
    Ep.028 Botox Beware! Breast Implants, Titanium Joints, Cursed Jewellery and more: Live Show Discussing Spirituality with Mark Zaretti

    The Way Back Live Show - Discussing Spirituality
    Ep.028 Botox Beware! Breast Implants, Titanium Joints, Cursed Jewellery and more: Live Show Discussing Spirituality with Mark Zaretti

    Podcast Transcript:

    [00:00:07] Welcome to The Way Back live show podcast discussing spirituality with me, your host, Mark Zaretti. Each week I answer your questions, and though I may not have all the answers, together we’ll make more sense of life one episode at a time.

    [00:00:21] What you’re about to hear is the audio from the live show.

    [00:00:26] Visit live show to find out more.

    [00:00:32] Good evening, everyone. Welcome to the Wayback live show with myself, Mark Zaretti. And this is discussing spirituality. We’ve already got a few people in the chat, so it’s lovely to have you here with us. And whether you’re new to the show or whether this is, you’ve been with us for the whole 28 weeks that we’ve been doing this show, welcome. It’s always good to have you here. And remember, this is your show. So the whole purpose of this show is to answer your questions about pretty much anything spiritual. And if you look back at the previous questions, I’ll put a link in the description a bit later after the show. But if you look back at the previous questions, then you’ll see that we’ve covered a lot of different topics. Now, this week we’ve actually got, as ever, some new stuff to cover. But it seems like some of the things I brought up in the last episode have really resonated with people, provoked a few people, and raised a whole load of new questions, which is the whole point. I’ll talk a little bit more about this towards the end, about the whole process of getting information and why this is such a valuable interaction. And actually, there’s going to be a few things I’m going to share with you at the end. So I definitely say it’s worth sticking to the end. You might even want a pen and paper. But any information I give you, including references to other things, I will be putting links basically when I release the show as a podcast, I put all the links in there, and you’ll find it in the description of the rumble video as well. So as ever, let’s have a look at what we’re going to be covering today. So it’s episode 28, and we’ve got this picture of a woman who looks a bit terrified and she’s being approached by two needles. And if you’ve looked at the kind of the description or title for this show, then you can guess that those are Botox needles. And there’s also a hand holding out what is basically a silicon implant.

    [00:02:19] So it gives you a bit of a clue about some of the topics that we’re going to be looking into today, but I can assure you that it goes. No pun intended, but it goes a lot deeper. Deeper than skin deep. Anyway, so let’s have a look at what we’re actually going to be looking into today. So first I want to start with some lovely feedback, and then we’re going to look at a real testimonial of someone who’s put into practice. Some of the stuff that we’ve covered in previous shows. Are botox and boob jobs. Spiritually harmful, a deep dive into the importance of geometry.

    [00:02:52] We’re all students and is a silver lining to a story. Always a good thing. And then at the end, there’s going to be quite a bit of news and some information I want to share with you, so definitely stick around for that as well. So let’s go straight into the first bit. I apologize. This is actually a screen grab from our website where someone has left a comment and it’s maybe a little bit difficult to read, but I’m just going to read it out for you anyway. So the key thing they said here is, and this is in reference to episode 26, which was two episodes ago, and I part of that episode was talking about how we can help people who maybe aren’t as switched on spiritually, but are suffering disease or injury or accident because of higher self feedback, and how we can help them to understand that in the context of their own lives. And so I kind of looked at some strategies where we can help support people who maybe haven’t consciously become as spiritually awake, but are certainly on that journey. And the person fed back, this is a really great episode. They went into it and you can look at it on the website. I’ll put a link to their comment. But the bit I really want to pull out from this is this is really great episode and this is valuable information for us all. I will listen again. And, yeah, I just wanted to kind of acknowledge that and say thank you. It’s really lovely to hear when something, a particular topic, has resonated with someone. And importantly, as they’re describing here, help them to help another person, because hopefully that’s what we’re all in this for. Not just what can we get for ourselves, but also how can we help those around us. So I just thought I’d share that to set the tone, really, to say, look, what we’re learning in this live show today isn’t just for us, it’s for people around us, literally, to help make the world a better place. And since it’s all about people. Then I also would like to welcome username Watt, Millie 27 72, and the others who are now live and in the chat. And also, I welcome you as well, if you’re watching again or listening on a podcast. So the next thing I wanted to share with you, this is a screenshot of a WhatsApp conversation I had with someone, and they were quite affected by something that we shared in episode 27 when we’re talking about the effect of different materials on our body. And so this was, this is a message they sent me on September 14, few days later. And so I’ll just read it out to you, really. I’m going to go a little bit more into this one. I’ve commented, I’ve kind of shaded out the bits that are private conversation, so. Dear Mark, thank you for your Thursday night show. It took. I took off my jewellery after the show. Brackets, gold earrings and a necklace with Jesus and Virgin Mary pendant. And I honestly say that I feel like I’m a different person, as if a charm has been taken off me.

    [00:05:42] I am more positive, grounded, neutral, loving, and non judgmental, not reacting with negativity.

    [00:05:51] I feel like I’ve got my old self back. Received news yesterday that I might lose my job in a restructure, but I’m not worried. I know I’ll be fine. I trust that God looks after me.

    [00:06:03] Thank you for the show. Thank you for everything you do. So, you know, I replied, wow, that’s an amazing testimony. And they agreed that we could share it here.

    [00:06:14] And then they offered some more information. They said, look, I would also add that I slept better and the relationship between. And then they say themselves and their partner is better. It seems like he is positively affected, too. We are more light hearted, loving, and accepting of each other like we used to be at the beginning of our relationship. And I just think that’s wonderful. Now, I want to just break this down a little bit because I’m always curious. Know, one of the things that first came to mind is, okay, so just to backtrack, in that previous episode, I explained that certain materials like silver and gold, aren’t actually that good for us. So when I say us, I mean good spiritual people. Okay, so if you’re a good spiritual people, if you’re a good spiritual person, I’m talking to you now. What I explained is that certain metals have a negative effect or a positive effect, or they are harmful, or they are healing. Copper, for example, is positive and healing. But gold and silver, believe it or not, are actually not that good for you. I also looked at cotton and wool and polyester and leather and things like this.

    [00:07:16] And so what this person has done is they’ve taken off their silver and gold jewellery, and they’ve literally said, it’s like, I can’t remember the word they use, but, like, a curse has been lifted, and their vibration has been. Is back to how they used to be. More, more. All these positive things that they described, and they also referenced, I think it’s what the necklace was of Jesus and Virgin Mary. And so, look, I’m going to go straight in with the way I look at things is, okay, so was it removing that particular pendant, or was it the materials, or was there something about it? Because what caught my attention was when they said it felt like a charm. That was the word? Yeah, a charm had been lifted. So there’s a whole load of different ways of referring to things. So you could talk about, like, a Paul or a charm or an enchantment or curse or, you know, hex or spell. These kinds of words come up, different languages, different. Different origins, but they all mean the same basic thing, that someone or something has had a bit of a negative intention towards you, and it’s bringing you down. And so I looked into it and, like, was it because they were wearing something that symbolized Jesus, that they. That it was affecting them? And the answer was absolutely not. In fact, the symbology and the meaning to them was very positive. Was it partly because this thing was silver and gold? And again, the answer was yes. Going back to the last week, we talked about these things do have a bit of a negative and kind of not very positive effect on our energy, especially if we’re quite a spiritual person. So removing this, the pendant would have removed that vibration from their aura and from their body, and that would have had a good effect.

    [00:08:53] But that wasn’t it. That wasn’t the main reason why they felt so uplifted. It’s because their association that they had put that pendant on to bring them closer to Jesus, to remind them on a daily basis if they love for Jesus. And that’s a really good thing. And because this person is actually quite spiritual and has a lot of spiritual potential, then, you know, as I’ve referred to in a myriad of ways in the past, let’s just call them the forces of darkness. Whether they are seen or unseen, knew that that person was striving to be more spiritual and put, deliberately put, keep things simple. A spell on that pendant to do the opposite of what they wanted. So they wanted to get closer to Jesus and God, and to become even more spiritual and uplifted. And that curse or that spell was pushing them down in the opposite direction. So someone else wearing exactly the same pendant would have probably had no real ill effect other than the slight vibrational effects of silver or gold. But because that pendant, that specific pendant, was cursed or had this spell on it, that was actually what was bringing them down. And it goes to show how powerful some of these negative things are. And so when they removed it, it wasn’t because they took the silver away or the gold away, although that would have had a small positive benefit. It was because they removed the object that was cursed or had this spell.

    [00:10:20] Knowing what I know, I can go in and I can also just remove the actual spell so that that object would be neutralized, if you like.

    [00:10:30] But, yeah. So it just goes to show how profound sometimes these things could be. And what’s really interesting is that they were guided by their higher self to make that connection, because their higher self knew there was a problem with the pendant. So when they were watching the show, it kind of made sure they paid attention and literally said to them, you need to remove that. Using the excuse of the information I was giving them as the justification for removing it, but actually to guide them, to help them get rid of this cursed or charmed in a negative way. Because there’s no such thing as really a positive charm, this charmed item, to remove it from their vicinity so that the effect would be removed. So it’s really nice when people feed back and such a lovely story as well, that their sleep’s improved, their relationships improved phenomenally good, you know, positive stuff. But it also, you know, I’ve talked about this in the past, that if we’re going to be spiritual, truly spiritual, then we can’t pick and choose. We have to, you know, it’s like have your head in a clouds, but 1ft firmly on the floor. And so it’s just being aware that there is negativity, that there can be these negative effects against us in the. In the guise of spells or pulls or whatever, and having the sensitivity to go, hang on, I do not feel like myself, so maybe I need to reach out for help, or maybe I need to just go inside a little bit, be a bit stiller, be a bit more neutral, and intend that I’m uplifted and see if that helps. Okay. So I just thought that was such a lovely kind of conversation, and that that person was very kind to allow us to share that in this. In this kind of public forum. So I thank them because I think part of the, part of the challenge is when we’re, when we’re doing this live show, you know, that this is why I really love it when people send me audio clips and stuff because it reminds everyone else, and you the listener or you the viewer, that it’s not just this guy talking to the camera, that this stuff is real and it can really make a positive difference in people’s lives. And so when someone’s kind enough to give us this kind of testimonial, you know, I think it’s just wonderful because it’s like, well, if this could work for them, imagine what the benefits are of putting some of what we’re learning into practice. And it applies to me as well.

    [00:12:43] I just take my glasses off for a moment. You’ll understand why later on in the episode, but it applies to me as well.

    [00:12:51] So let’s have a look at the next thing. Now, we’re going to kind of go quite a bit back into what we were talking about in the last episode. But extrapolating things further, and as this example has just demonstrated, just putting into practice some of these things might have quite a profound effect on our lives. So I don’t mind going back over this stuff. I think it’s a inherently going to be of value to all of us. So this was the screenshot from last episode and where I talk about copper and cotton and linen and wool, etcetera. So if you’ve not seen the last episode, I’d definitely say it’s worth checking that out. But don’t worry, you don’t need to understand it too much. I’ll kind of go over it briefly.

    [00:13:38] We’ve got this graph and we got positive and negative, so positive pointing up and negative pointing down. And in the middle we’ve got horizontal lines, so that’s neutral. So everything above the line is positive. Everything below the line is negative. And what this is saying is that some things have a naturally positive vibration and therefore make your vibration more positive. Some have a negative vibration and will bring your vibration down. And then you’ve got left to right, so going to the left harmful and going to the right healing. And in the middle of that vertically is neutral, no change. So some things are harmful to you and some things are healing to you. And so a good example is copper is positive and healing. Leather is negative and harmful. And what we found was polyester is very, very negative.

    [00:14:28] So that was what we kind of covered last week. And someone anon has said, thanks for the show, I heard about the use of materials that we wear can have lower or positive vibrations, referring to what we discussed in the show. So what about botox and lip fillers that seem to be so fashionable? Also the silicone implants in calves, breasts, etcetera.

    [00:14:49] By the way, I had no idea people were putting it in their calves.

    [00:14:54] So. And then they go on and they say, I find. I find it sad that people feel the need to look like a dollar. Does this prevent any spiritual vibration from entering our awareness? What if pacemakers. And then they go on to kind of another question. So what if pacemakers and stints in the heart or metal bodies? I think they mean, what about these? Do these have an effect? I’m sure these are unavoidable in some circumstances, but botox seems like a distinct sinks are ourselves from connecting. So kind of paraphrasing. I think what they’re trying to say here is that some things are done for health reasons, like a stint or a pacemaker. And I know people who’ve got these, you know, and they wouldn’t be here if they didn’t. So that can only be a good thing.

    [00:15:38] But some things are vanity, you know, getting. Getting your lips done or botox or, you know, cosmetic, just for the looks of it, in silicon implants. So I guess there’s a kind of a question about the distinction between the two. Is there a distinction? And also, is there a spiritual knock on effect of these things?

    [00:16:04] So, yeah, I think it’s easier. What I’ll do is I’ll simplify their question. So this is what I picked out of it. There’s a number of things that are identified, and we can use our judgment as to whether or not we’re referring to something that’s cosmetic or medical, you know. So botox, by the way, which was originally a medical treatment for an eye condition where you had kind of lazy eye in children where they can’t focus their eyes. So they were injecting this thing into the muscles of the eye to relax one of the eyes.

    [00:16:41] So we’ve got botox and lip fillers. That’s the first thing. And then we talk about silicon implants, pacemakers, stints and metal, and tends to be titanium these days, that’s put into people’s bodies. And so I thought what would be a good way of answering the question would be to see where these things without any kind of judgment about whether or not it was done in the name of ego or whether it was done for medical reasons. Reconstructive surgery, for example, just simply asking the same question we did with cotton and copper and linen and wool and silk and all the other things last week. What is the effect in terms of, is it healing or harmful, and is it positive raising vibration or negative dropping vibration of each of these things? And just to kind of see where they sit in the scheme of things, kind of basing it on what we did last week. So one of the things I was very clear on last week is this is in relation to a good, a good human being, a good spiritual human being. So, look, if you’re someone that’s satanic and demonic, you’re probably not watching this show, for starters. But if you are worshipping Satan and into very negative and dark things, your energy is going to be completely different. And so the effect of things on you is going to be different. And as I explained last time, something that to a good person, could be quite harmful, might actually be quite cathartic to someone who is already very negative, evil or dark. So we’re talking about good, positive human beings here. We’re not talking about people that are deliberately doing stuff that’s bad.

    [00:18:22] So what are the effects of botox? Where would botox appear? Is it going to be positive or negative? Is it going to be healing or harmful? I think what I should do, I’m, look, I’m no expert, I’ve got a degree in biology, but I never really looked into botox. But, you know, what I do know is it’s from a bacteria and it’s a neurotoxin and it’s very, very potent stuff. So when someone has botox injected into them, it’s a little protein that’s made by the bacteria that’s been purified, extracted and then injected into their body, and it has a kind of muscle relaxant effect. So does that sound like it would be positive, negative, harmful or healing? You know?

    [00:19:10] So botox, that bee, as you can see, is quite far out there. It’s as pretty much almost as harmful as leather.

    [00:19:19] But what’s interesting is it’s neither negative nor positive in terms of its vibration, so that it doesn’t carry much vibration, but its effect on you is harmful. So if you held botox in your hand, you wouldn’t be gaining or you wouldn’t be raising up or lowering in vibration, but if you inject it into your body, it’s going to have quite a harmful effect on you. And I’m not talking chemically.

    [00:19:43] What we’ve got to remember with all of these things is this is the energetic consequence, not the chemical consequence. So botox has been used and is used for medical intervention. I’m not making a judgment on whether or not it’s medically healing. I’m making a statement of fact, if you like, on whether the vibration of it has a harming to your energy, harming to your aura, to even to your soul, to your energy makeup or a healing quality. Okay?

    [00:20:18] Which is different from saying, can it be used for medically, medical healing? So when I say healing, we’re taught and harm. I’m talking about energy. I’m not talking about the kind of physical side of things. Okay? But remember, if you’re, if you’re harming yourself energetically, it will eventually manifest out as physical dis. Ease, physical injury, physical malaise, if you like, and similarly, if you’re healing yourself energetically, it may alleviate physical problems. So there is a correlation between the physical. But what I’m saying here is really we’re mapping out the energetic side of things. So botox, perhaps no surprise, since it is a highly toxic substance made by a bacteria, that if they’re in your body, would cause you a lot of harm. So botox is very harmful. So let’s look at the next one. I haven’t even looked into what lip fillers are made of, but whatever it is, where does it fall in this kind of table? So lip fillers, wow. So they’re quite negative, about halfway down on the negative vibration stakes, but they’re not causing any energetic harm, nor are they healing. So if you have lip fillers, what this is telling us is that this is going to drop your vibration, your energetic vibration. So whatever, you know, as a good person, if you have lip fillers, your vibration will drop and it’s comparable. It’s kind of halfway in terms of its effect between leather and silver.

    [00:21:49] And on that scale, you know, I’m trying to make it not too specific, but you’re talking about about four or five out of ten in terms of its effect. So not as bad as polyester, but still not something that’s going to have a net positive effect on us.

    [00:22:06] So we’ll press on. Now, the next one’s going to be interesting because this tends to be polarizing in terms of you can have silicon implants for reconstructive reasons, or you can have it purely for vanity.

    [00:22:21] But again, remember, we’re just looking at it purely from an energy point of view. So there’s no differentiation at this stage. So silicon implants sit there. So let’s just go back. So silk. So it’s just slightly less harmful than silk on the system. No real vibrational impact in terms of positive or negative. It’s neutral, but it’s definitely causing some low level harm to the body by being in the body or on the body.

    [00:22:51] So we will press on. The next thing that was raised was pacemakers. So where’s pacemakers now? Bearing in mind they’re put into heal?

    [00:23:05] So again, in terms of harm or healing, they have no real effect energetically, but probably because of what they’re made of, there’s going to be a whole load of different things in them. So the contents of whatever’s in them is going to be within you energetically, and they have a net, slightly negative effect. Now, my guess is it’s probably copper inside a pacemaker, because if there’s any kind of electronics, there’s going to be copper, maybe silver as well. But the net balance of a pacemaker on a good human being is slightly negative. You know, maybe one out of ten on the scale, but slightly negative effect, but no real harm or healing in terms of its energy. Okay, so the next one is stints. Now, I’ve offset it slightly, but basically a stint falls exactly in the same place as a pacemaker. And I’ve. I’ve not looked into what stints are made of or anything. I’m just looking at it purely from an energetic point of view.

    [00:24:05] So having a stint fitted doesn’t cause harm energetically, doesn’t cause healing energetically, and has a net, slightly negative effect on energy. Now, I am going to go into the this because there’s a whole side to this, like, well, you know, should I not have one? You know, how does this compare overall and things like this? So for now, what I’m simply doing is this is almost like contrasting. You know, what. What would be the effect of wearing linen versus what would be the effect of wearing leather? You know, it’s that kind of contrasting thing. So what’s the effect of having botox versus, for example, a lip filler? You know, so we can kind of. The purpose is of this exercise is to.

    [00:24:55] Well, it’s twofold. It’s one, if you have a choice, you can make better choices if you’re better informed, and two, it’s to reinforce the understanding that where you have a choice, every choice you make has an impact. And what we’re talking about here is the fundamentals of what you bring in or put on yourself versus what you reject and keep away from yourself given a choice. Obviously there are situations, for example, medical intervention and stuff where you don’t have a choice. So we’re going to expand on this, but let’s just finish the list. So the last thing that was raised Washington, metal in the body. And I’ve translated that to mean titanium.

    [00:25:38] Now, think about what you know about titanium. And in fact, rather than thinking about it, one of the nice things and what I encourage us to do is rather than me just giving you information, I would like you to put into practice what we’ve learned over the various episodes. And if you’ve been working with me for many years and I would have done a lot of say in the past, guided meditations and just exercises in stillness and neutrality and things like this. And it’s what I kind of refer to as being in your more spiritual state. So being neutral, non judgmental, more from the heart, less from the head. So I’m going to talk about titanium in a moment, but before I show you where it is, be more from the heart, less from the head, be more neutral, be less judgmental. So you’re not preempting thinking, you’re just being more receptive. And just ask yourself the simple where do you think titanium would be?

    [00:26:39] Because what you’re doing there is you’re learning how to sit more in the state of neutrality and stillness and being more spiritual and then allowing inspiration or intuition to come to you. Not in an overly trying sort of way, just in a gently allowing sort of way. So where do you, based on being Stiller and more neutral and more present, where do you think, when we go back to this, where do we think that titanium is going to be?

    [00:27:10] Okay, so titanium, it turns out, is quite negative, moderately negative and moderately harmful, which, you know, is going to be relevant to a lot of people who’ve had joint operations, false hips, false knees, knee operations, that kind of thing. Pins in their legs, pins in their arms.

    [00:27:34] So naturally, this is going to lead on to a bit more of a discussion on how this actually sits in real life with us and what we can do about these things. So at this point, I’m simply presenting the information. Do not be disparaged. If you have titanium in your body or if you have silicon or any of these things, we will explore this. Okay? So that’s why it’s also important to remain neutral and kind of just be receptive. Okay, so let’s have a little bit of a chat about these things. Because what I’ve presented here is that some things in our body can be harmful and can be negative. The positive stuff’s great. So you know, cotton shirt. Great. Fantastic.

    [00:28:23] Off the back of last week, I put a 1 minute, less than a minute short video out where I’m basically talking about polyester and it’s negative. And fascinatingly, it got the most number of hits any of our short videos have got.

    [00:28:38] And maybe because it was more accessible to people because it wasn’t so much seemingly spiritual, it was just saying, could your clothes be harming you? And with more hits, there’s more feedback.

    [00:28:49] Got some very interesting comments and people pointed out stuff without the full context of the bigger video. So, you know, they were just kind of clutching at the little bit of information they’d been given and saying no, but that doesn’t mean that. And it’s not this and things like that. That’s fine because amidst all the kind of usual noise, there were some very good observations and that’s motivated me to look into things even further. And if you, if you don’t remember last week, I’d only actually looked into those things about an hour before the show. So it was new to me as well. And that’s the beautiful thing about this. And we’ll talk a little bit more about this later on. But we’re in a process of discovery and we’re sharing it and we’re doing this together. So we’re all along on this journey together.

    [00:29:31] Now, going back to the original question, it was kind of saying, look, is there, what’s going on here? And is there kind of, some kind of spiritual blocks that get introduced if you have these things in your body? Simple answer is no. Look, if you’re a spiritual person, titanium isn’t going to stop you. And I know some very spiritual people who happen to have titanium in their bodies, and not just a little bit. They’ve had a few operations and they’ve got titanium in there. And I know people who’ve got stints and pacemakers and silicon implants from a reconstructive point of view as well. So let’s just look at it now. Very top level.

    [00:30:08] When someone says, I want to have my lips filled or I want to botox my crow’s feet or my frau brow lines or something like that, where do we think, without, without being judgmental, just being neutral, where are they coming from? Are they coming from the virtues? So by that I mean, for example, humility, gratitude, respect, non judgment, compassion and unconditional love. So are they demonstrating that towards themselves? If they’re saying, I want these lines done and I want my lips filled and I want maybe my boobs done, or things like this.

    [00:30:54] It doesn’t seem like they are, because any of these things are going to cause a little bit of harm. Having an injection, having surgery is going to cause harm. So they’re electing to harm their body for an ideal. Even if it’s just a little injection, it’s still putting poison, toxins, botulism into the body for an aesthetic thing. So I think what you all can tell is what I’m referring to here is they probably coming from a stance of ego. Now, there might be underlying things like lack of self esteem, not being able to accept themselves, being criticized by others, etcetera. But fundamentally, they’re not demonstrating the virtues, they’re not towards themselves. So there’s a lack of acceptance, there’s a lack of gratitude about who they are. There’s a lack of humility, because to tamper with your body is to say you could make it better than God made it. Fundamentally, that’s in a very simple way what they’re kind of saying. Even if they don’t have that thought process, that’s kind of what the process of ego is saying is, I know best. And they’re not unconditionally loving themselves because they’re criticizing themselves and wanting to do something about it. Now, I know these are very broad brushstrokes, and if you’ve ever been in that situation where you’ve had botox or lip fillers or silicon implants for aesthetic reasons, I’m not here to judge you.

    [00:32:21] And I’ll talk about this and I’ll reference my glasses again, we can all be in at a time not tuned in to our higher self, not making the best decisions. And therefore, at that time, they may be coming from ego or a deficit of spiritual awareness, but it doesn’t mean that they are always going to be in their ego. There’s always hope, there’s always learning, there’s always change.

    [00:32:46] So when people are coming at it from an ego point of view, because it is, I want to look nicer.

    [00:32:52] Even if they’re justifying it, I’m not doing it for other people, I’m doing it for me. So I can love my body more, so I can accept my body, whatever. It’s still ego fundamentally boils down to ego because they’re not accepting who they are, they’re not loving who they are, they’re criticizing, and they’re wanting to change. That’s completely different from, say, someone that’s been injured or, or had disease and has to have reconstructive surgery. That’s a different kind of thing. But there is going to be a little bit of overlap.

    [00:33:22] There is going to be a wanting to be back to how you were, not necessarily totally accepting of how you currently are. And again, that’s fine. There’s no judgment. It’s just recognizing things, having that humility and that stillness and neutrality to step back and really just be present and say, okay, I acknowledge where I’m coming from, or, you know, because I have to say I rather than they because we’re not here to judge another person. So I’m in this seat and I’m having to answer the question and therefore I’m extrapolating what might be going on in another person. But really this information is for them to understand their choices. And for some people it might be a revelation that they’ve even got a choice, but to understand their choices. And part the process of kind of giving this information was to say, look, some of the stuff you might consider putting in your body might actually have a harmful effect or a negative effect. So that empowers them to make a better choice, but ultimately it’s just their free will to make a choice. And I guess what I’m aiming to do here is to create that stillness and that neutrality to drop into a better understanding of why am I making that choice?

    [00:34:37] Ah, okay. It comes down to fear, fear of being judged by others. Or it comes down to ego or pride or vanity. But fear, pride, vanity are all just aspects of ego. It all is ego. But sometimes it’s easier to understand what pride is in context than just label it as ego.

    [00:34:57] And so all of these things have an effect. Now, if it’s, for example, if you don’t have this stint, you’ll probably die.

    [00:35:06] Then the wise things to do would be to have the stint. And don’t forget, I am going to get into what we can do if we’ve got these things in our body.

    [00:35:15] If it’s a choice between living on or not, then you don’t reject the pacemaker, you don’t reject the stint. You just understand that you may have to make maybe work to do down the line energetically and healing wise. Okay, so before I get to that, what you could do if you had these things, we need to then remind ourselves of something that I’ve talked about many times and it’s covered in, in the book. I’ll point over there. But you, you kind of, there’s the bookshelf back there and there’s that book which is also on the wall behind me. So it’s this picture over here, which is spiritual life explained, the wake up call, the way back to God. Now, in there, there’s a whole chapter on this where I basically talk about how your body will give you feedback. So if you are not listening to your higher self, then sometimes you will manifest dis ease in your body. And so if someone’s got to a stage where they need a pacemaker, or they need a stint, or they need a hip replacement, it’s not always definitively this, but there’s a likelihood that perhaps it’s an unlearned lesson or that they haven’t been getting the message. And so it’s been amplified and amplified over many years, and now it’s actually physically manifesting as disease. So just think broadly, what does the heart represent?

    [00:36:45] It’s about love. It’s about being loved. It’s about spreading love. So if someone has heart problems, then are they struggling to love themselves or to accept themselves, or to accept that others could genuinely love them? So are they feeling like maybe they’re not worthy? So obviously get the pacemaker. But unless the lessons learned, the heart problems are going to carry on. So by time someone’s having medical intervention, it might be it’s not too late, but it’s certainly been going on a while now. There is another facet to this, and it could be that someone has been energetically interfered with. And going back to that pendant example where the person was talking about when they took the pendant off, it was like a weight was lifted. That’s a good example of energetic interference. In that case, though, the interference was placed within an object. But imagine it could be their body. So there is always a possibility that a good spiritual person has been targeted by the forces of darkness in terms of black magic or voodoo or any of these kinds of things. And therefore, what they’re experiencing is not natural, it’s not feedback, and it shouldn’t be there. You know, and I’ve alluded to this in the past, but this is a lot of the work I used to do, and still do do, actually, in terms of clearing these things from the people that I work with and the people that I support, because it does happen from time to time. But generally speaking, if there’s dis ease in the body, we need to look with a wiser eyes at what is the body trying to tell this person. So you treat the body, you put the stint in, you put the pacemaker in whatever is needed to keep them alive. But you. But if we want to spiritually help them or ourselves then we need to look at the bigger picture. What is my body trying to tell me? Same with a hip or a knee replacement. Knees are all about supporting your weight. So do you feel like you can support yourself in life? Hips are all about the direction you’re going in life. So if you’ve got hip problems, does it mean that maybe you feel like you can’t go in the right direction? Like maybe life is limiting you, in which case limiting belief? Or is it literally that you’re allowing other people to dictate to you what you should and shouldn’t be doing, and therefore you’re not listening to the direction you want to go in? And it manifests as HiIt problems. I mean, these are just two examples. It’s nuanced. There could be other examples. So the point I wanted to make is, before we dive into, you know, they’ve got a heart problem and this and that, that itself is a sign of something on a higher level. And if you want to understand that relationship between the life lessons you’re here to learn, the higher guidance that you get from your higher self, then definitely check out that book. Also, there’s a podcast version, which I’ll put a link in when I get around to doing the links.

    [00:39:30] But let’s get on to what we can actually do in terms of these things. So I’m going to elaborate and get back to it. So I talked about my glasses earlier. This picture on the screen is actually these very glasses. Now, someone in the comments on YouTube when I was talking about polyester being negative and wearing a shirt covers your, you know, your soul and your spirit, and therefore is blocking them from spiritual energy. So the world guy’s a hypocrite because he’s wearing plastic glasses. And I think, great observation, probably could have framed it in a more positive way as a question, but it did get me to look into it because, yeah, these are actually plastic glasses. I can’t really see. And there, if you remember when I started the show, I had some that looked similar, but they were made of metal and they’re down there in a box. But these are a slightly stronger prescription. Now that caused me to look into it, and I had a moment. Okay. And this, this I alluded to earlier when I got my first glasses, because I’ve not been wearing glasses that long. When I got my first pair, I actually got two pairs. Both of them were metal framed.

    [00:40:56] I didn’t think anything of it.

    [00:40:59] When I got these.

    [00:41:02] I needed a slightly stronger prescription, but I also wanted. I was focused on the fact that I got glasses that don’t reflect light as much. They’ve got special coating specifically for when I’m doing this show, so that you don’t see the reflection of the lights all the time, and it’s not as distracting for you.

    [00:41:18] And so, because I was more focused on the technical side of things, I wasn’t listening to my higher self when I got these glasses. My higher self, the first time I got glasses guided me to get metal frames, but I wasn’t in alignment because I was too much in my head thinking about, should I get these coatings? And whether I should get photoreactive. In other words, I’d gone into the analytical side of things. I’d left my more spiritual, from the heart side of things. And so when I was choosing these glasses, I was thinking too much logically. And I don’t know if you can see, but they, they have a bit of blue tinge to them to match the, you know, which I thought, oh, that will match the logo. So you can see where I was. And this is what we all do. We’re not always totally tuned in spiritually, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We slip up from time to time. And so I’m actually grateful to that comment, although the comment was framed in a negative, I’m grateful to it because it got me to look into something, and I realized some stuff. So, and, you know, and someone’s saying in the chat here that they’re, I’m allergic to metal and have to wear plastic glasses. Can wear gold or silver, though, but as we know, that wouldn’t necessarily be energetically good. And so the. I’ll talk about that, because if you do have to wear plastic glasses, then this will be relevant. And you see, I’m still wearing them. And this brings me on to some of the information I wanted to share with you to go into a little bit more. So, yes, this is a plastic pair of glasses that I’m wearing. And you could say, even if, let’s just say it was made of polyester, which it may or may not be, it’s still petroleum based. And that was one of the points I was making, that that’s negative vibration stuff. So if we look on the right hand side of this picture, we’ve got this weave. Now, what that is is under a microscope with light behind it. That’s looking at polyester fibers.

    [00:43:17] Now, for argument’s sake, say those fibers are made of the same material as those glasses.

    [00:43:25] The material is the same, but the geometry, the form the. The micro structure is different. So the first thing we, that we learn from this is because when I looked into it, the effect of these glasses compared to, say, polyester fabric is about an 8th. In other words, these are not as bad. There’s a slight negative charge to them in terms of their energy, but nothing like polyester weave fabric. And it’s because the, if you like, the crystalline structure of the polyester when it’s in a fabric form is completely different from, like, a lump of polyester making these glasses. Okay, so the first thing I wanted to communicate was that the form, the geometry, the crystalline structure, if you like, matters. So it’s not just polyester is bad. It’s a, how is it structured? Is bad.

    [00:44:29] So that was the first point, is that wearing these glasses is not as bad as wearing, say, a polyester shirt, because the polyester fabric is much more negative because of its geometry, its inherent, not the geometry of the overall structure, but the micro geometry. And you could think about this like, if you had lots of little beads versus if you had lots of little pyramids. Well, pyramids do something different to energy than little round beads. So every form has some kind of vibrational, energetic consequence to it. So that was the first thing that I wanted to share with you. Now, the second thing is, if we look at me from the front, if I’m wearing a shirt, and this was the point I made last week, if I’m wearing a shirt, then let’s pop that down. If I’m wearing a shirt, it’s covering. If it was polyester, it’s covering my soul and my spirit, which are in my heart, in my chest.

    [00:45:23] These glasses are nowhere near my soul and my spirit. Now, there are other energy centers in the head, and, you know, people get obsessed with the third eye.

    [00:45:31] If anyone wants to know my opinions on that, you can ask the question. But energetically, these aren’t doing much to interfere with the flow from my heart, from my soul, from my spirit. Whereas a polyester shirt or a dress or whatever completely smothers front and back the heart area. So the next point I wanted to make is location, location, location. As Kirstjen Phil would say, where you place the thing on you has an effect. So if you wear a gold pendant, why do people wear gold pendants with the medallion over their heart? Well, why did some people do that? Okay, so gold earrings, different effect from gold pendant. There’s the effect of the gold, but there’s the effect of the location. In other words, proximity to your soul. Proximity to your spirit. So that’s the next thing to consider. And that’s why it was, you know, so relevant. And I was talking about people, if you remember, right at the start of last week, I asked, what are you wearing over your torso rather than what you’re wearing on your head? What are you wearing on your feet? And by the way, look, I’m. I’m. I’ve been, well, I’m. I’m quasi vegan. And I kind of did explain this, I think, in one of the previous episodes.

    [00:46:45] I’ll see if I can find a link to it. But basically, I don’t wear leather. And going back to the previous diagram, you can see that leather over there pointing in the right direction. It’s kind of bottom left is very harmful, energetically to us. So I don’t like to wear leather. And so even though I’m not strictly vegan, I don’t want to wear leather shoes. Okay? But if I wore leather shoes, it wouldn’t be half as bad as if I wore a leather jacket, because of what we’re talking about here. And it’s the same as someone that doesn’t really want to wear woolen stuff. It’s quite hard to find vegan socks that don’t have polyester in them, you know, and even hats. I mean, you can get woolen hats, or there’s not that many warm cotton hats. So it ends up being some kind of polyester mix. So the point I’m making is, if someone said, well, we’re a polyester shirt or we’re polyester socks, we’re polyester socks. The vibrational effect on you is going to be a lot less because your feet don’t really have anything of real spiritual significance in them compared to your heart, your chest, where your soul and your spirit are located. So location is really, really important, you know, in there. And then I going back to the video that I, the short video that I did, someone else kind of picked up on this and said, oh, well, you know, you’ve said that the word Esther, in ancient Hebrew, means one who seeks evil. She seeks out evil. But polyester is a chemical term based on a german word. And it’s, you know, I don’t know how long ago polyester was. You know, esters were discovered in chemistry, but it’s not as old as Hebrew. And so they were making a point. They were saying, oh, well, you load of rubbish.

    [00:48:38] So I want to talk about association. And we actually touched on this ages ago. I was talking about Buddhists being given an ancient mantra and in that mantra is the word satan.

    [00:48:49] And no one seems to have twigged that they’re actually repeating the name Satan. And they think that what they’re doing is positive and it’s not. It’s got a really negative effect. So that repeating of the name Satan has a negative effect on the energy, the people that say that mantra.

    [00:49:05] So this is about association. So the word or the name Esther, which I went into, the root, there’s two root words, sh, I think, and tur together. Shushta shutter. You know, it evolved into Esther. So the name Esther means in ancient Hebrew, it has the meaning or the sounds of one who seeks evil or she who seeks out evil. And let me give you an example.

    [00:49:37] So if I was, say, designing a new car. Yeah. And you wanted to give it a name, it would be marketing suicide to call it the adolf or the Hitler. The Hitler martry. You know, why? It’s just a name.

    [00:49:57] It’s the association of the name. If enough people historically have an association with a word or a sound, then it starts to carry the vibration. So in ancient Hebrew, which was a quite dominant language, used for a long time and is still actually used, the word esther means to seek out evil. Now, it might be pure coincidence that in chemistry the word ester was taken to mean. I think it’s when you mix alcohol and an acid, I believe. So it’s generally in clothing production. I believe it’s ethanol, which is derived from petrol, and an acid to produce ester. Okay, but this is ester. The spelling is different, but the sound is the same. So the point I wanted to make is the sound matter. And this is why all the Sanskrit sounds were used for a lot of the old mantras, but a lot of them are actually negative and people don’t realize that. And I’ve talked a bit about mantras in the past, so I’m not a huge fan of mantras, although I used to teach mantras, used to use mantras. The more I’ve learned, the more you realize that the vibration of things matter. And so I wanted to clarify that because I think it’s easy for people to make the. To get caught up in the intellectual side of things. This word’s root. The use of this word in chemistry is based on a german word, and you’re referring to a hebrew word and so you don’t understand what you’re talking about from a word lineage point of view. Correct. But from what I was talking about, which is the energy that is imbued in those sounds, then it really does matter, you know?

    [00:51:40] By the way, going back to the example of glasses versus fabric, you know, both made of the same material. A really nice, easy way of remembering this is if you think about water. So if it was chucking it down with rain and you had to go out and walk a kilometer to get somewhere, okay, you get wet, but you’d be able to do it. Now if it was chucking down one inch across hailstones, you know, like this picture shows on the left.

    [00:52:10] Well, would you rather go out in heavy rain or heavy, big hailstones? Hailstones can really hurt you. Rain is going to get you wet. It’s not going to hurt you. What’s the point I’m making? Well, they’re both water, okay?

    [00:52:25] But their form, the microstructure of them, is completely different. So one’s frozen water molecules, which means that the structure overall makes it hard. The other one’s water, which means it’s permissive, it will change shape. So, you know, if someone said, well, I’ll throw water at you, you assume they mean wet water, but they might mean ice. So the form matters. They’re both water, they’re both the same material, but how they are structured matters. Okay? So this brings me on to the fourth point, which I alluded to, which is, we’re all students. And what I love about this process is that you guys ask questions because this is your show. So the whole thing about polyester came about because someone asked a question. I then pushed that information out, shared it with people, got feedback, which raised more questions. And in the intro, I say, look, I’m not saying I’ve got all the answers, but what I’ve learned over a long period of time is that I can draw down, I can go inside, and I can bring in information. And I talked about this a lot in the Stonehenge documentary, and I’ll put a link into that specific part, which I have referenced before, but I think it’s really useful because I talk about, it’s like you don’t get the whole chunk of information. You start with one piece, and you kind of pull on the string, and then it leads to another piece. So what we’re doing here with the whole cotton polyester glasses, fabric thing is teasing these things to look into them a bit deeper. Okay? So I really value the questions. And often when we. When I present information, it’s going to elicit more questions, and that’s how we all learn more. So that’s really, really good. So there’s a couple of stories I wanted to talk about to do with metals and stuff. But there’s a few things I want to also share with you. And I think what I’ll do is I’ll jump past those stories and if we have time, I will come back to them. If nothing, someone asked me next week and I’ll tell you the stories of the silver. Okay, so let’s have a, let’s have a look at this. So I want to go back to what we were looking at, and now I want to explain, well, what can you do about all of this? So I presented that, for example, botox and silicon may have a slightly harmful effect on your body. So what if you’ve already got them in your body? Is that, is it the end of the world? Well, you’ve got two choices. You can worry.

    [00:54:56] And so what effect would worrying about these things have on you? So if we actually took worrying itself as a material and said, what effect on you does worrying have? Again, I encourage you to just be intuitive at this point and just kind of see where you think it would be. So worrying.

    [00:55:16] Oh, wrong button. Worrying. Look where it is. It’s right down there. It’s really negative and it’s harmful. So if we kind of given it a score, we’d say it’s about eight out of ten on the negativity scale, minus eight out of ten, and it’s about minus one on the harmful scale. So when you worry about things, it has a really negative effect on your energy and it harms you. So if you’re worried about the silicon implants that you’ve got, then you’re actually really doing more damage to yourself and potentially harming yourself. So it’s like a double whammy. So the alternative, and this is what we can all do. So if you have got a pacemaker or you have got a stint, worrying about it is actually going to be much worse than the actual pacemaker or stint, as you can see.

    [00:56:02] So what about positivity? Well, if we’re positive, it’s right up there. So positivity is as healing as copper and it’s slightly less positive than copper. But by that I mean it’s still really, really positive. So if you keep a positive attitude and for example, say you have got a silicone breast implant, it might be because you’ve had reconstructive surgery. If you say, okay, I’m grateful that I had the surgery because it helped me at that time, now I’ve got this in my body, I am positive that I am healing all the time and that any slight, deleterious effect of this thing in me is canceled out by my positivity. I welcome healing. I embrace my body. I heal my body, you know, in other words, just being really positive about it rather than being, oh, no, what’s it going to do to me? Is it going to make me negative? Is it going to make me this? And it’s the same with, like, look, if you have to wear plastic glasses, the worst thing you could do is worry about it. Just say, okay, well, look, I know it’s not the best, but I’m grateful that I can see clearly, and I just intend that I heal any ill effect of these from me, and I focus on the positives of them. And by the way, this is something really, really important. So what is the net effect of all of this stuff? So we’re talking about all of these different materials and things.

    [00:57:31] Overall, what kind of effect do they have on you? What kind of effect do they contribute to your overall well being? It’s only about 5%.

    [00:57:40] So in other words, even if you do wear polyester and you have, you know, breast implants and, you know, your botulism and your wear leather, it’s only going to have about a 5% effect on you. In other words, the other 95% is going to be about how you think, your attitude, whether or not you are spiritual and positive, or whether you are kind of deliberately satanic or demonic, all of these things. So to put it all into perspective, although this information is really, really interesting, it’s not the be all and end all. So I know that some people have titanium in their bodies. The take home message here is, look at positivity on this chart. It literally cancels out the titanium. Okay? And in the grand scheme of things, what you wear is neither going to prevent you being spiritual or make you spiritual. It’s a small effect, but it is an important effect. And here’s the key thing.

    [00:58:34] If you know that botulism is harmful and you choose to have it, the real damage is you choosing to do something to yourself that is harmful and that will actually have quite a strong negative effect. In other words, it’s the impact of your choices. Because once you have this knowledge, to go against it is to go against what is good and therefore to go against your higher self. So I wouldn’t worry about if you got polyester sheets, you know, or duvet or whatever, but if you are now going shopping for a new duvet, you can get cotton duvets. If you’re getting sheets, you can get cotton sheets. So you now can make choices in the future. But I wouldn’t advocate throwing stuff out just because you’ve learned some information. You maybe wear less jewellery, maybe don’t wear it as often, you know, that kind of thing. But you can now make choices based on information.

    [00:59:29] And that’s what spirituality is. It’s making the choices that bring you closer to God. So let’s press on. Oh, look, what I’ve just shown you is because most of you are probably watching this on a phone right now or listening on our phone. So let’s just put it all into perspective. Where do our phones fit in all of this? So a phone is about mid zone, harmful and negative. But we all know this. We know that phones are not good for us, and yet we still carry them every day. And it’s almost a necessity. So I just threw that in there to kind of remind us that you also have to live in the world. We have to be practical. And so really the information is there to make choices when you can and not worry too much about these things.

    [01:00:15] I just very quickly, because there is some really important news to share.

    [01:00:20] So the first thing is, and this is just an interest piece, so if you, I’ll show you a link on a number of you have asked me about the actual kit and equipment, like the microphone and the cameras and stuff, because I know a lot of people have to do kind of video conferencing at home. So I’ve put together a little article where I share links to all the stuff that I use. And the reason why I’m sharing this is I’m an ADHD for privacy and also for open source. So I don’t use Microsoft. I try not to use Apple too much, and I try and find free open source versions of software. So I don’t use Photoshop, I use other things. And so I’m sharing this information if anyone’s interested, because if it helps people save money, break free from big corporations like Microsoft and Google and Photoshop and, you know, these companies, then that’s a really positive thing. But I won’t spend any more on that. I’ll send you a link in the description. The next thing I wanted to share with you, and this is quite interesting. It turns out that when I upload my podcasts, it auto generates a transcript. Now it’s a manual process, so I have to now take those transcripts and plug them in. But what we’re looking at here is I’ll just highlight it. Oh, didn’t mean to do that. I will.

    [01:01:35] So as you can see, mid zone here, there’s a transcript and it’s in a little scroll box. So if you go to our website, which I always put the link in the podcast, then you can actually play the podcast and read the entire transcript. Now because it’s auto generated, it might have spelling, it might be slightly out in terms of interpretation of words and stuff. But I’ve had a quick look and it seems really, really good. And the reason it’s in a scroll bar boxes, then you can keep the player at the top and just scroll as you go. So you can hit pause if you want. And this, this I’ve done because I really want to cater to everyone. And some people, maybe it’s easier to read. Maybe people don’t have great hearing and they struggle to hear, but it’s easier to read again. So it’s just about accessibility.

    [01:02:21] Now the next thing I wanted to share with you is I’ve set up a promo, so we’ve hit 40. Well, it’s 45 before the show, but there’s 46 people now following this show, which is lovely. And if you’re one of them. Thank you. If you’re listening to this show and you haven’t yet followed us on rumble, then please, please, please do so. It’s completely free and a number of people are now joining us on locals. It’s free to follow us on locals, but you can also support us on locals and you know, totally down to you. So everything I do, I do for free. I’m not saying you have to. Some people contact me and they say, I’d like to support the work that you’re doing. And so what I’ve set up with locals is bonus materials like videos and early release stuff.

    [01:03:08] So as kind of not a reward, but a thank you for those people that support us. And the supporting package starts at something like $5 a month. But what I’ve done is I’ve set up a promo code. So between now and the end of the month, if you use this promo code, which is TWB 45, because when I set it up, there was 45 subscribers, then you can go to locals and I’ll put a link in the description and it’s at the top of the video, just below the video anyway. And that will give you. I can’t remember, I think it’s six months at $1 a month. Okay. But it’s limited to the first seven people and it will expire at the end of this month. So if you’re interested in supporting the work that we do. And all this, anything that comes in just goes towards hosting the websites, hosting the podcasts and equipment for the show and stuff like that. So it just is a way to support us if you want. Now, the really exciting bit of news is that there’s this email address here which is seeking deeper truthroton me. I’ll put it in the description as well. So I mentioned last week or the week before that I’ve been contacted by one of the people I know quite well. They’re a follower of this show and they’ve said that they would like to do an interview with me. And I said to them, okay, but I want it to be sincere and genuine, which means I don’t want to know what the questions are in advance. So what, it’s a guy called Nick. What Nick’s come up with is that he’s created this email address and only he has access to it. So if you email seeking deeper truth or all lowercase or one word at Proton, p r o t o n me your questions, then he’ll collate all the questions. And I don’t know when it’s going to be. Maybe in a few weeks. Then we’ll technology, if technology permits, then we’ll do a live interview as one of these for one of our live shows. So I won’t know the questions. I really don’t want to know the questions. I think it’s much more fun and sincere and genuine for just to be kind of hit and put on the spot a bit. So that’s the email for that. And we’ve kind of just shot over the hour. So I’ll come back to those two stories about silver next week because I think it’s really graphic and quite profound, really. And these are things I remembered and I didn’t have the knowledge back then that we have now. Otherwise probably wouldn’t have been. Those situations wouldn’t have come up. So I want to share two stories about silver next week, if I remember to and if you remind me to. But for now, it’s been a kind of a non stop show, really.

    [01:06:05] So I’m going to say thank you. Thank you for your support. Thank you for joining us. Whether you’re live or listening again, it’s been a real pleasure. And wherever you are, God bless you, and I will see you or hear you next week.

    [01:06:22] Hello, this is Mark Zaretti, and I wanted to thank you for taking the time to listen to this podcast. If you’re looking for more spiritual resources, then definitely, definitely. Check out and if you’ve enjoyed this, then I highly recommend my other podcast, which is called the Way back to spiritual awakening. I look forward to joining you on our next live show podcast.

    Episode Notes:

    00:00:33 Introduction

    It’s your show and looking back at the previous questions [] reveals how varied the topics have been. This week we’re looking at botox and silicone implants. But first we’ll look at a real testimonial, botox and boobs, geometry, being a spiritual student, and important news.

    00:03:09 Feedback on Ep.026

    Someone gives feedback on how the episode helped them to spiritually support others [] “A great episode, valuable information for us all”. Demonstrating that what we learn on this podcast can help us to help others.

    00:04:59 Real life – The case of the cursed jewellery

    Relating to episode 27 [] and the effect of silver and gold on our energy. One simple change caused an improvement in their energy, sleep, relationships and outlook on life. I discuss who why a spell was put on the jewellery.

    00:13:15 Does botox, silicone, pacemakers and titanium have an effect on us?

    Is there a difference between health and vanity alterations? I look at the damage and vibrational consequences of various body modifications and medical interventions. I remind us to come from a more spiritual state, more from the heart. Learning how to be inspired in a natural and gentle way. The short video from last week [] provoked further exploration on the topic and I remind us of the process of spiritual discovery. Then we go high level to ask “where are people coming from when they have botox or fillers?”. This relates to The Six Virtues and the potential for hope and change. Discussing how fear, pride, vanity are all aspects of ego. I remind us that there’s a chapter in the book [] Spiritual Life Explained which explains why often dis-ease is feedback. Then I used the story of the glasses to explain the reality that none of us get it right all the time! Being quasi-vegan as explained in Ep.022 [] and how often polyester is found in vegan clothing.

    I introduce the importance of association in language and bring up the example from Ep.005 [] of Buddhism using a satanic mantra.

    00:53:00 We are all students

    I remind us all that we are all learning together and that the process of bringing information down to become knowledge requires a chain of questions. I discuss this process in the Stonehenge documentary []

    00:54:40 Worry versus being positive

    Why it’s better to be positive and how worrying will make things worse. Some examples of being positive. What’s the overall effect of all these materials on our overall well-being? Putting it into perspective, how do mobile phones affect our energy and well-being.

    01:00:15 News

    First I explain about the filming equipment as several people have asked []. Sharing as an advocate for privacy and free/open-source software. Then I discuss the addition of transcripts to the podcasts. Currently only episode 001 []. Finally I talk about locals [] and how it is a thank you for those who support The Way Back. There’s a promo code TWB45 which is valid till end of Sept and first 7 people who use it will get 80% off the minimum subscription. Making it just $1 a month for 6 months to be a supporter. Totally voluntary but very appreciated as it supports our not-for-profit work.

    01:04:03 Interview invitation to get involved!

    Nik will be interviewing me and you can contact him on with your questions. I will not know what the questions are before the live interview, which will be fun!

    Links to resources mentioned:

    Previous Questions:
    Episode 27 talking about clothing and energy:
    Short video on Polyester:
    The Six Virtues:
    The Six Virtues Book:
    The Six Virtues eBook:
    Spiritual Life Explained Book:

    Spiritual Life Explained Part 3 Podcast:
    Ep.022 where Veganism is mentioned:
    Ep.005 Buddhism and satanic mantras podcast:
    Stonehenge and the spiritual process of gathering information:
    Live streaming equipment list:
    Ep.001 with full transcript:
    Locals for bonus materials:

    Thank you for listening to this show. If you’d like more spiritual content then check out “The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening” podcast and visit where you’ll find loads of free resources to help you get the most from your spiritual journey. Check out my books and films. – Mark


    Author : Mark Zaretti

    Mark is one of the founder members of The Way Back, an author of several books about spirituality and has written a number of articles on meditation. Mark started practising meditation in 1981 and has been teaching professionally since the late 1990's. He is passionate about helping people realise their spiritual potential. Mark hosts the live interactive Q&A show "Discussing Spirituality with Mark Zaretti" every Thursday 21:00 GMT on

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