In our last article I gave you a chance to give your feedback on what the ideal live show format, length and frequency are. The results are in and a big thank you to everyone who gave their feedback on live shows.
If you’d rather watch a video of the results then dive into episode 46 where I explained the survey findings (hint jump forwards to 12m:00s in for the results):
The Ideal Live Show Duration
Looking at the results there’s quite a spread ranging between 30 mins to 90 mins. But the majority of people wanted a 60 minute show. Which is good because that’s what our live show is. In fairness we sometimes roll past 60 minutes occasionally.

The Ideal Live Show Format: Single Topic v Multi Topic?
Not surprisingly there’s a bit of a split. People who favour shorter shows like 30mins, also favour single topic shows. Meanwhile the majority of people like a milti-topic show. There’s pros and cons for both.

Benefits of Multi-Topic Show:
- People come for one topic but discover other topics they may not have thought to explore.
- A broader narrative is possible as some spiritual truths span multiple topics.
- We learn more in each show.
- Each show is likely to appeal to a wider audience.
Benefits of Single-Topic Show:
- Possibility to focus in on a single the topic.
- Easier to send a link to someone who’s interested in that particular topic.
- Tends to be shorter which favours the modern “shorter attention span” media consumption channels.
The Ideal Live Show Frequency (Shows per Week)
Again there is a clear split. People who like shorter shows (eg. 30 mins) would like to see more shows per week. People who like longer shows (eg. 1h+) The results below show that, at least for our audience, the desirable frequency is once a week. Interestingly no-one wanted more than 3 shows a week.

So What’s the Ideal Live Show Format?
- Once a week
- 60 minutes long
- Multiple topics per show
Other notable observations:
Podcasts versus Live Show/Video
When we look at our analytics across multiple hosting platforms such as YouTube, Rumble, and Castos then we observe that the ratio of video views to audio podcast listens is at least 10:1. This means that for every podcast listen there are about 10 video views. So is it worth the effort to do audio podcasts? Absolutely. Our survey showed the following:
- Some followers ONLY listen to the podcast and do not watch the live show. To them the podcast is everything.
- Some followers are unaware of the podcast and so there’s scope to raise awareness and therefore gain more listeners.
- Some people do both, they watch the live show and then listen again to the podcast.
A Survey is only a slice
I would say that only about 0.5% of our followers contributed to the survey. That’s normal, as we didn’t expect massive uptake. But we had enough of a response for the findings to be worthwhile and meaningful. Plus one person who filled in the survey is a lucky winner of a free, signed copy of one of my books. The draw was done live in episode 46. They are going to donate the book to a friend.
There were other findings and observations which I’ve shared in the Live Show (see video at top of this article).
Thanks again to everyone who contributed – you are superstars!