#17 “Life-plans, Ego and Karma. Understanding the Soul Journey”

Spiritual Awakening Podcast
Spiritual Awakening Podcast
The Way Back to Spiritual Awakening
#17 "Life-plans, Ego and Karma. Understanding the Soul Journey"

Recorded on 7th of June 2020 this gritty podcast explores the journey and the role karma, and free will play in it.

Life Purpose

Hard hitting and exploring these important topics against the backdrop of racism, giving a refreshing and spiritual perspective to help people overcome not just racism but all negative behaviours that are rooted in ego and fear.

Episode transcript:

Hello, my name is Mark Zaretti, and I’m one of the founder members of thewaybackmeditation.org I’ve been teaching for about 22 years, and I’ve been practicing it for over 35 years. And I’m lucky enough to have discovered very advanced forms of meditation and to have attained enlightenment.
And having attained enlightenment, I’ve been lucky enough to have developed a gift to be able to channel down information from higher spiritual dimensions and bringing this all together. I’ve already published a number of books, and as these notes before me show, I’ve been channeling more information. And I’m in the process of writing three further books. And in number three, which is yet to be published, I talk a lot about the soul. And I talk in particular about things like where souls come from, what the purpose of a soul is, journey, life plan, and things like this. And there’s that I’ve got that is in that book that’s yet to be published that I think is really relevant now. In fact, all of it is relevant and always has been. But there’s some things I want to bring out as soon as possible before the books are published.
Now, I teach people around the world, so there’s people in Africa, in America, and obviously here in the UK that I’m working with and in other places. If you’re aware of the date and the times that we’re living in right now, then you know that there’s been another tragedy in terms of a black life that has been sadly lost to racism, fear and hatred.
And there’s going to be naturally a lot of upset, a lot of anger, a lot of fear around the whole subject. It’s in people’s mindsets, and for a lot of people, this is what they have to live with on a daily basis.
The subject of racism is quite a complicated subject. And I’m not going to go into the causes of racism or what we can do from a social point of view or from a political point of view or even an economic point of view. There are many experts out there that know a lot more about this than I do. But it struck me that some of the realizations and information that I’ve brought down through meditation and through channeling really do help people to look at the subject or the issue of racism from a completely different perspective. And so it’s this spiritual perspective that I want to share with you. I’m just going to share what I’ve learned and I’ll let you draw your own conclusions. Okay.
But to share this, I need to paint a broader picture. So we’ll start by talking about the soul and the . Every single human being, everyone is special.
We’re in life for a reason. Believe it or not, we chose this life. And within us sits our soul and our spirit. And they are two different things. Okay?
So your soul sits within your , and your spirit sits alongside it.
The soul part of you is the learning part. It’s here to learn.
The spirit part of you is the loving part. It’s here to .
The highest love is the source.
It’s beyond all the limits. It’s not down here. It’s up there. Okay. And that’s why the spiritual journey is also ultimately the pursuit of discovering that bigger truth. And I talk about this a lot in other videos, and I talk about love extensively in other videos. So for now, we’ll just say that the spirit is the loving part of you and the soul is the learning part. And together they are the core of who you are.
They’re also very much involved in meditation. So if you want to explore what spirit and soul are, then meditation is fundamentally the purest way of having that experience. And that’s where a lot of this knowledge comes from, is these many years of meditating for many hours a day and having been lucky enough to have gained access to much higher states of consciousness.
So the soul is here to learn. That’s the key to this.
The other thing to understand is that your soul and your spirit persist beyond the end of this life. In fact, they are the part that is continuous through the many lifetimes that you’re going to live. And people talk about reincarnation, or more accurately, incarnation. In other words, you. Your soul has actually had many lifetimes before now and will have many more lifetimes to come. And this lifetime is a learning experience for your soul.
Now, although the soul is here to learn, what is it here to learn? Well, fundamentally, it’s here to learn about love.
So whereas the spirit kind of already knows about love and just wants to love and receive love, the soul needs to learn the lessons to value love. So that’s a nice way of understanding it.
So these souls come in and out of life.
When you’re in the womb, your soul enters, and at the end of your life, your soul leaves, but it doesn’t end. And the spirit and soul stay together throughout this life longer journey over many, many lifetimes, hopefully progressing in each lifetime to have learned more about love and therefore to be a more higher soul, a more loving soul, because the higher your vibration, the more your vibration is aligned with love. So over many lifetimes, your soul is learning about love to become more loving. Okay? So here’s the key thing.
There are no black souls and there are no white souls.
There are only human souls, okay?
Think about it.
Inside every single person, every single human you meet, there’s a soul, a human soul, same as yours, same as your mum’s, same as your brothers, your sisters, your cousins, your uncles, your aunties, your grandchildren, if you have them. It’s the same thing.
Now, you chose this life.
Some of you may be thinking, why? Why would I choose this?
Well, here’s the deal.
Inside your soul, the soul is a vehicle of energy and color, okay? It has vibrancy, but it also learns. And therefore it has experience and the qualities that it can develop through experience. This isn’t an exhaustive list, but I’ve written down the ones that are really key to this understanding, okay? Courage, resilience, justice, positivity, wisdom, forgiveness.
Think about it.
You don’t get the opportunity to learn how to forgive unless there’s something to forgive.
You don’t learn how to be courageous unless it’s called upon, unless you need to be, need to have courage.
You don’t learn how to perceive a situation or understand justice unless you have experienced injustice.
You don’t get a chance to develop, to be more positive if there isn’t a contrast demanding it. In other words, all of the soul qualities that you are here to develop and learn are learnt through trial, through difficult situations that demand that you either step up and become more loving through developing these qualities like forgiveness.
And so quite often, if you’re experiencing a tough life, then there’s one of generally one or two reasons. One is you chose it because your soul is ready to really move on, to challenge itself, to go right?
We’re going to have to learn some tough lessons. So let’s get it over and done with. Let’s come into this life, let’s make sure we’ve learned these lessons because then we don’t have to come back and do it again. Okay? So before you came into this life, you negotiated your life plan, okay?
I want to learn about this, I want to learn about that. I recognize that maybe I need to be more forgiving. I want to have a life where I have to forgive people. Okay?
So you were fully in control of your, what the key lessons were going to be in your life plan.
You even chose the family you were going to be born into.
You got a chance to choose before you came down so you knew where you were going to be born. You knew who your mum and dad were going to be, okay?
But then you forget all of that when you come down and you’re living life, that’s okay because you have a life plan and it will play out.
Now, sometimes if life is getting hard and nothing seems to be going right, that’s because you’re not following your life plan.
Now, I talk a lot about this in the book on the videos on the website and in the articles on the website. So if you want to find out more about things like the types of guidance that you have throughout life, then read the books, look at the articles. There’s loads of free stuff and videos on the website. But fundamentally, you are being guided throughout life. And the only thing that’s getting in the way of that guidance is you. And in particular, it’s your ego.
You have your spirit, which is the brightest light within you, and you have your ego, which is the darkest. It’s kind of like the collection of all the, you know, the not very pleasant stuff, okay? Because every time you have thoughts that aren’t very good, that kind of creates negativity. And in fact, that is the foundation of karma. Your thoughts create your karma. If you think negative thoughts. But how do we judge what’s negative? Well, here’s your spirit, and it’s all about love. So anything that is orientated towards love lifts you up, helps you to develop your soul, helps you to become more spiritual. Anything that is the opposite of love, which will be hate, anger, resentment, jealousy, all of those things, they diminish your soul. They lower you down and they generate negativity. And so that negativity goes somewhere and it sits in your ego.
So when you’re listening to your spirit, you’re moving towards love. When you’re listening to your ego, you’re moving in the wrong direction.
So if you keep moving in the wrong direction, you build up karma. And karma is just consequence. It’s not punishment, it’s not judgment. It’s just consequence of negative thought. Okay? So keeping it really simple, you can move more towards love or you can move more towards ego. And so all of the hate, anger, racism, which is a form of hate, all of these things, that’s the ego side. That’s the. The kind of, the not very nice side of things. All of the love, courage, forgiveness, justice, positivity, wisdom, that’s the spirit, that’s the soul. That’s the good stuff, okay? So that’s what life is. It’s this learning through experience. Sometimes I’m moving in the wrong direction, sometimes I’m moving in the right direction. But you can’t learn without having the opportunity to explore both directions. And that’s what free will is. That’s what life’s all about. We’re given free will so that we can come down here. We forget what our life plan was. We forget who we were before we came here deliberately so that we are completely naive and therefore completely free to make mistakes and learn from them. It’s a beautiful system.
But there are no black souls, there are no white souls, There are only human souls.
So think about this.
If life is tough right now, it’s because your soul is ready for some really important lessons. And if you learn these lessons, if you move in the right direction, then that’s done. Your soul’s elevated, your soul becomes more higher vibration. It develops its soul qualities and there’s no need to ever have those lessons again.
You’re in a situation you can forgive the person in front of you or you can hate them.
If you forgive them, your soul grows because you’re developing the soul quality of forgiveness. Your soul doesn’t physically grow, it raises up in vibration.
You become a higher soul.
If you hold hatred for them, your hatred doesn’t harm them, but it harms you. Because that’s a very, very powerful and negative thought which leads to emotions, which leads to illness in the body. And that is what karma is. It’s what you do to yourself through negativity. And it feeds the ego and the ego gets stronger.
And then it gets harder to listen to your spirit and your soul. So in any situation, you have choice.
Whatever colour you identify with right now, if you’re white, black, whatever your background, whatever your skin colour is right now, that’s not. Doesn’t have anything to do with your soul. If you’re black in a previous life, you may have been white, in the next life you might be white. If you’re white in a previous life, you may have been black, and in the next life you may be black.
You don’t know.
But that’s how it works, depending on the lessons you need. And it’s not that there’s lessons you can only live learn in a black life, or there’s lessons you can only learn in a white life. It’s about contrast in the environment.
So by this I mean that if you’re, say, for example, a white guy in a predominantly black community, you’re in the minority, you may be the one that’s actually subject to racism. If you’re a black guy in a predominantly white community, then you’ll be experiencing what the other person is experiencing. In other words, it’s not about the skin color, racism, hatred, fear of things that are different. That’s universal in the sense that it’s not actually about colour, it’s about environment, it’s about culture.
So it’s not that you will learn lessons because you are black or because you are white or because you are any of the beautiful spectrum of what it is to be human. It’s the environment that you chose to be born into that provides the lessons. And at that time, how you will be treated by others is a part of that. And here’s the kicker, here’s the important thing.
The only thing that you are responsible for is your response, how you choose to respond.
I’ve got people who I teach in these difficult times that contact me and saying, well, how are we supposed to perform respond when our black brothers and sisters are being killed?
You know, because I teach about love and I teach about forgiveness and I teach about the virtues which are qualities of character that help develop your soul and develop your spirit and your spiritual journey. And I say, how can we live these virtues when those than when other people are imposing their will upon us, you know, their hatred and stuff. And the simple answer is, it is difficult sometimes. Look at the list. Courage, resilience, justice, positivity, wisdom, forgiveness. None of those are easy, but they really do matter. And the only thing that we are ever responsible for is, is how we choose to respond. If someone comes up to me with a lot of hatred, do I respond with hatred or do I respond with love?
And even if it costs me dearly, even if the price is high, I know that the price we pay out here in life is insignificant next to the price we pay on the inside, in our souls and in our spirits.
So I will always try and strive to choose love.
Being angry just punishes yourself when you find yourself in difficult times, when any of us find ourselves in difficult times, that is when we grow.
You always have a choice. But the only thing you are responsible for is how you respond, not how the other people respond. Excuse the phone beeping away there.
Not how other people respond.
If someone’s angry, if someone’s hateful, if someone’s full of racism, as I was saying, they’re generating their own karma, their own negativity, and that’s ultimately going to manifest in their lives as their own suffering, their own illness. And when they get to the end of this life. If they haven’t resolved all of that karma, it will carry on into the next life. In other words, the system of karma is fear and it will do what is needed.
And each person is responsible for their own karma.
So you’re responsible for your choice and therefore your karma.
And I’m hopefully, well, I’m hoping that as you understand better what your soul is, what your spirit is and why you are here, that you’ll do what is right. It isn’t always easy, but you have a choice.
Now the last thing to really consider, and this is going back to the subject of racism.
One of the beautiful things that comes from the gift I have is I have the ability to look into things like past lives.
So I know that, for example, my previous incarnation was as a mixed race man in London just after the First World War. It would have been a very, very difficult time.
And I did suffer racism in that lifetime. And I believe, well, what I’ve seen of my past life was that I was a very proactive activist, but I chose the path of love, the path of forgiveness, the path of educating people rather than just getting angry and kind of going into the angry cycle of things.
But what, what’s interesting is I also learned that I had children and that those children had grandchildren. And so my grandchildren who are mixed race color are alive now at the same time as me. So here’s me, I’m part or my background is interesting. My mother was born in Jamaica, my father was born in Italy. So I’m a bit of a mix of different things. But here’s me, predominantly a white guy and I could actually walk past a black girl and that’s one of my grandchildren. Okay? Now if I was a racist person and I had racist thoughts, I’d be having racist attitudes towards my own grandchildren from a previous incarnation.
So next time, whatever colour of skin you have, next time you are looking at another human being, realize this, they could actually be a descendant of you from a previous incarnation.
The person that you may have fear of or distrust of or racism towards could actually be part of your lineage.
This isn’t a very rare thing. The more I learn about souls and incarnation and life plans and stuff, you see that it is a very intermingled web. People keep coming back into your life from previous incarnations.
Someone that you may have known 300 years ago in another country is now your best friend in this life, or your grandchild or your neighbour, you know, so the more that as humanity we understand that there is just a pool of human souls not black souls, white souls or any other kind of souls, just human souls. And that they’re constantly coming back down here because down here is school. This is where we learn.
And they have lessons. And the lessons are all about love, which means they’re all about how we relate to each other.
And that the people around you may have actually be your descendants or may even be your fellow souls, that you’ve had many lifetimes together in previous lifetimes, and the color that they’re in is irrelevant. They’re human.
We’re all human.
So I’m sharing this more esoteric, more spiritual knowledge in the hope that how we look at each other as human beings changes.
We’ve got to stop looking at the surface of things. We’ve got to start looking at what’s behind them and understanding that deep in the core of every person is a soul and a spirit, and it’s got the same mission, the same aspirations as yours, and that we are all one.
I can’t do my life plan without you.
You can’t do your life plan without all of the people in the environment that you chose to be in.
We need each other. That’s why life has to be so varied.
And some souls are new and some souls are very old. So some are just at the beginning of their journey. They’ve not yet made the mistakes that yours has to have learnt the lessons that have got you to where you’ve got to.
So if they’re demonstrating lower levels of virtue, don’t hate them, help them.
If someone’s demonstrating hatred or ignorance, they need help.
And if we just sit in hatred and resentment for them, guess what? We become part of the problem.
Because we are all connected. And so when you’re upset, angry, full of hatred, that energy literally radiates into the human consciousness.
So anyone who’s angry about racism, anyone who’s resentful or bitter or in a rage or any of these things, it’s understandable why you might be. But your negative emotions are feeding the cycle of hatred which is the bedrock of racism.
So this can’t be solved with anger. This has to be solved with love.
So right at the start, I talked about the soul is here to love and the spirit is here because it is love.
And behind everything is love.
So thank you for taking the time. Hopefully this has been helpful.
Maybe just shed light on a few things and change the way you look at things a little bit. Feel free to share it with other people.
I don’t claim to have all the answers. I’m just sharing a few snippets of the bigger picture with you. If you’re interested in this stuff, then in the future I’ll be publishing quite a few books. Specifically about the soul, about the spirit, about life plans, journeys, what happens when you die, what happens before you’re born. Some really fascinating stuff.
But life really is a gift.
And no matter what is, before, you choose love and life will get better.
Okay, so on that note, thank you, and I wish you love and I bless you. Peace be with.

: This positive podcast may just change your outlook on life.

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