Who really built Stonehenge, and why? Answering this simple question will take you on a journey that goes far beyond the realms of the world you think you understand. What you’re going to discover will change your world-view forever. This goes far beyond just Stonehenge and the knowledge shared in this documentary will empower you greatly to make more sense of the life you are living. Topics covered include: Stonehenge, Avebury, Nazca Lines, The original Druids, How Stonehenge was built, The Great Pyramids, Beings on higher dimensions, Magic, Pan, The connection between Atlantis, Hy Brasil and Stonehenge, Ancient Aliens, and lost technology.
The full story and free downloads are here:
https://thewaybackgroup.org/articles/stonehenge-into-the-light/ | Get the book.

Mark Zaretti https://thewaybackgroup.org/tv

Mark Zaretti is a spiritual author, film-maker, podcaster, presenter, and teacher based in the South East of England. He's passionate about bringing spirituality into everyday life and helping people to strengthen their own experience-based awareness of the divine.

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