The Way Back Live Stream

    New Online Live Spiritual Chat Show: Thursdays We Broadcast

    What’s this news about a spiritual chat show? If you’ve visited here before then you already know there’s lots of FREE spiritual videos, podcasts, and articles to support your spiritual journey, wherever you are. If you’ve not been here before then “Hello and welcome“. So I’m really excited to tell you that following our pilot episode on the 14th March 2024 we’re making it a weekly affair. Every Thursday night from 9pm UK time you’re invited to join me, Mark Zaretti, as I host a live streaming Q&A chat show on

    live spiritual chat show

    Today I’m just planning episode 2, but when I say planning, I mean just a few bullet points. The show is deliberately unscripted because it’s about YOU, what do you want to discuss? Find out more about the spiritual chat show and how to get involved here. But right now, put 9pm Thursday in your diary and remember “Thursdays We Broadcast” 🎙️

    Feedback following the pilot Spiritual Chat Show:

    This is a screen shot from a group chat following the first ever “The Way Back Live Show – Discussing Spirituality with Mark Zaretti” chat show. I’m grateful for the feedback and share it with you to inspire you. See you next Thursday – Mark

    The Way Back Live Show with Mark Zaretti

    Your Thursday nights will never be the same. Tune in each week at 9pm for a live, friendly, informative and most importantly spiritual discussing. I’m Mark Zaretti and each week I’ll be answering your questions and sharing insights and inspiration from over 40 years of spiritual practice. Best of all it’s 100% FREE! Click the button to discover more and find out how to get involved or catch up on previous episodes.

    The Way Back Live Show with Mark Zaretti
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    Author : Mark Zaretti

    Mark is one of the founder members of The Way Back, an author of several books about spirituality and has written a number of articles on meditation. Mark started practising meditation in 1981 and has been teaching professionally since the late 1990's. He is passionate about helping people realise their spiritual potential. Mark hosts the live interactive Q&A show "Discussing Spirituality with Mark Zaretti" every Thursday 21:00 GMT on

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