Q: Why is a spiritual teacher talking about God? Is this religion?

Please understand that , and talking about God, does not belong to religion. God existed before time itself and certainly before any religion. I am not religious, but I have God in my and a for . You see The Way Back is not about belief, it’s about real spiritual states of awareness and direct experience, rather than belief and philosophy.

An easy way to understand this is to reflect on “Have you ever been in love?”. If you are blessed to have experienced real love then you will know the profound difference between what it is like to believe in love versus actually being in love.

Belief = Religion, philosophy, ideas, head, thinking.

Spiritual = experiencing, being, state, , sensing.

So belief systems are great if they help people aspire towards goodness, but is how you go beyond the limits of thinking, belief and ideas to actually experience things. In reality there is overlap and a religious person can also be a spiritual person. But our focus is on revealing truth through direct experience and so there is no need for religion in order to find The Way Back to God. When it comes to a spiritually awake life, with God in it, the spiritual way is to know that God is real through awareness of God’s love, light and guidance, based on your own direct spiritual experience, which transcends belief.

God bless you, Mark.

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