Podcast transcript:
[00:00:07] Welcome to The Way Back Live show podcast discussing spirituality with me, your
host, Mark Zaretti. Each week I answer your questions, and though I may not have all the
answers, together we’ll make more sense of life one episode at a time.
[00:00:21] What you’re about to hear is the audio from the live show.
[00:00:26] Visit thewaybackgroup.org live show to find out more. And good evening. It’s the 26
September 09:00 p.m. here in the UK. And this is Mark Zaretti. That’s me. And this is the show,
the live show for the way back, which is called discussing spirituality with myself, Mark Zaretti.
[00:00:47] Big hello to all the people that have already joined us in the chat, and it’s great to
have you here with me. Now, at the end of last episode, there was a couple of things, a couple
of stories I was going to share with you last week. So if you haven’t checked out last episode,
don’t worry, you don’t need to have seen it for this week to make sense, because the way the
show works is every week you guys send me questions during the week, normally by email or
WhatsApp or telegram, depending on whether you’ve got my direct contact details or not. And
then on a Thursday, I answer your questions. So each week’s kind of independent of the others.
But sometimes I do refer back to previous weeks. And last week we were talking about a
continuation from the week before, actually about metals and in particular silver and gold and
things like this. And I promised you that there would be a couple of stories which we didn’t have
time for last week. So we’re going to kick off with these stories today. But as ever before we dive
into that, I would like to just, let’s have a look at what we’re actually going to be discussing today.
So this, as ever, press the right button and things work better.
[00:01:54] So it’s just me here, and I’m doing all the buttons myself. So today’s show, episode 29 And as you can see, I’ve got a picture of what looks like it’s me meditating with some kind of
wooden thing. And that is actually a 5G mast in that picture there. So what we looking at today?
So we’re starting with the two stories we’ve got is a silver lining to a story. A good thing will be
[00:02:24] So someone asked a question. It’s about at what stage in your life you become
spiritual and is there a reason? And it just triggered that old song, the one about when will I, will I
be faith, you know. You know, the one I need. I wrote it down as when will I. Will I be spiritual?
Because this is a spiritual show and I apologize for my singing.
[00:02:45] Then we. Then we’re going to be looking at a taxing topic, probably quite relevant in
these taxing times. And is screen time spiritually harmful to us? Well, I hope the answer is no,
because here we are watching our screens. But what I would say is, make sure you’ve got your
night filter on, your red filter, on the blue screen filter, whatever it’s called on your phone or on
your laptop or whatever you’re watching on. If you’re watching in the evening, again, all will be
revealed. And then, is there a spiritual problem with 5G, wifi, EMF and things like this? You
know, these were really big topics actually, a few weeks back. Well, a few last year, really.
[00:03:29] Certainly when Covid broke, then there was a big 5g thing as well. And again, all will
be well. Not all, because it’s such a big topic, but we will certainly be doing a bit of a look into it.
But look, as ever, the goal of this show is spirituality. So although we’re talking about things in
everyday life, I’m always going to try my best to bring it up to a level where we’re looking at how
we can address these things from a spiritual perspective and also understand them from a
spiritual perspective. But this is my point.
[00:03:59] I’m kind of on a mission to make spirituality relevant and accessible to people in their
everyday lives. I think for far too long, spirituality has been seen as almost like the reserve of the
few or something that’s on the fringe, or you have to kind of be out there locked in a temple orsomething to do spirituality. But it’s not. It’s actually something that potentially impacts on every
good person’s life and is a part of every good person’s life. And you know the old axiom about
mind, body and spirit? Well, I think we’ve got the mind and the body stuff pretty well understood,
lots to practice there. But I don’t think we’re giving enough attention. We collectively, humanity at
this time, to spirituality. So that’s why we’re here today, really. We’re discussing spirituality to
bring it to the table, to bring it into everyday life. So though we are looking at things like five g
and down to earth things, remember where we’ve got 1ft on the ground, but we’ve got our heads
in heaven. Okay? So spirituality is always going to be the goal in what we’re discussing. And that
rather appropriately brings us onto the last topic for today, which we’re going to be looking at.
What is the spiritual deal with meditation?
[00:05:12] And, yeah, because, you know, most people think spirituality, meditation one and the
same. So we’re going to be diving into that and having a good look at that, too. So hello to
everyone who’s said hello in the chat and joining us live. And look, if you’re joining us afterwards,
listening on a podcast, watching on a video. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. That’s great. I
really appreciate your support, because just giving your time is so valuable. And on that note,
then, let’s not take any more time. Let’s dive straight into the first topic. So this is the two stories
I wanted to share with you about.
[00:05:47] It’s to do with the metals.
[00:05:49] It will make a lot more sense once you’ve gone back and listened to episode 28, but
it’s not essential. So, basically, what we discovered in that episode and the one before was that
certain metals are healing, like copper, and certain metals are actually can be quite harmful and
can drop our vibration. And in particular, silver and gold did not come out too well when we
looked into that a little bit deeper. So there’s two stories I want to share with you. The first one’s
a silver trace story, and the second one is the silver clad man.
[00:06:20] These are true stories. And the picture on the left here is me.
[00:06:25] I think this was actually taken somewhere in eastern Europe, well, maybe Poland or
Austria or. I can’t remember exactly where. But basically, I used to do a lot of filming of events.
So I’d be stood at the back for hours on end filming. Quite interesting kind of personal
development and therapeutic training events and stuff like that. And you can see I’ve got a
camera there as well, because I do a lot of publicity photos for the event organizers and also
filming. In fact, you can see there’s two cameras on a tripod. I don’t know if you can see that, but
this little camera down here, I just was having a shuffle around, and this is one of my old
cameras I used to use when I was filming abroad, because obviously, when you’re going abroad,
you need to be able to take everything, your luggage. So these little high definition cameras
were quite good for lots of those kinds of things. So the point was, I would be filming these
events, and I’m going to do the second story first. Actually, the silver clad man, because there
was a guy, really nice guy, and he was at one of these events, kind of. He’d done the training,
but he was. And he’d come back, having done the training quite a few times, to kind of be more
of an assistant role. And when you’re doing these kind of events where it’s personal
development and people are doing actual change work in the course, so not only are they
learning their course stuff, but they’re doing change work. So think. Think hypnotherapy, NLP,
these kinds of things, these kinds of fields. People are there to learn, but they’re also there to
change. And so there’s a lot going on energetically.
[00:08:00] And towards the end of one of the days, this guy was kind of sat on this chair in the
break hand, you know, head in his hands, looking wiped out. And I looked down at him, and
even back then, I knew something about metals.
[00:08:16] And he had a lot of, like, wrists, bracelets and rings and things around his neck all
made of silver. And I said to him, I said, oh, yeah, too much silver.
[00:08:28] Because my understanding back then, which I’ve kind of expanded on with you guys
recently, but my understanding back then was that one of the qualities of silver is it lets other. It’s
like a doorway. It lets other people’s energy in. And he was literally mopping up all of the fallout
from people’s personal change work and becoming like the vacuum cleaner of negative energy,
negative emotions, negative stuff.
[00:08:56] So he’d start really buoyant. He’d come in every morning full of energy, and by the
end of each day, he was literally wrecked. And I’d had an experience similar, but not because of
silver, but when I used to work as a. I trained as a kinesiologist.
[00:09:14] Ask the association of systematic systemic kinesiology. And one of my training things
was to do an entire day workshop, like just seeing people non stop at one of these big psychic
fear things. And again, at the end of the day, I didn’t understand about protecting my energy
back then so much and things like this. And I just mopped up everyone’s junk. And I literally left
feeling like the floor of a New York taxicab. So that was kind of the first story. Really nice guy. But
when I. When I told him about the silver thing, he said, oh, no, no, no, and he dismissed it.
[00:09:51] His jewellery was his identity, so he wasn’t going to accept that all of this jewellery and
earrings and, you know, necklaces and pins and everything that he had would do him any harm.
So, you know, and it was interesting because over the years, I watched him get progressively
more and more unwell, you know, at each workshop. But you know, that’s his choice. You know,
you give someone information and it’s their choice, it will either resonate with them or it won’t,
just as I give you guys information.
[00:10:24] That was a real example, and that was many years ago. So trying to think probably
around about 2008, 2007, maybe a bit before that. And if only we’d known then what we kind of
know now, that could have probably helped him, because I probably could have explained things
more eloquently and more in more depth about why silver isn’t so good. But back then, I didn’t
know that Silver itself was negative and was harmful. It was just that I understood that it was
letting other people’s energy in. So the second story that I wanted to share with you, because
the reason why I’m sharing these things is these are real world examples of people maybe
taking their involvement with metals to extremes. So back in episode three, I explained that
years ago, I worked well, worked. I was a student of a guy called John Yar and Nick Howell, and
their group was called the Path.
[00:11:25] And then it goes by other names. It’s called one meditation now, but at the time it was
called the path. Prior to that had been known as light, life, wave. And John was the kind of
enigmatic teacher.
[00:11:39] He was already quite old back then, and he didn’t. You could meet with him after he’d
been attending for many years, but he didn’t do workshops, he didn’t do teaching as such. And
to his credit, one of his teachers, a guy called Nick, actually managed to get him out the front
door, get him to the Queen’s Hotel in Leeds, and asked and got him to teach a small group of
us, I think there’s about ten of us, a topic of his choice, and the topic he chose to teach us was
about metals. And he told everyone to bring a jewelry and precious metals. So silver and gold
predominantly. And so the queen’s Hotel was a venue I knew very well because I did a lot of
filming there, and I supported events there. So I turned up. We’re in one of the rooms that I was
familiar with, and John starts teaching us about silver and gold. And he gets us to do an exercise
where we take a piece of silver or a piece of gold, and some people just had, like, an earring, but
one of the people turned up with, like, a yemenite big silver service tray, like sterling silver, bigmetal tray. And he said, right, what I want you to do is put this piece of silver on the back of your
head, just round about where the occiput is. So I don’t know if you guys can see if I turn around,
but round about here and then meditate and notice what you notice now, the person who had
the silver tray, a lovely lady, obviously, it was too big and too heavy for her to hold. So he said,
well, what you can do is lie down and put your entire head on this silver tray.
[00:13:16] And this woman was extremely sensitive to energy. She’d been one of the people that
had taught me a lot about crystals and had helped me to develop my awareness of things like
that back in the day. And so I knew she was very sensitive. Anyway, so we’re all sitting there,
and I think I had a little piece of silver or something, and I’m holding it, and she’s lying on the
floor, and all of a sudden, she just sits up and rolls over and has to control herself because she’s
literally about to vomit everywhere. And, you know, she kind of had to ground herself and snap
out of it and come back and, you know, get rid of the nausea and things like this.
[00:13:57] And a few other people had a really bad experience on silver. So, experimentally, I’d
seen some really strong reactions to silver, and I don’t know if anyone in this chat was at that
[00:14:14] I know some of you potentially were back around those places in those days, so I
don’t know if any of you can remember that. But basically, that was a really graphic moment
where I realized that, you know, things like. Like I was cheering with you last week about metals
have qualities and they can have an effect on you.
[00:14:36] That was a profound demonstration of that. That person went within about five to 10
seconds of closing their eyes, taking a few deep breaths, and focusing on. Into the silver that
was on the back of their head.
[00:14:49] Went into an extreme state of almost vomiting. And they didn’t expect it. So it wasn’t
like they anticipated it, and it was kind of self fulfilling. It was genuinely like an ab reaction to the
qualities of silver. And the teacher, this guy, John Yar, was talking about something called a
vulcan chakra, and how it’s the animal energies colliding with the human energies and stuff like
[00:15:14] I should talk about chakras in the books I’m writing, and go into a bit of not quite
debunking, but maybe just a bit more revelatory stuff about chakras, if that’s the kind of thing
that you’re interested in. But the take home message is that these effects that we’re talking
about are real. And I’ve seen it and that’s the wonderful thing. With hindsight, you might not
understand at the time, but you can put the pieces together. But, you know, I feel really bad for
that person that had that really strong reaction to the silver, but it didn’t half reinforce the fact that
metal, metals and other things like crystals can have quite a profound effect. And it doesn’t
always equate to a positive effect. So that’s the kind of two stories I wanted to share with you
and that ties up last week.
[00:15:59] You know, if that brings up any questions, I’ve put a link to asking questions where
you can ask questions in the live chat and in the comments on this video.
[00:16:09] But as ever, I’m going to press on because there is so much that I want to cover with
you to answer your questions. So h was having a conversation with me and sent me a question,
936 I believe this was yesterday.
[00:16:27] But anyway, so their question is, hi, Mark, a couple of questions. So they actually
snuck in two questions, but there’s actually maybe three or four questions when you start getting
into it. So what they’ve asked is, why do you think generally people find spirituality later in life?
[00:16:45] Just to put this into context, when we grew up in the eighties, we attended church and
Sunday school because it was the right thing to do as a family unit. Plus we lived in a culture
that dictated this during the eighties, however, given the choice to keep attending age twelve, we
all turned away from this.
[00:17:03] Is this to do with truth as you age?
[00:17:07] And the we here, I think, is this person from a large family. So I think they’re referring
to them, themselves and their siblings.
[00:17:16] And then h continues. This leads on to my second question. Why do some people find
spirituality in truth as they grow older and some people don’t, even though you’ve grown up in
the same family with the same input from parents. And. Yeah, so two questions. So the first one
is really, is there a reason we generally find spirituality later on in life? And the second one is two
people in the same situation. One of them becomes spiritual, one doesn’t. What’s going on
there? Kind of paraphrasing. So there’s, first of all, thank you for the questions.
[00:17:52] There’s a lot of assumptions there. And the thing about going to church and because
it’s the right thing to do, that isn’t spirituality as such. It can lead to spirituality because it
introduces knowledge and awareness of God and Jesus. And spirituality ultimately is the pursuit
of seeking God, but not necessarily in a religious way. And that’s why I have to draw that
distinction. And so spirituality is to seek goddess. Religion talks about God, but religion and
religious belief, or any kind of belief, does not equate to spirituality. It simply might point people
in the right direction. I know this might be quite controversial, but spirituality is the desire from
the heart, not the intellect, the desire to be closer to God. And so you can have all the
knowledge of the Bibles and quote chapter and verse and sing all the hymns with your eyes
closed. You know all the words, but it doesn’t make you spiritual. Similarly, you can have very
little awareness of Jesus or God, but you can have an inner burning desire for that which is
greater. And a lot of people maybe refer to as the source. God is another is a word that most
people are familiar with as well. And then Jesus fits into it, because irrespective of belief, Jesus,
and this is almost like irrefutable. Every single scholar says, look, the evidence is too
overwhelming. The debate about whether or not Jesus existed was ended a long time ago.
[00:19:27] And there’s a really interesting.
[00:19:29] I’ll see if I can dig up a link. But the cold case for Jesus. So the detective decided to
investigate it based on modern forensics and attitudes and approaches, and said, yeah, it’s an
open and shut case. This guy existed. He did the things he said he did. The reason I’m bringing
up Jesus from a spiritual point of view is because he, I’ve often quoted as saying he is the
greatest spiritual teacher. He is pointing the way, literally, his teachings were called the way. So
he shows people the way back to God. And so, you know, and Jesus is God. Digressing here
because we’re not talking religion, but just to kind of reinforce that when we’re talking about
spirituality, it’s a desire to have that closeness to Jesus and that closeness to God. That isn’t an
intellectual thing. So most of the stuff about going to church and then people, given the choice,
stopping at the age of twelve, they might have stopped at the age of twelve because intuitively
they knew that they knew enough, but that isn’t the thing that’s going to take them closer to God.
So it might not have been a negative that they stopped going to church. And I’m not saying it’s a
negative if people do go to church, but just simply understanding that one is spirituality and one
is belief, and they’re not the same thing.
[00:20:39] Now, as for later on in life, turn it around and the truth becomes that we in the first,
certainly up to the age of 18, we can’t, we’re still under the. The wings of our caregivers. Or, andI choose my words, because primarily it should be the mother, the father as well, but the
dominant directing force would be the mother. And until we’re 18 and we’ve consolidated into a
human adult or an adult human, then we’re still kind of under the governance of the energies of
our caregivers. And that’s a good thing. If you’ve got good caregivers, it’s not so good if you. You
know, you could be very severely held back. If the people who are supposed to be spiritually
guiding you are actually not very good people. You know, spiritually speaking. Perhaps they’re
focused on satanic things, or they’re just too dismissive, or they. They’re not awake.
[00:21:39] There’s no judgment as such, but it’s just recognizing that that will have an impact.
[00:21:44] Now, once you’re 18, then you become accountable. Then you are responsible for the
consequences of your choices. In other words, you spiritually start to develop. Now, it’s a
process. So by about 22, 21, 22, then you start to really settle into the role of being an adulthood
spiritually, which means that you are responsible for the choices that you make, and you start to
learn about the consequences of those choices. Remembering what we’ve talked about
previously, which is that all choices, no matter seemingly, how trivial they are, take you closer to
God or further away from God. And that is the nub, the crux, the core of the understanding of
what a spiritual journey is, that every choice you make, no matter how trivial it may seem, is only
taking you in one of two directions. Okay? And so spirituality is a desire to get closer to God. Life
is learning through experience, through consequences of the choices that we make. Okay? So
going back to the question, is there a reason why people find. Or why do you think people find
spirituality later in life? Certainly later in life in terms of from adolescence to adulthood? Yes.
Now, what tends to happen is the way life is constructed for us, geared up for us, in other words,
the world that we’re born into.
[00:23:12] The moment, from a young age, you’re just under pressure with school. And then the
moment you escape school, bang straight into work, bang straight into parenthood. You know,
generally speaking.
[00:23:26] And it’s only when people get to about 50 or 60 that they can go and stick their head
up and go, oh, hang on a sec.
[00:23:35] What’s happened? I’ve just missed the last 30 years of me. I’ve been so busy doing
stuff for everyone else and taking care of my family and taking, running a career and blah, blah,
blah, and suddenly they go, whoa, hang on a sec, and then they might start to wake up. But
there is another factor. It’s round about that age that friends start to pass away.
[00:23:56] You know, the frailty and the mortality of life gets brought home and the bubble bursts
a bit and you realize that time is limited and you’re closer to the grave than you are to the first
birthday cake. And so there’s like a reality check. And that itself can be a motivator, because
fear, unfortunately, is a good motivator for people. So generally, look, you know, if you said, why
did this person wake up spiritually?
[00:24:25] Who knows? You’d have to look at that on a case by case basis. But why generally do
people wake up? They should be more spiritually awake. That’s true. But spirituality is so under
the radar in everyday life. It’s so underrepresented, which is why we’re doing this show. But it’s
so underrepresented normally, that when someone’s 17, 1819, and that’s the kind of, you know,
they should be building up the spiritual momentum.
[00:24:48] That’s the point when they’re kind of, like, so distracted by everything else, you know,
and a lot of it is done, you know, it’s put in their path. We’ll talk about that in some of the
questions we’re going to look at later about why people are so distracted. So, yeah, as I said, it’s
really the reality check, the sanity check that happens later on in life that wakes people up.There is also something to do with the phases of life. So first, Saturn return, age 28 and a half
ish. Second, Saturn return, age 56 and a half ish, you know, and then that should take you
through to the end of life, which should be round about 84 and a half or 84 ish. So there’s these
three phases. And really the work should be done in the second phase, but it tends to be pushed
right to the end of the second phase, like, you know, in the fifties before. Whoa, hang on a sec,
I’m running out of time. And the higher self maybe shouts a bit louder to get our attention. So
that kind of answers why it is later on in life, it’s overcoming interfere, not interference, but
distraction. But we’re certainly not meant to be uber spiritual in our early years and up to our
teens, you know, we’re supposed to just be consolidating, learning who we are. And I don’t
mean that in some kind of, oh, who am I?
[00:26:05] Kind of woke way. Children are children. There should be children. They should grow
up, you know, be allowed to get through the bumpy road of being a child into adulthood and then
start to really tune in would be the right way to put it, to their higher self. So identity, the whole
identity crisis that people are facing these days is because they’re not tuning inwards, they’re
tuning into their bodies and, oh, how does my body look? What gender am I? And all of these
things, which is different from tuning in and going, what’s in my heart?
[00:26:36] And, you know, kind of expressing that side of things.
[00:26:41] We’ve gone off on a tangent there. So the second question, why do some people find
spirituality and truth as they grow older and some people don’t, even though they may have the
same background, even if you’re born in the same family. So this is a hard hitting truth, and I say
it with ease, but I’ve been on this journey for many, many years, and I’ve had the shocks. So
now it’s just knowledge to be shared. So the best thing to do is just share it so you can be born
and into a family with other people. And some of those people will be spiritual like you, and some
of them won’t be. And nothing you can do is going to make them increasing their spiritual
[00:27:23] So what will happen is when you’re kids, you’ll all seem to be about the same
because you’re all under the umbrella of the same parental auras, you’re all in the same
environment. Then as you start to get a bit older and you go to school, there’s other influences.
It’s not just the parents. So if you’re a spiritual person, you’ll be guided to and attracting more
positive stuff. If you’re not a spiritual person, as you start to go out into the world, you’ll be
guided. Well, you may be guided or misguided towards things that are going to take you further
away from God, but you may also just start to find stuff that resonates with your lack of
spirituality and become more hedonistic or, you know, more materialistic. Well, the things that
are basically nothing, what we would call spiritual. So it’s about potential and you can’t recognize
it. People have to unfold. So some people are on the cusp of potential and you can perhaps
nurture it. And we should always have the attitude of wanting to nurture. But the truest way to
nurture someone spiritually is not to push them, is to create a spiritual space into which they can
[00:28:34] Being brought up into, like, the wake of your, you know, like, imagine a boat moving
through water. If it’s gliding through effortlessly, it will draw things behind it.
[00:28:46] You know, that’s the power of inspiration. I talked in a video once about how Jesus
inspired people. He didn’t intellectually talk to them so much as inspired them, got their heart
awake and inspired. So, yeah, if someone’s kind of like, has a potential, but maybe not that
much, then a good bit of inspiration can go a long way. But some people, they might be good
people, but they just don’t have that spiritual bone in their body, metaphorically speaking. And
you’ll just part ways spiritually. You’ll go up in your journey and they’ll go sideways or downwards,
and I hope they don’t go downwards. And if you can help them, help them. But you just have tounderstand that not everyone’s in this life this time to walk the same journey that you’re on. So
hopefully that answers the question.
[00:29:29] So let’s have a look at the next question. Okay. This one. This one made me laugh. It
kind of came out of left field. So, Gary. We’ve had Gary before in the show. So Gary asks, is
taxation ungodly? So I think. I think maybe poor Gary’s, you know, a bit upset about a tax bill or
something and. But all joking aside, if you. I’m not an expert in history, so any one of us can
google the origins of tax, but it basically comes down to a king or a ruler or a. A government
wanting to fight a war somewhere and therefore having to force money out of the peasants to
fund their war.
[00:30:16] Nowadays, you know, tax is always justified on the benefits. So, you know, we pay
tax so that everyone can have in England, so we can have the NHS or so we can have good
roads or so we can have street lighting and all of these things. Yeah, it’s true. But the massive
amount of the budgets go towards defense, pharmaceutical, you know, acquisitions of drugs and
buying bullets and interfering in, you know, for faraway lands and stuff like this.
[00:30:45] So tax is still fundamentally about very yang stuff and power and control. And so the
origins of the idea, because tax and money are heavily entwined. So the origins of the idea of
tax, and I go into this in one of the books I’m writing where I look at the different kind of root
races around the world. And so some of the roots, some groups were much more focused on,
say, war, some were much more focused on institutes, some were focused on black magic, for
example. And so we see that in a world where different places have a bit more of a lean towards
different things. Certain cultures seem to have more of an attitude for certain things.
[00:31:30] So in the book, I go back about 48,000 years and look at some of the roots of these
things. And I’ve talked about this in the Stonehenge documentary. You know, I’ve hinted at
different groups and how they set things up to influence the world that we now live in on this third
dimension. Um, so, you know, as well as I share stuff with you, I will share links in the
description and I will refer back to other resources. And so if you’re interested, the Stonehenge
stuff, there’s some links on the screen here. But basically, if you go to zaretti.com stonehenge,
you’ll find links to everything. You’ll also be able to watch the documentary there for free. Please
watch on Rumble, not YouTube, because I really would like us all to support Rumble. It’s a really
good free speech, open platform that supports content creators like me.
[00:32:30] But you can watch it on YouTube, you can watch on Rumble, whatever’s easiest for
you. But you’ve got all that there. And I’m just sharing this with you because, again, in that
documentary, I go back about eleven and a half thousand years, I think I actually go back a bit
further, 16 and a half or 17,000 years, talking about Atlantis and high Brazil. But the point I’m
trying to make here is that if you go, well, what’s the source? Or where did the idea of money
and taxation come from? It did not come from God. It did not come from anything good. It came
fundamentally motivated by all the negative stuff. So it came motivated by greed, power, control,
manipulation. And that hasn’t changed. So tax is now basically a, you know, it’s a weapon
against the people.
[00:33:23] Now getting to the morals of it. Legally, there’s no such thing as an illegal tax.
[00:33:30] Years ago, I was a computer programmer and there was this thing called IR 35, which
was a taxation thing to penalize guys like me who were running small it companies where we
were basically contractors through our companies. And it was because we were earning
relatively good money. And so they created IR 35. I won’t go into it, but the judges ruled that,
because it was taken to court, and the judges ruled that it’s an unfair tax, it’s a discriminatory tax,
it targets a group, but it’s not illegal because no such. No tax can be illegal. So people need tounderstand that.
[00:34:05] Does that sound like a good thing? Does it sound like there is freedom within it? Does
it sound like there is free will? No. So keeping things really simple, because I always want to
bring it back to what is spiritual, then the question was, is taxation ungodly?
[00:34:25] We could rephrase that. To say, is taxation not good? Because what is good is godly.
What is ungodly is not good. Orlando, wrong. So, unfortunately, we’re born into this world.
Paying your taxes isn’t, you know, spiritually.
[00:34:45] We just have to understand that we live in a world of constraints. What is damaging to
you is resentment, anger, frustration. So if the, the issue of taxation engenders these negative
things in you, then that is actually what is spiritually damaging. Paying your tax is neither good
nor bad. If you choose not to pay it, and you know that what you are doing is wrong according to
the environment you’re in, then you may have to check in with yourself. But equally, you know, in
the. In going back to the Bible. So the story of, I think it’s Matthew, the tax collector, ends up
quitting and following Jesus. And everyone was appalled that Jesus, who’s supposed to be good
and was good, would hang out with a tax collector. Now, the symbology of that is what’s so bad
about a tax collector. Back then, they were seen as the worst of the worst because they were
doing the dirty work of the. Of the governing classes, you know, preying on the weak and the
poor and, you know, backed by the roman army to take money from the.
[00:35:56] The people. And so, you know, that symbolized wrongdoing. And so being a tax
collector was a wrongful act. Does that mean that tax collectors today are bad?
[00:36:11] Look, what’s in your heart is what is important. If you’re doing it because it was the job
that was presented and you’re providing for your family, then yeah, you’re right. If you’re doing it
out of greed and if you enjoyed watching people suffer and knowing that by taking taxes, you’re
supporting the ruling elite, etcetera, in other words, if you get pleasure from the negativity of it,
you’re negative. If you get pleasure from the positivity of it, that is, that it allows you to provide
and help, help others and support yourself, etcetera. In other words, it’s what’s in your heart that
matters spiritually. So kind of a. It’s a very simple question and it’s a very simple answer. What’s
in your heart matters more. But no, tax isn’t right. It’s wrong. Fundamentally, from a spiritual point
of view, it is wrong because it doesn’t respect free will and it’s a burden. It’s an imposition, it’s a
limit. Rather than being something that is positive, it is actually fundamentally negative. And its
roots are satanic, you know, not mincing my words.
[00:37:14] So let’s go. Let’s dive into the next question, see where this is going to take us. Oh,
yeah. So Nick sent me some photos today and a question.
[00:37:25] And he says, I wear blue light cancelling glasses when operating my phone, laptop,
computer, monitors, and now when watching a television screen at night. I understand this may
be beneficial to some degree, but I also wonder if there is any spiritual significance to this. Does
the increased exposure to blue light from screens and led lights affect us from a well being and
or spiritual perspective? A short answer is, from a well being perspective. Yes, it does affect us
from a spiritual point of view.
[00:38:00] Actually, no.
[00:38:04] So the pictures that he’s sent is looking through the glasses at a screen. And you
probably won’t see this in the.
[00:38:13] On your screens, but if you have a big screen and you zoomed in ironically, thenyou’re getting blue light. Unless you’ve got your night filter on, you can see a little bit more red
where the glasses are because it’s filtered out more of the blue, is what I was going to kind of
say. But, you know, so what’s interesting here, let’s take a step back. It’s two questions. Does it
affect our well being? Well, yes, and there’s lots and lots of scientific studies and evidence and
anecdotal evidence as well.
[00:38:44] And so, yeah, the blue light, the red light, you can go right down the rabbit hole with
this, because you can look into the fact that actually they did scientific studies and they looked at
the effect of different colors on people, and it’s quite negative going for a blue shift rather than
more towards the reds. And so that’s why they deliberately, you know, they being the
technocrats, deliberately put this technology out there, knowing that these lights are going to be
quite damaging to people. And for example, I remember years ago, David Icke stocking up on
the old incandescent light bulbs because he was saying that the light that comes out of
fluorescent lights and led lights is quite damaging to people. You’d have to look into that for
yourself. So. But the point I’m making is there’s a lot of anecdotal information and literature out
there, even in reputable journal sources and stuff, saying that, no, it’s not good for you. And
that’s why modern operating systems and phones have this nightlight option, where it basically
cuts down on the blue channel. So things look odd. More red, because fundamentally the pixels
of your screen are made up of red, green and blue RGB. So if you take down the blue, then the
red seems more red and the green seems more green.
[00:40:11] Is there any spiritual significance to this, though?
[00:40:14] There is and there isn’t. I guess an analogy would be, is there spiritual significance to
eating a sweet?
[00:40:24] Well, we know it’s not good for us, but one won’t hurt a. Okay, so a little bit won’t hurt.
[00:40:31] The real issue here is the much, much, much bigger picture. And look, we’re right
here now. You’re watching me on a screen, or if you’re listening to the podcast, you’re listening
on some kind of device and it’s almost like unavoidable. So that’s why I’m really keen that what
we get out of this show each week actually has value. Because let’s be honest, how much of
what we’re watching on a daily basis is enriching our souls or, or really talking spirituality. Most of
it is negative or at best entertaining. So if you’ve ever gone down the scrolling up, scrolling up
through YouTube shorts or on Instagram or Twitter reels and whatever they’re called.
[00:41:14] X. It’s x now, isn’t it?
[00:41:17] Suddenly 2 hours later, you’re like, whoa, hang on a sec. And most of this content, I
mean, if you’re just scrolling, you’re going to see stuff that you would never have seen 2030
years ago. People being run over. People, you know, gangs and violence and aggression and
shoplifting. And, you know, that aside, it’s just non stop. It’s like a drug. And that’s the key point.
[00:41:41] The red blue, the red blue stuff, you can go into that and there is some quite nasty,
nefarious stuff going on and I’m going to show you an article in a minute. But generally speaking,
the take home message here is that the thing that is most damaging to you is the amount of time
that you spend on your phone, on your devices, scrolling, watching videos. And it is like a drug.
Okay, so why is that a problem? Well, the blue shift activates the intellect and the brain. That’s
why it keeps you awake at night. One of the reasons is it because it actually stimulates the brain.
The, the content is the addictive thing. So, you know, we become addicted to it. Strokes. Just
one more, just one. I’ve been there. I said, oh, just one more video, five videos later. Because
they were all good. Well, and then you try and convince yourself, well, I’ll watch three more. And
if they’re not good, then I’ll stop and then they’re all good. You go, well, when I get to a bad oneand you just keep going and, you know, it’s like, wake up. Because I’ve had to do that. Wake up.
What are we doing? And if you’re, if you’re someone that doesn’t enjoy that stuff, good on you.
Okay. But basically what’s going on is that the content and the technology delivery device is
stimulating your brain and you’re addicted to it. It’s a drug. It’s a digital drug. What’s the big
picture? What’s the spiritual take home from this? The damage isn’t so much. I mean, there is a
little bit of effect from the choice of frequencies and colours and stuff, but the real damage is the
total distraction, because all the time you’re in your head, you’re not in your heart. So I can
guarantee it doesn’t matter how spiritual you are, if you go down what I call the YouTube rabbit
hole and start watching stuff and then clicking through the suggestions and wasting a couple of
hours, you haven’t really been spiritual in that time, you know?
[00:43:42] I know. I recognize the, what you could say is hypocrisy or the contradiction that I’m
here. We are using technology, we work with what we’ve got.
[00:43:56] Let you know, the purpose of this show is to tell, is to kind of say, well, the purpose of
this answer to this question is to say, and when you’re not getting value from what you’re giving
your attention to, stop, wake up. In fact, even now, as you listen to this, even now as you’re
watching this, I want us to just stop for a moment, pause, take a deep breath and just have the
intention to be more present, to get out of the intellectual, entertainment, drug addict kind of
mode, intend to go to our hearts, come from our hearts and then say something, affirm,
something like, look, I am giving this my attention because it has spiritual value and therefore I
am turning up spiritually to be present, to listen, to learn. Now, that’s a different frame, that’s a
different state that we’re in right now from entertainment mode when we’re just scrolling through,
scrolling through, so there can be value in videos and podcasts and stuff, the content will
determine the value.
[00:45:08] But even if you were listening to, say, my videos or my podcasts on repeat or on loop,
I’d say, look, after an hour or after half an hour, you know, at the end of the episode, stop, tune
in, go to your heart. Because what’s the point of getting all of this information? What’s the point
of picking stuff up that you can understand from a knowledge point of view if you don’t
transmute, transform and use that spiritually? In other words, how can I now change who I am in
a positive way? So the blue light thing. Look, there is stuff.
[00:45:47] I’m just going to bring this article down here so you can see it. So this is something. I
just did a quick search. When the question came in, I remembered this. I’d seen this patent
years ago, and I’ll give you the short version, but basically the title says it all. Nervous system
manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors. The short version is that they found out
that just by fluctuating the amount of luminescence. So not the picture, just the backlight, just
pulsing a backlight at certain frequencies. If someone’s in front of a large tv, even eleven foot
away, they can trigger neurological changes in that person to change their mood.
[00:46:29] Basically, mind control. And this is old news. This patent was 2001. Technology and
tvs and things have come a long way. And they’re basically saying that, you know, if you’ve got a
computer in your tv and it’s connected to the Internet, someone remotely could be doing this to
[00:46:46] You know, just think about it now, you know, the patents there, I’ll put a link to it.
Here’s a picture, you know, you can see on the screen. Here’s some pictures of a person being
bombarded by electromagnetic radiation, etcetera. And you can read this at your.
[00:47:01] At your delight or horror.
[00:47:04] But basically, this is another side to it, that it’s beyond the scope of the question. ButI’m just saying, look, you can really get into this. So again, take home message. Let’s keep
things sound bites and small so we can remember. Technology bad.
[00:47:18] Use it wisely. Listening to this show, watching the show, interacting, learning from a
spiritual point of view. Good use of technology.
[00:47:27] Being entertained by an endless stream of videos on Twitter and YouTube, etcetera.
Bad use of technology for many reasons.
[00:47:35] And if we know that technology can be manipulated to affect our mood, then it’s like,
okay, look, you still go into town, even though there might be muggers and there might be people
that you don’t want to meet, people that aren’t very good vibration, you weigh it up. But what you
don’t do is say, well, I’m going to move and sleep in a tent on the street, you know, where all the
really bad people hang out. You choose how much exposure you have to potential harm. And so
the short answer is, yes, there is potential harm in all technology. And that’s why eight years ago,
sorry, not eight years. Four years ago, I did a video. Let me see if I can find this.
[00:48:22] Here we go. So it’s on Rumble. I’m going to share my screen. So it’s on Rumble, and
it’s this video down here.
[00:48:30] And it says, one year ago. I’m just highlighting. It’s the one that says, how can we
overcome problems in the world? It was actually done four years ago on YouTube, but I started
moving stuff over to rumble about a year ago. So in there, I talk about switching off your Wi Fi,
not using your phone so much, detaching from technology, making a point of being free from that
a few hours every day, not sleeping with your phone on your pillow, that kind of stuff. So a lot of
what we’re talking about here, to answer this question, is stuff that, you know, I touched on years
ago. And in the Stonehenge documentary, there’s a pivotal part in that documentary where I
explain that those beings on higher dimensions that are truly good, truly serve the light, not one
of them has anything to do with technology down here. It’s what you could say, it’s a necessary
evil. But understanding that the roots of technology are evil, then use it wisely, use it sparingly,
and don’t. And understand that it’s a drug and don’t allow yourself to act like an addict, an addict
with it. And look, for those of you that are nostalgic, I’m just going to see if this brings back some
memories so some of you will recognize that.
[00:49:49] So this is a phone that I bought back in 2014, I think. And it’s a. It’s what they call a
dumb phone. There’s no real technology in it. It just does voicemail. It just does voice and text.
This is my mobile phone. I’m in the process of trying to transition back to this. Still going to have
to use this occasionally, the smartphone. But when I go out, I’m just taking this with me. And it’s
so liberating. Now I’m doing a bit of a social experiment, and I might talk about this in a future
episode, but I just realized, you know, part of being spiritual is. Is when you get information, is to
try and incorporate it as best you can into your life as best you can. Okay, so this is my way of
compromising and saying, right when I go out, I’m still contactable, but I don’t need a basically a
supercomputer in my pocket. I just need the ability for someone to contact me if they need.
Okay, so I’ll probably feed back how this little experiment is going in the future. But, you know,
we can put into practice where appropriate, even if it’s just making a point of having 2 hours a
day where you’re not, you know, online. And it’s quite scary. Look, I got back in touch with
someone, a friend of the family, been out of touch for longer than I’ve been around. They’re
probably about 80 years old, and they’re, you know, they’re not really online or anything like this.
And I was chatting to them for the first time on the phone yesterday on a landline. And then this
morning, I went on Facebook to promote this show, and this morning it said, recommended, you
know, friends recommendations, and that person was on there. Now, they hadn’t been on their
Facebook profile in about eight years by looks of it, and by, let’s say, probably one of their
grandchildren set it up for them. How did Facebook know that I was making communication withthis person over a landline? You know, and I’m very careful about privacy, so that’s how scary
tech is becoming in terms of invading our lives.
[00:52:01] And I think we all realize that.
[00:52:04] And look, there’s so many of these rabbit holes we could go down. But I’m mindful of
the time we can always come back to these questions.
[00:52:14] But hopefully the take home for the question that was asked is the real issue with
technology is just how much time we give to it, because that is a distraction from the time that
we could be actually being spiritually present and spiritually awake. And therefore, the good
news is there is something you can do about it.
[00:52:32] Less time with technology, more time with yourself, tuning in, being still being with
other people, engaging heart to heart, not just head to head, and recognizing that, you know,
these smartphones, they’re a drug. Okay? If we see it that way, then maybe we can start to
break free from the hold that they have on us in our lives. So what’s the next question? Thank
you for that question, Nick. The next question are Ruben.
[00:53:03] So Ruben asks. And here we go with more technology. Okay, so it’s funny how
sometimes we get, like, these collections of questions that are all of a similar vein. So Rubin
asks or says, it is clear that technology plays a large role in western society, including the use of
Wi Fi, Bluetooth, three G, four g, and five g, other than limiting its use. Fantastic. That’s what we
literally just were talking about. Staying clear of base stations, masts, etcetera. What other
measures could one take to protect oneself? Eg?
[00:53:38] I think that’s pronounced Aries tech devices. And what is the spiritual significance of
these EMF technologies we are exposed to continually? Okay.
[00:53:48] So there’s stuff that we could answer from the. From the more physical, and I’m not
going to go too much into it, because it’s not what we’re here to talk about in terms of spiritual
stuff. But there was a lot of conspiracies around five g.
[00:54:08] Five g is a lot more potent, a lot more powerful than four g. Four g was more potent
than 3g, etcetera.
[00:54:15] No matter what you believe about conspiracies, do you want more electromagnetic
radiation bombarding your body and your brain and your children, or less?
[00:54:27] Okay. It’s a simple, fundamental question, is more of this stuff good or bad? And I
think there is no one on the planet that would say more is good with a straight face, unless they
were being paid by the companies that make the technology to say it intuitively. We all
understand that more is bad.
[00:54:49] Now, these are tech devices are little, almost like, it looks like a resin sticker that you
stick on the back of your phone. It’s mounded quite thick. It’s about half a centimeter thick, and it
looks like they’ve got the tree of life symbol and a whole load of other geometries engraved on or
embossed into it, or maybe made out of thin copper wire. You can google it. Aries tech, it
reminded me of Q link pendants. There was a big penchant for Q link pendants. About 1015
years ago, I had one, other people had one. You wore it around your neck, and it was a Tesla
[00:55:27] Copper. Copper’s good. So the simple answer is yes. These devices do kind ofmitigate. They. You know, if you put. If you got a sensor for EMF radiation and you put it on your
phone, and then you put one of these stickers on your phone, the levels drop. Yeah.
[00:55:48] What people don’t understand. Sorry. It’d be lovely one day to just say, yeah, that’s
really good. Let’s all get one for stars. These stickers are about pound 250 quid each. Okay? So
that’s a lot of money that you can’t tell me. That’s what they really cost. Okay. I mean, Q link
pendants back in the day, and that was extortionate. So are they doing anything? Yes. Is it
helpful? Yes. Is there anything that we’re not aware of that they’re doing? Yes. So when I looked
into the Eris tech devices, what’s happening is they create a resonant magnetic field. It’s the
best way I can describe it. And I’ve only had, like, a little bit of a look inside to see what’s going
on. So I’m trying to put words to describe what I sensed and perceived on the inside of.
[00:56:36] It’s this field that cancels out the signal. But the field itself disrupts your magnetic field.
So it’s not as if I had to choose between the phone with or without. I’d have one with, but not at
250 quid, I wouldn’t. But I’d still try and keep the thing at arm’s length. And that’s one. An
interesting thing. These ayrestek devices seem to be on the device. That is a problem. But look,
I’m sitting here and I’ve got my monitor, another monitor, a tablet, phone, cameras, okay? So I’m
being bombarded, okay. The things I do for you. No, it’s a pleasure.
[00:57:18] But the Q link pendants, at least, would have been on me and not on the individual
devices. And therefore, any benefits would be systemic for me, rather than trying to. Trying to fix
the environment, you know, it’s like trying to fix the environment or trying to fix the you now,
spiritually speaking, what’s going on? So the best analogy I can give you for three g, four g. Five
g is they’re equivalent to a demonic telepathic attack. In terms of their energy, certainly 5g is. So
if 3G was like a demon whispering nasty things at you, then 4G was like a demon talking in a
clear voice. 5G is like a demon screaming at you. Now, I don’t mean that there’s actually like a
little demon in here or anything like that, but what I mean is that.
[00:58:13] Right?
[00:58:15] What is transmitted is energy and information. Okay? The potency of the energy
determines how strongly that information is carried. So the vibration.
[00:58:28] So information that is most basic is just wavelength. It’s just vibration. So the
vibration, when you modulate. Okay, look, when you.
[00:58:38] When you modulate vibration. So you might have like, dot, dot, dot, dash, dash, dash,
dot, dot, dot. If you just had a constant beep, there wouldn’t be any Morse code, but you still
have the vibration of beep.
[00:58:52] But when you go, then it’s the same tone, same wavelength. But the modulation of
stopping and the starting introduces more complex information. Okay, so it’s most basic.
[00:59:07] Five g, four g. Just broadcasting. Even if it’s not broadcasting. Broadcasting a text
broadcasting data packets or whatever is modulated wavelengths. The frequency would be
equivalent to. I’ve talked about different frequencies in the past and you’ve got very good
frequencies and light and stuff, and then you’ve got very dark frequencies. And so the frequency
of these things and the masks that they hide in McDonald’s signs and in shop fronts and things
like this would be equivalent to demonic thought. Okay? Which is why I say it’s like a telepathic
attack. And an attack is a telepathic attack is when something, person or a being, transmits bad
thoughts at you. So that’s why I said it’s literally like demons whispering or demons talking or
demons shouting. So they’re not good. And your best defense is avoidance. So don’t sleep with
your phone. Now the squared law, so basically every meter that you go away from a transmitter,it doesn’t drop by half, it drops by the square. So 1 meter, 2 meters, drops by, I think a factor of
eight or four or something, and then 1632. So that’s good news because moving something
away from you rapidly drops the strength of the signal. As an aside, look, when people put cases
on their phones to shield the radiation from their phones actually makes it worse a lot of the time,
because what happens is the phone isn’t able to talk to the signal tower, so it actually sends out
a stronger signal to try and get through. So if your phone’s in a, in a shielded case, it’s actually
normally broadcasting much more often, much higher strength to try and reach the mast.
[01:00:55] So yeah, from a practical point of view, avoidance is better than shielding. And the
thing that the spiritual answer is, look, why are they, let’s not even get into the why. The fact that
it’s there and it’s bombarding you is going to bring your vibration down. If there is encoded
subliminal messages and stuff, then you’ll start to have thoughts that aren’t your own. And
people have reported that to me and people have talked about that online, that, you know, 5g
masks goes up and suddenly I’m having all these dark thoughts. So what can we do spiritually?
Because there is no such thing as protection. We can’t put a field around us. It doesn’t work like
that. But what we can do is be more aware of the thoughts that we’re giving our attention to and
starting to become sensitive to. Well, that’s not me, I wouldn’t have said that. Where’s that
coming from? And then going, well, I reject that. I banish those thoughts and I replace any
negative thoughts and attitudes with I raise my own vibration. I choose to give my energy, my
time to being positive. Because, look, either accidentally, these things are damaging us on a kind
of spiritual, psychological level, or by design, they’re damaging us on a spiritual, psychological
level. It doesn’t matter whether it’s design or accident.
[01:02:21] All we can do is how do we choose to respond? That’s the spiritual answer. So the
real answer is avoid when you can use more sparingly. Switch these damn things off some of
the time. And then if you notice that you’re becoming negative, take control of that.
[01:02:40] Choose which thoughts you’re going to salute. Okay, so we’ve got. It’s gone 10:00
and the next question is there on the screen. And I’m just going to leave it hanging for next week
because we’ve run out of time. It’s been a nonstop show, which is great because we want to get
the most out of each one of these hours.
[01:03:06] So I’m going to ask a favour from you guys.
[01:03:10] First of all. First of all, importantly, thank you for those people that have sent the
questions in, and that could be you. So I’ve put links.
[01:03:19] I really want people, look, if you’re right at the start, if this is all new to you, your
question is as important as someone that’s been meditating or being spiritual for 2030 years.
Because if you’re thinking it, I can guarantee other people are thinking it. So be that person that
asks the good spiritual questions. Don’t make them complicated.
[01:03:39] You don’t have to try. And there’s no such thing as, oh, maybe this is a simple
question. The simple questions often yield the most powerful answers. Okay, so first thing is,
don’t be shy. It’s your show and I’m here to do my best. I don’t have all of the answers, but we’re
literally making sense of life spiritually. One episode at a time, one question at a time. It could be
your question next. So that’s the first thing. Second thing I’m going to ask is a lot of energy and
time goes into making these shows, and I love doing it. And the reward is the feedback that it’s
helping people, that the numbers are growing and algorithms don’t like spiritual stuff. I’m pretty
sure that if you talk about spirituality or God or Jesus, then you just get pushed down into the
basement. And that’s okay, because you know what I’ve realized? I run a business for 14 years,
and I paid a lot in marketing and tried a lot of different things. The number one way that things
that are good spread is word of mouth.
[01:04:41] When it’s not good, it’s normally spread by the machine. In other words, it gets
promoted because if they’re trying to distract you from spirituality, they’re going to push that stuff
down your throat. Adverts everywhere. But if someone’s actually talking truth, you’ll normally find
that the best way of them reaching more people is you. You right now, just thinking, well, who
could I share this with? Who would benefit from this? Who would find this entertaining or
interesting? Or maybe it would just open their eyes a little bit and then just passing it on, sharing
a link, or just share it, saying, download the mp3, send them that, you know. So at that point,
we’re going to say, whatever you are doing right now, I hope you, I hope you’re being good, and I
hope you’re well, and I’m grateful for you giving me your time, and God bless you.
[01:05:32] Hello, this is Mark Zaretti, and I wanted to thank you for taking the time to listen to this
podcast. If you’re looking for more spiritual resources, then definitely check out
thewaybackgroup.org. and if you’ve enjoyed this, then I highly recommend my other podcast,
which is called The Way Back to spiritual Awakening. I look forward to joining you on our next live
show, podcast.
Episode notes:
00:00:36 Live Show Introduction
Summarising this episode into a single question I’d ask something like “Should you wear blue light glasses and file your taxes on a demonic mobile phone?” I’m on a mission to make spirituality accessible to everyone and you can play your part. How we can bring spirituality into everyday life, a sentiment I share with you in this short video: https://rumble.com/v5fiu2t-is-spirituality-for-you-an-honest-chat-about-the-need-for-more-focus-on-spi.html
00:05:44 Two real-life stories about the Danger of Silver!
I share two stories from my past about the harmful effects of silver on your energy. One from a meditation exercise gone wrong (it wasn’t me, it was another teacher!) and one from a man who was wearing a lot of silver jewellery. [Ed] I mentioned a course held at The Queen’s Hotel in Leeds. But on reflection it may have been at another venue in Leeds – it was a long time ago and back then I was assisting in/attending a lot of events at multiple places in Leeds so timelines and locations are a bit fuzzy. I mention the Vulcan chakra, have you ever heard of that one before now?
00:16:14 Two questions about becoming spiritual and why it happens (or doesn’t) later in life?
We explore why it is that people in the same family may go down different paths in life, some becoming more spiritual, some becoming more material, cynical, hedonistic, atheist etc. Is there a reason we find spirituality later in life? I explain the reason why religion is not the same thing as being spiritual. What is and who are “The Source”, “God” and “Jesus” from a spiritual perspective.
We touch on the gender identity crisis in young people and explain a simple reason why this might happen; a consequence of focusing on the wrong things.
Finally I explain how we can nurture spirituality in others, but ultimately we must accept that not everyone in this life at this time is going to be spiritual.
No this isn’t a critique of UK PM Keir Rodney Starmer’s latest tax policies, rather I keep things spiritual and provide you with an overview of the ancient roots of tax (and money). It was all about power and control, and still is. Referring to the Stonehenge documentary (see links below) which discusses ancient races meddling in the affairs of people on Earth.
00:37:12 Spiritual effects from exposure to Blue Light from phones, tablets, TV etc.
I explain what is most damaging to us and how technology is like a drug. Anyone who’s ever spent hours scrolling through short videos or TicTok knows how addictive it is. The damage is the distraction!
SPIRITUAL EXERCISE! I suddenly stop what we’re doing and guide us momentarily into being more present.
00:52:56 5G, WIFI, EMF and is there anything we can do spiritually to protect ourselves?
I resolve it down to one simple question: “Do you want more radiation?“. I note that some devices help mitigate EMF radiation but I explain that they are having an effect upon us that we may be unaware of. I explain the best protection is avoidance if possible.
You can discover why I say that the transmissions from a mobile mast or phone is like a demonic telepathic attack!. Could it be that 5G masts (or Bluetooth) are broadcasting subliminal messages? If so how can we respond spiritually?
01:03:05 Closing thoughts and I have a favour to ask you x
I explain how you can help lots of good people in just 10 seconds.
Resources mentioned in this podcast:
- See the full transcript and all links for this show here: https://thewaybackgroup.org/podcast/ep-029-spiritually-awaken-stop-sleeping-with-your-phone-5g-demons/
- Ep.028 https://thewaybackgroup.org/podcast/ep-028-botox-silicone-body-mods/
- Ep.003 Where I mention other meditation groups including Lifewave and The Path: https://rumble.com/v4m3zb9-ep.003-discussing-spirituality-with-mark-zaretti.-making-sense-of-life-1-ep.html
- Ask a question here: https://thewaybackgroup.org/live-show/ask-a-spiritual-question/
- A good explanation of the difference between spirituality and religion: https://thewaybackgroup.org/articles/believing-in-god-versus-experiencing-god-what-matters-to-you/
- J Werner Wallace, the cold case homicide detective who explains why the evidence for Jesus is overwhelming: https://coldcasechristianity.com/j-warner-wallace-christian-apologist-and-author/
- The books that are being written: https://thewaybackgroup.org/articles/life-changing-book-an-update/
- Stonehenge: Into the Light not for profit book: https://mybook.to/stonehenge-book
- Watch the Stonehenge documentary on Rumble: https://rumble.com/v27nqc4-stonehenge-into-the-light-a-spiritual-documentary-by-mark-zaretti-2023.html
- Watch it on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meIeLmNOC0U
- Patent US6506148B2 brain control by TV: https://patents.google.com/patent/US6506148B2/en
- How can we overcome problems in the world?: https://rumble.com/v2bh2qq-can-love-overcome-negative-problems-in-the-world-spiritual-insights-into-lo.html
Thank you for listening to this show. If you’d like more spiritual content then check out “The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening” podcast and visit TheWayBackGroup.org where you’ll find loads of free resources to help you get the most from your spiritual journey. Check out my books and films. – Mark
Please note that a transcript, where present, has been automatically created based on the audio and so may contain some transcription errors. But we hope the benefit of having the words transcribed outweigh any glitches. Thanks.
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