In this episode I shed light upon the origins of birthday cakes and the hidden meanings and ancient rites of using candles. Plus we explore how we percieve life, is it a gift or a curse? Why people suddenly shift personality, why the concept of Aliens and Galactic Councils is anti-human, what a Greek god, something we shout at celebrations and child birth all have in common.
Episode transcript:
NARRATION (The episode begins with the room in complete darkness, except for a small candle,
which I’m holding alongside the microphone so you can just see my face and the microphone.)
Good evening, it’s Mark. And this is the 21st of November, 2024. And this is the live show,
episode 37. And nothing’s gone wrong. We haven’t got a power cut. I’m holding up a candle
because I wanted to kind of make a point. And the point is I want us to just think back what it
would have been like about, say, two, three, 4,000 years ago, or even say, the 14th century. 13th
century, round about then, because there’s so many things we take for granted, and this is to
answer someone’s question. So all will become clear later in the show. But I wanted us just to
remember how fundamentally special the ability to just flicker switches or press a button and to
have light. And back in the day, this humble little candle probably would have been the focal
point, the most important thing, because without it, imagine what the contrast is. And obviously,
this is a spiritual show. So when I talk about contrast, think about it like this. We cannot
appreciate the light if it were not for the darkness. And we cannot similarly appreciate silence if it
isn’t for the sounds that punctuate it. So imagine how significant it is when, for example, you just
have one source of light and someone blows it out.
This is a spiritual show. So the goal isn’t to keep us in the dark. The goal is to bring
things to light, literally shed light on things.
And so that’s another way of saying to speak truth. So allow me to just shed more
light in the room.
NARRATION (It’s at this point that I get up from my seat and turn on all the different lights in the
room, starting with the one that spells out the word “truth”.)
And now we can start the show proper. But I wanted to start with that little kind of
reminder of how important even just a simple candle is and to get us into that frame of mind. So,
as I said, this is episode. It actually says 36 there, but it should be 37. So this is episode 37, and
these are the topics that we’re going to be looking at today.
So should life be difficult? And that’s a question that was actually asked last week, but
we didn’t have time to look at it.
Is wishing happy birthday a good thing?
Why is childbirth often so painful?
So, believe it or not, these are all actually quite heavily related topics. And yeah, let’s
see where this journey tonight takes us. So thank you to this candle and a bit of theatrics at the
start of the show. So let’s go first to the question that Toshi asked that we didn’t have a chance
to look at last week.
Toshi asks, we mustn’t pray for an easy life, but for the strength to endure a difficult
The experience of suffering is the fullest expression of God’s love. It is a chance to be
closer to Christ.
Now, that was in quotes.
And then Toshi says, I copied these words from a movie I recently watched and they
resonated with me. My take is that in difficult times, be humble, look not for blame anywhere, but
trust, forgive me, look not for blame anywhere and trust the process that all adversity is an
opportunity for growth and to be closer to God. Of course, God does not wish for us to suffer, but
as we live in duality, the third dimension, suffering is inevitable and faith is the bedrock to see us
through. Would you and others here feel similarly about this statement or otherwise?
Well, I can only speak for my understanding, but please do in the chat, those of you
that have already joined us, feel free to comment. Yay or nay or whatever comes to mind in
response to what we’ve just read out.
But here’s I want to break it down a little bit, as ever, and talk some kind of truth on
this matter. So in fact, hello Toshi, because I can see that you’re there in the chat and marigold0
and millie 2772 so thank you for this question, Toshi.
It’s a nice quote from the film. I’d love to know what film it is. So if you could let me
know in the comments, that’d be great.
And I could see that if someone’s going through the mill, if someone’s in difficult
situations, then hearing something like that could give them strength, give them courage, give
them purpose, give them a reason to say, look, you know, don’t pray for, as you say, don’t pray
for an easy life, but the strength to endure a difficult one. And there is some wisdom in that
because as I’ve talked about in the past, our soul. So going right back to fundamentals here, a
bit like that candle. Let’s go back to basics. So within us we have a spirit and a soul, and it’s our
soul that is our character and that’s forged over many lifetimes and it’s forged in adversity. So
that means that if you’re putting in a difficult situation, one where it’s outside of your comfort
zone or outside of your normal behavior, or where there is an imperative to make a good choice,
then when you make said good choice, what you’re actually doing is you’re demonstrating the
qualities of goodness, the qualities of God, in a small microcosmic sort of way. And so through
doing that, your soul grows because it goes, oh, I’ve had that experience of being more good
than I normally would be. And therefore that it’s like I’m going to hang on to that experience and
it’s going to define me. So now I have that to draw upon as I go through this life and into the
next. And so understanding that, then it’s wise to say, give me the strength to endure difficult
But the next thing, the experience of suffering is the fullest expression of God’s love. I
cannot as a spiritual, from my own spiritual experiences. And what I know from being, rather
than thinking is that that doesn’t ring true, at least not for me.
So that would suggest that God wants a certain level of suffering. God’s love doesn’t
require anything. It’s unconditional. So it doesn’t say, I will love you, but only if you suffer.
Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that there is great compassion in your
suffering and that compassion obviously comes from God, but it cannot for me as a spiritual
person, hold true that the experience of suffering is the fullest expressions of God’s love. But I
do agree that it is a chance to be closer to Christ. Christ, meaning Jesus, who is God, who is the
Son of God and who is God. Okay, so those are kind of my thoughts on it. As you’ve asked,
what are my thoughts on.
But yeah, in difficult times, I agree, be humble. And the reason why humility or being
humble is so important is we in other episodes, we’ve talked about the six virtues. And these are
virtues of character. And for example, you have humility, respect, non judgment, gratitude, etc.
Now if humility isn’t there, it’s very difficult for the other ones to be there. So I often say humility
is the bedrock of being more spiritual and raising your soul vibration. And so in any situation, not
just in difficulty, then be humble, but especially in difficulty, because as Toshi’s wisely pointed out
here, if you’re not humble because he said something like this, do not. Where did he say do not
look for, look to blame anywhere.
Going into blame is actually ego, okay? That stems from ego. So it’s looking for
something external to you to be resentful of, to blame, to be angry at, etc. In other words, not
taking responsibility for how you’ve reacted to something. And so going into blame will always be
a negative thing. And the counter to that is humility. So humility keeps us, all of us out of ego. So
always humility, not just in difficulty, but especially in difficulty because otherwise the likelihood is
we go into the negative stuff of blame and you know, resentment and self pity and all of these
things which never have a good outcome spiritually. Okay?
Certainly the idea of trusting in the process, again, if you want my honest opinion, I’d
say that that is assuming that the suffering is part of the process. And so this is the bigger
picture. So I want to kind of step back and look at the bigger picture here. So the bigger picture
is that as Toshi says here, we’re in the third dimension. So suffering is inevitable. That is true,
but it’s not how it’s meant to be. Keeping things really simple. The role or the purpose of
humanity isn’t to suffer. It’s just that our positive qualities, our ability to spiritually grow allows us
to use suffering in a way where we come out of it a better person.
It’s not easy and it’s not a given. It requires intention, it requires action and change.
But when a person is in a difficult situation, as a good human being, then they have a choice.
Now all they’re really responsible for is their reaction. But if they react going into
negativity, then that’s their choice. And if they react being positive, especially when it’s difficult,
that’s where there’s growth. So it’s not that suffering is inevitable because that’s by design and
therefore have faith in the process. It’s rather that beyond all of the duality is God and God is on
your side and God is good and God wants what is best for you. And God has equipped us, you
with this amazing soul and spirit. The spirit is the beacon of light effectively that lights the way
that is trying to guide you back to God. And the soul is the record of your journey to God. So
every time you do good, God, the word good comes from always derived from the word God. In
other words, every time you just demonstrate goodness or Godliness, then you move closer to
God and your soul is the record of that. So it’s almost like another way of putting it would be
have faith. God hasn’t let. God hasn’t abandoned you and the, and the capacity to overcome the
situation and the guidance is already within you as gifts from God. Okay. So, yeah, that’s
certainly how I would take it. And thank you for that. You’ve kind of. Millie 2772 has said the
quote is from Father Stew with Mark Wahlberg. I haven’t seen that one, so it could be good. So
let’s check that one out. But I can’t, I can’t endorse it. I haven’t seen it. But let’s see what you
know, I’ll put that on my watch list.
So hopefully, Toshi, that kind of, you know, we picked the bones out of that a little bit
and it shows that some of it I, I think resonates with spiritual truth and some of it is perhaps well
intentioned idealism and certainly would probably be encouraging words for someone in a
difficult situation. But just as I switched on the word truth, which is behind me on this side, get
the other side. Just as I switched that light on first, I did that on purpose because truth must
always come first. And so, and I recognize it when we ask questions, when we look into things,
and it’s no different from me. We have to be willing and desiring the truth. So we have to say
whatever I want or hope the answer is I have to be able to be more neutral and to let go of my
expectations. Because then if and when things aren’t how I expect them to be, I can overcome
my inertia and let the truth in. And I’ve had to go through that many, many times on this journey.
And I’m sure it’s going to happen some more. So I kind of say to all the, to all the seekers of
truth, I recognize the courage it takes. So let’s have a look at the next question.
If I go here. Oh yeah.
So this is why I had this artwork from last week, which is this guy with the big burden.
And I wanted to kind of say look because that’s what how I interpreted the question that you
could say look. Is suffering inevitable? In other words, is life just a journey of suffering and we
get ground down by the weight of it and eventually collapse at the finish line? No, it’s not. And
that, as I said, I wanted to step back and look at the much, much bigger picture. So in very
simplistic Terms, there should be harmony. There should be. As I. As I demonstrated at the start
of the candle. And when I had the candle on, there was light. When I blew it out, there was
darkness. But that darkness wasn’t evil. It wasn’t malevolent. It was just the opposite of light.
And the two of them, light and dark, cancel each other out, and you have neutrality. That’s how it
should be.
But the fact that there is a massive imbalance and that there is beyond darkness, evil
and extreme kind of what people refer to as demonic or satanic energies, that wasn’t always the
way it was meant to be, but that is the way it is now. And so, because that is the way it is at this
time, that’s what we’re born into, but it’s not by design.
And that’s why I would say, as a human being, I can only speak for myself. So, you
know me, I don’t want to say you should or we should. I simply hold up an idea, and if it
resonates with you, it resonates with you.
So I would say my understanding and the choices that I have made is that
understanding that things aren’t necessarily the way they are meant to be and that things like
darkness and evil and satanic and demonic isn’t meant to be, it’s not there by design, it’s there
by imbalance that has perpetuated and kind of reinforced and spiraled itself, then I personally
feel it is my duty as a good human being with these gifts that God has given me of a spirit, of a
soul and all the other kind of things that are of light, that it is my duty to, in my way, oppose these
things and to stand for truth, whatever that means, in whatever small way is possible.
Because otherwise, understanding that things aren’t the way they are meant to be, if,
if I go into negativity, judgment, blame, and all of those things that Toshi rightfully pointed out
weren’t good, then we’re just contributing to the problem. We’re not bringing balance back.
And so I think a lot of good, you know, good spiritual human beings have this innate,
something’s wrong and we should stand for what is right. And when we stand for what is right,
we’re actually really exalting or demonstrating what it truly means to be human. Because all that
is good came from God. And I’m not talking religiously here. I’m, you know, I’ve spent thousands
of hours in meditation and I’ve kind of tripped the light fantastic and gone beyond form and
beyond Mind and beyond body and all of these lower things. And there is a great truth in the kind
of oneness of everything and the beauty of everything and the love behind everything. And what
we get down here is filtered through the veils of all that is wrong that should not even be there.
So it, you know, as we are fundamentally beings that are good, good human beings, especially
when, when we’re not distracted by being human doings and we remember that we are in the
present and we are human beings, then it is part of what we are to be seeking the truth. Okay,
so this idea that life is just a burden that’s grinding us down, I wanted to challenge that and say,
yeah, there is weight that we carry, but it’s not meant to be there. And recognizing the truth of it
is half the way to alleviating that burden. Okay, so what next? Ah, right, so now we’re on to
another question and this is from John B. Hi Mark. My partner and I love your shows and watch
them whenever we can, usually on playback because of the time difference as we’re tuning in
from overseas.
It’s funny, during our conversations random questions often come up and we always
say we’ll have to remember to ask Mark. The other day we were celebrating a birthday and
found ourselves singing the Happy Birthday song. It struck us how odd it is that this simple song
is universally chanted during birthdays in so many countries. I once heard a claim that this song
actually ages you. Do you have any thoughts or insights on that? So at the time of asking, the
answer would have been no, I haven’t really thought about it and I apologize in advance. But for
those of you who aren’t sure what we’re talking about, it’s the Happy Birthday song. So I
apologise for my singing, but it would be Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy
birthday dear, whatever your name is Happy birthday to you.
So that’s the song that’s being referred to there. And so sometimes if a question gets
asked and it’s not something I’ve had any prior kind of exposure to or insights into, then I will
take it on the inside and look into it. Should say that, look into it with quote marks around that. In
other words, do a bit of spiritual exploration on the matter. And so I did find some very interesting
stuff out the musicians, I just put the actual music or notes on this on the screen and the lyrics
there. And if I planned that better, we could have all had a good sing along.
But the short answer is those simple words don’t really have any negative
connotations, you’ll all be glad to know. So we don’t have to find a different way of wishing
someone happy birthday.
And so that’s the good news. But it kind of then opened up a can of worms. And this
is where it gets very, very interesting.
So what normally happens, you sing the song happy birthday to you, and then quite
often people then say, you know, for he’s a jolly good fellow, or for she’s a jolly good fellow. And
then you get hip hip hooray, you know, and that gets repeated a number of times, normally three
times. And then they say to you, speech. Or they bring out the cake at that point, and the cake
comes out and there’s all these candles in it, one for each year. And then. Right, blow out the
And then. And then, you know, once you’ve. You’re mortified at all of that attention,
especially if it’s in a restaurant or something, then they say, right, make a wish.
And you have to make a wish. And then they often say, right, speech, and put you on
the spot.
So what’s going on there? Because there’s so much to. So much ritual there. Have
we ever really considered where these things come from? What’s behind them?
Because I’ve got to be honest, when I got this question, I thought, oh, we’ll see where
this goes. You know, having realized that singing a song doesn’t really have any negative
connotations, I thought, okay, that’s the end of that. Or is it the words hip hip hooray? It’s quite
an interesting one to kind of delve into, but the oldest record I could get of the origin of these
words, and it kind of goes to Russia and to Germany and places like that, especially the word
hooray, which actually may have originally been huzzar, but it was always some kind of military
call, either from sailors on a boat or like a battle cry going into war. But the hip hip bit, they
reckon it came from Middle Age Latin, a battle cry saying. And I can’t pronounce this, but it’s
heroslima est perdita. Now, I speak a bit of Italian, so est perdita, I understand, is is lost. And it.
It’s actually her heros. Lima is Jerusalem in Middle Age Latin. So it’s saying Jerusalem is lost. So
H E P is the abbreviation that they would say. So instead of the long Latin form hierosillima
esperdita, they would simply say hep, okay? And they would repeat it. So they would Say hep
hep, and then give their battle cry huzzah or hurrah or hurray. So it has become hip, hip, hooray.
And the significance of this is that it’s not Jerusalem the place, it’s Jerusalem, the concept that is
being referred to here. So what it’s saying. So there’s a wonderful song.
Well, it’s very well known, if you’ve ever done the Proms. And it’s the song Jerusalem
and it talks about, did, you know, speculates, did Jesus ever walk these green fields and talks
about the satanic mills in the north and stuff like this. And it’s saying that Jesus will build
Jerusalem in England. And what it’s actually a reference to, it’s the idea that Jerusalem is not a
geographic place, it’s the kingdom of Jesus, the kingdom of Jesus’s followers and Jesus’s
sovereignty on the third dimension on earth, on the physical plane. And so to say hep hep is
declaring that the kingdom of Jesus, the goodness that he has wrought, has fallen. So it’s
actually quite sinister when people go hep, hep, hurrah or hep, hep, huzzah, they’re actually
extolling the idea that the forces of darkness have overcome Jesus. You know, when you. When
you really get into it. But even if you just took the word hooray and you look at the roots of that
most, I mean, these words are very hard to find definitive roots of, trust me, you spend a good
hour on it. But it centers around the idea Germanic or proto Russian BATTLE CRIES so it’s all
about war, really. I find that quite fascinating in itself. And understanding now that what it might
be alluding to is the fall of the idea that Jesus’s kingdom, the spiritual kingdom that Jesus has
bestowed upon us has fallen means that it’s not a phrase that I would use in any kind of
celebratory way.
You’ll remember right at the start, I had this candle and the only light was from that
candle and then I blew it out. So let’s have a look at why do we have cakes and why do we have
candles? Because it’s all related. And this is where it kind of gets a bit interesting. So the idea of
cakes actually came about from Greek celebrations of a particular God. And I’ll show you a
picture of them in a little while.
And this particular God was associated with the moon.
And so what they would do is they would bake. It was more like a bit of a rough
biscuit, really, but a big biscuit. Like the size of a plate. And they would put candles in it to signify
the light of the moon. So the light of the candles lit up this crescent shaped moon shaped cake,
or you know, whatever it was, biscuit cake thing. And so it was actually the idea of a cake was a,
I was going to say sacrifice, but it was a ceremonial offering to a God. Not God, but a God, a
Greek God who ruled the moon. Okay. And so the light of the candles lit up the surface of it like
the moon at night.
And so that’s the origin of the idea of a cake with candles. And then in 1746, Count
Ludwig von Zinzendorf, okay, I have no idea where he’s from, but this is the guy who took it one
step further. And in his extravagant court, he had an elaborate cake on his birthday. And he put
one candle for each year of his life.
And that’s where the idea of the candles for each day, you know, for each year of your
life comes from. And you know, it’s because whenever these wealthy aristocrats do something
and the common folk follow because they set a trend. But the other thing that we need to
consider is, well, the other reason why they use candles is they believed, going back to the
Greek times is they believed that the smoke from their burning candles would carry their prayers
up to their, you know, this God that ruled the moon. And so that actually goes back in time to the
idea of why they burnt sacrificial animals and people and things. It’s because they, they figured
that the horror of the sacrifice would get the attention of the gods and then the burning would
take whatever it is they’re asking for. Rain or a good harvest or, you know, victory in battle or
whatever, it would take that wish up to the gods because they thought that the gods lived, you
know, in Greek times at the top of them of the mountain, Mount Olympus, I believe. And so
when you look at a modern day birthday cake and you go, hang on a sec, this is actually a
sacrificial right to gain favor with a God that rules the moon. Okay, so was that what we intended
when we put all these candles on this cake? And then where did the idea of blowing it out come
from? So looking into this, if you’ve just declared that these cake, this, these candles on this
cake represent your measure of life, counted in orbits around the sun to keep all parties happy.
Orbits of the sun, then what’s the symbology of blowing out the light?
You’re actually symbolically ending your life.
It’s obvious these Candles are taken to represent one for each year of our life. And
what do we do? We blow it out. The other symbology is that we blow out the light. We plunge
ourselves voluntarily into darkness while offering sacrifice, sacrifice of the cake, sacrifice of the
smoke to a God. Not God, as in not the real true God, the God of light. In other words, we
plunge ourselves and those around us into darkness while we offer a sacrifice to the God of the
moon. And what is the moon symbolically? It is false light.
So suddenly we’re back onto the idea of false light, which we were noticing in
symbology last week when a certain political person talked a lot about the light of this and the
light of that, and we drew lines, dotted lines, over to the torch of the Statue of Liberty. So it’s
fascinating how just a simple question about singing a song can actually start to reveal so much.
So who, who is this God that I’m referring to? So this is the, the God in question. And I’m
drawing a. I believe it’s Dionysus, but I know them as another name, which is why I’m just. Drew
a quick blank there. But this is the woman, the God of the hunt. And there’s lots of stories, you
know, someone watched her bathing and she turned them into a wild animal and someone’s.
Someone shot with an arrow, one of her favorite deer. And so she did horrible things
to them. But basically this is a Greek God, but also a Roman God. So the Romans knew them
as Diana. Okay, but I can guarantee that you probably know them better by another name. But
I’ll give you a moment. So if anyone in the chat I know, there’s about a 20 second delay, so I
won’t tell you yet, but what name do you think you know them by? Or what name do you know
them by other than Diana and Dionysus? So I said Dionysus. That’s why I said I was drawing a
blank. So it’s actually Artemis is the Greek name. So I apologize I said Dionysus, but that’s why I
kind of had to think. But it’s the Greek God Artemis, also known as Diana by the Romans.
And this particular statue, I’ll put links to all of this stuff so you can look, look into
these things yourself. And there’s a lot of Greek mythology and obviously Roman mythology
around this character. But in modern times, this person is still being worshiped even today.
And. But I don’t know if most people have made the connection who this really is. And
by the way, when I say who this really is in spiritual terms. So I don’t know. I don’t know if
anyone’s still there. If you, if you want to write in the chat who you think this person is, then feel
free to go ahead. But I’ve talked about this before. So when I am on the quote unquote on the
inside, in other words, I’ve moved my awareness into much, much vaster spaces and higher
vibrations, or some people refer to as higher dimensions, then I have encountered all kinds of
beings and things and I have encountered this particular.
It wouldn’t be accurate to call them a being. There’s something else. But for ease of
simplicity, they are a sentient being like thing. And yeah, just one other of the many myriad of
quote unquote, like the pantheon of gods. And it’s interesting if you look at like the Greek and
the Roman stuff and then you look at the Hindu stuff where they’ve got, I think about 6,800 gods
arranged over all kinds of levels. And it reminds me of the idea of the Masonic or the Masonic
structure where you have one or two at the top and then you have their underlings. And as they
go down the ranks then you get more and more and more, but really just like a military structure,
really, you’ve got the general or the admiral at the top and you’ve got the soldiers at the bottom.
Okay, so all of these different polytheistic traditions, whether it’s Greeks or the Romans or the
Hindus, is all pointing at the same thing. Lots of gods, what I would say is just non physical
beings. And I’ve talked about things like that coming down here in the Stonehenge documentary
and in other episodes as well. So I’m just kind of bringing it all together here really and saying
that this character is known to you by another name. And that’s the name that I encountered
them as. And in the chat we’ve drawn a big blank. So someone said, not sure.
Okay, so this character Diana Artemis goes by many names and another name that
you probably are more familiar with would be Lilith. Okay. And in case you’re not not up on your
old, you know, kind of Bible studies and this is a spiritual chat, so there’s no need to be, but Lilith
is supposedly the first wife of Adam and. But again, that doesn’t tally with what I’ve explored and
understood on the inside.
But another name that probably more people are familiar with is Gaia. Okay, so when
people worship Gaia or Lilith or the moon, then they are worshiping Diana Artemis, who is this
ancient presence on higher dimensions that is implicated in some of the, let’s just say, some of
the suffering that we all experience.
And look, as I’m sharing this stuff with you, I remind us all what I said last week. So if
you. If anything I say brings up any questions, because if there’s time, and we’re getting through
stuff quite quickly today, so you may have that wonderful opportunity if there’s time towards the
end of this live show, then if you want any. If you’ve got any quick questions or you want me to
go into anything, just put question mark, question mark, question mark. And then whatever your
question is, and then I’ll come to it in at the end of the episode. So people who are worshipping
Lilith or Gaia or quote, unquote, Mother Nature when they personify it, it’s all getting attributed,
really to this character. And they go by many, many names. So, you know, no one name is more
real to them than the other. And they’re not a good character and they are actually responsible
for a lot of the suffering. But that’s something I’m going to get to in the next question.
But there was one other thing I wanted to bring up. So going back to the idea that the
cake and blowing out the candles and all of this seems to be a little bit more sinister or nefarious
than we perhaps first thought, there’s more to it. So when they do Hip Hip Hooray, which we now
understand may have quite sinister roots, they do it three times, okay. And it’s not by chance.
Now, if you want to understand the significance, then it’s good to kind of always go back to old
texts, like thousands of years ago. And one of the obvious sources, because it’s something we
all have at our fingertips, is the Bible. Now, I’ve said before what the goal of this live show is, and
the work that we do is to become more spiritual, not necessarily religious. But there’s not that I’m
saying that there’s anything particularly wrong with religion, but it’s just understanding that
religion is a belief system. Spirituality is an experiential thing, but there is like a Sven diagram,
some overlap in the middle. And people who are religious can be spiritual and people who are
spiritual can be religious. But what tends to happen is that as we mature spiritually, we translate,
we awaken to the fact that experience trumps belief alone. Okay? So that’s why I always draw a
line and say that, you know, we’ll talk about stuff like the Bible, but it’s not about the Bible per se.
It’s about what it points at, you know, And Jesus, for example, who I have said many times, is
the greatest spiritual teacher, and Jesus is God. He’s not just another human who taught.
Jesus was trying to show people the way, the way to live, the way to be, the way to
connect with God. He wasn’t trying to teach them. He could have just written down stuff, if that’s
his goal. He was trying to show them how to be okay. So again, the difference could be
considered that spirituality is about being that which is alluded to. But the point I make is that
sometimes there’s a great value in looking at the Bible as a reference to things. And so if you. I’ll
try and make this a bit bigger on the screen, but I’m going to read these out anyway, some of
them. So I’m going to draw your attention to something and then I’ll talk about the origins of it. So
why do they repeat things three times? Or why have we been conditioned or taught to repeat
things three times?
Park that question, hold that question, and then I’ll read some of these things out. So
in Judges 16:5, then she said to him, how can you say I love you when your heart is not with
me? You have deceived me these three times and have not told me where your great strength
is. So there’s significance there because it’s not the first deceit, not the second, it’s the third. It’s
three times. Matthew 26:34, Jesus said to him, truly I say to you that this very night before a
rooster crows, you will deny me three times. And that’s the story of on the last night when Jesus
is taken away in the garden of Gethsemane, that Peter, you know, who considers himself very
loyal to Jesus, Jesus says to him, no, you will actually deny that you know me three times before
the croc, before the cock crows. And that’s quoted by different gospels. So Mark 14:30 says, and
Jesus said to him, truly, I say to you that this very night, before the rooster crows twice, you
yourself will deny me three times. Okay, Just to find another example of the significance of when
a word is said or the fact that three is significant, let’s just find another one that I like. Yeah, so
Isaiah 63. And one called out to another and said, so this is when Isaiah has the revelation of
God, and he sees what he believes to be angels. And one of these angels called out to another
and said, holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts. Excuse me, the whole earth is full of his glory.
And this is a reference to God. So what they’re doing here is because three is
significant. If you say something three times, then you’re emphasizing it. And just as now we get
distracted by all the different forms of light that we can have and things like this.
Back in the day, written word and oral word was everything. It was the tv, the
newspaper, the radio, the Internet, the podcasts and everything. We’re spoiled these days. So if
an scribe wrote something three times, or if an orator said it three times, then he was, or she
was letting you know. This is important. Okay? So the fact that we say what is effectively hep,
hep, huzzah three times means that it’s like an invocation, a form of magic, to say, this isn’t by
chance that we have said this. This is, we are, we have said it, we have reinforced it, and we
have affirmed it. Now, is it because people wrote that three times in the Bible that now when we
say things three times, it’s significant? No, it’s because of basic fundamental numerology. And
you know, I’ve talked about numerology in the past, and there are some very fundamental basic
principles to the way that the creation that we’re familiar with works. Okay? So I’m not saying
this applies on all dimensions or on all facets of creation, but the creation that we understand is
governed by fundamental building blocks. So it’s not like a rule. It isn’t that someone said right
from this day forth, if someone says something three times, it has significance. It’s just simply
the number three is empowering. The easiest way to think about it is if you have one point, then
there is no differentiation. There is no time, there is no movement. When you have two points,
there’s differentiation because you can be there or there, point A or point B. And therefore there
can be movement. Movement from point A to point B, time. Because you may have been at
point A and now you’re at point B. But there is no sense of purpose because it’s two
dimensional. The moment you have three points, you have direction. And that’s why an
arrowhead is three points. You know, a triangle is three points. That’s why the triangle is used as
a warning. It gets our attention. And in energy terms, a triangle being a three sided, three
pointed geometry has potential. It’s got energy, it’s got movement. And that’s why in magic,
excuse me, they use a six pointed star, which is three pointed triangle pointing up, overlaid with
a three pointed triangle pointing down. Okay, so, you know, we all kind of are waking up to the
idea that geometry and symbology and numerology are used by the forces that aren’t good. We
being good, don’t use them because that goes against natural order, but we can be wise to
them. So whenever you see a six pointed triangle or triangles in general, especially pointing
downwards, then that’s often depending on context, being used to drop the vibration or to do bad
work. So that’s why the significance of indoctrinating us to say what is actually a state, a
declaration of the fall of Jesus, work three times, then blowing out the light, literally blowing out
the light within, so it’s plunging oneself into darkness when we blow out the candle cakes. So, I
mean, it’s a bit like Halloween. Did we understand it when we did it? No. But is our participation
consent? Sadly, yes. But now we know we can make an informed choice. Okay, so I hate to
always be the kind of bearer of troublesome news, but really what I’m saying is, look, this is
news to me as well. None of us are damned for the things we’ve done in the past in ignorance,
even if it may have opened us up to negative influences.
Now we are awake to it. Now we can exercise our free will and our choice. And so I
won’t ever be putting candles on a cake and blowing them out, nor will I be saying hep, hep,
hurrah ever again, because I understand the connotations, I understand the hidden ancient
meanings behind these words. And so we can exercise choice. And that is why truth will set us
free. Now there is a lot more to get into, so let’s have a look at the next question because we
come back to this Artemis, Diana, Gaia, Lilith character.
And John B. Also asked so kind of two questions today. Thank you. And wherever
you are, you’re probably watching after this live show, but thank you for the questions. And it’s
good to have you joining us wherever you are, whichever country you’re in. Just thank you for
joining. So John’s second question is with regards to childbirth and why humans appear to suffer
to some of the worst pain out of all living creatures giving birth. Is there a reason for this from a
spiritual perspective? Now, right at the start I said, look, sometimes I have to look into things, but
sometimes I’m drawing on my own experience. And those of you that know me know that I’ve
done a. That I do a lot of healing work and have done a lot of healing work and it’s a constantly
learning thing as well. Because under the scope of healing, it’s not just say, energy work,
sometimes it’s discovering what the causes of. Of a person’s malaise or suffering. And that can
actually be, for example, spells or curses or paws and things like this. And so I think I’ve talked
about this in relation to dark magic, where a lot of people in Africa were asking me at one period
to clear them of the black magic that witch doctors and people were doing to them. And I had.
Was able to do so. But you kind of.
It’s so endemic there, you’re fighting almost, almost a losing battle. But you could
make a big difference to individuals through doing this work. And so a long time ago, I was
called on to look into someone who was having a difficult pregnancy and, you know, moving
towards childbirth. And what I found was that there was like a blanket.
It’s not quite the right word, but just so we can understand it, there was like a blanket
curse that was put on all good human beings, women obviously, that they would suffer greatly
during their periods, and they would suffer greatly during their childbirth. Stay neutral and
remember that the purpose of this show is to set us free through the revelation, through
shedding light on things. Now, I found this out a few years ago in the course of this work, and
what I found is it’s possible to alleviate that to some extent through positive counter work, like
intentions, affirmations and stuff for an individual, and blessings as well.
And also if that person prays, then that can help as well.
But this thing has been established for a vast amount of time compared to our
understanding of time. So when I say human, I’m talking about something that transcends even
what science says. Science will say humans have been around so long, but what human is has
been around a lot longer. So this original work against humans was done by these, you know,
these, as I’ve mentioned, these shadowy characters on higher dimensions a long, long time ago.
We’re talking several years ago. And the main perpetrator of it is this Diana character.
Okay, so it’s funny how in asking two questions that seemed completely unrelated, it’s
actually brought up a connection between the birthday cakes, you know, the cakes and the
candles celebrating Diana or Artemis, and the fact that this very same dark God is the one that
has persecuted women for so long, and it was done out of jealousy, because humanity, we’re not
the lowest of the low. So many, I’m gonna jump sideways here, but so much of the kind of like
the UFO space and people talking about galactic councils and all of this Stuff is really running
humans down and saying, oh, we’re the. We’re the thick ones in the galaxy and we’re the bottom
of the food chain and we’re the miserable ones and we’re the ones that should be apologizing for
our very existence. And we’d be lucky if these aliens come along and show us technology and
help elevate our society and all of this. And it’s.
It’s like, no, I’m going to. All right, I’m going to do it. I’m going to come over here and
I’m going to press that button and I’m going to change to the. To the red.
If you, those of you that have seen one of the previous episodes, this is serious. This
is the flames of truth stuff. So no, human beings are greater than all other things out there, and
that is why they are jealous.
God did not put a spirit in these dark abominations that have been persecuting us that
I talked about in the Stonehenge documentary that going back 11 and a half thousand years
have been manipulating the affairs on the third dimension and the dark societies and the dark
groups that even to this day are carrying out horrendous acts against children and are
warmongering and spreading disease and all of these things while, you know, influencing what
would be good people to do bad things. No, humanity is loved by God, has God’s light within
them and, you know, out of jealousy, because humans, because of the love that we have for
each other and from God, can experience a level of joy that is profound. And this bitter Lilith
character, along with one other character, was jealous of when she beheld humans having joy
and love for each other and for their children. And she basically cursed humanity millions of
years ago to suffer as women.
And, you know, this only came to light a few years ago.
And, you know, if this. I go into so much more of the history of all of this and the detail
and the depth of it in the books that I’m writing, but it’s important to know this. And so things like
prayer, being blessed, being given, healing can help. And I acknowledge someone’s asked a
question in the. In the chat, and I’ll bring it up now about menopause.
I don’t want to risk getting this wrong because I haven’t specifically looked into that,
but I know that when a good person is suffering that the forces of darkness can certainly make
their suffering worse. And so it could be that it’s been abrogated, but that is something I’d have
to look into. So I can’t answer that at this time, but I take the truth seriously and that’s why I
wouldn’t want to guess it. I have an insight, but with the lights and the camera and the mic and
everything, I’m not. This isn’t the state or the place where I can go inside and do the work. Or if I
did, then you’d just be sitting there watching me with my eyes closed for a little while and doesn’t
make the best use of your time. So I’ll come back to that, perhaps if it’s appropriate, in another
So the short answer is, we suffer illicitly because of our goodness.
There are other factors in this as well. So in a nutshell, if a very high vibration spiritual
woman has been charmed by a very negative or dark or evil man and they get together, that can
cause problems in terms of difficulty in conceiving and potentially difficulty in birth.
But that’s not like the general. That’s more like if it’s quite an extreme situation in
terms of disparity in energies. And that’s partly because the person, the good, the good woman’s
higher self would have been telling her throughout, don’t, don’t get with this person. Don’t get
with this person. Don’t have a child of them. It will be. It will be a disaster. And they’ve ignored
their higher self. So there may be some element of personal feedback and life lessons being
learned in that as well. So let’s just see if. Yeah, I’ll get on to this. So we’ve got one more
question Reuben asks. So welcome back, Reuben.
When we notice someone suddenly changes quite dramatically, drastically, e. G.
Starts getting heavily tattooed or decides to completely transform their look or style,
or even in some recent examples of people I’m aware of, suddenly came out and claimed to be
gay or lesbian in their 40s or 50s, should we be concerned? So look, especially in this current
day and age, I think you all appreciate that I have to tread carefully how I answer this question.
And what I would say is there is no one size fits all answer. So what you would generally find is,
first of all, should you be concerned or should we be concerned? No, the spiritual blunt answer is
you are only responsible for yourself. And if someone is 40 or 50 years old, then they are free to
make their own mistakes and it is their free will. However, there is also wisdom and compassion
and things. So what I would say is if the person is fundamentally a very good person and has
always been a very good person and Then uncharacteristically starts making choices that are
not good, then in all likelihood they have been interfered with. And I’ll qualify what that means in
a moment.
So let’s paint a picture. If a person is very, very good, especially as they’re
approaching 40 and 50, that’s the time when, if they haven’t already done so, they’re really going
to start to spiritually awaken because they’ve, we talked about this previously, but at that point
they’re free enough in their life and there’s this thing to do with the second Saturn return as well
that can kind of act like a mechanism or a trigger. And so they may start to really awaken at that
stage. Now if someone is really, really positive and good and full of love and light, then they will
naturally draw the attention of darkness because what does the devil want? It wants everyone to
worship the devil, worship material things and forget about Jesus and forget about God. In very
simple terms, it’s the battle of good versus evil is actually a battle over you and your soul and
your spirit. So when a good person suddenly transforms, especially later on in life and what they
start to demonstrate is not good. So I’m not going to make any judgment over the specifics, but
you can just look at it and say, is this what they are demonstrating? Is it demonstrating all of the
virtues towards themselves and others? So in other words, humility, compassion, gratitude,
respect, non judgment, unconditional love. So you for example, the thing about tattoos, we’ve
talked about this before and look, I put my hand up and say, look, I’ve had tattoos in the past.
If a person suddenly gets a lot of tattoos, look at what they’re doing. Don’t judge
tattoos, but look at it in terms of energy. What are they doing? They’re inflicting bouts of pain on
their body. They’re changing their body irreversibly really. And they are introducing matter into
their body that is non human that should not actually be there. Okay? So you know, we won’t go
into. Because it’s very simple, but it’s art or it’s expression or it’s a remembrance of someone or
something. That’s the justification. And you may remember that I once said, look, anything that
we have to work hard at to justify probably isn’t just.
So if a good person is drastically changing, don’t get hung up on the labels like oh,
they came out or they got tattoos or this. No, just simply look at the energy of the situation and
say, are they moving more towards God by Their sudden changes, or are they moving more
away from God? Are they demonstrating goodness to themselves, to others, and ultimately to
God? If the answer is no, they’re moving. They appear to be moving in the wrong direction, then
they’ve probably been interfered with. Now, interference. And this is as ancient as any recorded
thing. So in Islam, they call them jinns. In the Bible, they call them demons. And every culture
has their various versions and descriptions of these things. But keeping things really simple,
what are we? Physical body. Okay, aura, so energy, haze around us. What else? Well, I’ve
already said soul and spirit. What else? People will talk about mind, they’ll talk about
consciousness. So these are the big, big parts. Okay, so what happens if you’re a really good
person and someone or something on scene because you can’t see your spirit, you can’t see
your soul, you can’t take it out, put it on the table. When they. When we die and they do an
autopsy, they don’t go, here’s the soul. Well, here’s the spirit, here’s the mind. No, it’s just
unfortunately dead physical body. And yet we, in our language, we talk about soul. And bless
your soul. Oh, what a lovely spirit that person has. What’s on your mind? We’ve been talking
about these things from the. From day one. So what would happen if you took a very good
person and then you took a mind that wasn’t theirs? A mind of someone very evil, very dark, and
that mind was placed inside them, that mind claimed them. Okay, this is what we talking about in
traditions, when they talk about possession or what may account for some cases of
schizophrenia or multiple personality disorder, or when people hear voices that are not their
own. So what happens if this thing is particularly dominant?
Well, then you have a person that suddenly someone else is in the driving seat and
they’re no longer themselves. So think about the language we use. What’s got into you? This
person’s beside themselves, etc.
So it happens. And we should be concerned as spiritual good people.
What can we do? Well, we can pray.
If you are in a position where there is someone that can help, then you can seek that
help. And it’s something I’ve done and get called on to do. But what can you do to make sure it
doesn’t happen to you in the first place? That’s probably the important thing. And what can you
do if it is happening to a friend? What we need to understand is even if these things have been
placed in us, they will never be the dominant thing. We are the dominant Thing when we are
awake and when we are aligned with light and what is good. So unless we’re foolish and we
have welcomed things into us, by the way, that’s what people do when they do ayahuasca.
Because when you do ayahuasca, it’s to open the door. Door and allow beings and entities in
and spirits and other things. And that’s actually in the literature. So anyone that’s done Iowasca
needs to question, you know, would you open your front door and allow strangers into your
house? No. So what can we do to make sure we’re not targeted? Well, these things, when
they’re in us, the reason why they gain dominance is because they feed the ego. So goes right
back to what Toshi said about being humble. If we remain humble, then we don’t present ego. If
we don’t present ego, then we don’t give them a big steering wheel with which they can steer us.
So what these things typically do is they get into someone and they. Because it’s easy for them
that which has put in us a mind or, you know, a consciousness to read our own thoughts, to
basically have a dialogue with us. And if you’re particularly psychic and neutral, then you can
even pick up on if there’s something in you talking to you and tell it to sling its hook. But
basically, they can tell you what you want to hear. They can feed your ego. And as your ego
grows, it’s like a. It’s like a darkness, a cloud of darkness within you that smothers your soul,
smothers your spirit, and becomes the dominant force. And it wants to feel good. So they will.
They, being the intruder, will talk more and more to you, telling you what you want to hear to
feed your ego. And they can make you feel great, they can make you feel love, they can make
you feel all kinds of positive things. When will people wake up to the fact that feelings are the
lowest rung of the ladder? And there is nothing spiritual about feelings? And so they can
basically manipulate you via your ego and make you feel good. And then they have you. And the
joke is you’re still the dominant thing, but you’re letting this lesser thing drive you. And in the
case of the question, they’ll drive you in all kinds of directions that are out of character. Now, if
someone. I said if someone’s good, if someone’s not good, if they have always been dubious of
character, if someone is by nature negative or dark, they’ve not been listening to the spirit or
their soul. They’re not guided by God. They’re guided by their ego from day one, in which case
they’re an easy target as well. And so we have to understand that these negative things will go
into people because they are very good to bring them down, or if they are very bad, to push
them further into more badness so they have a stronger impact on their environment and those
around them, bringing other people down, creating more loosh, which is something we’ve talked
about in the past and generally spreading negativity. So, you know, big stuff there, big topics.
But it’s now five past 10 and I just wanted to thank you all again for joining us for this
live show. And if you’ve found this helpful, then please write in the comments after the show. So
let me know which of the topics you found most helpful. And remember, if you think it would help
anyone else, then do share it with them. Thank you everyone for joining us. And wherever you
are, I’ll say as ever, God bless you and carry on being good.
Thank you for being awesome and joining me for this episode. I’m truly grateful. As a
spiritual person, I hope it’s inspiring to realize that you’re not alone and that more and more like
minded people are enjoying this live show or like you right now, listening to this very podcast.
You’re part of an awakening community and together we’re all finding the way back to being
genuinely more spiritual. So I invite you to reflect on what’s been the most helpful thing you’ve
got from this particular episode.
Now, who in your life would get the greatest benefit if they knew this too? So please
help them by simply sharing this episode with them, since sharing is caring and this episode is
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remember, take what you now know and use it to grow.
Episode notes
00:00:34 Introduction – Holding a Candle
I remind us how the contrast of light and dark allows us to become aware of the qualities of each. This applies to all things in duality, silence, noise. We’re going to look at life and should it be difficult. Happy Birthday and the pain of childbirth.
00:03:50 Suffering and God’s Love
A quote from a film about strength to endure difficulty. I explain about the soul and spirit within us and how challenging situations can lead to soul growth. We explore the choice between humility and ego. We also debunk some ideas and reveal how some of life is not by design, and yet as human beings we can actually spiritually benefit from difficulty.
What is our duty as a good person? How should we react to wrong-doing?
00:18:35 Birthday Cake, Celebrations, Candles, & Worshipping Greek Gods?
We explore modern day birthday rituals, such as singing “Happy Birthday”, blowing out candles, having a birthday cake.
The dark roots of the phrase “Hip Hip Horray”, what does it really mean. Then we look into birthday cake and the symbology of candles from a spiritual perspective. This leads onto discussing Greek goods and moon worship!
00:36:10 The Power of Saying things Three Times?
I explain the significance of why people might say things three times, how this ties into numerology, sacred geometry, and magic. I also demonstrate the importance of saying something three times from examples in the old and new Testaments of the Bible.
00:45:20 Why do Humans suffer so much during childbirth?
I explain what I’ve discovered working spiritually as a healer, and how this relates to human suffering during childbirth. I explain why and also what can be done to reduce the suffering. This leads on to a deeper discussion of the ancient history of humanity.
00:48:50 UFO’s & Galactic Councils versus Humanity
I talk seriously about the truth of the “Alien Agenda” and how humanity stands above all others and how that invokes jealousy from other races (what some people describe as ‘aliens’).
00:53:30 Sudden Personality/Sexual Orientation/Gender Changes?
I then answer a question about the spiritual significance of a person suddently changing fundamental aspects of their personality and if that might indicate a spiritual problem? By way of example we discuss suddenly getting lots of tattoos. This leads on to discussing Jins, Demons, and other things which may enter into a person to “Take control” or “Possess” them. What can we do as spiritually good people to help someone like this, but also what can we do to prevent it from happening to us in the first place? Ayahuasca rituals allow stuff in.
Links to resources mentioned in this episode:
- View this podcast on
- See the full video version of this show:
- Origin of Hip Hip Hooray:
- Jerusalem Song:
- Picture of Diana/Artemis: By Shonagon – Shonagon, CC0,
- More about Artemis/Diana:
- Birthday cake:
- False light in Kamala Harris’ Speech:
- Stonehenge Documentary:
- Saying something 3 times:
- Halloween and participation means consent:
- The spiritual books I’m writing:
- The spiritual danger of Ayahuasca and other “Medicines”:
- What is Loosh?
Thank you for listening to this show. If you’d like more spiritual content then check out “The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening” podcast and visit where you’ll find loads of free resources to help you get the most from your spiritual journey. Check out my books and films. – Mark
Please note that a transcript, where present, has been automatically created based on the audio and so may contain some transcription errors. But we hope the benefit of having the words transcribed outweigh any glitches. Thanks.
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