Ep.003 Is meditation Spiritual? LifeWave & LightWave. Sex, Gender & Spiritual Growth. Spiritually Yin or Yang? We are one?: Live Show Discussing Spirituality with Mark Zaretti

Episode Summary: Sharing the history of Lifewave, Lightwave. I explain how John Yarr established a number of groups in the 70s, 80s and 90s. I also discuss how Nick and Mary, two long-standing teachers with John established Lightwave. I share my experiences as a spiritual teacher who met them. I explain how Light and Sound […]

Ep.001 Introductions, Spirituality, Beliefs, Parental responsibility: Live Show Discussing Spirituality with Mark Zaretti

Full Transcript [00:00:07] Welcome to the Wayback live show podcast, discussing spirituality with me, your host, Mark Zaretti. Each week I answer your questions, and though I may not have all the answers, together we’ll make more sense of life one episode at a time. [00:00:21] What you’re about to hear is the audio from […]

The Way Back

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