Elon Musk conspiracy theory

    Ep.013 God’s Love & Joy. How to grow spiritually. Jesus’ powerful example. Approach conspiracy theories (Elon Musk, 5G, Covid, Willhelm Reich) Spiritually. The Enemy. Artificial Intelligence (AI), Elon Musk’s Neural Link Tech versus spiritual growth: Live Show Discussing Spirituality With Mark Zaretti

    Elon Musk Conspiracy Theory
    The Way Back Live Show - Discussing Spirituality
    Ep.013 God's Love & Joy. How to grow spiritually. Jesus' powerful example. Approach conspiracy theories (Elon Musk, 5G, Covid, Willhelm Reich) Spiritually. The Enemy. Artificial Intelligence (AI), Elon Musk's Neural Link Tech versus spiritual growth: Live Show Discussing Spirituality With Mark Zaretti

    Coming up: Six ways to avoid the conspiracy theory trap and how to gracefully explore the truth as a spiritual person. Join me as we explore how God’s love is different from the love between two people. Parental love is NOT unconditional. How life is about ups and downs and how to actually grow spiritually. The only thing you have any choice about. Head versus heart and the importance of intention. How Jesus inspired people and why he still does. A spiritual delve into the topic of Artificial Intelligence Elon Musk’s “Telepathy” and Neural Link projects and other technology brain augmentation projects. I also discuss how avoiding using AI is important if you care about authenticity and being human, and how using AI could actually damage your spiritual growth.

    Related resources, articles and podcasts:

    We covered a lot in this episode and below are links to various things mentioned:

    Bonus Material

    In this podcast I mentioned six things I do to avoid getting lost down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories. I’m not saying that conspiracy theories are false, but I’m saying that getting lost in them doesn’t help you spiritually grow. As an aide memoir here’s are the six things listed out: (the order is unimportant)

    1. How does this topic make me feel?
    2. What am I being encouraged to believe?
    3. What is the attitude?
    4. What are they trying to steer us away from?
    5. What would Jesus do?
    6. Take it to the highest principal

    Thank you for listening to this show. If you’d like more spiritual content then check out “The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening” podcast and visit TheWayBackGroup.org where you’ll find loads of free resources to help you get the most from your spiritual journey. Check out my books and films. – Mark


    Author : Mark Zaretti

    Mark is one of the founder members of The Way Back, an author of several books about spirituality and has written a number of articles on meditation. Mark started practising meditation in 1981 and has been teaching professionally since the late 1990's. He is passionate about helping people realise their spiritual potential. Mark hosts the live interactive Q&A show "Discussing Spirituality with Mark Zaretti" every Thursday 21:00 GMT on Rumble.com.

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