Ep.014 Grace of God? Negative soaps. Why people reject love. A dangerous spiritual assumption. Emotions & spirituality. Jesus, God & Love: Live Show Discussing Spirituality With Mark Zaretti

Grace of God
Grace of God
The Way Back Live Show - Discussing Spirituality
Ep.014 Grace of God? Negative soaps. Why people reject love. A dangerous spiritual assumption. Emotions & spirituality. Jesus, God & Love: Live Show Discussing Spirituality With Mark Zaretti

As well as exploring the Grace of , we also look into why people are switching off the soap operas, and is AI part of the problem? How good people are duped into accepting dangerous like Elon Musk’s neural links. The weaponisation of entertainment to drop people’s vibration. Unpacking a dangerous spiritual assumption that many people make. We explore why some people reject and react badly towards kindness. This leads to exploring the concept of ‘‘ and how it links to . Then we turn things around and explain how we can sabotage our own lovingness, turning people off from the goodness available. We learn how to be loving in a more spiritual and higher way. We learn more about ego and power and a good way to deal with someone who is being aggressive, argumentative or trying to dominate you. The next question explores feelings and emotions; are they good or bad? Next the topic of Grace and God is explored. How do miracles happen and can we be more graceful? The trap that spiritual people might fall into, which will take you in the wrong direction. Finally we explore love from the perspective of , God and how to spread love in the world.

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Thank you for listening to this show. If you’d like more spiritual content then check out “The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening” podcast and visit TheWayBackGroup.org where you’ll find loads of free resources to help you get the most from your spiritual journey. Check out my books and films. – Mark

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