9 ways to Improve your Meditation

    9 Ways to Improve Your Meditation if you Feel Stuck

    [2] Struggling to meditate? 9 Ways to improve your meditation if feeling stuck or struggling
    VLOG #2, 9 Ways to Improve your Meditation if you are Stuck or Struggling.

    In this video I discuss nine different ways you can improve your meditation if you feel stuck, are not getting the most from your meditation, or simply feel like you’ve reached a plateau or are blocked. Mark shares 9 powerful meditation approaches and insights to help you go deeper, stiller and into more profound levels of awareness within your meditation.

    The advice in this video will help you whether you are just learning to meditate or someone with years of meditation experience. Even if you are not stuck in your meditation, some of the ideas presented may help you to improve your meditation, taking your meditation ability to the next level. A good example of the difference this can make is in the testimonial where Mick compares his first experience of The Way Back approach versus decades of TM meditation.

    I created this video to help people whether they are meditation beginners or much more advanced, including those meditating on the spiritual light and sound energy. I know what it is like when you feel like “you have reached a limit” or “plateaued” in your meditation. We’ve all been there and it is through sharing advice like these 9 different ways to improve your meditation that we can all learn and grow spiritually.

    This is the kind of video I wish I had watched when I first started meditating as it could have saved me years of struggling in meditation. With the right advice and meditation guidance, meditation is easy, enjoyable, beneficial and fun. Since this video was made I have produced an comprehensive FREE learn meditation online course. If you have found this video on “improving your meditation” helpful please share it with others and help support us too.


    Author : Mark Zaretti

    Mark is one of the founder members of The Way Back, an author of several books about spirituality and has written a number of articles on meditation. Mark started practising meditation in 1981 and has been teaching professionally since the late 1990's. He is passionate about helping people realise their spiritual potential. Mark hosts the live interactive Q&A show "Discussing Spirituality with Mark Zaretti" every Thursday 21:00 GMT on Rumble.com.

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