Ep.040 Demonic Siamese Cats! “I Survived a Siamese Cat Nightmare”. The Snake-Cat Secret is out!: Live Show Discussing Spirituality w/ Mark Zaretti

Siamese Cats
Siamese Cats, the spiritual truth
The Way Back Live Show - Discussing Spirituality
Ep.040 Demonic Siamese Cats! "I Survived a Siamese Cat Nightmare". The Snake-Cat Secret is out!: Live Show Discussing Spirituality w/ Mark Zaretti

Episode Summary:

The ancient history of domestic cats. Did dark forces transform them into snake-like vehicles for demonic consciousnesses? Are Siamese Cats actually dangerous? A real testimony from a survivor or persecution and suppression by Siamese cats! Plus dark rays in the sky caught on camera. Is that a face in the clouds? And the complete lack of representation of Jesus in the (Christ’s Mass) shop displays!

Episode transcript:

And good evening. It’s the 12th of December and I am Mark, your host and this is discussing
spirituality and as ever, some very interesting things to get into.
First of all, hello, Marigold, who is in the live chat. It’s good to see you there. Let me just put you
up there. Good evening, Mark. Good evening everyone. Joining you here from Kent. Yeah. If
you’re new or if you’ve been here before, then please do say hello in the chat and let me know
where you’re tuning in from. And this week’s topic is all about cats. Well, not all about cats
because there are a few other things that we’re going to look at as well, but the main topic is
about cats. So welcome, welcome everyone. And we’ve got a new follower who’s joined us last
few days. So hello to you as well. I know that there’s more of you watching than are following the
shows, but if you could please do hit that follow button. What it basically means is that you get
alerted when there’s a new show and it also lets Rumble know that people are interested and it
will help promote us so then even more people can get all this freely given information that is
given primarily, well, purely to help help us all spiritually grow spiritually learn and make sense of
As I say, one question at a time. And if you’ve not been on this show before, if you’ve not
followed us or watched this before, then the whole point is that what we’re doing is I’m answering
your questions during on over 40 years of spiritual exercise experience in the form of meditation
practice. But I’ve also been teaching since the late 90s and so I’m drawing on those
experiences. But I’m also, and this is the important bit, drawing on the state within. So I’m able to
bring down information. And the best way of me doing that is by you asking me a question and
then that helps me find a start point for the inquiry into the bigger picture and you know, then
pretty much unscripted, I share it with you here. So, and I see Toshi’s just joined us as well,
which is great because Toshi, thank you. One of the things we’re going to talk about first is
actually based on something that you’ve kindly shared with me.
So let’s have a look at what that is. So Miliantoshi, who I believe are in. I did ask them. Okay. I
can’t remember exactly where this is. I think it’s Spain somewhere. It’s Mediterranean anyway.
And lucky them, they’re enjoying a bit of sunshine while we’re all in England getting rained on.
But what they’ve sent me is in reply to episode 38. So I put the thumbnail to episode 38 there on
the right and it’s the one where the topic of dark rays seen in the sky came up. And this also
related to a much earlier topic where we talked about the aurora borealis, which was being found
in much more places and further south than it normally is. And I said if anyone can get any
pictures of these dark lines in the sky, then that would be really, really awesome because then
we could have a look at them and see if we can make more sense. The short version was that in
some cases it was actually perceiving almost non physical stuff to do with energy, directed
energy from higher dimensions. And this energy is not good, it’s deliberately being channeled
because it’s bad energy designed to drop the vibration of places. So what I’m going to do is I’m
going to take some of these photos that they very kindly sent me and I’m going to drop them into
my favorite graphics package which is called gimp. Gimp.
It’s completely free, so I highly do recommend it. It’s kind of the free version of something like
Photoshop. So this is the original image and if I just very quickly create a new layer over the top
here, then I can scribble on this and do my best to highlight what we’re looking for. So I can see
it here, but just in case you can’t see it on your screens, there’s a dark band which I’m just kind
of highlighting here, another one next to it, and a third one. There’s actually more, but I’m just
picking out the main ones and then there’s two over here, so I’ll just kind of highlight them as
well. Okay, so if I flick that on and off, then maybe you can see what we’re referring to. Now they
did say, look, it’s much easier to see in real life than it is on a camera. But I just wanted to share
what these picture because it is referring to something that some phenomena that hasn’t really
been around that long in this guise. So the more we share it with people, then the more people
can become aware of it and potentially let me know because there is, there are things that can
be done to try and clear away the negative fallout from these things. Now the other thing I
thought I’d do is if I take this picture and go up here, then I can play around with the contrast a
bit and the brightness and it might make it that we are more able to see these lines. If I drop the
brightness right down and the contrast right up at the point where the colors start to collapse,
you can, you can hopefully now see those, those lines a bit clearer. And if I flick that on and off,
then it might help just highlight those lines. And certainly to the right hand side round here, you
can see a bit more with clarity, these striations. So that’s one of the pictures that were shared.
So let’s have a look at one of the other ones because I thought these were quite good. So let’s
bring this one up here.
Okay, so this one I think is a bit more interesting.
Well, they’re both interesting, but I think this one tells a much stronger story. So again, what I’ll
do is I’ll just create a layer so we can draw some lines on here without destroying the original.
And I’ll get my red again. So what we’re looking at here is these vertical lines. You can see them
quite clearly. There’s lots of them, but I’m just highlighting a few of them and there are a few
more, but I’m just going to stick with those ones. There’s also features so you, you could. Let’s
just do this one in a different color so we don’t confuse matters. So there’s also features like this
through the clouds, but that is actually more like a natural phenomena. So I wanted to kind of
differentiate between them. But if we now do as I did before and just play around with the
brightness and contrast a bit and I did try different filters, but this seems to be the best way of
highlighting these things. So just round about here, I think it really starts to pop. You can see
those lines. So if I set that as it as that and then highlight with the red lines there, you can really
see these vertical slices through.
They’re almost easier to see where they cross over the clouds.
Now this is a go back to the slides. So what’s being seen here is this phenomena where kind of
higher dimensional energy is being purposefully emitted onto the third dimension and it does
interact and it’s a bit like the aurora borealis is what you can see and there’s what you can’t see.
And what you can’t see is the negativity of the energy, what you can see. Everyone goes, oh,
that’s lovely. And it’s very. It’s kind of similar with this, except this isn’t so aesthetically stunning.
But it’s still basically polluting our realm, our world, with negative energy that shouldn’t be here. I
wanted to highlight this word as well. So we got pareidolia or paria dolia.
It’s the word that means when people see faces in inanimate objects. So if we go back to this
picture straight away, I saw. And I’m just going to get my pen and change color again. Oops.
Let’s go for black and make it a little bit thinner. Spin that down there. Right. So I’m going to start
drawing what I can see and I’ll see how quickly it is before you can see the same thing. Now,
there’s a nose there and there’s a mouth there, but there’s also, depending on how you look at it,
there’s the other eye socket.
So this would be an example potentially of that word which was pareidolia, except in some cases
it isn’t. And I just wanted to flag it up here. We’re not going to go into it in today’s episode, but if
it’s something you’d like to know more about, then I’d say there’s a couple of things you want to
Google. So look for the face in the atom bomb and look for the face next to the moon. And then
if you’re interested, then I’m more than happy to kind of take this theme and run with it as
another question. But for now, I just wanted to share these photos.
Thank you, Toshi and Millie, for sharing and hi, Millie. I see that you’ve joined us in the chat as
well. So thanks for sharing that and we will now press on to the next thing. Well, we’re going to
get to Cats and Snakes in a moment, but there is actually a video that I wanted to share with you
There’s no audio to this, so for those who are watching or listening again, I’m going to do my
best to kind of narrate what we’re seeing, but I’ll give you a quick preamble. So it’s coming up to
Christmas or Christ’s Mass, and that is a time of year where supposedly we’re celebrating Jesus
that’s the whole point of this festive season. And so if you cast your memories back to the
Halloween episode and I’ll put links to everything in the description in a few days when I do the
podcast version. But if you cast your memory back to the Halloween episode. I went into Tesco’s
and I. Oh, other brands are available, but I went into a well known supermarket and filmed what I
found in the kind of seasonal aisle. So straight as you go in, that’s where they put all the stuff
that they want to flog you when it’s a holiday. And a lot of it’s aimed at kids and there was lots
there celebrating vampires and and skeletons and the dead and various characters.
And you know, a lot of people, a lot of dark characters were well represented by the
paraphernalia that was on, on sale, you know, plastic tack that was on sale for quite high price.
So I thought, well, let’s see what we’ve got. Since it’s Christmas and I was actually shopping and
this is what I found. So same section of the shop. Merry Christmas. And what’s represented?
Well, we got Santa and teddy bears and bunny rabbits and sorry for the shaky camera and
gingerbread house. So a bit of Hansel and Gretel there. Panettone, which I highly recommend.
Proper, proper Christmas thing. The Abominable snowman balls and lots of stuff. And this
character kept on popping up. So the Nutcracker character.
And what’s that? A polar bear dressed as a Christmas pudding.
And you know, hope springs eternal. Is there anything that actually is relevant to it being
Christmas? Some grey robins and.
Well, you know, is there anything down there? Stars. Okay. And this angry looking nutcracker
and a very mean looking. I don’t know what that is. A reindeer rat thing. And the nutcracker.
Okay, so pretty much drew a complete blank on any representation whatsoever about the story
or the Nativity. But let’s go over to the, the opposite, the kids section and they’ve got. You can
dress as the boys as a Grinch or you can dress the girls as Elsa or one of the cast from the
Wicked, which is witches. And then you’ve got all the usual Hulk, Spider man and well, why don’t
we just have a little lizard. Okay.
So basically it was a bit of a. You know, it.
It’s the lack of parity in the situation. So happy to represent demons, witches, what you might call
it, vampires, Draco and all of these characters when it’s Halloween, which as you now know, if
you’ve watched that episode. And if you haven’t, I really recommend you watch it. It’s going to
change Halloween forever for you, in a good way. But basically, you know, these bad characters,
they’re happy to represent them.
But here we are at Christmas and not one single thing, not even a simple nativity scene or three
wise men or a donkey, you know, not even something that remotely comes close or the , you
know, a rendition of the statue of Mary holding the newborn baby or nothing, nothing whatsoever
in this. In that shop. And I assume it’s the same across the board, really representing Jesus.
Okay, so I’m going to be sending out a little email to those who are on my mailing list. So if
you’re not, I’ll put a link. But I’d get on there for tomorrow morning. It’s basically go to the
website, go to the bottom of the page and there’s a link in all the footers saying something along
the lines, know I want your newsletter. It’s totally free. I’m sending something out in the next day
or two, a kind of an opportunity for you to contribute to some. A little project that I’m doing on this
very matter because I think it’s really, really sad that we can rep, you know, we, the proverbial
we society, can represent all that is wrong but will not go near representing or that is great and
good about, you know, Jesus and and that side of things. So the hypocrisy is terrible
because more than happy to have a celebration and a holiday and give each other presents and
take time off work in the name of Christ’s Mass Christmas, but no interest in actually
acknowledging Jesus, it seems from the majority. So let’s do something about that. So get on the
mailing list because I’m going to be sending something out probably tomorrow afternoon on that
And let’s minor spiritual but relevant round over. Let’s move on to the main topic of today, which
So there’s. There’s a YouTube short doing rounds about cats and snakes. I’ll see if I can find a
link. I couldn’t actually track it down when I was looking for it earlier today, but I found another
one similar. But here’s the. Here’s the brief synopsis which will explain that kind of nightmare fuel
picture of a snaky cat thing. So there’s a couple of key points on the screen now. I’ve got a
jaguar, a leopard, a lion and a caracal.
These are some of the main big cats. And you can put panthers and any of the other big cats in.
And the general wisdom is that domestic cats evolved from the big cats, okay? That’s what we’re
all told. So when you look at these pictures, the jaguars got round eyes, round pupils. The
leopard’s got round pupils. The lion’s got round pupils. The caracal has got round pupils. In fact,
most mammals have round pupils. Now there’s a wonderful TED video out explaining why. Why
there’s different shapes of pupil. But in the mammalian world, and certainly the feline world, then
all the big cats and all the other kind of feline animals have round eyeballs. In fact, in the
mammalian world, nothing has vertical slits, really, except for cats.
But if you look at snakes and reptiles, they’ve all got vertical eyes. And there’s something else,
cats, domestic cats hiss.
Well, none of the big cats hiss.
None of the. No other animals, no other mammals hiss. The only ones that hiss in the feline line
are domestic cats. So domestic cats have eyes like snakes and they make sounds like snakes.
And this YouTube video short going around kind of just makes that point and sensationalizes it a
bit. But it got my curiosity, and partly why it got my curiosity is over the years I’ve had to
intervene spiritually in a number of situations where, you know, people are being terrorized by
their cats. And so what I’ve done is I’ve reached out to some people who I’ve worked with and
helped out in the past, and they’ve very graciously given me interviews. But I suggested it
because when you’re talking about catch, you’re also talking about people’s family pets. And you
also, potentially there may be people who it’s better if we just protect their identity. So what I’ve
done is blurred them out and protected and change their voices. So what’s important is what
they’ve got to say. But these are real people talking about their experiences. And so I’m going to
share two videos with you, the first one and then a second one a bit later on. So this, if I get it
right, is a video. Thanks for joining us. Let me just pause and make sure that we can see it. So
it’s me on the left and a person blurred out on the right.
And let’s listen to this. Hopefully you can all hear it. Thanks for joining us.
GUEST 1: Well, I love cats. Always had cats in the family growing up from kittens, a
rescue cat. I’ve always got on well with all of them, except for one. And since being an adult,
currently on cat number six. And I’m a definite Cat person.
MARK: Cool. Did you choose your cats or did any. Any of them kind of turn up?
GUEST 1: I chose the first one, and at the same time, my partner chose a sibling of
that cat. And then a few years ago, we got three rescue cats, two of which I chose, one of which
someone else chose, and. But we. We took the three of them home.
MARK: When you choosing your cats, was it. Was it based on looks or was it
based on something like intuition or feelings or. How did you. How did you choose the cats that
you chose?
GUEST 1: My first cat that I chose was quite a few years ago, 20 years ago, and I
just picked her out of her litter because I felt like I liked her the most.
But since then, I’ve become more spiritual and more in tune with just deeper gut instincts, and
I’ve really learned to go with my gut. And the three rescues that we got, I was looking at all the
cats. I didn’t see one that resonated with me. And then this one cat appeared in the window from
behind the curtain. And she was not supposed to be on public view. It was a rescue center. She
was not supposed to be on public view because she wasn’t ready to be adopted yet. And. But I
glimpsed her, and I instantly knew. And I turned to the RSPCA lady and I said, I have to have
that cat. And the lady said, well, she’s not ready. I said, and the lady said, you have to pretend
you haven’t seen her. And I said, I can’t. I can’t. I’ve seen her. I know she’s meant for me. Please
tell me a way that I can have her. And I just knew that she was the one. I mean, she was
beautiful, but this wasn’t based on beauty. This was based on a real strong sense of this cat
needs to come to my home and we need to be together. For some reason, I didn’t really know
what that reason was, but I did adopt her after a few weeks and one of her kittens.
And she turned out to be the most amazing cat based on her energy. Lovely, calm, kind. She
was playful. If there was any other joy in the house, me playing with the kids or laughing or
excitement, she would come running as if she wanted to join in with that. So, yes, I definitely
chose her, But I also felt, weirdly, she chose me because she appeared through the curtain at
the exact time that I was walking past, about to leave.
MARK: So as a contrast, because I’m kind of interested with the cat, you said you
didn’t choose, and you don’t get on with. And you said you talk more about it. You said that the
good cats were attracted to joy and that there was a positive connection in very succinctly,
what’s the contrast between those cats and for example, the cat that you say you didn’t choose
and, and by the sounds that you don’t particularly get on with.
GUEST 1: That cat doesn’t seem to be attracted to anything happy, calm or joyous
and actively avoids everything except for she always seems to be in the way at the wrong time.
If I’m in a group video call with, on a spiritual group video call, she will come out of nowhere and
sit on the keyboard or sit on my shoulder or get in my face or make a fuss around me and try
and distract me. It’s like she’s deliberately trying to get in the way.
MARK: How’s that cat? How does it get on with or not with the other cats?
GUEST 1: They tolerate each other, but there’s no love, no feeling between them.
And it’s like they’re completely different species in a way, just completely different vibes. They
don’t fight, but no, they, they’re very separate.
MARK: This cat that you didn’t choose, what, what do they look like?
GUEST 1: They are completely black from head to toe and they’re quite spiky
looking. A small head, almost like an Egyptian looking cat and pointy thin legs and paws, just not
cuddly or friendly looking.
MARK: All cats catch mice and birds and stuff. Is there a difference in terms of
like the amount of killing or the amount of mischief between what you would say the friendlier
cats and this particular cat?
GUEST 1: If a mouse or a vole or something has been brought in, they will go off and
finish it off. So it’s not just a gift, they go and treat it as prey.
MARK: So what do the other cats bring them in but leave them alive?
GUEST 1: Sometimes one is a bit like Huckleberry Fin and is outdoors all day and he
will bring mice in as a gift. But the cat that we’re talking about now will go and get that mouse
and see to it that it’s finished.
MARK: So it will kill it.
GUEST 1: Yeah, and eat it. I feel a bond with my two really good cats. It’s
indescribable, but it’s, it’s very definite and I’m beyond a doubt that there is something spiritual
there and that is totally lacking with this third cat that is black. So I wanted to like that cat. It was
a kitten, it was cute, it didn’t seem nice. And over the course of last couple of years, I’ve begun
to suspect that actually there’s a form of darkness there.
MARK: That cat, the black one, how does it act around people?
GUEST 1: It can suddenly turn and bite you or scratch you.
MARK: So thanks for your time.
GUEST 1: Thank you.
MARK: That’s kind of one person’s experience and the kind of key take home,
which I think was quite well communicated there, was that this person chose the, one of the
more recent cats because they’ve become more spiritual. They, this person’s more in tune with
their own in instinct and intuition. And they chose this cat almost like they were guided. And the
synchronicity of that cat poking its head around the curtain, it must have got out from where it
was supposed to be at the right moment to be seen by this person so that they then could kind
of know about that cat. And it sounds like they went above and beyond to get the cat because
the, the rules were of the place where no, you can’t have that cat, it’s not ready. So there was
like, almost like a synchronicity to have that cat in their lives.
And by contrast, the cat that they didn’t choose, although they still tried to bond and connect with
it, the energy of that cat, the black cat, comes across as it’s very distant, not warm, not drawn to
joy, not wanting to be involved with the family and if anything, a bit irritable and potentially
dangerous because it will scratch and whatnot. So quite a contrast in terms of how the cats have
arrived in this person’s life. So one by choice, one another kind of fouced upon them by
someone else’s choice. And quite different outcomes in terms of how these cats personalities
are, how they are. As if you looked at them from an energy point of view. One’s clearly very
good and one’s clearly not that good. So that, that’s interesting in a to a point. But it’s enough
that I started looking into the whole thing about cats.
And if you’ve not, I’ll remind you how the process is. I’ll just start with a question. Normally one of
you guys will send me a question. It’ll be something like, look, are all cats good? Or what’s the
deal with cats? In this case it was triggered by this YouTube video of why is it that cats have
snake like eyes and behave like serpents and are completely different from all the other animals,
including the ones that they’re supposedly descended from. So that’s my starting point.
And then I have a process by which I can kind of go inside and start to just get information and I
was straight away drawn. It’s very weird how it happens, but I might just get a word or a sense of
a place or something. And I was straight away drawn to Kazakhstan. Okay, I’ve actually got a
little map here. So I’ll bring this up just to zoom out a bit, just to give you a bit of context so you
can see where I’m referring to. But basically, if I zoom out a little bit more, so we can see a bit of
Europe. So it’s kind of on the border of what is modern day Russia. So this. This red point here
in the kind of where I’m pointing on the screen is Kazakhstan. And the capital is about. Is up
here somewhere. And over here on the left, we’ve got Italy. And we kind of come across a bit
there’s England.
GUEST 1: Just.
MARK: Just to kind of give us a bit of perspective. But I was drawn to that place
and then I started bringing down more information. But before I get to how domestic cats came
about, let’s just go back a bit further.
So about 10,000 BC, you’ve got a situation where people are farming and they’re storing grain.
And what that means is that where there’s grain, there’ll be mice because there’s an abundance
of food. And also where there’s people, there’ll be trash. And so there’ll be mice and rats. And
what happened is, so there’s about 40 different populations of wild cats. So these are smaller
than the big cats, but definitely not what you call a house cat. Okay. And these wild cats aren’t
very friendly towards humans. But there’s this opportunity where if the cats can get rid of the rats
and the mice that are eating the grain, then there’s a benefit to humans. And the cats see the
humans as, you know, well, there’s all this trash that’s attracting rats and there’s all this grain
that’s attracting mice and stuff. So there’s an abundance of food. So it’s almost like we don’t
really like each other, but we’ll tolerate each other. And that was a situation about 10,000 BC
where it’s kind of mutually beneficial acceptance of these two different things.
Round about then, basically, that started to become a bit more.
Some kind of not real domestication, but a movement in that direction.
There was an event that happened, okay? So cats were starting to be accepted by humans and
for their benefits, you know, good at catching snakes and mice and things like this. And
generally there’s also the psychology of it. Cats have big eyes and humans are psychologically
Conditioned to like things with big eyes because babies have human babies are born with
disproportionately big eyes. And so it just evokes some kind of cuteness in us when we see
animals with big eyes. And also something, apparently the psychology of the shape of the head
of a cat is quite appealing to humans as well. So there is some psychology playing on in this,
that’s all this kind of sciency side of all the supposition from the scientific side. But what I got in
terms of information, okay, is that round about 5100 years BC and I’m looking down there
because I’ve got some notes. So I get this right for you. So I’ll just move this up a bit where I can
see it clearly, right?
So on the border between what is now Kazakhstan and Russia. So back then, obviously neither
Kazakhstan nor Russia would have existed.
A race who were in alliance with another race decided to do something to weaponize wildcats.
Now, I’ve talked about ancient races in the documentary and book, and I’ll put links
up, I just pointed over there because in case you haven’t seen this one Stonehenge into the
light, truth is stranger than fiction. So if you’ve.
This is a not for profit book. Hang on a sec. See if we can get that in focus. There it is.
So it’s not for profit. It cost you about the same as a coffee and a tea cake or something like that.
Very interesting. But in there I talk about ancient races.
And loosely speaking, you can say that some of these races have archetypes of different
animals. So you could say like the bear like races. So you know, or the wolf, wolf based races or
the serpentine races or the reptilian races. And when you say reptilian races, suddenly there’s all
kinds of flags and people will jump to all kinds of conclusions. But what I’m talking about is not
that they look like reptiles. I’m just simply saying that there may be some kind of ancient
connection or similar kind of root energies. Let’s just keep it really vague and simple for now
because I don’t want that to become too much of a distraction. But one of these races. So the
main protagonist in this evolution of cats was a serpentine race, serpents. So and they were in
alliance with a root race to do with the lions. Okay? So they look like people, but there’s a
And because they were in this alliance with the lions, they had. They had mutual enemies over
in. If we go back to the map to the. To The West. So you know, they’re over there on, in the kind
of the Russian realms and kind of around here somewhere. And they had some enemies who
were one of the kind of growing powerhouses of civilization, which would be the Egyptian
pharaohs and people like that.
And so they thought, right, we need to, we need to do something to affect them and to keep an
eye on them. So they gathered cats from three wild populations. So remember I said there were
about 40 wild cat populations and a lot of these populations, although they’re quite dispersed,
they’re genetically similar all around the world. So they gathered some of the local cats that
happened to come from three different wildcat populations. And I doubt at the time they went,
oh, these are from three different wildcat lineages. They just gathered up some of the local cats
and they did, they got these cats together and on the inside I’ve seen this, you know, when
you’re one thing everywhere and you can be still, the state that is the state of enlightenment
transcends time. So then it just becomes like a book that if you tune in, you can read from that
page. So I got a glimpse of that. They were doing some kind of demonic ceremony with these
cats. So they had all the cats and they did this ceremony. And it wasn’t that they physically
touched the cats or anything, but they, with the power of their intentions and the black and
everything else that they were willing and bringing into this ceremony. They, their goal was to
transform the cats into a vehicle capable of hosting serpentine consciousness. So the, so the
ones who knew what was really going on in this serpentine based race wanted to be able to take
their higher consciousnesses, their consciousness is on higher dimensions, and insert them into
an animal on the third dimension. And they chose cats because cats were able to move amongst
human populations without any problems. If they’d chosen something like an alligator, no one’s
going to accept an alligator just walking down the street. So they wanted something that could
get amongst people but not draw attention. So they went for cats and they did this very dark and
demonic ceremony to all, to the cats. Now, of the three root races of cats, the wild cat
populations, it only one of them, it was quote, unquote successful from their perspective. And
this is the lineage that even to this day is known, we know as Felix, Sylvesters, Libica. Okay,
which is the race that then modern days, that’s the race that all domestic cats are derived from.
So back to then around about 5100 BC and they’ve gathered all these cats together and They’ve
done this demonic ceremony and it started to change some of the cats. And within two
generations the cats that it affected, which are these Libica strain, they had taken on serpentine
characteristics like hissing and vertically slit eyes. Now I did wonder if it was genetic
manipulation or biological engineering, but it’s, that’s not how things. Well, you can go at it that
way and that would be from the ground up, but this was from the top down. And you’ve heard
me talk many times probably about the, the idea that energy follows thought or before anything
manifests, there has to be the thought or intention behind it. And so this ceremony was a very
dark and powerful intention and it literally changed the genetics and the morphology of the cats.
So those cats that were affected started to take on these morphological changes and changes in
their DNA that allowed for it. So within two generations you had cats that now were slanty eyed,
you know, vertical slits in their eyes and starting to do things like hiss. And what it was, was they
were taking on these serpent like characteristics. And that was because they were now
changed, transformed to be able to host these consciousnesses effectively. So they, the cats
became a vehicle within which a demonic serpentine, not the whole being, but the
consciousness of a being could be inserted.
Basically an encounter suit.
If you’re a fan of sci fi, then you’ll probably know what that’s referring to. But basically something
non physical can sit within, possess and use. Okay, so that was back in 5100 BC.
Then they just basically exported them to Egypt and let them free.
And what it meant was that the serpentine consciousnesses within the cats could infiltrate even
into the royal palaces and the palaces of the pharaohs and the courts and stuff, and primarily to
spy, but secondarily to psychically influence what was going on. So if you think about it, you’ve
got a very powerful higher dimension consciousness that’s now inside a, a modified cat. And
very soon after the idea was planted to worship cats. So cats became highly elevated in Egypt
and they actually had a cat God called Babette, I think, and they used to mummify their cats and
they had export bans, so you couldn’t take the mummies, the cat mummies out of the country.
But a few did manage to get stolen and taken out. But these were seen as like religious things.
And so cat worship in Egypt shot up. And it was a planted suggestion to get them to really hold
cats in high regard and also to almost make them ceremonial. Because if you think that a cat on
the third dimension, a physical Cat is the embodiment of a God, then people would pray to it.
The priests or whatever they were of their time might meditate on it or meditate with it, or try and
telepathically communicate with it because they knew about that stuff back then. A lot of the
knowledge that we consider new is just hidden. And so if they’re worshiping and listening to cats
that are possessed by basically their enemies, another race that is jealous of the power that the
Egyptian races have got, then it’s a coup. You know, the serpentine race and their allies have
managed to infiltrate through the cats to spy and to manipulate. Okay?
So that’s believe it or not, how the roots of the modern day cats came about. But the story gets
even more bizarre. Okay, but, but at this point you’ve got consciousnesses of serpentine non
physical beings inside physical cats infiltrating the ranks of the most powerful empire at the time,
which was the early Egyptian empire. So it’s kind of around about 5000 BC at this point.
So that would suggest that cats are not good.
Okay, because to hold this serpentine consciousness, which is a very dark and evil presence,
then you would need something that is orientated towards dark and evil. So why is it? Because if
you remember that video that we just listened to, this person was saying that the cat that they
chose was a wonderful cat, really nice temperament, really good. And this person, being a real
genuine, good, spiritual person, was guided to get that cat. So why, why, why are they good cats
at all? You know, or from the cat’s perspective, why is there hope? So round about 500 BC.
So look, I’ve talked about this before. There’s good people and there’s not so good people, and
then there’s outright just evil and dark people who know what they are, choose to go down that
road, etc. We’ll talk a bit more about them in a bit. But the good people like these cats, they
didn’t know what they were. And so some of the really, really good spiritual humans were taking
the cats in. Now across the world, they were becoming more domesticated, they were seen
more as part of the family. And if you’re a good person, capable of love and caring, etcetera, and
you have one of these cats there and you respect it and you basically love it, then what was
happening was the very, very good people were starting to bestow blessings. Whether they did it
intentionally or it was just how they felt, they blessed these cats by their presence. So in these
cats, in the presence of really, really good humans, Spiritual humans, some of them became
blessed and energy and matter and form follows thought.
So the good outpouring upon some of the cats changed some of the cats and then change. And
obviously that would be passed on down their line and I’ll get to it. But there are clues even
today as to which cats are good and which ones are not. Okay, but that’s why we somehow
some of the cats are actually good. Now the story takes a turn.
Okay, so I’m going to show you another slide. Let’s just see if I can bring that back up. Where
were we? Here we go.
Right, so Buddhists and snakes. This is like part two of this cat saga.
What you’re seeing on the screen, I’ll just describe it is a massive statue of with 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 7 cobras which are even bigger, dwarfing the statue of Buddha. And I had made some
notes but I seem to have lost them. But anyway, so I’ll put more details of that picture and stuff.
But basically this is one of the famous statues of Buddha. So Buddha’s sitting upon the coiled
bodies of these giant cobras. And these cobras all have their fangs out, their tongues out, and
they form the backdrop behind Buddha. And the reason is that they were seen as guardians and
protectors of Buddha. Okay, so in the Buddhist traditions snakes are actually very highly revered
and it’s also in some of the other traditions. So in Hinduism a lot of the deities are seen with
snakes around their necks and snakes around there and ankles and wrists like bangles. Okay,
so there’s a lot of snake iconography. And in the pharaohs always had a snake depicted coming
out of their headdress and up. And some people talk about is that the reconciliation of the idurim,
pingala, the kundalini, and that’s the iconography of two snakes, yin and yang, going up the
spine. So the kundalini or going up the cadaceus, which is the idea that there are two serpents
or snakes within people. Now the point being here is that the Buddhists really, really like snakes,
okay. And revere them and hold them in high spiritual regard. And so round about 16, the 1600s
A.D. so quite recently really considering we started 10,000 B.C. buddhist monks in Thailand,
which back then was called Siam, were, they’re very, they were quite tuned in. So they were
guided, they might not realize they were guided, but they were guided to start breeding cats
based on their snake like appearance. So they chose cats that were more so kind of slinky and
exhibited not, not just the appearance. It was actually the, the way the cats were acting. So they
selected snake like cats and started cross breeding them and breeding them and breeding them
to try and enrich this serpentine quality. So they took what had been started by a completely
different group over in Kazakhstan and about do the maths. But 11 and 11, 600 years later,
based on their own ideologies and belief systems and the Buddhist beliefs about snakes, started
to try and push cats even further towards the snake like qualities. And the clue is in the name.
So Siam, Thailand Siamese. So that this picture on the right is actually two Siamese cats that
were sent in. This picture was sent to me by someone who I’m going to share their testimonial
So the point was that the origins of the Siamese cats were bred by Buddhist monks in Thailand
starting about 60 in the 1600s to deliberately select for characters, qualities of character
primarily and look secondarily that are snake like. So let me just queue up the next video.

MARK: Hello, thanks for agreeing to do this quick interview. I really appreciate you giving your time. You more
than anyone really have got some pretty epic cat stories, not least because you’ve had quite a
few cats and some interesting cats. So would you. Could you just start by just giving us a very
quick synopsis of the kind of cat itinerary of say the last five years where you’ve been with cats,
cats that you’ve had cats. Maybe you don’t have any more.
GUEST 2: Hello and thank you for having me online here. I do have, I did have
Siamese cats. I had quite a few. One had a litter of seven Siamese cats which were obviously
pure as well.
And we also had one, one that predated these cats that wasn’t a Siamese that did suffer as a
consequence, I think.
MARK: So that. That one that wasn’t a Siamese, could you describe it?
GUEST 2: It wasn’t a breed at all. So it was, it was an alicat as it were multiple
coloured, so perhaps tortie.
Quite fluffy, generally very white and blind.
MARK: Was it just tortoise shell or did it have like white in it or black in it or
anything like that?
GUEST 2: It didn’t have black, but it didn’t have white. It was quite a colorful cat. It
had a lot of ginger, a lot of browns.
MARK: One of the things I’m really curious about and I want to talk to you about
because my research has brought me to look into Siamese cats in particular. Did you ever find
any of the cats kind of getting in the way, specifically when you were trying to be Spiritual.
Because that’s something that’s. Other people have mentioned, actually.
GUEST 2: Now you say that. Yes, yes. There was one in particular. I mean, they
both. They were all female.
One of the two taimees that were inseparable. They were like a.
A double act almost. But one in particular did show a further strength where if I was praying or
thinking good thoughts, this cat would pretty much knock over my coffee. And this coffee or tea
would go absolutely everywhere. And it didn’t matter where I was, that she would come and find
me and she would leap. It was insistent, basically. It couldn’t. It was constant and insistent
behavior every single time, no matter what.
MARK: So you were just sitting down to watch a bit of mundane TV or listen to
some music, but not being spiritual with the cat still interfere?
GUEST 2: No, not so much. It would have power. So it would come and sit on my
lap and make sure that I knew she was there. And that’s how it felt.
MARK: So it wasn’t like affectionate then or.
GUEST 2: No, no, not at that point at all, actually. It was literally, I am there, you’re
not going to get up kind of that. That’s the feeling I had from this cat.
MARK: I think you told me a story. I don’t know if you want to recount it, but when
you first kind of stumbled across the way back and you telling me a story the other day about
you trying to sit down and read one of my books or something like that.
GUEST 2: Yes, yes, I did. I was. I was really. I was reading your first book, this has
come out.
And this cat was very insistent on me not reading it. It seemed. I mean, looking back, definitely
this cat was not happy about it. I mean, neither of them were.
But the main offender would come and. I mean, she had bitten the book a few times. She
basically tried to destroy the book by having things spilled on it. She wouldn’t let me look at the
pages when I was in the same room. I ended up actually having to shut the door on her and be
in a different room from her. And she would claw at the car. It. She would bang at the door, she
would try to open the door.
MARK: She.
GUEST 2: She was very, very stressed at the fact. And that did cause me stress,
and it did cause the fact that I couldn’t. Couldn’t really take the words in while she was around.
So I did have to take the book elsewhere to read, like in my car or something.
MARK: Wow. Has she reacted that way with other books?
GUEST 2: No, no, because I’ve sat there and read before. Just the usual silly love
stories, things like that uplifting bits and pieces.
And she’s been just sitting on me. I do remember her being very watchful.
Her eyes were very much upon me 90% of the time. So she’d follow me from room to room,
even to the bathroom to the kitchen, to everywhere just to be around. She’d chitter and chatter
and talk. It was very obvious she was there, so she’d make it very obvious. But sitting down,
reading a normal book, she would sit on me as if to say, I’m here.
And I’d feel guilty if I wanted to get up to get a drink of water or something. So I generally didn’t.
Which obviously was what she perhaps wanted.
MARK: I felt it was when you contacted me originally and said, like. Because I
think I said, have you read the book? And you said, no, cats tried to kill me and the coffee’s gone
everywhere. And that’s when I thought, oh, interesting, I better look into what’s going on with this
particular cat. And I remember that was what really raised the alarm. But you’ve mentioned
something else there which I think is really, really relevant. Could you describe some of the
behaviors? Because you mentioned chattery chatting there.
GUEST 2: Yeah.
MARK: Could you talk about some of the weird quirks of those particular cats?
GUEST 2: Oh, okay. The weird quirks of these particular cats. I mean, they did. They
had the higher level of these weird quirks as well, I must admit, because not all Siamese are
quite as vocal. These particular ones would constantly talk between each other. It’s almost like a
shout, a demand, the way they would come across as a growl because they have a very low
voice when they want to. It’s almost like a human baby. Now these cats very much mimicked
that. I could hear them in any room in any house. Even with the doors closed. They were able to
raid cupboards. They were able to get into the fridge because they would tag team. So if a door
was closed and they were both there, one would hang from the door handle and one would pull
it from the bottom. They locked the other cat out. That was a non Siamese, you know, sat by the
cat flap. It was a microchip cat flap so no other cats could come in. The other cat went out and
these cats fiddled with the lock so the cat could not come back in again. And they did this a few
times before he actually changed the cat flap to a non lockable one.
MARK: They were showing a high level of intelligence anyway.
GUEST 2: Absolutely. Yes.
MARK: There was something else you mentioned was another kind of red flag
from my perspective as a spiritual, spiritually speaking, and that was the. You said they were
doing this weird thing of weaving.
GUEST 2: Yes, they did. They weaved in between my legs when I was walking,
particularly on the stairs, which is obviously one of the most dangerous points in the house if
you’re coming down stairs, which was when they would do it the most. And it was both of them
together again, tag teaming. And they did cause a fair few injuries actually with this when they
were weaving, not on the stairs because I was very, very careful, but generally just walk in if the
phone would ring or I was going towards the door or I was going to pick up, say the book to read
this particular book from yours, they would weave, they would cause injury due to this. Another
thing they used to do was jump from the table onto my back, which was something that not all
Siamese do. But these particular Siamese were very, very intelligent and they very much wanted
me to know exactly what they wanted.
MARK: Who was in charge in that house.
GUEST 2: Unfortunately, the cats were.
MARK: Did you ever have any fear?
GUEST 2: I did, I did. Fear of being scratched for infection.
I had multiple bruises pretty much constantly because of the amount of times they would make.
Make me bang into things through the weaving, through the feet. Yes. So yes, I think there was a
level of fear there, but it wasn’t recognized at the time.
MARK: And obviously they didn’t like the other cat. Was the other cat aggressive
towards them?
GUEST 2: It was absolutely one sided. The other cat did not raise a single call to
these cats. She ended up just living outside. It was very sad in the end because she didn’t want
to enter the house.
MARK: So do you still have Siamese cats?
GUEST 2: No, I don’t. They were re homed and I won’t get Siamese again.
MARK: They certainly didn’t want you to be spiritual. Since then, I think other cats
have come into your life where literally they’ve walked in. Is that right?
GUEST 2: Yes, yes, that’s right. I mean, I did foster before, but nothing like this.
Two black cats, one of which was a cat that I believe I had lost many years ago that had just
turned up again.
GUEST 1: Again.
GUEST 2: But again, it did seem very strange. We didn’t keep that cat. We had a
feeling that it wasn’t right. And obviously I spoke to yourself about it and confirmed this. So the
cat wasn’t kept, it was re homed. The other cat pretty much just turned up on the doorstep and
was just letting itself in. And this cat showed no aggression whatsoever, seemed to be very
happy with in the household, but was very stubborn upon leaving. So if we did put it in the
garden and Outed with some food in the garden. It would never actually leave the garden
whether there was food there or not. Which was again quite strange. You’d see, you’d go, you’d
look out the window and it would be staring at you.
MARK: And that was a black cat as well?
GUEST 2: Yeah, that was another black cat, yes.
MARK: Were these black cats both pure black?
GUEST 2: Pure black.
MARK: So basically two black cats found you and were quite insistent about not.
Not going?
GUEST 2: Yes, yes, absolutely. We had to re home in London and North London far
away, basically. Basically. So they didn’t find their way back because one of them did find its way
back when it was re homed.
MARK: I want to go back to the thing about talking. Did they. When they were
talking to each other, was it almost like words or was it just like wolves howl and they all just get
in on it? But was this more kind of varied vocal?
GUEST 2: It was varied vocal.
It wasn’t meowing, it was almost like a baby gabbling, but not in a nice way. And they were very
non committal, almost to the point of aggression, quiet aggression.
When other people came into the house, which was another thing I had noticed when they were
sitting down, other people were sitting down and actually. Okay, in the house, they would then
start their annoyance upon them. One of them would. And the other one, the dark coloured one
that was particularly the one that would knock over coffees and really, really have a problem,
would then take up all my time, all my attention. So I actually couldn’t have a with
friends. This happened whether it was via computer, whether it was via people coming round.
This cat would be completely in the way. Absolutely. Could not get my words out, could not think
straight. It was almost like a brick wall was put up and I couldn’t think around it because this cat
was there. And only this cat could be, you know, fighting my brain writing physically as well,
which was quite strange looking back, but I hadn’t seen it at the time.
MARK: Sounds almost like an abusive relationship.
GUEST 2: It does. It does, yes. Looking back. Absolutely.
MARK: One last thing. People talk about cats doing really weird stuff like staring
at walls or staring at strange places or behaving weird around young children. That kind of stuff.
Like almost what? You know, kind of like the witchy, crafty typey stuff. Have you had. Have you
seen any of that behavior?
GUEST 2: Yes, daily basis, actually. Now, now you said that. Yes, daily basis. They
would stare at absolutely nothing, but they would both be staring at the same point, but there’d
be nothing there, absolutely nothing there. And it was quite difficult to take their mind or Their
vision off of it by calling them. They’d ignore treats.
Whatever it was they were staring at was more important than most other things in the room.
Children. They weren’t very kind to the children at all. They kept the children at arms lengths for
me as possible, as much as possible. So I suppose they were creating a big boundary there as
well, which, again, was. Wasn’t seen at the time. I just thought, okay, Siamese aren’t compatible
with children, perhaps at a young age.
MARK: Interesting. There’s. I mean, there’s so much more we could probably talk
about, but I think that’s great. And maybe we can come back to specifics if we need in the future.
But I really appreciate your time on this.
GUEST 2: My pleasure. Thank you.
MARK: Thanks for.
So, some pretty big stuff now. I’ve been making notes as we were going through, and I’d like to. I
know I’m weary of time, but I’d like to just kind of make sure that we share some of the key
points, because there was actually a lot in that. And I’m really grateful to both people for their
time and for being open about their experiences Now. I mean, just the fact that this person’s cat
was trying to trip them up make hurt them, and they’re actually getting hurt by their cats, and
their cats were coming between them and their children and driving other cats that were good
out the house and not even allowing them to enjoy the friends and company, let alone some of
the other stuff, is pretty serious stuff. So I’ve just made notes as we were going, and I just want
to go through and make sure that we’ve got this.
So. And there was also two stories which I’d shared very, very quickly, which go back many,
many years when I used to do a lot of meditation when I was first learning, probably a couple of
years into having been the process called initiation, where it’s like you. You’re opened up to
spiritual light and you can actually meditate with spiritual light, which is pretty profound stuff.
I used to go to a couple, call them Debs and Lawrence. Okay. And they were in London and they
had two Siamese cats. Now, I’ve never. I wasn’t really taken by those cats, but in the top of their
house, they had a meditation room which was the entire attic. And there’d be 10, 12 of us,
maybe more about that kind of number. And we go up the stairs into the attic, and there’d just be
bean bags around the room. And the joke was, you go up there and they’d leave the door to the
attic open, and you’d all be sitting there meditating. And the kind of, the joke was to see who
would get the cats. Because once everyone has settled down into their meditation and you were,
you know, if you, if you’re doing it properly, you were really transcending your mind and tripping
the light fantastic, and it was awesome. And then the cats would walk in and they’d, you know,
you had your eyes closed, but if sometimes, you know, maybe you’d stop to have a sip of water
or something like that, because we’d be up there for hours. The cats would come in at some
point, normally when everyone was settled into it, and then they’d survey the room and choose
someone and then literally try and sit on your head, which would obviously be very, very
disruptive to your meditation. But people thought, oh, this is wonderful. It’s the cats are going to
the person with the stillest energy.
But maybe now we understand why. Because what was really happening was the cats were
going to the person with the stillest energy because that person was the highest vibration, in
other words, the most spiritual person at the time. And the cats were trying to stop them by
literally trying to block their crown chakras. Which is why the cats were obsessed with getting on
your head, because these were Siamese. And what should be clear is the Siamese have a very
strong serpentine energy to them and it is all bad. So that’s the first one of the first things I
wanted to kind of state. Now, look, I’m not advocating anything here. It’s just that I think if you’re
walking around with the delusion that all cats are good or all animals, you know, just like all
people are good. Really? Have you been in prison?
Have you, you know, have you been on the receiving end of unjust violence or aggression
towards. Okay, not all people are good. So it’s delusional to think that everyone is good or
everyone has his love and light and hugs and kisses. No, that’s not actually how duality works.
There is dark and light, there’s good and bad. And it’s unfortunately because of interference, it’s
also very much the same with cats. Now, in fairness, when cats were just left alone 10,000 years
ago, it didn’t make them good. They were just cats. Okay? It’s the proximity and closeness to
humans that have made some cats good. And it is the interference by these serpentine races
and subsequently the snake obsessed Buddhist traditions that have pushed the cats deliberately
towards darker and more demonic energies. Especially in the case of on, unfortunately These
cats in this picture just here. Okay, so. And I’ve experienced that with these cats trying to get on
your head at all costs when you’re trying to actually meditate. If they were spiritual, they would
understand that that was good and not to get in the way, not to interfere. And I say that
genuinely because when Blue, my dog, bless him, his pictures up there behind me, when he
used to sit in the room and people meditating, he’d just lie at someone’s feet and just rest. And
he knew that it’s time to be still, you know, until the tea and biscuits came out and then he’d
become a dog. But he respected the in the room and he. I think he really enjoyed it as
well. And he really was quite a spiritual dog. So there’s that story. And then when I was sitting
for. I believe it was sitting for enlightenment, I was some friend’s house and they had to lovely
And in meditation, I was kind of disturbed because I sensed the presence of something outside
the building I was in. And what it was was it was the cat psychically trying to get into the building
because he sensed how much like good energy and stillness there was happening. And I saw
the cat in a personified way, which is quite, quite something really. So, you know, in other words,
that cat turned up in my meditation to try and get my. He wanted to get in on the stillness.
So here’s some of the take homes from what we’ve discussed just to make sure that we kind of
don’t lose the value in all because we covered so much. So cats were engineered, as in
domestic cats were engineered.
Some became good because of the proximity to being around humans and receiving the kind of
blessings and love of humans.
When it’s bad behavior in cats, people have kind of just normalized it as bad behavior. So what
was clear from the second interview was so much of the abuse that that person was receiving at
the hands of their or the paws of their cats. They just thought, well, that’s just cats. That’s just
them being their way of being affectionate. But it wasn’t. It was actually bad behavior. Okay. And
so now that I’m kind of hopefully shattering the delusion that all cats are good, then bad behavior
can be seen for what it is, which is bad behavior, sadly, because of their breeding and stuff at
present. So if you’re spiritual and you’re sitting in stillness, you can just ask questions. Are there
any good Siamese cats? The answer is no. There are no good Siamese cats. There is no soft
way of saying that now there’s, look, there’s a lot of people that aren’t good. So they’ll be drawn
to the energy of those cats and they’ll actually like them. And the cats that that person had, the
Siamese cats that they re home, they told me they didn’t know the people that they re homed
them to, but they got feedback that those people really got on well with those cats. And the
chances are that those people themselves are of a similar vibration to the cats. So. So in those
situations there’ll be harmony because the cats are a certain level of vibration and the people are
at the same level. And so, you know, I’m not worried about all the Siamese cats going to be out
on the streets. No. Because there’s a lot of people that aren’t very spiritual and they’ll get on very
well with those cats. So one of the things that I wanted to explain. So the person in the last video
explained that their cats used to chitta chatter. I can’t remember chatter like babies. So that kind
of gibberish speak, that is words, but not words. And I cast our memory back to, I think it was
episode two where we talked about people speaking in tongues. Now, the first time I heard
about this was when that person had been attacked by their cats when they were trying to read
my book. And I looked into it and they told me what was going on. And the cats were looping in
and out of their feet, trying to trip them up. But also it wasn’t just trying to trip them up. And the
other thing the cats were doing was this inane babbling of like conversations between the two
cats. And I was like, straight away, I think I know what that is. And I looked into it and both cats
were heavily possessed. Remember, they’ve been bred to be vehicles for the high
consciousnesses of demonic and satanic and dark things. So they were being occupied. And
that was demon speak. Basically, the gibberish to us was actually demon speak. And it’s the
same kind of thing that you’ll hear people speaking in tongues saying out loud. And it’s the same
premise that what you’re hearing is demon speaking. It drops your vibration. So even if you don’t
understand it, they’re talking to each other is introducing that demonic level of vibration on an
auditory level that you’re picking up on and it drops your vibration if you are a good spiritual
person. So the chatter that they do, and there is more to it than that. So the weaving in and out
there’s different kinds of magic. So if you think about what we know from stereotypical tv, you
know, voodoo dolls, so you make a likeness of someone and then you can do stuff to it and it
will affect them. That’s one of the ideas. So it’s, that’s effigy based magic. Another one is word
based magic. So you say stuff, but another one is geometry. And actually a lot of magic is a
combination of these things. The cat’s weaving isn’t just to try and trip the person up. They
literally imagine like there’s a piece of string behind the cat’s, they’re tying knots around the
person, metaphorically speaking. And if you remember the Halloween episode we talked about
the symbology of the spider’s web. People hanging fake spider webs on their windows is actually
invoking or agreeing to dark magic to be done upon that property. So the cats tracing out these
webs or these lines around people’s ankles is actually them under the influence of the demonic
possession or these serpentine forces or other forces. Because it’s not just them that can use
the cats now arcing out these geometries around a person, literally tying them to the magic. So
that’s actually quite, quite sinister. Now one of the things I’ve always understood about cats is
you should never leave cats in a room with babies. And the old wives tale folklore is that the cats
will lie on the baby’s face because of the warmth. But other animals don’t do that. It’s
predominantly cats that are known to do that. And looking into it, cats have killed babies. Now
looking into it deeper, those cats were very dark, negative, bad energy cats. And the children or
the babies that they killed were really high spiritual, good old human beings. So in other words, it
was an attack, it was deliberate. But of course we normalize bad behavior and we rationalize it
as the cat was just trying to get war, but it wasn’t, it was a deliberate act by basically demonic
animals to harm good spiritual people. So if you think more recent times, to quote a famous
politician, they’re eating the dogs, they’re eating the cats. You know who I’m talking about. So is
there any truth?
There are quite sad, shocking videos of Haitians and I’m not making this up, so you can, you
know, get the receipts, go on YouTube, do the searches. I’m not going to show on this show, but
I’ve seen a video of someone and they, they slit the cat’s neck and they hold this wriggling cat
because it’s still alive. And they drink its blood. And the narrator is saying, yeah, this is a Haitian.
This is their traditions. We look down on it, but this is what they’ve always done. It’s part of their
magic and ritual. Yeah. Because they understand that cats, especially certain types or certain
characteristics, are very dark of energy. And literally there is dark energy in their blood. And they
say they’re drinking the cat’s blood to get power. What they mean is to do black magic, which is
dark magic. All magic is dark, by the way. To do magic, you need dark energy. And the best way
of imbuing your body with it is to take it in in the form of blood. Because there’s other things to
do with blood. So there is actually truth in that. Haitians and other practitioners of dark magic
drinking the blood of cats to get more darkness into their body. So to make their magic more
powerful. Okay, so you’ll remember that in the last video and in the first video, the cat that didn’t
get on with people, that wasn’t chosen, were the black cats.
Now, you say black cats, cats, and straight away, you probably think of witches as well, because
witches, historically or in folklore, always wanted a black cat, and they refer to them as familiars.
Now, true meaning of a familiar is it’s something that can be possessed. In other words, familiar
spirits, and there’s even biblical references of those with familiars, do not trust people with
familiars. Now it’s starting to make sense, because cats are vehicles for demonic
consciousnesses. In other words, sentient things from higher dimensions possessing the cats.
Now, why black cats? In the second video, the person had two black cats appear at their door
and let themselves in and try and inveigle their way into this person’s life. In the first video, the
person chose the cats they liked, but another family member chose a black cat. And that black
cat has never got on with anyone in the house and has caused problems and has a real
temperament. So the black cats, remember, energy follows thought. So the intention when they
created the cat lineages was to create something that could be a vehicle for darkness. Humans
messed it up a bit by being really nice and raising up the vibration of some of the cats. But the
cats that are pure black generally have no goodness in them. And that’s why witches favor black
cats. And that’s why these black cats that turned up at the good person’s door were sent by dark
Okay? Which is why this person couldn’t get rid of them and had to catch them, put them in their
car, and take them to be re homed, you know, hundreds of miles away from where they currently
started just so that they wouldn’t keep coming back.
So that’s the thing about black cats I’m shooting through, but we can, if we can go into more.
And I’ve just noticed a question in the chat, so we will touch on that.
Millie is saying, what about dogs?
Okay, so we will get back to that, but let’s go back here, I’ll finish the list and then if we. I might
just feed that one in or do it next week. But thank you for the question. So one of the clues, if
you’ve got something that isn’t a pure breed, like a Siamese, because Siamese are. People say
they’re white. They’re not white, actually. They’re kind of a sandy khaki colour. But if you’ve got a
cat like a tabby and it’s got a white paw or white belly or a white bib or a white patch, then that’s
a really good sign because that, and this only applies to cats. That white bit generally is a really
good indicator that that cat has goodness in it. It’s almost like the light goodness shining through
in its fur. Black cats have no white in them and there is no such, sadly speaking truth.
Black cats aren’t good. Okay, so.
And that’s why with the Siamese and with the black cats, they’ll drive out or they’ll try and drive
out good cats.
The weaving is magic.
Oh, yeah. So the cautionary tale.
Years ago I said, oh, because I’m more of a dog person, but I said, oh, well, if I’m ever going to
have a cat, it’s because the cat will turn up. And if it turns up, I’ll let it in and if it wants to stay, I’ll
feed it and then it will become a pet. I would never do that. Now, beware the cats that present
themselves to you now in the first video, because this is why I say this, because we don’t want
to make hard and fast rules. In the first video, that person caught a glimpse of that cat behind
the curtain. That wasn’t. That was guided, that was that cat knowing that it had to get that
person’s attention because that is the person that it was meant to be with. Now, there was more
to that story which wasn’t discussed, but it’s to do with the kitten of that cat being the
reincarnation of a cat that that person had previously had, which is a beautiful story. So it was
like, you know, the synchronicity of divinity, lining things up. That was a very unique situation.
But generally, if a cat comes in off the street, especially if it’s a black cat, I would be extremely
wary because these things can be possessed. That’s the whole purpose of them. And therefore,
if you’re a good spiritual person and this cat is coming into your life, it wasn’t asked. If you think
about it’s imposing.
That second video is really cautionary tale about the amount of grief that a cat can cause if it
isn’t the right energy for you. So in the interest of time, I’ll just put that out there and just be wary
Now that we understand that everything is good and that there can be higher forces guiding
some of these animals. Animals. Why is this animal suddenly turned up in my life? Is it, you
know, is it actually a curse rather than a blessing? Okay.
And what was very clear in both of them, both people experienced this, and I’ve experienced it
with the cat sitting on my head when I’m trying to meditate, is the dark cats. The cats not dark in
color. The ones that are, well, some of them are black, some of them are Siamese, some of
them might just be neither. But still a bad cat.
When they’re possessed, they’re possessed by something that wants to suppress you. So the
thing they hate more than anything is spirituality. And you heard it, that person was like, the cat
is chewing the book. The cat is attacking me every time I try and read this spiritual book. I mean,
it’s a wonderful advert for my books that, you know, these books are so important that even cats
will stop. Try and stop you from reading them. But all joking apart, that’s extreme behavior,
okay? And not doing it with other books, okay? And both of those people talked about when
they’re in a video conference with other spiritual people, that the cats will stand on the keyboard,
cut them off, or stand in front of the camera, or just become a nuisance. And I’ve seen it. I’ve
been in those video conferences when this has happened. And, you know, when I see cats that I
know are not good in the room with someone who’s in a video conference with me, I’ll normally
say, could you ask the cat, could you remove the cat from the room, please? For this very
reason. So bad cats hate spirituality.
Now, there’s one last thing that I really want to highlight.
Even when that person wasn’t being spiritual, the cat would make its presence known. What I
call this is dominating or possessing. And I’ve seen it with Other animals, including dogs, when
the dogs are not good, is that they will sit on you and people think it’s cute. Oh, they’re being
But if the cat won’t let you move or digs its claws in when you try and move, or the dog is, you
know, it’s kind of like it’s not respecting you or your space, then what it is is if that thing is
demonically possessed, it’s sitting on you because then it’s in your aura, then it’s possessing
you. Then it’s literally that which possesses it is now possessing you, and it’s dropping your
energy down rapidly. So a lot of what people think of it. I’ve probably lost a lot of followers saying
this stuff, but I would rather speak the truth than try and worry about what people, you know,
might think. When people are ready for the truth, then they will accept the truth, even if it isn’t
easy. So when a cat or a dog or anything is showing weird affection, look with wiser eyes, you
know, I mean, I used to love hugs from my dog, but, you know, if he came and just sat on me
and then growled if I tried to move, I’d be like, okay, there’s something not right here. Okay, so
there’s a lot more I could talk about. But there are good cats and bad cats. One of the clues is,
do they have a lot of white fur? That’s a good sign. Are they pure black? That’s not a good sign.
Are they Siamese? Unfortunately, that’s not a good sign that, like us and like other animals,
there is a potential to be possessed.
If a good cat is possessed, it won’t turn it into a bad cat, but the cat itself will become very
unwell, probably exhibit things like diarrhea or just hiding and refusing to come in the house.
If a bad cat is possessed, then it will actually be a willing participant, and it will do all the stuff
that we’ve explored in this video. So Millie asked, what about dogs? The coloring thing doesn’t
apply to dogs. So there are very good examples. I’ll see if I can find a photo of a dog that had a
lot of white in its fur but was actually demonic.
So this is specifically about cats and in terms of the fur colors and stuff like this. So we’ve
covered a massive amount. We’ve overshot by 25 minutes. But I wanted to kind of get all of this
topic in one big chunk rather than stretching over a number of shows. And I’ve gone so quick.
There’s so much more we could go into.
I’m not advocating anything negative towards cats, by the way. There are people of all kinds of
vibrations on this planet. What I’m saying is if you are a very high spiritual person, then try and
surround yourselves with high spiritual things. Do not bring a cat into your world that would be
bringing you down, suppressing you, harming you, attacking you or anything like that. And now
that we have this information, we can make better choices. And that is the crux of spirituality is
to accept information with neutrality, to seek the truth for yourself and to apply what resonates as
truth for you in a way that’s wise.
And then we’ll all be growing in our spirituality. So it’s quite bizarre episode this week, but thank
you for joining us on this journey and thank you for the people that got involved and I’ll see you
next week hopefully for what will be quite a special show. Wherever you are. I wish you well and
God bless.
Thank you for being awesome and joining me for this episode. I’m truly grateful. As a spiritual
person, I hope it’s inspiring to realize that you’re not alone and that more and more like minded
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of an awakening community and together we’re all finding the way back to being genuinely more
spiritual. So I invite you to reflect on what’s been the most helpful thing you’ve got from this
particular episode.
Now, who in your life would get the greatest benefit if they knew this too? So please help them
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next episode I’ll be answering more spiritual questions to help you and your loved ones make
more sense of life. So remember to subscribe and set those notifications so you don’t miss out.
Who knows what we’ll learn together and the next question might even be yours. Perhaps
there’s a reason you’ve been guided to listen to this. So God bless you. And remember, take
what you now know and use it to grow.

Episode Notes:

00:00:36 Welcome & Introductions

I introduce the show and explain a little bit about how I get the spiritual information.

00:02:33 Millie & Toshee’s Photos of Dark Rays in the Sky

I review some photos shared by two of our followers. These depict energy rays in the sky, referencing episode 38. Using GiMP open source graphics package I alter the contrast and annotate their photos to highlight the rays, but also reveal some faces hidden in the clouds

00:08:41 Pareidolia (Faces in the Sky)

I introduce the concept of Pareidolia and suggest a few starting points to explore.

00:10:26 Jesus is Missing From Christmas (Video clip)

I reveal what’s in store for Christmas in the local supermarket and note the absence of anything that symbolises Jesus for whom Christmas is supposed to be honouring. I reflect on the double standards compared to Halloween.

00:16:00 Snakey Cats – Why Do Cats Hiss and Have Eyes like a snake

Big cats have round eyes so why do cats have slit eyes and hiss like a snake? I explain how modern domestic cats originate from the Kazakhstan

00:19:20 Interview #1 Talking about Cats

Sharing a miraculous story of finding a good rescue cat which was “Meant to be”. How a person was spiritually aligned with a cat. This cat is drawn to joy and happiness. By contrast another cat, which is pure black, is negative and is disruptive when the person is trying to do spiritual meetings. The different personalities of these cats are discussed. The black one enjoys killing.

00:28:09 The Kazakhstan Origins of Modern Cats

I go back to about 10,000 BC and discuss why wild cats started living alongside each other. Then about 5,100 BC there was an occult event hy a group in Kazakhstan to change cats into something more serpentine. I also allude to the reptilian connection. It’s not all doom and gloom though and I reveal the amazing reason why there are good cats.

00:44:37 Buddhists, Snakes and Cats

I talk about Buddhist snake iconography and the connection with Kundalini. What did Buddhist monks do to cats in the 1600s?

00:48:48 Interview #2 A Siamese Cat Nightmare

Spiritual person shares their experiences of many years of living with Siamese Cats. Attacks, domineering control, causing accidents, demonic and black magic behaviour. Plus what happened when two black cats turned up and refused to leave. What are the weird quirks of Siamese Cats. How these cats interfered with relationships

01:02:20 Stories of Cats and Meditation

Sharing stories of cats interfering in spiritual meditation.

01:07:30 Over 10 Key Spiritual Facts YOU NEED TO KNOW about Cats

We’ve covered a lot so I go through the key points raised to ensure we don’t miss the key “CAT FACTS”. Not all cats are bad, and knowing these things can help you avoid a spiritual “CAT-astrophy”.

Links to Resources Mentioned in this Siamese Cat Episode:

Screenshots from the live show:

dark rays in sky

Screenshot of photo with contrast showing rays diagonally below clouds.

dark energy in the sky

Vertical dark lines above the diagonal cloud.

faces in the clouds
shape of cats eyes

Thank you for listening to this show. If you’d like more spiritual content then check out “The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening” podcast and visit TheWayBackGroup.org where you’ll find loads of free resources to help you get the most from your spiritual journey. Check out my books and films. – Mark

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