhome heating and my generator have packed in and obviously it’s cold and they need their heating and they need their generator. So I said, well, I’ll have a look. And I just went over, grabbed a few tools, went over and very pragmatically just started poking around and I got the heating working pretty quickly and then it took a bit longer with the generator And I’m sure the guy won’t mind me saying this because he got quite stressed about Buy it All. And he admitted, you know, he says, no, yeah, I do get stressed. And I wish I could be more calm or not react that way, but when things don’t work, I just get stressed. And so I was playing around with this generator and things weren’t working and I couldn’t get it started and I just stayed calm. So going back over this list of things, I didn’t get reactive to the problem. I stayed neutral. I wasn’t thinking, you know, I was thinking about him, I wasn’t thinking about me. So there was a selflessness to it. So what I was demonstrating was being in state. I didn’t get drawn into the problems and he was getting het up. And at one point I just smiled at him and I said, just relax, things want to work. And then kind of an idea came to me and you could say, well, one of the qualities or values of being in state is that you’re open to inspiration. So I suddenly had this idea that this fuel in the system may be, but clearly wasn’t getting to the. The engine part. So I tipped the thing on its side, I tipped the thing on its front because I was following the fuel line and I managed to get fuel into the carburetor and I did one pull on the thing and it started and it just took that moment of inspiration. But that was only possible because I was in state. And I’ve talked to the guy since and you know, maybe if he ever watches this, it might help. Because what I’ve listed in terms of neutral, peaceful, non reactive, selfless love of karma, etc. Are approaches that maybe anyone could put into practice to start to learn how to be more in state. Because not everyone, meditation doesn’t suit everyone. Not everyone’s got those experiences to draw on. And some people are naturally more orientated, say like from the head and react to problems. Some people are naturally more from the heart. So going back to the original question, it is totally different depending on the person and where they are. Because one person’s level of state or potential of state is completely different from another’s. But theoretically, talking about every single good human out there who has spiritual potential, then it’s like, doesn’t matter which path up the mountain you take, there’s only one peak. So in terms of our ultimate state, it’s the state of enlightenment. God realization is another phrase that people use.
So the potential is the same for everyone, but the personal potential Depends on the experiences and the level of soul and spiritual growth up to that point.
So, yeah, that hopefully answers the question from Lorna about state. And I apologize again, for some reason the screen shares stop working, but I’m just glad that we’re able to be live right now, bearing in mind we’re doing this over a 4G SIM card from the side of the Alps. It’s pretty amazing what we can get away with with technology these days, but hopefully that answers the question. And I will be putting the slides of all the different questions up on the when I do the write up for the podcast. So bear with me a second and I’ll just bring up the next question.
Now, this is actually a question from Nick, who’s a regular contributor on this show.
And Nick asks, I have a son who suffers massively with allergies and has done from a very young age. From a physiological point of view. I understand the explanation of an allergen and the body’s reaction to it, but what truly are allergies, particularly in children, and is it possible to grow out of them as many claims people can? Thanks, Nick. And I had prepared a lovely slide with a. Not a picture of Nick’s son, but someone with a big rash to kind of show how bad allergies can be and how actually this can be really a difficult thing for people. And you know, I’ve got, I know people who have serious nut allergies and if someone even opens a tub of peanut butter in the same room, they start to react. So these things are real.
And I’ve talked about various things in previous shows and I’ll put links where there’s, where there’s appropriate references. But there’s fundamentally three different things going on when it comes to allergens. Okay, now there may be the odd outlier, but generally it falls into three categories. One is biological, and this is the classical thing. So this allergen causes the body to hyperreact with an immune response that causes inflammation and you get a rash or you, you swell up, you know, and that’s where people can go into anaphylactic shock and things like that. So serious stuff.
That’s number one. And that’s the one that medicine understands, that’s the one that a doctor would talk about.
Number two. And I’ve talked about this, and I think it’s in one of the books as well, that your body speaks your truth. So you’re just to take a step back, spiritually speaking, if you’re spiritually, you know, kind of a Good. Let’s just say typical human being is being guided by their higher self. Now, what’s a higher self? We could talk in terms of soul and spirit. And all cultures refer to these things in various ways and in different languages. They refer to as la an espiritus, etc in Italian and things like that. But basically, whatever they are, they’re your higher self and they are guiding you in this life. Now, if you want to go into the relationship between lower self and higher self, then the book which is called Spiritual Life Explained, the wake up Call, is a really good, gives a really good kind of explanation of that. So. And there’s some podcasts I did that also explain that. So if you don’t want to buy the book, which is not for profit, then you can always just listen to the podcast and as ever, I’ll put all the links. But basically your higher self is guiding you to be more good, to be more spiritual. Okay? Now if you’re listening to that guidance, everything goes well. But if, say you keep making the same mistake and you keep getting the same guidance and you’re ignoring it, then literally your higher self uses your physical body like a canvas.
So for example, each part of your body has a different metaphor. So your throat is how you communicate, your eyes are how you see. So if someone’s struggling to see the truth, they may have problems with their eyes, or if they’re rejecting what they see, they may have problems with their eyes. If they don’t want to hear the truth or listen to their higher self, then they may start getting problems with their ears. If they’re worried about the future and supporting themselves, then they’ll get weak knees, you know, et cetera, et cetera. And there’s a wonderful book, Louise Hay, I think, is the author. And you can heal yourself or you can heal your life or something like that. I’ll find a might be Brenda Hayes. Someone can put it in the chat because I know a few of you probably know the book I’m referring to.
But basically this lady got a whole load of channeled information years ago. And it goes into the details about what each part of your body means. But all we need to understand is that your body is sometimes used metaphorically to get your attention to something that you’re not paying attention to. So if your higher self is kind of saying like I keep telling, keep telling him this thing and he’s not paying attention right, I’m going to bring it to his attention in the physical body. So sometimes sensitivities allergies reactions are higher self guidance manifesting out in a physical body because you’ve, or because we’ve been ignoring the subtle guidance, it becomes less subtle. And when you resolve that life lesson or that feedback so that you go, okay, I’ve got it now, I’ve got to stop thinking that thought or I’ve got to stop doing that action or I’ve got to change my orientation, then it goes away.
But the third type or cause or root cause of allergens is one that isn’t physical, isn’t easy to prove, but is what I’d class as interference.
And this is where we can really kind of go down the rabbit hole a bit. So what this is, is.
And you know, I talked about at the start of this, I said, look, if you’ve seen the Stonehenge documentary, you’ll understand that sometimes things go wrong and it’s interference, okay? And it might be done by forces that are non physical, okay? What some people would call ghosts and stuff. Whatever it is, there’s a lot that goes on that people don’t understand.
Now if we look at a typical human being, we’ve got a brain, okay, and we’ve got a heart and we’ve got chakras and all of these things. And you know, a lot of it’s intangible, but people have been talking about it and it’s like ancient knowledge, so there must be something going on there. My job isn’t to prove anything. My job is to kind of share what I’ve experienced and to try and help, help us all make sense of things. Okay? So some people can be aware of chakras and auras. And one of the guys who’s. We had a meal last night in the motorhome and one of the guys was saying, yeah, I sat next to this guy who did a lot of meditation. I could feel his aura. And I’m thinking, okay, that’s great because you know, that is true. And I’ve experienced that myself. And it’s nice to be able to talk about that with someone else. Other people haven’t, haven’t experienced it, maybe never will. Some will, okay? So we can only relate to what we understand and what we’ve experienced so far. But the point I’m making is that your brain, your aura, your chakras, your heart even, all of them have something in common and it’s thought because there’s no movement without thought. Energy doesn’t flow without an impetus and thought is the impetus. And we’d like to think of ourselves as an insular vehicle. So my thoughts are my own thoughts. If you have a conversation with someone, like I’m proposing things to you, then you can’t unhear those thoughts. You now have a thought to process. You’ll have an internal dialogue right now where you’re talking to yourself about what you’re hearing. So there’s a lot of thought going on. And sometimes we cling to a thought and it becomes our own. And sometimes we reject thoughts, and that’s fine. And that’s the beauty of conversation.
But there’s a subtler layer. There’s a layer where you’re not aware. Okay? So this is where people start to talk about the unconscious or subliminal.
And when. When I talk about things like, for example, magic, black magic, or spells or hexes, these things are real, but they’re not. Something like if someone’s done some magic towards you, then you wouldn’t be aware of it. But their intentions encoded in thought, are now attached to you in some way. Okay? And it has an effect, just as your own thoughts have an effect. And there’s this wonderful bit of research where they got a whole load of weight trainers, bodybuilders and that, and they. They kind of figured out how much they. Each one of them can lift. And then they got. Before they went in, they split them into two groups. One group had to say one word that was positive and then do their sets and see how far they could go, how strong they were. One group had to say one word that was negative.
And the ones that said something negative underperformed. And the ones that said something positive over performed. The power of just one word changed their physical performance during that, you know, assessment period. So that’s how profound a thought or a word is. Okay?
So if some malevolent force has targeted a kid, because that’s a good spiritual kid, and put the idea into them at a subliminal level that they must react to food or they must, you know, hyperact or have what would classically be an allergic response, then that can be one of the triggers. And I spoke to Nick just before this show, because when we started looking into it, this was the cause of some of the allergies that his son was experiencing. And so we did some work to clear out that side of things. And I asked him just before the show, I said, did the work that we did make a difference? And he said, yes, the allergic reactions and sensitivities went down. Problem is that it didn’t clear it up completely. More work is going to be needed. And that’s quite often the case. But it’s fascinating that just a couple of minutes of work remotely not present, the kid didn’t know anything. So it’s not like placebo effect or anything like that.
And obviously this is, you know, this is an experiment of 1N1. So I’m not saying that this is some kind of scientific rigor, but I’ve been doing this for many, many years and doing healing work and stuff. And quite often, not every time, but quite often when they’re what seems to be an out of place malaise or illness or problem, it is caused by this kind of thing. And there’s a word for it, it’s called telepathy. So telepathy is a transference of one thought from one person to another. Now, when we classically think about telepathy, it means that you’re aware of it.
So kind of the highest order of telepathy would be that, say I was telepathically transmitting a thought to you, you would receive it consciously and be aware of it. But there’s a whole vast amount of unconscious telepathy going on. And because I can’t show you my screen, I had a whole load of stuff, and I’ll maybe come back to this on another episode, but I had a whole load of stuff talking about how technology can have a similar effect. And I’ll just mention it. Now, it’s quite interesting that Elon Musk’s neural links are where he’s putting computer chips into people’s brains. The technology that he’s producing to communicate between computers and people’s brains is called telepathy. Okay. I think he knows a lot more about the esoteric world than he lets on because he’s. And this is what I’m alluding to is that a lot of the transmissions, like, you know, here’s my phone when it sends a text message, that’s a thought, that is a sentence or a paragraph or a meaning, you know, some kind of intention transmitted electromagnetically to another device. So you could say, well, that’s digital telepathy. It’s not actually that dissimilar to how thought works. It’s just that we’re not computers, we’re living human beings. But just as so, other beings, not necessarily human beings, but other beings that are non physical. And again, Stonehenge documentary is a good place to start if you want to look into that. Can transmit thought in the same way that a phone can transmit a message from one phone or transmitter to a receiver somewhere else. So yeah, it’s fascinating that three causes of allergies can be natural, it’s biological. There’s a chemical stimulant and a reaction that it can be feedback. Life lessons. Or it could be interference. There’s no. I’d say it’s very difficult for the layman to determine which one is it.
But go back to the first question where we were talking about state. If you’re in state and neutral and you’re kind of pondering these things, then you’ll probably have the intuition. Now, this doesn’t feel right. Right. This reaction that this person is experiencing doesn’t feel right, doesn’t feel like it’s a biological thing. Maybe it’s interference or maybe it’s feedback. And if it’s feedback, that’s much more for them to understand. And again, being more in state helps us tune in to that kind of inspiration, intuition, guidance, so that if we are experiencing feedback, we can actually process it and move on and have a better life. So, yeah, it’s quite nice how all these different questions dovetail into each other. The answer to the first question about state also helps answer the second question, which is about interference and allergies. Oh, and I did want to share a story with you as well because, you know, it’s kind of nice how sometimes the troubles that we experience in life actually can really help us. And the best place to teach from or to share insight from is our own experience, because it can’t be. No one can challenge what you’ve experienced. Okay. So years ago, I studied at Manchester University and I made some really good friends there and, you know, fortunately still in touch with some of them. And one of the problems in Manchester is Oxford Road, where the Stopford Building is. So I studied biology is heavily polluted and there’s a form of asthma. So I never had asthma growing up, but there’s. And I never had any kind of real allergic problems either. But there’s a form of asthma which is pollution induced, apparently. Okay. And when I’d come back to Kent, you know, during the holidays, one of my dear, dear friends who sadly no longer with us, had stables. And so I’d help out at the stables and mucking out and skipping out the fields and changing the bedding and just being around horses and a lot of hay and straw. I’d been doing that for many years. When I came back after, I think it was second year of Manchester, I suddenly started reacting with these really allergic reactions and my nose would block up and my eyes would stream every time I Came near the horses or the straw, and yet I’d been around them for years and so went to the doctor. And that’s where it was explained. Well, you’ve become. You’ve got this kind of asthma allergic reaction from the pollution in Manchester. I don’t know if that was the truth or not, but that’s how it was explained to me. And then they put me on really strong steroids, so much so that when I had these inhalers up my nose, I’d have these massive nosebleeds. And one time the pressure got so bad in my sinus that the pain was unbearable and I passed out and found unconscious at a train station. So it was pretty bad. But I was also having these massive asthma attacks, which I’d never had before. And I didn’t have an inhaler or anything. And this was a really, really powerful, powerful lesson in state. Because I was upstairs in the attic room in my house and my parents and family were downstairs. I was probably 19, 20, and I was just chilling out, lying in bed, probably listening to music. It’s probably later in the day, so there’s no one around. And I just suddenly had this massive asthma attack. And my breathing constricted down to about 20% capacity. And I knew from experience with other people that what? Because a girl opposite had actually died of asthma quite a young age, that if you panic, then it exacerbates it and then you can go into a heart attack because you’re not getting enough oxygen, your heart’s racing because you’re panicking.
And I’d started meditating in earnest back then as well, so I just. I couldn’t breathe.
Everything was shutting down.
So I just became very, very calm. So going back to state, calm, neutral, accepting, non reactive, going into stillness. I basically went into state and it passed. It was like a wave that passed. But there was. It was almost like I was aware of the tipping point where if I’d reacted and become emotional fear or anything like that, I probably would have lost consciousness. But I just rode that thing and then it just passed. It’s like. It is. I could feel everything relax again.
And I know. And that was a really profound example to me of the power of being in state over physical reactions to things. So I was having a really, really serious reaction to something, but it passed because I didn’t react okay. And one of the things with a lot of these, you know, when you look at a rash or you look at an allergic reaction, I know from experience, if you get angry, it makes it worse.
If you get upset, it makes it worse. If you go into any negative state, it makes it worse. So even if it doesn’t solve it, the power of remaining calm, neutral, etc. Is really helpful because a lot of the time, yeah, there may be a biological trigger, but the emotions then take over and exacerbate and accelerate and kind of amplify the problem.
And so that, that in itself, I think is a really worthwhile thing sharing even for Nick’s son. If he’s taught to relax when the symptoms start to build up, then it might take something that might have been like a 6 or 7 or an 8 in terms of intensity and drop it down to a four. It hasn’t solved the problem, but it might just make it more bearable while it’s going on. Okay, so let’s have a look at the third question. Now this one’s a heavyweight subject, but I don’t think that. Well, as spiritual seekers of truth, there shouldn’t be anything that we don’t look into so long as we’re in state, able to be neutral, non reactive, non judgmental and go into them with that attitude of we just want to seek the truth of the matter to have a better understanding of our place in the world and the world around us. Okay, so before we dive into this question, I’ll just welcome in a few more people. So we’ve now got Millie and Toshi and Marigold0 has answered my question from earlier, which is the book that I was trying to remember was called you Can Heal youl Life by Louise Hay. And I’ve looked into it. There’s a lot, I’ll be blunt, there’s a lot of books out there, you know, self help books and stuff that aren’t very helpful. They’re, they’re misguided. But this one is a genuinely good book. We will crack on and carry on. And this, this question is also from Lorna. These questions came in about three, three weeks apart. But it just so happens that I felt that both, it was a good time to bring both these questions into the live show. And if you have, if you have asked questions in the past and I haven’t got to your question.
Thank you for your question. I will get around to them. Sometimes I like to group like questions together. I think I mentioned it at the start, but I’m, I’m running a survey. So in terms of how I format the show and multiple questions in one show or one question per show, that kind of thing have your say. So go to the waybackgroup.org on the homepage you’ll find a link to something that mentions Joe Rogan, but it’s not about Joe Rogan. Just follow that link and there’s a very simple survey which will take you literally a couple of minutes to do. So let’s go to Lorna’s second question of the evening.
Lorna is saying, so as a spiritual person, I struggle as, as to how I should feel when a convicted criminal who inflicted pain, suffering and abuse leading to the death of his own 10 year old daughter is then savagely attacked in prison by inmates. Did he deserve this? Now, I googled it. I had no idea what we were talking about. And if I could share my screen, which is still stuck on the opening thumbnail, then I would share it. But you can see this picture of the guy there. And so it was his daughter, Sara Sharif.
And this is from six days ago. And her father was convicted along with the mother of killing her or causing her death. Now, I didn’t know anything about this, so I did a quick bit of looking into it. And I’m not here to specifically look at the finer details of that particular case. I think the question, question stands on its own. And the question is along the lines of, you know, as a spiritual person, this guy’s done terrible stuff, but then terrible stuff has happened to him. I, I’d imagine that. And if Lorna’s in the live show, then feel free to clarify, but I’d imagine it’s kind of saying, look, I wouldn’t wish bad on him, but did he deserve it because he’d done bad, that kind of thing. And then there’s a danger, should I feel guilty for thinking that, you know, and we all go through this like, you know, something bad happens to someone who’s done bad and you go, yeah, they deserved it. But then are we being judgmental? Are we slipping out of state? Are we becoming negative for thinking that way?
And then if we want to take this to a higher principle, we could say, well, hang on a sec, was it something like karma? Because he’d done bad, bad things happened to him? Was it the will of God? You know, we can start to look into these things now. If you’re wondering, well, who is this guy sitting in a motorhome and why would he have a right to talk about these things?
Okay, look, so I’ve been meditating for 42 years. I don’t have all the answers. But what I’ve been blessed with is an ability to sit in stillness, to access Phenomenal states where if you’re neutral enough. So going back to the kind of list of things I talked about in terms of the state, if you’re neutral enough and your inquiry isn’t ego based, it’s just neutrality, seeking the truth, because it will come up along the bottom here. There’s this ticker that’s just moving and it says, to seek the truth is to seek God. Now, I’m not talking religion, I’m just talking absolute. So if you say absolute truth, that’s God. If you say absolute love, that’s God. If you say absolute good, that’s. That’s God. Okay? And if you’ve meditated and you’ve been blessed by being initiated and you followed it to its conclusion, and that is the spiritual journey, and people refer to states like the state of enlightenment, it’s just words. It doesn’t mean anything unless you’ve experienced it. But if you have, then you can dip into stillness. And since there’s just one thing everywhere and it transcends time and it transcends everything, and if you have a very focused inquiry, you can start to get information.
So that’s how I can give some insights into things. And I’m not saying that I get it perfectly right, because down here, this vehicle and everything else, it’s far from perfect. But it’s fascinating that from stillness you can draw information. Okay, so there’s a few things to this, and I think the easiest thing is I’ll just tell you what I found and we’ll just unpack it. The first thing is, was it like, oh, because he’d done bad, then there was some kind of karmic law that said it has to happen to him, that he then gets beaten up and he was quite. He was cut by a piece of metal and he didn’t need hospitalization, but he was badly attacked. And they’re looking into it. But, you know, that’s what happens when you put someone who’s harmed children in a prison.
There’s an interesting thing. So I’ve listened to enough podcasts and I’ve spoken to enough people that there’s kind of like a law of the jungle. So even within prison where everyone there in theory has done wrong and they’re all bad in theory, there’s still like a pecking order of, you know, well, the ones that are in there for, say, burglary and crime, they haven’t done anything to children. So if someone comes in that’s done something to children, they’re lower down the rung. And they’ll get beaten up by everyone because they’re paedophiles or they’re murderers, etc. So quite. You know, there’s.
They quite often have to segregate those people that have done really bad things to children because they know that the other inmates are just going to see it as their duty to dish out rough justice. Is it karma? No. Okay. And in fairness, karma is very misunderstood. And also, the kind of spiritual evolution of humanity hasn’t stopped still. So there’s been a lot of change, even in the last three or four years. And what karma is isn’t the same as it was, say, 20 years ago in terms of how it affects human beings. But if someone’s in prison genuinely because they’ve done really horrendous things, then the only way they could have done those things is they’ve already turned their back on God. Now, I don’t mean from a religious point of view. I don’t mean from an atheist point of view. I mean from what they’re demonstrating, they’re not demonstrating any goodness of character, okay? And it’s all that is good. I mean, the root word of the word good is God. So all that is good comes from God. And if someone’s not demonstrating any goodness and it’s like there isn’t any light in them, they’re certainly not receptive to any kind of spiritual guidance or soul guidance or soul growth or anything. So they’re operating in darkness, okay? So believe it or not, there’s not much karma going on there either. Because karma is only in theory, how it used to be understood would be along the lines of a person that is receptive. If they go against what is good, then there’s karma. But if there’s no good in a person, there’s not that much feedback either, okay?
So it’s not karma.
There’s a lot to this situation. And if you were to give this guy a score out of 10, 10 being the worst person on the planet and one being just below neutral. So there’s some really good people on the planet. There’s a load of neutral people, and then there’s people that start to be bad. So one would be starting to be bad. This guy was about four. Okay? His wife was also about four.
Now, one of the things I talked about in quite an old podcast actually, was about how the child chooses the parents. And the child will normally be at a similar vibration to the parent spiritually. So if you’re very spiritual, you’ll normally be born to a spiritual Mother. Because there’d be too much of an energy mismatch if a very high vibration child was born to a very low vibration mother. The mother’s more important than the father, unfortunately, or fortunately. But the father does matter as well.
So the mother and the father were of a similar negative vibration. There was no real goodness in them. There was no real light. They still had free will and choice, though. So the mother could have stopped the abuse. The mother could have said no. She chose to go along. Okay? That girl didn’t have any kind of spiritual potential either. She wasn’t as bad as her mum and dad, but she was of a similar vibration. I’m not saying for one minute she deserved it, but it’s just to put things into perspective. The laws of how things work apply across the board. So someone of high vibration will not be born into a low vibration family. It just wouldn’t work. It wouldn’t go to term, okay? That doesn’t mean that the girl had it coming in any way, shape or form. What was done was a horrendous crime and it was played out.
You know, it was an act of darkness and evil, okay? There’s no taking away from that. But what we have to understand is it’s all about choice.
He made this man who did what he did, no one forced him to do it. He chose that. His wife, she chose him, okay? She didn’t have to marry him.
She didn’t have to go along with the abuse.
That was her choices all the way through. All this cascade of negative bad choices amounted in the murder of this fundamentally innocent girl, okay?
The consequence of his choices was that he, you know, negative choices, bad choices put him into a negative and bad environment.
The other people in that environment had also made bad and negative choices which put them in that environment.
And all of these negative and bad choices are being made because people are operating from ego. Because remember right back when we talked about state, state is the opposite of ego. So if you’re going into state, there’s more love. If you’re going into state, there’s more selflessness, more consideration of others. So people who are more in state, spiritually speaking, are less likely to do wrong, more likely to do good.
So all of these people who are not in state, operating fundamentally from a place of ego, are then put together.
And one of the qualities of that is Compare, Contrast, Judge, etc. So the bad ones would be judging. So, well, we’re not as bad as him. He killed a kid and da da da da da da da. And they’ll from ego exact justice, but also because a lot of them, because of their vibration being very low, actually like violence. So they’ll want to. So it won’t be justice and it won’t be righteous. It will be self righteous. In other words, their ego justifies an act of violence upon another person because in their perception we’re better than that person. And that person has it come in because he’s done this to a girl or to a child. And so it’s kind of what I call rough justice or the law of the jungle.
But it’s not coming from God, it’s not coming from karma. There’s nothing spiritual. So that’s what’s going on there. And then to draw it back to the question, which is, well, how should we as spiritual people, people feel about it? We’ll go right back to the first question about what is state.
State is being neutral, being non judgmental, being non reactive.
Now in the question, as a spiritual person, I struggle as to how I should feel when, when this situation happens.
I would reply as a spiritual person, stay in state. If you’re looking at the information presented this news article and you start to feel in a way that is a struggle, that is you’re feeling guilt or you’re feeling bad or you’re feeling confused, that’s actually, that’s not about what you’re reading, it’s about you. And it’s a sign that you’re falling out of state.
There is a wonderful story of a warlord who goes into this monastery. It’s not a wonderful story, it’s actually quite a horrendous story. And he’s going to like kill everyone. And this old monk stands in front of him, not confrontationally, and the warlord goes, don’t you know who I am? I could kill you all in a moment. And the monk says to him, don’t you know who I am? I could allow you to kill me, you know, in other words, he was in state. He wasn’t attached to his life, to the outcome, he was just demonstrating, do what you want. It’s not going to make any difference to me. I’m in the moment, in my state. There’s no fear, there’s no reaction. It just is. There’s a total acceptance. And the warlord actually respected that and let him live. Because he was like, oh wow, that’s actually in a way, that’s a demonstration of power. There’s nothing you can do to me that’s going to change my state even if you kill me. So what it’s just this body. It’s just one of many lives. Okay? So I would say the question actually is saying if we rephrased it. As a spiritual person, I have found myself reacting to this information.
And so I would say the answer is, step back. Go back into state. There is nothing good in this situation. There is nothing righteous. There is nothing. Just. The whole thing is a cascade of bad, negative choices. But we didn’t make those choices. That person has made those choices, and they are living the consequences of those choices. And one of the consequences are they’ve been put in a very hostile, negative environment where they’re being attacked.
But we can’t look as spiritual people for meaning in that. It’s just consequence. It’s just movement of energy.
Bad people going into bad environments and having bad things happen to them. That’s the nature of badness.
That’s their choice, and they made those choices. So we’re not responsible for their choices. But equally, we shouldn’t. Or forgive me, because you know me, I don’t like to say what we should or shouldn’t do. But as spiritual people, we can practice just simply observing, not judging, trying to seek the truth, but not reacting in a way where we become negatively emotional. Because guess what? If we become negatively emotional or then our vibration drops, and that’s nothing to do with them, Nothing to do who wrote the article or the news.
That’s actually a choice on some level that we’ve made. We’ve moved in the wrong direction. This brings me right back to kind of like, you know, what is spirituality fundamentally? Even if you’re not sitting down and meditating, it’s understanding that every single choice that you make is either moving you more towards good or more away from good. Now, in the past, I’ve said more towards God or more away from God, but I know that some people struggle with that word, but it’s the same meaning. Everything you do, every choice you make is either gonna elevate your soul and your spirit so that you’re actually a more good person, or it’s gonna drop your vibration. And if you think about that guy who’s done that horrendous thing to his daughter, there was a whole cascade of choices. Because it doesn’t matter about environment.
Yeah, he may have been brought up in a hard environment, but he still had choices. And that is the truth. That’s the hard truth. And there’s lots of stories of guys that have been and girls who’ve been brought up in really horrendous situations. But They’ve elevated themselves through choice. And remember, the only thing that we ever have is our choice of how we react. We can’t choose our own environments. We can’t choose who comes into them. There’s things that are going to happen outside of our control. This comes back to state. So now that we understand state better, then we can say, well, I choose to seek and intend to be in the highest state as much as possible so that I can make the best choices, so that I can grow spiritually. Okay? That’s all we have. And in any situation, there’s always choice, even if the consequences of the choice are not great for you personally from a physical point of view. We’ve talked about this before. It’s like, I’d rather die on a hill doing the right thing than live on another hill doing the wrong thing, if that makes sense. Okay?
So I think that really the question just points to feedback for self, that reading this information about what happened to this person and what they did has caused me to cause Lorna in that situation to fall a little bit out of state and to just go back into state and just accept that it’s out of your control. There’s nothing you can do about it. It is what it is. There’s no bigger picture. It’s quite interesting.
All that is good came from God. Okay? Just a fundamental truism, okay. And if you think about someone that’s done so much, made so many choices that were moving in the wrong direction away from good, it’s like there’s no more light there in the nicest possible way, unless they reach out, then there’s no. Then God isn’t paying attention to them because there’s no light.
So the more light you are, the more you’re on the radar, the more guidance you then receive. It’s like, you know, this is the old. I think there’s a Bible verse, something like, to those that have, more is given, or the converse is true.
To those that have chosen not to have. In other words, go in the wrong direction, less is given. Okay, so I’ll. I’ll finish on that, but hopefully this has answered some questions. I’m sure it’s probably provoked more questions. And I do apologize because normally I kind of share my screen and there’s more visual stuff. I will share the slides that you. That I wanted to share with you in, in the write up. And I apologize again, start of the show, there was some kind of technical glitch. I have no idea. I kind of know it was interference, but fortunately, we got past that and it’s been really nice to have you all joining me in the live show. And as ever, because I I was quite surprised people still, there’s some people don’t realize that there’s a podcast version of this. So as ever, in a few days when I’ve got some time, then I’ll upload the podcast version and you can get that on Spotify and all the usual podcast channels. And that’s just another way of kind of enjoying the show. Some people prefer audio podcasts, some people prefer the live show, but for now I’ll just say, wherever you are, thank you for joining us. Thank you for your patience with the problems that we faced, but it was a good exercise in remaining in state and not getting drawn into the kind of negative responses. And I’ll just say for now, God bless you wherever you are and I’ll see you next week when I’ll be back in England and back in the studio for episode 45. Can you believe it? But for now, God bless.
Thank you for being awesome and joining me for this episode. Episode. I’m truly grateful. As a spiritual person, I hope it’s inspiring to realize that you’re not alone and that more and more like minded people are enjoying this live show or like you right now, listening to this very podcast, you’re part of an awakening community and together we’re all finding the way back to being genuinely more spiritual. So I invite you to reflect on what’s been the most helpful thing you’ve got from this particular episode.
Now, who in your life would get the greatest benefit if they knew this too?
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Next episode I’ll be answering more spiritual questions to help you and your loved ones make more sense of life. So remember to subscribe and set those notifications so you don’t miss out. Who knows what we’ll learn together and the next question might even be yours. Perhaps there’s a reason you’ve been guided to listen to this. So God bless you. And remember, take what you now know and use it to grow.
Episode Notes:
Q1: What is being “In State”?
I share insights into what state means, is it the same for everyone? Is it only for meditators? How do The Six Virtues relate to state and what are the signs that you are “In State”? I share a story of “being in state” to solve a problem and how that opens the door to inspiration.
Q2: Talking about childhood allergies, a spiritual perspective.
I share the three causes of allergies. Modern science/medicine only considers one of these. Are you aware of the other two? What does our brain, aura, heart and other parts all have in common and what has this got to do with magic? This leads onto the topic of telepathy, which is the name Elon Musk has given to technology associated with his Neural Link system. How can we apply “Being in State” to the issue of allergies.
Q3: Rough Justice, The Case of Urfan Sharif Attacked
We explore the topics of karma, ego, negativity, justice and more, from a spiritual perspective. But also we look at our own responsibility from a spiritual perspective.
Links to resources mentioned in this episode:
- The original video on Rumble: https://rumble.com/v67la61-ep.044-being-in-state.-rough-justice-allergies-090125-discussing-spirituali.html
- Short survey about the Live Show: https://thewaybackgroup.org/latest-news/is-joe-rogan-crazy-spiritual-live-shows/
- Stonehenge Documentary – talking about interference: https://thewaybackgroup.org/tv/2023/01/21/stonehenge-into-the-light/ Jump to 24m38s
- Book: Stonehenge: Into the Light: https://mybook.to/stonehenge-book
- The Six Virtues: https://thewaybackgroup.org/teaching-and-guidance/the-six-virtues/
- Book: The Six Virtues: https://mybook.to/TWB-The-Six-Virtues
- Book: Spiritual Life Explained – The Wake-up Call: https://mybook.to/SpiritualLifeExplained in which I explain how “Your body speaks your truth”
- Podcast about your Body speaks your truth: https://thewaybackgroup.org/podcast/46-spiritual-life-explained-part-3-health-and-healing/
- Murderer attacked in prison: https://www.geo.tv/latest/583135-sara-sharifs-father-attacked-in-prison-after-murder-conviction
Images from the live show:
Thank you for listening to this show. If you’d like more spiritual content then check out “The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening” podcast and visit TheWayBackGroup.org where you’ll find loads of free resources to help you get the most from your spiritual journey. Check out my books and films. – Mark
Please note that a transcript, where present, has been automatically created based on the audio and so may contain some transcription errors. But we hope the benefit of having the words transcribed outweigh any glitches. Thanks.
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